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In der scheinbar unendlichen Weite der Kunene Region sind sie Zuhause, die Wüstenelefanten Namibias. Wüstenelefanten sind schlanker als ihre Artgenossen, haben längere Beine und größere Füße, damit sie weiter und ohne einzusinken durch die sandige Wüste wandern können. Etwa 70 Kilometer legt ein Wüstenelefant täglich auf der Suche nach Futter zurück und damit sieben Mal so viel wie ein Elefant in einem wasserreichen Gebiet.
They are at home in the seemingly endless vastness of the Kunene region, the desert elephants of Namibia. Desert elephants are slimmer than their relatives, have longer legs and larger feet so that they can walk further and without sinking in the sandy desert. A desert elephant travels about 70 kilometers a day looking for food, seven times as much as an elephant in a water-rich area.

The north of Namibia is not only home to the world famous Etosha National Park, but is also blessed with many other highlights. To the north of the country, is the Caprivi, which with its extensive river system is also often referred to as Namibia’s Okavango Delta, the solitary Kaokoland, the hostile Skeleton Coast, the beautiful Damaraland characterized by the many rock paintings and engravings, the historic and relatively densely populated Ovamboland and the distinctive Waterberg.
Der Norden Namibias ist nicht nur Heimat des weltberühmten Etosha National Parks, sondern wartet mit vielen weiteren Highlights darauf entdeckt zu werden. Zum Norden des Landes zählen ebenfalls der Caprivi mit seinen ausgedehnten Flusssystemen, auch die “feuchte Nase” Namibias genannt, das wenig erschlossene Kaokoveld, die lebensfeindliche Skeleton Coast, das wunderschöne und von Felsbildern charakterisierte Damaraland, das historische und relativ dicht bevölkerte Ovamboland sowie der markante Waterberg.

One of the highlights of Kaokoland in the far northern reaches of Namibia, Epupa is a magical belt of makalani palm forest on the perennial Kunene River. There’s something special about this Kaokoland refuge 180km north of Opuwo, where the Kunene River plunges into the gorge below. Baobab trees cling to the rocky slopes as torrents of water rumble and tumble down the rocks with a flash of rainbow and an invigorating burst of wonder.
Take the golden opportunity to visit the Himba, one of the last semi-nomadic groups in Africa; get your courage in check for a guided walk in search of the Kunene crocs or a rafting trip on the river (seasonal); and follow trails downstream keeping eyes open for our avian friends who favour this riverine habitat. And at sunset join the sundowner drive to a hill overlooking Epupa Falls for that time of day when everything pauses for beauty and celebration.
Epupa ist eines der Highlights im Kaokoland im äußersten Norden Namibias und ein magischer Gürtel aus Makalani-Palmenwäldern am Fluss Kunene. Diese Refugium, 180 km nördlich von Opuwo, wo der Kunene in die darunter liegende Schlucht fällt, hat etwas ganz Besonderes. Affenbrotbäume klammern sich an die felsigen Hänge, während Wasserströme unter einem Regenbogen über die Felsen rumpeln und hinunterstürzen.
Nutzen Sie die einmalige Gelegenheit, um die Himba zu besuchen, eine der letzten halbnomadischen Stämme in Afrika. Fassen Sie sich Mut für einen geführten Spaziergang auf der Suche nach den Kunene-Krokodilen oder einen Rafting-Ausflug auf dem Fluss (saisonal). und folgen Sie den Pfaden stromabwärts und halten Sie die Augen offen für unsere gefiederten Freunde, die diesen Lebensraum am Fluss bevorzugen. Und bei Sonnenuntergang fahren Sie zum obligatorischen Sundowner zu einem Hügel mit fantastischen Blick auf die Epupa Falls.

Starving Kunene lions a crime against nature
The famous desert lions of the Kunene Region are starving to death because of a lack of prey animals due to hunting and overgrazing, on top of prolonged drought.
Namibia’s wildlife conservation has once again come under the spotlight of the international community after shocking videos were shared on social media about emaciated and starving lions in the Ugab area of the Kunene Region.
The condition of the lions was decried by international conservationists and activists on social media groups, describing it as a horror, tragedy and a crime against nature.
Because of hunger, lions in the Kunene Region, including the Huab lion pride, are moving closer to farmsteads in search of food.
In recent days these incidents have become more common and can lead to an increase in human-wildlife conflict.
Speaking to Namibian Sun, Izak Smit of Desert Lions Human Relations Aid (Delhra) said from Thursday to Sunday there were four such incidents reported.
In the latest incident on Sunday, of which a video was shared on Facebook and other social media groups, a starving collared lion went into Mbakando in the Aneb Conservancy in search of food.
However, it was too weak to even stand up. The environment ministry shot the lion on Monday to end its suffering. It is unclear to which pride the lion belongs.
Smit says similar incidents were reported at Warmquelle, De Riet and at the Save the Rhino Trust Camp in Ugab in recent days.
According to him the last four lions of the famous Huab pride are also in a poor condition. “They are weak and emaciated.”
Smit blames the situation on a lack of prey animals in the area due to hunting and overgrazing, on top of the prolonged drought in the region.
Spokesperson of the environment ministry Romeo Muyunda said they were aware of the situation and would issue a statement on the condition of the lions.
Namibia's northwestern corner is one of great wonder and yet few people take it upon themselves to discover it's unforgiving yet totally captivating landscapes. Your journey will take you from the gardens of Damara Mopane Lodge and its friendly people, to morning walks spent searching for rhinos in the Palmwag Concession whilst staying at Palmwag Lodge and Camp. And to end it all off, spend the sunset with a drink in hand, overlooking the Falls at Omarunga Epupa-Falls Camp. Isn't this what dreams are made of?
Namibias nordwestliche Ecke ist ein Naturwunder. Dennoch nehmen es nur wenige Menschen auf sich, um dies zu entdecken, da es harsche und dennoch absolut faszinierende Landschaften sind. Die Reise führt von den Gärten der Damara Mopane Lodge und deren freundlichen Menschen zu morgendlichen Spaziergängen auf der Suche nach Nashörnern in der Palmwag-Konzession, während man in der Palmwag Lodge and Camp übernachtet. Und um das Ganze abzurunden, verbringt man den Sonnenuntergang mit einem Drink in der Hand und mit Blick auf die Wasserfälle im Omarunga Epupa-Falls Camp. Ist es nicht das, woraus Träume gemacht sind?