Levi Heichou - Tumblr Posts
Levi + physical touch = me blushing.
You can't stop thinking about Captain Levi, whom you've had a crush on for a while now, helping you get on your horse by lifting you up with his hands on your hips. His touch lingering around your waist to help you get settled.
You've also noticed how your captain never misses a chance to pat your head. Sometimes, he goes so far as to ruffle your hair. Butterflies assume your stomach is a ballroom. Your cheeks redden, and the floor captivates you in a way like no other.
When the mess hall gets too crowded, your captain softly places his hand on the small of your back, guiding you through the gathering. Never leaving your side.
Besides, Captain Levi is often, if not always, sitting next to you. During meetings, he always saves you a seat. And if you must stand, then he would choose the closest chair to your being.
On special occasions, you would end up on the roof of hq. Seeking some peace and enjoying the view. Captain Levi ,having trouble sleeping, joins you when he spots you one night. It's become a recurring thing. You both meet on the roof after an exhausting day. One time, you end up falling asleep on his shoulder. You wake up at sunrise in the same state. One slight difference is that your captain is soundly sleeping, his head leaning on yours.
The sun was setting down, and the breeze was so comforting.
"Hyaah ! Nice, finishing this expedition with my 50th kill, "you shouted excitedly as you settled down on top of a roof.
Too caught up in your celebration, you failed to notice the 7 meter titan coming towards you. It wasn't until he was too close, obscuring you from the golden hour that you finally turned around.
Not losing your cool, you pulled out your blades, ready to fight. Suddenly, the titan collapsed, and blood streamed down its back.
"My lady," Levi was standing next to you, bowing slightly to kiss the back of your hand.
"You have to stop with your knight in shining armour act." he grinned, couldn't help but admire how adorable you looked, blushing and looking away.
"Makes you wanna pop the question, huh ?" His smirk was loud and clear.
You, of course, couldn't let him get away with this. "Makes me wanna pop a child."
Levi has never looked so taken aback. He was as red as a tomato.
"Hey, lovebirds, come on, we have to leave before it becomes too dark out." Moblit yelled while struggling to get Hange out of those filthy creature's mouths.
"Come on, you brat, let's fall back,"
He held your hand and took off. He was trying to look unaffected, but you could see the tiniest smile forming on his pretty face.
Before helping you get on your horse, he squeezed your hand and kissed your cheek.
"Congrats on getting your 50th kill. You did great out there, love."
"Thanks," you said, smiling softly, " need me to teach you some moves ?" You added jokingly.
"Don't get too full of yourself. Your head could get bigger," Levi replied nonchalantly
"Hey, not nice." You snapped
He just shrugged and took off.
"Come on, let's race," he said over his shoulder.
And you did just that. Of course, he let you win, and you knew it but still bragged and teased him like your life depended on it. And again, he let you, because how could he spoil your fun ? Especially when you smiled so brightly.
Sometimes when you watched Levi playing gently with your kid and thought about how an hour ago he was fucking you senseless in the guest bedroom while your kid was napping in your bedroom. You had to bite into the spare sheets that smelt like moth balls while Levi fucked you from behind.
You tried your best to keep it down, and Levi had to stop every few seconds to listen if your kid had woken up. He flipped you around, pulled your milk stained t shirt up to reveal your breasts, and pounded you hard to watch your boobs shake. He grabbed one of your boobs and cummed so hard he spasmed and groaned involuntarily.
You were exhausted and high with pleasure after multiple orgasms you were breathing hard through your mouth. It was challenging to make baby #2 when you had a clingy child who followed either one of you like a baby duck.
It caught you by surprise when your kid suddenly asked you after your little adventure in the spare room, "why is mommy always washing the sheets in the evening?" You looked at Levi and your guilty and horified look was mirrored on his face.
"Mommy peed herself while she naps just now," Levi betrayed you.

The only man who could ever look *this* good in a cloak

He continues to look so fucking good... that moment in the intro had me like 😩👌

vampire! levi x reader

tags: somnophilia//stalker levi//blood// blood kink//general smutt// violence// praise 18+
summary: a vampire tired of eternal life finds his new obsession
word count: 5k
you were shivering in your sleep. it was the dead of winter and your cottage was drafty, even with a fire lit in the hearth.you had grown accustomed to the cold nights alone ever since your parents died from the plague back in 1802, leaving behind just their loving daughter and an old cottage.
the townsfolk labeled you as the local spinster, though you didn’t mind much.. there was truth in the name. marriage was something you had no interest in. you had everything you needed thanks to your parents. their death was still too painful to really think about, but you deeply wished that they could’ve had more time together.. you had never seen love as deep and true as theirs.
you knew you would never find an all encompassing love like the kind your parents shared, it was too rare.
you never spared a glance at any of the men in town and declined any proposal of courtship. there was nothing wrong with the town’s men, but you’d rather be alone in comfort than be in a mediocre marriage.
you never knew that you had caught the eye of the phantom of the ackerman manor.
he was no real ghost, though everyone in the land had named him as such, having passed down tales of the vicious blood sucker that lived in the old property on top of the hill.
he haunted the halls of ackerman manor for centuries, having grown tired of the boring existence of eternal life, that was until you caught his eye.
you consumed his every thought since that monumental day.
levi had just dismissed his butler after they brought him his daily glass of blood.
before he could take a sip, he quickly moved to the giant arched window when he took notice of a young woman walking across his land.
what a foolish girl. he thought.
is she not afraid?
hasn’t she been warned not to go near the ‘fearsome ackerman manor’?
had she not been warned that the bloodsucking ghoul had a habit of ravishing young girls just like her while draining them of their blood in the process?
from that moment on, levi decided he had to know this gallant young lady…intimately.
ever since that day levi felt the undying need to watch you from afar. he took on the role of voyeur, and the silent protector.
he was the crow at your window every morning, and the vampire standing in your bedroom every night.
levi would watch you in your peaceful slumber every evening.
you wore that same tantalizing chemise every night, and every night levi fought against his natural urges just seeing the delicate flesh of your neck being so exposed in the moonlight shining through the curtains.
it was this night that levi noticed you shivering under the covers after the fire in the hearth began to extinguish.
levi stood, still observing.
he knew that he wanted you in every way possible….yes, he knew that he wanted to ravish that beautiful cunt of yours, while drawing blood from the crook of your neck as his name rolled off your tongue in pure ecstasy.
but what was this emotion that you were unknowingly drawing out of him now?
without another thought levi walked over to the hearth, and stoked up the fire while placing fresh logs on top.
the room began to heat up once more, and your body finally stopped its shaking.
levi made his way back to your side.
he almost laughed at how this sleeping beauty who lay before him, was able to survive in this world before he came along.
it was another cold & grey day. the clouds above were gathered together tightly, only letting in the smallest pieces of sunlight.
the wind seemed to blow straight through your old winter coat as you made your way into town.
you knew you needed to purchase more firewood, you noticed this morning that you had let it run too low.
i could have sworn that i had plenty of logs just yesterday.
you pushed the thought to the back of your head, chalking it up to your forgetfulness.
after filling your basket with fresh wood, you decided it would be best to stop by the seamstress shop to see if anything could be done about your old coat.
you genuinely hoped she could patch it up, there is no way you could afford a brand new winter coat.
you felt your body relax when you stepped into the warm shop. you were thankful to get out of the rigid cold.
the sweet elderly seamstress greeted you as you made your way through the shop.
“good morning young lady, it’s been quite a while since i’ve seen you”
“good morning ma’am and yes it has, i hope you have been well.” you smiled.
“as well, as an old widower could be.” she laughed. “what can i do you for?”
“it would be greatly appreciated if you could mend my coat ma’am”
A solemn look fell over her face, “oh no, this coat is too far gone” she said as she examined it.
“you need a proper coat, here i can get you measured. she circled you, attempting to remove the coat from your body.
you nervously waved a hand.
“oh that’s quite alright”
a shuffling sound came from the next room.
you hadn’t realized anyone else was in the shop, your face became flushed when you locked eyes with the most beautiful man you had ever seen as he exited the tailoring room.
time seemed to slow as he strolled through the shop.
it wasn’t his fine clothes that attracted you to him, no.
it was the air that he had about him.
his aura was positively magnetic, you couldn’t take your eyes off him. his presence felt so familiar.
you broke out of your daze when he addressed the shop keeper.
“thank you for the cravats, and when should i expect my coats to be ready?”
“they will be ready by next week, mr. ackerman”
she beamed, clearly excited from the business this man was bringing.
“oh! how rude of me!” she looked over to you,
introducing you to the man that was staring at you intensely. your heart went soft for a moment when she said your last name out loud, instantly thinking of your parents.
the man reached for your hand, time seemed to move slow once again as he brought it to his lips leaving a kiss on the top.
“levi ackerman, it’s a pleasure miss.” he smiled as he gently dropped your hand.
“may i ask what a beautiful young lady such as yourself is doing out in such a thin coat?”
you couldn’t think of a response, it was like all coherent thoughts left your brain ever since the two of you locked eyes.
thankfully the seamstress interjected, “she’s here because she is in desperate need of a new one.” she laughed.
“oh, no no i think i will keep this one. thank you.”
you said as you tried to rush out of the shop feeling utterly embarrassed by her comment.
you couldn’t resist that voice, you felt utterly compelled to turn around.
“please let me, i couldn’t live with myself if i let a woman such as yourself walk out of here without a proper coat.” levi pulled out his wallet.
you were about to object when he cut you off,
“please, i insist” he said, taking a slight bow.
when the two of you walked out of the shop you couldn’t help but notice how much warmer your new coat was compared to your old one.
“thank you so much mr. ackerman, how may i ever repay you?”
levi smirked, “please, call me levi, and there is no need to thank me, but if you would like to repay me i humbly ask that you repay me with your time.”
your brows furrowed in confusion.
“please allow me to host you for dinner tomorrow, at ackerman manor. it’s been quite a while since i’ve properly hosted a guest”
god who is this man i feel like i’ve seen him before
“oh of course it is the least i can do! it would be a pleasure!”
he kissed your hand again as his carriage arrived.
“the pleasure is all mine” he said as he stepped into the carriage.
you dreamt of levi that night. it all felt so real, you thought you could truly feel levi’s mouth sucking on your already swollen clit humming sweet nothings all while doing so, sending shock waves throughout your entire body.
you could feel it all.
you felt your temperature rise under the stone cold grip that he had on your thigh.
your pussy clenched when two of his fingers entered you, tapping and curling up against that perfect spot deep in your cunt.
your back arched as you gripped the sheets tightly while screaming out in pleasure, having never felt like this before.
your eyes met his ravenous gaze, as your pussy clamped down on his fingers, your orgasm shaking you to your core.
“mmmm… such a good girl….i knew you would be.”
you woke with a start, with sweat pooled on your forehead. you quickly tried to take in your surroundings, not understanding how a dream could feel so real.
you spent the rest of the night trying to ignore your throbbing clit, but thoughts of him filled your mind.
you were quite surprised when mr. ackerman’s carriage arrived outside of your home just as you were heading out the door, you originally planned to travel to ackerman manor on foot. the elderly coachman greeted you by tipping his hat in your direction, “good evening miss, lord ackerman has sent me to retrieve you for dinner this evening.”
mr. ackerman continues to astound you with his generosity, “well how very kind of him.” you smiled as the coachman guided you into the carriage. “make yourself comfortable, miss.” the coachman gave you a short bow as he closed the carriage door and assumed his position on his elevated perch behind the horse reins.
you suddenly felt a pang of guilt shortly after the ride began, mr. ackerman has shown you nothing but kindness and you took it upon yourself to have filthy dreams about him last night. your guilt was short lived, when you thought about how he looked in your dream. levi’s eyes were heavy lidded and full of lust while he devoured you.
you pressed your thighs together when you thought about how the black strands of his hair fell all over his face while he was nestled in your heat.
you were shook out of your thoughts when the carriage ran over what you guessed to be a large rock. feeling embarrassed about your previous thoughts, you turned to the window to take in the view of the landscape, the scenery grew more and more beautiful the closer you got to ackerman manor. the hills rolled as far as the eye could see, and beautiful old oak trees popped up sporadically in your line of sight. there was one tree in particular that caught your attention, a black bird was perched on one of its branches. you couldn’t help but feel like you have seen this bird before, but when? or where? you couldn’t put your finger on it. the bird let out a loud screech and quickly flew away.
how peculiar.
wolves howled in the distance as the carriage ascended up the hill, arriving through the gates of ackerman manor.
you mentally commended mr. ackerman on his ability to keep up such an old home so well.
the estate that the gothic home sat upon was massive, there was a large flower garden that looked almost like a maze at the side of the home, and you could even see part of a greenhouse at the back of the estate from your view. you were in awe of the beautiful architecture, you never noticed just how beautiful the home was, having never seen it at such a close proximity.
the carriage finally came to a halt while you were still gawking at the beautiful architecture through the window.
heavy rain clouds loomed overhead as the coachman assisted you out of the carriage, “best get you inside miss, dreadful weather is on its way.”
you nodded as he swiftly led you up the large steps of the manor.
the great arched door creaked open when you reached the top of the steps, you turned to thank the coachman for his assistance but your words fell short. the coachman was already sitting on top of the carriage, slamming the reins against the horses backs, making great haste to get off the property as soon as possible.
you tried to process the coachman’s odd behavior, but a voice turned your attention back to the massive entryway, “ah! you must be lord ackerman’s honored guest of the evening! pleased to meet you, the names hange. i am lord ackerman’s lead butler.”
you smiled at the butler, “pleased to meet you hange.” you reached your hand out in attempt to shake their hand, but hange seemed to have misunderstood your gesture and latched onto you hand tightly, as they pulled you through the doorway laughing while doing so. “let me show you to the dining room. lord ackerman will join you shortly!”
everyone seems a bit odd around here. you thought as the daffy butler led you through the grand entryway.
the two of you passed a massive staircase lined with tons of antique portraits of whom you presumed to be the ancestors of the ackerman family. the inside of the home was even more beautiful than the outside. you were in complete awe of the gigantic chandeliers that hung from the ceilings, while stone archways led the two of you through each room.
“you know, you are our first guest in quite some time.” hange said as they opened the door to the dining room.
“really? with such a lovely estate i thought mr. ackerman would host guests quite often.” you said as you took in the sight of the dining room, which you would consider a dining hall because of its size, the table itself had to be 30 feet long.
“it’s true, mr. ackerman isn’t much of a people person.” you were surprised by their statement, levi seemed to be a very personable man in your opinion.
hange led you across the room, and pulled a chair out for you next to the head chair of the table. you were grateful to be sat so close to the large fireplace that emitted heat throughout the room. your bones were finally able to defrost from the freezing weather outside.
“i'm so glad you finally decided to join us, mr. ackerman will be down shortly.” they said as they quickly left out through the servant door.
“im so glad you finally decided to join us.” what did they mean by that?
you were too busy racking your brain over the butlers peculiar statement, that you didn’t hear the lord enter the dining hall. you finally took notice of the man when he arrived at his seat at the head of the table. your brain went into overdrive at the sight of mr. ackerman, he was unnaturally handsome, carrying an air of elegance and sensuality with him everywhere he went.
levi’s gaze landed on you, as you took in the sight of him dressed in a black tailcoat that had a striking contrast over his white dress shirt and cravat. still towering over you, levi reached for your delicate hand, slowly bringing it up to his mouth placing a languid kiss on top. you couldn’t help but take a sharp breath in, the gesture caused heat to rise in your cheeks.
“please forgive me for my tardiness, it seems i lost track of time.” he said as a male servant brought you a plate of ham and potatoes, while another servant placed a bowl of golden brown rolls, and a large carafe of red wine in front of the two of you.
“please it was no inconvenience at all, i am honored to be your guest this evening mr. ackerman” you said as levi poured you a glass.
“please, i really must insist that you call me levi, mr. ackerman is far to formal.” you smiled as he placed a full glass of wine in front of you.
“okay levi, since we are ridding ourselves of formalities, why do you not have a plate in front of you? too shy to eat in front of your guest?” you halfheartedly teased as you took a sip of your wine.
levi chuckled at your chide, as he reached for his glass. “well, i must apologize to my honored guest, it seems i am still full from my meal earlier today.”
the two of you partook in flirtatious banter throughout the rest of the meal, as the weather grew more and more turbulent outside.
the fire had grown weak as the time passed, and you were feeling quite buzzed once the two of you finished the carafe of wine.
you rose from your seat, deciding you wanted to observe the erratic weather of the night. you immediately regretted your decision when your head began to spin from the movement, causing you to trip on your way to the window.
levi moved with impossible speed, catching you on your way down. you were breathless when levi looked into your eyes, holding your body against him tightly. “i think that i have been a terrible host. it seems i have gotten my beautiful guest completely drunk.” he said as his lips were just inches away from yours, just begging to be kissed.
you snapped out of the trance that his eyes had on you.
“how did you reach me so quickly? you were still seated when i fell.” you said, still gazing into his grey eyes.
levi laughed, “i was next to you the whole time.” levi kept his arms around you as he lifted you to you feet.
feelings of embarrassment washed over your body, “oh i’m terribly sorry, i’ve made a fool out of myself. i haven’t drank in a while, i must have lost my tolerance.”
levi looked at you sympathetically, as he reached a hand up to cup your face, “please don’t apologize, i will arrange a room to be made up for you tonight, the weather is much too volatile for you to travel in any way.”
you shook your head about to turn down his offer when he interjected, “please, it is the least i can do. i would be an awful host otherwise.”
there was something about his eyes, staring into them immediately convinced you to stay.
hange showed you to your room, having already drawn you a warm bath in the connecting bath chamber. you weren’t surprised that it was just as beautiful as the rest of the home, although this room was much more feminine than the rest. a large white vanity sat in the corner, and a four postered bed with silk curtains was situated in the middle of the room, bathing in the moonlight that washed through the large arched windows.
hange left out a fresh chemise for you to sleep in on the bed. you moved to examine the undergarment, it looked brand new. the fabric was so fresh, it felt like it was crafted just hours before.
why does levi keep fresh chemise’s on hand? you wondered after you were freshly bathed and clothed in your new chemise.
you stopped short before crawling into the large bed noticing that the weather had cleared up, you gazed at the large greenhouse through your window, wishing you could see all of the plants and flowers up close.
multiple wolves howled in the distance as the moon came into clear view from the passing clouds.
movement in the greenhouse below made you redirect your gaze, you squinted trying to get a better view, you thought you saw a dark figure moving around in there.
the oddest sensation fell over your body, you immediately felt compelled by some invisible force to make your way to the greenhouse.
you tried to shake the thought away with no success, your body betrayed your mind by instinctively moving towards the door. you knew sneaking out of your room was a terrible idea, what if you were caught roaming the dark halls?
your mind and body finally fell in tune with each other as you tried to make your way through the labyrinth that was ackerman manor.
you somehow found yourself traveling through the servant hallways, hoping and praying that it would somehow lead you into the outside world.
the stone passageway finally led you to a wooden door, upon opening the old door cold air poured over your body as you were greeted with the view of the night sky.
you immediately regretted not putting your coat as your nipples hardened under your flimsy chemise, but there was no time to turn back, your new found curiosity compelled your body to keep moving forward.
you crossed your arms over your chest as you trekked across the property, trying to conserve as much body heat as possible. you finally reached the glass doors of the greenhouse, you rushed inside immediately closing the doors behind you to keep out of the night air. you let out a sigh of relief as you made your way through the rows of plants.
just like the manor, the greenhouse was massive. the dome-shaped structure housed many beautiful plants, most of which looked completely foreign to this region.
you continued to make your way through the rows of plants and flowers, the rows seemed to go on and on. you felt that your curiosity was amply rewarded when you entered a room full of red roses, their pleasing aroma surrounded you while dancing on top of your skin.
“it’s considered most inappropriate to snoop, you know.” you gasped as a deep voice cut through the silence from behind.
you turned to face him, “i’m sorry mr. ack-“
“just levi, remember?” he said, cutting you off. his pupils dilated, seeing you moving about in the night dress that he bought just for you. levi’s eyes raked over every inch of your body, he has seen this all before on the nights when he would watch you sleep but, it was so much better seeing you like this while you were awake, looking at him with those wide eyes. levi felt his cock twitch at the sight of your hard nipples rubbing against the thin material.
“i’m sorry… levi, i guess my curiosity got the best of me.” you said feeling ashamed.
“please don’t apologize.” has said as he moved closer. you gulped, feeling exhilarated at levi’s close proximity. levi felt your heart rate jump, causing a smirk to appear on his face.
“they’re beautiful aren’t they?” he questioned as he plucked a single rose and handed it over to you.
“oh yes, very beautiful.” levi’s eyes never left your face as you spoke, he didn’t understand how he could come to feel for anyone this way, much less a mortal. you were an enigma to levi, your presence alone made him feel drunk on lust, and maybe even love, he didn’t really know. levi knows that he has never been good at understanding or expressing his emotions properly.
levi’s eyes went wide when the smell of iron infiltrated his senses. you looked down to your finger that the rose just pricked, immediately bringing it to your mouth to suck the spec of blood away.
all previous thoughts evaporated from levi’s mind. now in predator mode, levi lurched forward paralyzing you under his grip. one arm locked around your waist while the other held your neck in place. it all happened so quick, levi buried his fangs into your neck, feeding off of your sweet blood, he could feel himself growing drunk off the taste. your mind didn’t understand what was going on, you only heard the lewd wet noises levi was making on your neck. your eyes rolled to the back of your head, there was no pain, no. there was only pleasure, it’s like levi’s fangs were your personal aphrodisiac in that moment. you felt your cunt begin to throb under your thin dress while levi was feasting upon your flesh. you didn’t understand why this was turning you on.
levi had no control, his only desire was to suck you dry, until he heard a moan escape your mouth. the sweet sound of your voice brought him back to reality, levi retracted his fangs. a worried look fell upon his face as he lifted your limp head, trying to gauge how much life was left in you. you met his gaze with heavy lust filled eyes, immediately closing the distance between your mouths. this time you were the one who had no control, your arms and legs wrapped around him as he hoisted you up on his waist, joining you in the hungry kiss. your tongues clashed together passionately as you moaned into levi’s mouth.
levi was utterly surprised by your reaction, but he wouldn’t question it, not now.
blood dripped all over your white chemise while your pussy dripped all over levi’s shirt. you had never experienced anything this erotic before, you were full of lust right now and you couldn’t bring yourself to care for what kind of monster levi is in this moment.
levi crouched down, laying you gently on the ground below, his mouth left yours causing you to whine in the absence of his lips. levi smirked down at you as he lowered himself to lick up all the excess blood on your chest, you instinctively wiggled your hips in search of friction as he slowly pulled down the top of the chemise exposing your chest to him. levi’s blood drenched lips latched on to your hard nipple while rutting his clothed cock against your clit, causing you to scream out in pleasure.
“mmm fuck, your so good for me.” levi said as he popped two of his fingers into his mouth covering them in blood and reaching down to work circles on your clit.
“oh! fuck!” you yelped as heat began to pool at the base of your stomach.
“yeah?” levi questioned as he watched your face intently.
levi’s fingers changed course, he moved to curl his long fingers deep inside you tapping gently on your sweet spot.
you moaned levi’s name over and over as your pussy pulsed around his fingers. your orgasm crashed through you.
without wasting a moment levi freed his cock from his trousers immediately sheathing himself in your overstimulated cunt. levi moaned in your ear as tears of pleasure filled your eyes.
levi’s cock stretched you wide as he worked his fingers through your hair looking into your eyes.
“so.. fucking.. perfect.” he praised you as his warm cum filled you to the brim.
levi scooped you into his arms. you were too worn out to walk. you whole body was so tired you immediately nodded off on the trip back to the house.
perfect stranger
levi x reader drabble

word count: 503 short n sweet <3
the train was packed today, every seat had a passenger, and standing space was very limited. you felt like a canned sardine being stuffed body to body in the train car. you tried to grip onto the overhead handrail when the train lurched forward, you lost your balance causing you to fall into the person behind you.
thankfully the person caught you before you hit the ground, you knew it would’ve been a hard fall.
strong arms wrapped around your waist, “don’t worry, i got you” you took a sharp breath in, feeling dazed by the masculine voice speaking lowly into your ear. the man helped you right yourself, still keeping a steady hand on your waist as you got readjusted.
feeling completely mortified, you turned to face the man to apologize for your clumsiness. all coherent thoughts came to a complete halt when your gaze finally met his. you were in absolute awe of the beautiful stranger that kept a protective hand over your waist. the man had sharp masculine features while carrying an air of elegance at the same time, the combination created an intoxicating aura that made your head spin.
the man raised a brow, staring at you quizzically as he tried to read your face. you stared into his grey eyes still not being able to form words, time seemed to slow around the two of you.
the train reached its next stop, many passengers shuffled out of the sliding doors allowing you more space to breathe.
his words broke you out of your daze, “hey, are you okay?”
you tried to laugh off your embarrassment, “oh! ha, yeah i’m okay, sorry for falling all over you. i’m usually more careful than that.”
a smile tugged at the corner of the man's lips, “no apologies necessary, it was so trouble at all.” his hand left your side as he reached for his discarded book on the ground. “though, you did make me lose my place, and it was just getting good” he said teasingly, as he flipped through the pages.
you laughed at his jest, “well in that case i can assure you, an apology is definitely necessary. let me buy you a coffee, that would surely make up for it.”
the man looked at you thoughtfully, as you prayed that he would take you up on your offer.
time seemed to slow once again as you waited for his response.
the train jutted forward again, on its way to the next stop. the man instinctively grabbed onto your waist afraid that you would lose your balance. you eyes went wide as you fell into his embrace, his lips hovered just above yours.
“i’m not big on coffee, can we do tea instead?”
you let out a sigh of relief, “tea works for me.”
the man hummed at your response.
the man guided you off the train at the next stop, “before we share a cup of tea, i suppose i should introduce myself properly, i’m levi. and you are?”

he looks just like a dream, the prettiest boy i’ve ever seen <3
artist: furin_chn on ig

these photos hold so much power

happy birthday levi
(the reason i’m celebrating today)
source: tkjn821 on twitter

Haven't drawn much at all this past year. And haven't drawn this pouty lil creature in MANY years. SNK Phase 2.0 hitting me like a truck lmfao. Take this rusty ass Levi doodle 💁🏻

Lil man hates having his picture taken almost as much as I do. RIP babygirl, it’s your fault for being so cute and tiny 🤏

( not my gif )

Captain Levi
Capitão Levi
New Shingeki no Kyojin Illustration

Chibi version