Liveblog - Tumblr Posts
grant and rekha really out here giving me emotions huh
time for episode 3 of mice and murder! if anything happens to mrs. molesly I will personally fight Brennan Lee Mulligan behind the local Denny’s. Dare I say I will make a mountain out of a molehill.
sylvester cross i’m begging you please don’t fuck mrs. molesly
seeing the texts are so cool!! i love it so much! it’s such a cool mechanic to add and it’s super fun
the vicar really fucking up the last rights is so funny. oh my god. i love this low-charisma bard so much
the way that brennan’s face immediately falls and clearly conveys how dead he feels inside during the phrase “vice-principle lunch lad intern” is so funny. gilear during the whole first episode is a gift. i love the yogurt man so much.
started the seven,,,,everyone mimicking yelle’s peace signs while she’s talking is so funny,,,already off to some great bits
listen based on trailer i assumed my favorite would be ostentatia but holy fuck katja owns my heart??? “if cinnamon dies, i die” ma’am,,,,rekha out here winning already
i love the difference in priorities. these maidens are not a friend group yet and i can’t wait to see them come together and be good friends!! really loving it!
starting episode 3 and oh!!! the fits are so cute,,,izzy pls tell me where you got your overalls from I’M IN LOVE WITH THEM
finally watching our flag means death! first episode down and i want nothing more to be part of stede’s loser crew. i want to be read bedtime stories where the captain does the voices ): . i’m already smitten with the show and his crew and i can’t wait to see where we go from here!
Supernatural Pilot
Lesson learned: Traumatize your kids! They're guaranteed to become heroes!
Sam's girlfriend first appears in a slutty nurse outfit, then a second later in just panties. She'll die before the credits roll, won't she?
Ten minutes in: Spooky wrought-iron staircase of exposition!
Blood-related people are all psychically linked. Obviously.
The Hitchhiking Girl story. Again. Let's see, it was in Are You Afraid of the Dark, assorted History Channel ghost shows, and every NC ghost anthology ever written.
That's new.
Hehe, whenever I see cassette tapes I think of the Barney ones my sister had.
Distrusting cops! Dun dun dunnnn
See, most people aren't that terrified of being hugged by children.
Okay, I'm into it. On to Episode 2!
so quackity woke up to finding an empty bed and a missign child, ran out in his onesie PJs. and fighting forever and cellbit and etoiles just vibing. he laughing with his chat at the fight, occasionally headbanging to the remix music blasting in the stream, and encouraging the fights. watching his POV and being bystadner with him is fun and hilarious.
I Need A Miracle:
Recording day 1
Pulled my usual stunt: gave myself way too much contingency travel time and got to the studio (or the nearest tube, anyway) over an hour early. Currently sitting in a cafe between the tube and the studio consuming black coffees and distracting myself by blogging and by thinking about topics I could speak about that would be useful or interesting to small business owners (an ask from Dad). Oh ever-growing to-do list, you are a boon in times like these of twiddling thumbs and tapping toes.

I like the ceiling roses in this cafe. Wonder what the building was before?
I'm going to be liveblogging Volkerball tonight so if anyone wants to block it my tag is RRTBlogs. I’ll probably do it in two parts because it’s long and I want to cover the bonus songs.
I have a cold and I’m miserable so I’m rewatching my favorite childhood show, Phineas and Fuckin’ Ferb.
I’m low key live-blogging to my bff so I might as well put some here. I started at season 2 because that’s what google says is the best season and I think it’s right.

- Doofenshmirtz has so much trauma and OWCA agents are therapists. He just sits there and eats wings with Perry and talks about how sad he is that he can’t come up with anything evil, then in the aglets episode Perry gives him the delete button to get rid of the embarrassing video, and when the evil plan doesn’t work he comes right back to Perry and says “I have an ouchie… in here” pointing to his HEART IM GONNA CRY DOOOOOOF
- Perry the Platypus makes that little sound intentionally. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a sound. Like when I hum at people. It has no translatable meaning, just tone.
- Candace is so stubborn. But she does love her brothers. She gets so mad about the aglets thing, but with Nessy Nosie, she looks at her brother’s puppy eyes and immediately agrees to throw away the evidence she wanted. Then she meets the ACTUAL MYTHICAL MONSTER and doesn’t even care, is just stubborn about it.
- “HAHAHA, IT WORKED! Your miracle growth elixir has turned you into GIANT NERDS!”
- I do enjoy the flawless girl thing. Beauty/cosmetic thing with a whole bunch of cosmetics to make insecure teenagers feel the need to buy a whole bunch of products to look “perfect” but it’s very hyperbolized so it’s clearly visible to be bad, and I’m sensing a moral about that as well. Heck yea. As I’m typing, we’re reaching the end of the episode and yea, “you both make money off of people’s natural insecurities!” Good moral.
- “Oh, that’s our sister… our -chuckles- Big sister.” (She drank the growth elixir)
- (she shrinks back while approaching her mom) “I’m back to normal!” “Normal being a… relative term.”
- why are Baljeets parents so… the way they are. I feel so bad for Baljeet. He’s got that Smart Kid Pressure ™ and can’t escape from it. Except in that one episode… but I haven’t gotten there yet.
- “oh my gosh, the square root of soon… is never.”
- “doofenshmirtz 🎶quality 🎵bratwurst”
- “Make this fish put me down!” “It’s a mammal, Candace!”
- “Your hot dog is no match… for my BRATWURST!” (No but the way Perry just keeps a hot dog in his hat that he summoned like a wizard summons a broom) (the way they’re swordfighting and Doof just takes a bite of Perry’s blade)
-Ferb is so autism
- “You know what they say: if you love something, set it free.” “We do that every day with Perry— oh, there you are, Perry!”