Lmk Spider Queen - Tumblr Posts

lmk art dump bc i keep forgettin to post here

skullkey duo :]

Lmk Art Dump Bc I Keep Forgettin To Post Here

my silly oc Amaranth

Lmk Art Dump Bc I Keep Forgettin To Post Here
Lmk Art Dump Bc I Keep Forgettin To Post Here

a lil doodle of Spider Queen drinkin tea

Lmk Art Dump Bc I Keep Forgettin To Post Here


theory of MK losin his eye :)








Lmk Art Dump Bc I Keep Forgettin To Post Here

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1 year ago

Commission for @lightreader1

Commission For @lightreader1

They write fanfics in AO3, you should check it out! Their fanfics are really good!

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6 months ago

Vote for "The Evil Queen," but which one?

I have two candidates: LBD and Spider Queen.

Why LBD:

She gives me the vibes... that's it.

Why Spider Queen:

I mean, she is Thee Queen, but i feel it would be awkward because i made the Huntsman the Prince (for obvious reasons that i dont regret).

But also because i could have LBD as the mirror instead (which is also a vibe).

Why not LBD:

Because who then would be the mirror? I can have the mirror just be the mirror, but to be honest, where's the fun in that.

Why not The Spider Queen:

again, i feel it would be awkward since Y'know.

(Imagine the family dinner)

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7 months ago

I wanna make a bookmark for my big ass book

And of course it’s gonna be lmk themed✹


The reason Pigsy and sandy aren’t in there is bevause
I cannot draw muscles or pugs or anything for the life of me..bdjdiehhej

Anyway yeah

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6 months ago

Guys I need fic ideasđŸ«¶


I know I already have like two I still desperately need to finish but I’m getting motivation and want to make one on ao3 soooo

Here’s the link to my 1600’s au or whatever it’s not much cause I don’t really know how to explain my ideas so

1600’s au

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2 years ago

hi can I request a macaque, monkey king, Nezha, spider queen and Chang’E separatedly x transmac austictic reader

like reader is loving towards everyone and also chaotic plus they sometimes do crazy stuff like for example if there at a zoo and they see a animal they like for example a tiger they will stop what there doing and they will literally climb the bar wall and be with the tiger and start doing tiger noises as the tiger and the tiger replies back and start being affectionately towards reader as then macaque, monkey king, Nezha, spider queen and Chang’E noticed there gone and sees reader where they are with the wild animal and they will start panicking and will get them out of there and start scolding them as reader then start tearing up they will stop scolding them and try to comfort them and telling him that they where worried and the rest you can do what you want I don’t mind if you change it

Ngl I had a stroke trying to read this but yup I got the general premise! Also props to you for being my first spider queen request :)) I love her sm! I'm gonna do my best! I ran with the tiger idea ngl

SWK, MACAQUE, NEZHA, SPIDER QUEEN, AND CHANG'E x Transmasc!Autistic!Reader Headcanons!

Hi Can I Request A Macaque, Monkey King, Nezha, Spider Queen And ChangE Separatedly X Transmac Austictic

Pronouns: he/him

CW: mmm I don't think there's any?? Comment if yes

Macaque - between the two of you he definitely has the brain cell. He was excited to go to the zoo with you, especially after seeing how pumped up you were to see the tigers. He got the tickets and you two made your way over. Now, he’s got many ways of keeping track of you—being in your shadow, clones, or even just holding your hands—but he chose to use none of those. So when he turned around to look at you after checking out a different animal and you were GONE, panic mode set in. It’s too crowded for him to use his six ears, so he resorts to just running around until he sees you with the tigers. As fast as he can he gets you out of there and takes you to the side. He’s scolding you, telling you that you can’t just do that, but when he sees you starting to tear up he feels bad and reassures you that he’s not upset or anything. He’s just happy you’re safe, now please go wash your hands he SAW you smushing the tiger’s face after it ate—

SWK - this man is the same way with the monkeys. When you two went to the zoo, he stopped and made noises at the monkeys(and you got bored of their conversation so obviously you just wandered off
). He freaks out a bit when you disappeared, but thankfully you weren’t super far away. Not gonna lie, he’d probably let you have your fun with the tigers for a bit—but then it’s go time and he gets you out of there. He doesn’t “scold” you, but he does gently explain that you should at least give him a heads up next time so he can at least help you jump the fence! He’s laid back and honestly I HC him as neurodivergent so he’d vibe really well with you. 

Nezha - SIR PLEASE YOU WILL GIVE THIS MAN A HEART ATTACK (/lh)! Likes going out with you when you’re feeling up for it because he’s got a lot of cool knowledge stowed away in his brain that he can share. However he doesn’t like it as much when he has to use his magic ribbon first as a lasso to get you out of the enclosure but then as a leash to keep you close for the rest of the zoo visit. He half-drags you along to the bathrooms to help you clean yourself up, all while telling you the various ways that could have ended badly. But his demeanor changes when he sees the oncoming storm of emotions in your face. He would hate to upset you. So he stops, sits down with you, and reassures you that it’s okay, but you can’t do that. He values safety over ANYTHING else, so don’t blame him too hard for wanting you to stick by his side. 

Spider Queen - You’re treated like royalty by default because you’re her lovely significant other. Naturally a zoo trip is something she’d love to do with you! Her boys will most likely tag along as well, but they’re gonna go do their own thing while you two enjoy some time together! She cares about you a great deal, and is asking every few exhibits if you’re having a good time, do you need anything, it’s not too warm right? She thought she had your hand in hers, but when you simply aren’t there, she panics a bit, and calls the boys to tell them to help look for you. When all of them report that yup, you’re chilling with the tigers—no, like IN THE CAGE WITH THE TIGERS—she is there in a FLASH. You’re out of the cage and in her arms in seconds. She’s searching first for wounds and then giving you a mini-lecture. But she stops as soon as she sees your eyes glaze over. She gives you a little space and then has you take some breaths with her. No, she’s not mad, if anything she’s impressed. Just glad you’re okay!

Chang’e - (she was in like 1 episode so take everything here with a grain of salt) super sweet and it shows!! A trip to the zoo with you is the perfect fun date so she can take a break from her show for a while. Loves how much you like the animals, and she gives some of her own input as well! Out of the characters so far she’s the most likely to remain calm when she sees you with the tigers. Helps you out on your own time—clearly it wasn’t an accident you got in there, and you’re not in any immediate danger, so what’s the rush? Once you’re out, she has you clean up and just reminds you that you should try and admire from a distance sometimes. Then you two go sit down and eat some lunch that she prepared for you guys in advance <3

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2 years ago

can i request a oneshot about redson x reader is the daughter/son of the spider queen romantic when they are actually really sweet and always treats redsons wounds and they secretly like him but dont want him to find out cause their afraid their mother wont approve of it and he doesn't like them that way

Awww ok

I took this in a lot of directions AND included a happy ending bc it's for my mental health ;-; pls enjoy!

"Sparks Fly" (1622 w.c)

Redson x GN!Spider Queen's Child!Reader

Pronouns: you/yours

CW: author is projecting slightly, some food mentions, anxiety, you might cry?? I know I almost did!

Can I Request A Oneshot About Redson X Reader Is The Daughter/son Of The Spider Queen Romantic When They

For your dear friend Redson, it was entirely different. His parents didn’t “boss” him around per se, but they did give him guidelines in terms of how he should do things. On his own he was a force to be reckoned with who just happened to have an infinite supply of firepower. 

Being royalty was never easy. For you, it was living in frankly dank conditions underground as your mother, the Spider Queen, worked endlessly to expand her power. You helped out wherever you could. She showed you a certain softness to you that she didn’t spare for anyone else, refusing to let you go into life-threatening situations and demanding that if that was the case that Goliath go with you. The biggest muscle of the group, of course. 

You two had met some time after the New Year’s incident, when you just wanted a break from hearing your mother complain about her losses. You bumped into him out on the streets, and originally he was slightly afraid of you considering your spidery appearance and how he was a target of your mother’s venom. But from there you actually got to talking and developed a friendship of sorts. He wouldn’t admit that, insisting it was a matter of being allies and perhaps taking over the world on your own rather than with your parents. 

“Y/n, you’re playing with your food again. You skipped lunch, I want you to have some dinner.” Your mother snapped you out of your thoughts. You blinked a few times and then took a bite of your meal, but you could feel her eyes on you. Searching for discontent.

“Did you get up to anything interesting today, hon?” She asked. You shrugged. 

“Not really. Went to hang out with a friend,” you smiled at her. Her interest was piqued at this—who else were you socializing with outside of the caves? “I was wondering if I could actually take one of the bikes out for a ride tonight? The weather’s gonna be really nice.”

“Who’s your friend? You should bring them for dinner sometime.”

You hesitated. If you told her it was Redson, there was a chance she would go after him a second time.

it’s this really nice guy.”

She hummed inquisitively. You were still looking at her waiting for an answer to your question, but she was clearly trying to figure out who else you knew. 

“Oh, and yes. You may go out tonight. But I want you home before midnight.”

“Thanks, mom! I won’t be late, promise!” You finished the rest of your food and went to give her a quick hug. She gave you a fond smile as you waved to her on your way out. What you didn’t see as you left was that she had Syntax log in to some of the CCTV cameras around the city so she could keep a protective eye on you.

You were far from concerned about how the public saw you when you were out and about. With your purplish skin and bright green eyes along with a pair of fangs that were almost as large and sharp as your mother’s. You were feared—this isn't necessarily a problem. But you wanted one fiery demon in particular to see you as pretty, as worthy of proper love like you’d heard about in movies and books. 

“Took you long enough.” Redson was sitting on a bench in the park you two often met up in. It was almost directly in between the paths to your respective houses. 

“Sorry, I was eating. Mom was interrogating me.”

“About what?”

“I mentioned I was hanging out with someone, so she was trying to figure out who.”

“You didn’t tell her it was me, right?”

“Of course not! Now, come on, I wanna show you something!” You urged him to get on his bike and follow you, and thankfully it wasn’t a long drive to get where you wanted to be. There was a spot by the river where they would be doing fireworks that evening, and you wanted to go watch. If you played your cards right, you might even be able to tell Redson how you felt about him. You’d gladly help him get away from your mother’s venom if you needed to, but you didn’t want to get ahead of yourself.

“Look! It’s starting!” You pointed up at the sky from the back of the crowd that came for the same reasons you did. Redson adjusted his glasses and looked.

“It’s pretty cool.” He said. It didn’t seem like much on the outside, but you knew that meant he was enjoying it. 

You two stayed and watched until the very end of the show, and stuck around even after most of the crowd had dispersed. Worries were bubbling up and it was showing in how your palms grew to be clammy and your face heated up. 

“Are you alright, y/n?” Redson poked your arm. 

“I’m fine, just thinking!” You stammered. Was this a good idea? Should you just back out now and go home, so that way no one would even need to realize that something would have happened?

“Well, alright. Let’s get ready to leave, then.” He turned to start walking back to where you two had parked your vehicles, but you stopped him by grabbing his sleeve.

“Wait! There’s uh
” you let go as soon as his eyes locked with yours. “Something I wanted to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“I like you a lot! And I wanna be your partner!” You blurted out, keeping your gaze fixed on the ground. Your breathing was heavy as you took in the fact that there was no going back now. It was quiet for a moment, until a warm pair of hands took yours and intertwined your fingers together. 

“I really like you too.” He was just as nervous as you were, since his hair was flaring up without him being upset.

This surprisingly peaceful moment was interrupted by your phone beeping. Looking at the screen, it was your alarm to start heading home.

“I have to go. Otherwise she’ll send someone to get me.”

“Me too. Let’s go.”

You two went back to the park. You were about to watch Redson leave, but his path was blocked by Goliath. Syntax was here too, removing his weird headset thing. And behind you was your mother.

“Mom, I was just heading home!” You got off your bike to face her, but you were looking at Red out of the corner of your eye. 

“I know. And no worries, you’re not past curfew. However, this is much more interesting,” She stepped forward, placing a hand on your shoulder and looking at your (now) partner. “Tell me, hon. Were you gonna surprise me with just the fly I wanted on my web?”

You moved away from her for the first time in your life, going to stand by Redson and minding your stance as you stared at her. Your gaze was determined and you kept your eyes peeled for any sudden movements from the two figures behind you.

“I wasn’t. I was having fun and enjoying some quality time with him.”

“What, like you two get along? Y/n, dear, you’re a little far out of his league.” 

“We do get along! We’ve been friends for months now! You just haven’t noticed ‘cause you’re always working!” You ranted, the words all leaving your mouth before you could properly filter them. Your mom was shocked at this, her eyes widening in surprise. “You’re always busy. I wanted to talk to new people. So I did, and um
now we’re lovers.” 

Well, that Band Aid hurt to rip off, but it was done, and Redson took one of your hands to squeeze it reassuringly. Tears were welling up in your eyes. Your mother dropped her menacing facade. Her dress swayed as she approached you on her mechanical spider legs. 

“You love this kid?” She gestured to Redson. You nodded, trying so hard not to cry. “And you love my kid?”

“With every part of me.” Redson answered. She opened her arms to you, and despite your fear, you embraced her. You sobbed into her torso, begging her not to hurt him. She shushed you, running her claws through your hair. 

“I’m sorry, y/n. Sorry I haven’t been giving you my time. And I’m sorry you think I’d lay a finger on anyone you hold dear, even someone I’d classify as an enemy.” She spoke quietly, so mostly just you could hear. 

“So you’ll leave him alone?” You looked up at her. She shook her head. 

“I will, but ONLY if he swears on his LIFE that he won’t hurt you. EVER.” She pretended to cradle your face in a funny way as she pointed a claw at Redson. He put his hands up to show he didn’t mean any harm. You stopped really crying and started laughing as she squished your cheeks.

“I promise, I won’t!” He half-laughed, wondering if it was appropriate for him to join in on the sentimentality. 

“Good. Now go ahead and run along, otherwise your parents will come after me. And frankly, I ain’t up for that.” She waved her hands, as if dismissing the possibility, and Syntax and Goliath started heading back to the manhole to get back underground. Redson gave you a hug, before zooming off on his motorcycle. Your mother looked down at you. 

“I promise you I’ll start balancing things. Relax a little. Work on not eating your partner...”

“No one’s eating anyone!!” You playfully tugged on her arm as she laughed to herself.

“But seriously, thanks mom.” 

She patted your head. 

“Of course.”

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2 years ago

Hi how are you can you make a request of a macaque wukong and spider queen x sick fem reader

Like reader has a really bad fever and like she can’t get out of bed so macaque,wukong and spider queen comfort and taking care of reader

I’m sorry for the little words I’m just sick and I can’t concentrate on writing

Aw I hope you feel better! I loved this idea, please enjoy!!

"Darned Germs" (803 w.c)

SWK, Macaque, and Spider Queen x GN!Sick!Reader

Romantic Oneshot

Pronouns: you/yours

CW: sickness, mentions of food/eating, a single joke about eating people

Hi How Are You Can You Make A Request Of A Macaque Wukong And Spider Queen X Sick Fem Reader

“Gods, you’re burning up!” 

Macaque took the thermometer from you with wide eyes. You could really only nod, and even then it was hard to really move. You were lying in his bed, since you had spent the night after watching movies with him, however you awoke feeling as if you were on fire. He had gotten you set up with plenty of fluids and an ice pack on your forehead, but it wasn’t helping as much as he had hoped. He took out his phone, typing up some messages.

“What’re you doing?” You asked, your words slurring. His tail was swishing as his expression was concerned. 

“I’m calling in the big guns.” 

Not even half an hour later, your other two partners appeared. Wukong came in the door first, and held it open as Spider Queen came in with some grocery bags. Macaque helped to take their coats. 

“Queenie, I told you, I had food covered.” He protested, raising an eyebrow at how much she was actually carrying. She shook her head, stepping into the apartment’s kitchen and opening the fridge. It was nearly barren, save for some leftover takeout and a single plum. 

“Yes, because this’ll be enough to nurse a whole army back to health. Gimme time, and I’ll have just the remedy for this blasted fever,” she tied all her dark hair back into a bun and then moved past the monkeys to where you were. Upon seeing you, it was like she was going full mom-mode—the term Wukong had coined after she had made a habit of fretting over you, him, and Macaque on a normal basis. “Oh, sweetheart, look at you!”

“Hi Queenie
” you reached out to her and she enveloped you in a hug. 

“How’d this happen? Who was so cruel to pass on these germs to you?!” 

“I dunno,” you spoke into her chest. Even though you loved the attention, you were still very warm. She pressed the back of her hand to your forehead. “But I’m really tired

“That’s okay. You just lay back while I go make something to help, alright? No work, no nothin’ until you’re better.” She gave the crown of your head a kiss before stepping out of the bedroom to go begin the meal. Wukong came in next, with Macaque trailing behind him. 

“Hey, peaches. You okay?” He sat on the edge of the bed, leaning over and kissing your cheek. 

“Not so much. I’m drinking water and stuff, but I still feel cruddy.” You said. 

“Aw, well no worries! We’ll take care of you!” He reached into his own bag, that you didn’t even realize he’d brought in, and retrieved a stuffed bear. You happily accepted the plush, hugging it tightly. 

“Thanks Wukong!! I love him!” You smiled. He smiled back. Him and Macaque settled onto the bed, making small talk. Every now and then they’d pause and remind you to drink water, before resuming and grooming each other a little bit. Eventually a wonderful smell wafted through the air. All three of you went to the bedroom doorway and looked toward the kitchen. 

Queenie stood facing the stove, her sleeves rolled up and a hand on her hip as she stirred something in a pot. She taste tested some of it, before shaking her head and adding some herbs to the mixture. 

Sensing the pairs of eyes on her, she turned her head, gaze softening as she saw you all looking toward her. She taste tested again, this time nodding, and then she motioned for you to come over. Wukong moved forward first, practically salivating, and Macaque rolled his eyes and scooped you up bridal style. He carried you over to his table, sitting you down and then going to get dishes. 

Once everyone was set up at the table, the queen scooped some of the stew from the pot and into the bowls in front of you and the others. 

“This recipe’s warded off sickness from me and my boys for ages,” the boys in question being her henchmen who she said were also her subjects. “So I want you two to eat it as well, just to be on the safe side.”

“Promise there’s no meat or people in it.” Wukong joked, remembering what her diet could consist of. 

“Relax, I wouldn’t feed y’all that stuff! It’s just veggies and herbs. Now dig in!” 

Indeed, you all ate as if your lives depended on it, but really, it was just that delicious. Macaque noticed you were tired after the fact, so he helped to set you up in his bed again, opting to sleep on his own couch. In the morning, you awoke and felt as if the fever had never even been there, snuggled up with a happy stomach and your new stuffed bear.

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2 years ago

Since you started following me, here are some suggestions for the emotion challenge: E6 with Spider Queen, C5 with Syntax, G2 with Goliath, and G10 with Mayor (originally wanted to ask for H10 but someone beat me to it)

Since You Started Following Me, Here Are Some Suggestions For The Emotion Challenge: E6 With Spider Queen,
Since You Started Following Me, Here Are Some Suggestions For The Emotion Challenge: E6 With Spider Queen,
Since You Started Following Me, Here Are Some Suggestions For The Emotion Challenge: E6 With Spider Queen,
Since You Started Following Me, Here Are Some Suggestions For The Emotion Challenge: E6 With Spider Queen,

Wow so many. sorry it took so long my toothache became a full of infection.

look at Goliath isn't he adorable

had SP look like she just won/lost a fight hair a little dishevelled

syntax why you sweating so much hmmmmm

and lastly Not Mayor, i have a head cannon that he becomes partaly mortal once again after losing the power LBD gave him, maybe in this image he experienced a bad beating for the first time in a while

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2 years ago

Spider MK

(Spider kid?)

Spider MK
Spider MK
Spider MK
Spider MK
Spider MK


I've been wanting to draw a spider version of MK for a while now (it was fun to play with his phobia) and as you can see I really didn't have a fixed idea of ​​what it would look like, so I just drew a bunch of ideas that came to mind, but the general idea is that MK can be in his "normal" form and transform into a more arachnid form.

My idea is that, unlike Spider Queen and the others, who are more mechanical, MK's transformation would be more organic(?), and that he has 3 forms, normal, half spider and full spider, a bit like Huntsman (with the headcanon that he can make himself small in his full spider form🙃).

I came to the conclusion that his spider form would be more like Spider Queen than her henchmen.


Ya desde hacía tiempo quería dibujar una versión araña de MK (fue divertido jugar con su fobia) y como se puede ver realmente no tenia una idea fija de como seria, así que solo dibuje un montón de ideas que se me fueron ocurriendo, pero la idea general es que MK puede estar en su forma "normal" y transformarse en una forma mås aråcnida.

Mi idea es que, a diferencia de Spider Queen y los demĂĄs, que son arañas mĂĄs mecĂĄnicas, la transformaciĂłn de MK serĂ­a mĂĄs orgĂĄnica, y que tiene 3 formas, la normal, la que es mitad araña y la que es completamente arañ, un poco parecido a Hunstman (con el headcanon de que puede puede hacerse pequeño en su forma completamente araña🙃).

Llegue a la conclusión que su forma de araña se parecería mås a Spider Queen, que a la de sus ayudantes.

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7 months ago


As last minute as the title - my story is FINALLY HERE!!! You can access it either as a registered user or guest user.

I would provide a description about what's this is about, but I don't wanna spoil the book, so here's a summary:

"MK the Monkie Kid and his friends, alongside other allies such as Sun Wukong, will continue their adventure against their usual foes and facing the same struggles; but with the aid of a new ally - a wild card who may or may not have more influence on their story than initially thought. But she can't possibly have any connections to the events of what is happening to our heroes... right?"

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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5 months ago


Apologies for the long wait, but the third chapter will be coming sooner than you might think ;)

Chapter 2 Demon Bull Family summary:

Our heroine has been taken to the Demon Bull King Fortress as a prisoner, but then, the truth has finally uncovered to the whole family about her and Princess Iron Fan...or Gongzhu as Dajing refers to her, leading to more secrets kept than revealed.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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7 months ago

if it’s ok with you can I request a romantic Spider Queen x reader? Where the reader is a demon as well?

(Your wish is my commands!)

Lego Monkie Kid/LMK x Reader Headcanons

đŸ•·ïžDating The Queen of SpidersđŸ•·ïž (Romance)

If Its Ok With You Can I Request A Romantic Spider Queen X Reader? Where The Reader Is A Demon As Well?

She REALLY hate you when you two first met..mostly because you were another demon and she didn’t trust any demons beside her spider clan, but overtime, she got used to your appearance and soon learn how to deal with you pretty much.

Despite her cocky and scary personality, she was nervous and anxious to actually confess her feelings to you. She never really had any good relationships before and hate of feeling vulnerable in front of everyone. So when it came to confess her feelings
she just
she just be like “
manageable so umm
:with me
..or you’ll be my spider food” even though she won’t ACTUALLY turn you into food(she already would when you first met).

Now when it comes to actually dating you, pal, she was clingy as heck, but ONLY in private. She doesn’t like showing weakness and doesn’t want your or her enemies to find out that you two are dating. Even to her clan, she will not show any sign of affection unless you two are alone. Though she secretly wish she can.

Her love language(In my opinion) is usually act of service, but sometimes words of affection. Just because she doesn’t show physical affection, doesn’t mean she won’t do things for you. She’ll act like she’s annoyed by your request, but deep down, she’s thrilled to pleasure you and keep you around her lab. Sometimes she’ll throw a few praise words every now and then for your works and all.

GET USED TO TEASING! Especially if you have any demon parts(like ears, tails, etc), because they’re not safe from Mommy Sp-I mean The Spider Queen. For example, if you’re a moth demon, she’ll tease you by gently rubbing your moth wings or any moth features you have. If you have any horns, she’ll gently rubs it with her fingers and if you have a tail, PAL, SHE WILL GRAB YOUR TAIL WITH CARE, BUT WRAP HER SPIDER LEGS AROUND YOUR TAIL OR WRAP HER FINGERS AROUND YOUR TAIL JUST TO TEASE YOU!! She’s a teasing machine and I mean it!

Whenever you get upset or general not happy. She’ll gently play around with you to cheer you up. She’s not the best of comfort, but teasing is one of her best traits. She’ll use her webs or spider legs to hold you upside down and will not stop tickling you until you have a true smile on your face. She’ll always listen to your rants and vents whenever you need it. She might not be good at giving you advices on anything that comes with emotions or feelings, but she’ll be there when you need someone to listen to.

Now when it comes to you and her both being demons. She is PROTECTIVE..secretly. She knows what people or other demons could do and she will not risk you getting hurt by any hunters or any other demons. She will bite their asses to the ground and eat them for dinner. She isn’t the best kind of snuggle as well, but I do imagine her wanting to hold your hand whenever you guys sleep and all.

Overall, she’s that tough on the outside, but soft on the inside and would keep an eye on you every now and then. I actually imagine if you go off somewhere that she’s find suspicious and dangerous(not cheating, but like if she have a feeling of someone trying to hurt you or take you cause demons and all), she’ll send one of her spider clan to keep an eye out from a distance and call her if anything does happen. She love you..she will not admit in public though..but she still love you. You’re her little demon partner and that’s what important

(I hope you enjoy this)

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1 year ago

If i wasn't a broke college student I'd sell even my sould for this, but alas i already sold my soul for college and even then I'm still in debt


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2 years ago

Okay so in my recent poll Macaque won (I see why tbh) but how bout the girls ?

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1 year ago
swokeeon - ŃĐŸĐŒĐžĐș

my work for a ruzine that unfortunately didn't happen

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2 years ago

Name Calling

Alan Keane from TAWOG is definitely a Lady Bone Demon kinnie and no one can convince me otherwise

This might become the first part to an au where “Everything is exactly the same but The Lady Bone Demon destroys everybody with facts and logic”

Name Calling

“You freak! You evil freak!”

The former queen shrieked, trying desperately to claw her way away from her imminent doom. She could scream as many names as she wanted, but there was no escaping her fate.

“You heartless witch!”

The Lady Bone Demon then stopped, turning the innocent dark eyes of her host to meet the Spider Queen’s frazzled form.

“Heartless?” She repeated. She hummed to herself, contemplating the accusation. “Perhaps.” She finally said. “No more so than you, I’d say, but perhaps.”

Th Spider Queen’s earlier gumption slowly faded away as the bone demoness drew closer. “Get away!” She yelled, but her face betrayed the authoritative tone, displaying nothing but utter horror, and the gravity of the situation had only just begun to settle in her gut.

The demoness crouched down, resting her hands on the queen’s shoulders. The coldness of her hands seemed to seep in through her broken armor like ice water. The queen shivered, but even through all her pride and ego, she knew that there was nothing she could do.

The Lady sighed, smile dropping. “This is the problem with the people of this world,” She mused, dragging her nail across the queen’s armored shoulder. “They prefer to rely on their hearts rather than their heads, tossing around abstract, unreasonable concepts like “heartlessness” as if it were confetti.”

The last word differed from the rest of her tone, a hostile sneer as she rose to her feet, golden leaf in hand.

She approached the cauldron, holding the petal in her hands as she gently blew on it, the wind guiding it into the eldritch stew. She folded her hands behind her back, turning to look at the queen.

“I know you are intelligent underneath all that armor, My queen. Perhaps if you had listened to your head instead of being greedy, selfish and ungrateful,” She turned back to glance at the fallen ruler, disdain clouding her eyes as they gleamed a wicked blue. “We would not be here, calling each other names.”

With that, The Spider Queen’s time was up.

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