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Hi, can I please have a reading about what’s coming for me ? General guidance thank you - FC 💗💖✨
Heyyy off course love!
So what I see for you is that there’s going to be some sort of revelation, some sort of download that will pull you out of a certain illusion or habit you have that isn’t serving you. You will definitely work more towards being more grounded in your approach and even work on building some sort of foundation. You could be revisiting some plans and I do see inner child healing, be prepared to do more shadow work because I see some sort of commitment coming your way, this seems like a love offering doesn’t have to be romantic but it could even be fixing broken relationships or new friendships coming your way too.
Hope this helps!
Love Luna ✨🌙
hey! i am new to your blog so i may not know your rules for asks (if it isn't in accordance, you can ignore this :))
my question is if i can get a reading on my first date with my fs and a little bit of their personality and behaviour??
my sun sign is libra and my initials are rv :)
Helloooo welcome! Let’s see what we get for you
So what I see is this person is very charismatic, fire and air energy but they prefer to be alone most of the times. They’re all for self development and could be pretty spiritual/religious they are very ambitious and creative, they just go for whatever they want and they get it. They’re great at manifesting. But their confidence is all on the surface, they seem to put a great front like that charismatic person that’s always happy and smiling but you can never tell they’re depressed, they’re really good at hiding their emotions and could even bottle up their emotions. How your first date will go, I see it going pretty well you both will help each other open up and I see communication between you guys flowing really well. Although I’d say be aware and don’t rush into things right away though give the relationship some time to bloom.
Hope this helps!
Love Luna ✨🌙
Now I’ve really not seen many people talk about this and I think like quincunxes need to be talked about more, this definitely needs to be talked about more in the Astro community.
So a yod is basically a formation in the natal chart, this is when 2 planets make a sextile to one another but both of those planets form an inconjunction/quincunx to one other planet. It’s shaped like an isosceles triangle. The two long opposite sides are the inconjunctions and the shorter side connected to the two longer sides is the sextile aspect.
The yod is also known as the “finger of god” or the “finger of fate.” I mentioned in my 2nd astro observations post that people that have a yod aspect in their birth chart feel like and really have a very specific calling in life, you see a common factor in many people that are remembered years and years after their death and they have this aspect. I can list a very specific example. Princess Diana.
Below is Princess Dianas birth chart

Now as you can see the 2 long green lines and the blue line between them forming an isosceles triangle. Theres so much that can be spoken of in her chart which also correlates so much to her in real life but the Yod really sticks out to me.
The Yod consists of her Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury. I've noted that the furthest planet represents the native and the 2 planets making a sextile aspect represent the parental figures or figures of authority in the natives life and aspects to those planets too can potentially explain a lot about the relationship. I'm not going to get too much into her relationships, I will just explain things more on a general level.
Having a yod in ones birth chart can imply having to deal with a lot of hardship and intensity from a young age but it also is an extremely strong and intense formation. These people usually leave their mark in the world. It also signifies talent.
Now Princess Diana's furthest planet is Jupiter which is in Aquarius in her 2nd house in retrograde. This kinda shook me lol because of how this resembles her so well.
Jupiter in Aquarius shows how much of a free spirit she was, she couldn't be tied down and i'm pretty sure we already know this. Her Jupiter shows her blessings coming through being a humanitarian and speaking her truth and again everyone knows her for her free spirit and her humanitarian nature. She has Jupiter in Aquarius in her 2nd house, this is the house of things that hold worth to us, including self esteem. That being said, it shows how helping others and her being unique and herself bought her great satisfaction and elevated her self esteem, also because of the presence of Jupiter there which brings abundance to whatever it touches. Her comfort was helping people.
Now talking about the quincunx aspect it makes to Pluto and mercury. Quincunx signifies tension because the 2 planets cant seem to find common ground because of the sign/house they are in.
Starting off with Pluto in her 8th house in Virgo. I think it will be safe to conclude with this aspect that her true nature may have been considered a "taboo" in the royal family, she may have been constantly criticised for the way she was, especially from her in laws as 8th house also rules the in laws and we already know how there were restrictions put on her, but she tried breaking them down and proved how much she really couldn't be tied down, they saw her as some sort of a threat and lets not forget her tragic, untimely death with that Pluto in the house that represents death itself, potentially linking to her true nature even.
Now moving onto Mercury in her 7th house in cancer, this to me shows how she potentially had to maintain a soft spoken, royalty type nature in front of the public which you can see she did but she wasn't able to hold back on how she really was and how she felt, at times you really can see it playing out. You can almost see her trying to force it down. Especially when she was lying to maintain some sort of image about something, it really sticks out.
The fact that her mercury is in retrograde and sextiles Pluto in virgo in her 8th house further implies how she struggled to voice her opinions in fear of receiving criticism (Pluto in Virgo), now that the 8th house also represents in laws, if we put the pieces together she was afraid of being criticised even punished by her in-laws. Therefore she remained silent. Her in laws seemed to have also triggered many transformations in her.
Her Jupiter in retrograde just shows how much of an old soul she was and she had an innate sense of morality and wisdom, but a lot of her true feelings were projected inwards because she couldn't project them outwards very much.
In all of this, her pure talent was the fact that she knew just how to fit right into peoples hearts, she managed to be that royal that everyone really looked up to and could proudly call a princess, just by being a free spirited and humanitarian soul.
To tie it all in, watching her interviews, to me the best thing she's said that resembles this whole analysis was in an interview with BBC when the interviewer asked her if she thinks she’ll ever be queen and her response was "I’d like to be the queen of peoples hearts, in peoples hearts, but I don't see myself being the queen of this country. I don't think many people will want me to be queen. Actually when I say many people, I mean the establishment that I married into because they have decided that i'm a non-starter" when the interviewer asked her "and why do you think they've decided that?" she flat out told him "Because I do things differently, because i don't go by a rule book, because I lead from the heart not from the head and albeit that's got me into trouble in my work and i understand that, but someones got to go out there and love people and show it" and that is exactly what she achieved in the end.
That is the end of my analysis, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed making it
Tell me what you guys think i'm always open to feedback : )
Till next time, see ya! ✌️
Love, Luna ✨🌙
Hey y’all welcome to my 4th observations post : )
These are simply my observations and they don’t have to resonate with everyone.
Anyhoo here we gooo : )
✨🌙 I’ve seen Leo moon women show people their emotions through styling their hair. As y’all should. Show them how it’s done 😌
✨🌙 Taurus Mars can be extremely stubborn when they firmly believe in something. It’s sometimes really frustrating trying to get them to think otherwise. Or make them see from another perspective.
✨🌙 Mutable Mercury I’ve noticed adapt into new ideas very quick. Not a surprise tbh.
✨🌙 I know so many people say water placements can be prone to drug addiction but have y’all ever seen water placements addicted to maladaptive daydreaming? It gets worse than drug addiction.
✨🌙 A lot of the times from what I’ve seen Virgo placements and hygiene is really true even if they don’t care much for it, they are usually surrounded by someone significant that makes them care about it.
✨🌙 I’ve seen people with prominent planets in the 18th degree actually go through a lot of suffering in their lives.
✨🌙 Libra sign/degree midheaven can really fantasise about working in the arts or being seen as creative and boujee.
✨🌙 Cancer placements can show emotions but once they mature they can be great at hiding their emotions. If they want to you can never truly know what’s exactly going on in their lives.
✨🌙 Aquarius moon can actually have very high standards for themselves and when they don’t meet it, they can really get depressed.
✨🌙 Taurus moons, their moods can change depending on the music they listen too. One minute they’re dancing the next crying. I know that happens to everyone but I’ve seen it take a lot of effect on Taurus moons in specific.
✨🌙 Black moon Lilith in gemini can be into open relationships.
✨🌙 I’ve seen so many Capricorn placements that can actually “play the part” to attract potential suitors. Seen it happen way too many times.
✨🌙 Venus in Capricorn can’t deal with immature or overly emotional partners for too long even if it’s an arranged marriage there’s a time when they get fed up of the constant emotional outbursts. That’s why a lot of them look for emotionally stable partners in the first place.
✨🌙 This Pluto sextile Neptune cycle really bought a revolution in spirituality and bought hidden knowledge out for the world to see. Especially when Neptune hit Aquarius.
✨🌙 Moon in Capricorn have a lot of “links.” Like for example if they’re a student I’ve noticed that these people know someone at least from every course lmao. Somehow these people sometimes really manage to get work cut out for them. Can y’all get my work cut out for me too lol?
✨🌙 Aries placements can be fierce and whatnot but have y’all seen these people in love? Damn they can be cornier than a water sign. It’s true and cute lol.
✨🌙 Also Aries placements especially Venus have the ability to bounce back quick from a heartbreak or they like to act like it doesn’t bother them. It doesn’t have to be in love just any type of heartbreak.
✨🌙 Libra sun y’all are so stylish man teach me your ways. Even when you don’t put much effort you manage to pull it off.
✨🌙 Truth be told, once cardinal signs put their mind to something, it’s really game over for others.
✨🌙 Mars conjunct Jupiter, these people usually have a lot of energy when they’re young. These are the types of people you’d see doing multiple sports on sports day.
✨🌙 Moon in 1st house can be great actors/actresses. They’re able to truly immerse themselves in the role and their expressions can be really on point.
✨🌙 Venus in Pisces/ Pisces degree/12th house love with their whole heart. Usually people, lovers or friends don’t forget these types of people easily. Their love is pure and unconditional.
✨🌙 I am pretty much convinced that Gemini placements can be extremely open minded and they generally accept everyone, or at least like to show they do.
✨🌙 Libras can be really social people I honestly believe that’s where the people pleasing thing comes from tbh.
✨🌙 Aries moon, your passion when it comes to things is truly inspiring.
✨🌙 Scorpio Venus would give up everything when they’re in love. Not all but I’ve seen it play out a lot with this aspect.
✨🌙 8th house placements or scorpio placements can be very prone to sleep paralysis. Stay protected y’all.
✨🌙 Also 8th house placements and scorpio placements tend to get strong reactions out of people a lot of the times. I’d definitely say it’s the plutonic influence.
✨🌙 Sagittarius Mercury, a lot of the ones I’ve met have voices that can be recognised from a mile away. But these people are great at voice impersonation lmao it’s honestly funny how accurate they can be.
That’s the end of my astro observations part 4 hope y’all enjoyed!
Once again let me know what you guys think : )
Till next time!
Love, Luna ✨🌙
Hey y’all welcome to my fifth astro observations post!
Just in case you don’t know I currently have a tarot and astrology giveaway going on that ends New Year’s Eve so enter whilst you can! ❤️
let’s beginnn! : )
✨🌙 In my previous astro observations I mentioned that Capricorn moon people have “links.” Now hear me out, I’ve seen this happen a lot and in my opinion the reason they have “links” is because of how they’ve had to grow up independent and so they learnt a lot of life skills whilst they were at it. The older they get the more practical those skills become so them knowing so many people can be due to them knowing how to play the game and how to grab favours from people. This can apply generally for Capricorn placements too.
✨🌙 I’ve always noticed natives with sun conjunct Pluto always have a sort of dark energy around them. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bad people but it’s like Pluto casts a shadow over these people. It’s interesting.
✨🌙 Neptune in 12th natal and transit can give extremely vivid dreams to the point where the native can remember it even weeks later without noting them down.
✨🌙 Chiron in Capricorn can make your bones crack lmao or even give weak bones or bone injuries etc. Also based on the house it’s in can be reasons or where your bones crack for example if it’s in 9th house, you could have a bone injury at school or it cracks during school time or when you’re doing school work lol. Hope that makes sense.
✨🌙 Neptune square moon can have a very emotionally volatile and bipolar mother.
✨🌙 Also harsh Uranus aspects to the moon, they too can have a very bipolar relationship to the mother figure in their life especially growing up
✨🌙 From what I’ve noted dissociation is closely linked with harsh aspects from Neptune, Uranus and moon. Really makes sense.
✨🌙 If your moon negatively aspects your Pluto, this could even apply to positive aspects but a lot of the times I’ve seen that these people grew up in dangerous and risky environments apart from the outer world, they’ve even seen their families act up very dangerously.
✨🌙 It’s interesting but Libra Mars women might tend to accumulate most of their weight on their breasts lol
✨🌙 Talking about breasts, Mars in Cancer/4th house can have some issues related to the breasts in one way or another especially because Mars represents physical power and it’s debilitated in cancer/4th house and cancer rules the breasts and stomach. So these people can have food sensitivities, bloat easily etc.
✨🌙 Ive seen Saturn opposite Pluto natives grow up in a very restricted, abusive and overprotective environment for a very long time.
✨🌙 If you ever make a Capricorn mc or a cardinal mc feel like they can’t achieve things in life as a form of mockery… karma literally makes them achieve everything you said they wouldn’t even if the native does not see it playing out themselves. Then later they look back and are like “damn that’s me?” 😏😌
✨🌙 Gemini/mutable humour is actually unmatched
✨🌙 Mars aspecting ascendent can shape your body depending on the sign Mars is in for example if it’s in Aries it can give you an athletic body or if it’s in cancer, then that would make your body lean more towards being curvaceous. It also depends what rising sign Mars is aspecting etc.
✨🌙 Having Mercury aspecting Saturn or Pluto especially harsh aspects can give you a more deeper voice or a very unique voice. I’ve also noticed people with this aspect can be insecure about their voices. A girl told me she thought she “sounded like a man” even though I couldn’t tell.
✨🌙 Neptune really does blur the lines and boundaries of whatever it touches. If it’s harshly aspecting a planet, reality can be like a rude awakening for these people but if it’s a soft aspect then these people can comfortably live in their imagination and it’s much harder to get them to leave their little world.
✨🌙 Neptune aspecting Sun can live different lives like have many facades. It doesn’t make them “fake” per say. It’s just they’re able to adapt to their surroundings really well depending on the vibe they get, and on top of that, they are very private people so they have their own ways of interacting with different types of people.
✨🌙 Water sun and water moon are extremely psychic. They really need to wake up to their abilities or life will force it out of them and from what I’ve seen definitely not in the best way possible. I’ve seen people have sleep paralysis because they kept ignoring their abilities.
✨🌙 I’ve read and noticed that having empty houses in your chart can indicate that you’ve already achieved those characteristics in past lives so this life you’re not very focused on them and tend to overlook them. Personally for me this is true as-well. For example if majority of your planets are in Capricorn/10th house, you’re more focussed on getting that bag, making yourself known/recognised, becoming influential etc.
✨🌙 Libra mercuries are very good with words. They are literal charmers. They can even roast you but make it sound poetic and charming and you’d never be able to tell lol.
✨🌙 Sag placements from what I’ve seen are usually are very extroverted and fun people to be around. Their interactions rarely look forced and awkward.
That’s it for now lol I was supposed to post this a while ago but I’ve been so busy. Hopefully y’all enjoyed it.
Till next time!
Love Luna! ✨🌙