Mercury Retrograde - Tumblr Posts

We have our new moon in Virgo just as Mercury, Virgo’s ruler, comes out of retrograde. It’s the most Virgo thing I’ve seen lol
🪐 Mercury Retrograde
✧ Jan 30th - Feb 20th 2021 ✧
Mercury is currently retrograde in the sign of Aquarius.
Mercury retrogrades are known for bringing issues with technology and communication. We could be feeling frustrated about not knowing how to express our emotions and feelings during this time.
Since Aquarius is the ruler of technology, we also can expect some extra issues when it comes to anything related to technological devices. So be extra careful when you are putting that coffee cup next to your laptop.
Retrogrades tell us to slow down and look back, so we can improve and become better, after the planet stations direct again.
Look at the house where Aquarius sits in your natal chart and consult the themes of that house - how can you become better in that specific area of life?
🪐 Watch out for:
overall miscommunication
unnecessary arguments and fights
issues with technological devices
hurting someones feelings without even realizing
update: it’s mercury
which fucking planet is in retrograde bc i stg my whole fam is acting weird
I know you're joking when yall are saying
"MeRcUrY iS iN the MiCrOwAvE AgAiN"
But like it's REALLY HOT OUTSIDE maybe we should check on that.

Mercury retrograde is over!
Ok quick talk but,
I'm so curious with the 8.8 Lion's Gate Portal situation because I'm not getting it rn (or probably it's because of mercury Rx but it has been harsh not only for mutables) but STILL
Everything has been in full blown💨💨 ✨️chaos✨️ this month for a lot of people like????
WHAT.👏🏻 IS.👏🏻 GOING.👏🏻 ON.👏🏻
*exhaustion has entered the chat*

Now I’ve really not seen many people talk about this and I think like quincunxes need to be talked about more, this definitely needs to be talked about more in the Astro community.
So a yod is basically a formation in the natal chart, this is when 2 planets make a sextile to one another but both of those planets form an inconjunction/quincunx to one other planet. It’s shaped like an isosceles triangle. The two long opposite sides are the inconjunctions and the shorter side connected to the two longer sides is the sextile aspect.
The yod is also known as the “finger of god” or the “finger of fate.” I mentioned in my 2nd astro observations post that people that have a yod aspect in their birth chart feel like and really have a very specific calling in life, you see a common factor in many people that are remembered years and years after their death and they have this aspect. I can list a very specific example. Princess Diana.
Below is Princess Dianas birth chart

Now as you can see the 2 long green lines and the blue line between them forming an isosceles triangle. Theres so much that can be spoken of in her chart which also correlates so much to her in real life but the Yod really sticks out to me.
The Yod consists of her Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury. I've noted that the furthest planet represents the native and the 2 planets making a sextile aspect represent the parental figures or figures of authority in the natives life and aspects to those planets too can potentially explain a lot about the relationship. I'm not going to get too much into her relationships, I will just explain things more on a general level.
Having a yod in ones birth chart can imply having to deal with a lot of hardship and intensity from a young age but it also is an extremely strong and intense formation. These people usually leave their mark in the world. It also signifies talent.
Now Princess Diana's furthest planet is Jupiter which is in Aquarius in her 2nd house in retrograde. This kinda shook me lol because of how this resembles her so well.
Jupiter in Aquarius shows how much of a free spirit she was, she couldn't be tied down and i'm pretty sure we already know this. Her Jupiter shows her blessings coming through being a humanitarian and speaking her truth and again everyone knows her for her free spirit and her humanitarian nature. She has Jupiter in Aquarius in her 2nd house, this is the house of things that hold worth to us, including self esteem. That being said, it shows how helping others and her being unique and herself bought her great satisfaction and elevated her self esteem, also because of the presence of Jupiter there which brings abundance to whatever it touches. Her comfort was helping people.
Now talking about the quincunx aspect it makes to Pluto and mercury. Quincunx signifies tension because the 2 planets cant seem to find common ground because of the sign/house they are in.
Starting off with Pluto in her 8th house in Virgo. I think it will be safe to conclude with this aspect that her true nature may have been considered a "taboo" in the royal family, she may have been constantly criticised for the way she was, especially from her in laws as 8th house also rules the in laws and we already know how there were restrictions put on her, but she tried breaking them down and proved how much she really couldn't be tied down, they saw her as some sort of a threat and lets not forget her tragic, untimely death with that Pluto in the house that represents death itself, potentially linking to her true nature even.
Now moving onto Mercury in her 7th house in cancer, this to me shows how she potentially had to maintain a soft spoken, royalty type nature in front of the public which you can see she did but she wasn't able to hold back on how she really was and how she felt, at times you really can see it playing out. You can almost see her trying to force it down. Especially when she was lying to maintain some sort of image about something, it really sticks out.
The fact that her mercury is in retrograde and sextiles Pluto in virgo in her 8th house further implies how she struggled to voice her opinions in fear of receiving criticism (Pluto in Virgo), now that the 8th house also represents in laws, if we put the pieces together she was afraid of being criticised even punished by her in-laws. Therefore she remained silent. Her in laws seemed to have also triggered many transformations in her.
Her Jupiter in retrograde just shows how much of an old soul she was and she had an innate sense of morality and wisdom, but a lot of her true feelings were projected inwards because she couldn't project them outwards very much.
In all of this, her pure talent was the fact that she knew just how to fit right into peoples hearts, she managed to be that royal that everyone really looked up to and could proudly call a princess, just by being a free spirited and humanitarian soul.
To tie it all in, watching her interviews, to me the best thing she's said that resembles this whole analysis was in an interview with BBC when the interviewer asked her if she thinks she’ll ever be queen and her response was "I’d like to be the queen of peoples hearts, in peoples hearts, but I don't see myself being the queen of this country. I don't think many people will want me to be queen. Actually when I say many people, I mean the establishment that I married into because they have decided that i'm a non-starter" when the interviewer asked her "and why do you think they've decided that?" she flat out told him "Because I do things differently, because i don't go by a rule book, because I lead from the heart not from the head and albeit that's got me into trouble in my work and i understand that, but someones got to go out there and love people and show it" and that is exactly what she achieved in the end.
That is the end of my analysis, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed making it
Tell me what you guys think i'm always open to feedback : )
Till next time, see ya! ✌️
Love, Luna ✨🌙
Hello! Do you mind if I ask something about mercury retrograde?
I know a lot of us on tumblr are affected by this retrograde. However, in real life, I only observed one of my friend affected by this retrograde beside me and he usually behave mercurial (so I suspect he has mercurialeffect in his natal chart), other people (whose behavior are not mercurial in my perspective) are still so chill and what they do still run smoothly without any hurry, like there is nothing going on at all. Does it affect people with heavy mercurial natal chart more?
I literally ran back and forth during this period, to pick up forgotten things twice, my go to printing store is closed when I'm 15 minutes due so I had to go quickly to the other store (weird thing is that I can sense it will be closed temporarily when I need it, three hours before).
Anyway that's all. Thank you ahead of time!
Hello ,
I'm honestly not someone who relies much on rising house system i'd rather check my moon sign and ofc the planet that's retrograding, cause moon is inward and my chart is heavy on water and fire , as someone who have natal retrograde planets myself i have noticed this in other people too that we are not that affected as everyone else .
And yeah if the influence of the retrograde planet is strong in one's chart then only it effects them with much intensity , i'm a leo mercury and my mercury sits in 8th house so i noticed that i'm having a hard time expressing myself and a lot of stressful thought's are reacurring so it effects everyone differently for some it could be overt for some its covert , my friend we were on a call and i was discussing how its so ridiculous that for the first time so many things are moving weird and she's a virgo rising she didn't noticed any big changes and i was a little confused because virgo's rulling planet is mercury then out of curiosity i checked her chart and her 3 dominant planets were sun , mars and venus ... lmao no wonder she's chilling
It could be different for all , i make mars-mercury , 1h neptune, pluto-mercury aspect and yeah i could get a little frustrated and stressful .
For eg- kanye west
His mercury is in taurus /11th house and he's been making headlines with his recent tweet i mean he always does but this time it involves a big artist ,its publicly so he does want others validation and he's a moon dom too his actions are purely based in the moment & is derived by internal emotions so it could show up different for everyone it doesn't have to be the basic i forgot my file or i word vomit .
I made post abt venus retrograde too where i explained it won't be usual if you cut your hairs it wont end well , it could be more and can show up in your personal relationship so yep also many people miss this but only planetary doms(not rulling but dominant planets) are effected the most , as for your friend he's mercurial rulled , he could be a dom *most people are their big3 dominans * + his personal planets could be effected or his natal aspects could be closely conjucted .
And for some like me and our tumblr gang usual mercury things , difficulty with editing,how i didn't received your ask notification and stuff , i also noticed how cap placements are having difficulties in their daily life i mean ofc its retrograding in cap but still .

a few things i noticed and want to share about the mercury retrograde™
(im not a professional so these may be incorrect. i will utilize every piece of constructive criticism anyone may make to better myself after i whine about it in my diary)
1) ive observed that people who have many plantes (3+) natally in retrograde don't get too affected by retrogrades when they happen because they're used to that energy, if that makes sense. plus, i can confirm this myself as i have 4 planets in retrograde in my natal chart (for those who are curious, it's not fun)
2) i assume that we've all heard at some point that you shouldn't sign papers during a mercury retrograde and that's actually true. but have you ever wondered why? ive thought about this and ive come to this conclusion;
mercury rules communication in general, right? and writing is also a form of communication as it's.. well.. words. when mercury is in retrograde communication goes 'bleh' and misunderstandings happen. but another thing is you can misread or misinterpret a paper and sign it without actually understanding what it says. this could make a big mess if one's not careful so.. be careful lol
3) this is just an observation so take it with a grain of salt BUT people who were born during a mercury retrograde sometimes say the same things/apologize over and over again but other than that, they are really fun and easy going, at least in my experience
im awkward when i need to finish a post and i kinda don't know what to write here and im just rambling now ugh-
*takes deep breath*
hope this post thingy helped you in some way k bye

✨📖Noor, goddess of knowledge📖✨
Mercury Retrograde: Unveiling the Mysteries of Cosmic Chaos
Shaina Tranquilino
September 6, 2023

When it comes to astrology, few events stir as much anticipation and trepidation as Mercury retrograde. This celestial phenomenon has gained a reputation for causing communication mishaps, technological glitches, and general chaos in our lives. But what exactly is mercury retrograde, and why does it hold such intrigue? In this blog post, we delve into the mysteries surrounding this cosmic event to provide you with a deeper understanding.
Understanding Mercury Retrograde
Mercury retrograde refers to a three-week period when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit from our perspective on Earth. Although this appearance is an optical illusion caused by the varying speeds at which planets revolve around the Sun, its impact on our lives cannot be underestimated.
Communication Challenges
One of the most notable effects of Mercury retrograde lies in its influence over communication. During this time, misunderstandings, miscommunications, and delays seem to become more prevalent. Emails can get lost in cyberspace, messages may be misconstrued, and important conversations might turn awry. It is crucial during these periods to exercise patience and clarity while communicating with others.
Technological Turmoil
In addition to affecting interpersonal communication, Mercury retrograde also seems to have a knack for disrupting technology. Be prepared for your phone freezing unexpectedly or experiencing inexplicable malfunctions with your computer. While frustrating at times, taking precautions such as backing up files and updating software prior to a retrograde phase can mitigate potential issues.
Traveling Troubles
Many individuals attribute their travel woes – missed flights, lost luggage, or unexpected detours – to Mercury's apparent backward motion during retrograde periods. While there isn't scientific evidence supporting these claims, acknowledging that challenges may arise during travel plans can help us remain adaptable and less stressed if unforeseen circumstances occur.
Introspection & Reflection
While mercury retrograde has a reputation for causing chaos, it also offers an opportunity for introspection and reflection. This period encourages us to slow down, review our past actions, and reassess our plans and goals. It is a time for self-reflection, allowing us to identify areas in our lives that require attention or adjustments.
Navigating Mercury Retrograde
Rather than becoming overwhelmed by the potential pitfalls associated with mercury retrograde, we can adopt strategies to navigate this phase more smoothly:
1. Practice Mindfulness: By being conscious of our thoughts and actions during this time, we can minimize impulsive decisions or hasty responses.
2. Double-Check Details: To avoid misunderstandings or mishaps, double-check important documents, emails, and texts before sending them out.
3. Embrace Flexibility: As challenges arise unexpectedly, remember to remain adaptable and open-minded. Sometimes the universe has different plans for us.
4. Self-Care Routine: Utilize this period as an opportunity for self-care – engage in activities such as meditation, journaling, or spending quality time with loved ones.
Mercury retrograde may have its share of challenges and cosmic mysteries, but it doesn't necessarily need to be feared. Understanding its effects on communication, technology, and travel empowers us to prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally during these periods. By embracing adaptability and taking advantage of the reflective opportunities offered by mercury retrograde, we can transform what could be perceived as chaos into personal growth and development.

when taurus’s are most affected and I’m a taurus😭😭