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Astrology Observations and Theories : Honorary Exalted Signs

Exalt in Astrology is when a planet is at it's best in a sign that it doesn't rule. For Example, the Moon is exalted in Taurus because, outside of Cancer ( The Moon rules Cancer ), Taurus is the biggest home body in the Zodiac. They are all about comfortability and being stable, which the Moon likes and is all about.
So almost all the planets' are exalted in a sign, except Uranus, Neptune and Pluto ( Mercury is up for debate ). Here are the planets that have an exalt sign.
The Sun is exalted in Aries
The Moon is exalted in Taurus
Mercury is exalted in Virgo (Idk why and idk if it is, cuz they rule it already)
Venus is exalted in Pisces
Mars is exalted in Capricorn
Jupiter is exalted in Cancer
Saturn is exalted in Libra
These are all the planets with exalts that everyone knows. But I feel like all the planets can be exalted and do very well in other signs too. which I'm going to give a sign for each planet then a reason for why I think it does so well in that planet.

The Sun Co Exalted in Taurus
While Taurus can be all about luxury and being secure, have you ever really met an insecure Taurus before? Lol. The Sun has to do with ego, the self, and our goals. All of which I feel Sun in Taurus people will almoat always have. Usually it's 'my way or the highway' with these people, but to a less agressive and in-your-face degree than their exalt Martian counterpart, Aries. And more of in a charming, Venusian way. They KNOW their worth and aren't willing to stoop to anything less. But they can be unmovable in opinion and belief sometimes, and but are still willing to hear you out SOMETIMES. Prone to indulging themselves a lot.
Moon Co Exalted in Aries
The Moon is our emotions, how we feel, what we're comfortable with, and our inner needs. Here, Aries isn't trying to hide or supress their emotions. They're usually very open about how they feel. How they say they feel is likely how they feel, no hidden meanings. I feel like people don't give this placement enough credit. Aries here won't focus as much of their energy on others needs and emotions to the point it exhausts them, however they can still relate to you. With them being so honest and open, if they've ever felt what you're feeling about something, they will validate your feeling and emotions by explaining a similar thing they experienced. They can be blunt with others, but more importantly, with themselves. They won't sugercoat anything if there's an issue they have and will probably try to solve it.
Mercury Co Exalted in Libra
Mercury is all about communication, the mindset we have, and what are reoccuring topics when conversing with you. Libra is a peoples' person kind of sign. Libra Mercury natives love to share and hear peoples stories and they love to share other peoples stories too. The words just flow from them naturally, silky smooth like honey. They can be very charming with their words and they always think before they speak because they know how words can affect people. Libra, the sign of partner ships, negotiation and sharing does very well in the planet of communication, thinking, and how we express ourselves.
Venus Co Exalted in Leo
Venus is a planet all about relationships, luxury, how we indulge, and how we spend our money. Like Taurus, Leos like to indulge; in themselves and in others. Leo's passion, creativity and pride seeps out and into others, making them a joy to be around. Like a typical Venusian, they can be generous and vain at the same time. There's never a dull moment with people like these and by the end the day they know how to settle down and chill too. Leos are lions, and like lions, they have their pride of people they always hang out with. Which coincides with Venus's relationship nature. Plus, Venus Leo natives are the ones to go big or go home, they like indulge on luxurious things too like a Venusian would.
Mars Co Exalted in Gemini
Mars is a planet energy, action and passion, so for some it may come as a suprise that Gemini actually does very well in this planet but it makes sense because Gemini, while not as fiery as an Aries or Leo, is still a highly energetic ans bubbly sign. Gemini can jump from topic to topic, person to person and interest to interest at a very fast rate because of their constant need for stimuli. And here, Mars is supplying energy to a sign that uses a lot of energy, so it's a symbiotic relationship between planet and sign. This is a placement that is tireless and always on the move, just how Mars likes it.
Jupiter Co Exalted in Aquarius
Jupiter is the planet of travel, philosophy, and beliefs. Which is why I think it does well in Aquarius, because this sign is well known for it's humanitarian views and constantly pushing to revolutionize society. Like Sagittarius ( and by extension Jupiter ), Aquarius are more susceptible to being open minded. They're always trying to understand the world, and most importantly, the people around them. They can do this by travel and connecting with people. Which will satiate the questions they have about people, cultures, and life in general. They attract luck by connecting communities and trying to see both sides of the same coin in anything, much like a typical Jupitarian.
Saturn Co Exalted in Virgo
The main themes for Saturn are Discipline, Life Lessons, and Reputation. And Virgo, Like Capricorn (Domicile) and Libra (Exalt), this placement will always try to be nothing short of perfect. This placement cares a lot about how they present themselves to others, and more importantly, themselves. Virgo is a sign notorious for being judgemental and perfection, but how they judge others is 10 times worse when judging themselves. This is a very disciplined placement. This placement indicates being VERY self aware of your flaws and problems, and having the power to develop into a better version of over time if you're always honest with yourself, about yourself.

Possible Planetary Exalts
I'm not sure why Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto don't have an official exalt. But I'm here to do them justice. These aren't the official ones, but my own speculation and theories 💕
Uranus Exalted in Scorpio
Uranus represents how our generation rebels against previous traditions and societal expectations, what boundaries of the previous generations we push. Which is why Scorpio, the sign literally known for the taboo and being misunderstood would work so well in this planet. During times with this placement, Society may go through many huge changes in the political and social world. A point in time where we break many societal stereotypes, barriers and push to make the taboo the status quo. A highly transformative period, will likely be filled with many controversies and issues, but in the end, will help better our society. After all, theres no rainbow without rain.
Neptune Exalted in Sagittarius
Known as the planet of dreams, hopes, the unconscious, how our generation thinks, and how we're delusional, Neptune surprisingly does very well in Sagittarius. This placement is about a generation that makes their dreams come true. These are people with vivid and abstract thoughts, and know how to put them into action. A placement that isn't afraid of trial and error until they achieve their dreams, and can also indicate being a trendsetter. Because of Sagittarius' constant exploration and truth seeking nature, it can kind of negate Neptune's delusional, cloudy nature, making this a generation that is very self aware and good at disecting others and themselves.
Pluto Exalted in Pisces
Pluto represents a generation's power, how we transform society in our era, what legacy we leave behind as a generation. And Pluto in Pisces represents a generation that pours it's power into making our society into a more empathetic and connected place. Here in this placement, Pisces' many hopes and dreams give Pluto an outlet to pour their power into. Marking an era where many people pursue their visions for the world, become more accepting of others and put their creativity to use.

💕 Masterlist 💕
Now I’ve really not seen many people talk about this and I think like quincunxes need to be talked about more, this definitely needs to be talked about more in the Astro community.
So a yod is basically a formation in the natal chart, this is when 2 planets make a sextile to one another but both of those planets form an inconjunction/quincunx to one other planet. It’s shaped like an isosceles triangle. The two long opposite sides are the inconjunctions and the shorter side connected to the two longer sides is the sextile aspect.
The yod is also known as the “finger of god” or the “finger of fate.” I mentioned in my 2nd astro observations post that people that have a yod aspect in their birth chart feel like and really have a very specific calling in life, you see a common factor in many people that are remembered years and years after their death and they have this aspect. I can list a very specific example. Princess Diana.
Below is Princess Dianas birth chart

Now as you can see the 2 long green lines and the blue line between them forming an isosceles triangle. Theres so much that can be spoken of in her chart which also correlates so much to her in real life but the Yod really sticks out to me.
The Yod consists of her Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury. I've noted that the furthest planet represents the native and the 2 planets making a sextile aspect represent the parental figures or figures of authority in the natives life and aspects to those planets too can potentially explain a lot about the relationship. I'm not going to get too much into her relationships, I will just explain things more on a general level.
Having a yod in ones birth chart can imply having to deal with a lot of hardship and intensity from a young age but it also is an extremely strong and intense formation. These people usually leave their mark in the world. It also signifies talent.
Now Princess Diana's furthest planet is Jupiter which is in Aquarius in her 2nd house in retrograde. This kinda shook me lol because of how this resembles her so well.
Jupiter in Aquarius shows how much of a free spirit she was, she couldn't be tied down and i'm pretty sure we already know this. Her Jupiter shows her blessings coming through being a humanitarian and speaking her truth and again everyone knows her for her free spirit and her humanitarian nature. She has Jupiter in Aquarius in her 2nd house, this is the house of things that hold worth to us, including self esteem. That being said, it shows how helping others and her being unique and herself bought her great satisfaction and elevated her self esteem, also because of the presence of Jupiter there which brings abundance to whatever it touches. Her comfort was helping people.
Now talking about the quincunx aspect it makes to Pluto and mercury. Quincunx signifies tension because the 2 planets cant seem to find common ground because of the sign/house they are in.
Starting off with Pluto in her 8th house in Virgo. I think it will be safe to conclude with this aspect that her true nature may have been considered a "taboo" in the royal family, she may have been constantly criticised for the way she was, especially from her in laws as 8th house also rules the in laws and we already know how there were restrictions put on her, but she tried breaking them down and proved how much she really couldn't be tied down, they saw her as some sort of a threat and lets not forget her tragic, untimely death with that Pluto in the house that represents death itself, potentially linking to her true nature even.
Now moving onto Mercury in her 7th house in cancer, this to me shows how she potentially had to maintain a soft spoken, royalty type nature in front of the public which you can see she did but she wasn't able to hold back on how she really was and how she felt, at times you really can see it playing out. You can almost see her trying to force it down. Especially when she was lying to maintain some sort of image about something, it really sticks out.
The fact that her mercury is in retrograde and sextiles Pluto in virgo in her 8th house further implies how she struggled to voice her opinions in fear of receiving criticism (Pluto in Virgo), now that the 8th house also represents in laws, if we put the pieces together she was afraid of being criticised even punished by her in-laws. Therefore she remained silent. Her in laws seemed to have also triggered many transformations in her.
Her Jupiter in retrograde just shows how much of an old soul she was and she had an innate sense of morality and wisdom, but a lot of her true feelings were projected inwards because she couldn't project them outwards very much.
In all of this, her pure talent was the fact that she knew just how to fit right into peoples hearts, she managed to be that royal that everyone really looked up to and could proudly call a princess, just by being a free spirited and humanitarian soul.
To tie it all in, watching her interviews, to me the best thing she's said that resembles this whole analysis was in an interview with BBC when the interviewer asked her if she thinks she’ll ever be queen and her response was "I’d like to be the queen of peoples hearts, in peoples hearts, but I don't see myself being the queen of this country. I don't think many people will want me to be queen. Actually when I say many people, I mean the establishment that I married into because they have decided that i'm a non-starter" when the interviewer asked her "and why do you think they've decided that?" she flat out told him "Because I do things differently, because i don't go by a rule book, because I lead from the heart not from the head and albeit that's got me into trouble in my work and i understand that, but someones got to go out there and love people and show it" and that is exactly what she achieved in the end.
That is the end of my analysis, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed making it
Tell me what you guys think i'm always open to feedback : )
Till next time, see ya! ✌️
Love, Luna ✨🌙
Venus conjunction Jupiter culture? thank you for your time! ♥♥
💝having HUGE hearts
💝over-indulging themselves, always doing something pleasurable
💝spending money like it grows on trees
💝living beyond their means
💝thinking too highly of their loved ones
💝loving Christmas and birthdays bc they love to give and receive gifts
💝needing a fun and humorous partner
💝drawing hearts around names of boys/girls on their notebooks in school