Mj Jones - Tumblr Posts
I just saw the new Spiderman movie, and uh, all i have to say is uh, TEARS

Three teenagers harass a man from 2004
Based on this And this version which I saw first

Spider-Man: No Way Home - Troubled Birds Vol.1
Part 2
Plane Ride | P.P.
Peter Parker x Reader
summary: Reader believes that Peter has a crush on MJ, but a plane ride to Europe might change reader’s mind.
genre: fluff
warnings: kissing?
total word count: 759
A/N: this is an image i had on my wattpad account that i thought tumblr might like. Hope you like and enjoy!

You were lucky enough to go on the European with your best friend, MJ.
No one knew your secret reason of why you really went on this trip though. Other than MJ, of course.
The secret was that you liked Peter. Peter Parker to be exact.
When you heard you could with Peter on the European trip, you had to take it. Plus it would be fun!
So that's how you ended up waiting at an airport with your head on MJ's lap. You got hungry and decided to get something from the vending machine.
"I'll be back M." You said. She responded with a quick nod of her head, not looking away from her book. When you got there, there was a bit of a line, but you didn't mind because you had a lot of time to waste.
When you finally got to the front of the line you were alone. As you were getting your M&M, you heard a noise behind you. You quickly turned around dropping your M&M's.
"Oh um, sorry!" It was Peter "Let me help you." he bent down and grabbed it. He handed it to you, touching your hand in the process. Both of you pulled away quickly. Not from disgust but because the tingles you both got from it.
He looked back up from his hand, right into your eyes. "Your face is red" He said in a low voice. Your face heated up even more.
"Y-Ya. Y'know it's j-just hot in here, better go back to Mj she is probably worried." He watched you leave the hall.
You were boarding the plane now. Everyone had a seat and it was jam packed. Mj sat next to Betty so you had to find another seat next to Brad. Which was weird because before the snap he was a kid compared to you.
See when the snap happened you got dusted, but Brad didn't. So while you slept, kinda, for 5 years he grew into, i guess, a man?
You guys didn't talk much for awhile until everyone started to moving seats. "What's happening?" You asked looking around at everyone switching.
"Don't know" He quickly responded getting up from his seat. Betty came up to him and suddenly he was gone sitting next to Mj. Well that went great. You sat alone for only a minute feeling sorry for yourself.
You felt someone sit next to you. It's probably just Ned or some other student. You kept looking out the window tell something poked your shoulder.
You turned and saw Peter next to you. "Hi" He said, more of whispered "Sorry, everyone moved seats and i got put here. I mean not that i don't want to sit next to you. I mean i- never mind"
"It's alright i understand." You said sadly. You always thought he liked Mj, but you never said anything.
He looked at you for a second before looking at the screen on the seat. He started playing a movie, which you recognized as 'Iron Man'. You started watching it too, it was hard because you couldn't hear it.
Peter looked at you trying to see the screen and make out words. He took out one earbud and moved a piece of your hair moving it to the side. Then he put the earbud in.
It startled you, when you turned you saw him staring at you. Close. He was very close.
He started to lean in. You didn't know what to do so you just sat there. Your noises were touching. Then, his lips met yours. They were soft and gentle. It got more heated and you had to break the kiss to get a breath.
After the kiss he smiled and gave you a peck on the cheek. Before standing up, heading towards the bathroom.
He had kissed you. The girl who he had liked since elementary school. He went into the bathroom and leaned against the door. After awhile of doing a little happy dance, he looked mirror, fixed his hair, and went to sit next to his crush for the whole trip to Europe and more.
Shuri: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Peter: 'Prettiest Smile'
Ned: 'Nicest Personality'
MJ: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
Y/N: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'