Ml Theories - Tumblr Posts
Miraculous ladybug tumblr!
I need your help!
Does anyone remember having heard before or remember the episode in which Chat Noir had said something along the lines of
"yeah, I wouldn't want to do that anyway"
"yeah, I prefer not to do that"
"Yeah, I'll leave that up to you"
in regards to Ladybug being the leader/planner of the team? I am sure of heard something like that before but I can't remember where.
Please help, it would be appreciated. Thank you!
Please reblog to bring attention to this.
I tried searching for a couple of text posts from a couple of months ago (all literally like from April or May) that I wanted to save now that I have an account, but so far, after a LONG time (started looking for them in early June), I was able to find only one of them.
I've tried looking for the other posts through various methods, both on tumblr and off it, yet I still can't find them.
I do not know if those posts can even show up in the tumblr search engine now because of their age.
How I went about trying to find the posts was putting in the appropriate tags that the post was most probable to be under and scrolling as far back as I can (under top and text) and checking the timestamps of some posts along the way to see if I had scrolled back too far. I would also find a blog that was somewhat dedicated to theories and analyses and search for the posts I wanted their blog to see if they had either authored the post or reblogged it. This is how I found one of the posts I was looking for.
Sometimes when I tried to search through tags and scroll back far, I was not allowed to scroll past a certain point (even though I know that tag had been used for years and still had a lot more posts on it).
Just please fix this tumblr.
Fix what I mentioned in the last paragraph of my post and allow us to use the search engine to be able to simultaneously search with tags and search about the text written on the actual post!
Also, give us a free, optional feature (that can be turned on and off) that allows us to be able to use the search engine to search for text found within a post!
I know it can already be done on someone's blog, but please try to make a feature that would work in a general search.
Can't believe Tumblr jumped to a paid subscription service before making a competent search feature
Its so annoying I hate how some do this and go against what has been established in the show and justs makes for confusion. I 100% agree with @chatblancismyfursona on this one.
For anyone confused regarding the cataclysm that hit Adrien;

If Emilie kicked the bucket, he could still survive—Adrien’s life isn’t contingent on hers.

Adrien has been locked up in his home for nearly his whole life where all the decisions have been made for him!
You don't think maybe he wants to go out and explore the world, do something, work at something for himself? To be OUT THERE, working/helping/doing good?
He already enjoys going out and helping people as cat noir, plus we know that he has a natural instinct to help others so I don't believe he'd be content just sitting around while others are in need.
I hate when people do this, believing Marinette should become the breadwinner of the family and Adrien the househusband simply for the sake of inverting gender tropes.
Both characters have been shown to want to be out in the world, one of the things they have in common is that they're not going to sit around or run away when there is danger.
idk why but it kinda rubs me the wrong way when people say adrien is gonna be a household husband??
don't you think he deserves to find himself, his true passion and be happy with his work alongside feeling useful?
No because I know episode 5 is technically filler, I hope its not "useless filler" and actually contributes something to the series, like world development, some kind of character development, or maybe a message that needs to be told or something.
Hopefully we see some of the effects of Umbrella scene 2 on Marinette and Adrien because that scene felt a little underwhelming, especially after seeing everyone losing their minds over it on the internet.
I know that the Umbrella Scene 2 was supposed to mainly showcase how Marinette was taking Alya's advice (I think the theme of ep 4), listening to Kagami, show the friendship of Adrienette, as well subtly show the control Gabriel still has over Adrien (all of these which are very good points), considering what we have seen throughout Mr Pigeon 72, and how the fandom lost their minds in regards to seeing U.S.2 as romantic Adrienette development, I just don't really see why umbrella scene 2 was so significant in regards to romantic Adrienette development and felt the payoff for it at the end of the episode sort of lacked in that area.
Like I said earlier, I want to see some effects of Umbrella Scene 2 in Psychocomedian, whether it be platonic or romantic, though I hope its mostly platonic with some romance between Marinette and Adrien.
And expanding further, it would be cool to see the effects of the Umbrella Scene 2 on them individually, it doesn't really have to relate all that much to the other idk.
I know I have rambled but I tried to explain my feelings on this matter.
I also want to see Psychocomedian before the final episodes air because I am afraid it would hold no importance at all to the season
poor psychomedian no one cares about that episode anymore lmao

I want this to happen so bad now and love your tags
You fools. You absolute morons.
If you think Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste are going to date post reveal, you’re wrong.
Clearly, they will date in their civilian identities when Adrien tries to move on from Ladybug, but Marinette will break it off because she discovers she loves Chat.
Then, ladybug will confess to a heartbroken chat noir and they will date as superheroes, which Chat will break off because he still loves Marinette.
THEN, Chat and Mari won’t date eachother because that whole superhero and civilian thing won’t work out. And then Mari and Adrien find that they also still love their old crushes.
Chaos ensues. It’s ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. And until they reach this point, the reveal won’t happen. As this is when they love both sides of eachother and this is where the writing will peak.
Mari and Adrien will be a mess in trying to decide. And the reveal will wrap it up in a nice little bow :)
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
And no I will not take constructive criticism.
I like what you have to say and I'd like to include my thoughts on Felix Chat Noir.
Actual question for y’all: is there any official confirmation that the leaked Catwalker concept art is for the villain of episode 23, Kuro Neko, whose name was changed? Or is that an assumption made by unofficial sources spreading the art around? And is there any confirmation that the character will appear in episode 23?

My first thought upon seeing this was “Felix”. Like he took the miraculous from whoever had it last and used it himself. My first reaction to the name “Catwalker” was like “skinwalker” which reminded me of the evil impostor act Felix pulled in season three, but then I realized that that was pretty dumb since that’s probably not what “Catwalker” is a play on. Plus, if Felix kept going with the impostor thing, why not make himself look more like Chat Noir? I get changing the design so that young viewers aren’t confused but the characters are due to in-universe magic, but I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. What does support it being Felix is that he’s supposed to appear in three episodes this season, all three of which we’re yet to see, and when this art (censor-blurred) was leaked in Lindalee Rose’s video, most people jumped to Cat!Felix.
My second thought: whoever this is is trying way too hard to look like Adrien.
I think my favorite theory, true or not, is that this is literally just Adrien again. For some reason, he loses his miraculous. Gabriel gets it in Ephemeral, but maybe Ladybug gets it back without permanently learning Chat’s identity, and needs to choose a new cat in an emergency, so she chooses Adrien. Maybe she does it because of her crush, or maybe Luka’s trying to lowkey push her, but Adrien thinks he can’t reveal himself, so he redesigns his hero persona. This leads to him having his bangs cut a lot more like his civilian self, and his name, Catwalker, being a pun on his modeling job. He chooses surface level traits that Ladybug would know about the famous Adrien Agreste to hide that he’s actually Chat Noir. My doubt here is that the pose of that 2D concept art is different from both his Adrien concept art pose and his Chat one. The concept artists typically reuse bases for the same characters, and I don’t recognize this one, although I haven’t seen many characters’ art.
There’s a popular theory going around that this is the “new visitor from the future” Winny mentioned once, and that he’s one of the future Adrienette boys. That theory is pretty cute and interesting, but this character’s face looks exactly like Adrien/Felix’s, and the character designers are pretty good at not making kids clones of their parents. Plus, if Adrien doesn’t want anything to do with modeling when he grows up, what would make his kid be “Catwalker”? I’m pretty curious about the visitor, but I’m not sure this is it. I don’t think this is future Adrien either, because he looks young and, once again, is trying very hard to resemble surface-level present Adrien.
About Kuro Neko
I’m not giving up on the sentimonster idea because the Zag influencers have said time and time again that Kuro Neko is the villain of the episode, just like every other “name” episode title in the show. If Catwalker really did get changed to Kuro Neko, he’d have to be evil, excluding the future-son-coming-to-help-theory or him being Adrien, unless Gabriel gave him the miraculous he stole and is forcing him to follow his evil plan.
This, or Cat!Felix, would be really interesting imo, and I’d love to see some angst and big brain plays. But as many have asked, why the Japanese name? This guy seems to be white, and there’s no component of Catwalker’s design that references anything Japanese.
What do have Japanese names are Mayura’s sentis this season. Optigami and Hack-San were both pretty smart plans, all thanks to her. My headcanon is that she’s been taking Japanese on Duolingo while on bed rest lmao. What also ties into Japanese culture is this character who was spoiled in a Miraculous World video, which reminds many people of a Japanese lucky cat figurine.

I’m pretty intrigued by the spoiled models all around, and I love reading everyone’s ideas. Lmk if anyone would like analysis posts about any of the other leaks, but right now I mostly want to know what information has been officially confirmed about them and what is just conjecture. I know that’s pretty hard to place when these spoilers were leaked illegally and Zag wants to cover them up, but if anyone knows, please let me know.
Edit in conclusion: to be clear, the theory I’m leaning towards the most as of right now, (being true based on what we know, not what I want to happen) is that Catwalker is Felix pretending to be Adrien using the cat miraculous. The concept art pose is what throws me off of the “Adrien using the cat miraculous but pretending not to be Chat” theory the most, as much as I like it, and the character having Adrien/Felix’s exact face plus the model pun name is what throws me off the “future son” theory.