Jisung Smut - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Stressed Out - H.J¹

 Stressed Out - H.J

Pairing: Idol!HanJisungXIdol!Fem.Reader. (feat. Stray kids)

Warnings: ataque de ansiedade, desentendimento (o Han é meio cabeção, mas a leitora tbm), acho que é só. :)

Palavras: 5.490

Sinopse: Em uma edição especial do reality show "Kingdom", os boygroups e as girlgroups mais impactante de outras edições se juntam para novas apresentações. Na frente das câmeras, tudo estava bem, mas poucos sabiam os males que assombravam todos os participantes. Na gravação de um dos episódios, uma situação mostra que não devemos ter opiniões precipitadas...

(Pt. 2)


Mesmo com todos esses anos dentro da indústria, Han Jisung ainda não entendia como algumas pessoas conseguiam fingir tão bem. Perto de outras pessoas, na frente das câmeras, com outros grupos... isso era mais normal que muitos pensam, mas por que você o incomodava?

"Talvez por que você tenha uma queda por ela?" Bang Chan o indagou uma vez, enquanto stray kids conversava sobre os outros grupos que conheciam ao longo da edição especial do 'Kingdom'. O moreno debocha da fala do líder, dando de ombros.

"Queda? Ele tem um penhasco pela garota" Seungmin completa, o chocando com sua audácia "ele não pode ver ela que fica babando... É pura sorte ninguém ter percebido e comentado"

Tudo bem, talvez eles estivessem certos, e ele tivesse uma quedinha de nada por ela, mas isso não significava que ele conseguia entender como ela era tão boa atriz...

"Talvez você esteja entendendo ela de um jeito errado..." O mais novo diz pela primeira vez, Han o olha, mas o moreno parecia nem perceber o que falava, concentrado de mais no macarrão em sua vasilha. "Você sabe como é fácil disso acontecer"

Cansado, Jisung explica mais uma vez os incidentes que o levam a acreditar que tudo o que a idol sente por ele é ódio. "Ainda acho melhor você tentar falar com ela pessoalmente, quem sabe tudo se resolveria..."

Mesmo com se hyung Lee know o aconselhando, Han Jisung tentou ignorar a garota mais uma vez, afinal a missão dessa semana parecia pior que as da semana passada, e da edição passada. Ele precisava se focar.

E foi o que fez, ou pelo menos se convenceu que conseguiu fazer. Ele escreveu, produziu, gravou, dançou, e tudo mais que tinha que fazer. E grande parte do tempo ele conseguiu se concentrar e se deixar levar por nada.

Mas ele não sabia o que esperar dos outros grupos...do seu grupo. E foi uma sequência de grander performances. Todos forma muito impactantes, e você parecia mais feroz que semana passada, e ele entendia, afinal a mnet não escondia que não era muito empática quanto ao seu grupo, sempre as deixando com notas baixas. Mas dessa vez seria impossível fingir que aqueles números eram verdadeiros.

Porém, por mais que ele torcesse por você, também queria chegar longe, e não queria ser o motivo ao qual deu grupo não passaria.

E mesmo após se apresentar, o nervosismo só passaria com o resultado. E apesar do seu grupo conseguir ficar em segundo lugar, stray kids acabou em penúltimo, e ele sabia que a culpa era dele (mesmo que não fosse, de verdade), ele já conseguia sentir seu corpo tremer, e o ar faltar. Ele só precisava sair dali, precisava ficar sozinho, nem que seja por poucos minutos...

Assim que as luzes se acabaram, o mesmo saiu de fininho, não querendo ser pego por ninguém... Não que ele tenha ter conseguido, pois desde o momento em que os resultados foram anunciados, seus olhos não saíram dele. Desde quando chegou no estúdio, percebeu como ele estava mais nervoso que o normal, como ele se afastava quando mais de duas pessoas chegavam perto (você sabia que ele tinha problemas com locais cheios de pessoas, então tentava não ser uma delas, mas o olhava de longe), e como estava mais quieto que o normal. Então assim que o viu escapar o seguiu.

Han Jisung acabou em uma sala, perto dos camarins. Assim que entrou, se sentou, de olhos fechados e cabeça pra trás, tentando lutar com aquele sentimento horrível que tanto conhecia.

"Han" uma voz leve surgiu dentro da sala, quando abriu os olhos viu que era Sn, e a situação piorou. Tudo o que tentava reprimir acabou saindo de vez. Não conseguia mais respirar, as lágrimas saíam sem controle, molhando seu rosto. "Tudo bem, tenta respirar fundo..." A voz da garota era suave e gentil com ele, mas por mais que ele tentasse controlar, só parecia piorar a situação.

Felizmente nesse momento, ela sabia como o ajudar, pois já teve que passar por isso várias vezes, sozinha inclusive.

"Han, olha pra mim..." Ela pede, e ele o faz, encontrando apenas uma Sn borrada "ótimo, posso pegar suas mãos?" Ela pede, e ele as entrega pra ela, que as segura firme, mas não que doesse. "Tudo bem, agora preciso que você foque na minha voz e no que eu disser, tudo bem?" Sem conseguir falar, ele aperta levemente suas mãos, em sinal positivo.

"okay, inspira... Segura... expira... inspira..."

Sn ficou ali de joelhos, segurando as mãos de Jisung, as massageando, e o instruindo na respiração, até que o mesmo se acalmasse. Quando isso aconteceu, ela secou suas lágrimas e apertou suas mãos em conforto mais uma vez.

"Se sente melhor?" Sn pergunta, preocupada ao se levantar. A morena pegou dois copos de água e o entregou um. De repente o rapaz de sentiu envergonhado, percebendo ela sorriu e segurou sua mão mais uma vez "não se preocupe, isso acontece comigo o tempo todo, essa semana não foi nada fácil..."

Ele então conseguiu a olhar, conforme ela falava, as palavras passavam por sua cabeça, mas seu tom era reconfortante, então o ajudava a voltar a realidade.

"... e eu sei que pode não mudar muita coisa pra você, mas tenho certeza que vão ganhar, então parabéns!"

Sn continuou falando, sem o olhar, pois percebeu que Han havia ficado envergonhado, mas diminuiu quando percebeu que ele provavelmente não a ouvia. Ficaram em silêncio, por alguns segundos, até a voz fraca do moreno soar na sala:

"Você... acha que vamos ganhar?" Sério? Isso era tudo que conseguia falar? Nem um obrigado? Ele queria se bater, mas percebeu o sorrisinho de lado dela.

"Sim, talvez hoje tenha sido apenas um desvio planejado... Você sabe que nem todo o resultado são honestos, e a mnet sempre tem um vencedor antes do programa começar... Não pira muito."

As palavras de Sn ficaram presas ali entre os dois. Suspirando ele ainda tentava compreender tudo, quando seu celular começou a vibrar como um louco, era Chan, provavelmente estavam ali a um tempo.

Quando atendeu, Sn se levantou fingindo não ouvir seus sussurros. Tudo resolvido, Jisung também se levantou e parou a sua frente, tentando não deixar transparecer como seu belo rosto, e cheiro o afetavam. "É melhor eu ir, muito obrigada... Por tudo..."

"Imagina, como eu disse, já passei várias vezes por isso, então sou quase uma mestra." Ela sorri, e Han percebeu que já a viu usando esse sorriso antes, com Felix e I.n, era um sorriso falso? "Mas como eu disse, não se deixe levar tanto pelo estresse, vocês vão se dar muito bem."

Ainda atordoado pela situação, Jisung se despede dela, encontrando seus hyungs, com tudo pronto para voltarem pra casa o quanto antes. Claro, que ele passou a viajem inteira tentando explicar onde esteve, e com quem esteve, e o tempo que restou, tentou entender onde esteve, e com quem esteve.

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3 years ago



PAIRING | haechan x (f) reader x jisung (ft. a reoccurring renjun who’s mainly there for suspenseful purposes)

GENRE/WARNINGS | smut, cheating, unprotected sex, dom!haechan, switch!jisung, switch!reader, jisung is a virgin, degradation, praise, spanking, pussy slapping, sexting, rough kink, edging, really bad 3some scenes bc I am terrible @ balancing attention, oral (both m/f receiving), jisung acts kinda (or extremely) invasively, if I missed smth lmk

SUMMARY | upon accidentally finding a video of you and your boyfriend haechan doing some very sexual things, jisung knows that he shouldn’t watch it. he knows that it would be an extreme invasion of privacy, but he’s unable to control himself when he sees the thumbnail. so he settles for only watching 30 seconds. except, 30 seconds turns into 30 minutes, and by then he’s buried himself too deep into a life-changing situation—or in which jisung’s terrible at keeping secrets.

WORD COUNT | 19.8k of pure filfth (what the fuck is wrong with me)

EXTRA | feedback is appreciated!



Jisung knows that there’s a plethora and a half reasons why this is a terrible idea. For one, it’s an invasion of privacy. The thumbnail is explicit, leaving zero room for ignorance—the bare, nearly naked sight of you and Haechan blankets over the screen, and if that isn’t enough to tell him that this isn’t something he was supposed to see, then the rather intimate position you and your boyfriend are in is quite the message.

He didn’t mean to find it. He wasn’t searching, wasn’t looking—not for this video in particular anyways. He was simply going through the camera roll in search of something else, and happened to stumble across what is so obviously you and Haechan’s sextape. If he had known that there was inappropriate things on there, Jisung would have asked for permission before he went on Haechan’s laptop. Yet the shocking discovery has him filled to the brim with curiosity, despite him knowing it would be wrong.

Thirty seconds. I can watch thirty seconds, then cut it off, he thinks. What’s thirty seconds out of a minutes-long video? You and Haechan can go for hours, the sounds you make whenever you stay the night at the dorm keep Jisung up long enough to know that. A part of him doesn’t mind since you sound so sweet, and he can’t help but imagine what it would be like to take Haechan’s place, to have you crying his name. No, he shakes his head. He doesn’t need to think like that. It’s bad enough that he’s watching this video. So he looks around the room a couple times, even though no one’s home except Renjun, and he’s asleep. Then he reluctantly presses play, turning up the volume a couple notches. He’d never miss the opportunity to hear you.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

Like, I know it's this is just a fanfic, it's not real but omg I want to slap this mf so hard he'll end up on the moon. I kind of hoped one of the boys would do that for me, but it's ok, I can deal with that lol. I honestly loved this fic, it did break my heart into a miliion of pieces, yes, but the ending make up for it. I really would love to see how he would treat her after this, like, how he would act when they are in public or with the boys from now on, I feel like seen that would be perfect honestly. Anyway thank you for this masterpiece!

Movie Night

Han Jisung x thick female reader

Word count: 9.6k (yowza)

A/N: So, I wanted to write this story after the Chan's room comment on his last vlive. I was already working on a Jisung fic and when this idea hit me I HAD to rework the plot because I needed to write this. I hope people that relate to this story know that their worth is not based on their appearance or weight. Everyone has insecurities, fat, skinny, whatever. The content of your heart is what matters and how you treat others. I hope everyone always remembers that. I hope you enjoy reading and if you do, please leave a comment, like, reblog, shoot me an ask, I love the feedback! As always warnings and smut below the cut!

Movie Night

Warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY! Strong language/cursing, Weight and body image issues are a big part of the plot in this fic, if that can be triggering for you, you might skip this one! Dry humping, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected piv sex (please don't do this, use protection), cream pie, overstimulation, cum eating, hella praise and pet names (baby, jagi etc), squirting, Jisung get a little possessive but not in a toxic way, mentioning of coming on breasts, mentioning of oral sex (m receiving) and coming in mouth. I think that's everything but if I ever miss a warning, please let me know and I'll add it immediately.

Movie Night

You and Jisung loved having movie nights together. The other guys enjoyed watching movies too but not the way you and Jisung did. You would over load on snacks and sugar and throw popcorn at each other or the screen when the main character of whatever film you were watching did something predictably stupid. It was forty percent watching the movie, sixty percent critiquing, and one hundred percent fun. You were a two-person episode of MST3K minus the robots. Movie nights with Jisung were the highlight of your week.  

It was probably pretty obvious to anyone with eyes that you had a crush on Jisung. Regardless of how obvious it was you would never admit that. Not to him, not to anyone. You weren’t his type and you knew that. You were heavier, perhaps a bit more than beauty standards would consider ‘aesthetically pleasing’, at least that was the view you had of yourself. You knew that didn’t mean you weren’t pretty but you were bigger and you also had eyes. You saw the kind of girls Jisung went after on the rare occasions you had gone to clubs together and they most definitely did not look like you. You also could see what HE looked like. He was not only beautiful and fit but funny and kind. Guys like him didn’t go for girls like you and it was fine. That was fine.  

You cherished the friendship you had with Jisung and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that no matter how strong the feelings you had for him were. What you didn’t realize was that Jisung was trying to deal with the fact that he had feelings for you too. At first, he didn’t see you as any more than a good friend that also happened to be a girl. You weren’t the type of girl he would typically go for. After being friends with you a couple of years now he had become endeared by you and after your last movie night Jisung had come to realize he was completely bewitched and he had absolutely no idea what to do or say now. He was sure you felt the same but he still was holding onto some reservations about perusing something with you and he wasn’t sure why he felt that way when you both were so clearly perfectly matched.  

You and Jisung loved movie nights together. So, it wasn’t unusual for you to be snuggled up on the couch under a blanket at the dorm with Jisung on a Friday night with three or four movies on standby. What was unusual this particular Friday was the awkward air hanging between the two of you. Everything seemed fine the week before and nothing seemed out of the ordinary that night so far. You had agreed on horror movies and you were well into your second one. The first had actually been pretty scary, making you jump a few times gripping Jisung’s arm and hiding your face, cuddling in closer to him under the shared blanket. The movie you were watching now hadn’t been as bad until it was. One of the main girls was slinking through a dark decrepit house and was suddenly snatched from behind by the crazed killer, practically sending you sailing out of your skin. Jisung tensed up when you buried your face in his shoulder for the umpteenth time that night.  

You hadn’t realized it but every time you pressed your plush body closer to Jisung his posture had stiffened as well as other parts of his body. He was very happy for the blanket or hiding his hard on might not have been so simple. There had been something out of the ordinary that night, for Jisung at least, and that was your choice in attire for movie night. You both always opted for pajamas because comfort duh, but you had come out of the bathroom that night after changing into pajamas Jisung had never seen you in before. A crop top with matching fuzzy shorts. His throat went dry the moment he saw you. It was the most of your skin he’d ever seen. He knew you were self-conscious about your body so you usually kept pretty covered up, even now the crop top wasn’t particularly revealing and the shorts weren’t that short but seeing your silky thighs and the fact that he could tell you weren’t wearing a bra under the crop top had Jisung ready to burst.  

When you noticed his tense body language you realized you were practically laying on top of him. Even though you loved being close to Jisung you backed off of him a little, worried you might be making him uncomfortable with your weight on him like that.  

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to... I mean... I’m sorry if I’m crushing you.” Jisung hated hearing you say that. So you were bigger, it didn’t matter, not to him. Even if he had thought you weren’t his type before because of that. He was an idiot. He knew now no matter what size you were you were he thought you were fucking gorgeous. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. He didn’t want you to move further away. He looked at you, his gaze soft and shook his head. He wrapped his arm around your waist under the blanket and pulled you close again. 

“No, you’re not. It’s fine. You’re fine.” Your face felt like it was on fire and your cheeks turned pink. You bit your lip, an unconscious nervous tick and Jisung’s eyes darted towards them. You looked away unable to keep eye contact. Not when he was pulling you close, not when he was holding you, not when his fingertips were grazing the soft flesh of your waist where your shirt had ridden up a bit, not when he was looking at you like... THAT. 

“y/n?” Jisung’s voice was just above a whisper and even though you heard him call your name clearly you still couldn’t meet his gaze and you pretended to focus on the movie. He hooked his finger under your chin and tilted your head up towards him. Was this really happening?! Jisung slowly started to lean in closer. 

“Ji... I...” He only shook his head and focused on your lips as he closed in. You closed your eyes and you could feel Jisung’s warm breath fan across your face, the warmth of his lips hovering so closely to yours. You held your breath waiting to feel just how soft his lips really were. Finally. 

“Han-ah! Do you know whe-” Changbin came around the corner and stopped short when he saw you and Jisung jumping, catching you just about to kiss. 

“Oh! Shit! Sorry I didn’t mean-” Jisung backed up practically pushing you away when he realized Changbin was also in the room and he started stuttering. 

“You didn’t! I mean there was nothing... we’re watching movies.” You swallowed the lump that had quickly formed in your throat and scooted further away from Jisung which did not go unnoticed by either of the men. Changbin cleared his throat. 

“Yea, okay, well do you know where the protein shaker is? I wanted to hit the gym tonight.” Jisung popped up from the couch quickly. 

“Yea. It’s in the kitchen. I can show you; I need a drink anyway. Y/n? Do you need a drink or anything?” You had started focusing on the movie again trying to ignore the feeling in your chest. You glanced quickly at him and then back at the screen slightly shaking your head no. He bit his lip knowing your feelings were hurt by how he’d reacted when Changbin walked in, when you had just been so close to kissing, and he felt guilty. He didn’t want you to think it was because of you, it really wasn’t. When he came back, he’d explain.  

“Okay, I’ll be right back.” You could feel your eyes sting, the familiar burn of tears wanting to surface but you kept your eyes trained on the tv and nodded. Jisung and Changbin went off into the kitchen leaving you in the living room alone, where you took some deep breaths and composed yourself. Maybe it was best Changbin had interrupted. He’d just kept you from making an absolute fool of yourself and ruining your friendship. You went to take a drink of your soda only to find it empty. You kicked yourself for not just telling Jisung yes when he asked if you needed a drink, you pushed yourself up off the couch and headed towards the kitchen. Once Changbin and Jisung had gotten to the kitchen Changbin turned to him with an eyebrow quirked and his nose scrunched. 

“OOoookay what was THAT?!” Jisung played stupid like he had no idea what Changbin was talking about. He just wasn’t comfortable with the topic of him and you just yet, not when he wasn’t sure what to do about his feelings. It was awkward for him to admit to Changbin how he felt about you when he hadn’t even told you yet. It would be with any of the guys, he wasn’t completely sure why. 

“What?! What was what?!” You had made it just outside the of the kitchen when you heard Changbin scoff. 

“Y/n!? Come on... I didn’t think you were into girls like... her...” Jisung’s brows furrowed, he didn’t know what to think about what Changbin seemed to be insinuating. 

“Wh-what do you mean?” Changbin rolled his eyes. 

“You know... bigger.” It was just a word and it was trued but the way Changbin said bigger made you feel absolutely disgusting and the tears you had managed to fend off in the living room were fighting back with a vengeance. It had already been awkward and now Jisung felt embarrassed so he lied when Changbin insinuated again that Jisung was into you. 

“No, I mean what do you mean into? I’m not into y/n?” Changbin scoffed again. 

“Oh yea? What was all that I just walked in on then?” Jisung rubbed the back of his neck thinking of an excuse; but why? Why couldn’t he just say that he did like you? Why couldn’t he just say he WAS about to kiss you? What was so terrible about that? Why did he feel so awkward about it? Why did he feel like Changbin would laugh at him or make fun of if he told him? He just wanted to make a quick excuse, whatever would end the conversation. 

“Dude, she’s got a crush on me. She was all over me but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. She isn’t really MY type...”Jisung was still and idiot. You thought the inflection Changbin had put on bigger made you feel like garbage, that was until you heard the way Jisung say you weren’t ‘his type’. You knew that but it didn’t make it any easier to hear. You hadn’t even realized the tears were trailing down your cheeks at that point. You didn’t need or want to hear anymore. You quietly grabbed your overnight bag, put on your slides and left. 

Jisung had heard the front door click closed. All the other guys were still out so it could have been any one of them coming in but when a couple of minutes had passed and no one had walked through the dorm Jisung walked back out into the living room to check on you and found it empty, the movie paused and the blanket you had been sharing in a heap on the floor in front of the couch. 

“y/n?” Jisung walked towards the bathroom to check and see if maybe you had gone in there. He knocked but the door creaked open and the bathroom was unoccupied. 

“y/n?” He decided to go back and check his room although it wasn’t likely you were there and Jisung could feel anxiety creeping up on him. He thought back about the look on your face when he’d left you in the living room. He opened the door to his room and as he had suspected, you weren’t in there. He made his way back through the living room on a mission and Changbin tried to stop him. 

“What’s up? What’s going on?” Jisung moved Changbin out of his way and walked towards the foyer, seeing your bag and shoes were gone. 

“FUCK.” Changbin walked up behind Jisung. 

“What? Fuck what?” Jisung spun around and Changbin could see the worry on his face. 

“You... you don’t think she heard us, do you?” Changbin’s face softened when he realized you were what Jisung was worried about. He gave him a sympathetic look and shrugged his shoulders. 

“FUCK!” Jisung slipped on his shoes and jacket and ran out the door hoping you weren’t too far ahead of him. It was the time of year that it was starting to get a bit chilly when the sun was down and tonight was the coldest it had been yet. It wasn’t freezing but definitely too cold for you to be walking off in what you were wearing, not to mention not safe. When Jisung got out to the street he looked up the sidewalk one way and then the other but didn’t see you. He ran in the direction of the closest bus stop and when he rounded the street corner, he saw you under the florescent lights of the bus stop enclosure. You had your big bag by your feet and had your arms wrapped around yourself, hugging your body, clearly trying to keep warm as you waited for the next bus on the line. Jisung ran up towards you. 

“y/n!? Hey! Why’d you take off? It’s fucking freezing out here, take my jacket. Let’s go back inside and finish the movies...” Jisung took his coat off and went to put it around you but you pulled away and tightened your grip on your arms. 

“No, I’m going home. Sorry I was all over you. I know I’m too... heavy... for that. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I’m just... I’m just gonna to go home.” You did your best not to choke on your words and Jisung winced at them knowing you weren’t only upset about how he’d reacted to Changbin but you had heard everything they had said in the kitchen as well. 

“y/n... I... please come back inside you shouldn’t be outside dressed like this.” Of course, he meant he didn’t want you catching cold only wearing shorts and a crop top. You looked away not wanting Jisung to see the fresh tears that were pricking your eyes. 

“I knew I shouldn’t wear stuff like this. I’m only going to bed when I get home so I’ll just deal with the stares on the bus.” He bit the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood and shook his head. 

“I... I didn’t mean it like that y/n... it’s cold out you’re gonna get sick. Please, come back to the dorm.” You finally looked at Jisung and he could see just how hurt you were, your tear rimmed eyes that were already getting puffy and red. That was the final straw, he was a complete asshole. 

“Just... go finish the movies without me Jisung. I’ll... I’ll see you the next movie night.” He sighed in defeat knowing you were definitely not going back to the dorm with him tonight. 

“Look at least take my coat so you don’t catch your death out here and let me wait with you until the bus shows up.” You let Jisung put his coat over your shoulders this time and huddled into the left-over body heat from Jisung having it on. 

“I’d really rather be alone right now Jisung.” You knew you weren‘t going to be able to get a hold of yourself and stop crying if he stayed. He shook his head, sliding a bit closer to you on the bench wanting to be close to you again and hoping some of his body heat might warm you. 

“It’s not safe for you to be out here at night alone.” You slid away putting distance between you again and looked at your feet like they were the most interesting thing in the world and Jisung’s chest felt tight. 

“I’ll text you when I’m home Ji. Just... please...” Your voice started to faulter and Jisung didn’t push any further. 

“Okay. Alright. Please let me know when you’re home safe?” You bit your lip and nodded still looking down as tears welled up in your eyes again. 

“Good night y/n.” Jisung wanted to lean over and hug you, give you a kiss on your forehead, SOMETHING to comfort you. Instead, he just gave a little nod and headed back to the dorm to give you the space you asked for. When Jisung walked back inside Changbin was on his way out to the gym. 

“Hey, everything cool?” Jisung looked distracted but then it registered that Changbin had spoken to him. 

“Oh, uh. I talked to her... she’s going home.” Changbin nodded and headed towards the door but stopped and turned back. 

“Look, Han-ah, there really isn’t anything between you and y/n?” Jisung really didn’t want to talk about it and didn’t want to deal with Changbin messing with him about it anymore but after you hearing him and Changbin in the kitchen and the way you looked at him down on that bus stop he was certain you’d never want anything to do with him, he’d be lucky if you still wanted to be his friend, so he shook his head. 

“No Bin, we’re just friends.” Changbin nodded and cleared his throat. 

“So, it would be okay if say, I wanted to ask her out on a date?” Jisung’s eyes flashed in Changbin’s direction instantly. 

“What?!” Changbin rubbed at the back of his neck and looked a little sheepish. 

“Well yea, I mean she’s really cute man and she’s nice and like I was saying in the kitchen before I know she’s not really YOUR type but you guys are super close so I just wanted to be sure you weren’t interested in her and see if... you know... if you were cool with me asking her out.” Jisung was at a complete loss for words as Changbin waited for a reply. He wondered how many times in one night he could think to himself that he was an idiot. He’d thought Changbin was being judgmental with his line of questioning in the kitchen but he was interested in you. Even if he had been being judgmental why, WHY did it matter?! It fucking didn’t. Because it didn’t change the way you made Jisung’s heart race just thinking about you. Changbin saw the look on Jisung’s face and knew the answer before he even spoke. 

“I... you’re right Changbin she isn’t like the type of girls I’ve dated in the past but...” Changbin wasn’t dumb and wasn’t one to pussy foot around so he just came out with it. 

“Look Jisungie just say you’re into her, it’s alright. I already caught you almost kissing; what's the big deal? She’s into you too. What are you holding back for?” He didn’t know what to say. 

“Sung, is it that maybe you’re a little worried about what people might be thinking if you date a thicker girl?” Jisung looked at Changbin and his eyes said it all. Changbin had hit the nail on the head. Jisung did think you were gorgeous and what other people thought shouldn’t even matter for that reason alone. He didn’t care what some stranger on the street thought of him and you being together but the guys, like Changbin, for some reason, he thought maybe some of the guys would give him a hard time. Of course, none of the guys had given him any reason to think they would tease him about such a thing because none of them would. Jisung had been in his own head too much. Realizing his feelings for you were deeper than friendship had really sent him through a loop. He was worried about the wrong things; he didn’t know how to act around anyone when it came to you and because of that he was epically fucking up. 

“Jisungie...” He focused on Changbin again. 

“Sort your shit out. If you care about her man it doesn’t matter. She deserves better than that Sung, and you know it.” Changbin slapped him on the shoulder, grabbed his gym bag and left to go work out. About twenty minutes after Changbin had left Jisung got a text notification. He sat up quickly in bed and grabbed his phone. 

Movie Night
Movie Night

You laid back in your bed trying to process the whirl of emotions you’d been put through that night. Hope, excitement, disappointment, pain, confusion. It was all too much to process in one night and there was no way you were going to be able to talk about it with Jisung right then, so you cut him off when he tried. Wasn’t he going to kiss you? Had you read that wrong? If he was going to; why would he if he didn’t like you like that? Pity? You hated all the thoughts racing through your head. You just wanted to forget and fall asleep, after a while your mind slowed down and you were finally able to get some rest.  

Jisung had gone all week not hearing from you. He sent a good morning text every day and then a meme or two with an accompanying caption that would say something like ‘laughed and thought of you’ or ‘remember that one time...’ All of his texts went unanswered and he understood why. He’d hurt you in the worst possible way. It didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try to make it right still. Friday morning, he finally got up the nerve to actually call you. He honestly thought you would ignore the call just like you had his texts but after three rings you answered. 

“Hey Jisung; what’s up?” You sounded drained. All the more reason for you to come over, relax and watch movies with him just like you usually would. 

 “Hey! Uh... I hadn’t heard from you at all this week so I just wanted to make sure we were still on for movie night.” You closed your eyes and chewed at your lip as the memories of the last week’s movie night came flooding back. You had been totally swamped at work, you really hadn’t had time to process a thing, which is why you had been ignoring Jisung’s texts. You had just pushed it down and carried on during the work week because you had to. Now here you were and the feelings were racing head on at you again and you didn’t know if you were ready still. 

“Ji... I... I don’t-” Before you could give any excuse as to why it wasn’t a good idea Jisung interjected. 

“I got comedies like you asked for and all the snacks already. You just have to come over. Will you... come over y/n?” You took a deep breath. Maybe if you just went and kept up with your old routine things would just go back to normal. You didn’t have to talk, just watch movies. 

“Yea, I’ll be over Ji. Is seven okay?” His smile was beaming on the other end of the line, hopeful about the fact that you agreed to come, that maybe, he might be able to fix his fuck up still, even if that meant in the end only being your friend. He would be fine with that. It would be more than he felt he deserved from you. 

“Seven is perfect y/n. I’ll see you then. Bye.” You gave a small hum. 

“Bye Ji, see you.” For you the day seemed to fly by and before you knew it, it was time for you to head to the dorm and you didn’t know if you were really ready to face Jisung again yet. For Jisung the day had seemed to drag on forever. He had finally been honest with himself and the guys and told them all how he felt about you. He asked if he could have the dorm for the night while he tried to smooth things over with you. The guys, of course, were all supportive and agreed to be gone for the night. Jisung frantically cleaned the dorm and staged the living room carefully for your movie night. Snacks spread out, blankets to snuggle up in, all typical staples of your movie nights. Not typical was the dim lighting from candles he’d put out around the room and the lavender oil defusing that Felix had set up for him before he left.  

Just a bit after seven Jisung heard your knock at the door. He opened it and greeted you with his wide toothy smile, the one that reached his eyes and made them scrunch up. If you were exhausted from the work week he couldn’t tell, you looked amazing. He couldn’t help but notice your attire this week was back to the usual pair of sweat pants, t-shirt and a big hoodie over that. Jisung’s smile faltered a bit but he caught himself and moved out of the way to invite you in. 

“Hey! Come on in!” You gave Jisung a small smile and walked in towards the living room. Jisung closed the door and followed closely behind.  

“Do you want me to take your bag or hoodie?” You shook your head. 

“Didn’t bring an overnight bag, I can’t stay this week, and I think I’ll keep my hoodie on for now, I’m kind of chilly. Thanks though.” You looked around the living room as you walked in and noticed the few candles Jisung had lit and could smell the fresh scent of lavender. He walked past you and sat down on the couch grabbing the remote and patting the cushions for you to join him. You swallowed the anxiety and tension you were feeling down and walked over to the couch. Jisung had lifted the blanket he’d thrown over himself so you could sit by him and share, like you usually did, but you opted to sit on the far end of the couch with your feet tucked up underneath you and your knees pulled into your hoodie. You missed the disappointed expression on Jisung’s face because you were trying to look anywhere but at him. Just from the time he had opened the door, your heart had wretched every time you did look at him. He set the blanket back down, making like he’d just been adjusting it a bit and started the first movie of the night, unsure if he was going to be able to focus on the screen at all with the elephant in the room with the two of you. 

You both had managed to get through the first movie. You had chuckled a time or two and even though it wasn’t your usual boisterous laugh Jisung was glad to see, somewhat, of a smile on your face. You were still curled up into yourself on the far end of the couch though and you hadn’t eaten anything. Jisung went to put in the next movie. 

“Don’t let me eat all the snacks y/n. Make sure you get some before I inhale it all and really look like a quokka.” Jisung smiled and puffed his already chubby cheeks out further trying to make you laugh but you just smiled at him weakly. 

“I’m okay Jisung I already had dinner and it probably wouldn’t hurt for me to lay off the snacks a bit.” Like an arrow straight through his heart. His idiocy made you feel this way. That there was something wrong with you that needed changed. He had let his own insecurities about your relationship bleed onto you instead of dealing with his own shit. He fucked up he knew it. He should have been trying to talk things out with you instead of ignoring it. He was just joking around acting like nothing had happened, like he didn’t hurt you. He was trying to make you laugh, but it wasn’t time for his antics, this conversation couldn’t be put off any longer when you were saying things like that about yourself. He couldn’t let it continue. 

“Don’t say that! There’s nothing wrong with the way you look!” You looked up at him a bit surprised by his sudden outburst but your eyes faltered and were cast down again just as quickly. 

“You can say that all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that I need to lose weight. No one wants to date the funny fat girl...” Your voice started to quiver a bit and trailed off, the last thing you said was almost inaudible. 

“... least of all you.” It was so quiet Jisung almost didn’t hear it. 

“What?!” You looked up at him like you’d been caught with your hand in the cookie jar. You hadn’t even meant for it to come out at all let alone for him to hear it. Oh well, what did it matter now. Your feelings had already ruined everything anyway. Might as well lay it all out on the table. 

“Well, it’s true...” You whispered. Jisung sat closer to you on the couch and you shrunk down into your hoodie as you tried to make yourself smaller. 

“y/n. No, it’s not.” Who was he to say that to you when he knew you had heard him. Your voice came out with a bit more venom than before. 

“Jisung, I HEARD you and Changbin. The way you both talked about me...” Jisung went to interrupt you but you put your hand up, stopping him. 

“Let me finish!” He nodded and shut his mouth. 

“When I heard the way you two talked about me, the way he described me, how you said you felt about me, I was disgusted with myself.” You choked back tears and Jisung hated himself at that very moment. If he were any other guy and you had told him about this situation happening, he’d find him and kick his own ass. 

“That night I had finally worked up the courage to wear those pajamas. I’d had looked at them for 3 months before getting the nerve up to wear them in front of you. I hoped that maybe you might see me in them and think, ‘wow y/n is actually kind of pretty’ maybe even sexy. Then we were on the couch and I don’t know I guess I was delusional and thought you were going to kiss me, I read it wrong, obviously. I’ve seen the girls you take home from the club Ji, I’m two of them easily so I wasn’t shocked you weren’t into me but then I heard you in the kitchen. When I looked down at what I was wearing... if I hadn’t been crying Ji, I would have laughed for actually letting myself think for even one second that someone like YOU would ever want to be with someone like me. That YOU would ever think I was pretty or sexy for that matter.” You pulled your knees from your hoodie and stood up as the tears started to fall from your eyes.  

“I... I can’t Ji... I... I have to go. This was a mistake.” You went to go for the door but Jisung grabbed your wrist and stopped you.  

“Wait PLEASE!” You paused in place but didn’t turn to face him. You couldn’t. 

“I’m so sorry. Please, I’m sorry I said any of that stupid stuff, especially since I didn’t mean a single word of it! I... I WAS going to kiss you and then Changbin walked in and I got nervous it had nothing to do with you or how you look I swear. Then when Changbin asked about you in the kitchen I thought he was giving me a hard time about how you weren’t my ‘type’ and then I was embarrassed but it turned out he was asking about me and you because HE wanted to ask you out and he wanted to make sure you and I didn’t' have a ‘thing’ going on. He told me when I came back in that night and I told him... I told him that I did have feelings for you, that I cared about you... more than just a friend.” Now you turned and faced Jisung, your eyes were narrowed but still filled with tears and your voice was weak when you spoke. 

“You AND Changbin have feelings for me? Well, you both have a very shitty way of showing you care about me. Be sure to let Changbin know too.” You pulled your wrist from Jisung’s grip and turned to go walk towards the door again. Jisung ran to stand in front of you, blocking the way, panicked that if you walked out, he may never see you again. 

“Wait! Wait, wait! Don’t go! I... I think I'm in love with you y/n...” You stopped, turned and suddenly slapped Jisung in the face. You didn’t want to hurt him but you just snapped. 

“How dare you! How dare you talk about me behind my back the way you did, make me feel like I was desperate and crazy, like I was undesirable, now you tell me you only said those things because you were embarrassed by me! Embarrassed for one of your friends to think you were interested in a fat girl! Then you have the AUDACITY to say you’re in love with me! Fuck you Jisung!” You started beating against his chest with your fists as you sobbed and cussed at him. 

“Fuck you! FUCK YOU!” He grabbed your arms trying to calm you down. When you realized he was stronger and easily holding you back from hitting him further you did the only thing you could do and fell into his chest, hysterically crying. Jisung wrapped his arms around you and you both sank to the floor. He held you and rocked you, softly humming until you were letting out little gasps and hiccups trying to get control of yourself. 

“No one has ever hurt me like you did Jisung.” He flinched at your words. Knowing that hit him harder than the slap in the face. 

“I won’t ever be able to say how sorry I am and sorry’s will never be enough but if you’ll give me a chance, I promise I’ll never hurt you like that again. If you give me a chance y/n I’ll love you like no one ever has before.” Jisung’s hands cupped your face and he looked into your eyes with so much conviction it was impossible not to believe him. 

“Jisung... I...” More tears gathered and fell and Jisung swept them away with his thumbs. 

“Please.” He pleaded with you and you gave him a small nod, then he leaned in and softly kissed your lips. It was so warm, inviting, pulling you in for more but instead you pushed against Jisung’s chest and he pulled back and looked at you. Your eyes flicked between his as you searched for any uncertainty but you only saw love. You gripped his shirt where your hand had been resting on his chest and crashed your lips back into his. The kiss was so heated this time, so needy, you had wanted Jisung for so long and now, now you had him. You straddled his lap but didn’t sit your weight on him as your hands cupped his soft cheeks and you continued to make out. Jisung’s arms wrapped around your midsection pulling you close, your chests pressed together. He wanted you as close to him as possible. He pulled away from the kiss and pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes closed tightly, out of breath from kissing you. 

“Jagi, I want feel every bit of you, want to make you to feel as beautiful as you are...” Jisung toyed with the hem of your hoodie and t-shirt silently asking permission to remove them. You lifted your arms and allowed him to, although you were extremely nervous to be in only your bra in front of him, even in the dim lighting. Jisung lifted the shirt and hoodie over your head and tossed it aside taking in the expanse of skin in front of him. He wanted to touch you everywhere but instead his hands gripped your hips and eased you down so that your full weight was on his lap and your clothed heat was pressing into his hard on. When you opened your mouth to protest putting your weight on him Jisung silenced you with his lips. He gripped your soft hips tighter, fingers digging in to your plush skin as he helped move you back and forth over his erection, finding a rhythm. You pulled away from the kiss panting as Jisung started to meet your grinding with his own. 

“J-Ji... Ji... I don’t want to hurt you...” He stopped, removing his hands from your hips and holding your face so that you couldn’t help but look him in the eyes. 

“Does it look like you’re hurting me?” You bit your lip and softly shook your head no in his hands. Jisung grabbed one of your wrists guiding your hand to grab his hard on underneath you. His eyes closed and his mouth fell open, letting out a breath when you gently squeezed. 

“Does it feel like you’re hurting me?” You were breathless still as you shook your head again. 

“No Jisungie... it feels... good.” You finally breathed out the word. 

“It does feel good jagi. YOU feel good. God keep riding me please!” His hands grazed a soft trail down your full breasts back to your hips urging you to continue your movements. You wrapped your arms around Jisung’s neck and rocked your hips over him again, this time with more vigor and the broken moan that fell from his mouth made you soak your panties. You gripped his broad shoulders and rotated your hips grinding against him with more confidence the more he moaned and panted. 

“Fuck! I’m gonna cum in my pants if you don’t stop jagiya...” You stopped your movements but cupped Jisung’s soft cheeks and continued your assault on his lips. You sat there lazily making out, tongues sliding in and out of each other's mouths, teeth tugging at lips, hands exploring, caressing, until Jisung was forced to pull away to take a breath. His hands ran up your arms and he dragged his fingertips gently back down causing goose bumps to rise in their wake. You looked into his eyes and him into yours, both of you breathless, trying to read the other’s mind. 

“Jisung?” He pressed his lips together giving you a nod and a small smile as his hands found their way to your hips again. 

“Will you... can we...” You knew you wanted Jisung and even though you were on his lap, in your bra and had been kissing and touching each other for quite a bit at that point, you were still self-conscious and scared to ask him what you wanted. You let out a frustrated huff of air, closing your eyes and Jisung cupped your jaw and ran his thumb along your cheek and you looked at him again. 

“Take a deep breath. Whatever you want, whatever you want to ask, it’s okay.” You closed your eyes and took a deep calming breath like Jisung had told you to. 

“Please take me to bed? I want you Jisung, I need you.” You looked down at where you gripped his shirt tightly as you told him exactly what you had been so scared of saying. Jisung dipped his head down catching your eyes in his again. 

“Jagi...” Jisung’s gaze darkened suddenly and before you could think he had his arms wrapped around you and shifted you both so that he was now slotted between your legs laying over you kissing down your neck reaching for the waist band of your pants.  

“Wish you’d worn those shorts again...” He peppered more kisses across your throat and took the fleshy part of your ear lightly between his teeth. 

“You were so fucking SEXY in them I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.” You pushed against Jisung’s chest stopping him then slowly slid out from under him and stood up. He was confused at first, worried maybe he shouldn’t have mentioned the week before but before he could stress out you pushed your sweats down and stood there in your bra and panties. Jisung stood up quickly and took in every inch of skin you were offering up to him. All of it soft, plush, curvy and so inviting. You beckoned him over to you. 

“Come here, touch me Ji.” He didn’t need to be told twice. He invaded your proximity immediately, his hands running along your smooth skin pulling you closer. 

“Fuck you’re gorgeous, don’t know what to touch and kiss first.” Your skin flushed at Jisung’s words and you felt your core throb for him. Jisung’s lips ghosted over your neck before raking his teeth across your collar bone and pulling the prettiest moan he’d ever heard from you. He grabbed your hips and pulled them forward into his. With only his clothes creating a barrier between you, aside from the thin, lacey, boy shorts you were wearing, you could perfectly feel his hard cock pressed against you. Jisung’s eyes closed and his head tilted back a little, he bit his lip and hummed enjoying the warmth of your soft body against his and then he looked at you with a mischievous smile.  

“Come to bed jagi...” He kissed your neck again before pulling you, leading you towards his room, towards his bed. You could feel your nerves starting to come back once you walked into his bedroom. It was still dimly lit but it was brighter than the living room and you felt a bit more exposed and self-conscious. You pulled your hand away from Jisung and went to cover yourself. Jisung grabbed your hand back and pulled you close wrapping his arms around you and pressing his forehead against yours.  

“No. Please? Don’t? You’re perfect,” He peppered soft kisses over your shoulder trying to comfort you and you let out a soft sigh. Jisung pulled away and pulled his shirt off exposing his broad chest and soft tan skin. You would think him evening the playing field by removing some of his clothes would make you feel less nervous but it only made it worse and you went to cover up again. Your hands were slightly shaking when Jisung pulled you close again, his warm skin pressed against yours and you could feel his breath on your neck as he whispered in your ear. 

“You’re so fucking sexy. Please don’t hide.” He pressed soft kisses down the side of your neck again. You could feel tears pricking your eyes and you were so mad at yourself that you were about to ruin this moment. You wanted to believe what he said but you just didn’t feel sexy. Jisung could feel that you were still tense, he pulled back and saw your tears. 

“y/n... what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?” You shook your head no. You scoffed at yourself and wiped your tears away. 

“No Ji, it’s okay really, I just need a second. I’m feeling...” You looked down at yourself and Jisung knew. 

“Hey, take a second, take ten, it’s alright jagyia.” He rubbed soft circles on your hips with his thumbs and it started to help your heart rate slow down a bit. When you looked at Jisung again his face was so soft and laced with concern. You leaned in and pressed your lips against his, your fingers threading through the hair at the nape of his neck. It was soft at first but as you felt his skin under your fingertips it became more frenzied. Both of you gripping, squeezing, roaming, moaning into the other’s kiss. You felt a sudden rush of bravery and reached into Jisung’s sweat pants grabbing his dick firmly and stroking it like you had done it to him a hundred times before. It was gentle but not too gentle and the way your thumb brushed that sweet spot under the head of his cock was sinful as you stroked him just fast enough to make him want more.  

“FUCK y/n! Yes, JUST like that.” Jisung lead you towards the bed as you continued to stroke him. When the back of your knees hit the bed you removed your hand from his pants and fell back on it. Your hair spread around your head like an angel and your chest was rising up and down rapidly as you laid there breathless from your desire. Jisung slid his sweats and briefs down at once, his cock springing free and standing firm. It was long and not too thick and curved up. He was gorgeous so it wasn’t surprising that he had a pretty cock too. Feeling it in your hand had been one thing but seeing it now, your mouth watered for him. 

“Jisungie...” You whined for him and he came to kneel between your legs on the bed. His hands traveled up your sides their destination being your breasts which he cupped firmly before grabbing the center of your bra with both hands and ripping it open, your big breasts bouncing free as you gasped in shock. 

“HAN JISUNG, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH A BRA LIKE THAT COSTS!?” Jisung leaned down sucking a nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue and teeth until it was perked and hard effectively stopping your complaint. He let go and smirked at you. 

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I’ll buy you a new one jagi.” His lips wrapped around your other nipple and he sucked on it gently as you melted underneath him. Jisung kissed his way down your body until his face hovered right over your clothed core. He gripped your panties and looked up at you. 

“These expensive too?” He said quirking his eyebrow at you. You rolled your eyes at him playfully. 

“YES. And my favorite pair so DON’T rip them.” Jisung pouted and then gently slid your panties over your ass and down your legs.  When his face was lined up with your naked, dripping, cunt you started to feel your heartbeat pick up. Before you had a chance to let your nerves get the best of you again, Jisung spread your lower lips open and licked a broad stripe from your entrance to your clit, sucking the bundle of nerves between his pouty lips and drinking in every bit of you. Your hands gripped Jisung’s hair as he licked, kissed, and sucked on your clit. He was messy but with finesse and between your arousal and his spit and drool you were certain there had to be a puddle forming underneath you. 

“Ji... oh my god! I’m... I’m...” He hummed in satisfaction that he had you unable to form words and the vibrations from his mouth against your pussy sent you reeling into a mind-blowing orgasm. Your thick thighs clamped around Jisung’s head as you thrust your hips up grinding against his tongue and face. Only when your body relaxed back onto the bed and you were a shuddering mess did Jisung stop kitten licking your sensitive clit. He climbed on top of you and started kissing you, first all over your face, then by your ear, down your neck and shoulder. His lips left your skin and he looked at you for a second thinking about how he’d almost fucked everything with you up, about how he could have lost you but now here you were underneath him panting and glowing still trying to recover from your orgasm. When you opened your eyes and looked at Jisung he leaned down and softly kissed your lips as he slowly pushed the tip of his cock inside you. 

“Fuck! So wet, so soft!” The further Jisung sunk into the faster your soft puffs of breath came out and when he bottomed out inside you, you gasped. He looked at you quickly. 

“Are you okay jagi?” You nodded biting your bottom lip overwhelmed by the feeling of him inside you after just coming down from your first orgasm. Jisung rolled his hips testing to see your reaction. Your eyes went wide and you gasped again.  

“Jisungie! Oh, my fucking god! You feel so good inside me! Please don’t stop!” Jisung started giving you steady hip rolls fucking you slow and deep. He thrust his cock deeper into you, his pelvic bone adding pressure to your clit as well. Your body was buzzing with excitement and your fingers and toes felt like they were going numb from the pleasure. The sound of your drenched cunt and Jisung’s hips slapping against your soft thighs egged him on and he started to fuck you faster, pulling out further and pushing back into you harder each time. 

“FUCK jagiya you take my cock so well beautiful. Look at how well we fit together jagi FUCK!” You looked down where Jisung’s dick, coated in your juices, disappeared inside you and clenched at the sight. 

“Fucking perfect just like I said baby, your pussy was made for me, this is mine now.” Jisung spit on two of his fingers and started rubbing your clit quickly pushing you towards your next orgasm that much faster. 

“God YES Ji please... please... please...” Jisung smiled down at you, sweat dripping down his face. 

“Please what gorgeous, what do you want?” You gripped Jisung’s hips, his soft skin warm under your touch. 

“PLEASE FUCK ME HARDER! MAKE ME CUM JI! FILL ME UP JAGIYA!” Jisung lost his mind hearing you say that, call him that. He gripped your hips and started railing you as hard and fast as his body would let him. The sweat from his face and hair dripping down his chest and back now his teeth clamped onto his bottom lip. 

“You’re gonna let me cum in this tight pussy right jagi? You’re gonna take my load and let me mark what’s mine yea?” You moaned out your approval. 

“FUCK yes! Ji fuck fuck! Give me your cum fucking make me yours Jisung... I’m yours!” You came hard around his cock as he continued to drive into you chasing his own climax and prolonging yours. Your body rolled and your hips chased his as you rode out the best orgasm you’d had in your life. 

“FUCKING beautiful! God you’re gorgeous when you cum y/n... FUCK I can feel your pussy quivering on my fucking cock, you feel so good jagi!” You started coming down from the high of your orgasm, body still buzzing like a million bees lived under your skin and you started begging Jisung. 

“Fuck Ji you’re gonna give it to me right? Fuck I want it so bad! Please cum inside me please! It's gonna be a big load yea? Fuck I hope it’s a big load jagiya, need you to fill me up good, need to feel you dripping from my cunt.” Jisung’s head tilted back as his hips stuttered and he unloaded inside you. 

“FUUUUUuuuuuck jagiya FUCK! Fucking take it! You wanted a big load baby there you go! FUCK! Take my cum like a good girl yea?” Jisung stayed buried inside you until his cock started getting soft. When he pulled out a huge trail of cum came dripping out after. Jisung took two fingers and scooped up the mixture of yours and his cum and sucked them clean. 

“Fuck beautiful...” He ran his fingers through the trail of cum still leaking from your hole collecting more of your mingled juices and he brought his fingers to your lips this time. 

“Taste.” You opened your mouth and sucked on his fingers, swirling your tongue around his digits and humming in delight. 

“Good yea jagi? We taste perfect together.” Jisung scooped the remaining cum dripping from you up and pushed it back inside you pumping his fingers slowly in and out. 

“J-Jisung... I... I ca-” 

“One more jagiya, just one more, you can give me one more yea?” Jisung’s fingers picked up speed and he fucked them into you harder, curling them and easily finding your g-spot. 

“FUCK JI! I... I... FUCK JI!” That was exactly what he was looking for, he plunged his fingers deep into you only bringing them out a millimeter or so and pushing them deeper, then leaned down and sucked your cum glazed clit into his mouth, slurping on you as he fucked your hole hard with his fingers, the cum he filled you with coating them and dripping down your asshole, causing you to clench around his fingers that seemed to find that delicious spot inside you with precision. 

“Squirt for me jagiya, fucking cum on me baby.” He whispered against your pussy before diving back in and devouring your cunt like a ravenous animal. Between Jisung’s fingers and mouth the taut string inside you snapped. 

“MMmm FUCK FUCK JI OH FUCK I’M COMING I'M COMING!” You had never squirted before in your life but suddenly you were soaking Jisung and his sheets. His fingers, still deep inside you, gently massaging your g-spot, giving your clit tiny little licks with the tip of his tongue as you finished coming on his face and started twitching and shuddering from the overstimulation. When Jisung removed his fingers and sat up you saw your cum dripping from his chin and glistening on his chest. 

“Oh my god, did I?!” Jisung smirked and leaned over kissing your lips softly before giggling against them. 

“Cum all over me? Yea baby you did and it was sexy as fuck!” You blushed and tried to push him off as he buried his face in the crook of your neck and tickled you with his kisses and love bites. You pushed harder and he finally sat up, he got very quiet and looked down at you softly smiling. The longer Jisung’s eyes roamed your naked body the more uncomfortable you got. Now that you weren’t caught up in the heat of the moment and lost in the pleasure Jisung had been giving you, the little negative voices in your head came back to put you back in your place. You grabbed a throw blanket he had at the foot of his bed and went to cover up feeling far to exposed in the moment. Jisung thought you looked so beautiful; you didn’t need to cover up. He wished he had never said the things he did, that he’d never made an insecurity you already had worse. He had looked at you laying there your full breasts, the soft tummy rolls, the plush love handles just over your hips, your thick ass and thighs, FUCK you were perfect but when you saw him staring at you like that you only felt overwhelmed by your doubts about your body. 

“Why don’t we go take a shower yea? Get cleaned up and go to bed?” Jisung’s suggestion sounded so tempting, a nice hot shower after getting fucked senseless but it also meant standing under florescent bathroom lights where he’d be able to see ever stretch mark, every dimple of cellulite, every flaw. He could see you having an internal battle with yourself over it. 

“Hey...” You looked up at him like you’d been startled from your thoughts. 

“I know whatever is going on in that gorgeous noggin of yours is my fault right now...” You pressed your lips together. 

“Jisung no...” He shook his head and put up his hand stopping you. 

“y/n yes, it is. It might have been something you were self-conscious about already but I only threw fuel on the fire. I PROMISE I will do whatever I can to prove to you that you are a beautiful human being, just the way you are. I PROMISE I’ll always make sure to tell you how absolutely stunning you are and how you are leaps and bounds out of my league and yet for some reason you slum it for me.” He winked at you and you laughed. 

“So... shower?” He suggested again. You smiled and nodded. Jisung stood up and offered his hand to help you off the bed. You headed to the bathroom with Jisung fused to your back kissing whatever his lips could find. 

“You know if we fuck in the shower I could cum all over these and clean you right up.” His hand squeezed your breasts tightly before roaming over your tummy, your hips and ass. You were barely up the hall and Jisung was already trying to slide his fingers through your folds again. When you got to the bathroom door you turned and pecked his lips. 

“That’s true jagiya, or you could cum down my throat and I could just swallow it and have no mess at all.” You licked up his lips to the tip of his nose and went into the bathroom as he stood there speechless for a moment before chasing after you.

Tag list: @ughbehavior @chansynie @jquellen27 @caroline-ds-world

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6 months ago

How can i move on?

minho x reader x jisung!! han jisung x fem.reader x minho!! fluff and angst! word count: 3.5k

summary: How do you move on from your ex who hurt you? Jisung knows, but it seems you have another way.

an: this just enters my imaginary senses that i have to write it. enjoy btw. this is oneshot guys

How Can I Move On?
How Can I Move On?

“How are you?

Are you getting what you deserve?

You deserve love…

Love that will break you

Like how you broke mine!

You piece of—"

Your hands shook as you stared at the angry words on the screen of your computer, your heart pounding in your chest. The unfinished message to your ex-boyfriend, Minho, burned into your eyes. It felt good to type it, to imagine how he would react if he read it. But deep down, you knew you wouldn’t send it. You couldn’t.

Because even after all that he did… you still loved him.

“Ugh! You’re such an idiot!” you groaned, slamming your head down on your desk. How could you still have feelings for him, after everything he put you through?

But you had to get over it. You were determined to move on.

That is… until you found out Minho was now working in the same office as you.

Of all the places, why here? Why in your carefully built world, the one you’d managed to keep free from the wreckage of your relationship?

You clenched your fists, staring across the room as Minho moved effortlessly through the office, chatting with a couple of coworkers. His smile—that damn smile—was still the same, as if nothing had changed. As if your heart hadn’t shattered.

How could he look so unaffected? Did he not feel anything?

You quickly averted your gaze when his eyes met yours, the familiar smirk spreading across his face. It made your blood boil. You hated him, hated the way he made you feel so small and foolish. And the worst part? You hated how much you still cared.

You were done. Done with his games, his charm, his casual disregard for the pain he caused.


“Ready to leave already?” a voice interrupted your spiraling thoughts. You blinked and turned, realizing your coworker Jisung was standing beside your desk, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

You hadn’t even noticed that you had started packing your things.

“No,” you lied, dropping your bag and sitting back down. “Just… organizing.”

“Uh-huh,” Jisung said, his tone playful but knowing. He had been working next to you for a year, long enough to recognize when you were hiding something. “So, what’s the deal with you and the new guy?”

You stiffened, your eyes instinctively darting back to Minho, who was now stirring his coffee at the pantry. His eyes flickered toward you again, and that damn smirk appeared, as if he could sense the tension building inside you.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you muttered, returning your attention to your computer screen.

“Sure.” Jisung laughed softly, but it wasn’t a mocking laugh. He could see right through you. “You always glare at people like that, right?”

Your cheeks heated as you turned to face him. “What do you mean by that?”

Jisung chuckled again, but his tone softened. “I’m just saying… If looks could kill, Minho would be in the hospital by now.”

Your lips twitched, but you fought back the smile. Jisung had always known how to defuse your temper, but you didn’t want to admit that he was right.

“You’re imagining things,” you muttered.

“Mhm,” he said, clearly unconvinced but too kind to press further. “Well, whatever it is… you should probably be careful. The last thing you need is for him to know he’s getting to you.”

You glanced at Jisung, surprised at his perceptiveness. He was right, of course. But it was easier said than done.

Minho had been your boyfriend for three years. Three long years where you thought you’d spend the rest of your life together. You had plans. You’d graduate, find your dream jobs, buy a place together, maybe get married one day… have kids, one girl who looks like you and one boy who looks also like you because that's what he wanted. It was everything you wanted and promised.

And then… he broke your heart. One stupid mistake, and everything you’d built came crumbling down. You couldn’t forgive him. Not after the betrayal.

Yet, here you were, still trying to make sense of the emotions swirling inside you as you watched him now—calm, collected, and completely unfazed.

As if on cue, Minho approached your desk, holding a piece of paper. You felt a jolt of something deep inside—anger, hurt, and maybe a twinge of something more—something you hated yourself for feeling.

“Ms. Kim wanted you to do this,” Minho said casually, placing the paper on your desk. His voice was smooth, professional, but there was something in the way he looked at you. Like he was testing the waters, seeing how much he could push you.

You didn’t bother looking at him, simply nodding as you picked up the paper. “Okay.”

You kept your eyes on your computer, focusing on the task in front of you. But you could feel him still standing there, lingering. Waiting for… what? A reaction? An acknowledgment?

You refused to give him that satisfaction.

“Have you eaten yet?” he asked suddenly, his voice softer now.

Your stomach twisted. He had asked you that so many times before, back when things were… different. When he cared.

Or when you thought he cared.

You didn’t answer, hoping he’d just walk away. But he stayed, his presence hovering over you like a storm cloud.

“Hey, you should eat this,” Jisung’s voice broke through the tension like a ray of sunshine. He appeared out of nowhere, placing a lunch box in front of you with a proud smile. “I know you haven’t eaten yet.”

“Thanks,” you said, forcing a smile. Relief washed over you as you took the box from him, grateful for the distraction.

Jisung turned to Minho, his smile widening. “Oh, hey! I didn’t realize you were here.” He extended his hand toward him. “I’m Jisung, by the way.”

Minho hesitated for a split second before shaking his hand. His expression was unreadable as he nodded but offered no introduction in return.

Jisung didn’t seem to mind. He flashed Minho a friendly smile before turning his attention back to you. “Enjoy your lunch.”

Minho stood there for another moment, his eyes flicking between you and Jisung before he finally turned and walked away.

The second he was gone, you let out a long breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.

Jisung shook his head and sat down next to you. “What did he do to you?”

“Nothing,” you muttered, still feeling the weight of Minho’s presence lingering in the air. “He just asked if I’d eaten.”

Jisung raised an eyebrow. “And you didn’t answer?”

“Of course not,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.

“Good.” Jisung patted your head affectionately. “You need to stay strong. Don’t let him get to you. If you ever need help moving on, you know I’ve got your back.”

You stared at Jisung for a moment, his offer unexpectedly lifting your spirits. “How?”

Jisung smirked, leaning in closer. “Oh, I’ve got my ways.”


It was another day for lunch break, and you were sitting in the cafeteria with Jisung, absentmindedly picking at your food. Your mind was elsewhere, swirling with thoughts of Minho. Ever since the news that he’d be attending tonight's team celebration, you hadn’t been able to focus.

“You look like you’re about to throw up,” Jisung commented, shoving a spoonful of rice into his mouth as he watched your expression closely. “You sure you’re okay?”

You sighed heavily, dropping your fork onto your plate. “It’s just… Minho,” you admitted, voice tinged with frustration. “I don’t know if I can handle seeing him tonight.”

Jisung’s brow furrowed, his chopsticks pausing mid-air. “You knew he’d be there. This isn’t new information."

“I know, I know,” you said quickly, “but every time I think about facing him, I just—” Your voice cracked, betraying your emotions. You hated how easily the mere thought of Minho affected you.

Jisung rolled his eyes, putting his chopsticks down with a soft clink. “Listen to me,” he said, leaning forward, his voice serious. “You need to show him that you’ve moved on. No more pining, no more sad looks. You need to act like you’re perfectly fine, like he doesn’t even exist in your world anymore.”

You scoffed, crossing your arms. “Easier said than done.”

“I’m serious, " Jisung insisted, his gaze unwavering. “If you let him see that he still has an effect on you, you’ll never be able to move forward. You’ve got to play it cool. Laugh, smile, act normal. Show him you’re better off now.”

You bit your lip, the knot in your stomach tightening. Jisung made it sound so simple, but the thought of pretending like everything was fine when you were still hurting seemed impossible.

“I don’t know if I can do that,” you admitted, your voice small.

Jisung sighed, but his expression softened. “I know it’s hard, but trust me. If you show him that you’ve moved on, it’ll hurt him more than any words you could say.”

You glanced up at him, doubt lingering in your eyes. “And what if I haven’t moved on?”

There was a pause, the weight of your words settling between you both.

Jisung looked away for a moment, his lips pressing into a thin line. When he looked back at you, there was a flicker of pain in his eyes, but he covered it quickly with a reassuring smile. “Then fake it till you make it. Eventually, you’ll get there.”

You let out a heavy sigh, staring down at your untouched food. Jisung’s words rang true, but pretending to be unaffected by Minho felt like lying to yourself. Still, he was right. You couldn’t keep letting Minho control your emotions.

“Fine,” you muttered, pushing your plate away. “I’ll act normal. But if this goes wrong, I’m blaming you.”

Jisung grinned, his playful side coming through as he nudged your shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”


Tonight was a team celebration.

The department head insisted on treating everyone to drinks. Normally, you would have declined, but when Jisung nudged you with a reassuring smile, saying he’d take care of you, it was impossible to say no. Your friends chimed in, encouraging you to join. You didn’t really have a choice.

As the night wore on, you found yourself getting drunk—drunker than you anticipated. The alcohol wasn’t strong enough to numb the ache you felt after seeing Minho again, though. Each glance in his direction reminded you of the past.

Jisung, who sat beside you, silently observed the way your expression shifted whenever Minho laughed or cracked a joke with your other female co-workers. You told yourself not to care, but it stung anyway, the memories too fresh. You couldn’t let him see that he still affected you, that you were still tethered to him by emotions you wished you could bury.

But as the alcohol coursed through your veins, your emotions began building up, dangerously close to overflowing. You fought the tears stinging your eyes.

Before a tear could slip, Jisung was on his feet. “I think it’s time for us to head out,” he announced to the group, his hand resting protectively on your shoulder.

You wanted to protest, but the words didn’t come. Jisung’s arm wrapped around you firmly as he led you outside, and once you were away from the loud chatter and clinking glasses, he finally let go.

The silence between you both was heavy. Without a word, he let you cry.

“I still love him,” you confessed, your voice trembling.

Jisung inhaled deeply, his gaze soft but filled with pain as he let you spill your heart out.

“Even after everything he’s done… I still love him,” you cried louder, your knees threatening to buckle under the weight of it all.

Jisung guided you to his car, gently supporting you while you vented, calling Minho a jerk, but then confessing how you still remembered the way he loved you—the way you loved each other.

“You know…” you said between sobs, “there was this one time, he rented out my favorite park for our anniversary. There were flowers everywhere, and in the center… there was this table. It was one of the most memorable moments of my life…”

Your voice trailed off, the memory twisting the knife deeper into your heart.

“I thought… I thought he was the one. I thought we’d get married, that we’d be together forever,” you said, and the fresh wave of tears spilled over as Jisung opened the passenger door for you. He guided you into the seat, gently fastening your seatbelt.

Before he could move away, you reached up, cupping his cheeks, holding him in place. His eyes widened in shock, unsure of what you were about to do.

“I wish… I wish I had fallen in love with you,” you whispered, voice raw with regret.

For a moment, you both just stared at each other. The world around you seemed to slow down, the weight of your words hanging in the air.

Jisung whispers your name, his voice cracking slightly.

Before he could finish, you closed the distance between you and kissed him. It was soft, hesitant at first, but the pain in your heart surged forward, and you kissed him harder, trying to drown out the lingering feelings for Minho.

Jisung froze for a split second, caught off guard by your actions. Then, he closed his eyes, kissing you back, but there was a hesitation in the way his lips moved against yours. His hands hovered near your shoulders, unsure whether to hold you or push you away.

It had become a pattern—getting drunk, crying over Minho, and kissing Jisung in the process, that end up you making out in his car. Jisung knew about Minho -- from the start, he

knew how much he still haunted you, and now, after seeing Minho in person, a deep fear settled within him.

When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless. His eyes, still wide, searched yours for an explanation, for something to hold onto.

“Every time…” Jisung whispered, his voice trembling. “Every time you kiss me… I know it’s not really me you’re thinking about.”

The honesty in his words stung.

“I’m sorry, Jisung,” you whispered, tears brimming in your eyes again. “I wish it was you…”

“I know,” he replied softly, his thumb brushing away the tears on your cheek. “But it’s not. And it never will be, will it?”

You didn’t have the heart to answer him, so you simply leaned your head against the car seat, eyes closing in exhaustion. The drive back was silent, the tension between you and Jisung suffocating.


The next morning came, and you were running late to work. The events of the previous night flooded your mind—crying over Minho, kissing Jisung. Shame twisted in your chest, but you tried to brush it off. Being late once wouldn’t hurt.

You hurried towards the elevator when suddenly, a hand grabbed your wrist and yanked you back.

“Let’s talk,” Minho’s deep voice commanded, sending chills down your spine.

“Let me go,” you protested, trying to pull away, but he was too strong. He dragged you to the emergency exit, closing the door behind you. The sudden isolation made your heart race.

Now you were alone with him—again.

“We don’t need to talk,” you snapped, trying to walk towards the door, but Minho’s arm slammed against the wall beside you, blocking your path.

“We. Need. To.” His voice was calm but forceful, his eyes dark as they bore into yours.

“Minho…” Your voice wavered, all the anger you wanted to hurl at him caught in your throat. You weren’t ready for this.

But Minho wasn’t going to let you escape.

“Do you still love me?” he asked bluntly, his eyes never leaving yours.

You stared at him, your lips trembling. You wanted to say no. You wanted to lie, to tell him he meant nothing to you anymore. But the truth was lodged in your throat, refusing to let you speak.

Minho’s gaze softened, a hint of sadness slipping through his cold exterior. “I know you still love me,” he whispered. “I can feel it. I still have an impact on you.”

His words snapped you out of your trance, anger bubbling up. The audacity.

You laughed bitterly. “How can you say that after everything you’ve done to me? After leaving me in the dark, after breaking me?”

Minho flinched but didn’t move. “Because I know you. And I know you can’t forget me.”

Your laugh turned hollow. “And if it’s true? What then, Minho?” you spat. “What does it matter?”

“If it’s true,” Minho stepped closer, his breath fanning your face, “then we should get back together.”

You stared at him in disbelief, laughter spilling out as tears blurred your vision. “Just like that? After everything?”

“I…” Minho faltered, his confidence wavering. “I didn’t cheat on you.”

“Liar!” You pushed him back, fury spilling out. “I saw you with her. You kissed my best friend.”

“I was drunk,” he muttered, his voice low with shame.

“Being drunk doesn’t excuse it!” you screamed, your voice cracking. “You still knew what you were doing.”

“I didn’t know… I didn’t realize it,” Minho insisted, his hands gripping your shoulders, eyes pleading. “I didn't know it would happen.”

“You’re lying, Minho. If it wasn’t true, you should’ve explained it then. But you didn’t. You just left.”

Minho’s eyes dropped, unable to meet your gaze anymore. “I…” His words failed him. Minho has a lot to tell but then he was now the one who can't talk.

“I wish I never saw you again,” you whispered, tears falling freely now. With that, you pushed past him and left the stairwell, slamming the door behind you.

Instead of going to your office, you headed straight for the exit. You couldn’t stay here. Not anymore. Not after this.

As you stepped outside, a familiar figure approached you—Jisung. He didn’t need to ask what happened. One look at your face told him everything.

Wordlessly, he guided you to his car, letting you cry in the passenger seat. The only sound in the car was your quiet sobs.

“I can’t do this anymore, Jisung,” you whispered after a long stretch of silence. “I can’t stay here. I need to leave. I need peace.”

Jisung’s heart clenched at your words, but he simply nodded, his voice soft. “I’ll come with you.”

You shook your head, tears slipping down your cheeks. “No. I can’t drag you into this. I can’t keep hurting you.”

“You’re not a burden to me,” Jisung said, his voice raw with emotion. “I love you. I would do anything for you.”

You already knew he loved you, but hearing it still took you by surprise.

“If my heart was ready… I would choose you,” you whispered. “But right now… it’s too tired. It’s too hurt. I can’t just forget Minho and love you. I wish I could, but…”

Jisung nodded, understanding the weight of your words. “I’ll wait,” he whispered. “For as long as you need.”


You stood in the middle of the bustling airport, your suitcase by your side and your heart heavy with the weight of everything you were leaving behind. The noise of travelers passing by, announcements over the intercom, and the occasional laughter from nearby families faded into the background as your thoughts consumed you.

The sunglasses you wore hid the emotions you were trying so hard to suppress. You glanced around the busy terminal, trying to remind yourself why you were here, why you made this decision. You needed peace. You needed to be far away from Minho, from the memories, from everything that hurt. This was your chance to start over, somewhere no one knew your name or your past.

You took a deep breath, your hands tightening around the handle of your suitcase. You could do this. You had to. For your own sanity, for your heart. It was the best way to move on.


an: sdjahdj

Tags :
1 year ago

Skz reaction to a S/O with a big bum || headcanons (Maknae Line)

Hyung Line

Maknae Line

Warnings: smut, mentions of sexual acts, and a little bit fluff ofc:D ; if you’re under 18 please leave!

Skz Reaction To A S/O With A Big Bum || Headcanons (Maknae Line)


• damn bro

• would tease you in a jokingly way

• would never cross the line though and never make you feel insecure!

• would always want to make you feel loved

• imagine just laying on your bed or doing daily chores and he would just randomly glide over your butt with his hand, give you the BIGGEST squeeze in your life and gives you a kiss and *boom* make out session

• he’s so needy

• like girl chill

• feral jisung mode activated

• omg will be so whiny about it

• “baby i need you”


Skz Reaction To A S/O With A Big Bum || Headcanons (Maknae Line)


• nah mate you got him flustered

• will be shy about it

• would never look at your butt because he’s scared to make you uncomfortable

• king

• once you you’re at this point in your relationship where you go the next step ( if you know what I mean *wink* wink*) and get more comfortable with each other you can’t stop him

• is the type to just randomly slap it when you’re alone just for fun

• hehe

• hugs from behind

• would all in all be (mostly) sweet about it <3

• oh why I said mostly you asked?

• well

• I would be lying if I said your butt wouldn’t be a bit of a turn on for him

• would never admit it tho lmaoo

Skz Reaction To A S/O With A Big Bum || Headcanons (Maknae Line)


• heheeee

• would always want you on his lap

• and would always want to hug you from behind

• so fluffy

• always has his hand in your butt lol

• and would gently squeeze it

• he’s so whipped for you

• give him a kiss now hmpf 😡

• anyway seungmin out of the building

Skz Reaction To A S/O With A Big Bum || Headcanons (Maknae Line)


• aww

• I know this may be unexpected but(t)

• will slap the shit out of your butt

• like for what

• someone take him away from minho

• i feel like he would only do it in private and not in public

• because it’s embarrassing

• for both of you

• I feel like no matter what bum size you have he will be obsessed for some reason

• you thought he was innocent


• takes every opportunity to slap your bum tbh

• freaky jeongin

a/n: hey everybody! I hope you enjoyed part 2 and I’m so surprised my first post got 50 likes within not even a day, thank you! :0 this defo motivates me to keep writing, feel free to request some things ;D

take care <3

- liss ^^

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1 year ago
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Warning: this content will mainly be +18 so please MDNI

Fluff = ༄ Smut = ༒ Angst = ☆ Crack = 𖠁

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Wild Side: ༄ ༒

After a long week of stress, work and quick fucks, Y/N and Han are desperate to let off some steam. However, when Y/N comes up with the idea of incorporating Viagra in their sex life, will they be able to handle it when that desperation escalates to drug-induced, animalistic fucking?

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1 year ago



“Your lips look so shiny, it makes me wanna kiss them until they turn matte”



genre: smut, fluff

warnings!: soft dom;jisung x sub;fem reader, fingering, oral (f & m recieving), praise kink (like A HUGE one), nicknames. (I think that’s it, lmk if there’s smth else)


“Fuck.” You said, as you flipped a page of your book, realising you missed a page. “What’s wrong?” Your roommate, Jisung asked you. “I missed a page, now I don’t know what’s going on. At this point, I’m gonna fail the exam.” you sighed as you took another sip of your coffee. “C’mon, Y/N. Both of us have been at this for the past 3 months. If we still fail, then fuck it. We’ll run away with Minho hyung or something” he said, making little doodles with his black pen on the back of both of your hands. You giggled after seeing two penises with stars around them on both of your hands.

You chuckled at the thought. “You think he would let me come with you guys?”, and han nodded. “I’m exhausted. I really want to sleep, but I can’t.” you walked over to it and groaned loudly as you fell onto it, landing on your face. You felt breathless as Jisung lied on your back. “J-Ji I c-can’t breathe!” He stood up, and you squealed as he picked you up as he stood up.

“PUT ME DOWN BEFORE I STOP BUYING YOU CHEESECAKES AND COFFEE YOU IDIOT” you sighed as he gently seated you on the bed. He sat down beside you and started laughing. His adorable heart shaped smile and Adam’s apple showed, and your heart melted at the sight. His hair looked messy. They slightly covered his eyes, which were barely visible because he was still laughing his ass off. His cheeks were pink and puffy, and you wanted to squish them until they were completely red. You’ve liked jisung for a while now, but have been too oblivious to figure out that he fell first and fell HARDER.

“You need to calm down, and I’ve got just the trick.” He said while you walked back to your desk, shaking your head no. “Sorry, ji, but not today. I really need to study.”

“Please, just for today? For me?” He said, giving you the puppy eyes. You groan as you say, “fine, but just for today.” as he jumps up and down like a little child on Christmas morning. Next think you know both of you are in a convenience store, eating ramyun with ice-cream and drinks. Both of you got the spicy ones since you like competing to see who can take it, and you got choco chip cookie ice cream with a cold coffee, while he got a strawberry ice cream with an iced mocha.

“Bro, Jae-hoon and Hannah are literally couple goals. They went on a date the other day, and Jae decorated that crusty ass gazebo near the river in that abandoned vacation home with flowers and light and pictures and stuff.” Han said, stuffing his face with more food.

Your eyes widened, “How come Hannah didn’t tell me?! Well, I know Chan hyung won’t be to happy about it!” You said, laughing as you thought about how he would react. Both of you started mocking him before throwing away the trash and buying some more snacks. You ran to the dorm, once again racing each other, and gave your favourite old security guard some food.

Both of you played some games together, and had some snacks as well. You had completely forgot about the tests. Until the game was over. You both just looked around, until you faced each other. “I- I’ll be honest. I’m thinking about the exam.” You said, not being able to take the silence anymore. He sighed. “Same.” You both thought of some things to do together, but in vain. “I’ma go change into more comfy clothes. Be right back!” You said as you walked off to your room. You changed into some grey shorts and one of Jisung’s purple shirts. You removed your bra and sighed in relief because it had been suffocating you all day. You put on a little lip gloss, because why not? You liked it!

As you walked into the living room, Jisung’s eyes widened. He was glad the lights were dim, or he would’ve been fucked (pun intended). His breath got caught in his throat when he saw you in his shirt and some really short shorts. He felt shame and embarrassment any time he thought of you like that.

But right now, you were making it really hard (quite literally) for him to not do so. Your nipples poking out of his shirt, and your beautiful thighs on display. Oh god, and your beautiful, plump lips. He’s imagined kissing them and watching them moan his name. He loves them, so much. He gulped as you sat down and ran your fingers through your hair. “So, did you think of anything to do?” you asked him, still unaware of the bulge in his sweatpants. “Uh, no.” He quickly replied, getting harder by the second.

you looked at him, confused, until you noticed it. “Oh.” You accidentally said out loud, and he covered his face in embarrassment. “I’m sorry” he said, looking away. “Uh, don’t worry, ji.” You said, smiling. Your smile fell when you spoke the next part, “Um, is it- is it because- of me?” You asked, your voice no louder than a whisper.

“Um, y-yeah?” He said hesitantly. You pressed your lips together, and gathered up all the courage you had. What other chance will you get? “C-can I help? Only I-if you want though” you said, fidgeting with your fingers. He looked at you as if he’d seen a ghost, but quickly cleared his throat and mumbled a quick ‘sure’. You kneeled on the floor and looked him in the eye once more before slowly pulling down his sweats and boxers.

whoa. He’s… huge. You were basically drooling as you spread the drops of pre-cum on his length. He bit his lip to suppress a moan, and you said, “no, ji. Don’t hesitate. Be as vocal as you want” you said, before wrapping your lips around the tip of his length. You began bobbing your head up and down slowly, and Han groaned at the feeling. You slowly quickened your pace. You looked up to see han, and oh my god. He was a sight for sore eyes.

Beads of sweat flowing down his face, his hair sticking to his forehead, his eyes closed shut and lips in a line. His moans and whimpers just made it so much better. You felt yourself getting more and more aroused, and Jisung began getting louder. You went faster, and felt his cock twitch in your mouth. You let out a low groan and that just finished it for jisung. He emptied into your mouth with a high-pitched whine, said your name followed by a few curses and you wiped the cum off the edges of you lips.

“That was… amazing Y/N… thanks” he said. “Um, can I- may I- only if you want, uh- help you out?” he asked, and you blushed. “Oh um, are you s-sure?” you spoke and he nodded. You sat next to him and he looked into your eyes. “C-can I kiss you?” He asked, and your heart did a flip. “It’s just, your lips still look so shiny, and, you kinda just sucked me off so-”

“JI!” you said as he raised his hands. You nodded before connecting your lips together. He adjusted your position so you were now straddling him. Your hands were on his shoulders, while his travelled around your body. He snuck his hands into your (his) shirt and played with your tits. You moaned into his mouth as he squeezed your right nipple and he snuck his tongue into your mouth. he thought your lips tasted like strawberries. He was obsessed, intoxicated. He wanted to kiss you forever, but he knew he wanted you to be pleased as well. He began trailing kisses from your jaw to your neck, then to your collarbone, and you whimpered when he found your sweet spot. He gently removed his shirt off you, and you did the same with him.

Once you were comfortably lying on the couch, he removed your shorts too. he took a minute to appreciate your beauty. “You’re stunning.” He said, and you blushed at the comment. “T-thanks”.

He took your right breast in his hand and sucked on it, and you gasped. He played with your other breast. “J-ji, want you to touch me” you said, not being able to talk properly. “I will, baby. Just want you to feel good, yeah?” he said before going lower until his head was between you thighs. He slowly blew a little air and you squirmed in your place. He chuckled before dipping his middle finger into your wet folds.

you gasped at the feeling. “You’re so wet, princess” he said before kissing your inner thighs. He licked a stripe up your slit and you whimpered, already bucking your hips. “It’s ok baby, I’ll make you feel good. Don’t get impatient”

he slowly sucked and licked your pussy and used his fingers to make an eight figure on your clit. You moaned loudly as he licked faster and deeper. You felt your high coming and Han replaced his tongue with his fingers so he could go faster. “Han-Hannie!” You squealed as he added 2 more fingers into your heat. “You’re doing great princess, you’re stunning” he said. He whispered other praises into you ears and kissed you hard, which did not slow his fingers down a bit.

he bit your bottom lip and swallowed all the moans of his name ans whimpers you let out. He went back down and licked your clit, and he kept hitting your g-spot, so you felt your high coming. “H-hannie, ‘m gonna cum! Please, let me cum!” you whisper, your eyelids getting heavy. “Cum for me, honey. Cum all over my fingers, pretty.” and that’s all it took. His words and praises just pushed you closer, and you came undone on his digits.

you were pretty tired, so he cleaned you up and made you wear one of his shirts. As both of you sat down on the bed, the room fell silent. suddenly, you blurted out “I like you. A lot. I’ve liked you since you came up to me in 8th grade and started singing that stupid song you made with chan and changbin, ‘Jogiyo noona hokshi namjachingu isseoyeo?’” and covered your face with your hands. Han didn’t say anything, he just tapped your cheek.

you looked at him, and he kissed your cheek. “I like you too, Y/N.”

you felt your insides churn up, and hugged him (more like tackled him on the bed but ok). You turned of the lights and checked the time. 2.45 am? Nice. You snuggled into his chest, and he held you close. “So does this mean we get to fuck often?”



Hope you liked it <3

(Do not repost, original work by me A.K.A @elixirq23)u

Tags :
9 months ago


pairing: jisung x reader(afab) genre: smut, NSFW warnings: switch!jisung, switch!reader, established relationship, A LOT of teasing, hair pulling, dirty talk, face slapping (j. receiving), ass slapping (f. receiving), begging, a bit of degrading, oral (f. receiving), cockwarming, edging (f. receiving), creampie a/n: reupload. old blog got suspended!


he’s been begging you to sit in his lap, while he works, all the time. but for some reason you’ve always declined, saying you don’t want to distract him. today is no different.

“jagi, please. i just want to feel you.”

the request stems from his constant need for the feel of you. no matter where and how. jisung claims, that it will help him focus better, but you hardly believe so.

“please, please, please,” he whines, pointing at the monitor. “chan is gonna kill me, if i won’t finish this by tomorrow.”

you sigh. "we're not having sex."

"we're not.” he raises his hands in surrender, agreeing with the wicked smile.

how can you not give in on this, when your boyfriend is begging with his doe eyes? even if he is bluffing, you can’t resist any longer.

you hop in jisung’s lap. legs parted and crotch resting on top of this as you wrap your arms around his neck and nuzzle his cheek.

he murmurs a sweet "i love you", as a thank you.

you hear him start typing something on the keyboard. moments later jisung puts his headphones on and begins to work. you rest your head on his shoulder. the rhythmic sound of keyboard and mouse clicking almost puts you to sleep.

until it wakes you up. you definitely fell asleep for some time, but now you can feel how jisung is shifting in his chair and breathing heavily. and not because of the work. you can tell he's gotten aroused. the bulge is pressing firmly against your pussy.

"we're not doing anything, ji. not until you finish this. you said it yourself, chan is gonna kill you.”

your head still rests on his shoulder, while you are playing with strands of his hair.

"i know but-" he sighs, obviously not content with the plan he's agreed upon. “can i just put it in? please? i won't move, i promise. i just... it's… i'll focus way better if we do that."

"jisung..." you sigh, pulling away to look him in the eye and silently scolding him.

"please? just a bit. you won't even feel me. i'll be completely still. please, jagi.”

"you are so stupid…”

however, you agree to this. the idea is too tempting to pass on. and so, you lift your hips up and move your panties to the side. at the same time, he rushes to pull his hard dick out of his pants, scared, that you’ll change your mind.

"ah, so warm, jagi." he exhales, once his cock is fully buried deep inside your cunt, free hand resting on your waist.

you're back with your head on his shoulder, pussy sometimes clenching around his dick just to mess with him.

"d-don't... do that. what… if i cum?"

"that'd be a shame," you say with a chuckle, the vibrations traveling through your body and making you clench some more.

it takes all of his might not to fuck into you and focus on his work instead.

you actually let him work for up until you become bored and messing with him again, making him squirm around.

"jagi, please," jisung moans, "just need to fuck you, i'm begging you.”

you respond, trying to hide a smirk on your face. "you said you need to work and you wanted to stay like this, just inside me, not fucking. that's exactly what we're doing right now."

he starts to move and thrust against you, but you hold him by his shoulders, looking into his eyes warningly. jisung lets out a loud whine.

“jagi, please, please, i know you want this too. stop messing with me.” he nervously licks his lips, fingers carefully, as if there is a chance that you will not notice, circle on your hips. “i am sorry about what i said. but i really want you right now, please. just let me-“

you can’t hide your proud expression anymore. you just love seeing him like this - whining and begging under you. it takes you a lot of self-control, not to give in to his pleas quickly.

jisung runs his hand through his messy hair, as he promises. "i’ll be good, i am sorry! please, just fuck me.”

you look at him again. pouty lips that beg to be kissed, fucked up look on his face, eyes shuttering in lack of friction to his dick. jisung rests his hand back on your hip, continuing to draw circles on it in a silent request and looking as if he is going to burst out of his skin at the anticipation.

his words turned you on so much. when he is like this, stumbling over words and not able to get his point across, that makes your pussy throb.

finally, you slam your lips together, making jisung let out a loud whine. you can smell his perfume and shampoo. something that smells like cinnamon, but still so him. 

jisung breathes heavily into the kiss, as you let your tongue into his mouth, pulling his hair softly with one hand. he whines again, hips just barely moving up. he won’t do anything until you say so. you know that but keep teasing him for a little bit longer. that fucked up look on his face is way too exciting.

“oh, look what you’ve got yourself into,” you say again. “so weak for my pussy, can’t even put your dick inside me, without begging me to fuck you.”

jisung just whines in response, unable to form a proper sentence.

you let your head stay close to his so that your wet lips are brushing against his teasingly. and it works - he looks like he is about to die if you don’t kiss him again.

his cheeks are flaming, bright crimson and his chest heaving underneath the thick fabric of his hoodie.

“p-please. please, jagi, i’ve been good, i am not even trying to move inside you!“ he begs again. you can feel that he is getting to his limit.

you give in and finally make a move with your hips, slowly going up and down. he instantly lets out a high-pitched moan and writhes, trying to fuck into you.

you lean forward, gripping his cheeks between your fingers. they squish together comically, but jisung is still looking at you expectantly. does he want you to slap him? he doesn’t even need to say anything, you know him so well. you pull your hand back, and then quickly slap his right cheek.

“fuck- yes,” he groans, throwing his head back and bucking his hips up into your pussy. “o-oh. jagi. i love when you do that. harder, please, hit me harder.“

“you are such a whore, ji.” you say, giving him another firm slap to his cheek, the same one, making him whine.

“don’t act like you don’t like getting slapped, jagi.” jisung responds with a loud slap to your ass, that makes you moan loudly. you are at your high as well. he grins. “that’s what i tho-“

you cut him off, sinking onto him in one swift motion. you shut your eyes, feeling his dick aline perfectly inside you. it makes you let out a pleased sigh.

before you can begin moving, jisung picks you up by your waist and flips you over against his desk, beginning to thrust into you frantically.

“hey! i was about to start moving!” you jolt at the movement, letting out a loud moan. “jesus- babe!”

“you teased me for too long, jagi. i-i can’t help it anymore. want you so bad.” he responds, holding your waist to meet his thrusts, slapping your ass in the moment, asserting dominance, that he never had in this relationship. after that much teasing, he just uses you as his fucktoy, eyes rolling back into his head.

the switch of dynamic turns you on even more. you love when is submissive to you, but it’s a whole other level, when he becomes impatient and takes things into his control.

jisung mumbles something, probably how good your pussy feels, moving his hand and placing his fingers on your clit. even after you being mean to him, he is trying hard to please you.

“f-fuuck, baby, you are so good at this.” you whine, as moans start to fall out of your mouth unabashedly.

he moans as well, as he feels his dick get wetter with your arousal, thrusting in and out. it is dirty, extremely messy and, probably, very loud. good thing the studio has solid soundproofing.

“oh, jagi, gonna cum!“ he groans and slaps you once again, making your pussy clench against him even more.

it only takes him a few more thrusts before hot cum floods into your pussy. he is loud, whining and sobbing through his orgasm. as he finishes into you, he turns you around and sits you at the edge of the desk, not caring much about it being sticky with his own cum afterwards.

“a little bit closer to me, jagi.” he commands.

he knows you too well. he knows, that you won’t be able to cum on his dick, and he doesn’t want to make you cum on his fingers, so he always makes sure that you cum on his tongue.

jisung wraps his hands around you to bring your pussy even closer to his face. the warmth of his breath is then followed by the gentle kisses he places on each inner thigh, slowly inching closer to your clit. you hold in your breath for a second.

“you taste so good.” he mutters into your pussy.

you can’t lie, he has always been so good at eating you out. the feel of his wet, hot tongue lapping and sucking sends you into a state of oversensitivity. his lips latch onto your clit, while he whines at tasting you. wide licks cleaning up the mess between your folds, the mix of your arousal and his cum, making you twitch at the sensation. 

your legs are shivering and shaking from the pleasure that’s beginning to surge throughout your body - a sign to jisung that you’re about to cum, and just before you do so, he stops and pulls away.

“mhm… babe?” you whine out.

“i think it’s my turn to tease you.” he smirks.

this can’t be happening right now. you bet he feels so proud of himself for doing so.

“c’mon, i made you cum, don’t do this to me!” you cry out impatiently.

jisung smiles, not moving in any direction. he just wants to see you beg him, as he begged you before.

“say what you want me to do.”

you sigh. you hate when he does this. it makes you so embarrassed saying things out loud. you love to be in control instead.

“mhm? why so shy all of a sudden?” he repeats. “what do you want me to do? if nothing, then i will just stand up and leave.”

“ugh-h, you are such an ass for this!” you become a little mad. “fine. can you make me cum, please?”

“how exactly?” he continues with the biggest smirk on his face.

you roll your eyes, already thinking of a payback for the next time.

“make me cum with tongue… please, ji! just put your tongue on my clit again and lick it till i cum! please!”

“okay, okay, i will stop teasing you.” he laughs and places a kiss on your inner thigh.

finally, jisung latches his lips around your clit and sucks harshly, earning a moan from you. you are clearly overstimulated, but it feels so good. even better than before.

jisung sticks his tongue inside, darting it out harshly to graze over your clit and swirl around it. your moans become much louder. gosh, you are so close. you gasp in pleasure, arching desperately into his face and beginning to rhythmically grind movements against his tongue. you open your eyes for a moment, which have been shut blissfully in pleasure, to look beneath you. jisung’s face is buried deep in your cunt, as his mouth glistens with your arousal.

this view itself sends you to your high. you close your eyes, grinding against him in riding motions, chasing your orgasm. you clasp your legs around his face, your thighs trembling, feeling your clit pulsate on his tongue. you say nothing to jisung, simply letting a series of moans vocalize your release to him.

jisung pulls away, when he hears your breathing has slowed down. his lips are covered in your arousal. not being able to hold back, you lean in for a quick kiss. he smiles into your lips.

“like the taste?”

“mhm.” you respond, pulling away and licking your lips.

you jump off the desk, looking at the mess you made - a mix of his cum and yours all over it, keyboard on the floor, mouse wire dangling nearby.

“well, i guess you won’t be able to finish your work till tomorrow, am i right?” you tease again, earning an eye roll from him.

-> reblog to support me, if you enjoyed reading this and please let me know your thoughts in the comments! ♡

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Tags :
6 months ago

Han Jisung Thoughts✨

Han Jisung Thoughts
Han Jisung Thoughts
Han Jisung Thoughts

Minors do not interact❗

If you have an empty blog then you will be blocked----------------------

YALL don't even start omg. BRO THE SOLOS STRAY KIDS DID 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯LORDDDDD BLESS ME. Why are they actinggg like that OMGG. But... This about about Han.... HIM PLAYING THE GUITAR OMG I LOVE HIM MSMSMMSMSS. his outfits that he had.. Oh... My... Gosh I'm transforming 🧍‍♀️🧎‍♀️🐺. Brooo there was this picture of him in this outfit and it was like a white button up shirt an you could see his tattoo through it😵‍💫. Omg it's so pretty. Imagine after his performance brother. Han was coming back from his solo with his guitar. There was so much adrenaline running through his body and he needed you so bad. You were in his dressing room, waiting for him. He quickly makes his way to you, opening the door and slamming it shut. You quickly jump up to hug him but before you can he shoves you into the wall, pinning your arms above your head. "Hannie... " he kisses your neck. 'Fuck baby... I need you so bad" he starts pulling off your clothes and soon you are completely naked. "What if we get caught...?" You look up at him with fear in your eyes. "I don't care, I need to be inside you" he quickly undos his belt, taking it and wrapping it around your hands. Soon his clothes are off and he's bending you over the table. "You ready, jagiya~?" He whispers in your ear, lining himself up with you "Please Han... Need you" he quickly thrusts himself into you, groaning loudly as he starts pounding into you. ORRRRRRRR It could be the same situation BUT you are the one who is really needy BUT BUT BUT since you are being a brat he decided to put you in your place at the end. Seeing him perform with his guitar and just getting so hot and bothered. You couldn't help yourself. After he got done, he was walking back to find you. He walked in his dressing room to see you sitting on the small couch. You quickly go over to him, pulling him to couch and shoving him down on it. "B-baby, what are you doing?" He looks down at you with wide eyes. "I need you so bad right now. Do you know what you do to me Han Jisung?" Han shakes his head and stares down at you like he doesn't know anything even though he knows everything. "Well, you make me feel things I can't describe. When I see you on stage it just makes me so wet. And you having those sexy tattoos just make it so much worse. And that damn guitar you play, oh my gosh baby" you look up at him. "It just makes me feel so crazy" you quickly take his belt off from his pants, pulling them down, along with his boxers. His cock springs up in your face. Hard as a rock. You start stroking him and look up at him with innocent eyes. "Ah- Jagiya" he protests but you don't stop. You actually take him into your mouth, bobbing your head as he let's out the prettiest whimpers. Once he finally cums, you strip yourself and get on his lap. Taking his shirt off, you start tracing his tattoos with your fingers. "Hannie~" you look into his eyes. "What baby, what do you need pretty girl?" You lean down and kiss his tattoos then whisper in his ear. "I need you inside me... " he quickly thrusts up into you, causing you to gasp as he pounds up into you. "Yeah, you like this cock baby, hmm?" Your eyes roll back as he hits deeper inside of you. "Yes! Love it so much~" he puts a hand on your throat. "Ah, ah baby, be quiet. We don't want no one to hear" you clench around him and he whined out. "There we go, princess. Come on, make a mess on that dick" he throws his head back and sticks his tongue out, as you cum, clenching his cock so hard. He doesn't stop tho, no. He keeps going. "Han, s' too much" he laughs at you. "No, baby you wanted this" he pulls out of you, oh to flip you on your back and thrust back into your dripping hole. You cry out and scratch at his back. "Come on, baby. Give me one more, I know you can" you quickly cum all over him, he soon pours his hot cum inside you, leaning down to kiss your head. "Good job, princess".

Tags :
1 year ago





Summary: Han Jisung was an angel. You hated his guts, at least thats what you always thought, but what would happen if you got snowed in with him for a night?




SKZ on your Weddingday!

Tags :
1 year ago



wc: 3300

summary: Han Jisung was an angel. You hated his guts, at least thats what you always thought, but what would happen if you got snowed in with him for a night?

CONTENT WARNING: SMUT; p in v, reader is a female, unprotected sex (seriously, don't do that.), han is a little crybaby, sub!han, dom!reader, reader is a bit of a meanie and a psycho in the beginning, kind of open end?


Han Jisung was an Angel. At least thats what you liked to call him. He had this really bright, gummy smile that could light up the whole room as soon as he stepped into it. Han always liked to help others, either with Homework or personal problems, he never said no if getting asked to help. He was the smartest Kid in school, and he knew that. Always getting good grades, always being the teachers favorite student, no matter what.

Fuck, you hated his guts. He was so effortlessly perfect, always smiling and laughing. What the fuck was there to be happy about every day? You were a pretty quiet girl, not liking too much attention, never ever talking in class and nearly always getting bad grades. Jisung was the excact opposite, maybe thats why you hated him so much.

Hate was a big word, maybe you didnt really hate him, you just really badly wanted to fuck him. But you often thought that his nice face and happy aura was all a mask so nobody could see the real him. Noone is just born as perfect as he pretends to be. Sometimes you sit in class, the very last row, where you can perfectly stare at him without anyone noticing. At times like that you think of how you could discover the real Jisung. Your dark, twisted and filthy mind screams at you to break him, make him cry, open up his mind layer by layer.

Maybe you really were a psycopath, at least thats what your best friend, minho, liked to call you. He was friends with Jisung since childhood and always insisted on him being a really good guy. „He'd never do any Harm, believe me.“ you'd always scoff at that, not believing anything pouring ot of that mans mouth.

Thats exactly why you came up with a plan. A plan on how to get closer to Jisung without him getting too suspicous of your sudden nice personality. Exams were gonna start soon and as you walked up to Han with the Question you prepared burning on your tounge, you swallowed. What if he just says no? Fuck it, its too late to turn back now. So you walk up to him and make yourself known by tapping him on the shoulder, he turns around and looks a little pale all of a sudden, What? Did you look that bad? You put on extra nice clothes and even put your hair up into a ponytail so he could see your eyes better.

„Y-Y/N? H-Hi.... um.. c-can i help you with something?“

was he nervous to talk to you, or what was his problem? God he was really annoying you right now, but you decided to cover your annoyance up with the fakest, brightest smile you could muster.

„Hey, Jisung! Sorry to bother you, but uh.. do you have a study partner? Its just that i sometimes see you in the library studying by yourself and i thought it'd be nice to study together, you know, help each other maybe?“

you looked up at him with hoping eyes and that same sweet smile plastered onto your face. The Man in front of you turned paniced, breath slightly quickening and face getting a little red. Nobody else could have seen it, but you followed his every move, like a predator stalking its prey. Han Jisung was your prey.

„Oh, wow. I-I never thought t-that you even knew my name...“

is he making fun of you or is he dead serious right now? How could you not know who he was? He was the most popular guy in college.

„Of course i know who you are!“ you slightly laughed at his baffeled face. „So, about my propose... what do you say?“ you raised an eyebrow as you stared into his eyes.

Jisungs head was in the clouds. He never thought youd willingly talk to him. You, the shy, quiet Girl from most of his classes.The Girl he'd always look at in the hallways when noone could see. Your instagram pictures saved in a folder deep inside his phone only for him to see.

Some might think that he's crazy, obsessed even. Maybe he is, but in his head all he can think is that youre his one true love. He immediatly fell in love with you at first sight. First day of college when someone threw a little party to get everyone to know eachother. When he saw you coming in with Minho right behin you he nearly fainted. Maybe he could get to know you through Minho.

That turned out to be the wrong way, Minho immediatly told him that yoou were off limits. He said you were „differrent“ and not easy to get close to. Jisung stopped his advances the first time you two talked. Or, he talked and you stared at him like he stole your favorite plushie and burned it. What? Wasn't he smiling bright enough? Normally that worked on everyone he met. Maybe he needed to joke around more and try to make you laugh to win you over?

That was the wrong choice as you looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights as you turned around and walked aways fastly. Ever since that day you didnt like him. You immediatly saw trough his facade, saw his eyes not light up as bright as his smile. You thought it was weird of him to put on that fake smile, who was he trying to impress? You for sure weren't impressed.

„Jisung? Han Jisung!“ He awoke from his thoughts as you waved your hand in front of his face. He turned a deep shade of red and coughed a little in embarassment.

„Yeah, uh.. sorry about that... But y-yeah, i would really like to s-study with you.“ Why was he stuttering like a moron? God, this was really embarassing. He would like the earth to split open and swallow him whole in that moment. How was he supposed to work with you at the same table as him?

This was hard. Really hard. Trying to keep up the act of the sweet girl in front of him for over a month and fake laughing at every stupid joke he made to impress you. But at least you got what you wanted as he invited you over to his place for yet another study session. This was your chance, you thought. Your chance to finally look into his home, into him. You couldnt wait to finally solve the mistery that was han jisung.

As you knocked on his front door, slightly shaking from the cold airin seoul, you thought about your game pkan. How were you going to get into his head? How could you get him to open up to you? Your train of thougt was interrupted by him opening the frontdoor and smiling brightly at you, as always.

„Hey Y/N! Come on in, i already prepared some smnacks and drinks for us!“ he seemed pretty happy, which was good because it meant he felt comfortable around you.

You quickly nodded and stepped past him into his warm, and welcoming home. Everything was pretty cozy, well cleaned and organized. Weird, you always thought he was a kind of chaotic type, considering his way of speech was always pretty fast and he seemed too loud, too funny to focus on things like cleaning his flat.

Maybe that was the first red flag you should have seen. Why was his home this organized when his whole personality wasn't? As you two studied and talking deep into the night you learned a lot more about him than you thought you would.

You glanced at your phone and sighed, you had to get going. But deep down you knew you didn't really want to. You wanted to know more about him, about his life. He was never like this when you saw him in college. This calm, collected and controlled.

„I probably should get going now, its getting pretty late and i don't want to keep you up too long..“ You said as you started to pack all of your things into your backpack.

„no worries, i'd stay up late either way, i still haven't looked at yo-“ he stopped himself, fuck he nearly said the wrong thing. He lost focus for one second and almost told you about him looking at your pictures, your little webcam on your laptop that you always forgot to turn off before heading to bed...

„Sorry, i meant i still haven't learned enough..“ he quickly said as to not get you suspicous of him. He could'nt scare you away yet. He wasnt ready to let you go that fast. He needed more of you, needed more time to really get to know you, inside and out.

You obviously didn't know he was always looking for you in every crowded room, always standing close to you, hoping to get close enough so he was able to smell you coconut scented shampoo. Fuck it drew him crazy, he could imagine you laying sprawled under him, your hair messy, your bodies sweating against each other as he fucked you dumb. He needed you like oxygen, he was crazy after you, couldn't get enough. Nothing, noone could stop him, not even you.

As you made your way to his frontdoor you glanced outside only to see that it ha snowed a lot while you were here. „Oh fuck..“ you muttered as you couldn't believe how much snow had come down in only a couple of hours.

„Wha-? Oh... shit, you're walking home, right? I can't let you go in a snow storm like this...“ he said as he looked down at you, inside of him he was jumping around, already starting to get hard at the thought of you sleeping on his bed. „Uh... you could stay over if you want to.. i can sleep on the couch and you sleep on the bed..“ he told you in a hurry.

You looked up at him and outside again, it would really be a dumb idea to walk home in this weather.. you couldn't even see further than two meters. You sighed as you turned back to him. „If i really stay over i don't want you sleeping on the couch because of me...“

„If it doesn't bother you, we'll just both sleep on my bed.“

„No worries, i won't do anythingweird..“ he added. The jisung inside his head laughing at what he was saying, of course he was going to stare at your beautiful face all night...

You seemed to think about his idea and finally nodded at him as you dropped your backpack back to the floor. „Alright, can i wash up in your bathroom?“ He immediatlynodded at your question and showed you to his bathroom. As you closed the door behind yourself, this was getting ridicolous, how would you be able to resist him when you were together all night?

You breathed out as you looked at yourself in the mirror. At least you had dressed up nicely tonight, just for him. You even did your hair and as you undressed you remembered you even put on you best pair of underwear tonight. Fuck, you really were prepared if anything would happen tonight.

After taking a quick shower and putting your panties on you realised you didn't even have anything to sleep in. „Shit..“ you quietly muttered to yourself as you considered asking him for clothes... but maybe.. maybe this was the perfect chance to tease him, maybe you could get him to crack if you walked out of this bathroom in just this towel.

You smiled at your reflection and opened the door as you confidently stepped out into his bedroom. „Jisung?“ you said.

Jisung looked up at you and nearly pissed himself at your sight. Holy fuck, was this really happening or was he already dreaming about you? He snapped himself out of his haze as he let out a small noise for you to know he was listenign to what you were saying.

„ Do you maybe have a shirt i could sleep in? I didn't think i'd stay over so i didn't bring any clothes..“ Rhe man in front of you sputtered as he got up onto his feet as fast as he could to go over to his wardrobe and pull out a shirt for you to wear, „Yeah, of course, take this..“

You thanked him as you went back into the bathroom to change into the shirt. It was mid-thigh length, which was perfect to tease him. You already got the reaction you wanted when you wlaked into his room again, his cheeks turned red and he looked like he was going to explode any second now. You put on a worried look as you stepped closer.

„Jisungie? Are you alright?“ you cringed inside as you called him that stupid name, maybe he wouldn't like that?

„Oh holy fuck call me that again...“ he groaned as if he was in pain and as you looked down you saw a growing tent in his pants. You started grinning like crazy and looked back up to his eyes.

„Aww, are you getting hard because you saw a bit of my skin? What are you, a fucking pervert?“ you spit out as you slowly felt yourself getting wet at the thought of him being aroused because of you.

„W-what? I-i'm not i-i swear...“ he stuttered as he put up his hand in front of him. His eyes turning glassy and slightly blown out, exactly the reaction you wanted. You knew it, you fucking knew he wasn't just a nice guy. You knew he was as sick and twisted as you were. You laughed out lough.

„holy shit, you like me talking to you like that? You like when women put you in your place?“ you grabbed his chin and made him look up at you. He whined and nodded quickly, trying to blink away the tears of humiliation that started to form on his waterline.

You grinned as your other hand squeezed his thigh and he whimpered at your harsh touch. „Say it. Say you want me to fuck you.“ you spit in his face as you stared intensly at him.

„I-I want it so bad, you don't even know how much i need it..“ he whispered the last part, but you heard him loud and clear. Fuck , you were going to ruin him.

You pushed him back by the chest and made quick work of ripping his shirt off before climbing onto his lap and softly grinding on his now fully erect cock, making him moan out loud. „Please!“ he almost whailed.

You cooed at him, seeing him get antsy and touching you all over. If you were going to tease him any further he was for sure blow soon. „Aww, are you already getting close from just a little touching, jisungie? You need me to fuck you right now?“ you softly spoke against his ear to which he whined and you felt his cock twitch against your core.

„Y-Yes.. need it now.. please.“

„Well how could i deny you if you ask that nicely..“ you said as you pulled his shirt over your head and connected your lips in a first kiss. The kiss was messy and wet, filthy with all of that spit coming out of his mouth. He couldn't help but drool at the thought of getting to finally be inside of you after waiting for all this time.

You made quick work of his sweatpants and shortly after realised he wasn't even wearing any boxershorts underneath. „So needy for me, you didn't even put on underwear, huh babyboy?“ he moaned loudly at that petname, not even caring if anyone would hear him. All that mattered was you sitting on top of him, ready to fuck him into oblivion.

He shook his hand as he pulled at your panties impatiently. „O-Off... please“ you giggled at his already fuicked out speeck, his blown out pupils, looking up at you so beggingly. You decided against teasing him any further, as you were also getting impatient. You pulled your panties off ans xou grabbed his dick and spit right onto the tip, making him shudder and let out a noice like he was sobbing.

You pumped him a few times to spread the slick of your spit and positioned yourself over his cockhead. „You ready for me, baby?“ you cooed at him nodding and muttering a series of pleas under his breath.

As you sunk down on him you enjoyed the stretch on the way down, while han was quietly sobbing into is arm, too embarassed to let you see him like that. You pulled his arm away as you finally were completely filled out by him. „Need to see your face baby, gonna treat you so well.“ You muttered to him and left a slow and soft kiss on his lips, a stark contrast to the way you were talking to him before.

But seeing him look like that made you soften up a bit, wanting to take care of him and baby him until he was ruined for anyone else and sobbing from the pleasure you were giving him. You slowly started rocking your hips against him and looked for any sign of discomfort in him. When you didn't find any, you started fully bouncing on top of him, making him nearly scream out from the pleasure he felt.

Jisung was full on crying now, shamelessly grabbing on your tits and littering your neck in messy, wet kisses and hickeys. No matter how fucked out he already was, he still wanted to mark you, making anyone in college see you had someone to fuck. „Gon-gonna c-cum too fast! AH!“ he moaned out and shut his eyes tightly to focus on the band in his belly.

He was already on the verge of cumming so you started rubbing tight circles on your clit. „O-Okay.. fuck, i'm going to cum too!“ you finally moaned out as your movements got messy and uncoordinated. Luckily Jisung saw that you were running out of breath and quickly grabbed your thighs whit his strong hands as he held you up to fuck up into you at an ungodly pace that was makíng you see stars.

Fast and hushed praises were raining from your lips and when you looked down at his tear stained, concentrated face the band in you finally snapped, making you cum harder than you have ever before. You cumming on top of him made him finally let go too, moaning your name loudly as he came into you.

As you laid against his chest, letting him cum and cum and cum into you, you steadied your breathing slowly. „That was the best sex i ever had.“ he whispered, completly spent under you.

„Uh-Huh.“ you just said as you closed your eyes and cuddled up to him.

You vaguely remember him cleaning you and putting the blanket over you before drifting off into a deep sleep.

Maybe Han Jisung wasn't as bad as you thought he would be, maybe he was just a loud and awkward guy, but you now were sure that you indeed didn't hate him, you liked him.

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5 months ago

what a girl wants | park jisung (m)

What A Girl Wants | Park Jisung (m)

synopsis after tapping out early into your first-time, jisung refuses to be a fool in front of you again. gathering reinforcements, he arms himself in preparation to please you when the next time comes for you both to be intimate. and boy, does he learn a lot.

genre nonidol!au (inexperienced!jisung x experienced!reader), fem!reader, mature (smut), and established relationship

minors dni, please ! (nsfw tags under the cut)

content probably needs another proof read, men explaining sex, multiple scenes of ji lasting a millisecond (jk, jk), pet-names (pretty, babe, baby), reader naturally takes on a bit of a dominate role, brief missionary, cunniligus, overstimulation, hair-pulling, unprotected probone, even more missionary, ear play + sucking, creampie, and a tiny off-hand joke about dh offering to fawk jisung

word count 6k

author’s note listen, ik virtually everyone came out of tds3 loving chenle (rightfully so) but personally, i’ve been on jisung timing since my stop teehee 🤭

What A Girl Wants | Park Jisung (m)


Jisung had dreamed of this moment much more than he’d care to admit to. You both had been dating for nearly a year and had yet gotten to the point of stark intimacy, well, until now.

It was breathtaking really, seeing you under him. He couldn’t believe this was his reality, that you were actually doing this with him. That was all he could think about when you first initiated it. He let you take the lead, per usual, but this time it reached a point where he was eager to agree when you asked if he was ready.

Though, at this moment, he was coming to regret that excited confirmation he had delivered earlier.

“Oh,” you verbalized from the junction of Jisung’s neck following the sudden stall in his movements. “Did you…?”

A faint whimper escapes from Jisung’s lips, visibly coming down from his evident climax. You watch as Jisung’s eyes flutter open, his face soon contorting into a look of sheer horror, dropping his head to where your bodies met to witness the scene completely for himself.

“Oh my god…” he mumbles in what you read as bewilderment, his head snapping back to speak to you.

“___, I am so sorry.” Jisung sputters out immediately.

A fond laugh fights its way through you, and you shake your head to mask it away. “No, no. It’s okay, Ji’…”

You try to comfort him, but his flushed face remains puffy with frustration. Your hands that come to coddle his bloated cheeks do little to soothe his nerves. Jisung huffs, undoubtedly upset with himself.

“Hey, look at me.” You urge his gaze to meet your own, he finds your eyes soft and a tender smile playing at your lips. Jisung finds his heart rate slowing at this, the pad of your thumb that smoothes over his tense jaw aiding in his relaxation.

“We can stop, if you want?”

Jisung inhales sharply, squeezing his eyes shut as if once he opens them back up that this moment will have never happened. But you’re still there, waiting patiently for his answer.

He thinks for a moment. There was a thought that spoke to him, to keep going as he knew how long you both had waited for this night. But the weight of his reality felt like it was physically crushing him too much to listen.

“Uh, yeah. I think that’d be best…” He answers meekly and you reluctantly nod.

His room falls silent besides from the rustling of you assisting him with pulling out and the bed creaking under his weight as he plops in the spot next to your body. You regretfully sit up after only experiencing time on your back momentarily, sparing a solemn look to Jisung who’s large hands hide his face.

“You okay?” Your voice is gentle as you probe him.

Jisung clears his throat, revealing his face briefly when he sits up on his elbows to address you. It’s painted a furious pink from what you assume is his embarrassment and shimmers with sweat. “Yeah, I just—uh— need a minute.”

Understanding of him, you decide to slip away to handle yourself. “Okay, well, I’ll be in the bathroom.”

“Mhm.” Jisung nods, watching you intently as you slide from the mattress, grabbing his once discarded tee, and trail to the nearby bathroom before disappearing behind the door.

His body meets his bed again with a thud, shielding his hot face away with his hands once again.

What A Girl Wants | Park Jisung (m)


It takes a number of business days before Jisung can even work up the courage to see you in person, let alone mention what had transpired that night. The memory had been gnawing away at him since, every time he blinked, or tried to sleep, your nonplus reaction to his “premature” arrival was all he could see.

There was no way he could bring it up in conversation just yet… at least not to you.

“You what?!” Renjun exclaims in absolute horror.

“He lasted thirty seconds!” Chenle gleefully responds for Jisung, still coming down from the belly-splitting laughing fit he had just went through before informing Renjun.

Brazenly (and stupidly), Jisung had decided he was fed up with his set of circumstances— trusting his best-friend and roommate, Chenle, with the information that had landed him in this unfortunate position.

But very quickly, he realized just how much of a mistake that was.

Jisung sighs frustratedly— sparing the brunette a piercing glare before angling his attention back to Renjun, “It was more like a minute and a half…”

“Oh, Jisung, that’s still not good.” Renjun comes over, slowly sitting on the opposite side of his junior.

“I know.” Jisung physically slumps in his spot, a cutesy pout on his face.

A tight-lipped, earnest smile graces Renjun’s face and he places a comforting hand on Jisung’s shoulder. “Did you at least help her?”

Jisung asks blankly, confused. “With what?”

Renjun pauses alongside Chenle, both of them sharing a horrified look while Jisung looks between them like a neonate dear.

“You didn’t help her?!” Chenle screeches, eyes bulging and eyebrows angled in complete confusion.

“Do what?!” Jisung bellows, now frustrated.

“Jisung, even I know what you’re supposed to do for your girlfriend in the event you.. finish early…” Renjun voices deeply and careful enough for his friend’s digestion.

Jisung pauses for a moment, picking apart Renjun’s words before making a face of understanding.“I— oh, well she said she’d take care of it!”

“Still,” Renjun sighs, taking a moment to calm himself. “you’re supposed to offer, man.”

“I’ve got to tell Mark about this…” Chenle shakes his head, already typing in the group chat.

What A Girl Wants | Park Jisung (m)



Mark’s face is twisted in an expression Jisung can only decipher as disbelief, a common emotion he’s encountered since filling in his friend group on his situation.

“I know, I know. It’s not a good look.”

Donghyuck scoffs amusedly, having stopped in on the conversation after overhearing the absurd topic. “It’s an awful look, actually. How do you cum in thirty seconds without getting your girl off after?”

“It wasn’t—“ Jisung sighs, gathering himself. “I don’t know. I have no idea what I’m doing.” He recedes, sinking into the material of the couch that supported him, Mark, and Jaemin.

“Well, ___ knows this, right?” Jeno pipes from beside Donghyuck after remaining silent the whole debriefing session.

Jisung shifts in his spot, shrinking from the burning gazes of his friends as they wait for him to overshare. “Yeah, I mean, we talked about it before. But she has experience, and— I dunno— I thought I’d at least do okay…”

“Ah, Jisung. No ones ever perfect doing anything for the first time.” Jaemin plants a rather rough yet consoling pat on the younger’s back.

“I was.” Donghyuck interjects, a smug look on his face while shrugging his shoulders.

Renjun scoffs, shoving the back of the former’s head from his positioning— leaning over the same couch Donghyuck happened to be sprawled across. “You cried.”

“Aht!“ Donghyuck rubs his head, snapping around to correct his friend. “That was the second time!”

Mark sighs deeply, drawing the attention away from his friends’ squabble. “Jisung, have you both talked about it since?”

Jisung anxiously plays with his ear, pouting. “Well, no, even if I wanted to I just don’t know what I’d say…” It was a true concern for him. He had muddled over the scenario in his about a dozen times at this point, and every time he couldn’t find the appropriate words to say to you— even if you weren’t even really there.

“Sorry for only lasting thirty seconds?” Chenle wickedly suggests, earning yet another warning glare from Jisung.

“Ou, if you don’t know how to say it, you could always get a cake!” Donghyuck piles on, promptly earning another wack to his head— this time Jeno is the unamused culprit.

“Look, next time you see her, just be honest.” Jaemin advises, effectively drowning out the whining of his battered friend who claimed Chenle deserves the lashings because he commented first.

Jisung nods, considering it but not with another issue forming in his mind. “Okay, well… what about… you know...”

“The sex?” A handful of them chime in response.

The younger boy’s lips form a tight, shy line, obviously still finding the topic a bit taboo. “Yes, yes— that. What am I supposed to do? I don’t want a repeat of last time…”

“Just watch a bunch of porn, that’s what I did.” Donghyuck recommends, still testing his luck.

Exhausted, Renjun simply lets his eyes pierce into the back of his friend’s head for a moment before sighing.

“How about we don’t do that and just give you some pointers, hmm?”

Jisung claps his hands together, liking that nugget of advice way more than Donghyuck’s, who sits offended, tongue infamously poking his cheek.

“Okay, sounds good.”

What A Girl Wants | Park Jisung (m)

IV. H.T.P.A.S.Y.G 101

Now, when Jisung was told that everyone would be meeting in he, Chenle, and Renjun’s shared living room to “give him pointers”, he didn’t necessarily expect to be surrounded by his friends while his television displayed a slide show.

Surprisingly, Donghyuck ran the operation with his laptop perched on the armrest on the opposite couch, even after his treatment the other night.

“Alright, Jisung, welcome to how to please and satisfy your girl 1-0-1!” Donghyuck stands at the center of the room, gesturing towards the screen that projects the title ‘H.T.P.A.S.Y.G 101’— along with throwaway stock photos of couples experiencing varied emotions.

“Woah. Did you make this?” Jisung voices, foolishly impressed with his friend’s set-up.

Donghyuck’s facials drop, “No. It was already a template on Canva.” He deadpans while Jisung makes a motion of understanding.

Collectively, his friends blink ludicrously at Jisung’s naïveté. “He made it, Jisung-ie…” Jaemin clarifies slowly.

“Ah,” the latter nods, embarrassment creeping up his skin.

Donghyuck shakes his head before putting the attention back on the screen where he flips to the next slide, automatically does Jisung pull out his phone to retain the coming information.

“Okay, first rule, don’t come in thirty seconds.”

A cacophony of snickers and tittering emerge from the group at Jisung’s expense.

“I— how long are you guys gonna run with this?” Jisung cringes, regretting all over again even including the detail of his duration.

The man in the center staggers back into his spot, pretending to wipe away fallen tears. “I’m sorry it’s too funny…”

“Now! It may seem hard but the last thing we want is a redo of what happened last time, yes?” Jisung nods shamefully, lips tight.

“Next rule, be a giver. Down the line you can find out whether or not she prefers it but to start, you wanna take charge and get your girl off.”

Jisung hums, his focus being the ever growing list on his phone-screen. Curious, Jeno peers over at him.

“A—are you seriously taking notes?” He furrows his brows at the open tab in Jisung’s notes app.

“Hey, he’s a diligent learner!” Donghyuck waves a warning finger towards Jeno before turning to reassure Jisung. “Don’t worry, Jisung, the best students study.”

He addresses his older friend’s defense of him briefly, already having questions about the lesson. “When we say… get her off— what do you mean?”

“Eat her out, Jisung.” Chenle interjects flatly.

“Oh.” Jisung’s head bobs slowly. “And how do I do that?”

The “teacher” sucks his teeth, “Christ, do we have to teach you everything?”

Jisung just blinks in response, earning a tired sigh from Donghyuck, “I’ll send you some material after class.”

“Okay.” Jisung nods.

“Third rule! Take it slow. Kind of ties back into rule one but can be used elsewhere. Listen, I know you’re a bit of a fumbling mess but at least try and make it seem like you know what you’re doing.”

Despite the directed jab, Jisung continues to diligently jot down Donghyuck’s advice.

“What does ___ like, do you know?” Mark pipes.

“Sexually?” The boy’s eyes go wide, a bit startled.

Mark snorts, “I’m not asking for her favorite food, man,”

Jisung breathes out a sheepish laugh, “Ah, well, she’s kinda sensitive around the ears…”

Donghyuck claps, startling Jisung but effectively grabbing his attention, “Alright, involve that! Kiss, lick, suck for all I care. You gotta do something that’ll turn her on, you can’t just whip your dick out and stop there, got it?”

“Got it.” Jisung re-affirms, intently copying down every word that leaves his friends’ mouths.

“Well, I think that’s enough for today,” Donghyuck nods, clearly proud of himself.

“Thank god.” Jaemin sighs exasperatedly, earning himself a warning look from Donghyuck. The ladder rolls his eyes, smiling at Jisung who overviews what he’s learnt so far.

“You seem like you picked up well, I’ll quiz you after you watch the material.”

Jeno snorts, “You do know you’re not an actual teacher, right?”

Donghyuck smugly smirks, propping his hands onto his hips.

“Don’t be a hater, Jen’. If you want a lesson, you can just ask. Don’t think I forgot about what Iseul said— agh!” Swiftly, Jeno starts strangling Donghyuck to cut him off, the ladder dramatically flopping on the couch behind him and taking the older boy with him.

Using the commotion to his advantage, Renjun swoops in to take a seat next to Jisung, who quietly reviews his notes in the midst of the chaos.

“And Jisung,”

“Hmm?” The younger glances up from his notes.

“Don’t forget that the reason we’re here is because ___ likes you. Not what you can do for her in bed or any tricks these idiots are telling you to do…”

“Ah, okay.”

“I mean, we all mean well— even Donghyuck— but what matters most is that you’re yourself. That’s what ___’s most attracted to, right?”

“Yeah, I guess…” Jisung answers hesitantly.

“Right. Maybe you should watch that video Donghyuck sends you, though.” Renjun suggests a bit quieter, though his urgency remains evident.

Jisung laughs at his older friend, nodding in understanding. “Will do!”

What A Girl Wants | Park Jisung (m)


The next you spend genuine alone time with Jisung is two weeks following the whole incident, you’re grateful that he’s grown comfortable again with skin-ship. Missing nights like these where you two were able to wordlessly cuddle up together without an evident damper hanging over the room. Of course, you’d love to address that night. Maybe even give it another try but unless Jisung makes it clear that he’s comfortable with it, you suppress any and all thoughts about it.

Much to your liking, the night carried on like usual. No roommates to interrupt your skinship, or to witness the chaste kisses you gave each other. But in the midst of watching the second film Jisung had gladly let you choose— you realize just how touchy he’s getting.

A typical reserved hand that would be perched on your hip was playing with the hem of your shorts, igniting the bare skin with every brief graze.

Curious, you angle your head upwards on Jisung’s shoulder, immediately drawing his attention from the screen and down to you.

“You okay?” You inquire, an eyebrow raising. You tried to hide your excitement but the grin that found your features was an obvious giveaway that you were losing.

Jisung simply hums, his hands still stationed in their new territory. You nod, “Okay…” and instinctively crane your head up to signal a kiss.

Quickly, Jisung obliges, meeting you halfway and connecting your lips. Your intent was for it to be just like the other kisses that happened tonight. Quick, sweet, no alternative intent, but that was clearly not Jisung’s shared intention.

When you depart, he follows, and you have no problem in giving him what he wants. The kiss is extended, the hand on your thigh tightening in grip. You match Jisung’s vigor, equally biting at his lips and easing your tongue in his mouth when his own licks at your entrance. But you have to say you were not expecting this.

Soon, Jisung’s body was angled nearly on top of you and he showed no signs of stopping. Both hands now on your waist as he titled you backwards, still intently keeping your mouths fixed together.

“Oh, hello?” You manage to get out.


Jisung takes control, which is very unusual since typically you’ll straddle him when making out. But you allow it to happen, your back meeting the bed as Jisung kisses you passionately. This kiss is much different than one you’ve ever shared with him, normally he’s way more reserved— even before your first time he was shy, but obviously a fire has been lit under him to redeem himself.

You’re the first to pull away, not moving far but just enough to be able to catch your breath. Jisung has never kissed you speechless before, but you’re okay if this was to become your new reality.


He ignores you, kissing down your neck while his large hands grope you. He's hungry, his teeth grazing against your skin in rotation with his suckling but his bruises still feel like heaven— you didn’t even know he was capable of leaving such marks.

Jisung’s cold hands are suddenly under your shirt, lifting the large garment that once belonged to him over your naked breasts. One of them even snaking down to your thin sleep shorts while the other remains to thumb at your now perked nipples.

“Oh— Jisung, wait!” Pausing your pleasure to confront your boyfriend.

He looks at you in surprise, as if he’s been caught doing something wrong.

“Are you sure about this?” You ask carefully.

“I wanna make you feel good…” he replies as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, you blink— slowly gathering yourself as Jisung continues to kiss down your abdomen and eventually to the center of your legs.

You stutter when you feel his hot breath on your core, it’s been so long you’ve had anything like this, you hate to say you’ve been waiting on it but fuck— you have been.

“Ji…” your hand cups the back of his nape, the other replacing his hand that once toyed with your chest.

Jisung gazes up at you, a look that reads that he’s asking you for permission. He quickly drinks up how he’s got you, shirt pushed to your over your breasts— leaving them on display, you look down at him— almost pained while you wait for his next move, lip tucked in between your teeth— a thumb to your own nipple.

Final inch of resolve snapping, Jisung flattens his warm tongue over your sleep shorts, humming instantaneously when his muscle meets the fabric. It’s lewd but he can’t help himself, especially when he encounters the already wet stain in the seat of your bottoms. He quickly gets to work, though, savagely his tongue ravishes you with one measly layer keeping him from fully tasting you.

The sight is one to see, your routinely sweet and respectful boyfriend with his head between your legs— tongue lapping and dancing around your cunt through your shorts.

You can barely take anymore, you need him. You didn’t care what his level of skill was, you needed more stimulation than this.

Jisungs jumps back a bit when you sit up to interrupt him, the shorts being slipped off. “Ji, please, please, keep going,” both of your legs are back on either side of his head, this time your bare, silky cunt on full display. No longer hidden by the baby blue bottoms.

You’re practically begging, your hips involuntarily shifting closer and closer to Jisung’s face as you wait. Jisung couldn’t believe his eyes, you’ve never really begged for him before. Not like this, so vulnerable. His tent had pitched ages ago but the strain he felt watching you now was a different kind of pain.

His newfound confidence falters a bit, wordlessly nodding up at you with wet eyes before obediently lapping at your cunt again. You throw your head back as a whimper rips through you, shifting back onto your elbows to play with your chest again. Not forgetting to keep one hand anchored in Jisung’s hair.

His movements are cautious at first, proving that this is definitely his first time but once he finds a pace that seemingly fits you best, he carries on with it. He alternates between sucking your throbbing clit to dipping his tongue deeper in your folds to tongue at your hole. You’d ask him where he learned that from but you’re too caught up with how good it feels that the question burns out on your tongue.

Before you know it, you’re close to coming already. With it being so long since you've had this, paired with the uncontrollable moans Jisung emits as he restlessly laps up all your juices, you can’t take much more.

“Fuck, Jisung. I’m close…”

Jisung hums, unaware just what that does for you. You whine pulling his hair tighter, in return it’s his turn to whimper. It’s uncomfortable, as he’s realized from the past times you’ve tugged his hair but he would never stop you.

“God, please don’t stop,” With Jisung’s locks entirely in your grasp, you can’t stop yourself from grinding your cunt upwards. Jisung takes a beat to adjust but realizes what you want, he shifts down a bit. The tip of his nose giving your clit the friction it so desperately desires while his tongue draws sloppy circles around your entrance.

You groan, the knot in your stomach tightening. You’re almost intelligible with your blubbering but Jisung manages to make out that you’re— in fact— about to come.

Jisung takes what he’s learned from his lessons and even earlier from this encounter and lets his tongue dip in and out of your hole faintly, giving you little stimulation that leads you closer while you grind on his face.

His quick shift leads your orgasm to come crashing down on you. Jisung’s face is pulled flush to your pussy as you come but he could care less, he watches keenly with wide eyes as you lurch upward, riding his face until you finally come down completely.

His room is still for a moment but Jisung is so absolutely enthralled with the moment and how he’s just made you unravel before him. Gluttonous, he doesn’t wait much longer before he’s dipping back into your folds. Lapping at you and especially your hole, he feels like a madman. The taste of you sends shivers down his spine, your surprised noises only egging him on.

“Oh my god, Ji! Wait, wait, oh,” the intrusion of Jisung’s middle finger is completely foreign but welcomed.

Where the hell was he learning this all from?

Jisung continues to work you open, never neglecting your folds and clit for a moment.

“Ji, if you don’t stop,” you shudder, trying to gather your bearings. “I’m gonna come.”

“Want it,” he moans against your pussy. “Do it again for me, pretty.”

It feels as if you’ve been thrown into the Twilight Zone. Never has Jisung said your nickname in such a tone, so deep and dripping with lust. Butterflies erupt in your stomach, taking your mind off his dual stimulation for just a moment.

With the addition of Jisung’s lengthy digit that now pops in and out of you, it doesn’t take long for your second orgasm to hit, you cry out for your boyfriend again— this time instinctively begging for some control. But your pleas fall on deaf ears, it’s like he’s dead set on keeping his face between your legs, it’s becoming too much at this point. If you two were gonna do this, you wanted him to get something out of it too.

“Fuck, Jisung, too much!”

Jisung snaps from his reverie, all of his ministrations drawing back with his head peeking from between your thighs in concern. You’re finally able to catch your breath, smiling down at him to quell his apparent anxiety. Shyly, he smiles back.

He clears his throat, “Are you okay?”

You laugh at this, still struggling to stabilize your breathing while your body pulsed with what could either be desire or exhaustion. “I am. Better than ever, actually. Are you?”

“Mhm. I uh— I didn’t hurt you or anything?”

“No, Ji, I just don’t think I’d be able to take another orgasm just yet.”

“Oh, okay.” He nods.

You giggle at him, how insane was it that he completely left you dumbstruck on two separate occasions just seconds ago and was acting all reserved the next.

“C’mere,” you open up your arms to him. He rushes to you. Giving you what you want and joining your lips. He's completely unaware just how wet his face is until it’s on your’s and he finds it a bit embarrassing.

But you don’t falter at all, instead kissing him deeply while your hands unmistakably find the boner hitched in his sweats.

Jisung stutters, physically jolting out of the kiss. “Uh, do you wanna move onto that so soon?”

“Well, I don’t want to be the only one who gets off. That’s not fair to you, is it?”

“I’ll be happy as long as you’re satisfied…”

“Ji,” you wipe away your juices that have gathered on his chin.


“I’m only satisfied when I know you are too, now, strip.”

Jisung nearly lets a ‘yes, ma’am’ slip from his throat before he hurriedly slips off his clothes. You laugh at how cute he is, removing your own shirt.

“Now, boss, how do you wanna do this?”

“Uh— however you want—“


He sighs at the call of his name from your lips, gulping as you stare up to him. “How about… on your stomach?”

“Oh? You don’t want to see my pretty face, hmm?”

“No! I mean, of course I do! You don’t have to—“

“Ji, baby, I’m fucking with you. I’d love to.” with that you roll over, grabbing one of Jisung’s pillows before slipping it under you.

“Oh.” Jisung sighs, the sight of you obeying him and propping yourself up effectively sending more strain to his member.

“Well don’t stop now, come on,” you reach a hand back for Jisung to grab. He obliges, walking to the edge of the bed, and grabbing your hand. He recalls this position from the couple of ”study materials” Donghyuck had sent and he joins you on the bed, shuffling on his knees till his cock hovers your ass.

You shift under him, hiking your ass higher to encourage him to stick his length in. He takes the message and grips his cock, he doesn’t think he’s ever been this hard before.

When he finally lines himself up and sinks inside of you, he hisses while you whimper. Jisung’s hands are practically godsend but nothing, and you mean nothing compares to his dick. You haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since your first time. And always found yourself a tad bit disappointed whenever he would turn you down following it.

“Fuck, Ji, you’re so big, baby,” you groan, trying to adjust as his heavy cock continues to stretch you open.

Jisung can only huff, holding onto his last ounce of control. He's about to come, he can feel it. His hips still, knowing if he moves anymore he’ll end up spoiling this again.

“Oh, please keep moving,” you whine, taking matters into your own hands and pushing your hips back to pick up where he has left off.

“Shit, ___, wait—“ Jisung braces his broad hands against your back, stilling you for a moment. Your head cranes back, concerned but still evidently in need.

“I— I’m about to come…” he speaks weakly, almost as if he’s embarrassed. Which he absolutely is.

You pout, confused with his display of shame.

“That’s fine, baby. Just don’t stop, please, I need you.” The sound of you begging while continuing to grind your ass on his cock sends Jisung absolutely reeling. His eyes squeeze shut, sighing heavily before allowing you to meet him halfway. Your own movements make you purr in delight, you continue to grind against him, and Jisung finds his hips moving too.

He snaps into you, chasing your cunt when you pull away. You moan in surprise, Jisung finally melting and leaning down to stabilize himself as his hips find a shallow pace.

He groans, hiding his flustered face in the junction of your shoulder.

“___…” Jisung pants.

“It’s okay, you can come, fuck, come for me, baby…”

It takes one sharp thrust before Jisung completely loses himself, releasing an almost pained groan into your neck. He continues to jaggedly move in and out of you while you feel him release himself in you, his load spurting along your walls and escaping onto the surrounding areas.

You helplessly moan at the feeling, a tad disappointed when your boyfriend’s eager hips cease to a stop.

“Hmm. Feel better?” You lilt, propping your chin on your shoulder to get the best glimpse of him.

Jisung shudders, breathing out a small laugh. “Yeah, I— sorry…”

“It’s okay, babe. Now, pull out.”

“Hmm? Oh, right!” He heeds to your directions, easing out of you but not without some slither of sadness. He had done it again. Sure, he made you cum but he barely lasted a few minutes inside of you like he had hoped.

Promptly, you shuffle onto your back, cracking your legs open. Shocked, Jisung’s gaze drops to your cunt, now messily decorated with a glistening mix of his semen, saliva, and your own cum.

“You didn’t think that was it, did you?”

Jisung blinks because he absolutely thought you two were finished for the night. You chuckle, hooking your legs around Jisung’s thighs.

“I’m not done with you just yet, Ji’…”

It’s hard for Jisung to shield his excitement, gladly positioning himself in front of you. He grips himself to align with you once again, allowing his other hand to plant by your head.

He could die right now and be absolutely satisfied, Jisung thinks as you suck him back in your walls. His face hovers your own, watching intently as your features scrunches in pleasure.

Quickly adjusting to the sensation of him stretching you out again, you take note of how statuesque he is,“Move, babe.” You gently remind.

“Right, sorry—“ Jisung takes a moment to laugh at himself, garnering an endeared smile from you.

Your hands extend up to hold his face. “No more apologizing, okay?” Jisung nods along with you in response, his heart swelling at your tender act of affection despite him being several inches inside of you.

“Okay, sor— ahem, okay…” you giggle at his immediate slip up, and Jisung arranges his hips in a way that instantly takes your mind off of it, starting to rock into you once more, now both having climaxed once (or twice, in your case)— sensitivity strikes you both but there’s no way that was gonna stop either of you.

“Feel so good,” you hum.

“Yeah?” Jisung asks, innocently, keeping his rhythm as sound as possible.

“Mhm. Don’t stop, okay?”

“I won’t.” Jisung solidifies, finding confidence in being able to see your face and how you visually react to his movements. His hips begin to reel back a greater distance, snapping into you with a fervor that leaves you crying for more.

The obscene sound of Jisung’s thighs repeatedly crashing into your own fill the room, paired with the whine of his name from your lips and the sploshing sound of the wetness between your legs.

Unfortunately, Donghyuck’s voice echoes in his mind, but for good reason. Removing himself from your hold a bit, Jisung leans down to start pecking your ear.

You hum in satisfaction, shuddering under him.

He knew you well, he could still recall the first time he accidentally grazed the area of your ear with his lips. You lurched away with embarrassment washing over you but he had found it to be one of the cutest things in the world. Not many things could pacify you like that, but a little love to your ear did.

You arch yourself into your boyfriend when his tongue darts out of his mouth to flick the shell of your ear, your new positioning encouraging the depth of Jisung’s length. It doesn’t help that Jisung has found his pacing, a mind-numbing repetition of the head of his cock grazing the precise spot that leaves your vision spotty with stars.

“Shit, M’gonna come,” you aimlessly exclaim, the strength you’d usually have to filter your thoughts from useless babble existing no longer.

Jisung hums, continuing to lap at your ear, taking Donghyuck’s nonchalant advice and running with it. You gasp in elation when you feel Jisung suckle at your ear, nipping it before it leaves his mouth.

“Fuck, who taught you this?” Restless, you bring his face back to meet yours, you find your boyfriend’s pupils completely blown out and eyes lidded heavily. You trace his furrowed eyebrows to his parted puffy lips.

Jisung leans down, your inquiry not reaching him whatsoever. Your lips meet and you whimper into the kiss, it’s wet and noisy. Your muscles searching for the best taste of each other.

Your third orgasm was barrelling towards you quickly, and you find yourself looking for anything to give you stability. Mindlessly, your hand traces the distance from Jisung’s face to one of his hands that remains planted on the bed beside you.

Without a second thought does he intertwine your fingers, pressing your joined palms into the mattress as he begins to lose momentum.

“Please keep going,” you wail. ”I’m gonna come.”

Jisung nods, his lips tucked between his teeth as he tries to keep himself together for you. He watched you contort and writhe in pleasure, now becoming familiar with your body’s pattern before a climax.

Your free hand travels to Jisung’s broad back, leaving traces of yourself with savagely placed scratches. He winces, the sting of your fingernails against his back throwing him off but simultaneously driving him to keep going. His own features scrunching to alert you that he himself was close to snapping.

“Ah, please, please—!” You whine, bracing yourself, deliberately pulling Jisung flush to you the best you could to milk to most friction out of him as possible. Your shallow yank is enough to have the large man toppling over and on top of you.

The desired stimulation of your clit grazing against Jisung is enough to coax your next orgasm out of you. You cum, angling your hips to take as much as Jisung could still offer. It doesn’t take long for him to be right there with you, whining while his hips buck aimlessly into you. Your sounds are equal in desperation, both racing to chase your highs.

“Oh.” Your hands aid Jisung’s hips toward you as he continues to release his seed inside of you until he finally fully collapses onto your body.

Serenity returns to Jisung’s room, the pair of you well past the point of exhaustion to move an inch. Jisung, seemingly coming to, is the first to move (much to your dismay). He grunts, peeling himself from your sticky with sweat body and peering down at you for a moment.

It lingers, his study of you. And typically, he was the one who would shy away from such intense eye contact but you find your eyes flitting away first. You’ve never had someone be so engrossed with you, with your satisfaction, so worried with pleasing you.

Jisung breathes out a laugh, “What?”

“Nothing.” You shake your head, equally as giddy.

“You’re shy?”

“No,” you suck your teeth, fighting the smile that threatens to give you away, “just wanna know why you’re staring…”

“Mm. Is staring at my pretty girlfriend so wrong?”

“…Hmm,” you pause as if you’re thinking for a moment. “No. I guess not.” You shrug.

“Good.” Jisung bends down to peck your lips before fully removing himself from on top of you. He sighs when his back flops on the bed beside you.

“Okay but seriously, where the hell did all of that come from?”

Jisung chuckles at the urgency in your voice, shifting to lay on his side. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you…”

“Pfft. After tonight I think I’m more open to any possibilities…”

“Hmm… okay, it was Donghyuck.” Jisung admits bashfully.

Immediately does your mouth gape open in absolute disbelief. “No fucking way.”


“Donghyuck—? He taught you all of that?!”

“Well, I studied and kind of just… went with the flow I guess?” Jisung shrugs as if it’s nothing.

“Wow. For a second there I was scared he gave you one-on-one lessons…”

“Woah,” Jisung blinks, shocked that you precisely assumed what he had purposefully left out of the exchange. “Believe it or not, he tried.”

“I believe it,” You giggle, the ridiculous image flashing in your mind and leaving just as quick as it came.

“I guess I have to give him his flowers then.” you sigh, a hand extending to brush away Jisung’s fallen fringe so you can fully see his face. He fights a smile back, helping you by sweeping his hair back.


“Yeah… I don’t think I have to tell you how great you were.” You snort, gesturing to your tired body. Jisung gladly follows your gaze, admiring your bareness once more.

Jisung hums, throwing an arm around your damp abdomen to tug you closer into him. You wordlessly oblige, sighing contently when your skin meets his again.

“Well, I think you were the star.” Jisung comments softly, his face now in your neck.

You coo silently, instinctively placing a hand on his jaw. “As much as I’d like to take credit, I can’t,” Jisung’s gaze shifts to your face when you tilt his head up.

“Not when you helped me through three orgasms.”

You peck your boyfriend’s lips as a form of punctuation. Though, you’re not able to drift far since Jisung’s mouth chases your own, deepening your once innocent kiss. You’re tired and your lips are beyond bruised but you just can’t help yourself. The way he hums from underneath you only drives your need for him intensifying.

While your mouth moves against his with conviction, tonguing at his lips to allow you more freedom, and he finds his hands gravitating to your hips to give him some stability. Jisung sighs discontentedly when your lips disconnect, his eyes remaining shut for a beat before fluttering back open.

“Well, how do you feel about a fourth?” Jisung proposes carefully, though his expression shows that he’s clearly desperate for your agreement and for your lips to return to his own.

Quickly, your eyes widen in astonishment. “Really? Are you sure—?” Your worries are cut short by Jisung’s mouth. It’s short but effective in getting his point across.

He pulls away, an amused smirk on his face. “I’m sure.”

“Okay,” you giggle, finding yourself incredibly aroused by Jisung’s newfound confidence. You would certainly have to thank Donghyuck in some way for this abrupt change in your boyfriend’s behavior, unfortunately.

“Well let's not waste time then…”

What A Girl Wants | Park Jisung (m)

© jigueminunbich 2024

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8 months ago

this was so so good!! I am so incredibly immersed just like i am by all of your stories!!

blossoming ; jisung x reader ; part 2/4

part one | part two | part three | final part

Blossoming ; Jisung X Reader ; Part 2/4

pairing: han jisung/reader author's note: all right i decided four parts, the rest this weekend. smut starts next chapter. for now i torture everyone with slow burn build up. yummy.

content info: reader is described with curly hair.

content warnings: previously established warnings from part one plus this chapter has an additional content warning for emetophobia.

word count: 5100 words.



Morning dawns with a cool, clear light, but it fades as quickly, dissolving in the burning sunshine.  Every hand is at work, preparing the royal retinue for its return journey to the capital. 

You watch as the last of your trunks are loaded onto a wagon.  Each click and latch echoes inside you.  You stand helpless as your life is locked in iron. 

You walk to exert the worst of your nerves, fluttering inside you like a thousand frantic butterflies.  You lift your gaze to the sky, willing those butterflies to carry you away, but then you see your family waving from a balcony. 

You cannot let them see your pain.  It is too late to do anything about the marriage, even if your parents expressed some regret for the arrangement.  That regret was tentatively posed to avoid treasonous speech, but they were undoubtedly taken aback by the king’s poor behaviour.    

Your mother insisted on dressing you this morning.  She was teary-eyed the entire time, so you faked your best and brightest smile.  There was no sense in you both suffering. 

The child in you wants to fling yourself at your family.  The woman you are, the queen you have become, forces a smile and waves back. 

You continue your walk.  Your mother dressed you finely but comfortably, a long, loose gown with flowing sleeves, your curly hair pinned in a twisting up-do, a flower behind your ear in lieu of a crown. 

Heads turn towards you, for there are courtiers milling about.  Some are travelling with the king’s party while others will divert course to visit their own lands.  Judgemental eyes trail the sweep of your hem across the earthen path.  You feign indifference as you weave in-and-out of the bustling bodies.

The courtyard has never been so busy.  The clamour of trunks, the stomping of horses, and the din of busy chatter blend into cacophony. 

Distantly, you hear a guitar.  

Han Jisung.  The first name you associate with music. 

You are flushed with embarrassment, remembering last night’s sorry return to your room.  Jisung escorted you back, a silent trek that agitated your frayed anxiety at the time.  In the light of day, you realize just how much he did for you.  You would not have survived the journey, at least not in one piece, and if anyone else had caught you, your life would have been equally forfeit. 

He committed an offense against the crown, a sin in his faith, one that would have demanded a great deal of reconciliation.  You have heard stories of kingsguards self-flagellate in the pursuit of forgiveness for even meagre transgressions.  The fact Jisung understood your betrayal, the fact he forgave it, the fact he saved you, is not insubstantial. 

You wonder who this man is, to wear the cloth but help his friend first, to keep secrets for a woman he hardly knew because he sympathized with her pain.  To have a sword at his hip and a song on his lips. 

You follow the guitar.  It leads you to the royal carriages and a circle of kingsguards in a hushed argument.  Jisung is playing a comically frantic tune while they debate. 

“What’s going on?” another kingsguard approaches.  It is the short and stocky one from the ceremony.  You learned the names of the all kingsguards at the evening festivities.  You recognize this one as Seo Changbin, an undoubted force of brute strength, striding up to his brethren with a hand on his sword hilt. 

“Felix disappeared,” Jisung trills, fingers dancing over the guitar strings, “and the kingsguard is afeared, because the king is not too dear—”

“What?” Changbin interrupts, looking at the others.  “Felix is gone?”

“Not just Felix,” a brown-haired guard, Lee Minho, says.  His brow is pinched.  “The king’s mistress is missing too.” 

Your eyes widen, your careful mask cracking under the assault of shock. 

The woman who ran off with Felix was the king’s mistress?   

It does not take much knowledge of the inner circle to deduce that does not bode well for anyone.  A kingsguard breaking his oath is one thing, a kingsguard running off with a woman is another still, but a kingsguard conducting an affair with the king’s mistress is a personal betrayal heaped on top of sin.  The only worse crime would be if he pursued the king’s wife. 

Jisung looks at you.  

He spots you across the crowd and strums a foul note, fingers clumsy with surprise.  The bad note draws attention to him, so the other guards follow his line of sight.   They all straighten when they see you, their strong shoulders tense with anxiety.

Minho and Changbin immediately duck into a bow.  The other two, Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin, exchange a glance before following suit.  Hwang Hyunjin, the preposterously beautiful one, bows but not before he grimaces with discomfort at their conversation being overheard by the queen.

Jisung is still staring, his eyes darting from your face to the flower behind your ear.  He meets your eyes and, for a long moment, sinks into your gaze where he loses himself.  The events of the previous evening seem to play in the space between you, every panicked whisper and solemn glance.

Then he abruptly notices the rest are bowing. With a yelp, he swings down into a bow. 

You take a breath to steady your voice. “What’s this about a missing person?” you ask. 

They straighten, one by one, sharing uncertain looks.  Minho and Jisung seem to have a mute conversation, Minho clenching his jaw and lifting his brows as if mutely scolding Jisung.  Jisung stares back with furrowed brows as if challenging it.

In the end, it’s the youngest one who speaks.  Jeongin is a shaggy-haired youth and his whole face is scrunched with worry. 

“A kingsguard is missing,” he blurts.  “But he’s not a bad guard,” he adds frantically, waving his hands around.  “Really.  We don’t know what happened.  It’s not like him.  And the king’s mistress is missing too, but that doesn’t make sense.  No, it doesn’t make any sense at all.  Felix wouldn’t do that.  It’s not like Felix.  It’s really very strange, your Majesty.  We don’t understand, Your Majesty.  Your Majesty.”  He dips into a bow every time he utters your title.

Seungmin kicks him. 

“Stop talking, dummy,” Seungmin says out of the side of his mouth. 

“Right, I’m sorry,” Jeongin says, bowing again.  “We’re all very loyal.  We’re the kingsguard.  You know that. Of course you do.”

As if anyone could mistake the cluster of black-robed soldiers, looking very austere among the courtiers and servants. 

You say nothing more, simply cast your gaze around the assembled soldiers, doing your utmost not to look at Jisung lest you betray too much secret knowledge. 

“There is no cause for concern,” Minho says, drawing your attention.  “Everyone is just… surprised.”

“Yeah,” Seungmin mutters, “Surprised it wasn’t Hyunjin.”   

Jeongin snorts, though he looks remorseful after.  Hyunjin whips around to glare at Seungmin who is now snickering to himself. 

“Excuse me,” Hyunjin says, catty in tone, “I let them look, but I don’t touch.”

“And what do they touch?” Seungmin retorts.  Jeongin laughs again and looks even more chagrined, covering his mouth and closing his eyes. 

“Yah, knock it off,” Changbin says, waving them apart. 

“We’ll fix it,” Minho says to you.  “You don’t need to concern yourself, your Majesty.”

You do not say that you are very concerned.  You worry the king’s attentions will return to you sooner than he threatened.  And if that was his conduct when he had a mistress for pleasure, you are loathe to imagine how he might behave in her absence.    

But that is not an admittance you can make to the holy order sworn to enforce the will of the gods-blessed crown.

The king is wearing that crown as he storms over.  He is already ranting and raving, barking at the leader of kingsguard.  Chan follows him, hand on the hilt of his sword, stoic face not betraying a hint of anxiety.  He nods patiently at the king’s ranting. 

When they reach the guards, a single look from Chan compels them all to stand in formation and bow before the king.

“I want them found!” the king hollers.  “I want their heads on pikes outside my window!  And if I find any conspirators in this fucking plot—”   He shoves a passing servant, a man in the wrong place at the wrong time.  The servant spills to the ground, cowering when the king looms over him.  “Then they too shall pay the price of treason.”   

The servant crawls into full obeisance, prostrate on the ground.  The king just snarls and steps over him. 

“Sire,” Chan says curtly, a vague acknowledgement before he helps the servant up and sends him on his way. 

The king has already moved on, still ranting to himself as he storms across the courtyard.  He starts shouting about his wife, evidently missing you in the crowd.  You swallow down the choking terror in your throat and follow him. 

“If that whore ran off too—” he starts, turning around and finally seeing you.  He snarls.  “It would have been preferable,” he says. 

You say nothing.  You dip into a respectful bow and keep your eyes down.  It conceals your fear, your frustration.  You hope it just looks submissive.   

“It is not necessary we overindulge in company,” he says.  “You will ride in the carriage behind mine.  The kingsguard will surround us.  You will not bother them.  You will not be a grievance to me.  You will be quiet.  You will be obedient.  You will do as told and move only when bid.”  He does not wait for a reply, turning to look at the guards.  “We depart.  Now.  I want to leave this disgusting territory behind me.”

He spits.  Ostensibly, it is just on the ground, a slight against the land, but it falls close to your feet.  It is abundantly obvious what he is actually spitting on. 

You take another steadying breath, staring at that spot on the ground.  When you find the strength to lift your gaze, the guards are staring at you.  Their expressions run the range of pity and malcontent.  You suppose they would be offended by the king slighting you so outright.  Though his blood is divine by birthright, they believe the gods control the fates of men, so if you are queen it is because the gods will it so.  You have also been chosen by the gods and it is not appropriate for the king to conduct himself thusly. 

They are visibly disgruntled, Chan most of all, his brow furrowed as he stares after the king.  The shake of his head is nearly imperceptible; you would have missed it if you were not looking at that precise moment. 

The king leaves an awkward silence in his retreat.  It is broken when Jisung strums a melodramatic chord on his guitar. 

Chan shoots him an unimpressed look.  Jisung giggles nervously.   

“Put it away,” Chan says.

“Heh, right,” Jisung says, spinning on his heel.  He putters towards his horse where he packs his guitar with his saddlebags. 

In spite of yourself, you feel the tug of a smile, very small but very real.  Your eyes follow Jisung until Chan steps forward, his hand over his heart as he bows politely.

“Your Majesty,” he says.  “I’ll escort you to the carriage.” 

You start to follow, casting a final glance back at your home.  When you do, you catch sight of something across the courtyard.  It roots you to the spot.  Your heart weighs you down like a lead weight. 

“Your Majesty?” Chan says, tilting his head.  He holds out his hand. 

“I’m sorry,” you say.  It comes out on a breath.  You clear your throat but your voice is still shaking when you say, “Can you give me just one more moment?  I’ll be fast.”

His squints, perplexed, but he nods. 

You gather your skirts so you can run quickly over the courtyard bricks.  You hurry to the cluster of household servants who are gathered in a teary-eyed throng by the palace.   When they see you coming, they all rush forward.  You meet them halfway, throwing your arms around the woman directly in your path. 

Your tears nearly escape, but you manage to restrain them, enveloped in the friendly embrace of the household that raised you.  You spent more time among these people than anyone else, always respectful of their important duties, cherishing their friendships as dearly as any noblesse. 

You know it is inappropriate as a queen, standing there hugging the servants one-by-one, but you suspect you will draw ire regardless.  So you hug and thank them, wiping a few teary faces as they wish you well. 

“You’ll come back and visit right?” a little girl asks, the daughter of a handmaiden your own age, a woman you consider a friend.  You spent many hours entertaining her daughter, helping with chores, giving gifts, seeing her grow. 

You crouch down to her level, holding back tears as you nod.  You know it’s not true, that the king will undoubtedly forbid it given his contempt for this place.  But you say, “Of course I will.  This is my home.  I’d miss you all too much.”

“We’ll miss you too,” her mother says, hugging you next.  When she does, she slips something into your hand, a small phial of a dark liquid.  “Sleeping draft,” she whispers in your ear.  “For the nights the king needs his rest so you may have yours.” 

You laugh through your tears, kiss her temple and a mouth a thank you as you withdraw.   You tuck the phial into a pocket pouch inside your gown. 

After a few more goodbyes, you stand before them and bow.  You offer a smile as they return it.  It carries a very different respect than the terrified cowering of the servant before the king. 

You are not the only one who thinks so.  When you turn, you find the guards all staring at you, their faces a wall of blinking surprise.  Jisung is the worst at hiding his thoughts, his brown eyes the widest.   Chan is the best, but even he cannot hide his contemplation.   

“I’m ready,” you say gently. 

You lift your hem and walk onward.  You do not look back.  You wait until the carriage door is closed behind you, then you bury your face in your hands and cry. 


Your sorrow passes, bleeding into frustration, then fury.   Alone in the carriage, you have time to stew in a myriad of emotions as you deliberate on your circumstances.  You resolve to stand firm before the king, to not crumple beneath his cruel sneers, to bear his wickedness with grace.  You will make him ridiculous in comparison to your obvious virtue. 

This commitment falters very quickly. 

For the first hour of travel, you are passing through your family’s property, then the village.  The roads are paved and the passage is smooth.  When you reach the forest path, it is a different matter entirely.  Though there is a road that cuts through the great woods, it is a trail of gravel and packed, uneven dirt.  The carriage jostles constantly, bouncing up and down at inconsistent intervals.

You last three hours.  By the end of that third hour, you are so queasy that the scarlet interior of the carriage turns to a murky green.  Your spotted vision swims through that grime even with your eyes closed.  You do everything you can to ease the discomfort, taking down your hair pin-by-pin until every curl is loose, the flower discarded because its scent was too strong.  You sit in every possible position, craning towards the window and fresh air, but the nausea only worsens as the trail gets bumpier. 

You try to distract yourself, listening to the aimless chatter and laughter from the kingsguards.  Their horses trot along at an unhurried canter, far smoother than the carriage wheels jumping over rocks and earth. 

After a particularly violent jostle, you give up.  You are going to be sick and you would rather not do it in the carriage. 

“Excuse me,” you say, waving to the first guard you see.  Minho is not far from the window.  “I’m sorry but I need to stop.  Right now.”  You want to elaborate but your stomach rolls and your voice catches. 

You must look sufficiently ill because Minho clicks his boots and quickens his pace, riding up to Chan near the king’s carriage.  You slump against your seat while they have a quick discussion.

Chan lifts a hand and the whole train comes to a halt. 

You do not wait for them to open the door.  You burst out of the carriage in a clumsy frenzy, running to the treeline where you fall to your knees and promptly empty the contents of your stomach. 

You feel hot and frantic, heaving as you struggle to hold your hair off your face.  You sputter, lips quivering as another wave rises inside you. 

Someone jumps off their horse and lands beside you.  You spare a brief glance up at Minho, his brow pinched with concern, but then the king shouts in aggravations and you throw yourself forward to vomit some more.

Minho helps, bending over you, gathering you hair as best he can and holding it out of the way.  The next closest soldier, Hyunjin, also dismounts and approaches. 

Vomiting is not exactly dignified.  It feels even worse to have every single person in the royal retinue watch you spew your breakfast over the forest floor.

You lift your head, turning to offer an apology but your voice is shot.  Minho still looms rather protectively, Hyunjin nearby.  You look around for Chan to address him, but your eyes find Jisung first.  He is the farthest away, perched on horseback, fidgeting with the reins.

The king shouts again.  It’s a block of noise to your ringing ears, but you suspect he is angry at the delay.  He told you not to be a grievance.

You try to stand but your knees wobble.  You use a rock for balance, then Minho when he takes your arm.   Hyunjin steps in and takes your other arm.  Together, they get you back on your feet. 

“I don’t think she can continue yet, sire,” Chan says, riding into view.  “Maybe we should rest here for a bit.”

“We are stopping to rest in an hour,” the king snaps.  “I will not be delayed so near to our schedule.”

“What made you sick?” Minho asks.

“The carriage,” you say, groaning as you wipe your mouth.  You are certain you make a ravaged sight.  At least your stomach is empty now, the worst of the nausea passed, but you cannot imagine climbing back inside that rattling monstrosity.  

You step forward, away from Minho and Hyunjin.  Your legs quiver but you steady yourself. 

“I’ve never ridden a carriage so far,” you say.  “I’m very sorry, I am.  The terrain is just so uneven.  I’ve only ever ventured to the village and back.”  Even then, you usually travelled on horseback.  Sometimes you would sit on the back on a wagon or two, but it never went farther than the ends of the property. 

“Why doesn’t she travel on horseback?”  That sounds like Seungmin, speaking somewhere behind you. 

“Can you ride a horse?” Hyunjin asks, to which you nod emphatically. 

“It might be less intense at this pace,” Minho agrees. 

They look at Chan.  You are certain there is something significant about the fact the guards always seek instructions from Chan and not the king, but you are too unsettled to contemplate anything too deeply. 

Chan is the one who looks at the king, lifting a questioning brow. 

“There’s no horses to spare,” the king says.  “If one of you wants to deal with the brat, then take her.” 

Hyunjin steps towards you. 

“Not you,” the king says. 

Hyunjin steps back again.

The king, who is still in his carriage, cranes his neck to look around the gathered guards.  He snaps his fingers. 

“Bard boy,” he calls.  “Take the queen.”

“Jisung,” Chan says, waving him forward.  “Come here.” 

You look at Jisung who is visibly startled at his selection.  His black hair is a bit windswept, the longer tufts curling up at his nape.  Wide, brown eyes find yours, slowly blinking to attention.  With a shake of his head, he picks up the reins and rides over to you. 

You step back, staring up at him on his perch.  He says nothing but extends his open hand, blinking those captivating eyes at you.  You are not sure why they ensnare you so, nor why your heart skips a beat when you delicately place your hand in his.  That beat pounds a quick stacatto when his sword-calloused fingers grip yours tightly. 

Minho and Hyunjin help you onto the horse.  You seat yourself side-saddle in front of Jisung, ramrod straight so you are not pressed against him.  His arms circle you to take the reins and you pointedly do not look at his hands.    

Despite the king’s presumption, you would have been less bothered by Hyunjin.  Yes, he is irrevocably handsome, his own black hair tied back, sleek and pristine, but it does not affect you.  A handsome face has never much moved you.  You always thought yourself logical, your heart oddly shaped next to others.

But now you are looking at Jisung’s dark-painted nails, his soldier’s hands on the reins; now you are feeling his breath at your nape, the warmth that emanates from his body, hot from wearing black in the summer sun; now you think of him helping his friend, helping you, and that makes him more than a handsome face.  it makes your stomach twist in a very different way than before. 

That feeling is exacerbated when he reaches into a saddlebag and retrieves a waterskin. 

“Here,” he says in a soft voice.  “Drink. Go on.”  He puts it in your hand. 

You take a deep drink, purging your mouth of the foul residue of sickness.  You thank him just as softly and hand the waterskin back.   

Once settled, the train resumes course.  Chan waves and everyone marches on.

Jisung spurs the horse into motion.  Despite your best effort, the movement knocks you into his chest.  Jisung sputters and you realize your undone hair is flying into face. 

“Oh, I’m sorry,” you say, desperately smoothing it down.  It does not work, but all your pins are in the carriage and you suspect the king will not be too enchanted if you stop the train to fetch them.

“It’s okay,” Jisung says.  “One second.”  He lays the reins down, his thigh muscles firm behind you as he squeezes to maintain leverage. 

Then you feel the brush of his fingertips on your bare neck.  It sends an immediate cascade of shivers shooting down your spine.  He gathers your hair carefully in his hands, guiding it over your shoulder, away from his face. 

Minho also pulled back your hair, but that was a very different sensation. 

This you… feel.

He takes up the reins again, arms circled around you.  You pull yourself upright as the horse moves along. 

You think this ride might be stiff and uncomfortable, but then he begins to hum to himself.  You find the gentle melody placates your nerves.  Your frantic energy simmers to a cooler calm. 

After a while, the conversations resume around you.  Jisung tells some jokes to the other guards and you smile, though it is weak.  Their camaraderie makes you miss your own friends already. 

Jisung hums again, almost like he can sense your discomfort.  It is most likely a coincidence, but you still find yourself sighing pleasantly. 

With the worst of your anxiety tempered, at least for now, you ask him, “Where did you learn to play?”

“Sorry?”  The question catches him off guard.

“Sorry,” you say.  “I don’t mean to pry.  I’m just curious.” 

Though there is often a bard-like character in the kingsguard, it is nonetheless an intriguing amalgamation of skills.  They do not let just anyone into the kingsguard service, even if they are willing to take the vow of chastity and surrender their earthly goods.  Jisung must be an exceptionally skilled swordsman to be admitted, an interesting background for such a talented musician.  Though he was joking with his music earlier, he is very capable of composing melodic poetry.

“Music and swordplay just seem an odd match,” you say.

“Maybe,” he replies.  “Maybe not.  They both require dedication.  Time.  Practice.” 

“You are a devout man, I suppose,” you say. 

“Of course,” he answers confidently.  “I am absolutely the most devout and most impressive one here—ow.”  Someone, probably Seungmin, chucks a coin at his head.  

You laugh, glancing at Jisung over your shoulder.  His eyes dart briefly to your mouth, his own face brightening at your smile.  He laughs back and nods. 

“Honestly, I grew up with music first,” he says.  “I didn’t, uh… I didn’t exactly grow up in a palace.  To say the least.  But, yeah, definitely palace-adjacent and not a hovel on a street in the capital,” he jokes.  As he talks, you picture a little boy with a guitar, strumming on the busy city streets.  “I used to write songs and sing for money.  Then I got older.  I was looking for work when the war started.  I got recruited like a lot of boys, but I was pretty disciplined and a fast learner.  After the war, I met Chan.  He put in a good word for me, so I was able to put myself forward during the new recruitment season.”

“So you haven’t been there long,” you say.  The war only ended a year ago. 

“Ten months,” he says cheerily.  “But it’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” 

“That’s commendable,” you say.  “It’s rewarding, I’m sure, but an intense order nonetheless.  I can’t imagine making so many sacrifices.”

“Can’t you?” 

The question is posed softly but lands heavily.  You suppose Jisung is correct; you have both made sacrifices to be where you are, though the journeys were very different, and your futures more so. 

“I’m sorry,” he says quickly.  “Fuck, that wasn’t my place.  Your Majesty.  Oh, fuck, I swore.  Fuck, sorry.  Ignore that.” 

You laugh in spite of yourself, catching the sound in your palm.  He laughs behind you.  Even with a sliver of distance between you, you can feel his chest shaking.

“Good thing foregoing curses is not one of your oaths,” you say.

“Oh, fuck, no, I’d fail that one for sure.  Sorry, ignore that too.” 

You are pretty sure he is being funny on purpose now, but you appreciate it, smiling as you move beneath a canopy of trees.  It is much cooler in the shade, alleviating the discomfort of the hot sun.  You exhale and let your posture slacken, just a bit, just enough your bodies touch on every downward canter. 

“Were you ever scared?” you ask.  The king’s carriage is ahead of you.  You watch the wheels turn and turn. 

“Yeah,” he says.  “A bit.  A lot.  Completely.  Not about the vows, though.  I was just scared I’d let everyone down.  Especially Chan.  He put his own reputation on the line when he stood for me.  I don’t know what he saw in me.  Gods only know no one else ever saw it.  Me included.”

He laughs at his self-deprecation but you do not.  You watch the shadows of the forest roll over the carriages.  You think of Jisung in that barn, risking everything for his friend.  Your cheek tingles, remembering where he wiped your tear during that lonely ceremony.  Your heart still races at the memory of him singing a springtime song, dedicated to you despite the antagonistic crowd.    

“I do,” you say.

“You do what?” he asks casually. 

“I see something good in you, Han Jisung.”   

“Ohh.”  He is stupefied for a moment.  You are not sure of his expression, too shy to look at him.   “Well, I don’t know about that,” he eventually says.  “I’m definitely the lowest ranked in the kingsguard.  Sorry for that, by the way.”

“Sorry?”  Now you look back, meeting his gaze.  “Why would you be sorry?”

“Well, uh…”  He looks away, to the road ahead, his voice strained with awkwardness.  “There’s a reason I was picked for proxy at the ceremony.  It’s not because I’m not the best swordsman, or the most pious priest.  I’m, uh, well… ‘bard boy’.  And the king – His Holy Majesty – he uh… well, I mean…  It had to be someone like a kingsguard but he didn’t want… I mean, that is…”

“It’s all right,” you say.  “You don’t have to say it. I understand.” 

he king was heaping insults on you and your family; of course he chose the lowest ranked kingsguard to stand in as proxy, just like he chose him now. 

Irritation creeps up your neck, heating your skin.  You glare at the carriage. 

You are not even annoyed for yourself.  Your insult has been established.  You angry that the king would make such a disrespectful insinuation for a member of the elite kingsguard.  The kingsguard service is as ancient as the regime.  They are a respectable, powerful order.  Admission to the order requires a great deal of work, more than simply being born in the right house.  The king has no right to insult a soldier like Jisung.  Just like he has no right to insult you. 

“So yeah,” Jisung says.  He clears his throat and tries to sound cheery as he says, “That’s why I’m sorry!  Anyway, it all worked out.  I’m sure I’m your favourite already, right?  I’m everyone’s favourite, obviously.” 

He is speaking jokingly but your heart skips a beat anyway.  You swallow, hard.   

In the next moment, the horse jumps, maneuvering around a ditch in the road.  You fall against his chest with a thump, throwing your hands out instinctively.  Your hand clasps his, your bodies pressed together. 

“Sorry,” you say in unison. 

“It’s all right,” he says.  “I got ya.”

It is spoken with nonchalance.   You still feel it.     

“I’m not sorry,” you say.  “I’m glad it was you, Jisung.” 

You turn, finding your lips close to his face.  He stares at you, as surprised as he is rivetted. 

Softly, so only he can hear, intimately, a breath away from him, you whisper, “I believe you saved my life even before you found me in that barn.  So yes.  I’m glad it was you.  I’m glad he chose you.  I would have chosen you too.”     

“Oh,” is all he says, moved to silence. 

You remain in his arms, leaning against his chest.  You pick up the melody he was humming and hum it yourself, making him laugh on an exhale.  You feel the tension leave his arms and his heartbeat skip then resume its normal cadence, steadying your own. 

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1 year ago

kinks i think skz would have (pt. 2)

Kinks I Think Skz Would Have (pt. 2)

warnings: pretty much just read the sub headings (a few mentions of degradation kinda and pet names?)

! all of these are female receiving and all in a consensual sense !

part 1, part 3

Kinks I Think Skz Would Have (pt. 2)

chan — temperature play

because chan lovesss seeing you squirm and jump from the wax dripping all over your tits and tummy omg !

would say things like “you like that baby?” and “does that feel good doll?” like DUH?!

“such a good girl for me”

and do NOT forget about how he would for sure eat you out with ice cubes in this mouth whilst he fingers you ahh !


lee know - marking

when i say love bites, i mean EVERYWHERE !! neck, tits, thighs, butt. EVERYWHERE !

obsessed with leaving handprints all over your ass from how rough he spanks you and seeing your pretty ass turn red from the impact omg !

“good fucking girl. keep counting”

the faint bruise marks on your neck from the night before when he was choking you whilst you came all over his fingers i’m-

any form of marking that claims you as his, he’s OBSESSED with and you can’t change my mind

changbin — spanking

would bend you over his knee out of no where, pull your skirt up and spank you for looking “so slutty in this skirt baby girl”

defo rubs your ass after each smack to ease the pain aww ;(

teases your entrance with his fingers and smacks harder each time you moan for him

“does that hurt baby? good”

would have you count how many spanks he gives you and if you whine AT ALL he would make you start again

the way his rings would leave imprints on your ass omg

hyunjin — public

no because hyunjin is OBSESSED with seeing you lose yourself in public because of his non stop teasing

would absolutely play with your clit at a family meal and watch you try to stay composed i’m-

“are you okay darling?” he would say whilst he pinches your clit omg

you’d leave for ‘fresh air’ and he’d have the AUDACITY to say “what’s wrong baby?” like ?!?!?


jisung — facial

the way i can practically HEAR the whimpers han is letting out as he desperately jerks himself off onto your face ah


“so pretty baby..fuck..so fucking pretty..god”

EYE. CONTACT. !! like, you’d stick your tongue out and look up at him with doe eyes as he’s literally staring at you whimpering

something about the way his stomach jerks in and out from his erratic breathing as he gets closer and closer to coming all over your face im-

“gonna come baby, gonna- f- fuck-“

felix — spit

i just KNOW he’s fucking your mouth so hard there’s bubbles around his cock omdbskdm

“open your mouth pretty girl” then proceeds to spit all over your face and tongue wowow


would deepthroat you with his fingers until your gagging then wipe your spit all over your face oml

“look so good with my fingers down your throat babygirl” *whist you’re gagging* ahhskjs

seungmin — collaring & gagging & pet play

hear me out, there’s NOTHING seungmin gets off on more than seeing you with a collar and a mouth gag on frrrr

“puppies can’t talk baby” AH

he’d attach a lead to the collar and YANK that shit every now and then whilst absolutely ruining your pussy

“such a good little puppy for me, taking me so deep” OMGBSJSN

your muffled moans while he’s pounding into you omg im-

jeongin — slapping

be may be baby bread but this man is ROUGH in bed and you can’t tell me otherwise

would ask you “that feel good baby?” whilst drilling into you and because you’re so deep in sub space you can’t answer. he would absolutely slap you in the face for “not answering him” CONSENSUALLY

he’d be lapping at your pussy and every time you squirm, he’d slap your inner thighs oml

*RAMMING into you* “good. fucking. girl. *slaps your face* (i’m feral just thinking about it)


a/n: there no place for me in heaven. anyway, bye besties xx

Tags :
3 years ago

your moans would sound nice

(3racha x afab!reader)

!100 follower special!

part 2 out now: who's going first

description: one sentence leads to...something interesting

warnings: smut, slight talks ab sexual fantasies, reader likes to be a brat to chan, dirty talk, oral(fem and male receiving), recording of moans, deepthroat, multiple orgasms, chan being a voyeurist, cumshot on face, slight overstimulation, creampie.

wc: 3,000+

a/n: thank you so much for 100 followers! though it's doesn't seem like a lot, it's a milestone for me. I love writing, tho I know it's not the best and there are so many better writers on here than me. just thank you for enjoying my work enough to follow me. interesting fact: I started writing fanfic at a young age on wattpad ab TWD and I never stop writing since then, it was actually pretty popular till I deleted it. lol. but again thank you and I hope yall have an amazing day!❤

my requests are open if you'd like me to write something!

Your Moans Would Sound Nice


"okay now, where did that come from?" I asked as I laughed at what jisung said, trying to make sence of what he just said. being close to 3 males, you'd think you'll get used to the perverted comments. but here I am, sitting in the little studio, with 3racha. changbin was the one to invite me, saying to come hear some parts of the tracks they've been working on. all was going well, hearing and talking about the tracks, saying what they are going to add or might add. when then, out of nowhere, jisung just had to make a comment.

"your moans would sound nice on this track." he said. I choked on my spit and looked at him with bug eyes. "what? you have a nice voice, we've all heard you sing before, and, I might add, you always moan when you eat." jisung said, trying to justify. I looked at the other two men in the room. "okay first off, food moans and sex moans are different. and second off, you're just gonna let him say that?" I asked, throwing my hand out to signal to jisung, who was sitting beside me. they giggled but scolded the younger male anyway, "jisung, that was inappropriate." chan said, turning his head back to us as changbin leaned over past me and playfully slapped the back of jisung's head.

"yes it was, but you know it's true!" jisung said, pointing his finger at chan. I looked at chan, as we made eye contact, I could see the blush start to form across his cheeks and ears. I felt my jaw fall open, "you think so too!" I said in shock. chan didn't say anything, just turned around and clicked around on the computer. "oh my god." I laughed out loud and looked at changbin, waiting for his response.

"with all due respect, I agree as well." changbin said, before taking a sip from his water bottle. I leaned back on the couch and sat there in disbelief. the three guys, whom I've been friends with for awhile, who I felt like I could tell them almost anything, have thought about my moans. then that when it hit me. 

"wait, so have all three of you have had the thought of having sex with me? like you guys fucking talked about it with each other? how else would the three of you, all agree about that out of thin air." I said, making eye contact with jisung, knowing he'd be the one to give it away the easiest. jisung opened his mouth but didn't say anything. "you guys are fucking perverts." I said, laughing. "how can we not? like if we weren't really good friends…I'd fuck you in a heartbeat. hell, i'd do it now, with your consent of course." changbin said in a dark tone. I felt myself blushing at his words but I kept eye contact with him.

that's when chan decided he wanted to make a comment, still facing the computer screen.

"I mean can you blame us, you're beautiful- god like even." he said before continuing on with, "plus, I know us guys aren't the only ones who are perverted. you can't say you haven't thought about us in that way either." he turned his chair around to face us, with his head tilted to the side a little. I don't know if it was the feeling of the room, what changbin had said or the way chan was looking at me, but I could feel my stomach twisting. I knew I was getting turned on.

I looked down at the ground with blush on my cheeks, trying to come up with what to say. "oh, so you have? you want to share it with us?" chan asked as he rolled his chair closer to me. chan placed two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up. "tell us, baby?" he said in a low voice. I narrowed my eyes, "no, I don't think I will. how about you tell me what you guys talked about?" I said in a tone I know best, while also trying not to sound like I was affected by what was happening. though it didn't work as they chuckled at me.

chan slowly brought his hand to cup my jaw and quickly squished my cheeks. "seems like we got a bit of a brat on our hands, boys." chan said to the other males in the room. jisung scooted closer as changbin pulled my hair back a bit and leaned in. "how about we show you instead? is that okay?" he said, inching closer to my neck, waiting for my response before doing anything. my thoughts were becoming jumbled so I nodded. "we need a verbal answer, y/n." jisung said. god, I've never heard his voice that low before. I felt my eyes flutter and my body shudder. I locked eyes with chan once more, 

"do your worst." was my answer. 

within seconds, changbin was kissing my neck, jisung was groping my chest, while chan and I were making out with his hands on my thighs. I didn't know who I wanted to touch first, everything was so overwhelming. all I knew at that point was pleasure and that I was a moaning mess. I placed my hand on changbin's thigh and the other on jisung's, making my way to their crotch. both moaning at the contact. "shit, you already got me hard baby. you feel it throbbing for you." changbin said, placing his hand on top of mine, putting more pressure. I cupped my hands around both of them and rubbed them through their pants.

"ah fuck." jisung said, bucking his hips up. chan hands went up to the top of my sweats as he nibbled at my lip. "let's get these off you." chan said once he pulled away. I lifted my hips a little to help get my pants off. once off, chan got out of his chair and onto the floor. chan grabbed me under my knees, and placed my legs over the other members' legs. "look at you, already so wet for us." he said, as he slid his hands down my thighs to my cunt as I moaned. 

as chan was teasing me through my underwear, the other two worked together to get my hoodie and bra off. jisung kissed his way down from my collarbone to my right nipple, before taking it into his mouth as changbin did the same to the left. "oh god." I  said as I moved my hands back to their thighs to grip. chan pushed aside my underwear and ran his fingers up my slit, collecting my juices and popping them into his mouth and moaning. I arched my back at chan, needing more. "more." I breathed out. chan removed his fingers from his mouth and moved his head closer to my cunt.

"yeah, you need more. you smell so good, baby." chan said, before licking up from my hole to my clit. my hand went immediately to his curly hair as I moaned once he began to eat me out. jisung's hands met my thigh and started groping in random areas. changbin popped my boob out of his mouth and played with it with his fingers. "so good, just for us." jisung said, once he let go of my other boob. "yeah, you would let us record your moans, right baby?" changbin said, turning my head to face him. I nodded as I tried to answer, but chan pushed two fingers into me. I moaned loudly and threw my head back. changbin moved my leg to chan's shoulder, got up and went to the computer, messing around with it before coming back.

changbin took off his shirt before sitting back next to me. I brought my hand to his chest, up his neck. I pulled him in for a kiss as jisung started to mark up his side of my neck. changbin pushed his tongue into my mouth, instantly gaining dominance. I felt chan slowly add a third finger as he sucked on my clit with his other hand gripping my thigh tightly. I broke the small make out session and moaned, feeling the knot get tighter as he curled his fingers up.

"oh fuck, I'm gonna cum." I said as I turned my face into changbin's neck. chan thrusted his fingers faster into me. "cum for us, it won't be the only time you cum today." I heard jisung say before he nibbled at my ear, right as I felt my climax hit me. I cried out from the pleasure. "good baby, good fucking baby." chan said as he slowed down his fingers to pull them out. it was silent for a bit as I came down from my orgasm. "what's next?" I said, looking at all of them.

"take your underwear off." changbin said, stand up to remove the lower half of his clothes as jisung did the same. I hooked my fingers around my underwear and slid them off. "you're gonna suck jisung off as changbin fucks you, but don't make him cum yet, if you want him to fuck you as well." chan said as he stood up and pushed pants low enough to free his cock. he sat back in his chair and stroked his cock. I watched him as I felt myself clench. "you'll get me later, baby." chan said, motioning his head, silently saying to focus on jisung. I moved to face jisung as he sat back down on the couch. 

I brought my lips to his and made out with him a little as I felt changbin come behind me. placing his hands on my waist, he moved me how he wanted. on my hands and knees. jisung pulled away, sat up and placed one leg under him and placed the other on the floor. making me come face to face with his cock. pretty cock, average length and slender. I immediately brought a hand up and licked the tip of his head before licking the underside, from the bottom and back up. as I placed my lips around jisung's cock, l felt changbin pushed his cock over my slit. making me moan as jisung brought his hand to my hair and pushed me further on his cock. 

"fuck, her mouth feels so good." he said, before looking down at me. as we made eye contact and he said, "I don't think I'm gonna last long enough to fuck you." already out of breath. I whined around him, he threw his head back and moaned. changbin aligned his cock and pushed into me with a groan. god, he felt so big. I popped jisung out of my mouth, "oh fuck changbin." I moaned out as he stretched my pussy. "next time, baby. I'll fuck you. but right now, just let me fuck your throat, okay?" he said, looking back down to me. "promise." I said with big eyes, as I licked up his cock again. "I promise." jisung said.

as changbin had bottomed out, I put jisung's cock back in my mouth and put my hand down. I bobbed my head as changbin slowly started to thrust into me. "ready for me to pick up the speed baby?" changbin said. I nodded my head the best I could with cock in my mouth. changbin steadied himself better before pounding into my cunt. jisung gripped the back of my head and started moving his hips as well. I moaned loudly as I felt tears prick from the changbin slamming into me and jisung making me deepthroat him.

"how tight is it, binnie?" chan said from the sideline. "so fucking tight, so good, always clenching around my cock. god, I could get use to fucking this tight hole all the time." changbin said, gripping my hips tightly. I clenched around his cock at the thought of fucking them all the time. "you like that idea baby, letting us use you whenever." changbin said, before slapping my ass. I moaned around jisung, who was already a moaning mess- just like me. 

the sound of slapping skin, moans, and sometimes gagging were the only sounds in the room. jisung stopped his hips and let me take over, once he felt himself getting closer to his climax. "make me cum." he said, removing his hand from my head. I brought my hand back up and jerked him off as I kept sucking. changbin thrusts were becoming slower, but more hard. making me push further onto jisung's cock. I felt jisung twitch in my hand. "oh fuck." jisung moaned out as he came, lighty moving his hips forward. his cum entered my mouth, making me inherently swallow it. 

jisung pulled away, fucked out and out of breath. he sat down on the couch and watched along with chan, changbin fucking me. changbin still going at a slow pace with hard thrusts. I felt like a ragdoll, like jell-o. I couldn't even lift my head. so much pleasure from just changbin's cock, without stimulation to my clit. god, did it feel so good. or so I thought. I cried out, my arms giving out from under me as changbin found my g-spot. "right there, binnie. oh fuck." I said, as I rested my head on jisung's leg.

I made eye contact with chan and couldn't look away. him just sitting there, shirt lifted up some, hand slowly stroking his cock to changbin fucking me still. that I could watch all day, he looked so fucking good. chan knew that too with that stupid smirk on his face. he gripped his cock a little tighter and pulled his hand up his cock once more, throwing his head back as he moaned and I whined out the sight. feeling myself get closer and closer, I lifted my body back up and brought my hand to my clit. 

"fuck, changbin. I'm so close." I said as I closed my eyes. "I am too baby." changbin said. "faster please." I whined out, as I wanted more- needed more. changbin did as I said, both of us moaning with each thrust. I pressed down more as I circled my clit. I arched my back and felt the knot break inside me. "yes! fuck, oh fuck fuck." I chanted as I came all over changbin's cock. "so good for me, cumming all over my cock." he said, never slowing down, needing to get to his high as well. it only took a couple of more thrusts before he pulled out. 

"turn around, I wanna cum on your face." he said. I quickly did and stuck my tongue out. changbin stroked cock a couple of time before his cum shot out on my face. he groaned at the sight as he placed his cock on my tongue, to put the last little beads of cum there. "fuck." he said, looking at my face. "you're so pretty like that." he added. chan handed changbin some tissues so he could wipe his cum off my face.

once that was done, I looked over to chan- who was still fisting his cock. "are you gonna come fuck me or just your hand?" I asked, chan laughed and stood up. he walked over to me as changbin, who was now where underwear, took chan's seat. "why do you talk to me like that? but you're so nice to changbin and jisung? huh baby?" chan asked in a mocking tone, looking down at me. "you just got that face I wanna talk back to." I mocked back, chan lifted his eyebrows. he looked me up and down before taking off his shirt and pants. 

"stand up." he said, grabbing my arm before I could act. he moved me and sat down in my place. I tried to sit on him, but he grabbed my hips. he quickly spun me around to face away from him. he pulled me onto his lap. "I wanna face you." I whined out. "should have thought of that before you made that statement." he said in my ear. I leaned my head on his shoulder as his hands gripped me from under my thighs. he pulled me up, "put my cock in your tight cunt." he said. I grabbed his cock and pushed him inside me. he had more girth and similar length to changbin. I moaned at the feeling of being filled up again. I felt myself shudder at the pressure of overstimulation.

it didn't last long though. as soon as I was half down, chan thrusted up and started pounding into me. I cried out for what seemed like the 100th time. in this position, he was hitting my g-spot perfectly. "oh god." I said, trying to hang on to anything. my left arm went to the back of chan's head, pulling at his messy curls. "not god, just me fucking you open." chan said with a laugh. "oh shit." I said, as I felt my 3rd orgasm quickly. I tightened around chan's cock. "what baby? you about to cum so soon? I haven't even fucked you that long." chan said, looking at me and noticing the tears in my eyes.

"awe, look at you crying, is it because you can't handle being fucked with a cock by more than once." chan said with a fake sympathetic look. I shook my head in disagreement. his look quickly darkened, "oh, you can. then cum for me, all over my cock. you can handle me till I cum, right baby?" he said, I nodded. his words triggered my orgasm, I felt like I lost control of my body. chan just kept up his deep thrusts as I creamed all over his cock. 

"you look so good like this y/n, I can't wait till next time." I heard jisung say. "me too." changbin said casually, like they were having a basic conversation. that's all I heard, I couldn't even focus on them long enough by how chan was fucking me. "god, channie. you stretch me out so nicely. both, you and binnie." I whined. "yeah? I bet you love this so much." chan said, as his grip tightened on my thighs. "oh fuck." he moaned, he slammed his hips up once more before stopping. he pulled me up and off his cock as I whined out a no. "I'm just turning you around baby." he said, helping me turn to face him.

now facing chan with my legs on either side of him, I gave him a quick kiss. he held his cock and I sank down, making both of us break the kiss and moan. he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close, resuming the pace he was originally at. I pushed my head into his neck as the overstimulation started to feel like pleasure again. I placed my lips on his neck, sucking at his neck. "shit baby, keep tightening around my cock and you'll make me cum." he said in a low voice. those words made me start pushing my hips to meet his thrusts. "oh look at that boys. I think someone wants to be filled up with cum. changbin, maybe you should have came inside. make this little cunt all messy." chan said, making me moan. he moved his hands to grip my waist.

"please cum in me chan. I want it." I said, popping up my head to look at him as I bounced on his cock. chan closed his eyes and leaned his head back, moaning loud. I placed my hands around behind his head and pulled him into a kiss. he moaned into the kiss as his thrusts started becoming more sloppy. I pulled away from the kiss and looked in his eyes. "cum channie, I'll be good and keep it all inside me for you." I said as I felt my fourth climax approaching. 

my words made chan moan and slam his cock deeper in me. his moans became high pitched as he got closer to his high. he held me in place once more and kept slamming his cock as his high was quickly approaching. "cum with me baby." he whined, before slamming his into me once more. cumming hard and deep inside me, filling me up with his hot seed. making it trigger my last orgasm. we rode each other's orgasms out with small moans and movements. we sat there for a moment, catching our breaths. my head fell on chan's shoulder as I felt tiredness fill my body.

chan helped me off his cock and I sat in the middle of chan and jisung. changbin and jisung had put their clothes back on sometime when chan and I were fucking. chan got up and grabbed some more tissues and handed them to me. once I was cleaned up, I put my clothes back on and so did chan. I leaned into jisung, putting my head on his shoulder.

"okay." jisung said, gaining the attention from us, "I know this is gonna sound weird, but why is chan and y/n fucking so hot though." he said. I shot my head back up. "oh that's the weird thing, but not you saying my moans would sound good on a track tho. makes so much sense!" I said, throwing my body back against the couch. making the boys laugh at me. "you worry me sometimes, ji." I said. 

"it's not my fault you both looked and sounded hot fucking, y/n." jisung said, leaning back with me. I rolled my eyes and put my hood up so I would have to look at him. "he's right, you know." changbin said with a playful smile. "changbin!" both me and chan said with rosey cheeks, making changbin laugh.

"what? the way you two were talking and fucking was such a turn on." changbin said. "thank you!" jisung said. "if you're both hard again, fuck each other or fuck chan. I'm too tired and would be glad to watch that show." I said with a smile, knowing that will get them.

a small chorus of my name and 'whats' filled the room. 

"what! chan asked earlier what I thought about? it was one of them! ya'll watched me get fucked, why can't I do the same and watch ya'll." I defended. chan shook his head with a smile on his head as Changbin rolled his eyes and turned around in the computer chair. silence filled the room.


"I mean y/n's got a point."


Tags :
2 years ago

requested reaction

"Hey!! I’ve never made a request before so I’m super shy😂

And this is weirdly specific. But like all 8 reactions you are friends with benefits with 1 of the members and to try and push them to finally go official with the relationship you and another member pretend to be hooking up in the dorm where they can hear to make him jealous." requested by @/justasmallbean (it wouldn't let me tag you😅)

a/n: I love this idea, thank you for requesting! I never tried to write a reaction, I’m used to writing a lot and most reactions I’ve seen are short. it was so challenging to come up with different scenes for each member, but it was so fun! so let’s do this!

warnings: smut. unprotected and protected sex.

wc: there's ab 300 words(+/-) for each member


bang chan

he was distracting himself with music so he wouldn’t think about us I knew it for a fact. we’ve been friends with benefits for 6 months and there’s no way not to develop feelings for a man like him. it was just jisung and I at the dorm. jisung was the one to tell me to chan has the same feelings for me. “maybe we should make him come over by thinking your with someone else.” jisung said with a smirk. chan heard his phone ring and answered it. before he could say anything, he heard a very familiar moan come through then jisung’s voice come in. “do you feel dirty doing this on channie’s bed?” with that chan speeds to the dorm, leaving everything.

we heard the door slam and chan’s voice boom through. “good luck y/n.” jisung said, running out of chan’s room. chan came in five seconds later. “you gonna talk to me now?” I asked. chan realized what happened and raced over to me. smashing his lips to mine, hands removing my clothes. “you’re my baby. nobody else's.” he said against my lips, making me moan. within seconds he was thrusting inside me at the pace he normally does.

“say it, say you're mine.” he growled. I moaned so loudly, clawing at his back. “I’m all yours, just yours.” I whispered, looking into his eyes. hand coming down to stimulate me, bringing me close to my high. “fuck I love you.” I said as I came. chan moaned as he heard me, cumming inside me. “god, I love you too.” he said, laying his head on my chest. after we had calmed down, he lifted himself up. “do you really love me?” he asked. “yes, I been trying to tell you but you've been avoiding me.” I said, combing his sweaty hair. “you want something serious?” he asked. I tiredly nodded my head, making him smile and kiss my lips. "okay then."

lee know

9 months in minho knew he had fell for y/n after being friends with benefits. he had never been in this situation before. minho also knew you didn’t want a serious relationship and didn’t feel the same- or so he thought. y/n thought they were being so open about what they wanted. everyone was hanging out, watching a movie. minho would try to stay away, sitting next to jisung with glances to y/n. seungmin notices its and whispers to y/n.

“wanna make him jealous?” seungmin said, I look over to him. “just go along with what I do.” he said, leaning more into me. he whispers jokes in my ear, making me giggle. minho took notice of it immediately and started staring out the side of his eye. “follow me.” seungmin says, getting up and going to the kitchen. seungmin gave minho a wink as I followed. seungmin places me in the corner where nobody can see. “pretend like we’re making out.” seungmin says. as minho turns the corner, he sees y/n’s hands in seungmin's hair as seungmin as at her neck. I fake gasp as I ‘notice’ minho standing there as seungmin moved away. “y/n, come talk to me." minho says, going to his room. I followed him, hearing seungmin say good luck.

as soon as I closed minho's bedroom door, I was pushed against it. "that was a stupid stunt you pulled back there." minho said, leaving hickeys on the side of my neck. "it got you and me alone. why haven't you've been talking to me?" I asked, pulling his head away. minho paused and looked away, but my eyes followed me. "because I realized I liked you in a way that you don't feel for me." minho said. "you haven't noticed any of the hints of me wanting to be yours officially." I said. "wanna be mine?" he quickly asked, making me nod. clothes off and on the bed. fast and hard thrusts as he used my head into the pillow. "god, just like that." I moaned. "shit I'm not gonna last long." he said before saying, "cum with me baby." I came as he spilled inside me. “I love you.” I said quietly. minho pressed against me and whispered the same thing to me.

seo changbin

it has only been a short amount of months, 4 months being specific. changbin knows he’s becoming obsessive and in love with y/n. it was all so overwhelming, his never wanted to be with someone like this before. he wanted to be as close to them every time they were around. changbin had just got back from the studio and asked jeongin if he wanted to do a at-home workout. jeongin knows changbin is in love with y/n and tells the reader to come workout with them. jeongin was the one to answer the door and tell them the plan he had came up with.

the whole time working out, I would away from changbin every time he got close and doing my squats with jeongin's help. I was getting changed in the bathroom as I shouted for jeongin to bring me my bag. I pulled jeongin in and we proceeded to do the second part of the plan. we started to moan and giggle like 6th graders. changbin quickly came in and grabbed me from the bathroom. once we were in his room, he placed me on the bed underneath him. "what the hell was all that?" he asked. "me making you jelly because you won't ask me out." I said simply. "all that for me to ask you out?" he said, raking his hands up my body. I hummed out, "I want to be more than fuck buddies." I said, pulling him in for a kiss. "you got it then." he said as we took off both our clothes.

he pulled out a condom and slipped it on. "I'm gonna fuck you like you belong to me then." changbin said as slowly pushing into me, making me nod. he placed my legs on his shoulders and fucked into me slowly. he quickened up his pace, loud moans coming from both of us. he bent down and kissed my lips. "I love you." I said onto his lips. his hips met mine harder hearing that. "I love you too. say it again." I kept chanting his name and I love you's till we both came. he laid beside me and pulled me into him. "I'm glad I get to call you mine now." he said.

hwang hyunjin

"I know he's in love with me, but I don't want to say- 'hey I know you've loved me for awhile, let's date.' I'm not that type of person. plus I think he's trying to be quiet about, he'll be embarrassed if he found it that I knew." I explained to felix as rubbed his temples. "okay then what do you want to do?" felix said. "let's make him jealous so he come out with it himself." I said. "what? like fake hook?" felix asked, making my eyes widened. "great, now we gotta do it, right?" felix said, making me nod.

everything was ready, I was wearing a big hoodie and short shorts that you couldn't see. as soon as we heard hyunjin opening the door, felix took off his shirt and got on top of me, pulling a blanket over us. "the hell is going on!" hyunjin yelled. we quickly pull apart and sat up. "its not what it looks like." felix said. "really because it looks like you were getting down with the one I'm in love with." hyunjin said. "finally he admits it." felix said, standing up and leaving the room. "have fun you two." felix said with a smirk. "wait what?" hyunjin said with a confused look. "it was all planned out to get you to confess. don't be to loud please." felix yelled down the hall.

hyunjin walked over to me and sat down. "I love you too just so you know." I said. "really!" he said, I nodded. "do you want to make it official?" hyunjin asked. "I would love to." I said, leaning in to kiss him. things got heated quickly, he climbed on top of me. "I want you." I said. "you can have all of me." hyunjin said, pulling my shorts off and his too. "condom?" I said. hyunjin nodded and pulled one out of his wallet. once it was on, we quickly got into action. "god, I love the way you feel me up." I said into his ear as he started his quick pace. "we gotta be quick baby. don't want someone walking in on us." hyunjin said, putting more of his body weight on me. I clenched around him. "fuck me good then." I said, pulling at his hair as his thrusts got sharper.

han jisung

it's been 7 months since jisung and I decided to become friends with benefits. all was going swell, till there was a shift in everything. we didn't even notice it, but hyunjin did and asked me about it last week. he made me realized we both, jisung and I, were starting to act like we were in a relationship. making me realize in with in love with jisung. "jisung is also in love with you too. he won't fake it." hyunjin told me and I agreed with him. jisung has been busy and locked up in his room for the past few hours since I arrived. "let's make him jealous." hyunjin said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his room.

man, was this stupid. fake moaning loudly so jisung could hear us. "he's not going to hear us. he has headphones on." I commented. hyunjin walked over to the wall and slammed his hand on the wall. "oh fuck y/n" he said, right into the wall. I covered my mouth to cover up my laugh. next thing I knew jisung ran into the room. "jesus, I thought." he said as I walked over to him. "let's go baby." I said, dragging him out and to his room. "that was so mean." he said. "hyunjin dragged me to his room to do it. all his plan, but I did go along with it. I'm sorry." I said, hugging him. "I'm yours only, so how about we make it official." I said, leaning up to his lips. "you sure?" he said, ghosting over my lips. "yes." I said, pushing my lips to his. "show me how much you've wanted to be mine then." he said, sitting on the bed.

I pushed him down and unbuttoned his pants, dragging his underwear off as well. I jerked him off with my hand and mouth till was was hard enough. I sat down on his lap and lowered myself slowly on him. "shit." I said, as I bottomed out. I placed my hands on his chest as we moaned our thrusts. I stimulated myself as I reached climax, triggering jisung into his. I laid my head on his chest, "I'm happy you're mine." I heard him say.

lee felix

8 months. 8 months of being in love with felix. while being friends that hook up and I became addicted. I didn't know if he loved me back and that scared me. I was hanging out with minho talking about how I wanted to fake hook up to see if he felt the same way. "why don't you just ask him?" he asked, but went with the plan anyway.

I was at their dorm, felix in his room and in the kitchen with minho. "come in the kitchen in about 30 minutes, I have a surprise." I told felix to which he agreed. minho and I started making felix's famous brownies and just enjoying our time. "still think this is stupid." he comment to which I said to shut up, making him roll his eyes. minho dipped his finger in the mix and placed it on my nose. we started to play fight, I screamed as minho grabbed me and placed me on the counter. minho waited til he heard felix's door open, to place his hands under my shirt and turn his head to it look like we were making out.

felix called out both of our names. we turned and saw a mad look on his face. "it wasn't a good plan, but now do you believe me y/n." minho said, making felix's look change into confusion. minho walked out and left felix and I alone. "plan? what plan?" he asked walking in between my legs. " I wanted to see if you loved me back the way that I did." I said, not meeting his eyes. "you're so stupid sometimes." he said, before smashing his lips to mine.

"I love you. I've always been yours, even before we started having sex." he said, dragging his hands up to my shorts and pulling them off. felix went down on me in the kitchen but not not me cum, before sliding his cock with a condom on inside me. "I want to cum all over me baby." he groaned, picking up a quick pace. our sex session didn't last long at all. I felt him filled the condom, making my own orgasm break throw me.

kim seungmin

"it's been 10 months, changbin. I know he doesn't feel the same way." I told him. "how do know that?" changbin asked. "because I've being showing him the signs for over 5 months, and he doesn't care. "okay then, how about you come over tomorrow, just you, me, and seungmin. and once he's out of the room, we'll fake like were hooking up." changbin says. changbin says he know that seungmin likes them, but y/n doesn’t believe that.

we were in seungmin's room, watching a movie when seungmin said he had to go to the bathroom. "it's go time." changbin said, scooting over and getting on top of me. "just fake moan." he said, pushing his head into my neck. I felt blush rise to my cheeks has I did it. a few minutes later seungmin walked in and just looked at us. “what?” changbin asks, with a smirk. “they're not you’re partner, they're mine. you can leave. I gotta talk to my baby.” seungmin says, I felt my stomach twist up at him saying that.

once changbin was gone, seungmin came over to me and got in the same position that changbin was in. "you know I've seen the signs y/n. I knew you knew in love with me, and I feel the same." seungmin said, I eyes widen. "why didn't you say anything then?" I asked, playing with my fingers. "I was today until changbin told me your guys' little plan last night and I wanted to see if you would go through with it. but man was it a turn on seeing you being a fake little slut, got me hard so fast, baby." seungmin said, grinding his crotch to mine making me moan loud and arch my back. in seconds, I was on my hands and knees and both our clothes thrown off the bed, and a hard fast pace set with his hand stimulating me. "oh fuck seungmin." I moaned out. "I need you to cum before I fill you up." seungmin said, as he thrust became sloppy. we both came at the same time. "fuck I love you." seungmin said in my ear. "I love you too."

yang jeongin

"yeah, you're totally in love with him y/n." chan said, turning around in his chair in his room. "yeah right." I said, plopping myself back into his bed. 3 months into hooking up and chan thinks I fell hard for the fox boy. "how about a plan to get you two fully together, you'd you feel about that?" chan asks, making me look at him. "what is it?" I asked. chan had a evil smile as he told me his plan. ‘texting wrong person’ was the plan. "are you sure?" I asked, making him nod. "he's not here, I'd just know he'd come running." he answered. I sighed pulling out my phone. "what should I say?" I asked. “why not channie just come over. I told jeongin I was busy.” I gagged at the message as I pressed send as chan laughed. "let's go wait in the living room." chan said.

chan and I were just sitting on the couch, waiting for jeongin to either respond to the text or call chan. just then jeongin opens the door, slamming the door into the wall. “oh hi jeongin.” chan says, jeongin looked confused. chan gets up and whispers something in jeongin’s ear, before leaving.

jeongin came over and grabbed my hand, taking me to his room. he pushed me on the bed, getting on top of me. "you're mine. you only texts things with my name like that. mine to hold and take in my bed." He said. "official?" I whispered. "yeah." he said, closing the space between us. we took off each other's clothes as we made out. "mine to fuck." he groaned into the kiss. he grabbed a condom and slid it on before slipping inside me. "the only cock that belongs in here, is mine." he said, picking a slow hard pace. "oh fuck jeongin." I moaned out. "say that your mine and I'll make you cum so hard." he moaned out. "I'm yours innie, all yours." I cried out. he moved his hand to stimulate me, making me clench around around him. triggering both of our orgasms. "fuck yeah." he moaned out.

Tags :
2 years ago

who's going first

(3racha x afab!reader)

part 2 for: your moans would sound nice

description: y/n comes back to the studio to hear the song the boys have been working on...and to fuck as well.

warnings: smut, foursome, unprotected sex, slight switch!reader(only to jisung), dom!changbin, dom!chan, dirty talk, praising, petnames(baby(girl), sweetheart, sweetie, etc.) prepping, reader back talks chan- so slight brat!reader, jisung being impatient, oral(fem and male receiving), deepthroat, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampies, some aftercare

wc: 3,000+(somewhat proof-read)

a/n: long time no see! how is everything going? you doing well, eating, sleeping, drinking some water? for me...I've been okay. the last few months I stopped writing because a lot of devastating things happened and I wasn't in the right mindset for a while. but now I'm slowly coming back. as you saw above this is part 2 to my 3racha fic(FINALLY)! I'm so happy that I've finally finished it. and I couldn't have done it without the help of a friend who stayed on the phone with me, yesterday and today. I had about 1,000 words already written, but with my friend. I wrote 1,000 yesterday and 1,000 more today. I'm so happy that this is finally finished. but enough talking. I hope you enjoy this part 2.

also fill free to comment or inbox me about this fic or upcoming ones, I love read the things you guys have to say!

Who's Going First


I knocked on chan's studio door, waiting for one of the boys to answer. jisung had texted- with a whole bunch of emojis that the end might I add, saying they wanted me to hear the finished product of one of their new songs, and to bring some drinks. it had been a few weeks since everything happened, I felt my body become warm just thinking about it. the door opened to a smiley changbin in a pink hoodie and joggers. 

"good evening y/n." changbin said, opening the door wide enough to let me enter. I saw jisung and chan sitting on the couch, looking very comfy man-spreading on the tiny couch. "hey guys." I said, sitting the drinks I brought with me on the desk. "hi, y/n-nie, did you get my favorite?" jisung asked, standing up to grab his cup. "of course I did." I said, grabbing his and putting it in his hand. he immediately took a sip, "hmmm, every time it feels like I'm drinking it for the first time again." he said, throwing his head back then taking his seat back on the couch. I laughed as I handed chan and changbin their drinks as well. that's when I looked at what they were wearing. chan wearing his iconic black muscle tee and shorts. jisung wearing a black hoodie over and jeans with rips in the knees.

"you boys look nice today." I said, sitting in between jisung and chan. "thank you, y/n." changbin said with a wide smile as he took a sit on the chair in front of the desk, spinning around. "you don't look too bad yourself." chan said, with blushed ears. "you mean the one of the five whole outfits that I own, that look good together that I've worn multiple times." I said with a laugh, making the boys laugh too. "yes." chan said. "okay enough small talk!" jisung said, grabbing the attention. "I want y/n to hear the song." he continued, while slightly bouncing in his seat and bumping into my shoulder.  "jisung, she just got here. we haven't asked her about her day." changbin said, kicking jisung in the foot. jisung whined and looked at me. I laughed and told them about my day.

"so you didn't do much? okay! SONG TIME!" jisung yelled. chan laughed and changbin rolled his eyes. "damn, yes I want to hear the song now. impatient brat." I said towards jisung, who just stuck his tongue at me and I stuck mine right back at him. changbin turned around and clicked around on the laptop, till an alluring melody and slow bass filled the room. I leaned back and closed my eyes, letting the music enter my body.

 a r&b intro started with changbin singing including chan in the back, then fell into the first verse with jisung rapping. I felt the boys' eyes on me, watching my reaction. soon the chorus began, the same as the intro, just more full and enticing. my head bobbing the music. next was the second verse, changbin fast rapping the first part then chan slow rapping the next. the mixes of the two different rap styles, feeling more and more captivating. then was the bridge of the song, jisung was singing then chan was next. that's when I was caught off guard with familiar sounds in the background, right in the middle of the two voices. I stopped moving, my eyes snapping wide open as I felt my cheeks heat up. jisung started smirking at a giggly chan and changbin. soon the song ended with chan vocals and the same slow r&b beginning.

“wow” I said, not really having any words. “what’d you think of it y/n?” chan asked. I looked at him and smiled. “It sounded amazing like always channie.” I said. chan laughed and looked down. “what about the bridge?” jisung asked. I whipped my head to jisung. “it sounded sexy, you pervert.” I said. “you’re just as much.” jisung said. “did you invite me here to listen to the song or just to fuck me again?” I asked, looking at all three boys. “both.” changbin said, leaning forward, resting his arms on his legs, I laughed. “alright then.” I said, “who’s going first this time?” I continued with a smirk.

“jisung.” changbin said, nodding his head to him.

very quickly, clothes met the floor while kissing jisung as I got on top of him. I ran my fingers through the back his hair, pulling on it a little. his hands exploring my body, giving squeezes here and there. I moved my hips to feel some more of his hard on that was growing under me. he groaned into my mouth as our tongues fought over dominance. I made my way from his lips to his neck, leaving a wet trail in the process. I sucked right where his neck and collarbone meet, making him moan loud.

“fuck, that feels nice baby.” he said, pressing my body more into his. my hands traveled down his chest and brushed over his nipples, down his abs till they made it to his cock. I quickly got off jisung and sat on my knees in front of him. keeping eye contact with him as I did a bold long lick up his length. jisung’s head fell back as he groaned, keeping eye contact though. 

“don’t tease him too much, y/n.” changbin said. I looked back at him and smile at him. “of course not. I want to feel him inside me this time.” I said as I jerked jisung off with a firm grip. I turned back around, kissing the tip of the head. slowly pushing him inside my mouth, not stopping till I made it almost completely down to his pelvis. jisung’s hips bucked up out of pleasure. he ran his fingers through my hair and started to guide me how he wanted.

“you’re doing so good. getting it all nice and wet.” jisung said, making me whine on him. “want me to prep her for your cock jisung?” I over heard changbin ask. “yeah.” jisung groaned out. changbin left his chair and shuffled close to me, kneeling down at the level I was at.

I felt changbin’s hands grab my waist and trail down my legs, making me spread my legs naturally. changbin’s hand cupped my sex, groaning at the feeling of how wet I was. “baby is already so wet.” he said as he pushed one finger into me. I moaned around jisung’s cock, bucking my hips into changbin’s hand. “focus on jisung, baby. I’ll do the work here.” changbin said, rubbing my ass. I closed my eyes as jisung guided this hand to my hair, pulling on it a little.

“you’re doing so good baby.” jisung said through his moans. I hallowed my cheeks harder around him at the praise. I felt changbin add a second finger, scissoring inside me making me pop off jisung and jerked him with my hand. “god, do I make this hard every time you see or think of me?” I asked jisung, making him groan and changbin stop his movements below.

“oh she’s feeling bold this time.” i heard chan say in the background. I turned my head to him, “yeah, and what can you do about it? nothing as of right now, it’s jisung’s time.” I said, looking back to jisung. “right baby?” I said, with fake innocent eyes and a firm grip on his cock. “yeah, fuck off chan.” jisung said. “watch it.” chan said, I giggled and was about to take jisung back in my mouth. 

“come on y/n.” jisung said, grabbing my hand to help stand me up. changbin removed his fingers and sat back down in his seat. “let’s get a move on baby.” he said, making me sit onto his lap. with my legs on either side on his, he grabbed a hold of his cock and slowly pushed down inside me. feeling his length fill me up nicely, so firm and hard in me,

“feels so fucking nice. god damn.” jisung said, grabbing my hips. I moaned as my pelvic bone met his. rolling my hips in a circle to get used to his size. “you feel good too sungie.” I said, looping my arms around his neck before kissing him on the lips. jisung squeezed my hips as I slowly brought my hips up and going back down. breaking the kiss as I was working up the pace with each bounce. “fuck you’re so tight y/n. shit, i’m not gonna last long.” jisung said. “that’s fine sungie, you be good and cum whenever you need too.” I said out of breath, making jisung throw his head back once again. “just keep bouncing like that and i’ll cum in no time.” he said back with his eyes closed. I closed my eyes too, focusing on the feeling of his cock inside me.

“angle your hips a little more y/n.” I heard chan say next to us. “be quiet channie, it’s jisung’s time.” I whined out, but I did what he said anyway and gave out the biggest whine.

with the new angle, jisung’s cock hit my g-spot perfectly every time I came down. “oh fuck.” I said, pushing my head into jisung’s sweaty neck. i pressed my lips on his ear and whispered in it. “you’re doing so good baby. I love how you feel inside me. I can’t wait for you to feel me up.” I said, before leaning back and holding his head up- making him open and lock eyes with me. “you can do that for me right sungie?” i asked as I bounced harder, feeling my first climax coming fast. “I’m about to cum.” jisung said, as he started pushing his hips up to meet mine. “please cum for me jisung.” I said as I felt myself tighten around him. with one final thrust from him, he came inside me, triggering mine at the same time. both of us moaning and whining at the feeling. jisung held on to me tight, not letting go. taking some time to calm down as I messed with the back of his hair as we waited

after some minutes, jisung slowly pulled me off him, making me hiss. i sat down in the middle of the couch, between him and chan. “wow, that was amazing. i loved everything second of that.” jisung said in his hyper self again, like he didn’t just get down fucking me. making the other boys laugh. 

“still need a few minutes y/n or we start my turn.”changbin asked, with a smirk. “i just need a sip of my drink and I’ll good.” I said. changbin handed over my drink that was on the table, “you better be for me.” he said as I grabbed the drink from him. I felt my cheeks heat up at his comment.

I took a few sips from my drink before standing up and walking over to the table to place my drink down. I turned to changbin and smiled at him, “hey there.” he said. “hi.” I said as i sat in his lap. he tilted his head up and place his lips onto to mine. soon the simple kiss turned into a heated makeout session. changbin pushed his tongue into my mouth, making me groan. his soft lips left my lips to my jaw, down my neck. leaving sloppy wet heavy kisses all over, sucking hard in areas that made me whine. I pressed down into his crotch, trying create friction. 

“no sweetie, stay still for me.” changbin said, holding on to my waist. I quickly stopped moving and waited for changbin to do or saying something. “take my clothes off me baby.” he said as his hands slid down to my body, onto my thighs. i slid my hands under his hoodie and felt up his body. he leaned his head back, till holding eye contact with me. I pushed his hoodie up, slowly working up his body. he lifted his arms up as the hoodle came off. I leaned down and kissed down his chest. I got onto the floor and pulled at his joggers, making him lift his hips. his underwear came off along with his joggers. I looked at him as my hands slid between his thighs as I pressed them apart. I kissed his thighs as I made my way to his hard on.

“just get it wet enough for me to slide right in.” changbin said as I kissed my way on his cock. I took my tongue and licked up and down a few times before taking him slowly into my mouth. bobbing up and down each time coming up, circling my tongue around his tip. changbin bucked his hips up, making me gag on him. "will you let me fuck your throat?" changbin asked, I nodded my head with my mouth on him. he carefully stood up and grabbed the back of my head. bringing his hips back before thrusting into my mouth, quickly picking up the pace. I closed my eyes and focused on not gagging. I felt my spit coming out of my mouth down his cock, falling to the floor and my thighs and hands. 

“she takes cock in her mouth so well, doesn’t she changbin?” jisung asked in the background. “yes she does, fuck.” changbin answered. “you’re gonna have feel her mouth.” he said to chan. “i’ll have to next time, when I’m not fucking last. I won’t last if I feel that pretty little mouth of hers.” chan said, I whined hearing his low voice enter my ears. changbin removed his cock of my mouth and sat back down in the chair behind him. he patted his lap, making me standing up. “turn around baby. face the boys, I want them to see your pretty face as you ride me.” changbin said. I turned around and went to sit on his lap. he grabbed my waist with one hand and I felt him pushed his cock into me as I sat on him. my head fell forward, hair falling into my face and moaning at the same time. I placed my hands on his knees and looked back up at jisung and chan.

jisung was still naked, slowly playing with his dick in hand. chan had his tank top off now and pants just down enough for the cock to be out. chan spat in his hand and jerked his cock off, watching me carefully. “come on baby.” I heard changbin say, pushing his hips up, making me gasp. I lifted myself once and back down. “oh god.” i said as I picked up the pace. not too fast, but enough to feel the knot building up inside. “you look so good.” I heard jisung said. feeling their eyes on me, hearing the wetness that was being made from me and changbin. I tightened up around him. “shit, you’re already about to cum?” changbin said, but I didn’t respond. “huh baby?” he said, grabbing my waist. “yes binnie.” I whined out. “open your eyes y/n-ie.” I hear chan say. my eyes snapped open and looked at both the boys with watery eyes and a wide mouth. I was starting to lose my pace, changbin quickly noticed and started helping me- guiding up and down. 

“cum all over me y/n.” changbin said in the low voice, his hips thrusting up as mine pace down. mind went out as I came all of him with my thighs shaking. “oh fuck.” changbin said as he kept going to reach his high. “cum in her bin, just like jisung did. make her even more messy for me.” I heard chan say. I let out a high pitched moan as changbin filled me up with his cum. changbin groaning with a tight grip on my waist. “shit.” changbin said, rubbing his hands up and down my body. “your tits looked amazing as you were riding him y/n.” jisung commented, I busted out laughing. “thank you sungie.” I said. I looked over to chan who was already looking at me with smirk. I slowly lifted myself off of changbin and slowly made my way to chan. he hugged me as I sat on him. I brought my lips to his and gave him a heated kiss. before it could go farther.

“I gotta use the bathroom guys.” jisung said as he quickly stood up. we watched as he put back on his clothes in a mess and left the room. chan chuckled and looked at me. “you’ll be brave with jisung and a good girl for changbin. how are you going to act for me?” he asked with his head tilted to the side. “I don’t know. how do you want me to act?” I answered back, tilting my head with his. chan smiled before he flipped me into my back on the now open space on the coach, I yelped at the fast movement. he climbed over my body, hands on other side of my head, “how about you lay there and take my cock like a good girl I know you can be.” chan said before pecking my lips and heading to my neck. kissing down to my chest, taking my right nipple into his mouth. “ah channie.” I said as my hands ran through his hair and stayed. he kissed down my navel til he was right above my clit. 

his eyes locked with mine as he brought his hand up my slit, gathering the mixture of cum that was spilling out. popping his fingers into his mouth, groaning at the taste. his fingers slid out and quickly into me as his mouth came in contact with my clit. I cried out at the overstimulation, pumping his fingers in and out at a slow pace as his tongue played with my clit. “chan.” I moaned out. I arched my back and rolled my hips into his face. his left hand gripped my thigh tightly. the sounds in the room would make even the devil turn a blind eye. “fuck, I wanna cum channie.” I said, as I gripped got tighter on his head. he moaned with his mouth on my clit, curling his fingers into onto my g-spot. I tightened around his fingers and my high hit my like wave. he took his mouth off me, “good girl.” chan said, taking his fingers out before hitting up.

he grabbed my legs and lifted them up, slipping right between my legs. he brought one leg down as it fell off the side of the couch and held the other up to his shoulder. chan grabbed his cock, stroking it once. “think you can held my cock today babygirl?” he asked. I nodded my head as I grabbed his hips and rolled mine into his. “please.” I begged. chan rubbed his cock over my slit before pushing in, moaning at the feeling.

“so tight still, after being used twice before me. but also messy for me.” chan said as he pulled out and pushed back in. I closed my eyes, loving the feeling of how full i was. “feels so good channie.” I said, digging my fingertips into his skin. he hissed at the feeling and snapped his hips quickly into me, making cry out. “take it baby, I know you can.” chan huffed out, hanging on to my thigh, picking up a fast pace. my head fell to the side to see changbin watching the show. I moaned and tightened around chan. “so good.” chan said, placing one hand next to my head again. I turned my back to him and slid my arms up to his back.

chan placed his forehead on mine as we kept eye contact. “I’m about to cum channie.” I said, dragging my nails down his back. “oh shit, hold it a little longer for me.” he said closing his eyes, giving me harder and faster thrusts. I nearly screamed, chan quickly brought his left hand to my neck, giving it a light squeeze. my eyes rolled to the back of my head as my orgasm washed over me. chan gave some more hard thrusts before cumming hard, deep inside me. 

chan laid his body on mind with head in the creek of my neck. after a few seconds of silence, the door opened up. we snapped our heads to the door to see jisung poking his head in. “just saying I heard you scream.” he said as he walked in, closing the door behind him. I blushed and hid into chan’s chest as the boys chuckled. chan sat up and slid his cock out of me, making my whence. “changbin, hand me some tissues please.” chan said, holing out his hand. changbin grabbed them and placed them in his hand. chan cleaned me up and help me sit up. jisung helped me put on his hoodie he wearing that he had over his shirt, kissing my forehead once my head popped through the hole. I stood up and put my underwear and pants back on as chan and changbin put their clothes back on. we all sat down in our original spots, I laid my head on jisung’s lap and brought my legs up on chan’s lap. “take a nap y/n for a few minutes.” jisung said, running his fingers through my hair. “you sure?” I asked, looing up at him. “yeah, we have to review a few songs before we leave for the day.” chan said, rubbing my legs, massaging them a little. “okay.” I said, closing my eyes and almost falling asleep immediately.

“y/n-ie.” I heard as someone was rubbing my arm. I hummed out and turned my head. “we’re done here. we can leave now.” the voice said. I opened my eyes and saw changbin. I smiled and sat up and stretched my arms and back. we stood up grabbing our things we had laying around.

“let’s head to the dorm and watch a movie with some take out, I'll pay for it.” chan said, smiled sweetly as he picked up the left over clothes on the floor to bring with us. “that’s sounds good to me.” I said, looking at jisung and changbin. they nodded their head, “hell yeah!” jisung said, opening the door. changbin threw his arm around my shoulders as we followed jisung out the building.

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1 year ago




audio 1

audio 2

video 1 (there is a whole au, but i only watch the first vid)


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audio 3

video 1

probably will be updated as i find new good ones

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1 year ago

hello - hard jisung thought/drabble below the cut because he never ever leaves my mind


to say that jisung invested a lot of time into perfecting this choreo would be an understatement - he’s invested all of his time in it. he clocked more hours in the practice room than ever before, leaving later than chan most nights. you only knew he was home by the weight of the bed shifting as he crawled into it at whatever godly hour he came home that night. most nights he would give you a swift kiss on your forehead, but some nights he was asleep the second his head hit the pillow.

jisung was exhausted, but refused to stop. he had to get it right. it had to be perfect. not to impress anyone, not even for the shows they were about to perform. no, because he knew he was capable of nailing it, and he wouldn’t let himself mess it up.

by the evening of the first show, he felt confident. muscles were a bit achy, and he could feel the exhaustion in his biceps, but he was willing to accept the soreness if it meant he was successful.

and he was. his moves were brisk, lively. it looked like he was soaring across that stage. the song was coming to a close, and for the first time in six weeks, jisung let himself relax.

it was a mistake.

he didn’t stick the landing. to you, who had spent countless nights in the practice room when he didn’t want to be alone, you thought it was hardly noticeable. in fact, you wouldn’t have even known he messed up if not for the brief flash of pure anger on his face. if you didn’t notice it, there was no way anybody in the audience would know.

that didn’t matter to jisung. all the time he spent working his ass off on this was wasted. he could’ve spent that time working on music, or playing video games with his friends, or at home with you. all that time, all for nothing.

as soon as there was a break in the performance, jisung stormed backstage. he moved past changbin and hyunjin, who were trying to comfort him, and made his way into the empty dressing room.

there you sat, eyes on the unit performance currently happening on stage. jisung slammed the door and locked it.

“hey, ji-“

“shut up and take your pants off.”

you blinked, thrown off by his sudden command, but you had no time to question it. your hands had barely unbuttoned your jeans before jisung was shoving them down to your calves. he dropped to his knees in front of you, hands gripping the soft skin of your thighs with enough pressure to bruise them. he spread your legs as much as he could before he dove face first into your center.

nose pushed against your clit, no time was wasted as jisung ate you out. the movements of his tongue were harsh, roughly licking every part of you he could. when you moaned and grabbed handfuls of his hair, jisung pushed his face further into you, relentlessly tearing you apart with his tongue.

“fuck, jisung.” you cried, head falling back in pleasure. he was never one to rush oral, always wanting to savor the taste of you and the way your thighs felt against his ears. but today, he didn’t give a fuck. there was nothing he’s ever wanted more than your cum on his tongue.

jisung looked up at you, noting the way your chest rose up and down rapidly and the sweat that was rolling down your neck. fuck, you looked delicious like that. he would never tire of the way you fell apart for him.

“taste so fucking good.” his words muffled against your mound. “so good, and all fucking mine.”

“yes, yes. don’t stop.”

jisung pulled back, spitting on your soaked cunt. he waited until you looked down at him, locking eyes with you before he pushed the tip of his tongue against your clit. he flicked it up and down once. then again. then a third time.

“who’s pussy is this?” he asked, eyes boring into you. the frustration with himself mixed with the desire for you had you absolutely melting under his gaze, unable to answer.

jisung didn’t like when you didn’t answer.

“i said,” a hand left your thigh, slapping your clit. “who’s fucking pussy is this?”

“yours, yours, jisung. always all yours.” you cried, hands on his hair trying to pull him back into you. “just let me cum, please.”

he didn’t have time to listen to you beg. he wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking with a fervor you’ve never experienced from him. alternating between scraping his teeth against your sensitive bud and his tongue, he pushed you far over the edge, letting you fall head first into bliss.

you screamed his name as you came on his face. lips moved from your clit to your entrance, lapping up every last drop of you with a thirst that consumed every last nerve.

“fuck,” jisung said between licks. “you came so much for me baby. good fucking girl.”

jisung didn’t move from you center, you well past overstimulated, until changbin knocked on the door to give him a three minute warning.

he pulled away only to look at you, eyes dead serious as he said: “how many more times can you cum in three minutes?” before he dove back in.

©: chvnnie 2022

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1 year ago

hi - suggestive subby jisung thoughts below the cut??? not proofread bc i’m choosing chaos today

@lix-ables pls don’t yell at me for posting i had to do it


“Oh shit.” Jisung exclaimed as the stale beer spilled out of his cup and down your shirt. “I’m sorry, babe.”

It wasn’t a big deal, in fact, it was such a minor incident in the grand scheme of things. Who doesn't get a bit of alcohol on them when they’re at a party? It’s such a common thing that you don’t even notice it most of the time - only realizing when you’re home and showering how sticky your clothes had gotten.

But that wasn’t the case tonight. No, the beer that was now making your thin white shirt stick to your chest was the straw that broke the camel’s back tonight. Shoving your boyfriend off of you, you stomped to the bathroom, ignoring the queue that had built up and going straight in.

Jisung was so fucking annoying tonight. From the moment the two of you walked into the house party, he had been attached at your hip, literally. He had laced his arm around yours, hovering as you did anything - poured drinks, socialized, even followed you to the bathroom at one point in the night. You couldn’t get rid of him, even for a second, so it wasn’t too surprising that when someone bumped into him, he spilt his drink on you because he was still right fucking there.

You tried to pad the carmel colored liquid out of your shirt with hand soap and water, ignoring the knocks on the door from angry party goers. They’d have to get the fuck over it - you weren’t leaving this bathroom until your shirt was somewhat dry.

“Baby?” Jisung yelled over the music on the other side of the door. “It’s me, can I-“

“No.” You snapped, grabbing more toilet paper to clean your shirt. “Just give me a minute, Ji.”

“Do you need help? I can get some bleach or something to try and-“

“No. I don’t need help.”

“Are you sure? Because I can help if-“

You swung the door open, letting it bounce against the wall as you grabbed your boyfriend by the shirt, dragging him to the closet nearby. Shoving him inside of it, you slammed the door shut behind you, thanking whoever designed this house that there was a lock on the door.

“Why are you so fucking needy tonight?” You snapped at him, faces close together in the tight space. “You have been all over me all fucking night, and ruined my shirt because of it.”

Your eyes had adjusted to the darkness enough to see the way Jisung pouted, lip trembling as he spoke. “Just wanna be near you. To touch you-“

You wonder if he saw the way you rolled your eyes. You hoped he did. “What? You can’t even go a few hours without having your hands on me?”

Jisung shook his head, hands finding your hips as he pulled you close to him. He buried his head in your neck, whining as he rutted his bulge against your stomach. “No. Can’t. Feel how hard I am? Just wanna touch you.”

Moving your head to the side, you let him bury his head into your neck more. Jisung began to pepper kisses on your skin, whispering apologizes as he kept grinding on you. You almost felt bad for him; so fucking needy, so fucking whiny.

But he was also so fucking annoying.

You moved his head out of your neck and forced him onto his knees. “Fine.” Quickly shedding your panties and jeans, you leaned against the wall of the closet, grabbing his hair and tugging it hard, Jisung’s loud moans filling the small space. “Make me cum before I change my mind.”

©: chvnnie 2022

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