Ninjago Thoughts - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

This is now added to my headcanons. I love this idea so much. It's really never talked about how close they all really are.


I actually headcanon that Lloyd misses his older siblings like hell after the Merge and he has bittersweet flashbacks LIKE HALF THE TIME.

Arin saw Lloyd (and another time Kai) crying once, at night, becuz he missed Cole and Jay so bad. the six of them are like siblings to each other.

Arin, Sora, and Wyldfyre keep noticing these photos of all six + Wu (and some friends) literally everywhere in the monastery.

They aren't stupid, they've seen Lloyd, Nya, Kai, and Zane just stop and stare at those photos, sometimes touching one of the ppl in the photo. they overhear the four of them talking about when they were younger, mostly about fond memories of Cole, Jay, and Wu.

The four, not just Lloyd, miss them like hell, it was almost unbearable torture before they found each other and they still have two pieces missing.

Cole and Jay.

Lightning and Earth.

Part of the team.

And more than anything else, their brothers. their family.

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1 year ago

Woah this is actually a really cool idea!

idea i got from atsv: Jay can absorb electricity but like from everything.

Like he gets upset in the Monastary and every single light goes out and everything is off and when the ninja run to Jay, they just see him huddled in a corner with electricity sparking across his body and all of his nerves lit up and glowing blue.

Imagine his grief after Nya turned into the sea and like an entire section of Ninjago city has a blackout and they cant use anytning because there is no electricity at all.

Its not just “out” its gone.

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1 year ago

This is kind of a tangent, but here I go:

I feel like a lot of widely known books, movies, and tv shows have this kind of trope of something which inflicts pain or suffering of some kind, and frequently, it's not a tangible thing. I haven't thought this through, so please bear with me. A lot use some form of trauma flashbacks or ptsd, but also: Harry Potter, the crucio (?) curse; Keeper of the Lost Cities, ptsd, flashbacks, and the Ability to Inflict; The Hunger Games, ptsd, plus undescribed tech (i think) and some random triggers like the birds screaming in Catching Fire; Carmen Sandiego (Netflix), fictional technology;

You see where I'm going with this? There's this kind of trope with vague but pointed suffering. For vengestone to take that role makes sense to me, here are some general headcanons about how vengestone affects Lloyd:

As he gets closer (maybe starting at around a mile away) he starts to feel gravity more, like he weighs more and everything takes more energy.

Ways that manifests itself:

Walking slower

Slower reflexes

Talks less

More grumpy

Snaps at the others more

Also as he gets closer, he starts feeling physically sick

Getting sniffly



Slightly higher temperature (until they're really close and then it's really bad)


Really really close and he starts hallucinating, chills, dizzy, passing out, maybe this is just covid?

Maybe he kinda becomes the canary in a coal mine? Because everyone else's signs are more subtle, each of them just kinda feeling off, but Lloyd getting sick as they're walking?? Nah.

When dealing with vengestone, they also have to be more careful because Lloyd can't fight well Under The Influence and because he's already kinda sick, so injuries will take longer to heal later.

man I know a lot of us have individual headcanons for how vengestone affects certain elements right

Jay feeling like his element is built up and trying to burst out, Kai feeling as though the fire inside him has snuffed completely, Cole feeling cut off from the earth itself etc. etc. but I don’t see much about Lloyd

And yeah Lloyd’s true “element” is up for debate but I usually work under the assumption that Lloyd is the element of Life and Energy itself and man

Doesn’t it seem like that element in particular would not do well with vengestone

Don’t you think if someone who’s element is life itself is suddenly, forcibly, unnaturally cut off from said element…

Don’t you think they’d get sick

I mean we saw what happened when Lloyd felt cut off from his power in season 8. He got sick. He was almost dying. He literally needed the other elements that make up his power to lend him some of their own or else he would have died

I just think that’s verrrrrry interesting, don’t you? :)

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1 year ago

Ninjago theory:

Dragons Rising makes The Ninja team up with other people, then the Other People essentially become ninja, at the end of the season The Ninja go home or whateve, exit stage left, and essentially pass the baton. Which closes out The Ninjas story but continues ninjago for newer fans.

Why else would Crystallized be promoted as the final season? And lego has been adding a lot of new themes and transitioning Friends to be The Friends kids, so I feel like it would fit with the flow of the company.

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1 year ago

Introduction to my blog:

I will blog and reblog whatever, but I do have a couple fandoms and a couple topics I come back to.

Recently it's been 90% six of crows.

Fandoms: Ninjago, The Hunger Games, The Queen's Thief (this'll randomly popup consistently, it's my #1 go to recommendation for everyone), Percy Jackson, Carmen Sandiego, Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows, Maxton Hall.

(I was updating my notes about fandom frequency and basically I'm not huge on fandom posting much anymore)

Topics: I love analyzing, including books, movies, media, fandoms. Sociology and psychology.

My posts are getting increasingly deranged.

I use the tag "no tags" for when I want to be able to find it later (maybe to delete)

Anything tagged #marsplastic is for my beloved @marsplastic13

Writing blog @olivevermore

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1 year ago

I was watching the episode where Lloyd ages up and guys-

guys the ninja were devastated.

excuse the bad quality i cant screenshot netflix

I Was Watching The Episode Where Lloyd Ages Up And Guys-
I Was Watching The Episode Where Lloyd Ages Up And Guys-
I Was Watching The Episode Where Lloyd Ages Up And Guys-
I Was Watching The Episode Where Lloyd Ages Up And Guys-
I Was Watching The Episode Where Lloyd Ages Up And Guys-
I Was Watching The Episode Where Lloyd Ages Up And Guys-
I Was Watching The Episode Where Lloyd Ages Up And Guys-

Like. This is probably the only kids show that I have seen that teaches about how maturing too early can lead to severe mental health consequences. How missing out on your childhood is devastating.

But the fact that the ninja were more upset about it than Wu was…it must have hit especially hard to them since with their parental situations they probably had to grow up too early too. They didnt want their baby brother to have to go through what they did.

Brb while i cry.

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1 year ago

Hoodies: Lloyd


-Where do I even begin with this guy?

-Totally stole all of the others' hoodies when he was younger, even Nya's, and acted like he only did it to make them mad (he just wanted attention)

-When he was younger, his favorite hoodies to steal were Jay's. Not only were Jay's reactions funny as hell, but when he was still a kid Jay would unzip his hoodie and let Lloyd climb into his lap before zipping it back up and playing video games. Lloyd would often fall asleep right there snuggled up against his big brother, much to Zane's (fake) chagrin when he came to read Lloyd his bedtime story

-Even after the Tomorrow's Tea and all of the team stepping up into their older sibling roles, Jay was still the first person Lloyd went to when he needed to forget about being the Green Ninja and just be a kid

-Lloyd's most frequently worn hoodies are: Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Zane, Pixal

-Not to say that he doesn't like wearing Zane's or Pix's though, he still very much enjoys it

-He wears Cole's whenever he needs to be absolutely swallowed up by the fabric and because Cole's hoodies always feel like a big warm hug

-Loves wearing Nya's hoodies because they're fitted, and since they have similar body shapes they make Lloyd look Very Good. They're also extremely comfortable to boot and it's good to hear Jay complain for the umpteenth time about how Lloyd can pull off his Yang's hoodies better than Jay can

-Borderline addicted to the cologne Kai uses and that's why Lloyd wears his hoodies so much

-Almost burst into tears when the others stole his hoodies because he felt like he had finally passed a rite of passage into the main family unit (plus he didn't think any of them would have cared about him enough to want to wear something of his)

-His hoodies are all various shades of greens, to be expected, but he also has quite a lot of black and purple ones. The only thing that separates his black hoodies from Cole's is the sheer size difference

-Has one hoodie that just says 'FUCK THIS' in big letters across the front. The others' have matching ones in their respective colors

-CARDIGAN HOODIES!!!!!! Also has the hood up too because yes

-At first he thought it was weird that everyone stole his hoodies since he was the youngest, but then he got a little older and realized that even though they were all older than him, they were still very young and they needed his comfort just as much as he needed theirs

-Now when it comes to scent, there are two camps in the team for what Lloyd's hoodies smell like. There's the camp for peppermint (Kai, Nya, Pixal), and then there's the camp for chocolate mint (Jay, Cole, Zane)

-In Lloyd's opinion, he's on Team Chocolate Mint, but he doesn't dare go against Kai and Nya together if he wants to keep his limbs the way they are

Tomorrow is Nya!

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