Non Con - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

AI-less Whumptober Day 5: Non-concental Touching (Alt Prompt 25)

Fandom: The Dragon Prince

Warning: Sexual assault, pedophile, character death.

Summary: While aboard the Sea Legs Finnegan decided that if Callum won't give him the spell to him he'll just take something else.

    Callum was scared. He was chained up, below the deck of the Sea Legs. Hed been shocked a few too many times and Finnegan was starting to get tired of his defiance. "Pain just doesn't do it for you, does it?" He spat. "Fine, I'll just take something else for you."

    The pirate signaled for Deadwood to stop shocking the mage. Then he pointed to the door, "leave us. Stay by the door."

    Elmore nodded and left. As the door closed Finnegan kneeled down to Callum, "I would give you another chance but you're just too damn cute."

    'Cute?' Callum's stomach sank. What did that mean. Why was the pirate looking at his with such, lust? That couldn't be right. The prince had to just be imagining it. There was no way Finnegan could have such an intent. "What?" He said sternly.

    Finnegan raised his hand to the mage's face and gently caressed it. Callum tried to shy away from his hand but the pirate made sure he couldn't. "Is hot better?"

    "What the hell is wrong with you,? Creep!" Callum shouted. Finnegan's other hand gently touched his hip. Again he tried to move out to find he couldn't. His question went unanswered.

    Callum felt the grip on his hip tighten, "I'll tell you how to do the spell!"

    "That time has passed." With his hand still on his face, the mage was pulled into a kiss. He tried to pull away. He tried to fight him. However Finnegan's grip would just tighten.

    Callum raised his legs and attempted to kick his enemy off of him. He failed. Finnegan pulled away from their frosted kiss and smiled. "You taste sweet."

    He moved his head to face the ground. The prince pulled more of the chains, trying to break free. He didn't want this, he didn't want any of this. "Let me go." 

    "No, I don't think I will." This time Finnegan moved his legs over Callum's, pinning him. His knees almost reached the poll. He towered over the boy. "Save the shaking for later dear, I'll treat you well."

     Callum didn't know what to do. He could do nothing as Finnegan ran his dirty hands all over him. They lingered in certain areas longer. His hips, lower stomach, sides and his neck all felt dirty. The pirate brought his hands down to Callum's ass and grabbed it. Then he shifted to his dick.

    Callum couldn't breathe. Tears welled in his eyes as he realized there was nothing he could do. There didn't seem to be anything that could save him. Zym and Bait couldn't help him, his friends were all above deck, and all of Finnegan's crew was too scared of him to do anything. He squirmed under the older man's grasp.

    "Stay still" Finnegan spoke. It was unnerving that he didn't sound angry, he didn't really sound annoyed either. He sounded like a friend trying to get you to stay still when you have something on your shirt.

    The tears Callum had been avoiding fell from his eyes. He was terrified about what was about to happen to him. As one of Finnegan's hands ran up his thigh, the other one started to undo Callum's belt. "Please" he whimpered, "stop."

    Above deck Ezren started to cry. His link with Zym led to him knowing what was going on just out of sight. He started to struggle more. He pulled and pulled as he cried. He was unsure what he would do if he did escape.

    "Ezren?" Soren yelled.

    "What's going on?" Rayla asked immediately after.

    "It's Callum!" Ezren's voice broke. "Finnegan's hurting him!"

    "Callum's strong, he'll be okay." Soren did his best to comfort his little brother, even if he was saying it for himself too. "There's nothing we can do."

    "No, we have to!" Ezren took a breath but his voice still wavered as he spoke, "he's, he's touching him and-" his words became impossible to understand.

    "Are you really going to let him do that!?" Soren shouted at the crew. No one said anything.

    "Zym help him." Ezren whisper cried.

    Below deck Finnegan was holding Callum in a harsh kiss before starting to remove his own clothing. Callum had been left in his underwear, his pants pulled down to his shoes and his shirt of to the side. He had several bight marks and hickeys now, one uncomfortably close on his thigh.

    Zym did as he was told. He sent an uncontrolled wave of lighting in the two's direction. The bolt hit Finnegan but the current carried it to Callum as well. Both cried out in pain.

    Finnegan stumbled back just enough for Callum to kick him in the jaw. When he went to stand, the prince took out his feet. Before the pirate could say anything Zym shocked him again.

    Callum struggled and reached for the necessary ingredient needed for a spell. He grabbed the tail and crushed it in his hand, "Meht dnib leets gnirehtils."

   The chains around his wrists became snakes and slithered around the floor of the ship. "Fulminis!" he yelled. Lightning shot towards Finnegan. Callum grabbed his pants and pulled them back up, fastening them quickly. He grabbed his shirt from where it lay and hasty got it on his body. His breathing never slowed.

    Finnegan stood and walked over to his desk. He grabbed a knife and walked towards his prize. "What are you doing?"

    Callum brought his hand up, ready to cast another spell but a knife ended up in it. "I don't think so."

    "Leave me alone."

    Once more Finnegan grabbed Callum's face, "no" he forced him to kiss him. This time Callum played in just enough to be able to grab the knife that was stuck in his own hand and drove it through Finnegan's chest.

    Callum felt no remorse for what he had just done. He spent a short second trying to make it look like nothing happened then he slammed the door open to the deck. He tossed the bloody knife down into the wood and requested that his friends be released.

    Even Ezren didn't feel bad for the body below deck. He ran to Callum as soon as he was free and stood in front of him, ready to hug him if he wanted one. "Are you okay?"

    "Yeah" Callum shook. There was blood on his clothes and hand. Soren came over and tore a piece of fabric off of his clothes. He grabbed Callum's hand to wrap it but he pulled away.

    "Sorry." Callum slowly handed his hand over to Soren to wrap.

    Villads walked over to the ship's wheel and got them back on track.

    "Did he-?" Soren asked.

    Rayla went to get Zym, Bait, and the little glow toads.

    "How did-?" Fear laced his words.

    "Zym." Ezren answered.

    "No, Zym saved me."

Zym and Bait met with Callum, Zym nigging his leg. Rayla and the other glow toads followed. "Do you want to talk a-" Rayla started.

"No, let's just find Aaravos and go home. Please."

"Okay." Ezren made his way across the ship. He knew his brother had a long road to recovery and he may not know how to help him on that road. But he also knew that no matter what, he would be there for him. Always.

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11 months ago

Day 11: Bare: A Pop Opera (Outing/Religious Trauma)

Fandom: The Bad Batch

Warnings: Homophobic, sexual assault/rape, attempted drowning, and violence

Summary: While in a mission, the batch heads to a very religious planet. After being outed by a reg, the church priest and priestess decided they have to 'save him.'

    Hiding his sexuality was something Hunter never bothered to do. When it got around on Kamino that he was bisexual, it didn't bother him. Sure, some regs threw slurs at him, but it never really hurt.

    But now, all Hunter needed was to be revealed as gay. The planet the batch had been assigned to, was extremely religious. Unfortunately, the citizens weren't accepting of people who were different from them.

    When Tech had come up to Hunter to warn him, he knew to be careful. Tech never said anything about the culture of the civils unless he figured it was important. Sometimes he wouldn't inform them of any cultural disagreements even if it was important to know.

    Church members went to greet the battalion Clone Force 99 was traveling with, as well as to greet them. Every civilian in sight was fitted in white. Women were in white, floor length dresses and men were in various different types of clothing, though it was all white. The only person who wasn't in white was the priest.

    The priest talked to the general then invited him, his Padawan, and some soldiers to come to their church to talk about the planet joining the Republic.

    They walked to the church. There was a strange lack of people one the streets. The church stood over 250 feet. Tech would later tell them that it stood 281 ft. The building was made of a beautiful white stone that had golden accents to it. The steeple mostly composed of gold. It looked sharp enough to impaile a man with ease. The stairs were the same stone. They had been worn down by years of foot traffic. The doors were large and made of Dark Pine wood. It was hard not to stare at the marveling building.

    Stepping into the church, they learned the inside of the stone building was just as breath taking. There were rows and rows of pews; all matching the Dark Pine of the door. The aisle had a blood red carpet laid out on it. The carpet went all the way to the Priest's altar.  Behind the alter was a large, circler staind glass window. It as simple and uniform, much like the whole church.

    The room was beautiful but there was one thing that threw most everyone off. Behind the alter, there was a large water fountain. The fountain was made of marble and bor the church's creast on the top of it. The bottom of the fountain had two foot tall walls to keep the water in.

    Meeting one of the leaders of the church was not something the batch, nor the battalion with them excepted. Hunter realized just how uncomfortable both the Jedi commander and Padawan looked as the priest started to talk about not agreeing with the Jedi's religion but how they needed help so, despite their differences, they could make an exception. The man said that he hoped God would forgive them and the two Jedi just looked at each other, wondering how they ended up here.

    When a reg started to walk up to Hunter, he didn't think much of it. Maybe they needed something. It wasn't until he started to talk that the man realized he was up to no good.

    "By their logic, I'm surprised you didn't start buring as soon a walked in this church."

    The priest and other members of the church started to quite down. They looked in the direction of the 'sinner', trying to figure out what the clone was talking about.

    "What?" Hunter asked. Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair all watched defensely, with Wrecker walking over to the two.

    "You know, since you're a-"

    "Shut up." Wrecker said as he placed a hand on Hunter's shoulder.

    "Since you're a faggot."

    The church was silent. The locals looked at each other like they made a revelation. Something in Hunter's chest tightened when he saw the way they looked at him. There was so much hatred and disgust and even if he was used to the look, this feeling was different. It was why the sparks of anger were in their eyes that made it hurt more.

    "What's wrong with you?" One of the other regs said. He looked apologetic as he dragged his brother away.

    "That was strange" Wrecker said as he grabbed Hunter and led him to the rest of the batch. "Anyway."

    As the mission progressed, Hunter could never shake the feeling that he was being watched. Tech hadn't been wrong about the planets religious practices. But it was nothing that Hunter couldn't handle.

    The Jedi consently had to ignore priest's comments about damnation and the failure of the Jedi to see the one true religion. The general didn't seem to be as bothered as the commander. When clones started to get between the adults and the child, concern rose. When the child's master interfered, that when they knew to watch their backs.

    Watching the church members made Hunter realize just how closely they were observing him. Every time he looked that them, they adverted his gaze.

    The soldiers set up camp near the church per the regest of the priest. The general, a Twi'lek Jedi by the name of Mal, walked up to Hunter. "The priest is requesting your assistance in the church." Something about the way the Jedi talked, made Hunter nervous.

    "I'll go get the rest of my batch and we'll check it out."

    As Hunter started to walk away, the Jedi stopped him, "he just requested you."

    "General, I don't think it's a good idea to go alone." Hunter tensed.

    "The priest asked you to find a girl that's been missing. He told me to have you meet him in the church so he can give you her blanket so you take her." General Mal put a hand on his shoulder, "I gave him a good amount of questions Hunter. Hell, I practically intragated him. The priest just wants to find the girl, you'll be okay."

    Nodding, Hunter went to the church. The big doors felt more ominous in the dark. Slowly, he opened the door and walked in. Shutting it quietly, Hunter started to walk down the dimly lit aisle. "Hello?"

    "Hello, Hunter. The priest walk out from behind the alter. That's when Hunter saw the lit candles by the running fountain. The alarm bells that had been going off in the man's head, only got louder. The clone stopped walking about half way through the church.

    "I was sent to investigate a missing persons case." Hunter answered shortly.

    "What do you believe Hunter?" The priest sounded so calm and kind, yet there was nothing kind about him. Stepping down the stairs, the man walked to meet him.

    "I don't know, sir?" It was an honest answer.

    "Do you know what I believe?" The human man walked over to him. "I believe you are lost, that you have stayed away from the heavens."

    "I was sent to track a missing girl, what you believe is irrelevant right now." Hunter started to walk to the door. "I'll ask around then." Members of the church walked out from a hallway. Grabbing his gun, Hunter was ready to shoot his way out. 

    The priest grabbed his from behind.  The two fought over the gun for a moment before a few shots went off. No one was hit by the stray bullets. Another man grabbed Hunter, forcing the gun out of his hand. The Besalisk man wrapped all four arms around him and picked him up. Hunter kicked and squirmed, trying to get away. Reaching for his vibro-knife, he realized it was already gone.

    The man's grip never softned. The pressure hurt as Hunter's armor pressed into his skin.

    The priest started to say a prayer as the man tossed the clone into the fountain. Hunter started to try to get up. However the Besalisk grabbed him by his hair and held him under the water.

    There was so much going on in Hunter's head. He knew coming to the church alone was a mistake, yet he still did. Kicking at the man's feet, a clawed foot slammed down onto his legs, trapping him. Grabbing at the hand that held him under the water, Hunter panicked. Where they really going to kill him?

    It was suffocating. As Hunter started to feel weaker, the foot moved from his legs and he was pulled out of the water. He heard some of his hair rip out from the force. Coughing, Hunter tried to stand. However he was forced to stay on his knees in the water.

    The priest stood in front of him. "You have been cleaned, however we must rewrite over your sins."

    "What, is wrong with you? Leave me alone." Trying to breathe, Hunter kept coughing, trying to get the water out of his lungs.

    "I'm saving you."

    The Besalisk pulled him out of the fountain. Still trying to fight the man, the soldier listened to the whispers. One woman was saying they needed to  get rid of his tattoo. Another church member was scowling, saying his hair needed to be cut, that it being so long was a disgrace to the lord and far to feminine for any man.

    What Hunter knew for sure, the next time he saw General Mal, he was throwing hands.

    There was a back room in the church. While trying to fight, the church members dragged him inside of the room. There was a table, but that wasn't Hunter's biggest concern. His biggest concern was the women in the corner.

    She stood at about his height and had pale skin paired with her black hair. Unlike every other women in the in the religion, she wore a black dress. However, like all the other dresses it was floor length with flowing sleeves and turtle neck. She looked like a ghost. The women had lipstick that was the bright red of the carpet.

    Now inside the room, Hunter tried to reach for his comm. It was the first chance he had to even think about trying to call for backup. A harsh hand grabbed his wrist. "Don't, we are saving your soul. We don't want you to suffer."

    Trying to speak, Hunter's voice caught in his throat. His breathing, which had already been fast, sped up. The Besalisk man still held him.

    There were scissors on the table as well as a needle and some white clothing. Hunter focused on the girl to see what she was holding. In her hand she held a box. "Bring him to me." Her voice was angelic and soft. Most of all, it was unnerving.

    So the man complied. "Hello Hunter."

    "Let me go."

    "Dear, we just want to free you."

    "I don't need it. Better yet, I don't want it. Let me go, I need to get back to my men." Hatred laced Hunter's words.

    "Hold him still." The women nodded and someone grabbed the needle off of the table. Opening the box, the girl took a necklace out of it. It was silver and bore the religion's symbol, a cross with an anatomically accurate heart in the middle.

    While Hunter struggled, a needle was driving into the side of his neck. Trying to break free, he almost broke the syringe. The women walked up to him, her heels clicking on the ground. Her soft hand cupped the clones face. Then she kissed him. Hunter tried to pull away.

    "When the medicine starts to affect him, you may leave." Everyone nodded. The woman kissed him again, taking her hands around his neck and clasping the necklace on him. Hunter was able to pull away this time.

    "You drugged me."

    "It is a necessary evil."

    Thinking of what the women had said earlier, Hunter started to act weaker than he felt. When the women smiled, the clone knew he made the right decision. She moved the clothing off the table and motioned for them to put him on the table. "Remove his armor."

    With the men still in the room, a Hunter made the painful decision to stay still. After they removed his armor, the man started to feel the real effects of the drug.

    "I have him now. May I act only with the intent to heal and act without any lust" she prayed. The men left and the women climbed into the table and started to remove her clothing.

    Hunter fought the drowsy feeling of the drug. It was like fog had taken over his brain. Starting to try to stand, the woman gently pressed his shoulders back into the cold, metal table. "Don't worry child, I will take good care of you."

    "No" Hunter whispered. "Please no."

    "Oh yes " The woman removed her dress, then his shirt and lastly his pants and undergarments.

    Everything from there was a blur. Hunter remembered the feelings of the priestess touching him. He remembered how helpless he felt and knowing he should have been stronger than this. The women's fingers danced their sinister dance on his skin, making Hunter want to throw up. He wasn't sure if it was the drugs or assault that made him nauseous.

    Hunter was scared. This was a whole new level of helplessness, something like he had never felt before. The weight of the women on top of him, the feeling of his dick in her, the feeling of her lips touching his, all of it was too much. The man hated every part of her.

    Soon, the drug started to wear off. As Hunter regained his strength, the priestess moaned as she reached her finish line. "Stay still dear, you haven't finished. You have to be cleansed of your sins." Pushing him back to the table, the women started to trust her hips quicker.

    The world was clearer, but Hunter almost wished it wasn't. Never before had Hunter felt so weak. Raising one hand, the clone clawed at the priestess, trying to get her off of him. The drugs, even while they were wearing off, still made him mostly unable to fight.

    However he wouldn't need to fight. It was a natural reaction for his body to have given the stimulation it had reserved. Him finishing, had not mentioned he enjoyed it. As Hunter came inside of the priestess, she gasped and grabbed his shoulders, drawing blood and leaving scratches behind.

    Then she got off of him. Feeling stronger, Hunter looked around the room. He found his clothes and armor. The woman was grabbing the white clothing that was supposed to replace his blacks. Now it seemed like a good time for the world to stop spinning.

    After a moment, Hunter tried to stand. Still unclothed, the clone planned his escape. The woman came back over to him, the white clothing in hand and handed him undergarments first. "Here dear, now that you have been rid of your sins, you may cloth yourself."

    Breathing heavily, Hunter snatched the clothes, still dazed. The woman never turned around. Stumbling, he put on the underwear. But as things started to clear more than before, Hunter was hit with everything that had happened.

    Justified with religion, this woman had just sexually assaulted him. She had taken his body with drugs and force. There was no evidence that she even regretted any part of it. She truly believes that her actions healed him. Instead she hurt him. This would take time to scar.

    Hunter's clothes were in the corner. Getting in his feet, the man couldn't submit to this treatment anymore. The priestess had finally turned around to grab the scissors to cut his hair off. The hair he took good care of.

    She was as unsuspecting as he was. Still mostly naked, Hunter wrapped his arm around the woman's neck. Shushing her, he placed one hand over her disgusting mouth.

    When she stopped fighting, the way he hadn't been given an opinion to, Hunter tossed her to the ground. Still stumbling, he grabbed his clothes and put them on. The man wasn't sure when he had gotten his armor on, but he knew it was one. The effects of the drug had mostly worn off but his brain couldn't process the trauma. He was disassociated.

    Hunter placed a finger on his comm. "Cross" he spoke, shaking"

    "Where are you?" He snarled in response. "We have been looking-"

    "The church." Tears started to fall down Hunter's face. The dark room concealed most of the activities. "Please, I need h-" sobs took over the rest of his words.

    Crosshair was silent for a moment. "We're on our way."

    Forcing himself to stand, Hunter stabilized himself. Walking to the door, that was a whole other story. The lower half of him hurt. Nothing quite felt real. But Hunter still opened the door. The smell of candle smoke hit him.

    As the priestess started to stir behind him, Hunter debated killing her. It would be impossible for her to hurt anyone else. It felt like the right thing. But fear grabbed his chest, reminding him it was still there. Choosing between fight or flight, Hunter chose flight.

    Walking into the hall, Hunter scouted the area. It seemed the members of the church respected the priestess's privacy. Still crying, the man placed a hand over his mouth, trying to silence himself. Using the walkway closest to the wall, he ran to the door.

    As Hunter opened the door, he slowly closed it then ran down the stairs. When he got to the last few stairs, he tripped and expected to hit the stone. Instead, Wrecker caught him. Hunter hadn't realized he was breathing so heard until Tech told him he had to slow his breathing down or he could pass out.

    Jumping back, Hunter made sure they weren't touching him. Physical contact was important to Hunter but right now if someone touched him again, he might just kill them, or maybe he'd just shut down.

    "What happened?" Tech asked, calmly.

    "I- they- I can't-" deciding he wasn't far enough from the church, the clone started to walk away.

    For the first time, Crosshair realized that Hunter's hair was damp. The look in his eyes told him that whatever happened, it took a part of Hunter that he had never seen. "What did they do to you?"

    After another moment, Tech's attention also changed to Hunter's damp hair. "Did they, baptis you?" He asked.

    Hunter stopped walking. Not because of Tech, but because the church door opened. The priest and priestess walked towards him. "Dear" the woman started, "you cannot walk away now. You have been saved, don't turn back to your sin."

    The man didn't say anything. Wrecker moved to stand more in front of Hunter. "Leave him alone" he warned.

    "You have been cleaned, both spiritually and sexually-"

    "What?" Crosshair growled. That was why Hunter seemed so lost. Tech hardly looked angry but right now his glare would be sharp enough to kill someone. Wrecker cracked his knuckles and stepped closer to the two church officials.

    "We just need to make a few more adjustments."

    Crosshair pulled him gun. "Stand back."

    "Haven't you hurt him enough?" Wrecker looked back at Hunter. Tears ran down his brother's face and he'd never seen him look so small. Even when facing the separatist, Hunter had never been so shaken into himself.

    "We didn't hurt him-"

    "Yes, you did. Hunter shows clear signals of distress." Looking at his brothers, Tech ordered them to remove their eldest brother from the situation

    "I- please just get them away from me." Hunter cried. "I don't want to be here anymore."

    So the clones left. As they walked Hunter put a hand up to his collarbone to try to ground himself, the chain of the religion necklace started him. Panicking, he pulled the chain away from his neck, snapping it. Holding the chain in his hand, the man threw it far away from him. His breathing, which has slowed, speed back up again and his brothers tried to help him calm back down.

    While trying to report the church officials for Hunter's assault, the general informed them that nothing would come of the report. "I'm sorry Hunter's I really am. No one here would arrest them and" he sighed, "you're a clone. Too many people would view what happened to you as property damage, if anything. Trying to take it any further may not be worth the hurt and once it gets out I don't put it past some people to harass you over it." The Jedi told him that he would do his best to keep him away from them.

    Healing would take time. Every time Hunter stood inside a church, he feared the officials. Even after the war, Hunter felt like he couldn't breathe inside of churches, especially alone with officials.

    Telling Echo his story, had been difficult but it was the only way to explain why the batch avoided churches. But Hunter found it easier to confide in him when he had nightmares or when he was having a difficult day as the memories plagued his mind and stole his focus. They days his body no longer felt like him own and the touch of another human could only hurt him. Somehow the scomp helped.

  Having a daughter, Hunter feared that she would be hurt. But at least someone would be able to help her through it. Hopefully it never came to that. The clone couldn't be sure he wouldn't kill anyone who hurt her the way the church hurt him.

    It took so long for Hunter to feel safe in any church. For the first time, walking to Pabu's church (a common building ground) the man felt safe walking inside. He knew, for the first time in years, that no one inside of the church would hurt him. Healing takes time.


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2 years ago

ꕥ i also adore sunsets...and you ꕥ

ꕥ Park Jimin ꕥ


There you go again, strolling down the sidewalk as your skirt flows along with the wind. The smile that's plastered on your face makes one grow on Jimin's face. He's been spying out of his window every single day at the exact time. Spotting you was getting common for you, but the speed his heart reached always felt like the first time. 

As soon as you turned the corner, disappearing from his sight. Jimin rose his gaze to the sky. The shades were more than beautiful, he smiled, like you. The colors that printed themselves on the sky were gorgeous, the red blush became more darker until it was purple. The night sky came just like the sun rose.

Jimin eyes lingered on the corner more than enough time, tomorrow, you would come from the other side until to leave as soon as you reached that damn corner. He sighed, leaving his spot to rest as the moon grazed along the dark sky.

'Like always.'

The next day, he saw you at school. Your cute, little patterned skirt only covering as much as it could. But it didn't do a  good job. Cause with a strong gush of wind, your panties would easily be shown to the whole world. And he didn't like that thought at all.

You were the good girl: wealthy, smart, and too pretty for your own damn good. You, however, were a part of the Socs. Somewhere that Jimin could never belong to. A social status like that was all he needed for a chance to speak with you. It completely sucked when he compared himself to you: there was nothing new on him, no money to show off, no car to offer you a ride, there was nothing in him to offer to you. The little, rich girl of the school.

But, of course, you weren't a brat like some of the other girls. And he couldn't be happier!

Oh, how lucky he felt when he got to see during his part time with you! You were always arriving at the movies with your friends, at the exact same movie theater he worked at! (Ignoring the fact that it was one of the only cinemas in the town.) Always trying to flirt, catch your eyes, or impress you when he should've been working. He acted cute right in front of your eyes trying to attract you to him. It didn't matter if he was in his work uniform, he stilled looked amazing for a greaser. A greaser that was poor, yet handsome: putting the perfect amount of gel on to make his hair look flawless. 

It might have been a trap. Jimin was willing to do anything to make sure he had made you attracted to him.  He longed for you every day in school and every time the moon was up. Jimin wanted to do things with you as soon as you fell for him (or the trap). His thoughts roaming around day and night about you.

All the things he could do to you if you just glanced his way. His crush not disappearing as the days flew, it just grew stronger for you. It was getting bigger everyday, every single second of every minute that passed by. It was just a small little crush that led to Jimin skipping classes or his cinema job to follow you around. Which had eventually led him to the question, where did you live? Then, for the first time, he broke into your house to steal a couple of your pure items. Even if he couldn't take pictures of you when you weren't looking because he couldn't afford any camera at all. It was all made up when he was in your bedroom, his dark choice of an outfit standing out in the bright room.

Maybe it was a sign, you thought. Every time you turned the corner, there he was, a greaser. And a handsome one to add at that. Nonetheless, you couldn't and wouldn't pay an ounce of attention to him. You feared your parents would get angry towards you if you ever even looked at a greaser. Didn't you realize your 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠? He noticed your change of behavior. You noticed him! But why didn't you say anything or glance at him anymore? Didn't you realize how much affection he had towards you? How much he adored— fucking loved you till death— for eternity? 

If you were going and turning into a fucking brat like the rest of the Socs, then be a bitch. Jimin wasn't going to stop. Fuck it: he was getting you if you liked it or not. In one turn, his mind was already on how the both of you would spend the rest of eternity with each other.  Jimin couldn't help the sinful actions he did when he went home that night after seeing you with an even shorter skirt than usual, one that made him want to fuck you in front of the rest of the Socs. 

He squeezed his cock, rubbing his tip. Groaning and moaning at the close release, imaging you sucking his cock. An image popping in his head of something that happened earlier that day, when he had spotted you. You were playing with the straw that was inside the glass bottle of cherry coke. Swirling your tongue around it, wrapping your lips to suck it, not knowing that he was spotting you from the corner, where his friends sat around him. On the opposite side of you, separated. 

How he wished it was you. Jimin always wished it was you. Nonetheless, it would be you sooner or later. His sweet, spoiled princess, forever. That thought always made him happy, he didn't care what you thought at the moment. Jimin loved you from the bottom of his fucking heart, with his whole being. So he was going to get you. 

No. Matter. What.

He sat that night in his room about how he could captivate you and if you wanted the easy way. If not, the harder way for you was great for him, it made it easier and shorter to get you.

The next day, he waited for you behind the counter. Serving people their snacks and drinks. Then you arrived, your cute little self hard to spot, however, Jimin knew your form so it was not a challenging task at all. You left without ordering anything, upsetting him as you went straight in to the theater room. 

You were alone when you arrived at the counter, your friends told you to get the snacks because you hadn't gone in a long time. Jimin grinned to see you come back, and to add, all alone. Usually, people always come and get their snacks before the movies. Therefore, you two were the only people there. Everyone else was watching the new horror film that had gotten released.

"Alone?" You nodded your head, "Can I have a large size of popcorn and two coca-cola's?" He looked up, "of course!" It was silent the whole time he took to get the drinks and popcorn ready, it made you more relax. Yet, when it was time to pay, your heart raced as he finally started a conversation. "What do you like to do?" Jimin asked, curious to see what truly got your attention. You didn't have to really think about it when it was the first thing that popped into your head. "Sunsets," was all you said as he handed you things. Noticing how many things on the counter you would have to carry he offered assistance. "Do you need help bringing this?" You glanced at the items, would you? "No, it's fine", you decided on keeping your imagine safe. Jimin still insisted, already right next to you, yet you kept neglecting any aid he was giving you. 

He started getting pissed, as you muttered a small "thank you" turning away. Fuck it. He grabbed the closest object to him, heavy enough to knock someone out in a second. The cokes spilled on the ground, staining the carpet on the floor. The popcorn bucket tilted, hitting the floor in a harsh manner, the popcorn flew onto the carpet as well. Your body thumped to the ground. Jimin stood above you: hand stuck in the air, panting, and an amused grin appeared on his face seeing your slump body.

Nobody knew. There wasn't any cameras there since no serious crimes ever happened in towns. (He left his job in mid-shift, he was sure to fired!) Jimin easily snuck your unconscious body into his basement: it was completely dark (and stayed like that in broad daylight) it was filled with filth and dirt surrounded the floor. He managed to clean part of the basement, the part where you would be living. 

Jimin gawked your body, smoothing out your little pleated skirt with his hands. His hands rubbed your thighs, slowly making their way to your inner thighs. He pecked and sucked on them, his eyes made contact with something he thought of ever time. (Something he wished to fuck with.) Your sweet, pure pussy hidden behind your baby blue panties. 

Jimin moved to kiss your lips, sliding your panties off while one of his digits in each hand caressed your thighs. Jimin couldn't be happier when he felt something wet on the center of your undies. Breathing in your scent, he opened your mouth and stuffed it full with your own panties. "You're so good!" Jimin's digit traced the small bump on your head, he felt pity towards you. He didn't mean it, he was just in such a fit of anger. 

His fingers were quick to unbutton your cute blouse, it was a reddish-cherry one. It was his favorite one. Jimin got rid of all clothing, choosing to leave only your knee-high lace socks on. He gasped, his bulge touching your folds. He closed his eyes, rubbing himself on you. Just when he was close, he stopped. His own actions angering his cock. 


Jimin immediately removed his pants, releasing his cock from the confinement. He moaned as the cold air brushed against his cock. Jimin just wanted to fuck you till all you could think about was him in your pretty little head. He worried if he was going to hurt you, however. But it all made it up when your folds were wet more than enough. Jimin's reddish, hot tip kissed your folds. He rubbed himself, moaning at the wanted contact that he had needed form the beginning.

With one thrust, Jimin's cock crowded your velvet walls. He released a loud moan at the tight squeeze. "You're not a brat-t," he grunted as he moved his hips, "you're my pretty girl." He fastened his pace, "only my pretty girl," he pulled your inner thighs closer to him, "that saves me her virginity." 

Jimin continued his ramming, his cock loving every second of being surrounded by your virgin walls. 

The next morning, you awoke with a pain between your legs and chest. Realization hit you when you spotted the guy form the cinema on top of you, sleeping on you. His body between your legs. You don't remember anything that had occurred previously. Nonetheless, when you attempted to move, you moaned as you felt something in you.

Jimin waited for you to wake up, so when you finally tried to move. Trying to escape him, he quickly pressed on the bulge that appeared in your tummy. He felt the vibrations in your chest as you whined at the feeling. Jimin looked up to stare at you, only to find your head thrown back, a soft moan emerging from your lips. He cooed at your little reaction of your walls warming his cock up. 

When you finally looked back down, you stared back at the eyes that look right back at you. 

"Hi, my pretty girl."

You stared in shock, his cock hardening inside of you. 

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3 years ago

Wow, this chapter alone hurt so much. Normally I would say give me the angst I am ready @sunshyngal. But, I dont know. I dont think I will be ready for the cry fest.

物の哀れ ( ‘the sadness of things’.)

Characters : Alpha! Jungkook x Omega ! OC. 

ABO Dynamics. 

Genre : Arranged Marriage / Temporary contractual Marriage. 

Warnings : Non- Con/ Extremely Dubious Consent . High functioning alcoholism. Genre related consent issues. 

Summary : A recently widowed Jungkook agrees to a contract marriage to keep his company afloat. His grief overwhelms him and it is hard to look at his new wife as anything other than an intruder . 

[  Author’s Note :  物の哀れ ~ Mono no aware can be translated as ‘the sadness of things’. It comes from the words 物 (mono – thing) and 哀れ (aware – poignancy or pathos). The ‘sadness’ in question comes from an awareness of the transience of things, as taught by Zen Buddhism. When we view something exceptionally beautiful, we might feel sad because we know it won’t stay so beautiful forever – but appreciation only heightens the pleasure we take in the beautiful thing in that moment. ]

Chapter 1

“There’s a dinner this weekend with the MD of Sankim Corp., He wants to discuss investing and his wife’s going to be there too. So maybe Heejin should come along as well, Jungkook. “ Namjoon’s voice was low and soothing, hands gentle as he lightly shook the man hunched over the dining table, fingers trembling as he carefully ate his cereal. 

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3 years ago

I knew this series would hurt me. I think in a lot of ways it hurts even more because the ABO dynamic in this society mirrors some of the darkest aspects about our societies antiquated and wrong views concerning gender. The main character being an omega has been trained by society that since she is an omega, she is a commodity, responsible for everyone's views and actions against her. The total "she was asking for it mentality". Which is bullshit. I honestly am really sad for the main character. She doesn't really have any good options, just has to bear through everything. I liked that Yoongi was totally upfront that he was responsible for his own actions and flirting with her. I am definitely proud of her for punching the shit out of Yugeom, but, it does make me concerned that it will create a horrific problem for her in the future. I just love your writing and the way you especially portray ABO dynamics as hyper realistic and mirroring society as a whole, and the commentary on that. What first got me reading your fics was Harvest Moon, but what totally drew you apart for me as one of my favorite authors on this site, was the Yoongi x reader ABO fic, where the MC was an omega at University.

物の哀れ ( ‘the sadness of things’.)

Characters : Alpha! Jungkook x Omega ! OC.

Genre : Arranged Marriage / Temporary contractual Marriage.

Warnings : Non- Con/ Extremely Dubious Consent . High functioning alcoholism. Genre related consent issues. Implied suicidal thoughts.

Summary : A recently widowed Jungkook agrees to a contract marriage to keep his company afloat. His grief overwhelms him and it is hard to look at his new wife as anything other than an intruder .

[  Author’s Note :  物の哀れ ~ Mono no aware can be translated as ‘the sadness of things’. It comes from the words 物 (mono – thing) and 哀れ (aware – poignancy or pathos). The ‘sadness’ in question comes from an awareness of the transience of things, as taught by Zen Buddhism. When we view something exceptionally beautiful, we might feel sad because we know it won’t stay so beautiful forever – but appreciation only heightens the pleasure we take in the beautiful thing in that moment. ]

Chapter 1 Chapter 2

Chapter 3

“Yoongi left a bunch of painkillers for you. He said you can take up to three per day.” Jin said calmly , carefully slipping the sleeves of my t shirt over my wrist as i held my arms out for him. He slipped the shirt over my head gently but his arms hit my shoulders, jostling me.   I swallowed the whimper of pain that shot through me at the movement. Mina was now awake, happily wiggling around on her rocker. 

It was a little past seven in the evening and Jungkook wasn’t due to arrive for another hour . 

“I could sleep on a bed of rusty nails right now. I’m so tired and i don’t know why. “ I whispered, staying still as he carefully drew the fabric down over my ribs, before stepping back. 

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7 months ago

Hands tied behind my back, just in underwear and soaked panties.

Thats how i was trown on the bed by a man that tought was my friend, he convinced me to meet and have a coffee with him, as friends ofc and nothing like a date.

that was what I was hoping for, but after a cup and some chatting.. the look in his eyes changed drastic. And when i wanted to go he stood in my way, i never realised how huge he was, towering over my small frame. I felt so scared.It didnt take long for him to Grab me and prevent me from escaping . I couldnt do anything against his grib, he torn my Clothing of and tied my wrist behind my back and threw myself on the floor. When he stood over me I writhed under him, he sank to the floor and started kissing my neck. My legs were wide spread for his crotch to grind, i couldnt keep my moans and tears from escaping.After a while of his nibbeling and kissing he swung me over his shoulder and entered a room,his bedroom.

Now here i am, at his mercy With a wet face and pssy. He can see the mess between my legs, his smile was vile and smug.

"You ignored me long enough, now im gonna Show you torture." His words were chilling down my spine. My eyes wided in fear. He got closer and caressed my face, still With a mean Expression on his face.

"So pretty yet so stupid, your stupid lil cunt will be sore and hurting after im done. Your body blue and green from my beating and your mind dizzy after i fucked you into Submission "


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7 months ago
Constant Groping When Im At His House

Constant groping when im at his house♡

When i make us something to eat hes playing With my ass and exploring my tight little holes♡

When we study (What we actually wanted to do) hes siting behind me , kneading my titts until i cant focus anymore and beg him to fuck my pussy. I know it will hurt like hell, just like the last time, but my body tells me falsely that i can take it. I only say one "please" and hes all over me. ♡

And he wont stop until im crying, his tighs are soaked from my squirting and my legs are trembeling ♡

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7 months ago
Pls Dont Bully Me, I'll C4m

Pls dont bully me, i'll c4m

I knew it was stupid that i told the guy who bullied me for years to " shut the f up"

I knew it was stupid when he asked for forgivness and i accepted.

I knew it was stupid that i got home with him



His left hand was in my hair pulling so hard my back Arched against his hard croch, hands against the cold wall of his room while my nails Dug into some cheap Posters of boxers. I tried keeping my mouth shut but the violent Hits against my ass and sometimes against my ribs made it hard not to cry and plead. "Please stop"my whiny voice encouraged him, i could feel his breath getting heavier. He made me whimper at every spank, the Hits got more aggressive every second. I could feel my knees weaken and embarrassingly my panties get wet. My mind Was full of how i could get out this Situation without him noticeing how arroused i am. I was so busy trying not to let the pain get out of hand and trying to come up with an escape plan that I didn't notice him opening my bra at first.

My breath fell silent when the hits stopped and a big rough hand wrapped around my soft tits, he still had his hand in my hair and made me arch even more against him. His other hand was Playing with my titt roughly. My mouth opened and soft moans escaped it without me Wanting it.His mouth nibbled at the soft flesh of my neck, the outprint of his Member pressed against my round ass, Sexual excitement filled my thin body which made me forget my fear of him. I grabbed at his hair, my voice whiny and full of need for him; " take me..mhmm take my virginity please.. just you ahh" he hummed deeply , his hand still busy with my perky titts. I almost forgot his mean behavior when we were in school

he let go of me and turned me around to force me against the wall, he looked down at my blushed face. Tiny hands rabbed the end of his tshirt, he grabbed them and held them above my head with just one if his hands. His eyes look dark, full of lust and hatred.

" you come with me, you let me degraid you infront of people and now you beg me to stretch your tight stupid hole?.." his voice became weirdly angry at me,the free hand closed around my narrow neck and he immediately pressed tightly " why have you never had a boyfriend? you are So pretty, a great body, a good little girl with good character" his praising made my heart beat faster, his hand around my neck and my wrists gave me a Feeling of being completly defenseless and at his dominant temper" i know why..i know you get wet when im mean, i know you like it that im choking you" i was at first disappointed when he let go of my neck but not long. He pushed his hand under my short skirt into my slip, feeling my wet cunt that has been drenching my tighs " my my your little pssy is just as needy as you have been telling me"

i moand in Respond. His Fingers slid through my wet folds. I bucked my hips into his hand. Finally after alot of teasing, i felt one of his Huge Fingers slowly entering my hole. At first it was just his Fingertip. He groand at my tight Walls that hug his Finger. I tried to keep quite but failed automatically when he entered me completly. He first didnt move, just so he could feel my tight Walls clenching " p-please move i-aah" He immediately pull his finger out so he could ram it back in with force " omg y-yes f-fuck"I wanted to encourage him with my whimpering to be rougher and it worked out. He looked down at me his breath was heavie, his face distorted into a lustful expression "Yea you like getting fucked by me? Fuuck i wish i knew sooner" lips crashed against mine. Thrusts became harder, moans filled his room when his thumb caressed my clit.

I swung my head to side so the tall men had free access to my neck. " ahh oh my aah w-wait not two Fingers its too much" He didnt Listen to my pleas and shoved another Finger in my soaked hole " you can do it stupid little girl, you came with me.. you wanted this! Tell me .. TELL ME" there is the angry voice again. My mind weak from all the degraiding made me submissive, aswell it made me weak that i didnt want him to stop Fingering my cunt, my clit was already swollen.. the familiar Feeling was building up in my tummy. In no Circumstances i wanted him to stop, i would do anything " nhha w-what .. what do you wanna hear sir? Please dont stop i need you i- Aah i do anything " tears rolling down my pretty face. He continued with a dark look on his face

" tell me the truth, why did you never report me?"I look at him innocently, he already knows the truth. He slows down so can answer him

" i wanted you" I got that far, he crached down on my lips while fingering rougher than ever before. My eyes rolled into the back of my head. We kissed so roughly my lips were cracked when he let go so we can catch a breath. My orgasm Was so close, finally he let go of my wrist that were above my head the entire time. Finally i Was allowed to feel him, his muscles flexing underneath his Shirt made me feeling even hotter. "Cum for me sweet stupid girl.." he talked so sweetly that i didnt even noitice his degraiding words, i didnt care even if he called me the meanest words. 3... s-so close 2.. .. " ahh yess sir y -yeess ahh oh my " with loud moans and alot of squirting i came on his hand.

" i hope its clear to you that you are mine now little girl"

I look up at him and just nod

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2 years ago

me love some red tags

Don’t Call Me Selfish, I Hate Sharin'

Attack on Titan

Pairing: Yandere!ex!Eren x naive!female!reader

Genre: Angst & Smut

Synopsis: Did you really think you could slip out of Eren's grip so easily?

Word Count: 1K




A/N: first fic on this blog!! This fic is inspired by the song “New Magic Wand” by Tyler, The Creator. I hope you enjoy :)

Dont Call Me Selfish, I Hate Sharin'

Warning(s): Face slapping, spanking, toxic!eren, toxic relationship, dacryphilia kink, degradation, name calling, mentions of cheating, tummy bulge, safe word being ignored

THIS FIC CONTAINS NON CON! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ “But Eren!”

“Shut it, slut.”

“We’re not even together. You can’t just take me away like this!”

Eren scoffed, pulling you with him to his car. “Oh really, who’s gonna stop me, huh? Your precious, little Jean?”

“Eren don’t be ridiculous, just stop! They’re waiting for us.” You planted your heels and tried to pull away but his grip was too tight.

“I don’t fucking care. I’m not letting you go back in there.”

“Please, just let me go! I’m tired of dealing with your shit all the time.”

Without warning, Eren turned around and slapped you hard. “You sat on Jean’s lap for what, 5 minutes and think you’re so tough now? Don’t you dare fucking talk to me in that way ever again.” You held your burning cheek and kept your eyes on the ground. Just like that, he was able to get you back under his control.

People often wondered how you two ended up dating. Eren, the jackass, and you, the sweetheart. It actually wasn’t complicated at all. Eren had always noticed you because of sweet nature and gathered the courage to ask you to the school dance in your senior year of high school. In the beginning, he was a wonderful boyfriend. He was changing, becoming more kind and considerate like you. That is, until you get into college.

It wasn’t exactly Eren’s fault that he was brainwashed by a bunch of jocks who were encouraging toxic masculinity. Some of his jock friends told him that he didn’t need your permission for anything. You’re his girl, he owns you, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted with you. That night, he dragged you into his dorm and fucked you hard, even though you told him you didn’t want to have sex because you had a lot of homework to do.

It all started on that night. For the first time, you used the safe word and to your shock, he ignored you. In fact, he began fucking you harder. You vividly remember trying to push him off of you, but with most of his body weight holding you down, it was next to impossible. The rest of the night, you were faced down on his pillow, soaking it up with tears. The next morning, while he snoozed, you exited quietly and avoided him the whole day. He’d finally got a hold of you in the library and asked why you'd been ignoring him. You were in disbelief and began tearing up in front of him. “How could you ask me that so calmly after what you did to me yesterday.”

“You were prioritising something else over me. I needed to show you that I should be your number one priority. Just like how you’re my number one priority.” It only took a couple days for you to forgive him but things still weren’t normal. Eren’s anger issues kept getting worse and worse by the day. The worst part of all, he’d take it out on you. He’d either lash out on you, make you cry then apologize an hour later with “makeup sex.”It was a cycle, and dear god, it was exhausting. Coming back to your dorm after a long day of class only to see Eren on your bed, ready to have sex. If you refuse, he’d argue. If you didn’t moan loud enough, he’d argue. If you fell asleep right after instead of giving him attention, he’d argue. There was no winning against this man. The last fight that you guys had was probably the worst.

He’d accused you of sleeping around with the football team even though he’d be fucking you every night. You, for the first time stood up for yourself. The night ended with both of you screaming at each other then parting ways. You did cry that night. Feeling overwhelmed with school plus the accusation of cheating when he knows god damn well you wouldn’t do anything like that gave you a terrible migraine.

All of that happened exactly two weeks ago.

Eren couldn’t last 2 weeks without you. You weren’t someone he could just replace. Though he would never it say it outloud, he can’t fucking live without you. You’ve adjusted to his life so perfectly, having his only joy taken drove him mad. The cherry on top was when he walked in on you and Jean, lips almost touching. Eren felt his world crumble apart.

So, here you guys are. In the back of Eren’s car, windows fogging up and you’re sobbing into his neck once again. He has your wrist pinned above your head while he continues ramming himself inside of you. The loud, wet claps and your sobbing weren’t soothing in the slightest. “Are you ever gonna leave me again?” You turned your head away from him but he grabbed your jaw and forced you to look into his emerald green eyes. “Answer my fucking question.”

“E- Eren please stop! P-please!”

You should know this by now. Eren Jaeger is a very impatient man who doesn’t like to repeat himself. He flipped you on all fours, and slipped back in. “I’m giving you one more chance to answer me.” He slightly picked up your hips, the position allowing him to penetrate deeper than before. You felt his cock kiss your cervix and that’s when your arms gave out and your upper body fell on the seat. “E-eren! You’re hurting me. Pull out, please.”

“You hurt me too! You left me, you fucking cunt! It’s all your fucking fault.”

“But I- I didn’t - ahh!” Another struggled moan left your lips as he landed a spank on your ass and pulled your hair until your back was against his chest. He placed his hand on your stomach, feeling his bulge move inside of you. “You’re the reason why I’m miserable. So, it’s only fair if you suffer with me. You deserve this, angel.”

“Eren, w-were not good for each. P-please, we keep hurting each other.” That earned you another slap on the face. “I’d rather fucking die then see you happy with someone else.”


sucks ass but it's 4:30am so I'm gonna go to sleep. I'll be doing the headcanon requests later today, I suppose. Thank you for requesting!



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5 years ago

Pushing His Luck (2)

Bucky X Reader! 

WARNINGS! Extreme Non-Con, Violence, Roofies, Kidnapping, Dark Bucky, Somnophilia. This is a really dark fic so please don’t read if that isn’t your kind of thing. 

“You had no idea that Bucky Barnes wanted you, you had no idea about the thoughts he had about you, the dirty fantasies you starred in. But you were about to make them come true anyway.”

Chapter Two 

From his position in the corner, he could see directly into your office through the open door but you couldn’t see him. You were reading something on your computer, periodically typing. It took almost an hour of waiting before you stood up and moved, crossing the office to tack something onto your reminders board.

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5 years ago

Pushing His Luck (4)

Bucky X Reader! 

WARNINGS! Extreme Non-Con, Violence, Roofies, Kidnapping, Dark Bucky, Somnophilia. This is a really dark fic so please don’t read if that isn’t your kind of thing. 

“You had no idea that Bucky Barnes wanted you, you had no idea about the thoughts he had about you, the dirty fantasies you starred in. But you were about to make them come true anyway.”

Chapter Four

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5 years ago
For @searchforanotherway 's Challenge

For @searchforanotherway 's challenge ♥️

Pairing:- Dark! Thor x reader(Florist).

Warning:- Noncon, size kink, lactation kink, breeding kink, obsessive behaviour, stalking, smut. Trigger warnings. 18+ only.

Prompts:- “Oh fuck you feel so good. That’s it, keep crying for me pretty.” “I couldn’t stop staring at you. I knew I had to have you.” “You are mine. You don’t get a choice in the matter.”

Note:- Let's hope you guys like it. Feedback appreciated♥️


Things weren't the same after the blip. World was changed. People who came back, suddenly had lost everything they had, including their own identity. 

That's what happened with Y/n. She owned a little cafe and was a beautiful cook.

She was just prepping for her famous Sheppard's pie asking her friend to pass salt when Y/n diffused into dust. When she came back after 5 years, her cafe was destroyed. Her ownership was long gone. 

In order to keep herself alive in the world of capitalism she had to work under Mr.Pine at his flower shop. 

Even though Y/n wasn't working there willingly, she put all her efforts and passion in her job as a florist and yearned herself a promotion. Now she was second in command. Given Mr.Pine's age, he was never around so shop was always under her supervision. 

Y/n would sing, talk and take care of plants as her own children. Over the time she had grown fond of the shop and her job profile. 

Just as she thought her life was going on right track, lightening struck and things changed forever.


Thor was so tired. He had lost a lot of people. His parents, brother and two of his best friends. Even captain decided to retire. 

Thor was tired of being a leader and so he gave his title to Valkyrie, joining hands with "The Guardians of the Galaxy" he tried to explore a new dimension. But sadly that life wasn't meant for him. Besides working with Quill was more difficult than he anticipated so Thor walked away.

Deciding to be just a warrior on call, Thor decided to explore life on Midgard. He always thought these mortal men were pety until his eyes found Y/n.

She was a florist, meek and timid he thought. Watering plants and flowers, smiling innocently as she handed away perfectly wrapped flowers or pots, always flashing a smile at everyone who met her. 

At first Thor was just fascinated to see someone smile so innocently given the blip and everything. Slowly it became a habit to see her from afar and eventually an obsession. 

He visited her shop once or twice just to see her flash that beautiful smile. 

She was so tiny as compared to him. So cute. Something that made his cock twitch in his pants. 

The God who had gained a few pounds over the years suddenly decided to work on himself. Thor didn't drink these days, her beautiful smile became his addiction.

Every night after he went home, Thor would jerk off at the thought of having Y/n under him, whimpering and moaning.

He'd imagine her small hands wrapped around his thick member and that pretty mouth bobbing around him.

Thor was getting impatient day by day. His cravings for Y/n increased.


Soon enough Thor found his chance. 

On a peaceful morning, Y/n was selling flowers as usual. Thor was just lurking around the shop pretending to find flower of the day. 

The customer was a little bit too friendly for Thor's liking.

That was the last straw.

It was his frustration and that had caused thundering and lightening. Rain started pouring like someone had left the tap open in the heaven.

The man who was previously talking to Y/n hurried away as he left his car open. And even Y/n was taken aback due to sudden out pour.

It was her tiny little scared form that turned on Thor. The thundering grew. The loud noise made Y/n flinch in fear and soon she started crying.

Thor rushed to her side and cradled her into his arms. Holding her close somehow calmed him down and the thundering subsided. 

Y/n calmed down a bit. She realised the proximity of her closeness with Thor who was practically s stranger. 

She tried to pull away but Thor's grip was too firm. 

"Let me take care of you little one" Thor said as he realised her struggle.

"No.. what…" Y/n babbled confused.

Before she could react, Thor picked her up and threw her on his shoulders. 

Y/n's yelling and protests were muffled by the thundering.

Thor took her inside where there was a small room where there was a couch so one could relax.

“I couldn’t stop staring at you. I knew I had to have you.” Thor said as he threw Y/n down on the couch.

"Please no…. Have mercy….." Y/n pathetically begged and cried.

"I won't tell anyone. Please".

“You are mine. You don’t get a choice in the matter.” Thor roared.

Tearing her dress off her body, Thor admired her semi naked body. 

The black bralette and panty were suiting her. Her chest was heaving and her breasts were looking very tempting. 

Tearing the bralette off, Thor attacked her chest with kisses and bites as Y/n continued to cry.

His large calloused hands pinched and kneaded her soft flesh. He sucked on them and teased her nipples. 

"After I'm done filling you with my seed, you'll look more beautiful filled with my babies. Round and plump. These beautiful pebbles will be filled with milk, sweeter than any nectar found in any of the realms." Thor moaned as he continued to play with Y/n's breasts.

Y/n cried harder. In a attempt to free herself, she ended up clawing Thor's arms that held her down. 

Unfazed by it, Thor bit Y/n on one of her breasts as the result of anger.

Crying in pain, Y/n gave up fighting. 

Once Thor was satisfied marking Y/n's breasts with bites and hickeys, he kissed her roughly and one of his hands reached near her mound.

A gasp left Y/n's mouth as Thor toyed with her clothed pussy. 

"You're so we my little one. You want this just as much as I do". 

With that Thor took out his rock hard member and rubbed over Y/n's glistening pussy.

Involuntary a moan escaped from Y/n's throat.

Smirking Thor shoved in making Y/n scream in pain. 

Without letting her adjust to his thick girth, Thor began thrusting in and out of her.

Y/n cried harder trying to close her legs but failing over the strength of the God himself.

“Oh fuck you feel so good. That’s it, keep crying for me pretty.”

"I'm gonna fill you up."

"I'm gonna watch your belly and breasts grow." 

"It won't be just our babies you'll be feeding. That milk of yours would feed me as well." 

Kneading her breasts, Thor increased his pace.

Y/n was now whimpering and moaning with pleasure under him. She began shaking as she was close to her orgasm. 

Thor could feel her clenching around him .

"That's it baby. That's it".

"Cum for me".

With a loud moan Y/n violently shaking under him. 

Thor wasn't far behind and he too came with a grunt. 

Y/n was tired and passed out soon. When she woke up, she was in an apartment which she assumed was Thor's.

She was still naked under the sheets. Before she could process anything, tjro entered the room and sat beside her.

With a broken voice Y/n managed to question him,

"Why me?"

Thor calmly replied,

"Flowers need rain to grow."

"You my flower, you need me. We're meant for eachother".


Tags:- @notyourtypicalrose @simsadventures @villanellevi @imsonick @imdarkinme @arielwalters @stuckys-whore @momc95 @saiyanprincessswanie @shadowcatsworld @heartislubbingdubbing @marvel-media @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @auroussss @captainsbxbygirl @beautifully-behaved @marvelfansworld @thefandomlife-221b @xoxabs88xox @searchforanotherway @jtargaryen18 @mcudarklibrary @yanderedarkfics

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5 years ago

Pushing His Luck

Bucky X Reader! 

WARNINGS! Extreme Non-Con, Violence, Roofies, Kidnapping, Dark Bucky, Somnophilia. This is a really dark fic so please don’t read if that isn’t your kind of thing. 

“You had no idea that Bucky Barnes wanted you, you had no idea about the thoughts he had about you, the dirty fantasies you starred in. But you were about to make them come true anyway.”

Chapter One

“Hey doll, could you look at this for me?” Bucky asked with a hopeful expression, holding his phone out.

You smiled kindly and leaned across your desk to look at the nonsense article on the screen. It was some pop culture stuff he pretended not to understand and while your eyes skimmed the article, his eyes drank in the spectacular view of your cleavage.

Keep reading

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5 years ago

Pushing His Luck (2)

Bucky X Reader! 

WARNINGS! Extreme Non-Con, Violence, Roofies, Kidnapping, Dark Bucky, Somnophilia. This is a really dark fic so please don’t read if that isn’t your kind of thing. 

“You had no idea that Bucky Barnes wanted you, you had no idea about the thoughts he had about you, the dirty fantasies you starred in. But you were about to make them come true anyway.”

Chapter Two 

From his position in the corner, he could see directly into your office through the open door but you couldn’t see him. You were reading something on your computer, periodically typing. It took almost an hour of waiting before you stood up and moved, crossing the office to tack something onto your reminders board.

Keep reading

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4 years ago

Thoughts on Hawks masturbating to Mirko’s gf reader?

This fucking shit made me go hgwJBGRSTKNLMQ3LKjhFG

Warnings: dub-con (mentioned), non-con (mentioned) 


Keigo hasn’t had a day off for so long and he had forgotten how eating snacks, drinking beer and sinking onto the couch was the best feeling in the world. 

Well, it would be much better if you were here with him. Alone, not like when you invited him to movie nights at Rumi’s place. Here alone with him, in his apartment. He’d put on a boring movie for you two to watch. You liked complaining about bad movies and were too fond of them so he’d have to go with a boring one. 

Because he knows you too well. 

You’d be stealing glances from him and literally beg for him to change the movie. But he wouldn’t. 

You’d be upset over how he’s ignoring you and sit on his lap to get his attention. But your plan would backfire when you’d notice his bulge right under your ass. 

Keigo’s hand on his chest slides down onto the crotch of his pants. He pushes down at his erection to pretend that it’s your soft ass sitting on it and pulls out a couple tissues from the tissue box on the coffee table.

You’d bite your lip and tell him how much you’ve been waiting for this moment, starting to strip for him. 

Keigo throws his head back on the couch and lifts his hips to pull down his pants. He licks his palm before grabbing his half erect cock and giving it a couple pumps.

You’re easing yourself down onto his cock and he notices how warm your insides are. Your pussy is soaking wet and it’s all because of him. You’ve been waiting for this moment for as long as he has, right?

Keigo doesn’t even realize how he’s thrusting his hips up to his hand, he can’t stop imagining you whispering in his ear how you want him to cum inside of you.

He’s desperately trying to hold himself back from cumming but the fantasy of him finally getting to fuck you in his apartment is too much for him. His cock twitches and he lifts his hips up from the couch before covering his dick with the tissues he was holding on to his other hand. He manages to catch most of his cum within the tissues but his thick cum still leaks down onto the couch from between his thighs, adding one more cum stain on it.

His phone starts ringing just when he was about to wipe his cock clean. It’s late at night, nobody called him this late at night. He knew it had to be from work. He groaned loudly before reaching for his phone on the coffee table. 

Seeing your name on the screen surprised him, you had never called him before. He answers the call after getting up from the couch. You wouldn’t call him if it wasn’t an emergency. 

He lets out a quiet hello, he can hear people’s chatter in the background and the loud music, your voice comes from a distance, possibly you’re out with Rumi just as usual.  

“Hawks, do you want to-” Rumi starts laughing mid-sentence and you join her. Both of you are drunk.

“Do I want to what?” Keigo laughs along, trying to get his mind off of what he just did earlier as well. 

“Do you want to come downtown and-” Rumi gets cut off once again but this time it’s you who’s laughing. 

“Rumi, bunny!” you sing, something you don’t do often. You’re one of the serious types who don’t like PDA with their partners. “Who’re you talking to?”

“I’m talking to Hawks, I’m gonna invite him here!” she’s talking to you but he can hear everything, thanks to his Quirk. You start whining about how tonight is your first alone date night with her you’ve had in a while childishly. Again, something you usually don’t do.

You must be wasted. 

At least that’s what he hopes when he hears what you say next, “Rumi, just don’t invite him here.” 

Keigo’s wings start to puff, he looks off to distance while Rumi starts telling him how there’s this new club opened in downtown and how they’re giving out free drinks to heroes.

He wouldn’t miss out on that but you’re going to be there and you don’t enjoy his company, at all.

You’ve told him countless times how you’re not interested in him but you’re just playing hard to get. You’re dating Rumi just because you want his attention. 

Because everybody wants to be with Hawks. He’s the best hero of his generation after all!

He’s charismatic, he’s handsome and he’s funny!

(“You’ll be here, right?” Rumi asks, he can tell she’s smiling like she always does.)

You’re definitely madly in love with him or why else would you play this hard to get? You’re even “dating” his close friend from work. You’re so desperate, you’re starving for his attention.


Tonight, you’d be all over him. 

Just like the last time when Rumi was called off to work and she asked him to take you home. 

It’s such a shame you don’t remember how he ate you out for hours, smiling every time you squirmed and came for him. You wouldn’t stop shaking from pleasure and he had to grip your thighs tighter to keep you down on his tongue.

Maybe you do remember it and you’re just playing this game of tag with him. You want to make him delirious. Is that it?

“Yeah, I’ll be there soon.”

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1 year ago

Liam's Filthy Mouth

By satyrzslave on Tumblr

A fan-sequel to Jack's Filthy Ass by writinggross.

[Contains: M/M, Face-farting, hypnosis, Dom/sub, rimming, scat, scat consumption, Non-con.]


I have a hard time not thinking about what happened with Jack. It's only been four days and I still panic whenever I hear someone moving in the hall.

But tonight, I know I have reason to panic. My mom and her boyfriend have gone out of town for TEN DAYS over spring break, leaving me here alone with Jack's filthy ass. Just as I anticipate, the doorknob to my bedroom jiggles. I take a shaky, deep breath as I remind myself that I obsessive-compulsively locked the door when I got home to an empty house.

Then I hear a sound that makes my blood turn ice cold.

The jingling of keys.

I whine in my throat as I shake my head in denial, but of course it's just an involuntary reaction, not preventative one. The door lock clicks and the handle turns. I'm suddenly wishing I'd worn more to bed than a skin-tight white tank. Jack's already in the doorway, smirking mischievously at me where I'm hiding under the covers.

The only thing he's wearing is a pair of horribly stained once-white briefs and pair of sweat socks than sound a bit like sponges when he takes a step. I can smell how foul he is from here, but unfortunately, I know from experience that the closer he gets, the more heinous the stench will become.

Then I realize what he has in his hand. It's an overnight bag.

"'Sup, Liam. I figure we can skip all the bullshit if I make this simple. You know what I need. You know I'm going to get it. I can wrestle you with the chains and shackles I have in the bag and do this the hard way, or you can remember that I can still tell everyone at school that you're my little ass-bitch."

I just nod at first, conceding that I can't stop him. He saunters over victoriously, sets the bag down next to my bed and sits down next to me on the mattress as I scoot over to give him as much room as possible. He chuckles, evilly, in my ears, though I'm sure it's probably his normal gentle laugh and I'm just biased.

Justifiably biased.

He sprawls out on the bed, leaving me barely any room on the mattress, but I'm backed against the wall now and he scoots himself ever closer, his rank stink making me shudder in disgust and fear. Soon, he's laying right up against me, pulling the blankets out of the way, shedding the last of my shield as he pushes his big gut and massive thighs against me, wrapping his sausage-like arms around my shoulders and head as I whimper. His juicy, ripe pits are right by my face and his ass stink of rotten shit is permeating my entire bed.  He lifts an arm and pushes my face into his armpit as I start to shed tears. One huge meaty leg is wrapped over mine and he kisses my hair softly as he rubs my face hard back and forth in his armpit. No locker room has ever smelled this bad. The smell is unfathomable and it's absolutely nothing compared to where my face and mouth will be... Fuck... My poor tongue is going to be eaten alive by his rotten, gungey hole.

I realize my body is shaking as I sob and he's laughing as he smears my face in his armpit. "Just get used to it, ya wuss. I have a week and a half to desensitize you. Once you realize your place in life is beneath a filthy fat slob, you're going to be begging me to do anything and everything I want to you. And we start like this."

Jack reaches into his briefs and pulls out a wadded up cloth item. It's one of his ratty white wifebeaters, but it's covered in greenish brown smears and completely drenched in buttcrack sweat and the familiar odor of his ass-juice. He lifts it to my face and I turn way in panic, but he smashes the putrid shirt against my face and I inhale from surprise. He holds it there like a toxic gas mask over my face and says, "Don't worry, Liam. You'll love that smell soon enough. Hell, if you want to let everyone at school know you fell in love with my filthy ass over vacation, I guess I can put up with people knowing about us. I can't imagine you just passing me in the hall like you usually do once I'm done with you."

"Jack," I say through the ass-juice-drenched shirt as I gag, "Isn't this just about you rubbing one out?"

"Remember my science project a couple of weeks ago?"

"You want to plant trees! You and every hippie in history!"

"No, Baby Boy. My project was on replenishable resources. This isn't about rubbing one out. This is about rubbing one out as many times as I want for as long as I want to. ...You like that nickname, Liam? Baby Boy?"

I sob harder when I realize he's planning to condition me to be his ass-bitch potentially for the rest of our lives and as I begin again to soak the shit-stained shirt with my tears, I figure out the nickname.

He's calling me 'Baby Boy' because his vile odor makes my eyes water.

Finally, he moves to put down the shitty wifebeater and starts peeling my own tank top off of my chest. As he pulls it up over my face, I'm suddenly met with a passionate kiss, his unwashed mouth and tongue that's probably got food from last week stuck to it, pushed flush against my own as he slobbers into my mouth and licks the back of my throat. I struggle for the first few seconds but realize there's no point. He rolls over on top on me, surrounding and crushing me with his massive form and ripe and rancid stench. He sloppily slobbers on my face in what I could only call an act of claiming.

Then, he takes his nasty wifebeater, puts in it his underwear, and at first I think hes wiping, but instead, he's cramming it into...


He's stuffing that shirt inside his nasty asshole!

It isn't long before he's unwadding the fetid garment and forcefully putting it on me.

The next thing I know, he's getting me positioned on the bed. I can't fight anymore. Not even a little. Something in me broke when he put that tainted tank on me.

So as he mounts my head and says, "Open up, Baby Boy... my pretty little ass-bitch... Lick inside me. You know you love it!", all i can do is physically obey, opening my jaw, sucking and tonguing his rotten insides. They taste like rotting meat that's been out in the sun for a week, and his hole clamps tight around my tongue, making me whine. I can hear him talking, but I can't consciously understand everything. Something about counting and relaxing and feeling his stink saturating my body with pleasure.

The last words I hear before I fade into unconsciousness are about needing his ass stink to get hard.

When I wake up, I'm still wearing the shit-tank and Jack's shit-smeared briefs are strapped to my face like a dust mask. I look at my clock. It's been ten hours. There's a recording of Jack's voice soothingly encouraging peaceful thoughts when I smell him and telling me how it feels so good to crave his filthy ass.

I roll my eyes at the stupidity. Hypnosis? Really? Jack's so desperate to make me his ass-worshiping bitch that he's turning to phoney pseudoscience?

I chew on the browned briefs for a moment, feeling better when I suck on the flavor.

Fuck. I'm keeping these. He's got plenty of filthy briefs and he can always make more.

I get out of bed, stuffing the shit-stained briefs all the way into my mouth and moaning as my morning wood throbs. I walk into the hallway, looking for Jack to tell him what a fucking idiot he is for thinking he could hypnotize me into wanting his foul fat ass, but when I don't see him in his room, I call out to him.

"Yo, Jack? Where you at?"

I hear his voice from his en suite bathroom shout, "I'm taking a dump!"

I perk up at the prospect, briskly heading for his bathroom door. "Mind if I join?"

He laughs his ass off before telling me threateningly that I'll regret if I don't. I quickly open the door, rush to him and kneel. He smirks down at me as I jerk away from the fetid odor and frown with visceral nausea until he takes my head in his hand and pulls me forward. "Sniff my shit, bitch. I'm making your breakfast."

I'm utterly revolted, on the verge of vomiting, but as I autonomically obey him and sniff the toilet from between his legs, my forehead pressed against his junk, euphoria and serenity wash over me and I hum in pleasure as I go boneless against his lap.

I've completely forgotten what I was going to say to him and somewhere in my mind, I realize what he meant about breakfast and my stomach growls.

He finishes shitting in the toilet, then he gets up and turns his unwiped ass towards me. The smell is worse than a port-a-potty and the stink is like rotten eggs saturating decomposing meat infused with sewage fumes.

I sniff deeply, my nose touching his crack as I fight my flight instinct. I want to run to somewhere safe and never witness this again.

But this is my safe place. I should be running to the very thing that engenders my panic.

"My ass isn't going to lick itself clean!" Jack growls at me.

My tongue dives in before I can stop it and I slurp and swallow the smears of fetid refuse until his ass is depressingly clean.

Then, I come out of myself and realize what just happened.

"YOU FUCKING NASTY BASTARD!" I scream, licking the revolting shit from my lips as he looks back at me in shock.

Then, he's laughing.

He's laughing hard.

Then he says two words that freeze my entire body.

"Ass Master."

I cant move. I can't move at all!

He backs up a few inches, reaches back to roughly grip my hair in his fat fist and shoves my face between his cheeks.

"Suck my pucker!" Jack commands, and without my consent, my body obeys.

As my mouth wraps around his hole, sealing my face to his obscenely disgusting insides a long greasy fart hot as the sun is pumped into my lungs.

Then I feel it on my tongue.

It's hot, it's wet and it's worse than I ever imagined.

The clumps of shit pop out one at a time, filling my mouth, and Jack says, "Keep sucking my hole, mash my shit around in your mouth, swallow it and hate it even though you need it.

I feel like I'm going to vomit, to pass out or even maybe die, but as I use my tongue to press Jack's shit against every surface in my mouth, my morning wood rages and leaks.

I smell the shit from inside my mouth, the putrid fumes traveling up from the back of my throat, and even though I can't move my body away, I cry, tears streaming against the inside of Jack's asscrack as I sob, making him moan loudly.

When I swallow it, gulping the lumps down my throat, I cum hard and shoot my copious load all over the tile, but the sounds I make are anything but euphoric. With my mouth still sealed to his hole, I scream in visceral horror.

Jack sighs in pleasure and says, "Relax, Baby Boy. Just be yourself." I can suddenly move of my own accord and I stumble backwards on the bathroom floor. He turns around with hunger in his eyes. "Thank me for making you breakfast, bitch."

I can choose what to say now. I feel it. "Is this really happening?" I ask as I shake in terror.

His eyes darken and I realize that wasn't the right thing to say.

"I'm sorry, Jack. Th– thank you... I hate you...."

Jack pats me on the head affectionately with an evil smirk. "You're getting a full load for lunch. I'll let you know when I need to piss. Go cry on my bed until I'm ready to collar and fuck you."

I can't help it.

By my own choosing, I lean forward and reverently kiss his filthy, musky balls.

And he lets me.

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4 years ago

Oh okay 😯 hhm could you do a Y!Prince Jungkook where reader is his (forced) concubine and he has nipple sucking kink so he is always sucking on her nipples and he even does it in public to show everyone that she's his propriety?(kinda noncon)

-> sorry for any mistakes


If you’re not wealthy, the royal family won’t even glance at you

They only talk to high class people who have money

You’re homeless with no family or friends

You get little to no sleep because you have to watch out for creeps

You don’t have money to buy food

You’re at your lowest

It was evening time and the food stalls were closing

You hadn’t ate anything the entire day so you had to steal food

The man behind the stand was counting his earnings so you quickly took some bread but he had unexpectedly turned around and caught you

You bolted from there

Running as fast as you could but someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you back

Your eyes widen when you see who it is

“Y-your royal highness.” You drop down to your knees and lower your head

“Give me the bread.”

You quickly handed it to him, only for him to throw it on the ground and stomp on it

He then slapped you across the face

“You low life make me sick. Get up.”

Tears were present in your eyes but you made sure to keep them in

You got up and he took your hand

He dragged you to the front of the palace

“Your royal highness, I’m not allowed to go in there.”

“You don’t think I know that?”

“I’m sorry.” You mumbled

The guards stood in front of you and the prince

“Shall I take her away, your royal highness?”

“No, open the gate. I need to punish this thief.” He said, emphasizing the letter ‘I’

That night was the worst night of your life

To think the prince was capable of such cruel actions

He look your purity and used you all night long

You were crying

He ripped your only clothes apart and forced everything

The hickeys

The kisses

The sex

He held your down by your neck and forced you to say that you love him

All while getting pounded by his cock repeatedly

You were already so hungry and tired

But Jungkook never slowed down

You could only sob and regret stealing that piece of bread

He attached his lips to your nipple and kept saying that they were his

He kept saying that you were now his

You weren’t used to such violence

The following days, his wife was very bitter towards you

Who wouldn’t be, though? Her husband that she loved dearly was sleeping with you every night

She could hear everything in the next room however this was normal in the royal family

Oh, how you wished to tell her that you’re forced by him

Jungkook’s mother was disgusted by you as well

It seemed like Jungkook’s wife told his mother and they both find you disgraceful

His mother demanded him to kick you out of the palace but he refused

Jungkook was oddly possessive over you

He even said that he’ll leave the royal family behind if she kicks you out

Since Jungkook’s going to be the next king, his mother didn’t risk it

As time passed, Jungkook became more possessive

He would leave the door open every time you guys had sex so everyone could see that you belong to him

He wanted everyone to hear you scream because of his cock

Jungkook would cover you in love bites

He even said, in front of his parents and wife that he wanted you to be the mother of his kids

His wife broke out into tears right then and there

His mother went to comfort her while his father laughed

Every month the royal family would throw a ball

Usually, Jungkook locks you up in the basement during the ball

After it’s over he comes and collects you but this month, he had your dress picked out, ready to wear

The ball was going great until Jungkook pinned you against the wall as everyone watched

You weren’t his wife so everyone was confused and shocked

He started making out with you

Making more love bites on your neck

He pulled the top half of your gown, revealing your breast to everyone

He sucked on both of them while everyone watched

He was so shameless about it

After sucking for a few minutes, he pulled a chair out and sat down before pulling you onto his lap

“Grind on me, baby.”

“Your royal highness. What are you doing? Please stop this!”

“People need to know you belong to me. This is the only way, princess.”


Jungkook continued sucking on your nipples

He was hard as a rock and couldn’t sit still any longer

He got up and pulled you to the nearest bedroom so he could fuck his baby into you

I guess y’all made history that night💀

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