Actually No - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Day 11: Bare: A Pop Opera (Outing/Religious Trauma)

Fandom: The Bad Batch

Warnings: Homophobic, sexual assault/rape, attempted drowning, and violence

Summary: While in a mission, the batch heads to a very religious planet. After being outed by a reg, the church priest and priestess decided they have to 'save him.'

    Hiding his sexuality was something Hunter never bothered to do. When it got around on Kamino that he was bisexual, it didn't bother him. Sure, some regs threw slurs at him, but it never really hurt.

    But now, all Hunter needed was to be revealed as gay. The planet the batch had been assigned to, was extremely religious. Unfortunately, the citizens weren't accepting of people who were different from them.

    When Tech had come up to Hunter to warn him, he knew to be careful. Tech never said anything about the culture of the civils unless he figured it was important. Sometimes he wouldn't inform them of any cultural disagreements even if it was important to know.

    Church members went to greet the battalion Clone Force 99 was traveling with, as well as to greet them. Every civilian in sight was fitted in white. Women were in white, floor length dresses and men were in various different types of clothing, though it was all white. The only person who wasn't in white was the priest.

    The priest talked to the general then invited him, his Padawan, and some soldiers to come to their church to talk about the planet joining the Republic.

    They walked to the church. There was a strange lack of people one the streets. The church stood over 250 feet. Tech would later tell them that it stood 281 ft. The building was made of a beautiful white stone that had golden accents to it. The steeple mostly composed of gold. It looked sharp enough to impaile a man with ease. The stairs were the same stone. They had been worn down by years of foot traffic. The doors were large and made of Dark Pine wood. It was hard not to stare at the marveling building.

    Stepping into the church, they learned the inside of the stone building was just as breath taking. There were rows and rows of pews; all matching the Dark Pine of the door. The aisle had a blood red carpet laid out on it. The carpet went all the way to the Priest's altar.  Behind the alter was a large, circler staind glass window. It as simple and uniform, much like the whole church.

    The room was beautiful but there was one thing that threw most everyone off. Behind the alter, there was a large water fountain. The fountain was made of marble and bor the church's creast on the top of it. The bottom of the fountain had two foot tall walls to keep the water in.

    Meeting one of the leaders of the church was not something the batch, nor the battalion with them excepted. Hunter realized just how uncomfortable both the Jedi commander and Padawan looked as the priest started to talk about not agreeing with the Jedi's religion but how they needed help so, despite their differences, they could make an exception. The man said that he hoped God would forgive them and the two Jedi just looked at each other, wondering how they ended up here.

    When a reg started to walk up to Hunter, he didn't think much of it. Maybe they needed something. It wasn't until he started to talk that the man realized he was up to no good.

    "By their logic, I'm surprised you didn't start buring as soon a walked in this church."

    The priest and other members of the church started to quite down. They looked in the direction of the 'sinner', trying to figure out what the clone was talking about.

    "What?" Hunter asked. Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair all watched defensely, with Wrecker walking over to the two.

    "You know, since you're a-"

    "Shut up." Wrecker said as he placed a hand on Hunter's shoulder.

    "Since you're a faggot."

    The church was silent. The locals looked at each other like they made a revelation. Something in Hunter's chest tightened when he saw the way they looked at him. There was so much hatred and disgust and even if he was used to the look, this feeling was different. It was why the sparks of anger were in their eyes that made it hurt more.

    "What's wrong with you?" One of the other regs said. He looked apologetic as he dragged his brother away.

    "That was strange" Wrecker said as he grabbed Hunter and led him to the rest of the batch. "Anyway."

    As the mission progressed, Hunter could never shake the feeling that he was being watched. Tech hadn't been wrong about the planets religious practices. But it was nothing that Hunter couldn't handle.

    The Jedi consently had to ignore priest's comments about damnation and the failure of the Jedi to see the one true religion. The general didn't seem to be as bothered as the commander. When clones started to get between the adults and the child, concern rose. When the child's master interfered, that when they knew to watch their backs.

    Watching the church members made Hunter realize just how closely they were observing him. Every time he looked that them, they adverted his gaze.

    The soldiers set up camp near the church per the regest of the priest. The general, a Twi'lek Jedi by the name of Mal, walked up to Hunter. "The priest is requesting your assistance in the church." Something about the way the Jedi talked, made Hunter nervous.

    "I'll go get the rest of my batch and we'll check it out."

    As Hunter started to walk away, the Jedi stopped him, "he just requested you."

    "General, I don't think it's a good idea to go alone." Hunter tensed.

    "The priest asked you to find a girl that's been missing. He told me to have you meet him in the church so he can give you her blanket so you take her." General Mal put a hand on his shoulder, "I gave him a good amount of questions Hunter. Hell, I practically intragated him. The priest just wants to find the girl, you'll be okay."

    Nodding, Hunter went to the church. The big doors felt more ominous in the dark. Slowly, he opened the door and walked in. Shutting it quietly, Hunter started to walk down the dimly lit aisle. "Hello?"

    "Hello, Hunter. The priest walk out from behind the alter. That's when Hunter saw the lit candles by the running fountain. The alarm bells that had been going off in the man's head, only got louder. The clone stopped walking about half way through the church.

    "I was sent to investigate a missing persons case." Hunter answered shortly.

    "What do you believe Hunter?" The priest sounded so calm and kind, yet there was nothing kind about him. Stepping down the stairs, the man walked to meet him.

    "I don't know, sir?" It was an honest answer.

    "Do you know what I believe?" The human man walked over to him. "I believe you are lost, that you have stayed away from the heavens."

    "I was sent to track a missing girl, what you believe is irrelevant right now." Hunter started to walk to the door. "I'll ask around then." Members of the church walked out from a hallway. Grabbing his gun, Hunter was ready to shoot his way out. 

    The priest grabbed his from behind.  The two fought over the gun for a moment before a few shots went off. No one was hit by the stray bullets. Another man grabbed Hunter, forcing the gun out of his hand. The Besalisk man wrapped all four arms around him and picked him up. Hunter kicked and squirmed, trying to get away. Reaching for his vibro-knife, he realized it was already gone.

    The man's grip never softned. The pressure hurt as Hunter's armor pressed into his skin.

    The priest started to say a prayer as the man tossed the clone into the fountain. Hunter started to try to get up. However the Besalisk grabbed him by his hair and held him under the water.

    There was so much going on in Hunter's head. He knew coming to the church alone was a mistake, yet he still did. Kicking at the man's feet, a clawed foot slammed down onto his legs, trapping him. Grabbing at the hand that held him under the water, Hunter panicked. Where they really going to kill him?

    It was suffocating. As Hunter started to feel weaker, the foot moved from his legs and he was pulled out of the water. He heard some of his hair rip out from the force. Coughing, Hunter tried to stand. However he was forced to stay on his knees in the water.

    The priest stood in front of him. "You have been cleaned, however we must rewrite over your sins."

    "What, is wrong with you? Leave me alone." Trying to breathe, Hunter kept coughing, trying to get the water out of his lungs.

    "I'm saving you."

    The Besalisk pulled him out of the fountain. Still trying to fight the man, the soldier listened to the whispers. One woman was saying they needed to  get rid of his tattoo. Another church member was scowling, saying his hair needed to be cut, that it being so long was a disgrace to the lord and far to feminine for any man.

    What Hunter knew for sure, the next time he saw General Mal, he was throwing hands.

    There was a back room in the church. While trying to fight, the church members dragged him inside of the room. There was a table, but that wasn't Hunter's biggest concern. His biggest concern was the women in the corner.

    She stood at about his height and had pale skin paired with her black hair. Unlike every other women in the in the religion, she wore a black dress. However, like all the other dresses it was floor length with flowing sleeves and turtle neck. She looked like a ghost. The women had lipstick that was the bright red of the carpet.

    Now inside the room, Hunter tried to reach for his comm. It was the first chance he had to even think about trying to call for backup. A harsh hand grabbed his wrist. "Don't, we are saving your soul. We don't want you to suffer."

    Trying to speak, Hunter's voice caught in his throat. His breathing, which had already been fast, sped up. The Besalisk man still held him.

    There were scissors on the table as well as a needle and some white clothing. Hunter focused on the girl to see what she was holding. In her hand she held a box. "Bring him to me." Her voice was angelic and soft. Most of all, it was unnerving.

    So the man complied. "Hello Hunter."

    "Let me go."

    "Dear, we just want to free you."

    "I don't need it. Better yet, I don't want it. Let me go, I need to get back to my men." Hatred laced Hunter's words.

    "Hold him still." The women nodded and someone grabbed the needle off of the table. Opening the box, the girl took a necklace out of it. It was silver and bore the religion's symbol, a cross with an anatomically accurate heart in the middle.

    While Hunter struggled, a needle was driving into the side of his neck. Trying to break free, he almost broke the syringe. The women walked up to him, her heels clicking on the ground. Her soft hand cupped the clones face. Then she kissed him. Hunter tried to pull away.

    "When the medicine starts to affect him, you may leave." Everyone nodded. The woman kissed him again, taking her hands around his neck and clasping the necklace on him. Hunter was able to pull away this time.

    "You drugged me."

    "It is a necessary evil."

    Thinking of what the women had said earlier, Hunter started to act weaker than he felt. When the women smiled, the clone knew he made the right decision. She moved the clothing off the table and motioned for them to put him on the table. "Remove his armor."

    With the men still in the room, a Hunter made the painful decision to stay still. After they removed his armor, the man started to feel the real effects of the drug.

    "I have him now. May I act only with the intent to heal and act without any lust" she prayed. The men left and the women climbed into the table and started to remove her clothing.

    Hunter fought the drowsy feeling of the drug. It was like fog had taken over his brain. Starting to try to stand, the woman gently pressed his shoulders back into the cold, metal table. "Don't worry child, I will take good care of you."

    "No" Hunter whispered. "Please no."

    "Oh yes " The woman removed her dress, then his shirt and lastly his pants and undergarments.

    Everything from there was a blur. Hunter remembered the feelings of the priestess touching him. He remembered how helpless he felt and knowing he should have been stronger than this. The women's fingers danced their sinister dance on his skin, making Hunter want to throw up. He wasn't sure if it was the drugs or assault that made him nauseous.

    Hunter was scared. This was a whole new level of helplessness, something like he had never felt before. The weight of the women on top of him, the feeling of his dick in her, the feeling of her lips touching his, all of it was too much. The man hated every part of her.

    Soon, the drug started to wear off. As Hunter regained his strength, the priestess moaned as she reached her finish line. "Stay still dear, you haven't finished. You have to be cleansed of your sins." Pushing him back to the table, the women started to trust her hips quicker.

    The world was clearer, but Hunter almost wished it wasn't. Never before had Hunter felt so weak. Raising one hand, the clone clawed at the priestess, trying to get her off of him. The drugs, even while they were wearing off, still made him mostly unable to fight.

    However he wouldn't need to fight. It was a natural reaction for his body to have given the stimulation it had reserved. Him finishing, had not mentioned he enjoyed it. As Hunter came inside of the priestess, she gasped and grabbed his shoulders, drawing blood and leaving scratches behind.

    Then she got off of him. Feeling stronger, Hunter looked around the room. He found his clothes and armor. The woman was grabbing the white clothing that was supposed to replace his blacks. Now it seemed like a good time for the world to stop spinning.

    After a moment, Hunter tried to stand. Still unclothed, the clone planned his escape. The woman came back over to him, the white clothing in hand and handed him undergarments first. "Here dear, now that you have been rid of your sins, you may cloth yourself."

    Breathing heavily, Hunter snatched the clothes, still dazed. The woman never turned around. Stumbling, he put on the underwear. But as things started to clear more than before, Hunter was hit with everything that had happened.

    Justified with religion, this woman had just sexually assaulted him. She had taken his body with drugs and force. There was no evidence that she even regretted any part of it. She truly believes that her actions healed him. Instead she hurt him. This would take time to scar.

    Hunter's clothes were in the corner. Getting in his feet, the man couldn't submit to this treatment anymore. The priestess had finally turned around to grab the scissors to cut his hair off. The hair he took good care of.

    She was as unsuspecting as he was. Still mostly naked, Hunter wrapped his arm around the woman's neck. Shushing her, he placed one hand over her disgusting mouth.

    When she stopped fighting, the way he hadn't been given an opinion to, Hunter tossed her to the ground. Still stumbling, he grabbed his clothes and put them on. The man wasn't sure when he had gotten his armor on, but he knew it was one. The effects of the drug had mostly worn off but his brain couldn't process the trauma. He was disassociated.

    Hunter placed a finger on his comm. "Cross" he spoke, shaking"

    "Where are you?" He snarled in response. "We have been looking-"

    "The church." Tears started to fall down Hunter's face. The dark room concealed most of the activities. "Please, I need h-" sobs took over the rest of his words.

    Crosshair was silent for a moment. "We're on our way."

    Forcing himself to stand, Hunter stabilized himself. Walking to the door, that was a whole other story. The lower half of him hurt. Nothing quite felt real. But Hunter still opened the door. The smell of candle smoke hit him.

    As the priestess started to stir behind him, Hunter debated killing her. It would be impossible for her to hurt anyone else. It felt like the right thing. But fear grabbed his chest, reminding him it was still there. Choosing between fight or flight, Hunter chose flight.

    Walking into the hall, Hunter scouted the area. It seemed the members of the church respected the priestess's privacy. Still crying, the man placed a hand over his mouth, trying to silence himself. Using the walkway closest to the wall, he ran to the door.

    As Hunter opened the door, he slowly closed it then ran down the stairs. When he got to the last few stairs, he tripped and expected to hit the stone. Instead, Wrecker caught him. Hunter hadn't realized he was breathing so heard until Tech told him he had to slow his breathing down or he could pass out.

    Jumping back, Hunter made sure they weren't touching him. Physical contact was important to Hunter but right now if someone touched him again, he might just kill them, or maybe he'd just shut down.

    "What happened?" Tech asked, calmly.

    "I- they- I can't-" deciding he wasn't far enough from the church, the clone started to walk away.

    For the first time, Crosshair realized that Hunter's hair was damp. The look in his eyes told him that whatever happened, it took a part of Hunter that he had never seen. "What did they do to you?"

    After another moment, Tech's attention also changed to Hunter's damp hair. "Did they, baptis you?" He asked.

    Hunter stopped walking. Not because of Tech, but because the church door opened. The priest and priestess walked towards him. "Dear" the woman started, "you cannot walk away now. You have been saved, don't turn back to your sin."

    The man didn't say anything. Wrecker moved to stand more in front of Hunter. "Leave him alone" he warned.

    "You have been cleaned, both spiritually and sexually-"

    "What?" Crosshair growled. That was why Hunter seemed so lost. Tech hardly looked angry but right now his glare would be sharp enough to kill someone. Wrecker cracked his knuckles and stepped closer to the two church officials.

    "We just need to make a few more adjustments."

    Crosshair pulled him gun. "Stand back."

    "Haven't you hurt him enough?" Wrecker looked back at Hunter. Tears ran down his brother's face and he'd never seen him look so small. Even when facing the separatist, Hunter had never been so shaken into himself.

    "We didn't hurt him-"

    "Yes, you did. Hunter shows clear signals of distress." Looking at his brothers, Tech ordered them to remove their eldest brother from the situation

    "I- please just get them away from me." Hunter cried. "I don't want to be here anymore."

    So the clones left. As they walked Hunter put a hand up to his collarbone to try to ground himself, the chain of the religion necklace started him. Panicking, he pulled the chain away from his neck, snapping it. Holding the chain in his hand, the man threw it far away from him. His breathing, which has slowed, speed back up again and his brothers tried to help him calm back down.

    While trying to report the church officials for Hunter's assault, the general informed them that nothing would come of the report. "I'm sorry Hunter's I really am. No one here would arrest them and" he sighed, "you're a clone. Too many people would view what happened to you as property damage, if anything. Trying to take it any further may not be worth the hurt and once it gets out I don't put it past some people to harass you over it." The Jedi told him that he would do his best to keep him away from them.

    Healing would take time. Every time Hunter stood inside a church, he feared the officials. Even after the war, Hunter felt like he couldn't breathe inside of churches, especially alone with officials.

    Telling Echo his story, had been difficult but it was the only way to explain why the batch avoided churches. But Hunter found it easier to confide in him when he had nightmares or when he was having a difficult day as the memories plagued his mind and stole his focus. They days his body no longer felt like him own and the touch of another human could only hurt him. Somehow the scomp helped.

  Having a daughter, Hunter feared that she would be hurt. But at least someone would be able to help her through it. Hopefully it never came to that. The clone couldn't be sure he wouldn't kill anyone who hurt her the way the church hurt him.

    It took so long for Hunter to feel safe in any church. For the first time, walking to Pabu's church (a common building ground) the man felt safe walking inside. He knew, for the first time in years, that no one inside of the church would hurt him. Healing takes time.


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2 years ago

Dogma Headcanon

When he was a cadet on Kamino, he was not the same reg-loving guy. He broke the rules, snuck food, classic cadet behavior.

*Obviously, Tup was his batchmate. They were the closest in their group.

ANYways, in a training sim gone wrong due to their team going off protocol, his entire batch besides he and Tup got killed. Tup suffered a head wound, which while didn’t cause significant damage then, is what got the ball rolling in his chip decaying. Dogma, on the other hand, only had minor damage.

After this, Dogma followed the regs more closely, but it still wasn’t to the full extent as we saw during the show. He stopped sneaking food, and he broke the rules less, but he was still a fun guy.

One day, Dogma accidentally overheard the Kaminoans talking about the chips. He ran away back to his bunk room, but not before being noticed by the Kaminoans.

Dogma was escorted to the lab, where the Kaminoans demanded to know what he had heard. Dogma, knowing better than to lie to a Kaminoan, told them. After gaining this information, they *reconditioned Dogma, but only of the information that they didn’t want him to know. Once the process was over, they threatened harm to his person if he ever told anyone what had just happened.

After this incident, Dogma became more reserved, and only talked to Tup. This is also when he became a target of bullying, which also contributed to his love for regs as they were the only thing (besides Tup) that never hurt him.

A few days before being shipped out to their battalions, the Kaminoans pulled Dogma to the side. As a final effort to scare Dogma into behaving, they threatened to harm Tup and himself if he ever disobeyed commands. After hours of threats and a deep cut curved around his eye (which Dogma eventually got his memorable tattoo to cover) Dogma promised to never speak of what had just happened.

His first battalion was serving with the 501st, and not even a year into his deployment the Umbara arc happened.

*Reconditioning. In this little au, I imagine reconditioning to be somewhat different than what is normally seen in Star Wars fics. The Kaminoans can select what clones can and cannot remember, and to what extent. Reconditioning is very painful and traumatic, and only works when the clone is awake. The more specific an event removal is, the more pain it causes. In Dogma’s case, they knew that removing his entire encounter with overhearing the Kaminoans would be useless, and cause eventual suspicion, so they just took out the part where Dogma heard what they were discussing.

+Something to note: the more a clone is reconditioned, the less stable their chip becomes. That’s why more clones are decommissioned than reconditioned, as the Kaminoans didn’t want their plans to be revealed. In Dogma’s case, after he was reconditioned, his chip stability decreased. During Umbara, Krell noticed something weird with Dogma, and when he did some force shit and found a link to manipulate Dogma using his chip (not that Krell new that’s what it was) he used this newfound knowledge for his own gain. He now had a clone that would listen to his command, and he could destruct the clones’ trust in one another. Throughout this all, Dogma was unaware of his or Krell’s actions, and only came to when Rex was hesitating to shoot Krell. After he shot Krell, his memories came rolling in, about what he did and what Krell did to him and everything else he witnessed during the Umbara arc.

If anyone wants to write something about this go ahead! Just put the fic and where I can find it in the comments so I can read it :)

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1 year ago
A Shameless Ripoff Of @traffys Meme About Law

a shameless ripoff of @traffys meme about law

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3 years ago

@shyestofhearts 👀👀I take your “Damian keeps trying to propose” and raise it with “Jon being overprotective and jealous of anyone who looks at his Dami with interest before he and Damian start dating” (idk poker terms)

Supersons but like aged up because Jon keeps waiting for Dami to propose, but Dami. just. won’t. because. he. is. a. dense. boi

Cue Jon making very obvious clues (wedding magazines and Pinterest boards literally everywhere)

Mar’i wants to be best man for both of them

👀👀👀 I'm gonna mess with the Damian being to dense to propose and raise you a "Damian keeps trying to propose"

So Damian just has like. No romantic experience. He just doesn't get any of Jon's hints especially because his prime examples of romance in his life don't resemble his (the personalities are different and thus the interactions are different)

So for the longest time he thinks his relationship with Jon is just like Bruce's friendship with Clark

(It's not but the whole batfam is terrible about discussing feelings so Dami doesn't know that)

It changes when Jon finally just asks Damian out

Damian is stunned but says yes and they date for a few years

Now it's getting more serious and Jon kinda hopes Damian will propose (because he doesn't want to rush Damian or pressure him into something he doesn't want)

So he thinks he'll just wait

Damian on the other hand actually does want to propose


A villain attack ruins the first one

His pets trample his second one

His siblings ruin the third one

Bruce accidentally interrupts the fourth one

Damian is getting annoyed

At first it was funny to Mar'i but now she's getting annoyed too

So she's on bodyguard duty the fifth time to make SURE nothing ruins it

Because Jon has been leaving out magazines and pinterest boards and waiting and Damian has been trying for months

Attempt number 5 is a success and they have to do rock paper scissors for who gets Mar'i as their best man

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9 months ago

It's 11pm and I can't stop thinking of ballroom dancing with Blade. Thinking of how he's a man of few emotions. He doesn't smile much, he doesn't talk much and he looks so annoyed as he was held hostage to attend this ballroom dance but when he sees you in the distance, standing at the base of the wide staircase, you swear you see his face change. It's subtle. The change in his expression is subtle, like the faint breeze that seems to blow past your face when you walk closer to him. There are several hundred people in this large banquet hall but all you see is him. There are so many men wearing elegant suits but they all look dull compared to this handsome man who dons the most exquisite four-piece suit you have seen in your life.

It doesn't matter what he is to you. A stranger, an enemy, a friend or a lover, you're mesmerised. Perhaps it is the soft lights of the hall that cause everything to be coated in a heavenly glow or perhaps it is the enchanting live music that's playing in the background; you don't know what it is, all you know is you're spellbound by this man.

You're speechless as you watch his figure come closer to you, his aura both scaring you and captivating you. You know he is a dangerous man and the way he walks and keeps his head high is a clear indication of that but you never feared danger and you most certainly didn't fear him. If he was a glass of poison and you were a parched prisoner, you would most happily drink it down with a smile on your face. This man was the epitome of risks and you were willing to hand yourself over to him.

He stands before you with a blank face but god you can tell that underneath his icy exterior, he's pleased to see you. Amidst the hundreds of strangers he's drawn to you and you only, like a moth that finds its way to the light no matter the obstacles in the path. You mentally trace his figure and with each passing second your heart is beating louder and louder as if confirming your want for him.

The way his large calloused hand extend outward to silently invite you to a dance, the way your small fragile hand perfectly fits into his like a missing puzzle piece; perhaps that's exactly what you were to him, the missing shard of his shattered heart. A silly little smile spreads on your face and you cannot stop yourself from doing so as you look into his crimson eyes. His eyes speak a thousand words to your soul and you just know he's going to be your Achilles heel. You forget how to breathe as your lungs collapse and the oxygen leaves your body when he gently wraps an arm around your waist. The grip he has on you surprises you, it is not a request but a statement of how he wants you. You swear you feel his fingers through the layers of your dress and by god do you feel weak under his touch.

He gently sways you at the first beat of the song, intertwining his free hand into yours as his gaze remains fixated on you. The candles in the room so beautifully mirror that crimson blaze of his eyes and you find yourself lost in his eyes, completely enthralled by how wonderful they look. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul and you could finally attest to this, for his eyes swirled with peril and terror. You knew what you were getting yourself into and you had no objections.

He continues to lead the dance, spinning you around as you both make your way through the ballroom in each other's arms. Neither of you says a word; the way you're holding each other with so much conviction and the silent long gazes in each other's eyes speak more than any word that comes out of your mouth will. Yet he finally says something.


You tilt your head in confusion, wondering what he's talking about.

"You are stunning."


A blush spreads on your face and you look away from him, suddenly embarrassed by his compliment. He softly chuckles which makes you burn up even more.

"T-thank you."

You manage to say and continue to avert your gaze away from him. The ballroom music fills the silence between you both before he speaks again.

"Keep your eyes on me."

He brings your joint hand to your chin and gently lifts it to face him better. Chills run down your spine from his touch and you gulp. You feel bare under his sharp gaze as you watch his eyes trace your facial features before making eye contact. Subconsciously, you hold onto his hand letting the warmth of his skin diffuse into yours.

In the heat of the moment, you fail to realise that both of you are away from the public eyes, hidden away in the dark corners of the banquet hall where no man will see. It is only when you take notice of the quietness surrounding you does it dawn upon you. You look back at him and hurriedly speak, afraid someone might catch you both in such a position.

"We should head back."

"Not so fast."


He tugs on your waist causing you to stumble forward and grip his suit coat. The proximity of you both makes your heart beat furiously and you know he can hear the pounding. The arm on your waist only tightens as he leans into your ear.

"When will I see you again?"

He whispers and that deep rumbling of his voice drives you crazy, causing your brain to short-circuit. You inhale his strong masculine scent and grip his coat harder.

"Ask for me at the gates of the estate."

"Asking for you is not enough, I desire you."

His words are shutting down every sensible nerve in you, like a poison taking over its victim, sweetly and slowly.

"You know better than anyone else I cannot hand myself over to you. Not like this."

"My mortal vessel desires you more than I need air for my lungs."

You say nothing more and inch closer to his face, planting a kiss near his lips. You know you are too deep in the water but at this point, you would rather drown in your desire than drag yourself out of his currents.

"I will see you when dusk approaches tomorrow. Ask for me."

You whisper back and smile, slowly pulling yourself away from his arms. The loss of contact already gives you severe withdrawals and you know you have signed up for trouble. He lets you go, watching you disappear from his line of sight as he clenches and unclenches his fist. Want was not a strong enough word to explain what he felt for you.

No, this was the very need of his existence. You being his, by his side was the sole reason his heart had to continue beating. His eyes never leave your body as he finally loses you from his vision and sighs. When will he see you, the one whose name he has etched into his heart, again?

On the other end of the banquet hall, you find yourself clasping the hand he held, breathing heavily as you replay everything in your head again.

If wanting him was going to destroy you, you would gladly be torn into pieces and put back together by him. If loving him was going to hurt, you were willing to let every fibre of your body beg for mercy. ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ©mm-lurking 2024 do not copy, steal or reuse my work.

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2 years ago

fanfictions aren’t enough i need this man to fuck me

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2 years ago

okay but imagine if your parents had to do the same thing to you

ok but do ya’ll have any idea of the size of a newborn bear cub?

Ok But Do Yall Have Any Idea Of The Size Of A Newborn Bear Cub?
Ok But Do Yall Have Any Idea Of The Size Of A Newborn Bear Cub?
Ok But Do Yall Have Any Idea Of The Size Of A Newborn Bear Cub?
Ok But Do Yall Have Any Idea Of The Size Of A Newborn Bear Cub?

they are the size and shape of mole rats!!!!

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6 months ago

My brain at ungodly hours of the night be like

My Brain At Ungodly Hours Of The Night Be Like

Can someone PLEASE tell me why the hell do my inner fish ancestors awaken at night and demand I drink 8 glasses of water???

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3 years ago

Aang: Katara is so strong, nobody could take her in a fight.

Zuko: I could take her.

Aang: Really? Hasn't she already defeated you in fights?

Zuko: Oh wait you were talking about taking her in a fight?

Aang: Yes! What were you talking about?!


Aang:...I'm gonna go now.

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1 year ago

"Don't love me."



"Because you're everything."

An immortal being, trapped inside a world where quirks were normal, needed even.

He truly never wanted to kill someone, but alas, this was his punishment; being banished into an unknown world that he had no clue of.

Although, maybe this trip wasn't in vain. He met a lot of new friends, even confiding in them with his secret. But what happens when one of them confesses to him?

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