Obey Me Lesson 16 - Tumblr Posts
belphie: im not helping you with the dishes do it urself
MC: hey belph do you remember-
belphie: dont-
MC: remember the time you killed me after i freed you from ur attic prison and then u laughed over my corpse?. bc i do.
belphie: okay jfc ill help you with the fucking dishes
My Lovely Belphegor (Belphegor x Reader)
Obey me OG Story: Spoilers: Lesson 15-18
Sinners are sent to prison, locked up so they could redeem their mistakes and learn from them. I always wondered why I was locked up in the attic by my own brother, whom I had nothing but love for. Now, there is only hatred, the same I have for them..
Those wretched humans...
The one who destroyed my family, my home, my sanity and...My lovely sister..Lilith.
I hate Lucifer!!
I hate those humans!!
All of the ones who hurt me should just disappear!!!
"Lord Diavolo, an exchange program? what is this now? have you hit your head or something?" I remember clearly that I had said that.
But all my feelings were brushed aside with one glare from my prideful brother.
“Lucifer! You have to talk to lord Diavolo, tell him to kill this exchange program,” I fought back for what I thought was right. For myself..
“It’s time you forget about Lilith” Brother coldly replied..
Big Brother?Why?Why did you forget about Lilith?
I won’t allow it, I will never allow it!
I won’t forgive you! I won’t forgive you!
“All the fighting and now it seems like I am stuck in this attic. Am I wrong somehow? Someone help me?” I continued to bury all those feelings, I swear I will destroy all humans and I will start with..Diavolo’s precious human exchange student.
(Y/n) (L/n).. I’ve come to learn that name when Mammon yelled it when he was trying to make a run from Levi who was chasing him for money. At that time I was annoyed, their hollering woke me from my slumber.
“Come here human, only you can save me,” I remember calling you, to me, the one that shall be your grim reaper.
“Hello, who are you?” You softly questioned.
Cute, you were cute for a human but that will not save you from my millennia of accumulated hatred.
“I am a human..just like you," I lied, you smiled.
Did you feel at ease? To be in the presence of a human? Surely Solomon was far from human. This is going smoothly, too easy.
Come little lamb, I’ll kill you softly.
“(Y/n)!! (Y/n)!! This is not funny at all? Get a hold of yourself,” My stupid scumbag of a brother, foolishly cried over an irrelevant human.
I let out a chuckle, it was hilarious.
“I'm feeling the happiest I felt in a long time,” I internally smiled, externally laughed. Lucifer looked panicked, it must be because his reputation along with Diavolo is now in the gutter.
This is what happens if you test my patience.
Why are you looking at me as if I hurt you?
It was just some irrelevant human.
“(Y/n)!! Asmo yelled in surprise, I thought it was foolish, I killed you, but you were standing right there.
“How are you still alive? It doesn’t matter, I’ll just kill you,” I came to that conclusion.
“Wait!! Lilith lived, she lived as a human,” you said.
Lucifer pledges loyalty to Diavolo in exchange for Lilith to be reborn as human?
That she lived happily?
And that THIS human is actually a distant descendant of human Lilith?
“I refuse to believe all this nonsense” I said in annoyance. All this is just a plot to manipulate me. It can’t be!
“It’s true..”Lucifer admitted. If it is coming from his mouth then it must be true. If it is true, then what does it do for me now but I know that a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
“(Y/n) is Lilith’s descendant,” I internally thought as I ran to embrace you in tears and that time you froze up, I didn’t care.
The whole time I was sitting next to you clinging to your arm, drinking tea, and bickering with my brothers, I only valued my feelings, not your trembles.
When I wonder? I fell for you.
I did notice that you were very distant in the beginning but after a few moments you started to smile at me. You successfully repaired my awkward relationship with my brothers. I am grateful to you, your kindness, your strength to move on, and your sweet smile.
The first Mammon:
“Belphi, that order is table 6,”
“Heheh, Mammon there is sauce on your nose,”
“Belphi, come’on don’t fall asleep here,”
“Thanks for tagging along for helping me buy a gift for Diavolo, I appreciate it, really!!”
The second Leviathan
“Belphi.. Um.. Levi had to receive a package.. What do you say, wanna play with me?”
“ Bephi, left.. Go left, we are going to lose!!”
“Want me to caress your hair till you fall asleep? Sure!!”
“Hmm, hmmmm, sleep well”
The third Satan
“Anti-Lucifer league?! Me!?”
“Haha Diavolo’s babygirl must be a password to the study!”
“The lecture is tiring,”
“Wanna study with Satan and me?”
The fourth Asmo
“Belphi! Your fashion sense is amazing!”
“Your taste matches my style.”
“Thank you for choosing this for me!!”
“I’ll make sure to wear this to Diavolo’s birthday party.”
The fifth Beel
“Beel! I think you should forgive yourself,”
“The love between twins is the most beautiful one.”
“I’m sure, it will all be alright,”
“I’m always here. Do your best!!”
“Beel, you are the protector of the family and everyone is counting on you!!”
The last Lucifer
“That’s brave of you!! I’ll always be by your side.”
“Thank you for protecting me!”
“I’m sure Lilith lived in a way she deserved.”
“You brothers make me so happy!”
I remember clearly, that day..when I asked you to make me yours. When you said yes, I was happy. Very. When my mark came onto your body that was the time I must’ve fallen in love with you.
(Y/n), you embrace me when I’m sad.
You cuddle with me when I want to sleep.
You are not afraid of my presence anymore. You forgive me right?
You let me lay on your shoulders or lap and play with my hair.
You helped me bond with my brothers.
You talk to me about the stars.
If you are doing all this for me that means that you love me…?
That would be the conclusion right?
Me and you and Beel in my sweet dreams. I will make that happen, starting now.
“(Y/n), I love you and I know that you love me too, right?” Belpheghor confessed to me, with a small blush on his face. He looked adorable.
“Ha..hhee..” I softly chuckled at the confusion. This was really hilarious.
“HAHAHA, HAHAH,” He laughed at me when I was struggling for air.
“What is it Belphi? Did you think I was in love with you?” I questioned him with a smile on my face.
“I thought..” He couldn't answer, Just like when I couldn’t ask for help.
“Demons are such idiots or it is only you?’ I asked, mocking him.
“Humans are such foolish, idiotic, weak creatures,”He mocked when I felt betrayed.
“You tricked me..?” He questioned softly in both parts of shock and despair.
“Tricked..? I didn't even try,” I laughed at the pathetic demon.
“You are so stupid, I can’t help but laugh, don’t blame me for TRICKING YOU, “He laughed ,at me, I felt insulted.
“Thank you for killing me Belphi~, I’ll admit you are a little awkward but have a pure heart, but I don’t like you one bit, I don’t hate you either,” I said as I twirled in amusement, his eyes widened in hope.
“You are irrelevant to me, lovely belphegor,”I coldly said and he broke.
A merciful person would kill you for what you have done to me. But I? I’ll mentally ruin you and when you had enough, you will kill yourself
“I’m not your sister, I’m (Y/n), the merciless, who will ruin your life,”
I checked with the Bi Board, & no the B in the Alphabet Mafia, doesn't issue pardon or "forgiveness."

Lesson 16 discussion
Spoilers for lesson 16 of OBEY ME! shall we date!
So I just finished lesson 16 of obey me and I have quite a few thoughts about it
I had known that belphegor killed MC or tried to but I didn’t really know what to expect when I actually read the lesson I know a lot of people are mad that everybody including MC got over Belphie killing MC in the game they kinda ignored it and started to forget that actually happened and afterwards belphie acts like he didn’t just try/did murder MC??? And expects us to be nice to him and spend some more with him??? Like HELL I would spend time with MY MURDER
While Time Traveling MC (who will be further address as TT MC) did not experience the whole death itself but we did see another version of ourselves die that very traumatizing seeing yourself die and they glossed over it and I was so upset about it and how they were so quick to forgive him and make us move on from the obvious tramtic experience I just REALLY hated that part of the story
The whole being descendent of Lilith was also conflicting I found it kinda rude that the brothers started to be more nice and generous to us after they found out MC was a descendent of her kinda like not recognizing MC as an actually person apart from Lilith with a different personality and everything MC is not Lilith simply a decendent of her
Another thing that made me mad about it was the whole time traveling part I hated how TT MC stayed in our timeline and didn’t go back to their old one like what about the brothers? What happend to them? Barbatos somewhat explains what happened to the previous timeline but it doesn’t really explain what will happen to them will the brother simply never get TT MC back? They are aren’t reunited with belphegor ever again and we won’t know either and how is MC so calm about moving to another timeline??? There will be little differences and memories between both timelines so how is TT MC to adapt to them?? I read this theory somewhere that barbatos merged the timeline but is it true? Like is it stated over the storyline? I honestly feel really conflicted about the time traveling and timelines but I like the idea of merging the timelines doesn’t make me feel so sad about the others brothers waiting for us to come back in the previous one :(
Anyways I would love to hear the community’s thoughts about lesson 16! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk :^)
This'll probably turn into a list if Belphie continues being a menace
Chatrooms: [Belphegor]

Belphie casually trying to kill MC