Pet Whump - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

2 years ago

Another very well written chapter! I loved Hayes’ POV so much HES so delusional but I love how he genuinely thinks he’s being reasonable

CONTAINS: pet whump, forced to drink/get drunk, very creepy intimate whumper, mentions of torture/non-con from other chapters, whumpee victim blaming himself more, non-consensual touching, implied fade-to-black non-con at the end.

|| 18+ Interaction Only ||


[prev] [series masterlist]

Asa wakes to hands on him, again.

His first thought is that at least he isn't alone anymore.

Somewhere he realizes just how horrible it is. Just how disgusting. But there's nothing in him. No more energy. No more strength. He believes this is much how it must have been like to be drugged, though he doesn't remember. Completely unable to move much more than a twitch, so pathetically weak, and even as his stomach starts to churn at the slow recollection that it's Hayes that's holding him, he can't manage to pull away.

He wonders briefly if he even wants to. He feels like he does, knows he does, but...his body always seems to want something different, doesn't it? It wouldn't have come, if it didn't want it. Not then or now. Not with anyone. It betrays him, every time, and he thinks, right now, maybe it's better to just fucking let the stupid thing do whatever it wants because he's too goddamn fucking tired. Too achy and sore and hungry and just...

Done. He's just done.

He feels like he should be embarrassed, humiliated, but he's just too tired for that, either.

He drifts in and out for a while, not comforted by the touch but relieved at the consistent reminder he's no longer in that closet, that he's no longer in the dark before finally Hayes stirs behind him, a little and then a bit more before finally planting a gentle kiss to the back of his neck.

Asa hates him. Asa wants him fucking dead. He wants everyone dead. He wants the whole fucking world to burn for what it's done to him.

"You're awake," Hayes murmurs, stroking hair from Asa's face, tucking it behind his ear. "Hi, baby. How're you feeling?"

Fucking homicidal. Not that he can do a damn thing with it.

"You slept all day, love. I had to take off work to stay with're not good enough to be on your own yet."

Vaguely, something flickers. A hope, maybe. A promise that, eventually, he'll be left alone? Would it be long enough to get away? The things it will probably take to get to that point, get Hayes to trust, no, no...

"Got you to drink a little here and there, but you've been so sleepy...and no wonder. I imagine it wasn't very comfortable in there, was it?"

Asa doesn't remember. He doesn't fucking remember anything but darkness. His mind isn't working. Does that mean he's gone an entire week without food now? He thought he wouldn't mind...he thought he'd never be hungry again. But he feels like he's dying. And he's still so thirsty...

There's a half-full glass on Hayes' dresser that he notices, and he licks his lips. He doesn't even know if he could speak if he tried.

But he needs it. He'd do anything for it.

Please, he mouths, and tries so hard to reach for it. His hand twitches, stretches out, but he can't even begin to do anything more.

Hayes does, instead. Hayes does, like he's not the reason for it all in the first place. He leans over, takes the glass, and lets Asa drink it. All of it, without question, without needing anything first.

The relief is almost worth the kiss Hayes forces upon him afterwards.

"Such a good boy," Hayes tells him, petting his hair, and Asa's throat burns as he realizes the only people who've ever done something this gentle, treated him this sweetly, have hurt him in ways he doesn't think he'll ever recover from.

"Oh, I'm going to treat you to something special tonight, Asa. I am. You just stay here, alright? Can I trust you to stay here and wait for me to come back?"

Asa hates himself and the fact that he can't do anything but that. He doesn't reply, and Hayes takes his chin and tilts it to the side, just an inch away from being painful, from straining it to the point he might gasp.

No more. Please. Not right now.

"Yes," he whispers, voice returning just enough to do so.


Asa closes his eyes. Vaguely, almost as if instinctually, he knows what's wanted of him.

"Sir," he replies. "Yes, sir."

"Oh, Asa," Hayes purrs, lowering himself along Asa's body, kissing a line down to—

"No," Asa gasps, using everything he has to curl his knees up, and Hayes...

Steps back. Smiles at him and pets his hair, and says, "You're right. Dinner first, okay?"

First. That means if he accepts Hayes' food, he knows exactly where it's going to lead second.

And worse, he knows there's not a single thing he can do about it, and that it'll happen whether he chooses to keep starving or not.

So he nods, just so Hayes will leave him be, and then as soon as the door's closed, he buries his face in the pillow to muffle his sobs.


He makes it all perfect, for Asa.

He even lights a candle on the table. All for his boy.

His boy, who's barely conscious, and doesn't seem to even notice let alone appreciate all the work he put into it all.

He has to carry Asa downstairs, sit him upright in a chair at the table, and still, the second Hayes leaves to grab something, he comes back to Asa with his head resting on his arm against the top.

He smacks down a bottle of wine against the wood, and Asa flinches and moans softly.

"No one ever teach you manners, pretty baby?" he asks, pouring a glass. "Elbows off the table."

Slowly, Asa drops his arm down, but his head stays lowered, his eyes closed. Fuck, he's so weak...Hayes could do anything he wanted to him. Anything at all.

But he's going to feed him, right now. He's going to feed his boy, because that's what his boy deserves.

At least...for right now.

He cups Asa's chin and kisses him. Slips his tongue into his boy's mouth and hums.

"You taste so delicious, my love," he says. "You deserve something tasty, too."

Asa looks like he expects Hayes to mean something very different by that. Which is good, because usually, Hayes will.

But he's gone long enough without food. He really, really seems like he can't go any longer.

Hayes could push it...or could only feed him enough to keep him alive, and make him like this all the time...

But Asa was good. He was finally good. Hayes wants him to know just how good it can be for him, too.

"Does this smell good, sweet?" he asks, placing a plate of food before him, and then smacks Asa's hand away when it inches towards it.

"What did I tell you? You need permission. Wait for it, or you won't get anything."

Slowly, Asa's hand draws back towards himself. So submissively.

Just as he should be. Maybe the next time he wants to act out, he'll think about the closet, and how much he doesn't want to be in there again.

"You're so sleepy, still," Hayes murmurs, smiling as he pets through his Asa's hair. "Can barely move...maybe it'd be easier if I helped, hmm?"

Asa grunts softly. Definitely not an agreement, but Hayes doesn't care. He picks Asa's pretty body up from under his arms, sits in the chair, and then—

"No—" Asa mumbles, squirming, but Hayes pulls him down to sit in his lap anyways. It's so easy. And even though Asa writhes, he's completely out of breath after just a few seconds and just...stops.


"Baby," Hayes tuts. "You think I'd fuck you over the table here? We eat here. Such a dirty little mind you have...maybe you'd like that. You seem to like a lot of things."

He reaches up, stroking Asa's throat, then his mouth, slipping a finger between his lips. "Open...that's it, good boy..."

And then he takes a piece of food, brings it up, and places it in Asa's mouth.

He feels Asa gag. He feels him squirm again and protest softly, almost spitting it out, but then...he doesn't. He groans softly, and swallows, and eats the next piece, too, even a bit more eagerly.

He looks like the most perfect little pet. Letting Hayes feed him, as he should. Letting Hayes take care of him, like Hayes always will.

"Good boy," he murmurs, lips against Asa's ear. "Good boy. Look at you. So behaved. I love you, Asa. Keep being good like this and you can keep being treated like this. Please...let me treat you good, Asa. Let me take care of you."

He picks up the wine glass, taking a sip, and then presses it to Asa's lips. "Taste, love. It's delicious. I'm sure you've never tasted something so expensive..."

Asa grunts, tries to tilt his head away, but the way he's tucked back against Hayes leaves there no real place to go. Hayes presses a bit harder, until he hears the glass clink against Asa's teeth, and then Asa makes the cutest little noise and takes a drink. Even when he chokes quietly, because he expects Hayes to pull it away sooner, he drinks the entire glass down, coughing softly as Hayes sets it back on the table to refill it.

"You're beautiful, baby," Hayes says, giving him another few bites of food in between another few mouthfuls of wine, kissing at the spot just between his neck and shoulder, so soft, as his free hand travels down to gently stroke over Asa, just because he's there.

And Asa moans, far louder, and mumbles, "Fuck..."

Hayes stops, more than a little stunned by that. He tilts Asa's head back to better see his expression, and his boy's pale face has gone rosy, his eyes shut tight. "What was that?"

Asa doesn't respond. Hayes chuckles, and brings the glass back to Asa's pretty mouth.

"It sounded like you felt better, pet," he says, as Asa chokes down more wine. "Lightweight, are you? How adorable. Oh, Asa. You're adorable."

"Don't—" Asa coughs out, but Hayes grabs his chin and forces him to finish the glass. Each were quite full, he has to admit, and it seems more than enough by the end of this one to have the boy heavily influenced, his head dropping back on Hayes' shoulder as he...

Giggles. Like the most precious and content little pet Hayes wants him to be.

"My goodness," Hayes murmurs, nuzzling into his hair, "my pretty, tipsy little that what you are?"

Asa mumbles under his breath, head lolling. He was probably still a little dehydrated, needing water more than wine...but that's okay. There's plenty of time for that, later. After this. It's liquid after all, isn't it? He'll be just fine.

So he pours another glass, and has Asa sipping at it until he's doing it willingly, spilling it down his chin and smiling when Hayes licks it.

Hayes can't help but groan at the sight—and apparently, Asa can't help but groan when Hayes wraps a hand around him again. He uses his other hand to run up Asa's body, scratching gently at his belly and chest, pinching and twisting at one of his nipples, and Asa gasps and squirms and then ruts down against Hayes' quickly hardening self like he finally wants it, too.

"So fuckin' sensitive like this, baby...are you ready to go up to bed? Huh? You want me to fuck you so good you scream? Because that's what I wanna do right now...does that sound good?"

Asa mumbles something else, drunkenly incoherent, but he's reacting so beautifully, and Hayes can't let it go to waste.

Another reward, for being good.

"Yeah," Hayes purrs, picking him up, leaving everything to clean later, "that sounds good, doesn't it?"

Asa's head falls back, humming. He doesn't say a word as Hayes brings him back up to the room, lays him back down, and even giggles again when Hayes starts to kiss along his chest.

And then he says a name. Not Hayes'. Someone else's. A name Hayes has never heard.

He pauses, leaning back a bit. "Who's Evan?"

Asa doesn't answer. He just arches back against the pillows, and, well...Hayes can't very well ignore that. He grabs for the lubricant again, and listens to Asa keen as he's touched, and relishes every beautiful moment of this.

He'll ask again, later, when his boy is coherent again. Right now...

Well. There's other things to focus on, other things to do, other places to touch and squeeze, and so he does.

"Mine," he whispers into Asa's ear, and smiles at the first time he hasn't heard a protest in response.

taglist: @oddsconvert @darkthingshappen @leyswhumpdump @littlespacecastle @keep-beach-city-werid @forthetaintedsorrow-whump @veyroswin @eatyourdamnpears @t0rture-me @darlingwhump @melancholy-in-the-morning @flowersarefreetherapy @ender-whumps @the-infinant-one @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @endless-whump @bluewhumpcrew @serickswrites @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @flynnswhumpprompts @whumpcereal @whumpqin @honeybunny-og @whumpyblogthing @whumpzone @catawhumpus @quietlywhump @sparrowsage @the-turnips-last-stand @endlesscyclezz @goesaroundcomesaroundwhat @whumpy-catfish @dont-be-gentle-please @the-bloody-sadist @whumpinggrounds @squishablesunbeam @canislycaon24 (let me know if you want on or off this list!)

Tags :
2 years ago

Another very well written chapter! I loved Hayes’ POV so much HES so delusional but I love how he genuinely thinks he’s being reasonable

CONTAINS: pet whump, forced to drink/get drunk, very creepy intimate whumper, mentions of torture/non-con from other chapters, whumpee victim blaming himself more, non-consensual touching, implied fade-to-black non-con at the end.

|| 18+ Interaction Only ||


[prev] [series masterlist]

Asa wakes to hands on him, again.

His first thought is that at least he isn't alone anymore.

Somewhere he realizes just how horrible it is. Just how disgusting. But there's nothing in him. No more energy. No more strength. He believes this is much how it must have been like to be drugged, though he doesn't remember. Completely unable to move much more than a twitch, so pathetically weak, and even as his stomach starts to churn at the slow recollection that it's Hayes that's holding him, he can't manage to pull away.

He wonders briefly if he even wants to. He feels like he does, knows he does, but...his body always seems to want something different, doesn't it? It wouldn't have come, if it didn't want it. Not then or now. Not with anyone. It betrays him, every time, and he thinks, right now, maybe it's better to just fucking let the stupid thing do whatever it wants because he's too goddamn fucking tired. Too achy and sore and hungry and just...

Done. He's just done.

He feels like he should be embarrassed, humiliated, but he's just too tired for that, either.

He drifts in and out for a while, not comforted by the touch but relieved at the consistent reminder he's no longer in that closet, that he's no longer in the dark before finally Hayes stirs behind him, a little and then a bit more before finally planting a gentle kiss to the back of his neck.

Asa hates him. Asa wants him fucking dead. He wants everyone dead. He wants the whole fucking world to burn for what it's done to him.

"You're awake," Hayes murmurs, stroking hair from Asa's face, tucking it behind his ear. "Hi, baby. How're you feeling?"

Fucking homicidal. Not that he can do a damn thing with it.

"You slept all day, love. I had to take off work to stay with're not good enough to be on your own yet."

Vaguely, something flickers. A hope, maybe. A promise that, eventually, he'll be left alone? Would it be long enough to get away? The things it will probably take to get to that point, get Hayes to trust, no, no...

"Got you to drink a little here and there, but you've been so sleepy...and no wonder. I imagine it wasn't very comfortable in there, was it?"

Asa doesn't remember. He doesn't fucking remember anything but darkness. His mind isn't working. Does that mean he's gone an entire week without food now? He thought he wouldn't mind...he thought he'd never be hungry again. But he feels like he's dying. And he's still so thirsty...

There's a half-full glass on Hayes' dresser that he notices, and he licks his lips. He doesn't even know if he could speak if he tried.

But he needs it. He'd do anything for it.

Please, he mouths, and tries so hard to reach for it. His hand twitches, stretches out, but he can't even begin to do anything more.

Hayes does, instead. Hayes does, like he's not the reason for it all in the first place. He leans over, takes the glass, and lets Asa drink it. All of it, without question, without needing anything first.

The relief is almost worth the kiss Hayes forces upon him afterwards.

"Such a good boy," Hayes tells him, petting his hair, and Asa's throat burns as he realizes the only people who've ever done something this gentle, treated him this sweetly, have hurt him in ways he doesn't think he'll ever recover from.

"Oh, I'm going to treat you to something special tonight, Asa. I am. You just stay here, alright? Can I trust you to stay here and wait for me to come back?"

Asa hates himself and the fact that he can't do anything but that. He doesn't reply, and Hayes takes his chin and tilts it to the side, just an inch away from being painful, from straining it to the point he might gasp.

No more. Please. Not right now.

"Yes," he whispers, voice returning just enough to do so.


Asa closes his eyes. Vaguely, almost as if instinctually, he knows what's wanted of him.

"Sir," he replies. "Yes, sir."

"Oh, Asa," Hayes purrs, lowering himself along Asa's body, kissing a line down to—

"No," Asa gasps, using everything he has to curl his knees up, and Hayes...

Steps back. Smiles at him and pets his hair, and says, "You're right. Dinner first, okay?"

First. That means if he accepts Hayes' food, he knows exactly where it's going to lead second.

And worse, he knows there's not a single thing he can do about it, and that it'll happen whether he chooses to keep starving or not.

So he nods, just so Hayes will leave him be, and then as soon as the door's closed, he buries his face in the pillow to muffle his sobs.


He makes it all perfect, for Asa.

He even lights a candle on the table. All for his boy.

His boy, who's barely conscious, and doesn't seem to even notice let alone appreciate all the work he put into it all.

He has to carry Asa downstairs, sit him upright in a chair at the table, and still, the second Hayes leaves to grab something, he comes back to Asa with his head resting on his arm against the top.

He smacks down a bottle of wine against the wood, and Asa flinches and moans softly.

"No one ever teach you manners, pretty baby?" he asks, pouring a glass. "Elbows off the table."

Slowly, Asa drops his arm down, but his head stays lowered, his eyes closed. Fuck, he's so weak...Hayes could do anything he wanted to him. Anything at all.

But he's going to feed him, right now. He's going to feed his boy, because that's what his boy deserves.

At least...for right now.

He cups Asa's chin and kisses him. Slips his tongue into his boy's mouth and hums.

"You taste so delicious, my love," he says. "You deserve something tasty, too."

Asa looks like he expects Hayes to mean something very different by that. Which is good, because usually, Hayes will.

But he's gone long enough without food. He really, really seems like he can't go any longer.

Hayes could push it...or could only feed him enough to keep him alive, and make him like this all the time...

But Asa was good. He was finally good. Hayes wants him to know just how good it can be for him, too.

"Does this smell good, sweet?" he asks, placing a plate of food before him, and then smacks Asa's hand away when it inches towards it.

"What did I tell you? You need permission. Wait for it, or you won't get anything."

Slowly, Asa's hand draws back towards himself. So submissively.

Just as he should be. Maybe the next time he wants to act out, he'll think about the closet, and how much he doesn't want to be in there again.

"You're so sleepy, still," Hayes murmurs, smiling as he pets through his Asa's hair. "Can barely move...maybe it'd be easier if I helped, hmm?"

Asa grunts softly. Definitely not an agreement, but Hayes doesn't care. He picks Asa's pretty body up from under his arms, sits in the chair, and then—

"No—" Asa mumbles, squirming, but Hayes pulls him down to sit in his lap anyways. It's so easy. And even though Asa writhes, he's completely out of breath after just a few seconds and just...stops.


"Baby," Hayes tuts. "You think I'd fuck you over the table here? We eat here. Such a dirty little mind you have...maybe you'd like that. You seem to like a lot of things."

He reaches up, stroking Asa's throat, then his mouth, slipping a finger between his lips. "Open...that's it, good boy..."

And then he takes a piece of food, brings it up, and places it in Asa's mouth.

He feels Asa gag. He feels him squirm again and protest softly, almost spitting it out, but then...he doesn't. He groans softly, and swallows, and eats the next piece, too, even a bit more eagerly.

He looks like the most perfect little pet. Letting Hayes feed him, as he should. Letting Hayes take care of him, like Hayes always will.

"Good boy," he murmurs, lips against Asa's ear. "Good boy. Look at you. So behaved. I love you, Asa. Keep being good like this and you can keep being treated like this. Please...let me treat you good, Asa. Let me take care of you."

He picks up the wine glass, taking a sip, and then presses it to Asa's lips. "Taste, love. It's delicious. I'm sure you've never tasted something so expensive..."

Asa grunts, tries to tilt his head away, but the way he's tucked back against Hayes leaves there no real place to go. Hayes presses a bit harder, until he hears the glass clink against Asa's teeth, and then Asa makes the cutest little noise and takes a drink. Even when he chokes quietly, because he expects Hayes to pull it away sooner, he drinks the entire glass down, coughing softly as Hayes sets it back on the table to refill it.

"You're beautiful, baby," Hayes says, giving him another few bites of food in between another few mouthfuls of wine, kissing at the spot just between his neck and shoulder, so soft, as his free hand travels down to gently stroke over Asa, just because he's there.

And Asa moans, far louder, and mumbles, "Fuck..."

Hayes stops, more than a little stunned by that. He tilts Asa's head back to better see his expression, and his boy's pale face has gone rosy, his eyes shut tight. "What was that?"

Asa doesn't respond. Hayes chuckles, and brings the glass back to Asa's pretty mouth.

"It sounded like you felt better, pet," he says, as Asa chokes down more wine. "Lightweight, are you? How adorable. Oh, Asa. You're adorable."

"Don't—" Asa coughs out, but Hayes grabs his chin and forces him to finish the glass. Each were quite full, he has to admit, and it seems more than enough by the end of this one to have the boy heavily influenced, his head dropping back on Hayes' shoulder as he...

Giggles. Like the most precious and content little pet Hayes wants him to be.

"My goodness," Hayes murmurs, nuzzling into his hair, "my pretty, tipsy little that what you are?"

Asa mumbles under his breath, head lolling. He was probably still a little dehydrated, needing water more than wine...but that's okay. There's plenty of time for that, later. After this. It's liquid after all, isn't it? He'll be just fine.

So he pours another glass, and has Asa sipping at it until he's doing it willingly, spilling it down his chin and smiling when Hayes licks it.

Hayes can't help but groan at the sight—and apparently, Asa can't help but groan when Hayes wraps a hand around him again. He uses his other hand to run up Asa's body, scratching gently at his belly and chest, pinching and twisting at one of his nipples, and Asa gasps and squirms and then ruts down against Hayes' quickly hardening self like he finally wants it, too.

"So fuckin' sensitive like this, baby...are you ready to go up to bed? Huh? You want me to fuck you so good you scream? Because that's what I wanna do right now...does that sound good?"

Asa mumbles something else, drunkenly incoherent, but he's reacting so beautifully, and Hayes can't let it go to waste.

Another reward, for being good.

"Yeah," Hayes purrs, picking him up, leaving everything to clean later, "that sounds good, doesn't it?"

Asa's head falls back, humming. He doesn't say a word as Hayes brings him back up to the room, lays him back down, and even giggles again when Hayes starts to kiss along his chest.

And then he says a name. Not Hayes'. Someone else's. A name Hayes has never heard.

He pauses, leaning back a bit. "Who's Evan?"

Asa doesn't answer. He just arches back against the pillows, and, well...Hayes can't very well ignore that. He grabs for the lubricant again, and listens to Asa keen as he's touched, and relishes every beautiful moment of this.

He'll ask again, later, when his boy is coherent again. Right now...

Well. There's other things to focus on, other things to do, other places to touch and squeeze, and so he does.

"Mine," he whispers into Asa's ear, and smiles at the first time he hasn't heard a protest in response.

taglist: @oddsconvert @darkthingshappen @leyswhumpdump @littlespacecastle @keep-beach-city-werid @forthetaintedsorrow-whump @veyroswin @eatyourdamnpears @t0rture-me @darlingwhump @melancholy-in-the-morning @flowersarefreetherapy @ender-whumps @the-infinant-one @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @endless-whump @bluewhumpcrew @serickswrites @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @flynnswhumpprompts @whumpcereal @whumpqin @honeybunny-og @whumpyblogthing @whumpzone @catawhumpus @quietlywhump @sparrowsage @the-turnips-last-stand @endlesscyclezz @goesaroundcomesaroundwhat @whumpy-catfish @dont-be-gentle-please @the-bloody-sadist @whumpinggrounds @squishablesunbeam @canislycaon24 (let me know if you want on or off this list!)

Tags :
11 months ago

Bad Little Bird

Content: TW Blood, Fear, Unwanted Touches, Captive, Caught Escaping, Sadistic Whumper, Mention of Wing Removal, Threats of Pain and Death, Pet Names.


“Tsk tsk tsk… and here I thought you had learned to be a good little bird.”

Whumpees skin crawled hearing his tormentors voice behind them. They had just gone through the agonizing process of climbing up the stairs from the basement. Each step covered in sharp nails that pierced their feet with every step. The bloody steps leaving a trail behind them like breadcrumbs. The rawly torn flesh on their wrists and ankles reflecting the painful escape from their bindings. The dried blood staining their back from their one, beautiful wing having been sawed off a day or so ago. It was hard to say how long it had been when they were stuck in the darkness for so long.

A chill goes up their spine when they feel Whumpers breath brush down their neck. Their still intact wing wrapping around themselves instinctively for protection from the nightmare behind them. If only it was just a nightmare.

“Now, now. What have I said about not looking at me when I’m talking to you, hm?”

Whumpee swallowed the lump in their throat, their breath slightly shaky as they hesitantly turned their body slowly to face Whumper. Seeing his piercing red eyes looking down at him with disappointment, but his smile showed a sadistic pleasure in Whumpees fear.

Whumper hummed softly as his hand raised up to Whumpees wing, lightly dancing his fingers along the bend. The noticeable flinch making him grin wider as he loomed over the shorter man.

“It would be a shame if I had to take your last wing, wouldn’t it? Then you wouldn’t be my little birdie anymore. Do you know what I do with birds that lose both of their wings?”

Whumpee could feel a plea trying to claw out from his throat, but he knew better than to let it out. The tears couldn’t be stopped though. The fear pushing them out as they pricked at the corner of his eyes.

Whumpees head whipped to the side from the harsh slap to his left cheek. Stunning him and making his stance stagger as he held his cheek with my hand. His wing quivering around him. Whumper grabbing their chin roughly and forcing Whumpees gaze up to theirs once again. Their smile gone, and Whumpee could’ve sworn Whumpers eyes were glowing with a cold glare.

“I snap their necks and put them out of their misery.”


Date: March 12, 2024

I’m alive I promise 🪻

Tags :
10 months ago

You know those shows on TV where people, like parents for example, switch lives for a day or a week. I feel like people, should do that to their pet whumpees. Like a Whumpee who had a very strict master with no leniency or mercy for mistakes. While another Whumpee has a very caring and comforting master that pampers and rewards them constantly. Those two should switch for the day or longer. There would be so much emotional distress and turmoil on both ends.

The ‘pampered’ Whumpee doesn’t receive any love or even a scrap of food compared to their three meals a day, love, and constant attention. They’d make mistakes left and right because they forgot what it was like to be in a training and strict environment.

The ‘neglected’ Whumpee receives constant love and care and all the food and baths they want. They feel this constant longing for love, but also anxiety wondering when the next punishment or order will come, but it never does. They’re so used to fear that it’s hard for them to accept all of this kindness and not expect it to be a trap.

Both would be suffering in their own way, either physically or mentally, even both. It just seems like a fun way to mess with them.

- 🪻

Tags :
9 months ago

Pleasure in Pain (AU)

To be fair, I really haven’t written anything in a hot minute, but I blame school for being so damn stressful. So here’s a snippet of Cordova and Rojan in an AU where a forge master took on an apprentice. They’re still going through training.

Contents: TW branding/ burning mentioned, TW torture mentioned, TW burn scars mentioned, begging, merciful Whumper, pet Whumpee, Forge master Whumper, Apprentice Whumpee.


“N-no no no no p-ple— hiccup… p-p-please. N-not today I-I, I’ve been g-good. I p-promise I’ve been good.”

Rojan looming over the shivering body of Cordova curled up in the corner of the large room. The heat from the forge radiating in the room. Making Cordova’s tears mix with his sweat that glistened on his bare body. A pathetic sight of begging. Rojan couldn’t ask for a better way to start his morning.

Cordova flinches and whines breathily when a calloused hand runs through their tangled and dirty hair. It had been months of training, setbacks, and a bit of manipulation. Though Rojan knew in the end that they could make this once bold and strong willed person crumble to a shell of their former self.

“What gives you the right to decide whether you’ve been good or not?”

Fresh tears pooled in the sniveling figure trembling at their feet. The fear in his eyes when he grew so quick to believe he made a mistake in his choice of words, as if it was an act of treason that deserved death. The rough hand grips his hair only in warning before loosening and slipping from his curls.

“Why don’t we let the forge decide whether you’ve been good today, as you so claim.”

The thought of struggling crossing the Cordova’s mind, as it has countless times. He knew where this led to and every time felt like the last time he would be able to handle it. Throat thick with saliva, tears streaking through the soot on his cheeks, a dull hope flickering like a dying flame in a storm.

Rojan turned their back and walked to the forge. Grabbing a fire poker that was left to heat up prior. A bright red hue at the tip of the metal. Cordova could feel the scars on their skin heat up as if he were being engraved for the first time.

Rojan softly humming to themselves a tune he had sung since the very first day while using pliers to bend and shape the metal into the perfect sharpness. To his surprise, a feeling of weak and trembly arms wrapped from behind him. Soft hands trying their best to cling onto their shirt. A gentle press of a forehead on their back. A new development.

“… please. Whatever I’ve— sniffle… done wrong today. M’s-so sorry. I’m t-trying to be g-good for y-you, but I don’t know what I did wrong and I know that’s not a good answer, b-but… p-please give me a chance to correct it.”

Such a quiet and delicate voice. One that a strong enough breeze could blow away. Rojan wasn’t a breeze, he was a hurricane, but perhaps just for today he could relax and be a simple breeze. The fire poker goes back to cook in the blazing flames. Cordova tenses when his captor turns around and faces him. Making his gaze turn down to the floor as he took his arms off of them. Another mistake, another punishment, another scar, another meal lost, anoth—

“Your mistake today was not greeting me when I arrived today.”

Rojan’s arms wrapped around the confused and timid person who was at eye level to his chest. A gentle embrace that he’s never blessed his pet with. He could practically feel their heart pounding in their chest and the subtle tremble in their body from the unfamiliar yet comforting touch.

“I’ll let it slide today. Only because I believe you’ve certainly learned some manners and you’ve been working very hard to please me as of late. Just a simple warning then, always greet me when I come in. Okay, little flame?”

The relief the younger man felt was immense. When had his master become so merciful? No, he wouldn’t question it. It was a blessing he needed and he wouldn’t take it for granted. He would behave better than he ever has before and prove to his master that he deserves days like this more often. He could hardly control the way his body naturally clung onto his master. How his face buried into the rugged man’s broad chest while stray tears fell onto his shirt. Soft, relatively quiet sniffles leaving him while Rojan rubbed his back in circular motions.

“You’re being extra good today. Perhaps this warrants a reward. How does a bath sound, my little apprentice?”


Date: May 23, 2024

Taglist: @turn-the-tables-on-them

If you're reading this, you're obligated to whump an OC/blorbo today.

Reblog to make others whump their OCs/blorbos!

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5 months ago


An arrogant Pirate Captain with the world at his feet wishes for something different to happen in his life. Hoping for a challenge to arise to entertain him. He ends up crossing paths with a Siren Prince. At first it’s all fun and games being able to manhandle and torment such a rare creature, but things take a turn. Having to learn the hard way that he’s not invincible, and can very much bleed.

Contents: Whumper turned Whumpee, Revenge, Sadistic/ Creepy Whumper, Defiant Whumpee, Pet Whumpee if You Squint.

⛔️TW: Torture, Violence, Captivity, Degredation, Restrained/Gagged, Fear, Suggestive Non-Con, Venom/ Poison, Threats⛔️


Caspian's Suffering Arc

#1: What The Tide Brought In 🌊

#2: Two Sides of The Same Coin

#3: (soon)



Art & About

Malik De Lir

Caspian Glaucus

We’re going to ATTEMPT to post once a week. Go easy on me.

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6 months ago

I want to add on that declawing takes a lot more away than just the "nail" part.

I Want To Add On That Declawing Takes A Lot More Away Than Just The "nail" Part.

tw: pet whump and non con body changes

so you know how people de-claw cats? Yeah that but with whumpee's. They would have to start but pulling out the finger and toe nails. After that there would have to be something to make it not grow back, whether you chose little caps that prevent the nail from regrowing or grafting skin onto the nail is up to you.

just imagine how whumpee feels after this. Another means of defense taken away. Feeling even more dehumanized being treated like a cat! What happens when whumper permanently damages whumpee or whumpee gets too old to be fun, does whumper put them down, claiming that it is the same kindness we give our pets?

I like when pet whumpee's are treated like our actual pets bc it really makes you think about what you're doing. It makes you wonder if it is really okay to do this to another living creature. Idk it just eats at me

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7 months ago

No devil hides beneath my bed

Part 1, Part 2

AO3 CW: nsfw (minors dni), whumper pov, past noncon, promise of future noncon, pet whump, captivity, dehumanization, sexual slavery, put on display, intimate whumper, creepy whumper, multiple whumpers, cages, restraints, ring gag, forced arousal, object insertion, overstimulation, auction, noncon touching

Tonight Scarlet hosts the Lanista Society for a special dinner event. The Champion is the coveted prize, and Ivan is honored to have been the cause of it.

Champion taglist: @emmettnet , @ostensiblyfunctional

Ivan is left marveling once again at his superior's immaculate taste.

High Martinet Matar sure knew how to throw a party.

Her guests had been greeted with the finest. A banquet of gourmet Crescentine dishes and exotic delicacies. Fresh fruits and cheeses, tender meats and fish, spiced breads and decadent sweets, aged wines from the mountain vineyards. The finest money and magic could offer.

Their venue is just as grand, perhaps more so due to its creativity. A conjured demiplane Scarlet produced specially for this affair. Ivan finds it rather ingenious.

The woman was no stranger to hosting guests at her manor; he himself had been there only last week. But she limits those meetings to no more than a few people at a time. Fewer bodies are easier to keep track of. With large parties like this, comes the ever present risk of unsavory infiltrators. The Lanista Society held members with many enemies. The uninvited in disguise or potential rivals waiting for the right moment to snoop around. Larger groups made it inconvenient to keep tabs on everyone.

The demiplane removed that risk.

No need to worry about the unwanted loose in your home if you're not bringing them to your home to begin with.

And as a bonus, the spell's design was limited only by the imagination. And a wizard of Scarlet's caliber knew fine decor.

All which was fully on display for tonight's event. It was a special occasion after all.

On one end of the chamber, seated on a raised platform, was an ornate bronze cage. Round and domed at the top like one of those old-fashioned bird cages that didn't allow room for the bird to spread its wings. However this cage was far larger, for its occupant was no bird.

Scarlet found the perfect display for the Society's beloved Champion. An advantageous maneuver given he was the subject of business this evening. If Ivan had thought he looked enticing their first meeting a week ago, Scarlet had expertly ensured that the people present now would be incapable of keeping their eyes off him.

In fact, there was already a crowd forming around the cage.

Knees spread and wrists secured above him, the Champion was giving everyone a show with his trembling body. Years of fighting had toned his muscles, and the shimmering red velvet bands only accentuated them. Scarlet must have gotten the outfit custom tailored, for it turned the tiefling's form into a canvas painted with red. Velvet strips hugging his thighs and shoulders. Flowers of beaded lace climbing from hip to collar to the small of his back. Dangling garnets mimicked the appearance of dripping blood.

Absolutely exquisite.

Scarlet had elected to keep his lower region covered, draping that same black cloth around his waist that he'd worn last time. Ivan could see the sense; what was already being shown was enough of a free sample.

The guests were permitted to touch, at least to the extent they were allowed without having to pay. And the Champion’s body was a buffet getting more attention than the actual food. Fingers traced the soft velvet, then slipped in between to caress exposed skin.

“He has the best reactions if you stroke his tail,” Ivan had informed them, and they were quick to take advantage.

The touches worked well to elicit forced pleasure, though perhaps not as much as some other things.

Scarlet couldn't allow her pet to spend the whole party glaring or growling at guests, so Ivan suggested a means to keep him occupied. Just a couple simple toys, one placed inside him and the other encircling the base of his tail where he was most sensitive. Both hidden from the guests eyes with a specially crafted belt that doubled to prevent the tiefling from making a mess of himself.

From how much he was trembling, struggling to close his legs, face flushed as he moaned around the ring gag strapped around his head, the toys were doing their job. And the guests were very much appreciating the sight. Ivan could see a number of people with their hands under their pants.

He couldn't blame them. They stood before a desperate succubus, beckoning them all with pleading huffs of breath and squirming hips. Ivan himself was imagining how pretty that face would look around his cock.

He would have to wait his turn.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The rhythmic taps of a wine glass drew the attention of the masses to the head of the table where Scarlet stands.

“Now now, everyone. I know my pet has been an exciting treat for you all, but I do hope you help yourselves to the dessert table.”

There were more than a few bouts of embarrassed laughter. Ivan included, as he too nearly forgot to go fill up his dish.

“I'm pleased to see he has garnered such interest,” she continues. “Just a quick reminder that the bidding period ends in thirty minutes. The current highest offer stands at 2,500 platinum.”

Well, not too bad a price tag for the Champion’s first official patron (Ivan's previous night with him didn't count). And if this went to a formal auction at the end of the party, if there was still an active bidding war, that amount would likely grow.

But already, he'd be returning home tomorrow with a decent payment. In a deal that spoke wonders of her generosity, Scarlet had agreed to save a percentage of the funds for him. None of this would've happened had he not raised the suggestion to her.

Lucrative business indeed. Ivan could recognize many big names at this party. Politicians, industry tycoons, nobility, all those with plentiful riches and power. He wonders if he could convince some of them to assist him in forming a similar operation in Mężnydzik. Or perhaps a connected branch.

Those were thoughts for the future. Right now, he was enjoying the view.

The first moment the cage is clear of onlookers, Ivan walks over and reaches through the bronze bars to lift up the Champion’s head to face him. With how long he'd had his mouth held open, his chin was streaked with drool, but thankfully Ivan had the foresight to wear gloves.

“Just like I said, little devil,” he purrs, gazing into eyes that struggle to focus through the mind clouding sensations. The tiefling whines in protest as Ivan lets his other hand trail up his thigh. “I knew you'd be quite popular.”

There's a moment of clarity to the Champion’s stare. A moment he's able to fight through the tears and the unwanted stimulation and-

Oh. Well isn't that a nasty look.

Reference for the outfit here.

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7 months ago

the kennel master list

Will and Tommy are headed on an ill-advised camping trip when they encounter some car trouble. Luckily, Doc Barker is there with a tow and some hot coffee. But when Will wakes at Doc Barker's place the next morning, he realizes that he and Tommy have far more than car trouble on their hands.

Please see individual chapters for detailed and specific content warnings. This story will be heavy on humiliation and dehumanization and may eventually contain noncon elements [*]; proceed with caution!


part one: on the road

part two: caged

part three: champ

part four: rise and shine

part five: good boy

part six: whipping boy

part seven: squeaky clean

part eight: red for romantic

part nine: in pieces

part ten: speak

part eleven: a perfect puppy*

part twelve: betrayal *

part thirteen: surprise*

part fourteen: in hell*

part fifteen: something like relief

part sixteen: take it like a champ*

part seventeen: a part of it

part eighteen: this is his life

part x/flash forward: room to build


post-rescue content

will's early recovery: tender first aid

will's early recovery: thankful

will's recovery: hope house

will's recovery: first date (a prelude)

annie's recovery: first date (a prelude)

tommy's recovery: first date (a prelude)

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