Ridiculous - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

is this just a me thing or does anyone else have several abandoned tumblr accounts because they simply forgot the password????

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11 years ago
My #nailpolish Is Called #Epic #Winning.. #sparkly #love #ridiculous

My #nailpolish is called #Epic #Winning.. #sparkly #love #ridiculous

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7 months ago

some kind of animal possesses me whenever I have pancakes or waffles that make me eat them as fast as humanly possible

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2 years ago

How the fuck am I supposed to cope... I had an episode and I want to play angry birds about it... that's all I wanted to do to feel better... but it costs money now... what has the world come to...

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1 year ago

Robinette is WAY too cunty to be Joe Biden's middle name. she should be a goth trans girl you met at a gas station not the 46th president of the united states

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2 years ago

I just have to know the mindset of the people responsible for these things. Half of them aren’t even practical, they just look “new and innovative” for the sake of looking “new and innovative”.

Rich People Showers
Rich People Showers
Rich People Showers
Rich People Showers
Rich People Showers
Rich People Showers
Rich People Showers
Rich People Showers
Rich People Showers

Rich people showers

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6 months ago
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow
 Jacob Elordi By Jonny Marlow

📷 Jacob Elordi by Jonny Marlow

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4 years ago

An investigation is ongoing in the case of a 9 year old Rochester girl who was pepper sprayed during a mental health episode. Police were called on Friday afternoon after a report that the girl was threatening to harm herself and her mother. The girl resisted being put into a police car to be taken to the hospital, kicking one of the officers. She is seen screaming in bodycam footage before her head is held down against the snow-covered ground and is handcuffed. One of the three officers involved told her she was, “acting like a child,” to which she responded, “I am a child!”

“Later in the video, a female officer is seen talking to the girl, eventually saying, “This is your last chance, otherwise pepper spray’s going in your eyeballs.” About a minute later, another officer can be heard saying, “Just spray her at this point.” The female officer is seen shaking a can that appears to be pepper spray and the child continues to scream.” Officers then pepper sprayed her and left her crying in the back seat as they took her to Rochester General Hospital and soon released.

How do we reform a group of supposed public servants who seem nearly immune to consequences? This isn’t how you treat anyone experiencing a mental health emergency, and especially not a nine year old child. How will this little girl grow up in a world where the people who are supposed to protect her are violent towards her when she needs help?


NBC News: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1256313

CNN: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/02/02/us/rochester-officers-pepper-spray-child-removed-patrol/index.html

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4 years ago

Most defenitely the most ridiculous song you will ever see ... or hear!

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7 years ago
Nutmeg, That Isn't How Legs Work. Stop That.

Nutmeg, that isn't how legs work. Stop that.

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5 months ago

listen American Johnnie, sorry the truth triggers you but ain’t nobody tagged you here to tell us about our own experience, per your account clearly you’re obsessed with the LOOKS and aesthetic of black women which gives weird because here you are talking shit, and proving the same point we were just talking about while being. A BLACK MAN… secondly, if we WERENT a threat to racist white people, or racist people like you PERIOD, they wouldn’t feel the need to degrade and dehumanize women of color when they feel like their standard of beauty is being threatened, this is what I mean when I say toxic black men are our communities biggest haters, clearly you’re insecure and you feel threatened by the likes and success of beautiful black women because they’re succeeding. last time I checked we weren’t the ones paying for the surgeries to look like something we’re already born with, anyways I rebuke whatever compelled you to feel so entitled to reply. Stay blessed, heal up, and cope, stop tryna be scary.💋 😂😂

I love REAL black men btw, just not this one.

chloeijuana - Chloé🍂

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3 years ago

It always boils down to that doesn't it? iF mEn aNd wOmEN aRe eQuAL tHaT mEAns i cAN hIT yOu rIGht? Why is violence the very first reaction to gender equality?

feminism never taught me to hate men but it did help me realize that i shouldn’t prioritize them over women & it turns out that alot of men consider that to be hatred lmao.

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5 months ago
sh4rkbug - RAAAAA-

Before I pose today’s Goretober I wanted to post yesterday’s prompt (ridiculous pose) for inktober with ocs. This was wayy too good to resist this is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever drawn with my ocs I’m PISSING MYSELF

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7 months ago

remember when people were like "emerald fennel couldn't possibly have anything to say or make anything resembling art because she's rich and that why saltburn is bad"?

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