Eggpire - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Ok crazy theory, but what if Foolish is the Blood God and the egg are his repressed powers. Maybe a long time ago The Blood God and Foolish split in two. In the process Foolish weakened and his Blood God half became the egg to avoid dying since it didn't have a physical body and started to sacrifice people for self-sustaining. The eggheads are followers of the Blood God AKA Foolish. Techno's family probably was also followers, (and maybe those orphans that killed techno's parents were also followers and used them as sacrifice). Maybe Eret has something to do with Foolish and The Blood God splitting apart and thats why he has memory loss. Maybe thats why Foolish says that the egg is something he has never seen before, because its him.

Edit: The egg is older than Foolish, does that mean the egg isn't part of Foolish but Foolish is part of the egg?

Foolish doesn't like the egg, does that mean he hates his past-self? (This is true but remember Foolish doesn't know what the egg is so this is probably unintentional) Like everytime he insults the egg he is also insulting himself. What would happen when he realises this? (THE ANGST)

If this theory is true, what would happen if techno realises the god he is worshiping is a pacifist now?

Would the Blood God hate or love the eggpire if we consider Foolish is pacifist now?

If we get the full Blood God again, would Foolish still be a pacifist or will he succumb to the violence again?

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4 years ago


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3 years ago

I was just thinking about this... And it's so strange I was just randomly thinking about this...

But Tommy really does have a connection to everyone.

I mean, I know why I was thinking about this, it's because someone said they didn't understand why Quackity and Wilbur fought over Tommy. Which I thought to myself, "it's because they have an obsession, just not as bad as Dream's."

Then I thought about it and I realized... Tommy literally lives in everyone's brains in the SMP, rent free.

You either people complaining about him, or talking well about him. Somehow Tommy is everywhere.

And as I thought about how everyone talks about him, even newer people who don't know him well... I realized... Tommy is really like the Egg.

And that's not even a joke, I noticed so many connections after I thought about Tommy with people always talking about him.

And I have evidence!!

Let's start with the fact that made the idea! The fact that both the Egg and Tommy... Only have friends or enemies. People who are saying they are not picking a side usually do pick a side when trying to figure out if they like them or not. But there is never someone who can't decide if they like them or not.

Which leads to the next part of, they have ways to get into people's hearts without them even realizing. Obviously Tommy is not mind controlling people like the Egg, but he does have a Charisma charm. Like Wilbur has said, he is a muse. He makes people feel inspired to do shit! Making them believe that their dreams can be reached! And the Egg kinda does that too. Just more controlling.

Another part is that both Tommy and the Egg (before locked up) was everywhere on the server while not even being there.

You see L'manburg? Both Tommy and the Egg were there, you can tell by just looking at it. How about the community house? Both have been there too! Prime path? There.

It's just that even when not there. When you look around you can see both of them there. Tommy from the History in the builds, while the Egg by it having blood vines everywhere!

And my final evidence, is in the fact both Tommy and the Egg seem to just appear out of no where. They just... Both showed up when the world needed chaos.

(I could also add they have a Red and Yellow color scheme but I shall not cuz that's Petty xD)

But yeh! The Egg and Tommy are very similar. And now I wonder if maybe that's why Tommy and the Egg have trouble controlling one another.

We will see in time.

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I just read the plot of little shop of horrors (I'm gonna be sound tech for the school musical this year), and am I just out of the loop or is it a LOT like the dsmp egg?

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4 years ago

Ok so we all know the egg right?

What if it's not an egg.

What if it's a seed?

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3 years ago

nooo foolish my beloved

the egg is gonna fucking pay for this

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3 years ago

big q better come in clutch come on big q

nooo foolish my beloved

the egg is gonna fucking pay for this

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3 years ago



nooo foolish my beloved

the egg is gonna fucking pay for this

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3 years ago



nooo foolish my beloved

the egg is gonna fucking pay for this

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3 years ago
Help Girl My Husband Won't Pay Attention To Me He Keeps Talking Ab This Parasitic Egg

help girl my husband won't pay attention to me he keeps talking ab this parasitic egg </3

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3 years ago

why couldnt the egg have been green. you know so you could have some ham with it and you could have a best selling book

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4 years ago

Ok, my thoughts on what the egg said to Techno, and what they could implicate.

WARNING ⚠️ these are my own thoughts, I don't care if you don't agree or if someone has said any of this already. And I am talking about the characters NOT the real people.( I am just to lazy to put c! After every name)

1). "You look familiar. Do I know you?"

This could be a call back to Sir. Billiam the 3rd. Or it could be that whoever is in inside the egg knows Technoblade, or like knows the Blood God or something? Most likely the latter, but just thought.

2). "Tell me what you want Technoblade, I can give it to you."

So the Egg obviously as pointed out by badboyHalo on multiple occasions the Egg can give you your heart's desire or what you want most. So it is telling (practically tempting) Techno talk to them, get on their side. They WANT Techno, badly.

3). "Technoblade."

Now Techno has been kind of ignoring what the Egg has been saying. So The Egg want to Techno to listen, to pay attention to them. What the easiest way to do that? Call their name.

4). " I can kill (?????????)"

Now, idk if this is what it actually said, I just seen people say it is and I am to tried to check. Anyways, we couldn't hear the name that the voice said because everyone was really loud, so it got covered up. However, the name was long. From the moment kill was said to the moment the the message ended is long. So I think it could have said Philza Minecraft. The reason I have come up with is it was like a threat. They were telling Techno that 'oh I can kill this person you truly care about if you don't join me' or something. (Kind of like how the Egg told Sam to kill Fran).


An angsty way to look at it is that this is Techno deepest desire. An whether that would imply that Techno wants Phil dead or something, I cry. BUT if the egg said someone else's name, this would also imply that Techno wants someone dead dead. And maybe Techno doesn't want to be the one who kills them.

There is still so much that I could talk about but I don't want to type it all out. But, yeah these are just my thoughts on things. See ya!

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3 years ago


Y’know how flowers have meaning? Yeah anyway here’s dsmp members & the flowers I think represent them! 

I’m only doing characters with a decently major part in RECENT lore (so no whitelisted guests or ppl like charlie & alyssa who havent done anything recently)

Keep in mind this is based on their characters, not the content creators themselves! Reblogs preferred to likes!

Keep reading

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