Racetrack Newsies - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Based on actual convo with my friends:

Jack: I’m like a cigarette ‘cause I’m filled with poison and waiting to be set on fire.

Race: I’m like a cigarette cuz’ people are addicted to me 🤪✨

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Me looking up who plays lucifer in hazbin Hotel one day:Oh where have I heard that name before? It's probably nothing.

Me getting into the newsies fandom again: WAIT WHAT.

Me looking up Jeremy Jordon: HE PLAYS WHO?

Me five seconds later:it explains why I love both characters so much.

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6 years ago

Davey: Jack's going to say the wrong thing and get himself punched, can you go after him?

Race: sure, I'd love to see Jack getting punched

Davey: try again

Race: I will stop Jack from getting punched

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6 years ago

Crutchie: what's the difference between me and a trolley

Crutchie: the trolley's useful, ha ha :) :))


Jack: *tackles him in an aggressive hug*

Race, chewing popcorn, watching: a trolley can move

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6 years ago

Jack: smart idea, Race! Was it original?

Race: no, it was my own

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6 years ago

Jack, lovingly looking at Crutchie:


Race: Jack and Crutchie, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I--

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5 years ago

Jack: I want you all to see something important

Jack: *whips away sheet on a whiteboard to reveal the message* look! The human race!

*sheet has a single photograph of Race on it*


Race: aw

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5 years ago

The boys mocking each other

Race: Spot you're so mean

Spot, mimicking him: blrgh I have blond hair

Race, back at him: blrgh I dress like a lesbian

Spot, crosses arms over his red flannel and fixes his combat boots: hey

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5 years ago

Random person: aight so who wears the pants in the relationship

Race: OH so just because we're gAy We have to WeAr PAnTS? HOmOPHoBic baSTarD

Spot, wearily: honey please put your pants back on

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4 years ago

Crutchie, crying:

Race, gently break-dancing his way over to him: what's wrong my son

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7 months ago

spot : Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.

racetrack : If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.

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