Riverbank - Tumblr Posts

Стрекозы на берегу реки. Dragonflies on the river bank.

Дедка европейский или дедка хвостатый (лат. Onychogomphus forcipatus). Июль 24. Dragonfly Onychogomphus forcipatus (Linnaeus, 1758). July 24.

Стрекоза Красотка блестящая (лат. Calopteryx splendens) на листьях белокопытника(лат. Petasítes). Июль 24. The dragonfly Banded demoiselle (Lat. Calopteryx splendens) on the leaves of butterbur (Lat. Petasítes). July 24.

Вечер на берегу реки. Сентябрь 24. Evening on the river bank. September 24.

Моменты из жизни улиток в зарослях мяты на берегу реки. Вечер сентября 24. Moments from the life of snails in mint thickets on the river bank. Evening of September 24.

Where two rivers join

Exploring River Neath
Calan Mai Hapus
Blessed Beltane

This is the bonfire (very small campfire 🔥) I lit today in gratitude and celebration of the start of Summer, and to give my thanks and love to the many gods that hold this day as significant in the Brythonic pantheon, as well as the spirits of this place (the river, mountain and forest), and my ancestors.

As an offering I gave the river a fiery orange crazylace agate stone that I've had for a few years, when my eye was drawn to this tiny spiral in the water, and I found this fossil!

Varanasi / Banaras / Kashi

Daily Spitpaint - 30 minutes