Prejudice - Tumblr Posts

I think this speaks of male entitlement pretty well.
July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 9 • Common mistakes about Loki
Countless. So here are just a few I've heard myself.
•He's evil, "the Norse Satan" (as if Satan was originally evil himself, but that's another story). False. No deity is good or evil, but I guess it's easier to separate rather than consider the whole of reality.
•He's the bad boy of Ásgarðr, rebel without a cause, always messing around. False. He definitely knows how to create Chaos, and enjoys it from time to time, but he mostly loves to travel the Nine Worlds and take good care of his family and his people.
•He's dangerous to "work with". May be true, it wholly depends on your attitude - but isn't that so for any spirit/entity/deity?
•He will destroy your life. False. He will destroy what needs to be burnt, only to let what really matters grow free. That may include a huge part of the false truths you built around and for yourself. but would you rather live in constant denial of who you are?
•He will lie to you. Absolutely false. He will tear you apart with the hardest truths you never had the courage to face, he'll guide you and show you how to deal with them, and you'll be finally free.
•His devotees are dangerous people. Well. If I may say so myself. Just joking! Us lokeans generally tend to be respectful and inclusive people. You can always find the occasional arsehole, as everywher; but maybe because most of us experienced hard times in our lives, we tend to be compassionate towards others. Of course, Loki also teaches us not to take bullshit from anyone, so if you consider growing tired of your unfairness being a bad person, then yes, a lokean would probably very bad for you.
Art: Loki is scheming the murder of Baldr by joan789 on DeviantArt

It also reminds me of talking to proto-terfs circa 2012-14, like going into a conversation with a friend and bringing up the hierarchy of physical intimidation and implied threats in male spaces and how it effects lower status or marginalized men and having them roll their eyes and say something like "So you're telling me -you're- afraid men will beat -you- up?" or "So you're saying fat people or geeks are the true oppressed class?" It's exhausting.
honestly the reason I'm so confident in myself when I talk about transandrophobia being real is because I remember what it was like to be ace in 2016
any random blog could come out against aspecs at any time. didn't matter what their content or gimmick was. and if they did come out supporting us, they'd be harassed and sent death threats. it even happened to thomas fucking sanders, who was generally seen as beloved before that (at least from what I saw)
the last major aspec discourse I remember seeing in that era was when someone said "it's bad to rape asexuals". that was all they were saying. and so many people arrived from nowhere to say "actually, aces are the ones withholding sex in the first place, which is abuse, so it's fine"
and when people replied to this saying "you're condoning rape. this is rape apologia," these people doubled down, trying to find reasons why it was okay
so now when I hear "transandrophobia isn't real you don't need a word for that" I remember "aphobia isn't real you don't need a word for that" and how the latter spiraled into justifying corrective rape so easily
not only are there no bad languages there are also no bad or annoying dialects
I think it's cool if a cis woman goes on testosterone, or gets top surgery for aesthetic/affirmation reasons, or even gets phalloplasty.
I also think it's cool if a cis man goes on estrogen, or gets breast augmentation for aesthetic/affirmation reasons, or even gets a vaginoplasty.
It is my belief that bodily autonomy doesn't depend on identity. You have the fundamental right to alter your body as the want or need arises, because when you don't own your body absolutely, you own nothing.
“Till this moment I never knew myself.”
Elizabeth Bennet & Mr Darcy

Pride and prejudice, Jane Austen.
Instagram: _idealart
I lived in the US and moved back to M'sia before 9/11, so I remember how things were before, and it saddens me to see my Muslim sisters and brothers suffering injustices for things they were not guilty of. To be persecuted for your beliefs. Stay strong, guys. And to Ela and her friend, I salute you.

I went to the mall, and a little girl called me a terrorist.
My name is Ela. I am seventeen years old. I am not Muslim, but my friend told me about her friend being discriminated against for wearing a hijab. So I decided to see the discrimination firsthand to get a better understanding of what Muslim women go through.
My friend and I pinned scarves around our heads, and then we went to the mall. Normally, vendors try to get us to buy things and ask us to sample a snack. Clerks usually ask us if we need help, tell us about sales, and smile at us. Not today. People, including vendors, clerks, and other shoppers, wouldn’t look at us. They didn’t talk to us. They acted like we didn’t exist. They didn’t want to be caught staring at us, so they didn’t look at all.
And then, in one store, a girl (who looked about four years old) asked her mom if my friend and I were terrorists. She wasn’t trying to be mean or anything. I don’t even think she could have grasped the idea of prejudice. However, her mother’s response is one I can never forgive or forget. The mother hushed her child, glared at me, and then took her daughter by the hand and led her out of the store.
All that because I put a scarf on my head. Just like that, a mother taught her little girl that being Muslim was evil. It didn’t matter that I was a nice person. All that mattered was that I looked different. That little girl may grow up and teach her children the same thing.
This experiment gave me a huge wakeup call. It lasted for only a few hours, so I can’t even begin to imagine how much prejudice Muslim girls go through every day. It reminded me of something that many people know but rarely remember: the women in hijabs are people, just like all those women out there who aren’t Muslim.
People of Tumblr, please help me spread this message. Treat Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, Taoists, etc., exactly the way you want to be treated, regardless of what they’re wearing or not wearing, no exceptions. Reblog this. Tell your friends. I don’t know that the world will ever totally wipe out prejudice, but we can try, one blog at a time.
Can we please freaking normalize that it’s okay for girls to be taller than guys in relationships? that heights really don’t matter that much? that girls shouldn’t have to try and shrink so they’re smaller than the men around them. Because I’m sick of people being like “Oh you only date taller men? You’re so shallow” Because I don’t care about your height guys. I don’t . But society has made you feel like you can’t handle a woman with some height and that it somehow makes you less of a man. I’ve dated guys who have literally broken up with me because I was taller than them. By like an inch. Like that’s stupid. The length of your femur doesn’t define you. Your heart, your personality, your actions, that’s who you are. Your height doesn’t do that.
ask game: 9 with rlainarin? ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
For ash-sokia, for the write a kiss ask game #9: a kiss in public.
Author's Note: This fic started out light-hearted and then took a more serious turn during the writing process. Many, many thanks to cosmere-play, rysn and Priscellie for beta-reading!
Content warnings for classism, speciesism, prejudice
Renarin fidgeted nervously as he and Rlain neared their destination for the evening, a classy new winehouse that had just opened up in an upscale part of the Breakaway market. It was similar to the establishment on the Shattered Plains where Adolin and Shallan had first gone out together. When Renarin had heard about the winehouse, it had seemed like a good choice for their first public date. …Well, a first date somewhere outside of the usual haunts frequented by the members of Bridge Four. Renarin had heard that this winehouse was supposed to have a relaxing atmosphere and a truly impressive list of wines.
Rlain had initially seemed hesitant about the idea, but ultimately he had given in to Renarin’s enthusiasm, and had agreed they should give it a try.
Renarin was so caught up in his own nerves that he almost didn’t notice the odd look that the master-servant at the door gave him as she double-checked his reservation. As they were being shown to a table, Renarin thought he could feel her staring at his back. There were whispers at the tables surrounding them, and someone sniggered. Renarin flushed and tried to ignore it. He’d grown too comfortable in Adolin’s shadow when he was among other Alethi lighteyes, forgetting how much Adolin’s presence protected him from being targeted as the ‘strange Kholin’.
Renarin took his time reviewing the wine lists, which were written out in Alethi glyphs as well as women’s script. Rlain professed that he found the number of choices overwhelming, and asked Renarin for advice. Renarin gladly obliged. As he began sharing his expertise regarding all of the different wines, something in him began to relax. Rlain listened attentively, offering questions here or there, and eventually they settled on some specialty wines from northern Azir. A glass of sapphire for Renarin and a red for Rlain.
The wine really was excellent, and the alcohol took the edge from Renarin’s nervousness. As the two of them continued to make comfortable small talk, Rlain raised a hand in a tentative gesture to request a refill of his water goblet. Renarin noticed immediately when the signal was overlooked by the winehouse staff. He followed up by flagging a servant himself, and the man quickly came over with a pitcher and refilled their glasses. A little while later, the same thing happened again. Then Renarin ordered them another round of wine--orange this time in accordance with the Codes. Another master-servant brought Renarin’s wine over quickly. Rlain’s… didn’t arrive.
Oh. What was happening finally began to sink in. The looks and the whispers hadn’t been about him. Or they hadn’t entirely been about him. Rlain had known, or had suspected this would happen. He’d expressed hesitancy when they’d first discussed the winehouse--pointing out that darkeyes typically wouldn’t be allowed into such a place, and singers had the darkest eyes of all. Renarin had brushed off the concern at the time, responding that Rlain was a Knight Radiant now, and Radiants belonged to a class all their own.
Apparently, not everyone agreed with that sentiment.
He was suddenly deeply mortified, because he hadn’t really spared a second thought about the situation from Rlain’s perspective. Renarin had wanted to go out so that they could have a good time together, but he had caused Rlain pain without meaning to.
“I’m sorry,” Renarin said abruptly, with genuine remorse. “I didn’t mean for our date to turn out like this.” He reached across the table and took both of Rlain’s hands in his own.
Apparently, not everyone had heard the new gossip that Dalinar Kholin’s son and the listener from Bridge Four were openly courting, either. A brightlady at a nearby table gasped and visibly recoiled from them, shockspren forming and breaking in the air around her head. Behind her, a master-servant on the way to deliver wine to another patron forgot her training and nearly fumbled her tray as she stared. And at yet another table, an elderly brightlord in Bethab colors muttered something harshly under his breath, his brows drawing downward as he attracted a bevy of aversionspren.
That was the very last straw. Something in Renarin snapped, filling him with fury. It didn’t often show itself, but he had his father’s temper. Having to witness the insults to Rlain, and to the two of them together, was absolutely intolerable.
Renarin slid his chair out from the table with a long scraping sound that made conversations trail off and drew every eye in the winehouse. Then he rose and walked around the side of the table to stand over Rlain, placing a hand firmly on the back of his chair. He left a trail of bubbling angerspren in his wake.
The listener eyed him suspiciously. “What are you…?”
Renarin drew in a deep breath as he scanned the entire room. Then he attempted to channel his cousin Jasnah as he spoke out loudly, letting the tone of his voice drop to match the temperature of the snow caps outside the tower.
“The wine here is good, and the selection is excellent. But the service is appalling, and the ambiance is even worse. A brightlord’s guest is a brightlord’s guest, deserving to be treated with dignity and respect. No one here is in any position to dare question whom a brightlord of the second dahn chooses to invite out for the evening. Especially when that guest is a storming war hero and a Knight Radiant.”
Renarin looked down at Rlain’s upturned face, and raised his other hand to cup his cheek. He spared a moment to hope that he wasn’t being too presumptuous, then he stooped down and firmly kissed him.
The kiss was chaste, determined, defiant. He meant it to be a deliberate message to everyone else in the room. You can’t ignore us and we’re not going anywhere. This is something you’re just going to have to get used to.
Rlain went very still--not drawing away, but not exactly reciprocating either. It caused a bit of Renarin’s anger to slide sideways. You’re doing this wrong, he told himself critically. He’d been attempting to help, but had just wound up messing things up, as always.
Then the listener’s quiet humming changed subtly, shifting to something calmer. Rlain leaned in and returned the kiss, and Renarin felt himself relax marginally.
When Renarin drew himself back up to his full height again, he quickly spotted the man whose clothing marked him as the head master-servant of the winehouse. He glared and gestured pointedly down at Rlain’s wineglass, still sitting empty on the table. The man got the message, and another master-servant quickly scurried over with the missing goblet of orange wine.
Renarin returned to his seat, his anger slowly dissipating. He felt the weight of Rlain’s gaze on him as the listener sipped at his wine, and it caused a flush to rise in his face. “I’m sorry,” Renarin apologized again, as the ambient noise of the winehouse began to resume. “I probably should have handled that differently.”
“Probably,” Rlain agreed mildly. The cadence of the word was unfamiliar, and Renarin wished he understood enough about the rhythms to know which one Rlain was attuning right now. “Still, you chose to speak up, to a room full of lighteyes. I…no one’s ever really done that for me before.” Slowly, he extended a hand across the table. Renarin reached out and took it, twining their fingers together.
Renarin had acted out of anger in the moment, drawing everyone’s attention to them without even asking Rlain what he wanted. That had been a mistake. They were courting now, and situations like this would almost certainly happen again. Moving forward, he resolved to do better.
As they continued to drink their wine in silence, Rlain spoke again. “In my experience, people don’t change unless they’re given a reason. I love Bridge Four, but they never would have let me carry a spear if I hadn’t made a point of asking first.” He looked up and met Renarin’s eyes. “So yes, I’m willing to make lighteyes uncomfortable if it causes some of them to confront their own perceptions of the singers. If there’s a chance that it results in one tiny step towards singers being more accepted at Urithiru.”
Renarin nodded thoughtfully. Then he smiled at Rlain. “Making lighteyes uncomfortable is kind of my specialty.”
Rlain smiled back at him. “I appreciate that. Now why don't we take a look at the wine list again. I’d be interested in trying that vintage from Tu Bayla….”
Slytherins & Prejudice (Tangent/Rant)
I’m gonna be honest here. I think Slytherins tend to be misunderstood. Well technically we see the more ‘darker’ side in the books, and that’s partly because Harry ended up as a Gryffindor instead, so we never really got to fully see what it was like.
Maybe I’ve just been reading too much fanfiction, but I think we’ve all been there once or twice. I recall when first reading the books that I didn’t really like Slytherin. Of course, this was due to Draco Malfoy’s entrance, and the prejudice against the actual house.
Funny thing, I actually took the house quiz back then on the website and got Slytherin. I couldn’t believe it, how could I be a part of the evil house? Wouldn’t I be better in Ravenclaw? The second time I took it, I became a Ravenclaw, but that isn’t the point. It isn’t, because the cast only get sorted once, and that meant that technically only my first one counted. Slytherin.
I’d imagine you probably know it by now as we’ve all grown. Slytherins are ambitious people, with big dreams and the desire to pursue it. Not necessarily a bad thing. For me, my interests lie in a thirst of knowledge, and trying to be the best. Well that’s kind of weak, but what do you expect of a kid?
But the point is, technically, all houses have bad counterparts to them. Bravery can just as easily be dumb recklessness. Loyalty can just as easily be blind devotion. Ambition can lead to greed. Intelligence can lead to arrogance.
Honestly this is the kind of thing you learn when you grow up. That you realize that they’re just kids, and probably repeating what their parents told them (god knows I have), and wouldn’t know right from wrong. It doesn’t help either that they kind of become seen as ‘antagonists’ (is it wrong that I can see Ron being angry at Harry for either being sorted or almost sorted into Slytherin? If I recall correctly, he was also angry at Harry for ‘joining’ the TriWizard Tournament thing despite how Harry kept trying to tell him that he didn’t even want to. You see my point?).
Now, I can’t actually remember that time they were polyjuiced and went into the Slytherin dormitory, but I’m gonna be honest here. Fanfiction. I can’t even say that some of them don’t bring up good points about Slytherins being prejudiced against for their parents actions, or just because they’re in that house that people jump to conclusions and hate them regardless of what they try to do. Literally there are so many moments in the actual book series of the students hating on Harry and jumping to conclusions (wasn’t there the Parselmouth thing where they accused him of setting the snake onto this one guy- not to mention I’m pretty sure they thought he might’ve been the heir of Slytherin, even if he wasn’t in the actual house itself). I think that speaks enough of how the students think of him, and it’d likely only be worse for Slytherins.
Not that some of it isn’t deserved, but okay, look at Andromeda Tonks. She was a Slytherin, and technically was disowned due to marrying a muggle-born. And maybe that doesn’t exactly prove my point, but hey, Merlin’s apparently a Slytherin too. There can be good ones, the house doesn’t just provide Death Eaters and whatnot!
My point is.. Slytherins aren’t all that bad and I kinda think they deserved better, but what can you do when a Dark Lord who comes from Slytherin spouts blood-purist shit and was so infamous that everyone knew who he was, and seemed to mainly only attract other Slytherins to serve him??
Anyway, I’m kind of biased, I have a love for Slytherin Harry, blah blah blah. Also fuck J.K. Rowling (because someone will probably read this and think I support her just because I like her books, haha she’s never gotten my money, I read from school libraries.), we don’t support her in this household, I just like reading the fanfiction.
If I find any of y’all being rascist or homophobic or shitty in general , I’m gonna find out where you live and eat your peice by peice whilst you’re in sleep paralysis ;)
And btw you can't be an X-Men fan but be racist, homophobic or in general discriminate any social minority. I mean, bro you are literally the villain of the story💀




Shimanami Tasogare
It is an amazing manga with an almost entirely LGBT+ cast and talks a lot about gender identity, sexuality and troubles faced by those within the LGBT+ community (especially for younger members). Also it is fucking BEAUTIFUL.

Kamatani Yuuki’s use of imagery and visual metaphors never fails to take my breath away.
Please just read the damn manga.

The brain does not magically mature at 25. Actual neuroscientists note some 8-year-olds even have a greater "maturation index" than 25-year-olds. The myth misunderstands basic neuroscience but is still used for anti-trans policymaking like the Cass Report.
absolutely. bo-katan’s clear prejudice against the followers of the ancient way calls into question anything she says about them. there’s little to no evidence so far that din’s beliefs are hurting anyone. any time someone says the word “cult” they really just mean “religion i don’t like”.
mandalorians can definitely be compared to different groups of people in our world. “you’re not really mandalorian because you don’t do xyz” is a lot like “you’re not really christian/progressive/muslim/american because you don’t believe xyz”. in reality, there’s no such thing as a “real” or “fake” mandalorian. (now you’ve gotten me thinking about all the parallels between prejudice against mandalorians and prejudice against people in our world... i’ll have to post about that at some point.)
yeah, could be a geographical thing. i think mandalore proper actually is in the outer rim, but i’m not sure how close it is to all the planets din’s been to. the outer rim is a big place.
i don’t think we should be quick to trust anything bo-katan says about the children of the watch.
the main thing i’m suspicious of is her claim that they’re a fringe group. maybe they were in the clone wars era, but they’re clearly the dominant mandalorian faction right now. we know this because literally everyone in the show, not just din, thinks all mandalorians never take off their helmets. that perception wouldn’t be so widespread if the helmet thing were only practiced by a small group of religious zealots. i mean, this is galaxy-wide common knowledge. it’s not just din being sheltered by a cult.
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The Mosquito's Sting: A Tale of Boundaries Challenged
Once upon a time, in an enchanted kingdom, there was a mosquito that carried West Nile fever. This mosquito bit a wealthy man and a poor one, a Jew and an Arab, a white person and a black person, women and men, heterosexual cisgender and LGBTQ+ individuals. The story tells how people created protective barriers and divisions between themselves, but nature, in the form of the mosquito, pierced through these barriers and showed how easily something from each of them could seep into the other, revealing how arbitrary and temporary all these defenses and boundaries truly were.
The king of the kingdom ordered the mosquito to be locked in a golden cage and asked the wisest person in the kingdom, a little girl who understood the language of all animals, to talk to the mosquito. The girl listened to the mosquito's story and told the king the moral lesson that the mosquito had taught. Instead of punishing the mosquito, they made it an important minister in the kingdom. The royal physician healed the mosquito, and the kingdom's scientists transformed it into a beautiful prince.
The prince married the girl when she became old enough. She was the only one who saw the wisdom in the simple mosquito that had only come to sting. To everyone's surprise, as they did not know enough about science, it turned out that the mosquito was actually female. So, the wise girl ended up marrying a mosquito princess who loved to wear princes' clothes. The two of them lived happily ever after, a bit distanced from all other humans who were unwilling to give up the barriers and divisions that separated them.
When the people discovered that the mosquito was female and had married a woman, they wanted to punish her. However, the girl, who was once a wise child, ran away with the mosquito princess to the mountains. There, they lived happily, far from people's eyes and the fears that drove society. They listened to animals, studied life principles with them, trying to deeply understand their languages. Over the years, they published scientific papers that were meant to bring human society closer to their compassionate worldview, which looked broadly at life as one intertwined woven fabric.