Sad Stuff - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

broken eternity

tw // death

drarry microfic:

draco managed a minuscule yelp through his eternal despair, as he slumped against harry’s cold, hard, shaking body on the floor. with one hand tightly gripping the corner of his lower right abdomen, draco had his eyes shut as the pain that echoed from his belly button started inflaming his appendix, too. harry looked down at the anguished blond on his lap, as he raised his palm to caress draco’s cheeks while there was still life in his body. a hot tear drop jogged down his cheek, before another, and another, and another drowned draco’s face below. silence filled the air. not one bestowed upon silk, not one to appreciate. this silence made the air cold, as though daggers flamed through each corner of the room. silence that reminded the two men the candle was dripping, and soon it would vanish. silence that reminded them that time was soon to be out.

“you never told me you had appendicitis, draco” harry managed through his cries.

“harry..i-” but draco could feel his voice faltering. the life in his body slowly escalated further and further off until he could feel it only at the tip of his fingers, barely able to grasp back.

“i love you” draco slurred, and suddenly all the pain he felt vanished as he let his eyes take one more look at the man he’s come to love since the tender age of 15, before closing in termination. his ears could only pick up the hue of a hospital van, and the vociferous cry of his husband above him. it was too late.

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6 months ago

If you want you read this proceed with caution.

Tw: Suicide, abusive relationships, forcing someone to do something


I’m done. I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to end this tonight. I was glancing at the clock every five seconds waiting for it to turn 8:30. They’re always on time. My phone suddenly started ringing. I take a long sigh and brace myself.

“Why THE FUCK did you not send it to me.”

“Because I dont want to show my body anymore!”

This has been happening for 3 years now. Them, my parents and school has pushed me over the edge.

“You KNOW I need them”

“NO you WANT them.”

I try to keep myself calm. I hate to say it but I love them but they’re taking advantage of that now. I don’t know why.




I think I’m going insane but can you blame me…Probably. I hang up and then FaceTime them.

“I’M WAITING” I said

They look at me like I was crazy but they grabbed their pills like their pride would die if they didn’t do it.

“Go on!” I say with a stern voice.

They’ve gone eerily silent. Tears stream down their face as they bring up the plethora of pills to their mouth. They shake their head as the pills enter their mouth. I watch them swallow the water. I realize that I feel nothing at this moment.

“Lay down on your bed and try to sleep. I heard that dying in your sleep is the best way.”

I watch them lay down and prop their phone on their night stand facing them.

“I’m going to hang up now.”

“No… can you stay till I go to sleep?”They say that in a whisper voice.

We both talk calmly like everything is normal. They stopped crying and their face is blank. This doesn’t feel like reality anymore.


I lay back on my bed and stare blankly at the screen.

An hour past and I realized that they aren’t moving anymore. I call their name a few times and I hear nor see a response. I sit up a little and say.

“Goodbye… See you in hell.”


I made this because I'm scared that I'd make someone do this. I tend to get physically abusive and do things crazy and Impulsive when I'm mad so hopefully if I express this ith words it won't come into reality. I really wanted this story to feel empty to hopefully I achieved that. :)

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11 months ago

I need this with Stevie );

We've Been Dancing With Mr. Brownstone

We've Been Dancing With Mr. Brownstone

各位不要吸毒喔 對身體不好還浪費錢🤩

We've Been Dancing With Mr. Brownstone

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OMG! I cant even fucking imagine the sad situation of April falling in love with one of the turtles, they kiss, things are all happy and sweet and then next thing happen, she would get killed off either by shredder or Karai of all villains. We would all lose our shit, and scream and cry for weeks! Honestly, it would scar me for a while if that ever happens in the reboot. Just seeing our hero in a half shell finally getting the love and acceptance from a woman he deserves, a kiss scene, maybe a passionate sex scene or two, and then gets brutally stabbed afterward and dies in the turtle's arms after the final fight. Uuugh! That better not happen! If it does, we'd be fucking raging!

OMG! I Cant Even Fucking Imagine The Sad Situation Of April Falling In Love With One Of The Turtles,

@raisin-shell @kawaiibunga @nikitaboeve @cowabunga-doll @selfless1978 @turtle-babe83 @foreignbrunette @exovapor @dai-su-kiss @turtlesmakemehappy @roxosupreme @angelcatlowyn @raphslovemuffin80 @raphsweapondealer @thelaundrybitch @mrsjigsaw @mysticboombox @post-apocalyptic-daydream

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8 years ago

do you remember

But the truth is that I miss you like a hole in the head, the way Hachiko waited for Professor Ueno years after his death. How the moon orbits the earth but could never touch it. I miss our late night conversations and I miss us talking about school and life and  games and songs and the virtues of eating instant noodles at 1 am; I miss our goodnight ritual where we competed to send 3 zzz emojis to each other and you know it was stupid but I miss it. I miss all the advice you gave me and do you remember the time when we went out for ice cream and afterwards we sat in the library talking about personality types; do you remember our bus journey back afterwards because I remember sitting with you at the back, I remember everything. I remember you told me you didn’t want to join council but rather the soccer team and I remember saying that was a pity but I was glad you were chasing your desires. I miss when I told you I didn’t know how to deal with dating in general and you laughed when I said I wouldn’t know if there was a specific time to water the boyfriend, or something. But all these memories are memories for a reason so I don’t know why I’m still sad, why there is still a hole in my lungs when you were supposed to be over 4 months ago. I miss you and I hope you’re happy but you probably are because you don’t have to help this mess of a girl who still doesn’t know how to deal with her self-esteem issues. I wish we still existed. I really, really do.

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1 year ago
Oficially Posting My First Drawing!! I Drew A Sad Van Gogh From Clone High, Where He Seems Really Anxious

Oficially posting my first drawing!! I drew a sad Van Gogh from Clone High, where he seems really anxious and scared. I have a headcanon where the pink bunny stuffy is his confort item <33 // Oficialmente postando meu primeiro desenho!! Desenhei um triste Van Gogh de Clone High, onde ele parece estar bem ansioso e assustado. Tenho um headcanon onde a pelúcia do coelhinho rosa é seu item de conforto <33

Oficially Posting My First Drawing!! I Drew A Sad Van Gogh From Clone High, Where He Seems Really Anxious

I got it from this drawing i saw not so long ago (idk who is the artist, i'm sorry) (ider if this bunny was used in an episode, i think i'm having a déjà vu :P) // Eu o peguei desse desenho que eu vi não faz mt tempo (eu n sei qm é o artista, dscp) (nem lembro se esse coelhinho foi usado em um episódio, acho q estou tendo um déjà vu :P)

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1 year ago
Never be angry or sad.
Have no reaction.
Be nonthreatening.
Be agreeable.


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2 years ago



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2 years ago

Regulus POV

As he turned the corner, Regulus saw James standing there, in the moonlight, staring up at the stars. He looked so peaceful. Slowly, he turned to leave, but the other boy called out, “stay.” And so he did. He would do anything for James, no matter what, which was why he was here in the first place.

To say goodbye.

“James,” regulus said, his voice coming across normal, even though he felt like a raging storm inside, messy and strange, but empty. “Regulus,” James replied, turning to face him, “I haven’t seen you in ages.” Regulus realised that this was a bad idea, he couldn’t do it, but he was here, so he spoke, “I know. I just wanted to say goodbye.” James went to speak, opening that beautiful goddamn mouth of his, but regulus kept talking, “I wanted to say that you were the only thing that brought me true happiness, that you were the reason I believed in love, and that I still love you. So much James, so much.” He could feel tears forming, but he fought to keep them from falling. “Reggie, whatever you’re going to do, don’t.” Said James, taking a step towards regulus, his face broken into a million pieces. Oh, he could always tell when something was wrong, when stuff just wasn’t right, hopefully he can find someone who appreciates that just as much as regulus does. “I can’t James,” he said, trying not to just give in and run towards him, “I have to.” And then, he apparated away

James’ POV

Suddenly, regulus was gone, leaving James standing out there, in the cold, confused, sad and broken. It hurt to see him, his darling regulus, after all those months, but he still shone just as brightly to James. Something was wrong though, that much he could tell, and he knew he had to check on him. So James went back inside the flat he shared with Sirius and found the one thing he kept of regulus’, the one object that was so familiar to both of them, that they would know it even after death, a golden snitch. He grabbed it and whispered a spell, and it started tugging him in a direction.

James ended up at the entrance of a cave, the treacherous waters crashing against the rocks, this had to be the wrong place, but the snitch kept tugging, only this time stronger, so he followed it. It got to a point where he had to conjure a boat, and sail through the water, towards an island, where he could see a silhouette of a person being dragged down by cold, mutilated hands, and he jumped out, running towards the other boy. “REGULUS,” he shouted, “REGGIE.” He got to the body, and dragged it out of the grip of the creatures, but it was limp and cold, his lips blue and his face deathly pale.

As James cradled the body of the boy he loved, he sobbed, and screamed, the sounds tearing themselves out of his throat. Why had he done this? Why had his beautiful, darling, lovely regulus done this? Later, much later, he would find out, and his already broken heart would break even more, but he didn’t know that at that moment, so he kept screaming, and sobbing, and holding his one true love.

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