Natalie Rushman - Tumblr Posts
natasha: i just thought he needed to listen to common sense and reasonable discourse
steve: please tell me those arent the names of your fists
natasha: theyre actually my feet
natasha: i'm more of a kicker
Wish You Well
Inspired by Song of the day
Pairing: Natasha x Fem!Reader
Words: 252
Warnings: Endgame spoilers!!
You reminisced about her eyelashes, so luscious and long. They would stand up just right, the bold black they presented made them even more impressive. You remembered the first time the both of you met, you asked where she got her lashes done then stood in shock when she claimed they were her own.
What a great first impression.
You felt her ghosted lips on yours, craving the feeling again. You’d imagined them meeting yours for so long. But you couldn’t help it, her lips were just the right shade of pink. Not to mention, they were so full and tasted like candy.
Now, every time you ate cotton candy, you thought of her. Her, and her outstanding eyes, the same green optics that reminded you of a cat. Then, you thought of her cat-like reflexes. How fast and sneaky she was. And how amazing she looked in that tight, midnight black super suit of hers.
She had these fantastic red bunches of hair that would frame her face oh so perfectly.
Gosh, how you wondered what she could be up to at that moment. Her perfect face surrounded by her ideal hair. Because the last time you saw her eyes, they were glossy. Her eyelashes had been coated with her tears. Her lips had peanut butter sandwich crumbs.
You queried how long this minute would be. Because you couldn’t stand waiting another second of hoping. Hoping that she was alright where she was…
Wishing she was well up in the clouds.
Could you do New Years clintasha if you have time/ are still doing the list? Xx P.S. your fics are really good!!! Xxx
Request: Could you do New Years clintasha?
Inspiration: Death Bed by Powfu
A/N: Omg, you’re such a sweetie, of course! <3
Warnings: Angst with some fluff
Words: 916
“Clint, don’t you dare.” The former Russian assassin warned, but this time it was different.
This time she didn’t scold him for making a stupid quippy comment. This time she didn’t scold him for putting too much whipped-cream on his ice cream sundae. This time she couldn’t scold him for spraying that same whipped-cream all over her face.
This time, Clint couldn’t laugh at his girlfriend’s reaction to his ridiculous actions.
Agent Barton lay unconscious on Doctor Cho’s hospital bed. After the events that just happened, Helen wasn’t sure how to tell “The Girlfriend”. At least what the couple were dubbed at the moment.
It has been at least 2 months since the rumour of Barton and Romanoff dating spread around Coulson’s team. But what a shocker, he let Cap in on the news. And even though Steve was trustworthy, he couldn’t keep this information secret… So, he soon passed it over to someone who you know can trust. Bruce. Which all that mess resulted in poor Banner’s state.
“Can you believe Tasha and the Hawk are together?” The scientist blurted out, forgetting he was specifically told not to say a word about it. Tony looked up from the Spiderman suit adjustments he was working on for Peter. “I’m sorry, what?”
Now, if there was one person you’d like personal (Secret) information to slip out in front of, it wouldn’t be Tony. That Stark told the world he was a reckless man in forbidden technology, he can’t keep a secret for the life of him. Especially if he can cause drama in the compound.
Bruce mentally swore as he stammered for a cover-up, failing and making a fool of himself in front of the Playboy.
For the rest of the day, Bruce AND the Hulk were frightened that Tasha would find out and murder him. Of course, the team would never let that happen, but Natasha surely had her ways.
Natasha choked on a sob, tilting her head up to the sky to help prevent the tears pooling in her eyes from falling. No one has ever seen her in this state before, so fragile and worried. “Clint, please,” Her voice was barely above a whisper. It looked as if she were to break into a million pieces any minute.
Steve looked at the former Russian assassin with sad eyes, pitying her unfortunate soul. Looking at the time, the super-soldier took a deep breath.
He’s sat with her and Clint for about three hours now, he was getting weak from watching Barton’s heart monitor beep slower and slower by the moment.
“You’re allowed to leave you know,” The widow’s scratchy voice filled the room with something other than hiccups and hospital machinery. Steve sighed, “I’m not sure if I should leave you in here alone,”
“I’m not alone.” Natasha rested her chin on her fists, her knuckles turning white. Steve sighed once again but didn’t protest. Leaving the enclosed room, he shut the door behind him softly and turned to the rest of the team in the living room.
“She’s not coming out,” Tony nodded, not paying attention to what Cho had said but instead thinking about Clint.
Natasha thought about their moments together as the clock got closer to midnight. Their previous New Years…
Tony walked into the living room, champagne and a slim wine glass in hand. “Y’all ready for new years?” He flopped on the couch and watched whatever show the two assassins had put on. Clint looked towards the mechanic, “Of course! We can finally get over this stupid year,” Tasha chuckled at his words, her way of agreeing to the correct statement.
She now prayed to someone she didn’t even believe in for Clint to live these last couple of minutes… She wanted him to finish this one last year.
Tony popped his head in the room, his anxiety spiking at the sight of one of his best friends unconscious before him.
"Tasha, it's almost midnight…" he crept up behind her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Would you like a drink?" His voice cracked. Tony wouldn't dare show his pain in front of anyone. And there was no way he would break down in front of Natasha when she was struggling to keep strong herself.
"I'm good," She whispered loud enough for Tony to hear. Tony gave a small tap on her shoulder, stalling. "Common Nat-" he was cut off.
"I'm fine." This time her voice was firm and husky. Tony's hand fell down her back and quietly shut the door behind him.
Now, it was five minutes till midnight. Natasha Romanoff was getting closer to Clint's side with every minute.
"Common, Clinton, I need you," her chest was stuck, her breath hitched in her throat, her lips pressed against each other, denying her salty tears entrance.
The clock ticked once again, leaving another minute in the past… leaving another heartbeat behind.
The widow rested her head on the bedside, her hand intertwining with Clints.
11:59. One more minute.
The pink, puffy eyes made their way to the analog clock above the window.
The beeping slowed.
The stars outside looked so peaceful…
Another beep brought Natasha back to reality.
The line crossed the heart monitor.
Natasha broke down…
Kissing Clinton Barton's lips at midnight, her tears dropped to his cheeks.
Wiping them off with a smooth yet shakey stroke, Natasha Romanoff told him her last words.
"Happy New Year, Clint,"
Natasha: My head hurts
Yelena: That's your brain trying to comprehend it's own stupidity
Natasha: I can't believe this.
Y/N: believe what?
Natasha: that you'd do this to me,,
Y/N: what did I do-
Natasha: [sees a dog]
Natasha: [high-pitched Russian babbling]
Tony: did you know that when spiders mate, the female usually eats the male
Natasha: I was aware in grade 8.
Peter: you think you're childhood was hard?
Peter: try having your mother sing Russian lullabies to you each night.
Peter: better yet, let her sleep with a gun under her pillow.
Peter: TRY IT.
Screw The Pancakes

Imagine: Waking up next to your wife, Natasha
The little voice pulled you out a slumber.
This time louder and more impatient. Looking through your eyelashes, you could zero in on a little girl who seemed to be a spitting image of both you and your wife.
This time now fully awake, you quickly snatched your daughter from the ground, lifting her over you. Her giggles filled the air while someone grunted next to you.
"What are you doing up, little missy?" You teased, planting sloppy kisses over her face. "It's pancake day!" She shouted, Saturdays were always pancake days.
You heard a soft groan from your left side, it belonged to your wife. The one and only Natalia Alianovna, your wife.
Putting a finger to your lips, you and your daughter watched as Tasha snuggled into your side, trying to nuzzle her head between your stomach.
Your daughter leant down carefully. "Mama?" She whispered softly, moving a bit of your wife's gorgeous red hair from her face. "Mom?" She asked again, this time tilting her head.
"How about you go downstairs and get out a bowl while I wake up your mother?" You pulled yourself up a little bit, lifting your little girl off your lap and back on the ground.
"Loki Doki!" She nodded enthusiastically, clearly excited about pancake day.
Once you watched her leave the room, you turned over to face the sleeping beauty. "Hey, Tasha, it's wakey time," you smile at her, caressing her cheeks lightly.
A small whine escaped her lips as you softly woke her to sobriety. "It's pancake day," You pushed your limits with the assassin, chuckling like your daughter had.
"Screw the pancakes." Your chuckle soon turned into a full laugh at the grumpy widow's morning bedside manner.
"Shut up," Natasha grumbled into the pillow, "You're too loud." You snatched her comfort pillow and watched as she groaned some more.
"Wake up, your daughter wants pancakes." You smirked at the mess of red hair in the black tank top snarled at you.
"Screw the pancakes…" She whispered once more before forcefully throwing her face into the mattress.
Note to self: It's impossible to wake up Tasha before 8 o'clock.
Sad boi hours.
Cr. @laufteyson on Instagram