Shrug - Tumblr Posts

In love with my very self indulgent kevaaron mood board because I’m very not normal about them

i thought someone would appreciate seeing my cat

anyways anyway uh silly! they are so silly and yes tgay are holing hands or smth aajsbdhuwakjk

your honor, they might be gay .. !

briteBeans │ ★★★★✩
close to uBrite campus, coffee stale, open late tho. GO DRAGOOONS!!! 🐉🐉🐉

realism attempt? didn't really like the lips on the face and uncanny valley was hitting hard, so
meat cube.
(i also used a david tennant pic as a ref lmao)
Edward: Alright everyone, synchronize your watches! Percy: I don’t know how to do that. Thomas: I don’t wear a watch. James: Time is a construct.

Flight Rising bust for @univorn-art
Watching Melissa Etheridge and Dolly Parton sing “Jolene” - with plenty of longing, lord! - after reading this gave me chills.
I’ve always loved dolly parton’s Jolene and I finally realized why
the song isn’t about a woman terrified of losing her husband to another, more beautiful woman
the song is about a woman transfixed with desire for a red haired woman named Jolene whose voice is “soft like summer rain”
and the only way she can voice that desire is through a plaintive entreaty not to “steal her man”
an entreaty during which “the man” is never described, while line after line praises Jolene’s beauty and allure
and in which the singer admits to Jolene “my happiness depends on you” and “I could never love again”
it doesn’t matter that after each stanza on Jolene the singer quickly inserts a hetero relationship
because it’s all there in the song, and how it’s not called Don’t Leave Me [insert generic man name] or Don’t Take my Man
it’s called Jolene
and you can’t sing it without lingering yearningly on her name over and over again
what ultimately terrifies the singer is not her man leaving her for Jolene
but what happens after the man has left
and she still can’t stop singing about Jolene
what happens when there’s no tenuous hetero relationship in place which can cloak her very real, very queer desire
for a woman whose “beauty is beyond compare”
Pepper is a Problem
Episode 3 of Dangerous Romance introduced a few new contestants for Bangkok's Shady Schmuck of the Year and I'm here to debrief.
Already in play were Kang the bully, that treacherous teacher, the skin-burning goons, and Kang's sus dad. The latter hasn't technically done anything that we know of but ... he makes me itch. Something is wrong with that dude. The bad parenting alone keeps him in contention.
So the field was already pretty crowded but the powers-that-be decided we needed more threats/contestants.
First up, Mark - the racist sexual predator - and his lackeys.

Note: he did NOT say "handsome."
Honestly, I'm surprised this storyline doesn't come up more often, because sadly this is what comes to mind for me when thinking of foreign tourists in Thailand. Anyway, Mark and gang were definitely in the running but they lost major points for not being able to spot them in that alley.
However, Name has emerged as a frontrunner. I do not like that man.
Disclaimer: Pepper - the actor - is probably a genuinely nice guy. I heard he's dating Lookjun from OF. Good for them. But this isn't the first time he has played a character that gets on my nerves, so at the end of the day ...
Pepper is a problem.
What we know about Name so far:
Within the month that passed since the aforementioned skin-burning goons last showed up to get their regular payment from Saifah, Name managed to take over this loan-shark's business and was going around to his debtors to let them know there was a new Sheriff in town.
He went to school with Saifah and played football with him but doesn't seem to recognize him at first. (This is important because it makes me wonder how he recognizes Sailom straight-off at the restaurant later.)
And while Name was clearly there to intimidate and even flashed his piece, I wasn't too sure how seriously to take him as a potentially violent villain. Pepper and his pouty lips initially made it difficult for me to see the thug in him. I was leaning more towards spoiled loser comes into a bit of money and thinks high-interest loans are easy passive income. Plus, BL may have definitely has tainted my brain and I was wondering if Saifah and Name might be a third couple for a second.
However, I have fully scrapped that theory now. No, Name has got that pimp energy. He walked into that restaurant, saw Sailom socializing with foreigners, and immediately went into Bitch-betta-have-my-money mode.

This punk was so upset that he had to turn around and go home. That's not normal. Low-rent Sallie Mae should not be this dismayed that the little brother of a person who owes him money MIGHT be having a good time with some tourists. I repeat, that is not a normal response to this situation.
But that's how pimps think, and I don't like pimps. And, while I feel that people should automatically assume that "I don't like pimps," I am going to explicitly affirm it, because the movie Hustle & Flow really conned some folks into thinking pimps are humans too.

Pimps have no redeeming qualities and SHOULD have it hard. If it is safe to do so, kick a pimp today!
Okay ... back to the Pepper problem. I wish him nothing but misfortune as he vies for the title of "Bangkok's Shady Schmuck of the Year" and my money is still on Kang's dad to finish strong.
diversity win!! these ninja GAY!!!

free to use discord emotes, with credit ofc; individual pairs under cut


Yapping below the cut
I didnt have anything concrete for day three so just went with this: lacerations, my oc uhhhhh i dont remember his name. Surf's father, canon that he was sort of abused for leaving his tribe
Really basic and bland sketch but i have been *sick* and very drained from work sigh
Short rant but yah

sniff, was feeling spacy and violent today, if you couldnt tell
for the blinkie lovers and followers! :3
one of my beloved friends (very autism) was in.. not denial but ignorance sounds mean. but that abt themself last time you brought up the raads r test so i sent it to the gc (full of autism) and they were like psh. fake test no one could get below 100. they know now but i think about it so much
The thing is. When you take the autism test. And you see your score is in the 100 to 160 range. You think. Oh this is probably the middle? Middle autism. Tinge of autism. Your relatives calling you bright but shy autism. Just a whiff of autism. And then you see the score ranges. And you go. This test is lying to me there is absolutely no way the majority of people score under 65. The 65 number is such a low cutoff and so many of these experiences are clearly universal a score under 65 is something they made up in a lab. People who score under 65 are obviously scoring just under that mark from 59 to 64 and they’re also obviously lying or purposely misrepresenting their experiences as less severe than they are. And then you find out there are real people who get a 20 or 30 or 7 on it. And you go. Ah
Brennan Lee Mulligan.

a bunch of ww fanart from last month