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2 years ago

Amadeus | Chapter Two: The Elite Eight


Genre: Werewolf AU, slight Fantasy AU, Musician!Reader

Pairing: Bang Chan/Reader

Rating: M

Warnings: violence, gore, weapon usage, sacrifice, injury, chan being too selfless

Synopsis: Chan belongs to the Order of Amadeus who work to keep the kingdom safe from the lycanthropy plague spreading among the populace. You can only hunt so long before you become what you hunt.

Y/N is a violinist in a traveling music troupe-one of the few left in the kingdom. One morning when she is practicing in the woods, a man emerges from among the trees and changes her life forever.

Down a member, the Order of Amadeus continues their mission to end the lycanthropy plague, but their missing member remains in the back of their mind as they narrow in on the worst wolf of them all.

Amadeus | Chapter Two: The Elite Eight

“We have a report out of a small village in the West,” Minho said, placing a small dot on the map spread out on the table. The cases of the lycanthropy plague had grown in the past ten years. At first, The Order of Amadeus was created to try and find a cure for the werewolves. From different herbal combinations to bloodletting to trying to prevent turning, nothing worked.

Unlike previous plagues which were predictable, lycanthropy affected everyone differently. Some were permanently turned, some turned every night, and others only when the moon was full. The Order never knew how to interpret this and it made curing it nearly impossible.

After two years, the First Minister’s son was bitten and disappeared. The Order immediately stopped work on a cure and instead focused on aggressive containment. A team was sent to find the First Minister’s son while another worked on rounding up as many wolves as possible. If they could keep control of the wolves who already existed, they could prevent creating more wolves.

“It seems to be a small pack of between three and five,” Minho said. “It’ll take us most of the day to get there.” He didn’t need to say more before the Order’s elite eight were packing up their things. Knives slid into sheaths, leather guards stretched over limbs, and bullets clicked into the chamber of guns.

Minho was in charge of tracking known packs and new reports. They were prioritized based on the known threat level. Some packs existed deep in the forest and thus were not a priority. However, others liked to make their ways into villages like this one. Small villages were the most vulnerable to a large outbreak.

Chan fastened on his leather guards, noticing how cracked and stretched they had become. He’d been with the Order the longest of the elite eight. He’d signed up when he was just a teenager after seeing his sister get dragged off by a wolf and never come back. Chan always worried–and secretly hoped–he’d come across her eyes one day.

Amadeus | Chapter Two: The Elite Eight

The village was near the border of the kingdom where forest claimed most of the land. Many of the villages in the area were plagued with wolf activity. Chan was certain they had even been to this village before. He recognized the brick belltower as they entered around twilight.

Villagers, of course, armed themselves, but it was rare that someone outside of the Order killed a wolf. Chan scanned over the waried faces of the villagers. Mother’s eyes begged them to protect their children. He looked away and continued forward to the inn where they booked up the remaining rooms and prepared for the night’s hunt.

Laying out their supplies across the small cots, the team worked together wordlessly. They’d done this countless times at inns around the kingdom. Nets, knives, guns, and traps were among their supplies. While the Order of Amadeus plans to capture wolves and keep them alive whenever possible, most of the time, the uncontrollable and wild nature of the wolves made it difficult.

Amadeus | Chapter Two: The Elite Eight

Night fell and the elite eight of the Order of Amadeus gathered. Tying masks over their nose and mouths to quiet their breathing, they glided into the forest. Walking a few feet apart, they spread out among the trees and waited for one of the signs of wolves.

Chan instinctively glanced around at his team. While no one had ever been appointed the leader, he had naturally taken on the role. Everyone knew this was a dangerous job, but he would never let anything happen to them. After losing his only sibling, they had become his brothers.

The signal came. A deep growl came from deep in the forest, but not too far away. Chan’s muscles tightened as he held his hand inches away from his belt where his weapons were fastened. Everyone stood in similar tense positions and waited to hear the wolf’s next move. They tended to stalk and move slowly.

“Backs to the trees,” he said, breaking the silence for only a few minutes. Chan followed his own order and pressed his back into the bark of the tree as his eyes worked to try and spot the wolf in the dark. The last thing they needed was the wolf sneaking up on any of them. In this position, they stood a chance.

Another growl. Closer.

The wolves were intelligent and often retained memories as their wolf selves if they turned at all. However, their human part was nearly completely repressed when they were a wolf. Though, Chan often questioned the assumptions because wolves they came across more than once seemed to recognize them. Something he did know was that the human forms of wolves did talk about the Order.

Rustling sounded and the wolf emerged from the underbrush. It was gray, scraggly, and skinny. Its eyes scanned the men among the trees, a snarl curling its lips. Obviously, this wolf was not part of a pack. It was either newly turned or outcasted.

Chan’s eyes also scanned down his fellow Order members. Everyone stood at the ready, but the wolf could go for any one of them. It was inevitable that the wolf would eventually attack. All of them had been on the receiving end before, but Chan always worried that one would eventually manage to catch someone off guard.

The wolf sprung towards Hyunjin. He quickly deflected using his arm and the thick leather encircling his forearm and bicep. Using the wolf’s momentum against it, Hyunjin was able to dive out of the way and the wolf landed facing off-angle of the tree where it aimed originally.

Quickly, Hyunjin’s lithe form made it to the next tree over where Jisung stood and drew the gun. All eight pairs of eyes focused on the gray form as it raised and turned to face the men of the Order. Its yellow eyes stood still as the creature panted. Even the air halted, the familiar wind in the trees dying out.

A howl erupted from the wolf as it raised its head to the sky. A chorus of howls responded and Chan met Minho’s eyes. This wasn’t a lone wolf.

Everyone seemed to move in unison.

Changbin and Felix kept watch on the present wolf. Jisung, Hyunjin, and Minho all prepared their weapons and tightened their leather straps. Jeongin and Seungmin turned their backs against one another to watch for the approaching pack. Chan watched each group, helping out where he could. Eventually, he too watched the forest.

The wolf paced.

The wolf paced.

The wolf paced.

A wolf with beige-gray fur sprung from the trees and the three prepared members jumped into action. Keeping the first wolf at bay, Chan knew there would be more. Seungmin and Jeongin’s bodies stiffened and their eyes tried to catch the slightest movement, the glint of yellow eyes, or the crunch of leaves beneath paws.

No warning came before three more wolves leaped out at once. Chan took out his knife to keep the wolf snarling at him from jumping. He held it a few feet in front of his neck–usually a wolf’s target–so that if they pounced, the knife would dig deep into its throat instead. Most wolves were smart enough to realize this and would either seek an easier target, or snarl and circle him until they trapped the wolf.

A scream sounded and Chan turned, his knife still held out, and saw a wolf on top of Jeongin. His guard kept the wolf’s teeth from sinking into his skin and the man’s strength was the only thing preventing his demise. Chan knew strength would eventually give out and he sprung towards his friend and fellow Order member.

He was the leader. He sacrifices. He takes risks.

Chan threw his body weight against the wolf. The wolf responded by digging his claws into his armor sending himself and the creature into a struggle. He heard Jeongin trying to yell and distract the wolf, he felt the weight of his knife leave his hand.

The wolf’s teeth aimed for his neck, but he brought his forearm up. The creature’s mouth wrapped around his leather guard. This had happened many times before. The thick leather protected him long enough to earn the upper hand. But, Chan’s guards were worn and cracked. The brown leather became thin.

Chan cried out in a way the Elite Eight of the Order of Amadeus had never heard before. Minho quickly came up behind the wolf and killed it with a swift slice across the beast’s throat. Blood spattered on Chan’s face and across the leather protecting his chest. Though, no one paid attention to the wolf’s blood, but rather the human blood dripping from Chan’s arm.

Amadeus | Chapter Two: The Elite Eight

“You know you might not have been infected,” Jeongin said, his eyes looking at Chan like a village child about to burst into tears.

“You know we have to assume I am,” he said. “I can’t go back to the village until we know for sure. I’ll make a camp and you guys head back to headquarters.”

“We’re not leaving you, Chan.”

The rest of the Elite Eight nodded their heads. Chan had been there for all of them, he had practically raised Jeongin who’d come to them when he was still a schoolboy. Their eyes did frequently wander down to the bandage that Chan’s wound was already bleeding through.

The group stopped since it was the early hours of the morning. They were about a mile outside of the village now. They shouldn’t risk getting much closer in case Chan did turn. Minho turned back toward the group.

“Let’s get some rest,” he said. “We’ll wait a day and think about how to proceed.”

Amadeus | Chapter Two: The Elite Eight

It was just before dawn.

Chan had not slept, but could hear the slow and steady breathing of his friends–his brothers. He could not let them make any tough decisions or put them at risk in case he did lose himself. Truthfully, he was scared, he hunted wolves for most of his life, and now he may become one.

Would he lose all his memories? Would he lose his free will? What if he turned and never turned back? Too many thoughts raced through his head as he grabbed his pack and reached into Hyunjin’s and took the rest of the bandages. Placing them in with the rest of his few belongings, he walked in the direction of the woods.

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2 years ago

SKZ As Your Plus One At A Wedding


Genre: fluff

Warnings: References to drinking

Author’s Note: I feel like this idea just shows how I old I am lmao. Do you have any ideas? They can be ~spicy~, fluffy, or angsty. Send me an ask! 



The best plus one ngl

Would come as a friend or significant other

He’s polite and extroverted so he has no problem fitting in, even if he knows no one at the wedding

Definitely the type to come as support for you if you’re anxious

Probably overdresses because he wants to make a good impression on your friends/family

May accidentally lose track of you because he’s so into another conversation

Excited about the food

Keeps his hand on you the whole time; whether it be a hand on your knee, holding your hand, or gently touching your back as you make your way through the crowd

Will look like he’s drunk on the dance floor even though he didn’t drink a drop

Encourages you to be part of the bouquet toss

Congratulates the newlyweds politely whether or not he knows them personally

If there’s karaoke, get ready for this man to perform the hell out of a love ballad



On the quieter side unless he knows the couple, but even then he will probably stick to your side

WILL turn heads no matter what he is wearing and he is completely oblivious to it

You know in Pride & Prejudice how Mr. Darcy is standoffish and kinda rubs some people the wrong way initially? Yeah, that’s Lee Know. But, don’t worry, any bad impression will be short lived

Probably will only come with you if you’re extremely close or dating

Keeps close watch on you, especially if you’re more outgoing than him. As you flit around from table to table, he’ll admire your natural people skills and charisma. Otherwise, he’s there to make sure you’re comfortable and happy at ALL times

Happy to spend the reception drinking and dancing

Will somehow charm the grandma at the wedding. Probably by being polite when getting food or something

Outside wedding? He will find a cat

Even if there is dancing at the wedding, he will want to leave early

Speaking of dancing though, he will show off his skills before leaving ofc and will probably try to pull you in with him

Will slow dance with you and gently hold you as this is the one type of dance he’s not confident in, especially when its with you

Decent plus one, but will be more comfortable at a wedding where he knows more people than just you



He will pretend not to be upset that you might be taller than him in heels, BUT he also finds it insanely attractive

Ears go red when he sees you all dressed up

His shyer side comes out in a crowd, but if you’re also shy, he will be more than happy to take on a more social role

Polite and probably buys a gift even though you offered to put his name on yours

His surprising romantic side comes out, but does not tamper down his chaotic side as he pulls a flower out of one of the centerpieces for you towards the end of the night

Makes a good impression on everyone despite being a bit nervous about it

Insists on driving you to and from the wedding so you can have a good time without worry

You will probably have to force him to dance with you

Grabs your hand halfway through the ceremony cause he’s romantic like that

Stays to help clean up and definitely offers to take any leftovers

Goes to get you cake and comes back with the biggest possible slice and a wide grin

Pretty good overall and he will be a lot of fun




Unless he knows the couple, you might have to beg and/or act cute to get him to go with you

Might have a drink to help loosen up

Polite, but not overly talkative and does not let you leave him alone

Will dress to impress and likely will want to match you in some way; whether it be matching his tie to your dress or wearing complimentary pieces designed to go together this will be one facet of the wedding Hyunjin will take very seriously

You encourage him to talk more and be more social which he eventually does do as he gets comfortable

When the dance floor opens up is when he truly becomes comfortable and will definitely turn heads with his dancing

Will likely start being his goofy self more at this point

Becomes a bit cuddly and clingy towards the end of the night

Even though he didn’t want to come, the boy is a romantic and will be touched by the couple’s vows and the romantic atmosphere. It will make him feel even more in love with you as the night goes on

He’s a tad shy, but a good plus one



Poor Hannie is soooo anxious and shy cause of his social anxiety :( (it will be better if he’s familiar with the couple or several others at the wedding)

Still, he will go as long as it’s with/for you

Before you leave he will jokingly cover you with his jacket, but it’s his way of saying he thinks you look beautiful

Overly polite at times and may snack a lot to prevent himself from either embarrassing himself or you even though most people seem to find him friendly and charming

Will be relieved when the ceremony starts so that everyone goes quiet and he can just focus on you

Will probably focus on you more than the wedding tbh, he thinks you look so pretty and he’ll have to constantly stop himself from reaching up and fixing a loose curl or adjusting your bracelet

Excited about the cake and he uses that to get through the more social parts of the reception

Will probably dance with you, but might make you act cute for it

Secretly will love the slow dance and it may or may not inspire a new song

By the end, he is starting to enjoy himself more and has probably been accepted into your friend group and is making everyone laugh so hard that other tables begin looking your way

Idk why but I feel like he’s gonna want to stop at McDonald’s on the way home

Lets you fall asleep on him on the way home/to the hotel



Very excited when you asked him to be your plus one

Will spend weeks fretting over what to wear and what to bring with you may have to help him calm down his anxious enthusiasm

Making a good impression on your friends/family is very important to him so he will be extremely polite and friendly. Basically, the king of small talk who keeps the conversation going through the lulls

Might cry during the ceremony, but it depends on the vows and if he knows the couple or not

But, he will bring tissues in case either of you end up tearing up

Will thoroughly enjoy the wedding and will have so much fun dancing and taking part in any and all reception activities

If there’s a photo booth, he’s going to pull you in and the two of you will take cute and funny photos together

As the night goes on and he becomes a little more worn out, he’ll become a little more romantic towards you. He might want to constantly hold your hand or may sneak a kiss on your cheek

Feeds you cake because he’s adorable like that and doesn’t care if others around him think it’s corny

Holds you close during a slow dance and may even softly sing in your ear

Leaves the wedding with more friends

Will make a photo of the two of you from the wedding his phone background for the next few months



Agrees to go with you without hesitation even though he probably doesn’t want to go

Literally breathless when he sees you, but tries to hide it. Though, at some point, he will let it slip that he thinks you look gorgeous

Constantly looking out for you, especially because he notices others noticing you

Casual, friendly, and polite, but mostly keeps to himself

Offers to hold your purse outside the bathroom so that he doesn’t have to talk to strangers

A complete gentleman. He holds doors for you, gets your food and cake, carries your heels to the car after you got blisters from dancing.

May gently place his hand on your knee/thigh under the table both as a comfort to himself and as a way to show his affection as he worried others thought he didn’t care for you (literally no one thought that lol)

If an opportunity arises (or if you force him), he may get up and sing a love song

Will dance with you if you ask, but prefers to sit through the reception or do other things

Weirdly prepared, he has bandaids when a kid fell and scraped their knee and he somehow remembered to grab your lipstick so you could refresh it

Likely won’t drink beyond perhaps a class of champagne during the toast

Just happy to see you happy



Happy to go with you, but worried about what others will think of him

Spends a lot of time getting ready and may even help you get ready too

Will actually give good advice when you’re stuck choosing between two dresses

Everyone is charmed by how sweet and cute he is, especially when he’s around you

Others will notice how he seems so smitten with you regardless of if you two are dating yet or not

Goes bright red when you ask him to dance and kicks himself for not being the one to ask

Probably arrives early enough to help set up and may stay late to help clean up

Will do his best to make you laugh during dinner which only endears him to the rest of the guests at your table

Watches over you if you drink and makes sure you don’t drink too much

Eagerly listens as you point out old friends and family and give him all the tea. Honestly, he couldn’t care less, but loves hearing you talk and seeing you laugh at old memories

As he grows more comfortable in the environment, his trademark brand of sarcastic humor will work its way out

Somehow, by the end of the night, the two of you will end up holding hands

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2 years ago

Amadeus | Chapter Four: The Seven

Amadeus | Chapter Four: The Seven

Genre: Werewolf AU, slight Fantasy AU, Musician!Reader

Pairing: Bang Chan/Reader

Rating: M

Warnings: talk of wound care

Synopsis: Chan belongs to the Order of Amadeus who work to keep the kingdom safe from the lycanthropy plague spreading among the populace. You can only hunt so long before you become what you hunt.

Y/N is a violinist in a traveling music troupe-one of the few left in the kingdom. One morning when she is practicing in the woods, a man emerges from among the trees and changes her life forever.

Down a member, the Order of Amadeus continues their mission to end the lycanthropy plague, but their missing member remains in the back of their mind as they narrow in on the worst wolf of them all.

Amadeus | Chapter Four: The Seven

Seungmin woke up as the first light shone through the trees. He and Chan usually were the first ones up, though, that is if Chan slept at all. There were many mornings when he would wake up and find their leader awake with bloodshot eyes, reviewing maps and the most recent reports.

This morning was different. He heard the soft breathing of his fellow Amadeus member. His eyes scanned down each one. Beside him, Jeongin slept soundly with his dark hair flopping over his closed eyes. Hyunjin and Felix slept closely together. Han and Minho each slept on either side of the fire which was now reduced to gray and black ashes. Changbin lay with his blanket pulled up to his chin, but his feet sticking out. 

Seungmin chuckled at the older man and gingerly walked to the fire to restart it. Grabbing a few chunks of the firewood they had shopped from a stump the night before, he placed it back among the ashes and crumpled up some dry leaves and dandelions he found nearby. Taking the black stone and his knife from his pocket, he led the spark to the base and watched as the fire ignited.

The warmth would likely wake up Han and Minho soon. He glanced over at the end of the camp where Chan had chosen to sleep the night before. His blankets were crumpled and Seungmin did not see their leader among them. Sometimes Chan would get up and go catch something for breakfast or get some more firewood, but considering his injuries and that they planned to eat what they carried and move on that did not seem likely. 

“Chan?” he asked, his voice louder than he would normally make it while everyone was still asleep. Seungmin heard a bit of rustling as he no longer was careful with his footsteps as he rushed to where Chan’s bedroll laid. Leaves crunched beneath him and the normally stoic man felt tears coming to his eyes as he found the blankets empty.

Looking around, he counted the packs and noticed that Chan’s was missing. That gave him a small amount of relief, knowing that he was somewhat prepared. It also meant that their leader had not turned since he likely would’ve woken them and not taken his pack. 

Despite the tears in his eyes, Seungmin hurried over to Minho—who was second in command—and shook him awake. Normally, this is something he would never dare to do because Minho could get quite grumpy. But, when Minho opened his eyes and saw the look on Seungmin’s face, any anger he held at being abruptly woken up dissipated. 

“What’s wrong?” he asked, immediately sitting up and touching Seungmin’s shoulder gently. As the second oldest, he often fell into the habit of taking care of those that came to the Order of Amadeus much too young. 

“Chan—he’s gone.”

It took them about four hours to get a message back to the Order. Even with the quickest messenger from the local village, it was hundreds of miles to the capital city, Seele. The remaining seven members of the Elite Eight regrouped at the inn they stayed at the night before. 

“He took the bandages,” Hyunjin said as everyone went through and emptied their packs. No one else spoke up, indicating he hadn’t taken anything else. 

“His bed was cold,” Minho said. “He likely left not long after we all fell asleep.” His brow knitted together as he tried to figure out what to do. It would take at least another few hours to receive instructions from headquarters. 

“We can’t leave him,” Jeongin said. “He wouldn’t leave any of us.” They all nodded in agreement. Chan would circle the kingdom a hundred times for any of his members. Yet, they had few indications of where exactly he had gone. 

“Changbin, Jeongin, start searching the village and talking to some of the locals to see if they have seen anything. I doubt he came this way, but it’s worth checking.”

The two men nodded and gathered their things. 

“Jeongin, Seungmin, you two wait here for the messenger and review the maps for probable places he could’ve found shelter within a few miles radius.” Minho did not think Chan would’ve gone far. While he was strong and capable of walking long distances and scaling rough terrain, his injuries and the exhaustion he surely felt would’ve limited him.

“Hyunjin, Han, you’re with me. We’ll head back to the forest and see if we can find any traces of him.” Everyone seemed to understand their assignments and within minutes they had fallen into their places.

Amadeus | Chapter Four: The Seven

Chan slept several hours for the first time in weeks. He was prone to bouts of sleepless nights that left his eyes deeply colored with unrest. That morning, he only awoke when Maria walked in carrying a plate with his breakfast—thick oatmeal, berries, and a sausage. Not much, but better than he likely would’ve had otherwise. Even though it was dinner, it seemed Maria had the idea to provide breakfast as if he had truly slept through the night. Chan was disappointed that you were not the one to bring him his breakfast, but he gave the older woman a smile and mixed the berries into the oatmeal. 

“Once you’re finished, we’ll have a look at those wounds,” she said, sitting down near the entrance of the tent. 

“Okay,” he said. “They’re less painful now.”

Maria’s eyes narrowed, but only slightly. She was hesitant to believe him. Though, she knew he was trying to be reassuring. “Good,” she said.

“Y/N said you play the flute.”

Maria nodded. She did not seem like the chatty type, but Chan wanted to see what he could learn from her. You, of course, told him so much, but he knew there were things that you wouldn’t tell him. Mainly, he wondered why a young woman like you traveled with this music troupe. 

You were obviously from the Western mountain region based on your accent and light skin. But, you were pretty enough to be the daughter of one of the wealthy mountain merchants. You should be debuting in the illustrious lodges of the mountains where wolves were still quite rare, instead of traveling with a band.

Much like his own group, he assumed something had happened that pushed you away from your home. The entire group was made up of people who seemed to be far away from where they belonged. 

“How did you come to join the troupe?”

“Chrysotomus?” she asked. 

The word was one that Chan had never heard before and he looked at her with his head slightly tilted as he brought the spoon to his lips again. 

Maria seemed to understand his confusion. “It’s the name of our group.”

“Ah.” He nodded and waited for her to continue on answering the question.

“I’d always loved playing music, but back in my day, women didn’t really do things like this. I settled down and had a family. My boys are all grown up now and my husband died some years ago. When all this wolf business started up, I took the opportunity to travel. At the time, I didn’t really care if I died, I felt I had nothing to live for.”

She paused and her lips formed a thin line with all the color disappearing briefly. “But, then, I found this group and they were all kids. I felt like I had to take care of them.”

Chan gave her a small smile. He’d finished his breakfast halfway through her story, but did not want to interrupt. The older woman was still agile and appeared not that much older than Chan’s parents.

“I can tell they appreciate you,” Chan said, reassuring the woman. He held up his bowl and set it aside. “As do I.”

Maria made her way to Chan’s bedside and began unwinding the bandages around his wrist. The wound was pink instead of red, but he could still see remnants of the blackened outline that was one of the tell tale signs of a wolf bite. 

“Ah, much better,” Maria said, again, paying no mind to the blackened edges of the wound. Grabbing out a clear liquid, she gave him a warning look before pouring it over his wrist. Chan winced as it burned into the wound. The burn thankfully subsided quickly, leaving behind only a bit of bubbling. 

She started rewrapping the wound with a fresh cotton bandage. The smell of the fresh cotton was beginning to become almost comforting in contrast with the irony bloodsoaked bandages when he’d wandered in the woods the night before.

“All right, sit up,” she said. Chan obliged, wincing slightly as he felt the muscles in his chest and abdomen contract, pulling at the wounds. He pulled his borrowed T-shirt over his head and was relieved when he was able to lay back down. 

Maria examined the fresher wound of the two. She applied both the clear liquid and another salv before helping him sit up again so that she could wrap the bandage around his back. As she finished tying off the bandage, you peeked your head into the tent. 

“Hey, is now an okay time?” you asked, seemingly both to Chan and Maria. 

“I’m just finishing up,” Maria said, looking at Chan who suddenly realized he was still shirtless. Even though you’d technically seen him shirtless when you tended to his wounds earlier in the day, his ears turned red and he reached for his shirt and slid it back over his body.

You seemed to pay no attention to his half-nakedness as you came to sit beside him. “I want to introduce you to the rest of the troupe. There’s not too many of us. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be too overwhelmed.”

Chan shook his head. “Not at all, I’d love to meet them.” 

He would’ve met them on your deathbed if it made you smile like you did when he answered. “I’ll be right back.”

Maria gave a sly smile before slipping out of the tent since it was about to get quite crowded. Chan noticed the shakiness in her hands and hoped that she was off to eat something herself.

It took about ten minutes for you to come back with a retinue of musicians following behind you. The tall, dark skinned man Chan recognized as the one who had greeted the two of you when you came back into camp. He stood closest to you and held a fairly indifferent expression, like an older brother dragged somewhere by his younger sister. Chan’s heart ached.

You started with the man beside you. “This is Anton. He’s our de facto leader and plays the clarinet and sometimes bass clarinet.” Next, you motioned to a shorter man with mouse-like features and a balding head. “This is Louis. He plays piano.”

The first two men left after their introductions and pleasantries to make room for the rest of the troupe. You pointed to two women—not too much older than you and Chan—who also appeared to be from the Eastern provinces. Though, based on their features and clothing, they came from the island nations east of where Chan himself came.

“Ayame and Ayaka, yes, they’re twins,” you said, chuckling at the obviously frequently asked question. “They play trumpet and trombone.”

Finally, you came to the last person in line. It was a young boy. He stood to your shoulder, but looked like he would one day be much taller. You placed your hands on his shoulders and smiled. “This is Benji. He’s our percussionist.”

Benji looked at Chan with wide eyes. “Did you really fight a bear?”

Chan chuckled. “Yeah, I guess so.” 

“That’s so cool. Can I see the scratches?”

You quickly looked down at the boy. “Maria just finished bandaging him. Maybe you can help her next time.”

Benji looked slightly disappointed but nodded. You noticed the way the young boy seemed to admire him and were secretly glad that the boy had someone younger to look up to. Anton—while the youngest man in the troupe—was still nearly a decade older than you.

The boy seemed to grow shyer as silence fell on the tent. He said his goodbye and ran from the tent and out into the late afternoon air. You smiled after the boy before sitting back down beside Chan’s bedside. 

“We all kind of take care of him, but he doesn’t really have a role model that isn’t old enough to be his father.” You began gathering up his dishes, which he’d forgotten were next to him. As you stacked things on his tray, Anton came rushing back into the tent. 

“Y/N, we need to pack up. We’re leaving tonight.” 

You scrunched your brows together. The troupe rarely traveled at night to avoid running into wolves, especially when traveling near the forest. It was easier to stay in one place and stay quiet.

“Why?” You asked, glancing over at Chan, obviously concerned on how well he would be able to travel. 

“We just got word from the village. The Order was in town last night and one of them got bitten. They’re missing. We can’t risk staying around much longer.”

Your eyes widened. The Order of Amadeus was the entity that worked to reduce the spread of the lycanthropy plague. It meant there had been enough wolf attacks in the area to warrant their presence, and the fact that one member was now missing was nearly unheard of.

You looked back at Chan again. “Is there room in one of the wagons?”

Anton’s gaze looked past you at Chan. ‘We’ll find room.”

With that, he left, presumably to get everything packed up. You quickly took his dishes from the tent and came back. You started packing things up silently, wetting your lips as the only sign of your nerves.

Amadeus | Chapter Four: The Seven

Chan’s throat went dry. Word had spread. Yet, there seemed to be no suspicion on him, and even if there was, it seemed the troupe did not plan to abandon him on the edge of the woods. He watched as you worked and used his strength to sit up. 

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

You turned to meet his eyes. “Uh, if you can get your bedding rolled up, that would be great. Once we get things in the wagons, I’ll find a space so you can lay down.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my legs. I’m happy to walk.”

“You know that if I allowed that, Maria would not.”

“Now, Christopher, if you want to make yourself useful, roll up your sheets.”

Chan smiled at your stubbornness. It reminded him of Minho, but the thought of what his friend was probably going through right now humbled his thoughts. He dropped to his knees and folded his sheets in half and rolled them as tightly as his bandages.

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2 years ago

SKZ As Your College Boyfriend

SKZ As Your College Boyfriend

Genre: fluff

Warnings: mentions of drinking, slight suggestive content

A/N: I am accepting requests for SKZ reactions and similar writings. Send me an ask!


SKZ As Your College Boyfriend

Definitely one to take home to your parents

In a super intense major that keeps him busy

BUT he always answers your calls and is there to drive you home late at night whenever you need

Gets up early to walk you to class

When I say he is the most supportive boyfriend ever, I mean it. If you pass a hard class, he'll take you to dinner. If you have a big event, he's right there by your side and always telling you how proud of you he is

Can be forgetful during Dead Week and finals, but it's not intentional

Falling asleep on his lap at 10pm while studying/doing homework together

Make a goal to see a certain number of movies or try every boba shop in town so that neither of you has to put too much thought into dates and can fit one in both of your schedules

Likely to move in together for your last year or two

He will randomly do something special like take you to the beach on the weekend or buy you a gift out of nowhere as a reminder that he loves you even though he doesn't always have time for you


SKZ As Your College Boyfriend

Buys you a coffee every morning along with his own

Dates to cat cafes are a common occurrence

Not overly affectionate on campus, but ALWAYS with you

Hates seeing you struggle with homework and will do his best to help you

With that said, he loves bothering you while you study. Whether it be tickling behind your ear or leaning in to kiss your neck, he will take pride in distracting you

Willing to drive/walk you anywhere, anytime just to make sure you're safe

Secretly loves taking care when you're drunk because he can be more lovey dovey without you teasing him (or remembering it the next morning)

Studying dance and invites you to his recitals so he can show off

Buys you gifts to take home to your parents for the holidays

If you move into an apartment together, you bet that you'll soon be adopting a cat together

Will leave you notes in your textbooks, backpack, etc. just to tell you that you're beautiful, intelligent, and that he loves you. It's one of the few ways he outwardly shows his affection


SKZ As Your College Boyfriend

He's always going home on the weekends, so eventually, you just end up coming with him

Going on walks together is almost a daily occurrence and he always holds your hand or gently slings his arm around your waist

Writes you songs because of course he does

Constantly calls or Facetimes you, even if you saw each other two hours ago

Always bragging about his "smart and pretty significant other"

Volunteers with the campus students who will walk others around campus to ensure they get wherever they are going safely

Gets you in trouble in class because he's constantly texting you

Always "orders too much food" and will bring it over to you, so you often end up with free dinner

Binge Netflix together on the weekends

Long late night drives whenever you argue to force yourselves to work it out

Working out together and helps train you if you want


SKZ As Your College Boyfriend

Whiny, but in a cute way

Always makes time for you, regardless of what his class load looks like

Acts like he's annoyed when you show him affection in public, but his ears always go red

Listening to music can be a date with him, especially if in an empty dance studio together. The two of you dance without thinking too much about it and show each other new songs

He's the talk of the dorms when he first moves in, but he makes it obvious that he only has eyes for you

Quiet, domestic days where you wake up late and stay in each other's arms all day are his favorite

Has random bouts of energy or excitement and will drag you along for some adventure which usually ends in you preventing him from getting hurt

Shyly waits outside your last class of the day so he can walk you back and/or you can hang out

Complains that Kkami likes you better


SKZ As Your College Boyfriend

Takes any chance he can to embarrass you with his unabashed PDA and affection

Carries your books/backpack whenever you're together on campus

Share a pair of Airpods so that you can always show each other new music

Communicate through song lyrics a lot tbh

Goes out to bars, clubs, or other social outings with you despite his anxiety just to watch out for you and take you home if you get too drunk

Late night runs to the convenience store for ramen and snacks

Stays up late studying with you and provides lots of encouragement (and caffeine)

Basically share clothes with him at a certain point and it is not uncommon for you to go to class in one of his sweatshirts

He's constantly staying over and has a sort of sarcastic rapport with your roommate

Always, always, always making you laugh


SKZ As Your College Boyfriend

Baking together is a favorite past time for both of you

Video games on the weekends

Encourages you to go to campus events and invites you out a lot, but isn't pushy about it

Helps you with your homework and will show up at the library with brownies during Dead Week and finals

Asks you to read to him to help you get through your required reading (it often puts him to sleep but honestly that's a plus for him)

A nervous wreck when meeting any of your family for the first time, but they all love him ofc

Feed the campus squirrels together

He's basically the only person who actually uses the shared dorm kitchen and constantly attracts people from the building due to the amazing smell of whatever he is making

Facetiming even though the two of you are just down the hall from each other

Late night talks that end in cuddles


SKZ As Your College Boyfriend

The quintessential college boyfriend

Your parents love him

Extremely responsible and doesn't really party or do any of the cliche college kid stuff

His studies are very important to him, but he also always has time for you and supports you in everything you do

Not overly affectionate most of the time, but loves when your roommate goes out of time so he can relax and be as disgustingly cute as he wants without anyone else witnessing it

Lots of good natured bickering and teasing

Will spend hours in the library with you during finals week even if he's finished all of his and could technically go home

Deep talks at random times

Has a secret place he discovered that others either do not know about or rarely visit. Perhaps it's in the library, one of the academic buildings he frequents, or even outside somewhere that the two of you go and share as a little secret between you

Acts like it's an inconvenience to take care of you but literally is always prepared and loves it


SKZ As Your College Boyfriend

Very stylish and dresses up for his classes

Always carrying snacks and sneaks them into your pocket or bag before you go into class

Plays small pranks on you, but never mean spirited ones and they usually end with the two of you devolving into laughter

A bit of a sarcastic flirting style

Switches into Satoori whenever he's complimenting you or being affectionate (particularly in public)

Loves showing you places he loves and takes you back to Busan over spring break

Horseplay is common among you and it gets out of hand once and breaks something

Constantly telling you dirty or suggestive jokes to see you blush

Likes to be taken care of you, but also takes care of you in subtle ways

Can be a bit shy, especially when you're around his friends

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2 years ago

Stray Kids Masterlist

Stray Kids Masterlist

One Shots:


Fancy Dress: CEO AU, smut


Amadeus | Werewolf AU, slight Fantasy AU, Musician!Reader Rating: M Warnings: language, violence, adult themes, eventual smut, the characters are adults so

Chan belongs to the Order of Amadeus who work to keep the kingdom safe from the lycanthropy plague spreading among the populace. You can only hunt so long before you become what you hunt.

Y/N is a violinist in a traveling music troupe-one of the few left in the kingdom. One morning when she is practicing in the woods, a man emerges from among the trees and changes her life forever.

Down a member, the Order of Amadeus continues their mission to end the lycanthropy plague, but their missing member remains in the back of their mind as they narrow in on the worst wolf of them all.


Stray Kids As Your Plus One At A Wedding Stray Kids As Your College Boyfriend Stray Kids Reaction To Having A Plus Size Partner Stray Kids Comforting You After A Bad Day At Work Stray Kids When They Have A Crush On You But You Like Another Member Stray Kids Reaction To You Surprising Them With Lingerie But They’re Unexpectedly With Another Member Stray Kids Reaction To You Getting Too Drunk At A Party Stray Kids Reaction To You Having Bunny Teeth Husband!SKZ Reaction To You Saying You Want A Divorce During An Argument Stray Kids Reaction To You Skipping A Stray Kids Song As A Prank Stray Kids Reaction To You Asking Them To Move In With You Stray Kids Reaction To Painting Each Other's Nails Stray Kids Reaction To Forgetting Their S/O's Birthday Stray Kids Reaction To You Being Afraid Of Sex Because Of An Ex [Hyung Line] Stray Kids Reaction To You Being A Metalhead Stray Kids Reaction To You Having Curly Hair Stray Kids Reaction To Getting You Flowers, But You're Allergic Stray Kids Reaction To Being Caught Making Out Stray Kids Reaction To Seeing Surgery Scars On Their S/O


MTL To Fall For Their Online Friend MTL To Date Their Complete Opposite MTL Kiss On The First Date MTL Break Down When You Almost Break Up MTL Enjoy Giving Oral MTL Fall In Love At First Sight MTL Date A Capricorn MTL Date An Aquarius MTL Date A Pisces

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2 years ago

Hiii, May i request Stray Kids reactions to you asking them to move in with you please 🥺🫶🏼

SKZ Reaction To You Asking Them To Move In With You

Hiii, May I Request Stray Kids Reactions To You Asking Them To Move In With You Please

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

A/N: Thanks for the request! I know getting the requests (and content in general) has been slow lately and I appreciate y'all for bearing with me. Also, Happy New Year!


This man is going to be ECSTATIC when you ask him to move in with him. He has honestly been waiting for this day. With that said, if he is still living in the dorm full time when you ask him, he will still continue to live there part time, especially during long weeks since it is nearer to work and allows him to collaborate with the members better.

But, he will come home to you as much as possible. While he is normally a very organized person, he will get a bit excited and start sending you apartment listings without important features you would've talked about (such as if they don't allow pets, outside your budget, etc.). Don't worry, he'll calm down after a few days lol.


Honestly, Minho will be pretty chill as long as you agree to having cats and are okay with his crazy schedule. He will low key wonder what took so long. Minho will also be so helpful when you're actually moving by carrying all of the heavy things and making sure you remember to take a break and eat.

He will be secretly touched that you want to take this step with him and will probably express it in some way you will only realize later. I also wouldn't be surprised if he ends up convincing you to let him pay the majority of the rent, or even all of it.


Will immediately do two things: 1). Act cute 2). Be surprised. No matter how long you have been with Changbin or how stable your relationship is, these sorts of gestures that indicate an evolution in the relationship will always shock him.

While Changbin's Leo sun makes him outwardly confident, he secretly hides a lot of insecurity and uncertainty. So, when you ask him to move in, and once he realizes you're serious, he'll pull you off the ground and into a hug. On move in day, he definitely wears a tank top just to tease you.


I imagine it will happen fairly casually and Hyunjin will be shy and cute as he says yes. I mean, he sorta already lives with you anyway based on how much time he already spends at your place. Will shyly ask for a space so he can paint and is SO happy when you say yes. He isn't used to living with anyone other than the members or his parents, so when you easily let him have an extra bedroom for his art, he thinks this is the best thing he's ever done.

Despite being an introvert, he seems like the type to throw a house warming party once the apartment is immaculately decorated with his and other's art. Also, he will have to introduce Kkami to space, of course.


Like Changbin, he's a little shocked, but eager to accept. Ngl, he does get a little anxious when he considers how he will work with the members and definitely wants a place close to the current dorm so that he can maintain a good work/life balance.

However, once you actually get a place and moved in, he is going to be so happy. Will stay up all night with you just so he can enjoy spending time with you in a space that is just for you two.


Felix may ask before you get the chance. He can't imagine anything better than getting to live with you. Like Hyunjin, he will also take decorating the apartment extremely seriously. You probably won't even need to lift a finger in that regard.

He does feel a bit weird without the members at first and will go back to the dorm on nights you're out of town. Felix will also always come home to you at night, even if it's late.


You decide to broach the subject with Seungmin gradually. It's not that you're afraid he will say no, he just tends to take these sorts of things seriously and would probably want to be the one to ask. Still, you begin hinting that your lease is ending a few months before it actually does. When you finally ask, there is little hesitation. In fact, he took your hints so well, he already has a list of apartments saved.

That said, Seungmin will insist on making the deposit and buying any new furniture. It's not that he doesn't respect that you make your own money and enough to make occasional big purchases, but it just makes the most sense from his point of view.


Jeongin may be among the most hesitant to move in with you. It's not exactly that he doesn't want to, it's just that he will definitely miss the members. Still, when he agrees and you start making plans, he will become excited.

He's another budding interior designer and will spend literally hours picking out everything from the right color of curtains to the perfect bedspread. Once you get moved in, he realizes his worries were baseless as he actually enjoys the quiet and getting to see you as soon as he wakes up.

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1 year ago

Skz reaction to you having curly hair?

Stray Kids Reaction To Their SO Having Curly Hair

Skz Reaction To You Having Curly Hair?

Genre: fluff

Warnings: slight suggestiveness

A/N: As a wavy-haired girl myself, this is def is a tad self-indulgent.


Chan will love your curly hair and it just might help him embrace his own curls. Ngl, he'll be a little amazed at your hair care routine and all it takes to keep your curls from frizzing or tangling. Whenever his hands end up in your hair, he'll be extremely careful because he knows how easy it is for things to get tangled in it, but running his hands through your hair during a kiss always makes him weak in the knees.


Honestly, I feel like this man doesn't have much of a preference on his SO's hair. Of course, he loves it because it's yours, but its not something that he immediately notices. During your relationship though, he'll love to gather your hair into a ponytail just to see your face better. Whenever you think your hair looks awful or it just won't cooperate, he's always there to reassure you that it looks fine and that it doesn't matter cause it will get messed up later.


Changbin LOVES your curly hair, especially when you wear it long. His hands are constantly playing with the ends of them whenever his arm is around your shoulders or when you lay your head on his lap. He'll love putting his caps on your head just to see how your hair looks in it. He's a sucker for you in a backward baseball cap. Changbin will also keep a list of your hair care products on his phone so he always gets the right one.


The two of you absolutely share hair accessories. One day you'll come home to find him using one of your headbands to keep his hair out of his eyes as he paints. Another day he'll find you using his clips while you style your hair. Truthfully, neither of you mind. Hyunjin rarely comments on your hair specifically, but he always goes out of his way to leave kisses in your hair.


Playing with your hair is a pastime for Jisung. It never gets old for him and he's constantly gathering it into a ponytail and letting it fall loose again just to repeat the process. He never explicitly says anything about your hair, but you can tell how much he loves it by how much attention he gives it. Something about curly hair will absolutely get worked into one of his sad love songs.


Felix is all for words of affirmation and never ceases to tell you how beautiful you are, including how much he loves your hair. Like Jisung, he always finds himself playing with it, but it's in a more absentminded way. No matter when you ask him if your hair looks all right, he will always say yes, even if you've just woken up. Will one day curl his hair so you two can "match."


Seungmin rarely says things explicitly. That doesn't mean that he doesn't say you look beautiful or that he loves you, it's just that he cannot fathom identifying one feature in particular when he loves all of you. Of course, your curly hair is part of that. However, if you got hold of his diary, you'd see just how much he thinks about your hair and that it is often one of the first things he notices about you.


He shows his love for you (and your hair) with teasing. It's mostly harmless and he knows when to be serious. If you've done something new with your hair or gotten all just up, this man will be speechless, and any thoughts of teasing you go out the window. I mean, he can't even form words. While he may not care about hair texture one way or another, he loves your hair because it's yours.

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1 year ago

Long For You

Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x gn!reader AU/Trope/Genre: Lovers to still lovers, Angst, fluff(?), hurt/comfort Warnings: regret, crying(?), lovesick, miscommunication, nothing really WC:1K Song rec: Long for you - Hyunjin A.N.:No bc after dropping that how’d he expect us to react(RAGHHHHHHHHHHH PLS IM SORRY ILL TREAT YOU BETTER)

Long For You
Long For You
Long For You

~~~ You stare at the white tulip. A singular white tulip sent to you this morning from Hyunjin. Another apology letter to accompany it. Something about not being able to come home tonight even when he promised you he would.

That singular white tulip going to wilt and rot away like the rest. Forgotten just like his empty promises.

The feeling of your relationship slowly collapsing hurts your heart to the core. You wish it didn’t but there’s not much you can do. Everyone around you thinks you’re a match made in heaven. But it’s not the way you think this is.

You’re beginning to think that this love is all you and nothing left of him.

~~~ Hyunjin doesn’t return home until the end of the week. He notices your distance from him. He wants to take your hand in his and ask you what could possibly be wrong. But he refrains from it.

Maybe it was better for you to fall out of love with him.

As much as he loves you he knows what your parents think. “He’s no good for you y/n. It’ll only be so long before he leaves you for someone else. Take one look at him and you can tell that he’s a skank. Leave him. He’ll just break your heart.”

He can only think that your parents are right. Not the fact that he'd leave you for somebody else. But that he's no good for you and he'll never be.

It can only be so long before you get sick of his long schedule. No one wants to be stood up on every date and left to wait for the others arrival.

How many nights were you up waiting for him to come home? How many dinners were eaten with your only company being the silence that hung in the air? How many tears have you cried in his absence?

Those are the questions that float around his mind as he watches you peacefully sleep on your side of the bed. He can't help but reach his hand out to caress your face. A soft smile slowly trickled to his lips as he does.

These are the kind of moments he can only have as you sleep. But when you grab his arm he thinks he's almost been caught until you nuzzle your face into his arm. His heart warms at the sight but he knows he can't let his hopes get too high.

He notices the tears stains that line along your face. He doesn't fail to notice that his heart breaks instead.

"Don't go..." He can faintly hear you say. Oh how he wishes that he could stay with you until the next morning but work calls. What can he do. ~~~ When you awaken Hyunjin's side of the bed was empty. You could've sworn he came home last night and that you held on to him. Maybe it was all a dream again. Just as it always had been.

You want to cry but there are no tears left. Your mouth feels dry and your head hurts from the breakdown you had last night. Back before Hyunjin became famous he'd hold you in his arms and automatically made it better. But there were no one left to wrap you in their embrace.

Forcing yourself out of bed you make yourself a quick breakfast. But it only includes a peeled orange and a cup of tea. The same oranges you used to peel for Hyunjin because it was an act of love you wanted to show him. But who were you supposed to do it for now?

You quickly shake those thoughts from your mind. Opting to turn on the tv instead to hopefully drown out the voices in your head. But to no avail. You can barely make out the words the characters are saying as the voices come rushing back in.

He’s tired of you.

He doesn’t love you.

You’re pathetic.

Nothing but a toy.

Too naive for your own good.

He’ll never need you.

Just a nuisance in his life.

Suddenly everything becomes so loud. The voices coming from all over. The buzz of the refrigerator. The dripping of the water from the kitchen faucet. The sound of the vents blowing air. The lights become too bright and your eyes burn. It’s all too much.

You rush around the house. Shutting off the tv. Unplugging the fridge. Turning the faucet all the way down so no more water would drip. Disabling the air ventilation from continuously flowing. Drawing the curtains and switching off all the lights until you finally felt at peace.

After finishing you sat down in the middle of the floor. Knees pulled up to your chest and arms wrapped around them. You dropped your head down and you felt your tears run. It never got this bad. Hyunjin would be able to calm you down in these circumstances. But where was he now. The questions swirled around and made your mind dizzy.

Your sobbing hadn’t ceased until you fell asleep. There on the floor. The cold tiles being your only comfort in the silenced room. ~~~ Being faced with the darkness and silence when returning home wasn’t anything new to Hyunjin. Except that it was the evening on Friday only about 5 p.m.

The curtains were never drawn this early. When the two of you first moved in you made a rule to always open up the curtains to let the sunlight stream in and put the day to a joyful start.

He also noticed how cold it was. He was sure the heater was on to at least 64. Why was it nearly freezing? Winters in Korea are no joke.

Hyunjin stumbled around until he found the light switch and he turned the heat back up. That was when he finally saw you lying on the floor in the middle of the kitchen.

“Y/n!!” He nearly screamed.

You instantly jolted from your slumber trying to force your eyes open but the lights were too bright.

“T-turn off the lights. Please.” Your voice felt hoarse. You felt like you couldn’t breathe and your lungs were rejecting the oxygen.

Hyunjin was quick to do what you requested before stumbling his way back to you. “Are you okay baby? What happened?”

“Water.” You said dryly.

“What was that baby?”

“I need water.”

“O-okay baby. Wait just a minute.” He fumbled around trying to grab a glass and fill it up with water.

You grew worried. His movements were too faint. You bagel to panic. “Hyunnie..?”

“I’m here baby. Right here.” He found his way back to you and knelt down by your side. He reached for your hand and gently wrapped it around the cup. It was cold to the touch contrasting the warmth radiating off of Hyunjin.

After you drank the entire cup, he took it from you and placed it in the sink. He carefully placed his hands on either sides of your body and slowly lifted you up. And you let him.

He carried you all the way to the bedroom and settled you into the sheets. He knew how you got so he went to fix everything else. But before he could leave you grabbed his hand.

“Please stay. Don’t go.” How could he reject that? He slipped under the covers right with you and took you into his arms.

Oh how you missed this feeling. You couldn’t help but cry. Clenching onto his shirt you let your tears flow freely.

“Baby what’s wrong?” He asked the question but he knew the answer. You were in pain because of him. He couldn’t believe he let it get to this point where you had to break down in his hold.

You pulled him in tighter and buried your face into the crook of his neck. “It’s nothing. I just.. I just miss you so much. I missed this so much. I missed us so much.” Everything felt so much better now that he was with you. But you still doubted whether he love you.

“Tell me, Hwang Hyunjin. Do you still love me?” His heart broke. He didn’t believe there would ever be a day you would doubt his love for you. “What? Why would you ever think that? I love you y/nnie. With everything in me. All I’ve ever done is all for you. All I’ve ever accomplished was because of you.”

He pulled you away from your hiding place and cupped your face in his hands. “Don’t ever think for even a second that I don’t love you. You’re my everything. I couldn’t live without you. You mean absolutely the most to me. There’s not a moment that I don’t think of you. Long for you. I know how much you have to wait for me. But I promise it’s all the same for me. I love you so much.”

His forehead was pressed against yours as he leaned in for a kiss. When you didn’t reject it he finally pressed his lips against yours. Finally being able to take in the moment and relish in each other’s company. ~~~ Both of you ended up falling asleep and not wanting to awaken until the sun rose and peeked through the curtains. You woke up first and slowly but surely opened your eyes. You heard Hyunjin’s soft breaths coming from beside you.

A soft smile came to your lips naturally. It’d been forever since you got to wake up with him. You took your pointer finger and softly traced his facial features. It wasn’t until you got to his lips that you realized he was awake when he opened it to bite your finger.


“What are you doing, hmm?” He nuzzled his nose into your neck causing you to giggle. “You just looked so peaceful and so handsome I couldn’t resist.”

You could feel him smiling against your skin. His cheeks warming at your comment. “Mmm.” He sighed relieved that you were finally okay again.

“I think I should go and plug in the refrigerator before the milk spoils.” Your boyfriend looks up at you with confusion is his eyes. “I unplugged it last night.” You said with a guilty chuckle. ~~~ The two of you spent the rest of the day doing activities you used to do with each other. As you were messing on the bookshelf a photo album dropped from the top shelf. On the front was written, “My love<3”

You chuckled at the sight of your foolish high school writing and called Hyunjin from the kitchen.

“Look what I found. It’s our photos from high school.” Hyunjin groaned at the sight. “Don’t remind me how horrible I looked then.” When he saw you frown he mentally face-palmed himself.

“What do you mean Hwang Hyunjin. You were my little cutie.” You pouted and jutted your bottom lip out. “Never mind. I’ll just put this back.”

“Wait baby. Let’s look at it. It’s been a minute since we’ve looked through them anyway.”

Hyunjin settled on the couch and pulled you into his lap, eliciting a squeal from you. “I’ll just look over your shoulder.” He said after you expressed your concern of him not being able to see it.

Hours passed as you flipped through the pages and remembered the stories behind each one. That was until you got to the one with you standing in the snow and reading a book. You looked at him surprised.

“When did you take this picture?”

“I took it during senior year and you were so worried about your studies and nearly walked out to the road. I took it because you looked so pretty with the snow falling around you and your furrowed brows, so concentrated on the book. You were so beautiful. It was before we began dating and that was the time I longed for your attention the most.”

“Am I not beautiful now?” You asked with a frown.

”You’re the most beautiful no matter what.” He reassured you.

“Do you not long for me anymore? Or is that just for your first love?”

He rested his head on your shoulder, inhaling your scent. White tulip. Your favorite flowers. Then he spoke.

“I’ll always long for you.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for reading!! I think this will be one of my last fics before I go. Hope you enjoyed it!!

Taglist: @jinnie-ret @kailee08

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