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Spooky Month 6 predictions
So, as a non-patron, my access to sm6 teaser is very limited, but that's exactly what makes me so fascinated by what I can get of them.
After combing through the teaser, I've managed to construct an outline of the episode's plot.
I hope my fellow non patrons will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
The episode begins with a typical spooky month set up with a montage of Skid and Pump running around town.
Some scenes in this segment are: Lila and Jaune are getting drunk together, the Kevin clip we got the other day and a scene with Rick and the cops at Gonuts, this sequence will likely introduce a new character or 2.
Most importantly, they come across the Hatzgang and Robert asks them to take something to his sister at the hospital.
After this, the boys come across Frank, who drops them off in front of the hospital at the same time as Gregor arrives, having been called by Patty to handle the Moloch situation.
At this point, we cut to a corner of hell where a New Demon (hereafter referred to as ND) realizes how long Moloch's been gone and decides to find him.
Back in the human world, the spookies try to follow Gregor into the morgue and briefly succeed, meeting a new mortician character, only for Patty to boot them out.
Afterwards they run into two men, one dressed in a Happy Fella costume and the other being the teased business man character, looking for the room of a severely ill girl who made request with a Make-A-Wish type group to meet Happy Fella, the boys assume the girl in question is Robert's sister, but she isn't and Rob's sister meets Happy Fella at the expense of a far more sick child.
Somewhere around this point we get a side plot involving the thieves looking for something hidden in the church, but their search leads them to the house of an old cat lady, this acting as the episode's major subplot. The item in question likely being cult related.
Back to the boys, we see that Robert's sister has many Happy Fella dolls, one possibly being possessed by Dexter, Skid and Pump naturally start destroying them.
Afterwards, they return to the morgue where Dexter's body has been cremated, releasing Moloch and letting him possess Gregor or Patty, either way, whoever he doesn't possess gets possessed by ND, who arrives at the perfect time start a demon fight! (which ends up being 2 bodies ragdolling in midair and occasionally smacking against each other)
Pump suggests they call Lila, but Skid says she told him she'll be busy, this is then contrasted with a scene of Lila and Jaune in full pisshead mode, when Jaune's husband calls to check up on them.
Then we get the climax of the boys (possibly with the presence of an angelic being) performing a double exorcism.
Annnd, that's it!
Special shout out to @crossover-enthusiast for helping my iron out some of these ideas.
Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
Obviously, if you don't want spoilers, scroll away. If you've already seen the trailer, LET'S GO!!!

So when we first see possessed Patty, she looks mostly normal, you can't even see her demon teeth through the mask yet. John and Jack probably only came in since they heard a scream and/or struggle coming from the morgue.

So we get a shot of the boys being too chaotic, something Gregor points out and what will likely cause the "bad character development" Pelo ahs mentioned.
Also, since it's 100% what Pelo would do, Costume Bob is the guy in the HF suit. Mark my words.

The scene with the hatz is really interesting to me, since Skid and Pump just annoys Roy for a moment and leave. I think this might be all we get of the hatzgang this time, similar to how Frank only had a brief Appearance in Tender Treats. If my theory that episode 7 will focus on Roy is true, this little scene will be very interesting to dissect when the full episode drops.

We actually get out first proper glimpse at a new character and I think this old man is the very last character in the line up teaser

And there's also a pretty good chance he Roy's grandfather and given the way he reacts to the boys antics here, I can definitely see him being a another reasons Roy's the way he is.
If he actually is Roy's grandpa, then @crossover-enthusiast and I's Roy discussions are going to get really fun pretty soon.

Here, Skid is clearly holding a framed photo, meaning this will almost certainly be the first time his father is brought up directly.
Also, yeah, with Pump's line about "hangover spooky month", it seems my theory about Lila in this episode was at least half right.

Yet more proof that the boys' absent parents will be more of a focus. The trailer as a whole gives me some ideas regarding the Wonder parents, but I feel they're best saved for another time.

The boys get into trouble with the cops and I have 2 theories regarding when, either Gregor tries to get them sent home before going to the hospital, but they talk their way out of it, or they actually do get sent home at the end of the episode.
John's expression here immediately makes we think that something Skid or Pump said reminded him of his daughter. Another plot thread that has yet to be directly acknowledged.

Ignacio watches Gregor lead the boys away, maybe he lives down the street from Skid and Lila to keep an eye on them for the cult?
Either way, I'm surprised his appearance won't take place in the hospital as I previously predicted.

"I will be your guide. And I know your parents would be proud of you."
There's something undeniably sinister about this line, but how sinister hinges on whether Gregor is a cultist or ex-cultist. Whatever the case may be, he definitely knows more about or sees more in the boys than he lets on.

A great title card, and thought the blood everywhere is definitely concerning, I don't think there's anything to really say here, just wanted to get a screenshot of it.

And it would appear the character I've referred to as the cat lady will have the unenviable role of a hapless victim to the episode's villain. But honestly, I'm more surprised by her being at the hospital in the first place and why that never occurred to me before.
The actual progression of Patty's possession confirms to she's possessed by something other than Moloch. And what seals it for me is, fittingly, the eyes. The white of her eyes becomes a more vivid yellow, yet her pupil snot only don't form Moloch's typical spirals, but they're a more vivid shade of baby blue, a color that has never had any significance in the series before. Moloch will mostly be trapped in Dexter before eventually possessing Gregor, I will die on this hill.

Alright, that's all, only a month now. We're so back!
10 Days to Hollow Sorrows
I'll be dropping a random SM headcanon every day until the new episode comes out!
Today's headcanon: Out of the Hatzgang, Ross is the biggest anime fan, and he's doing his best to keep this knowledge away from Robert and especially Roy.
So surreal to see something I saw doodled in real time fully done like this (also, @woomy-wormy , please do these for Roy and Robert at some point)

the guy of all time

more kittensss!! ^^
Okay so im gonna just throw randomly my thoughts on sm6 while rewatching it cuz why not, I was doing the same thing for hazbin hotel so why not spooky month too?
Ok im just gonna say: that starting scene with thieves was kinda funny. Also rewatching it, im starting to suspect that this giant spider thing in Lilas attic have her husbands soul, IDK WHY, I JUST FEEL LIKE IT, it just looks so important, it even appeared twice in the ep: in the begining n in the end.
Okay so Skid does know and remember his dad, I just was thinking that his father left/died when Skid still wasnt born or when he was very little so Skid doesnt even know that he had a father, but no he does remember his dad, so that means he presented for quite long time in Skids life.

Also im really suprised how big Pumps house is, well i mean— he said that his parents work alot so ig i shouldnt be suprised-
Poor Ignacio just wants some peace– *watched the ep a lil longer* Oh hes kinda fucked up actually---
Also for some reason i find kinda interesting that Ross n Rob were kinda comforting Roy every time they were on the screen like "We're here for you, Roy" etc etc, so im thinking maybe something bad happened to Roy? I mean he looked kinda frustrated n angry, so maybe somethng between him n his parents?
Okay but can we talk about how Moloch look so much more scarier than before?
Okay so--- get ready for my rambleling bout my boy Dexter-- HE LIVED WITH HIS MOM N ALOT OF CATS😭😭😭 N HIS MOMS PURE GRIEF BOUT HER LOSS WAS GENIUNALY SO SAD TO WITNESS 😭😭😭😭

Okay so looking at Skids impression when Father Gregor asked him bout his father-- yeah i think his dad actually died---- but i can be wrong ofc

Okay- im sorry but-- why does Kevin n Radfords interactions make them look like a couple--- I AM SORRY BUT----
Also the way Father Gregor gave Kevin holy water was really funny to me, it was like: "You know these children?? Yeaahhhh i feel bad for u, kid. Here have some holy water, just in case...." ALSO the fact that ppl started coming in the store ONLY after Radford sprinkled holy water in it-- DOES THAT MEAN THAT THERE WERE DEMONS IN IT THAT WERE KEEPING PPL AWAY???

Dont mind me guys, im just a little crying :')
Okay but the way how Skid n Pump were SO exited to see Moloch again was really funny n cute at the same time

Okay... This is the part when i literally teared up. I know it was just Moloch trying to fool Father Gregor to give him kids but idk.... It still made me tear up for some reason, and i even know the reason: i just miss Dexter so much n i didnt expect him to appear so much times in this ep, I just think hes a precious boy who deserved better. I KNOW THAT HE WAS KILLING ANIMALS N I DONT APPROVE THAT AT ALL, but hes still a sweetie idfc.

Also why would Patty need a gun so immediatly?..
Also that part when Moloch were wandering around the town n Father n spooky bois were trying to catch him was so funny and entertaining
Poor Pelo got ooffed again. Press F.

And this is the part where i actually cried alot. Poor Skid doesnt know that its not his fault at all.. Also even if Father Gregors words were kinda mean, that Lila is irresponsible mother, I cant disagree with them. Yes, she is an alone mother, but it doesnt give her permission to just leave her child to himself n his friend n go drink n then spent time w her child drunk. Yeah i know, that she leaves him to mr Wonder n Susie, but lets be honest, were here even a single time when the kids didnt just leave the house n cause problem? No. So i think the Fathers words are make perfect sense, n Lila should think bout it. Also a lil thing i just thought bout, why would Lila throw away her husbands stuff? If he actually died why would she do this? Or hes not dead n he just left for some reason? Idk
and so ummm i think thats it. It took me 1 hour to write this lol.