Sm Dexter - Tumblr Posts
Technically Bob, Frank and Dexter could be called primary color trio cause they're red, blue and yellow respectively. Send post
You know, I was looking at the Halloween drawing and comparing it to the new one when I had a horrifying realization.

In both images Roy seems uncomfortable with being in a proper costume, but has no issue "making" a generic (and non horror adjacent) costume in Tender Treats.
I tried to figure out why when I remembered that specific costumes, usually with some morbid/horror twist, are sometimes used in roleplay which coupled with Roy's trauma would explain his aversion to traditional Halloween costumes and for the holiday in general, which could be a great parallel between him and the spookies.
(Also the ghost on the right in this year's image is meant to represent Dexter, you can tell by the mis-matchd eyes)

Wait wait wait I think you're onto something??
Like in demonology Moloch is a powerful demon, maybe a demon down in hell went "I haven't seen this bastard in three years where tf did he go" and goes up to find him, possessing Patty in the process
Maybe that's what the seven circles of hell image on the spoiler collage is for???
First off, I never thought about the idea that we might actually see the SM universe version of hell.
And second, the idea i actually had was more like a rival demon who sees Moloch stuck in Dexter's body and goes "Oh, so you do possession, huh?" and then possesses Patty simply because she's the nearest person.
Also! Also! this fits as a parallel to my idea of an angel-obsessed rival for Susie, maybe their even Gregor's grandkid!
Analyzing the SM6 spoiler collage

A bit late to the party with this one, but I have some ideas I haven't seen brought up by anyone else so buckle up and get ready to theorize!
Let's start with the easy stuff:
exorcism-Gregor attempts to perform an exorcism but likely gets possessed himself (see the demon priest poster at the movie theatre in Tender Treats)
church-We get a better look at the local church, seeing as the door we see in Tender Treats has a cult diamond shaped window in it, there should be some pretty interesting stuff in there, maybe even the tome from the ARGs
burglars-The thieves
cat lady- Even if you're like me and not a patron you can still tell based on blurred image previews and post titles that one of the new characters is an old woman and there's also a bunch of cats slated to appear in the episode. It's pretty easy to see the connection.
touhou plushie in the bottom left-just confirming there will be more Touhou references
Less obvious stuff that I feel really confident in:
the nine circles of Hell-Since were likely to meet a new demon this episode we may also get a glimpse at the SMverse version of Hell
women drinking-Lila goes to Jaune's house and gets drunk with her, this is also where we meet Jaune's husband in person, since he's confirmed to be in the episode
furnace-Dexter's body is cremated, likely by Patty after she's possessed by the new demon to release Moloch, who then possesses Gregor
Ones I'm less sure about:
marionette-Either something to do with the over-arcing cult plot or just a reference to the general idea of possession
angel-Possibly an angelic being who appears later in the episode, or more entertainingly, a character who acts as a rival to Susie, who is obsessed with angelic imagery
water bottles and ice bottles-My best guess is something to do with Kevin and the candy cartel
eyes-While it may be tempting to relate this to Eyes, I think the stark bright eyes against black may represent the Candy Dealer
person waking up-Someone comes to after being un-possessed and feels great and doesn't remember the possession, either that or something with some new character
blood flow-I honestly have no fucking clue on this one, maybe some kind of demonic infection or just saying there will be a lot of blood
So, with there being 10 episodes, I feel this applies to episodes 3-9, since the first two episodes don't really have main villains and the last episode will be a grand finale.
So far we've had Bob-Gluttony, Moloch-Wrath (his main motive in UG was to escape and get revenge on the boys) and Dexter-Lust (bloodlust to be exact).
Given that it seems the villain of episode 6 will be a new demon, possibly Moloch's rival, I feel they will represent Envy. Especially because SM6 was likely originally supposed to be the Candy Dealer episode and that guy's main thing is being jealous of and trying to surpass the Candy Club.
This leaves Pride, Greed and Sloth split between the Roy, Frank and Spider episodes (assuming none of them were the second cut episode).

Okay I'm gonna fixate on the antagonists reflectijg the 7 deadly sins forever now
Spooky Watch (a Spooky Month x Yo-Kai Watch au)
An idea first pondered by @crossover-enthusiast and actually "made" by me. This will involve both lore and hypothetical gameplay/structure.
The Premise
Due to (as of yet undefined) things his dad did, Skid naturally has the ability to see spirits, referred to as spooks.
He half-accidentally summons Moloch, who runs loose, in an effort to convince Pump the spirits he's seeing are real, as you could probably tell, Skid and Pump are less oblivious and somewhat more mature.
While trying to catch Moloch, the boys meet Eyes, who is the leader of all the spooks in town. Learning about what's happening, they gift Pump (as well as Roy and Kevin) a spooky watch (a visual cross between the yo-kai watch and the cult pendants) hoping to let humans and spooks better understand and befriend each other. Eyes is unaware that most spooks are going to use this "thinning of the veil" for their own ends.
After Moloch is dealt with Roy's parents and later mayor Evermore find out about the watches and form the cult in an effort to take and/or recreate the watches so they can enslave the spooks.
Moloch is mostly unchanged, with the exception of not having a lower body at all, as he's a molten gargoyle.
Dexter, specifically the Dexter Fella, is the one spook everyone can see, in the vane of Manjimutt from the anime, always being mistaken for a weird short man. But unlike Manjimutt, Dex intentionally scares people, just not for the reason he wants.
The actual Happy Fella and Sad Guy are also spooks, named Laughella and Gloomuy.
Ooga Booga is a spook that just wants to jumpscare people. In a hypothetical game, she would act like Babblong.
Frank is now Vanab, a van spook based on the toy van Frank from the Deadly Smiles credits. He would also act as the Spooky Watch Mirapo, except instead of teleporting you, he just picks you up and zooms you away.
The Thieves appear as the very yo-kai they were dressed as in the 2019 Halloween drawing by Pelo. Their goofy, reoccurring side villains.
Here Bob is Vealsin, a pig-devil spook who is obsessed with exotic food, an obsession he shares by inspiriting people. When the boys, Roy and Kevin all get to the abandoned Boys n' Grills where Bob declares them his dinner guests, then the eating rhythm game, and then the fight. Bob being a cultist is reflected in Vealsin willingly working with the mayor.
And lastly, SKIDAD! He appears from the mannequin after Moloch gets loose and acts as the Whisper. He looks like a sentient speech bubble.

My favorite moment with him - Easily his encounter with the Dexter Fella, it was hysterical, had a good reference to the original Child's Play and naturally fit into the plot. The punch sound effect still lives in my brain.
I think the current pair will be "rivals" of past villains, a new demon for Moloch in SM6 and the spider, a pest, for Dexter in SM7.
This leaves the Frank and Roy episodes. I don't think either of them will be villains, though there is the fact that they'll likely be two "redemption" episodes. One of those episodes will probably have Mr. Clown as the villain, so the other villain might be a new cultist. The robed cultist in the monster teasers is either Clown hiding that he's still alive or a way of hiding a cultist who hadn't and likely still hasn't appeared in an episode.

Okay I'm gonna fixate on the antagonists reflectijg the 7 deadly sins forever now
Theorizing about the SM6 character teaser

So for those who don't know, this post teasing 3 new characters was posted to the SM patreon la while back.
As non-patrons, myself and @crossover-enthusiast have discussed this a bit and I have some ideas on these folks
Character A, the and one the left is described as "the boss of a he-", I can't be sure but I think this is implying that this guy runs either a new or established business, my current leading theory is Gonuts, since we already know that Rick will be working there in the coming episode.
Character B is the one I've seen the least discussion about. Given that Patty and the morgue are both confirmed to be relevant to the main plot and how similar to Patty this character's silhouette is, I'm willing to bet this is another mortician/pathologist. Whether they'll be a major character or only appear briefly, I can't say.
And lastly, Character C is all but confirmed to be a cat lady (see the patreon post showing the designs for a bunch of cats and the spoiler collage). The thing that really stuck out to me though is this:

The cat post mentioned earlier has what's clearly a picture of Dexter in the preview, it appears to be either a framed photo or a picture on a carton of milk. This might be nothing, but the more I think about it, the more likely it seems to me that this woman will eventually be revealed to be Dexter's mother.
I hope my fellow non-patrons enjoyed this and the patrons got a laugh out of how wrong something I said here is.
Volume 7 of Spooky Months Headcanons
Been a while, hasn't it?
Mr. Wonder was a banker. His son would somewhat follow in his footsteps and become an accountant.
Kevin used to have long hair but has had to keep it short since he started working at the Candy Club, as part of company policy.
Dexter had a bowl cut as a kid (This is a reference to a specific character from a specific show that only @crossover-enthusiast will get)
Pump absolutely gets arrested for doing something stupid on his 13th birthday.
While we're at it, Pump would drink at Skid's 21st birthday even though he's a year younger. Because you cannot seriously tell me that a 20 year old Pump would give a flying fuck about drinking age laws.
Jaune and Lila used to be friends with Carmen. They were the only girls who didn't bully her for her weight, but in their teens Carmen's weight wet to all the right places and she ditched them for the popular girls.
This started as a bit of a joke, but I took a liking to it, Robert is actually his middle name, his first name is Tom. Which you might remember was his original name when The Stars came out. He prefers to go by Robert to better fit with his friends.
Funny Spookyville idea: there's a scene where Pump's dad is shown the body of whoever-we-make-Pat, he takes one look and instantly goes "that's not my dad"
Oh, instead of Dex being followed around by one of the residents, like David in the episode, he bumps into Mr. (Ernest) Wonder's son, maybe that's how we do the joke of Dexter not checking to see if the place is still open.
Spooky Month 6 predictions
So, as a non-patron, my access to sm6 teaser is very limited, but that's exactly what makes me so fascinated by what I can get of them.
After combing through the teaser, I've managed to construct an outline of the episode's plot.
I hope my fellow non patrons will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
The episode begins with a typical spooky month set up with a montage of Skid and Pump running around town.
Some scenes in this segment are: Lila and Jaune are getting drunk together, the Kevin clip we got the other day and a scene with Rick and the cops at Gonuts, this sequence will likely introduce a new character or 2.
Most importantly, they come across the Hatzgang and Robert asks them to take something to his sister at the hospital.
After this, the boys come across Frank, who drops them off in front of the hospital at the same time as Gregor arrives, having been called by Patty to handle the Moloch situation.
At this point, we cut to a corner of hell where a New Demon (hereafter referred to as ND) realizes how long Moloch's been gone and decides to find him.
Back in the human world, the spookies try to follow Gregor into the morgue and briefly succeed, meeting a new mortician character, only for Patty to boot them out.
Afterwards they run into two men, one dressed in a Happy Fella costume and the other being the teased business man character, looking for the room of a severely ill girl who made request with a Make-A-Wish type group to meet Happy Fella, the boys assume the girl in question is Robert's sister, but she isn't and Rob's sister meets Happy Fella at the expense of a far more sick child.
Somewhere around this point we get a side plot involving the thieves looking for something hidden in the church, but their search leads them to the house of an old cat lady, this acting as the episode's major subplot. The item in question likely being cult related.
Back to the boys, we see that Robert's sister has many Happy Fella dolls, one possibly being possessed by Dexter, Skid and Pump naturally start destroying them.
Afterwards, they return to the morgue where Dexter's body has been cremated, releasing Moloch and letting him possess Gregor or Patty, either way, whoever he doesn't possess gets possessed by ND, who arrives at the perfect time start a demon fight! (which ends up being 2 bodies ragdolling in midair and occasionally smacking against each other)
Pump suggests they call Lila, but Skid says she told him she'll be busy, this is then contrasted with a scene of Lila and Jaune in full pisshead mode, when Jaune's husband calls to check up on them.
Then we get the climax of the boys (possibly with the presence of an angelic being) performing a double exorcism.
Annnd, that's it!
Special shout out to @crossover-enthusiast for helping my iron out some of these ideas.
Analyzing the SM6 cast line up teaser
More fun for the non-patrons as a height chart of episode 6's characters dropped and I have *thoughts*
Before we delve into the analysis, be advised that this will reference my SM6 prediction post, which can be found here.
And out last bit of preface

These three new characters teased in an earlier update are hereafter referred to as the businessman, the new mortician and the cat lady.
Bear that in mind.

So here's the 2 lined height chart, so let's start putting names to these blobs!
Line 1: The Thieves, Lila, Skid and Pump, Susie (she's pretty hard to see, but you can mostly notice her shirt and hair), Mr. Wonder, Jaune, Jaune's Husband (who was shown in full in an earlier update).
The next figure at first appears to be another shadow, but upon closer inspection seems to be Father Gregor, after that we have;
The Cat Lady, Dexter (likely in another missing ad or for his body being unpossessed, if for a moment), Patty, John and Jack, then we have the first totally new character, a massive person (taller than Frank, making them the new tallest human in the series) who brings me to my first new theory:
This character, whose proportions are highly evocative of a cartoon vampire, will be either yet another new mortician, or in charge of the hospital's blood bank. Funnily enough, this actually matches weirdly well to a half-joking conversation me and @crossover-enthusiast had the other day.
Line 2: Skid and Pump again (for reference), Ross, Robert and Roy, Kevin, Radford (in his teased casual outfit), the actor in the Happy Fella suit, Mayor Evermore, The New Mortician and then... Roy's Uncle??!?!
This might be my biggest validation yet, as I've had a thought for some time of us first seeing the New Demon in hell, torturing the Uncle, if this ends up being true, I am officially the king of the SM fandom!... Where were we?
Oh yeah, we then have; Ignacio, The Businessman, Frank and yet another totally new character, a portly person I have no solid theories on.
Before I leave, I'd like to mention some characters who are missing here (other than Moloch and any other supernatural characters who might appear). Those being; Lucky, the Actor and Actress and Rick.
Rick is the only notable outlier, as he's a relatively major character, so where is he?
Well, I think Rick's absence is quite simple to explain. While not outright confirmed, Rick is heavily implied to be working at Gonuts in episode 6, meaning he's wearing a new uniform. I think Pelo just didn't want to spoil this, and so left Rick and his new outfit out of the line up.
And that's all I've got! One last note before we're done here, I'm pretty sure next week's update will be the episode 6 trailer, so there's that.
Oh yeah I'm probably gonna forget this because of... everything, so I'll just send this in an ask so we can talk about it later:
Story set when the Class 9 kids are in middle/high school, one of them gets a job babysitting young Dexter. Hilarity ensues
I love that! Maybe there the ones who give him cat related trauma, wouldn't that be ironical? ;)
Check the eyes of the Dexter Fella... they move, he's still trapped in there.
Wait ayo?
Father Gregor: Spooky Month's fascinating anti-villain

Now, before I go full tilt into my rambling, I want to explain why I'm classing Gregor as an anti-villain. Put simply, his character flaws get in the way of his noble goals and lead to him and the boys being in danger.
So, what does Gregor do in Hollow Sorrows, anyway?
Well, he suddenly takes it upon himself to teach two unruly children how to act in a way he deems acceptable. Over the course of his effort he first gets them to ask people for forgiveness and/or make amends for issues they've caused. Where this went wrong is Gregor making the boys systematically apologies to everyone, including Patty, which leads to all the Moloch shenanigans, and Ignacio, which is implied to be what led to Gregor being sacrificed at the end of the episode.
Then we have the other lessons Gregor tried to teach the boys, all of which backfired, with Skid and Pump applying them in situations or ways Gregor didn't foresee or intend. The reason for these backfires being Gregor's inability to look past his own values and understand why someone might not act in accordance to them. He shows this almost every time he talks to someone other than the boys, as the criticisms he makes, while usually at least partly true, often don't come from the right place or don't consider context.
This is what makes Gregor an anti-villain to me, and why I consider this to be his episode instead of Moloch's. Pelo said in the stream where he redid the cultist reference sheet that he wants the villains of the episode to have a seven deadly sins theme to them. Seeing as the first 2 episodes didn't really have focused villains and the cult, as the big bads, aren't likely to be grouped with the episode specific villains, I always saw his statement as referring to episodes 3-9. With this in mind, the villains and their sins would be: Moloch- wrath (obsessed with getting revenge on the boys) Dexter- lust (bloodlust or his "needs") Bob- gluttony (duh) and now, with Hollow Sorrows, Gregor- pride (as his arrogance and perceived moral superiority to others continuously causes problems during the episode) I do have theories on the remaining episode villains and their sins connections, but that's a story for another post.
Moments from my first post HS hunger games
For those who haven't been here a while (and by "a while", I mean literally the first 2 days since I started regularly posting here), I did a highlight compilation post of moments from my Spooky Month hunger games simulator, and I'm doing it again, just with 36 characters instead of 24

That's some random stuff, but I also have some more specific insanity
First is what happened after Roy died

And after that....

And then there's all the shit Garcia did

I'm so glad I used this image because it conjures the funniest mental images for me
And for those wondering how it ended,

Spooky Month Library AU
In a surprising turn of events, I'm not dead! And what is more, I've recently concocted a new AU to share with you all!
And before we get started, a special thanks to @crossover-enthusiast and @spookyscaryskidnpump / @woomy-wormy for helping develop this AU
The Premise
A library is briefly tasked with storing the mysterious Starborn Manuscript which is in truth a spell book. The librarian unknowingly reads a spell from it which leads to characters from the library's books coming to life as tiny paper people at night.
The Basic Lore
When close to the book of their origin, characters have access so abilities they have in the book but otherwise can't use.
Characters can be "tainted" by and sometimes reflect misdeeds of their authors.
Characters who are directly related (parents, grandparents, siblings) in SM share a book of origin. Other relatives are from different books by the same author.
The characters believe Eli the librarian, the only human they've caught brief glimpses of, to be their god.
Characters only come to life within the confines of the library.
Before we move on, let's appreciate this artwork curtesy of @woomy-wormy

The Characters and their books (some of them, anyway)
Skid, Lila and Skidad- Leads in a book from a kids' horror anthology wherein the father of the family is replaced by a monster, as the real dad doesn't directly appear in the story, the on that's brought to life is the monster.
Pump, Susie and Mr. Wonder- The main family in another book in the same anthology as Skid's family.
Roy, Carmen, Richard and Garcia- Carmen and Richard are the leads in a fantasy romance novel, Garcia orchestrates an elaborate scheme so Richard can be with Carmen and Roy is introduced into the story after a timeskip.
Ross, Jaune and Aaron- Ross is the protagonist of a cyberpunk YA dystopian novel
Robert and Radford- The leads in a lighthearted slice of life story.
John- Lead in a noir story.
Jack- Supporting character in a different noir story.
Rick- The main character of a newspaper strip which has a compendium in the library, speech bubbles appear when he talks.
Dexter and Michelle- A reclusive family from a gothic horror novella.
Hobomen- Tankmen doodles on a torn off and wadded up page of a student's notebook that rolled under a shelf
Bob- He's just a normal chef in his book of origin, but his author's recently outed violent tendencies have lead to him becoming much more violent than his book counterpart.
More characters to come soon, so stay tuned!
Assigning Starkids to Spooky Month characters
Kevin - Jon Matteson

Dexter Erotoph - Jeff Blim

Michelle Erotoph - Jaime Lyn Beatty

Patty Azure - Mariah Rose Faith Casillas

Jack - Corey Dorris

Rick Hedony - Dylan Saunders

Jaune - Lauren Lopez

Aaron - Joey Richter

Costume Guy - James Tolbert

Ignacio - Curt Mega

Radford - Jae Hughes

Carmen - Kim Whalen

I’m not sure sense realistically if you had doll eyes you wouldn’t be able to see anything because those aren’t human eyes but with some weird doll possession logic I’d say that maybe being in a doll’s body got rid of the eye problems of his old body??? Idk that’s just a guess tho
It would be funny to see him in these kinds of scenarios though

im just??? confused??? did being a doll cured his eyes problems???