Space Oddity - Tumblr Posts
Okay. This may sound strange and very odd, but I took a look at this before reading what it was, and the first thing that popped in my head was 'Oh, this is a post about David Bowie', because this looks like something he would have rocked while dressed like Ziggy Stardust.
I tried finding an image of him in something like this because I was certain I saw him in one before.
I didn't find him in a dressing gown. It wasn't even David dressed as Ziggy. It was David Bowie's album cover for 'The Man Who Sold The World'.

Dressing Gown
c. 1840
Litchfield Historical Society

Space Oddity by David Bowie

Here am I floating round my tin can Far above the Moon Planet Earth is blue And there's nothing I can do
Ever think about how a song completely mirrors a show or movie or episode?

IM SCREAMING--this cover is so good! The lyrics are optimistic; the sounds are great; when he started playing the guitar oN THE STATION?! AHH!!!!
We lost so many great talents this year. David Bowie inspired so many and so many lives were changed because of his music. He is an example of true passion and creativity.
RIP Bowie, you are missed.
Oh, and one more treat to celebrate the end of the Cmdr. Hadfield era on the ISS as he readies for his return tomorrow.
Here he is singing David Bowie’s “Space Oddity”, in space.
Your head now has permission to explode.
Mental Disabilities
Been seeing this recently and wanted to add onto the #humans are space orcs tag.
So we all know that people have mental disabilities, ADHD, Autism, ADD, OCD, ect ect. We also know that mental disabilities effect every person differently, i.e. one person with autism could hate loud & nosy rooms whilst another thrived in it.
And I have seen someone else write about it, especially how crew mates would be confused and skeptical but also supportive. But I want to talk about the more concerning (?) ones like OCD, BPD, depression, and even PTSD. How would they act? Would they be comforting?, scared?, concerned?, or would they maybe relate?
Whiuxzer was wandering around the ship late at night, xe was restless and couldn't sleep. They were passing through a rather violent storm and the turbulence was agitating. As Whiuxzer walked past what the humans called the 'living room' xe noticed one of the lights on in the corner. Xe wondered what it was, could it be one of the humans?
Whiuxzer knew that they shouldn't be up this late, it always made them sluggish. Xe approached the corner, it being between the wall and the couch, and peeked past the arm of the couch. Human Max, an older guy around 42(in human standards), was curled into the corner clutching is ears and trembling slightly.
"Human Max-" Max flinched violently and looked up at a shocked Whiuxzer. Max was never like this, he was a stoic, strong, and most certainly didn't huddle in corners like a scared child. What was wrong? Did something break in- was there something in the ship?!
Max's quick laboured breathing caught Whiuxzer's attention.
"Human Max? Are you alright?" Whiuxzer asked as xe crouched down, getting a little below Max's level. Max's eyes darted around Whiuxzer's face. A small shake of Max's head gave Whiuxzer xiz answer. Whiuxzer went to get another human when a loud crack came from outside. Max jumped in terror.
"S-shit why is it always the fucking storms.." Max muttered into his hands. Whiuxzer was confused, was human Max scared of the storm? Surely not...
Human Amanda then came into the living room, looking around for something and then noticing Whiuxzer. She looked puzzled.
"Hey, whatcha you doing up this late?" She asked.
"I couldn't sleep, and human Max is scared. I was about to get someone." Amanda blinked, then walked towards the two. She crouched down and looked past Whuixzer.
"Hey, you good? Storm gettin' to you again?" Amanda asked. Max nodded shakily. She sighed with a smile and reached out to pat Max.
"What? I do not understand, why is the storm scaring human Max?" Whiuxzer asked Amanda. She looked over to xim.
"Oh, well.. Max had PTSD, its a form of trauma that affects people by making them think that their back in a traumatic situation or reminding them of one." Amanda explained while rubbing Max's arm in comfort, he had stopped shaking and was taking deep breathes.
"What kinds of traumatic situations?" Whiuxzer asked. Amanda cringed slightly. Was it a sensitive topic?
"It's okay, Amanda. I can tell him," Max spoke up in his gruff voice, it had made the other two jump. "I was involved in the military around twelve years ago, it was stressful and I was involved in a few wars. The most recent one... It was , I nearly died. So, in regard to that, many of the storms remind me of the battle field and I get scared."
"Oh, I am very sorry human Max." Whiuxzer apologized, guilty that xe had asked about something so sensitive.
"S'all good, its okay to ask, you were curious." Max smiled tiredly and then yawned. Patting Amanda softly, Max stood up and helped Amanda too. Whiuxzer got up as well, looked around the room.
"Human Max? Would you like to stay out here with me? I can't sleep currently and I could provide some company so your less scared." Whiuxzer asked. Max looked at him shocked that he would offer. Whiuxzer's species were not the comfort type. Max then smiled, and nodded graciously.
Maybe Whiuxzer could relate, even just a little.
(I know this is terrible, but I really wanted to get this thought out)
“Die anywhere else!”

Some Night in the woods sketch, an aye (It saw a Ghostly!) and a spacewoman, astronaut??

From 29/01/22

Anyway, she’s in the beginning of her space oddity…

…Let’s leve the planet?