Suna Rintaro X You - Tumblr Posts

"i don't believe friendship between a boy and a girl exists."
being best friend with suna rintaro for years, you didn't expect to hear those words come out of his mouth while you're sitting on your bed. you were scrolling through tiktoks each on their own phone, and you saw a video with a boy joking about being in the friendzone. you laughed and shoved your phone in his face, expecting him to find it just as funny as you did. but the only reaction you got out of him was a little grin and that sentence. the sentence that left you quite a lot puzzled.
blinking fast, you frowned and looked at him: "wh-what do you mean?"
suna took a deep breath and put his arms behind his neck, getting in a restful position. "well, biologically, we're made to procreate. so when you find someone whom you can bond with, you can't help but think of them as a potential mate."
you still didn't get it. seeing your confused expression, suna breathed loudly again and dropped the scientist-like act he put on. "one of them has got to be in love with the other."
you mantained your baffled expression for a second, then burst out laughing. because he must be kidding, right? suna raised an eyebrow and looked at you with the same face as you. "what are you laughing at?"
"well, i am not in love with you!" you joked back. then your laughter faded, as the words he just said sinked in.
suna was probably hearing the wheels in your mind turn. with excessive nonchalance, and a badly hidden smirk, he checked his phone and just said: "ah, it's gotten pretty late. 'm goin' home."
and with the biggest audacity in the world, he leaned in and planted a kiss on your cheek. then he got out of your room, leaving you with the same position and expression for about five minutes.

Hi can I request suna rintaro moodboard please ?
Dating Suna Rintaro <3

=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ : the things I’d do for him 😪

The first warm early sun rays peek through the blinds into your room, waking you up in the process. EJP Raijin had a game of victory last night against the Tachibana Red Falcons, you and Suna celebrated the whole night, drunk kisses and passionate thrusts into you were exchanged last night. The first thing you notice is a heavy arm wrapped tightly around your naked waist. As you try to turn around to face your lover, Suna tightens his grip on you, mumbling something incoherently into your neck. Pressing light kisses along your throat, the Middle Blocker moves his kisses to your awaiting lips. As soon as his soft lips come in contact with yours, Suna lets out a blissful sigh. Keeping your lips locked with each other, the brunette turns, so now you’re sitting on top of him. While having a solid grip on your waist, he eagerly pushes you back to his erection. You’re already wet enough from his intoxicating kisses and he slides into your slick walls very quick. Breaking the sloppy kiss with sinful moans, you both open your eyes and you see your boyfriend’s usual green eyes replaced by a beautiful shade of tropical teal.
Grinning at his eyes’ changed color, Suna smirks back at you, his canines sharpening in the process.
Moving up and down in a quick pattern, you rest your hands on his muscular abdomen, whimpers and deep moans leaving your boyfriend’s mouth.
"I… I know -ahhh- you… you said that you’re the demon of sloth w-when we first -argh- met… but I feel like -ohhh- you’re putting too much work into t-this."
Chuckling darkly, Suna sits up, wrapping one of his arms around your lower back while the other one gathers your hair, pulling on it, making you hiss and he leans closer to your ear.
"That may be true my love but -ah- when it comes to you, I like to show you what I can do. I almost fucked you into oblivion last night. -Shit- now let’s do round four shall we?" He bites into your ear and flips you over, to give you a fucking of a life time.
A/N: As requested by my followers, here’s my bday special yakuza!Suna smut! (It sounds like a dish lmao, also happy bday to 25 year old me yay) The characters are like in their mid-twenties! P.S. I had way too many ideas for writing this, so I am gonna divide it into two parts :'D
Warnings: non-explicit sexual content, cursing, enemies to lovers trope, mentions of sex
You absolutely despise him.
He’s an infuriating, stupidly attractive, arrogant jerk.
Even his name leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
Rintarō Suna.
Henchman of ruthless yakuza boss Shinsuke Kita, he is a highly intelligent strategist with rather unfortunate good looks that could make any girl swoon as soon as he looked their way.
Too bad for all the females that Suna doesn’t do relationships, only fucking with no strings attached.
He’s the only one in the group who brings company back to his room, claiming he has 'needs' and it’s a good stress relief.
You couldn’t care less, it’s not like you have a thing for Suna.
He uses women and throws them away like paper, his body count is probably higher than the Spanish flu.
You’re walking down the dimly-lit hallway, passing by an expensive painting towards his room.
When you get closer, you hear the sound of a moaning woman, along with the constant creaking of a bed.
Immediately, your stomach twists in a weird way and you take deep breaths before hammering your fist against his door.
You hear a startled yelp of the woman and thankfully the creaking stops.
"What?!" Suna snaps loudly from inside his room.
"Suna, get your ass out of there. Kita called for a meeting 20 minutes ago. Send your visitor home and get a move on!" You yell back in frustration.
You wait for about seven minutes before the door opens, and a bright red-headed woman emerges from the room, hair all tousled up with cheeks colored almost as red as her hair.
She is unmistakably beautiful, you unfortunately have to admit.
She looks a little bit guilty when she looks at you, not saying a word as she brushes past you in a hurry to leave.
When you look back inside Suna’s room, the air smells heavy with sex and frustration from Suna's side, not exactly happy that you interrupted his hook-up session.
"You know, you’re such a manwhore." You say, with a voice full of anger and jealousy, after the woman has left.
"And proud of it sweetheart." Suna begins to pull up his discarded boxers and black jeans again, turning away from you, so his broad muscled back faces you.
Along with lots of scars of fights he has been in, his massive tattoo always amazes you.
It’s two giant vipers entangled with each other, mouths open so fangs are on display. At the bottom of the vipers, a red demon skull with a nasty snarl is staring right into the viewers face. Along on top of the skull are two horns, looking like they grew out of the skull. Two arrows go through the vipers, not hurting them but so the reptiles curl around them. It represents deceptive authority.
"Enjoying the view?" Suna's teasing tone rips you out of your daydream.
"You wish. Kita has called us into a meeting and you weren’t picking up your phone when Aran has tried to call you multiple times." You cross your arms in front of your chest as you watch him getting dressed.
Pulling his discarded maroon hoodie over his upper body, he faces you again with his usual bored expression. Aka what you call his resting-bitch-face.
"Let’s go fuckboy. Kita is waiting for us and with every damn second I spend waiting for you, he grows more agitated. Ever since his girl has left him, he’s been more moody, impatient and impulsive than usual." In the last part of your sentence, you drop the volume of your voice.
Suna finally finishes putting on his sneakers and steps out of his room to lock the door and follow you to the conference room.
"I can’t understand how you can have sex with someone who screams so loud, I’d probably get my eardrums busted if my partner screamed so loud." You start the conversation.
"Think you sound better?" Suna grins at you with those beautiful dark emerald eyes of his, while still walking beside you to the conference room.
"I KNOW I sound better! At least I don’t scream like a cat in heat when I orgasm." You huff and fast the pace in your steps.
"I don’t care how loud they are, as long as I can fuck them and they leave, I could give less a shit." The brunette fastens his steps, so he is walking next to you again, making your shoulder brush with his side occasionally.
Silence from your side for a few seconds before Suna starts talking again.
"By the way. Why are you so uptight? Haven’t had a good fuck in a while?" He taunts you as he leans closer to your face.
You ignore his comment, finally arriving at the conference room.
When you open the door, you see Kita leaning his head against his propped up fist on his table and at the sound of the door opening, his brown eyes snap towards you.
His eyes are very cold and it gives you shivers every time you look at him.
Suna shortly follows after you and without any acknowledgment to his boss, he sits in the seat next to Osamu.
"Finally." Kita sighs and leans back in his chair. Finally all of the Inarizaki members have arrived, sitting at the long white-gray marble table, with Kita sitting at the head of the table.
The last unoccupied chair was next to Riseki, who gives you a small smile as you sit down next to him.
Kita stands up and walks around a little bit, starting to talk.
"The reason why I called you all in here is because Inarizaki will soon expand its territory. With Shiratorizawa and Nohebi gone, all that is left is Karasuno and Itachiyama." Some of the members listen intently to him, others like Suna pulling out his phone, typing on it with a bored expression.
"So what are we going to do about them?" Aran asks from Riseki's left side.
"I had a talk with Iizuna last night. We have come to a mutual agreement of joining forces together." Kita answers, stopping at the window to look outside.
"What? Ya serious?! Those snobby bastards only care for their own fuckin' profit!" Atsumu sneers madly.
Kita looks at Atsumu through his peripheral vision briefly before returning his gaze back outside.
"I know that some of you may have a problem with that, but Karasuno has gotten too much power in the last two years. Sawamura is stealing most of our customers away and by joining forces together with Itachiyama, we will be able to take over half of Japan, soon maybe the whole of Japan. Eliminate them one by one, pray you do not disappoint me.”
“What about their newest product ‘Spikedopamine’? I heard that’s the newest shit in town. Is that why our sales have dropped so much?” Akagi states, who sits on your right.
Ginjima and Atsumu who sit across from you, start laughing hysterically at the name that they chose for the newest drug they produced. The name-founder Kageyama used to play volleyball back in high school, where most of the crows have met and formed their group.
“That’s the stupidest name I ever heard!” Atsumu manages to say while getting tears in his eyes.
Ginjima and Atsumu keep on laughing until Omimi shoots them a sharp glare, while Kita looks at them with an undefined expression.
Ginjima immediately stops, while Atsumu’s laugh turns into a nervous chuckle, stopping after a while as well.
It’s quiet for a while before Kita starts to speak again.
“I will divide you into teams and you will all work together with Itachiyama. Iizuna and I already made the teams.”
Kita walks back to his chair to sit down and reaches for the few folders that Aran has slid over to his boss.
“Team 1, the Surveillance Team. Osamu, you will go with Akagi, Kosaku, Omimi and Komori from Itachiyama. He’s a black-hat hacker, he can help you hack into their security system and download important files, steal information and hack into their bank accounts.”
The names of the men that were called begin to stand up, since Osamu sits on Kita’s left side at the head of the table, he grabs the folder that Kita has provided him.
“And Team 2, which will be the Assault Team, will consist of Atsumu, (Y/N), Suna and Sakusa from Itachiyama. He's a weapons specialist, expert interrogator and master strategist.” Kita slides the folder to you, since Suna is still on his phone, showing it to Atsumu, who grins mischievously at the screen.
“Aran, Riseki and Ginjima, you stay here at headquarters, in case someone gets injured, you can take over. That will be all.” Kita, Aran, Riseki and Ginjima begin to get up to return to their rooms while you and your assigned team remain seated.
Well this is fucking great.
You’re stuck with a psycho, a manwhore and an arrogant jackass for God knows how long, until you all bring the downfall for Karasuno.
Ah thank you for this post while I enjoy being single in Valentine's day
[ suna rintarou ]
being mad at your boyfriend was not how you planned to spend your valentine.
you didn’t have a lot of fights with suna.
you were both chill and hated arguing, so it was rare to get upset about something, whether it was on his end or yours. and, even if you did argue, it never lasted more than a few hours before you two were completely over it.
this one, however, has been going on for the last three days.
it all started on monday morning, when suna texted you in the middle of your lecture, asking if you could pass by his place after so you two could have lunch together as always, and casually informing you that the twins were over as well.
it wasn’t anything unusual.
the twins often popped up at his apartment at the most random times to annoy him, so you weren’t surprised.
you were, however, surprised to hear your name just before you could shove the key and unlock his door. it was atsumu’s voice who spoke, and the tone was somewhat teasing. “so, what are you and [y/n] doing on valentines?”
“huh? dunno.” your boyfriend responded, and you could easily visualize the way he shrugged. you knew him too well. “i’ll see what they want to do.”
“…you don’t seem excited.” osamu noted, and you paused.
“well, yeah, that’s what happens when you see someone every day.” suna’s voice was cold, and you felt your breath getting caught up in your throat at his words. you didn’t even have time to convince yourself he didn’t mean what you think he meant when he continued. “it’s getting boring, seeing them everyday and all, and i sometimes just need a break and time alone. they’re kind of clingy.”
it was silent for a few seconds, but it wasn’t like you could hear anything over the sound of your own heart beating so loudly, anyways.
was that how he really felt?
“…you’re lying, right?” osamu’s replied, tone almost dangerous, but you didn’t stick around to hear suna’s response as you turned around and walked away, heart aching and jaw clenched.
once you were far enough, you sent suna a text.
if you needed a break, all you needed to say was that. it’s also bold of you to call me clingy, suna, especially when you are the one always saying you miss me. i’m leaving you the fuck alone, but next time you even think about speaking to me, you better decide on whether you want this relationship to continue or not. i’m not sticking around where i am unwanted.
suna, to your surprise, read the message immediately, as if he had your chat open. you watched as the bubble appeared, disappeared, then appeared yet again, before it disappeared and didn’t appear again for the next few days.
despite it being valentine’s, it was still wednesday and you had university, which meant you got to see every couple being even more affectionate than possible. you didn’t have anything against valentine’s day, but seeing everyone around you in love felt like the universe was purposely rubbing salt on your wound.
maybe it was your imagination, but it was almost like your phone felt heavier by the second, a reminder that suna didn’t even care enough to reach out to you.
was that the end of your relationship?
you had classes till six. on any other day, you would have been grateful for the distraction, but you were sure you were one exchange of roses away from ripping your hair out.
maybe you have gone insane.
the second your professor dismissed you, you were almost tumbling out of your seat and you rushed outside, eager to get away from everyone and into the comfort of your own home, where you can curl up into a blanket and maybe watch a movie or two.
you have never felt more relief than the second your home came into view. you could already imagine the warmth of your bed, and you sighed happily as you grabbed your key, shoving it into the door and unlocking it.
the lights were off, and you didn’t even bother turning them on as you kicked your shoes off and rushed to your room, throwing your stuff on before you went back outside, heading to the kitchen, only to yelp when the lights turned on, jumping in horror as you turned to suna, who was leaning on the wall, blinking.
you immediately gave him a wide-eyed look, but he seemed more surprised than you. “how— when the fuck did you enter?”
“i’ve been here since twelve. i was waiting for you to turn the lights on so i can surprise you, but you just… skipped to your room. i worry for your safety.” he deadpanned.
you gave him a confused look. “how the fuck did you get in here? you don’t have a key!”
“i broke in.” he stated casually, then paused. “well, actually, i forced atsumu to break in then open the door for me so my suit doesn’t get wrinkled. you should really lock your windows.”
“i like on the fourth floor, how the fuck did he…” you started, then suddenly trailed off when you noticed what was going on. suna was wearing a suit, hilariously contrasting to the fact that you were in a hoodie and sweatpants, but that wasn’t it.
the coffee table that you two always have your cheap ordered dinners on was… well, more presentable. there was a fancy tablecloth over it and your favorite meal, which you assumed osamu cooked because it actually looked presentable, along with two wine glasses filled with water and a vase with three roses in the middle.
your eyes trailed back to suna, but he only immediately held out a bouquet. you didn’t have any idea where he was hiding it, considering it was huge, and didn’t know how he found out your favorite flowers either, considering it was something you two never discussed.
you looked back at him, noticing how nervous he looked, but you interrupted him before he could speak. you wanted to thank him or ask him what was going or yell at him, anything to express your confusion, but what escaped your lips was— “how broke are you right now?”
at least it made him snort, before he glanced away sheepishly. “my card declined on a bottle of water i tried buying on my way here.”
you two chuckled, before it was silent again, and he sighed, turning serious as he looked into your eyes. “[y/n], i’m sorry, i didn’t mean anything i said. i really love you and i don’t think you’re clingy and i don’t think our relationship is boring. you’re my everything, and the past three days have been hell without you. you’re everything i have ever dreamed about and i am so utterly grateful you’re with me, so please accept my apology.”
you hesitantly accepted his bouquet, but kept your eyes on it as you asked your next question. “why… why did you even say that?”
“…it was sarcasm.” he stated. you paused, turning back to him, and he just stared back at you. “you clearly left before you heard my answer to osamu’s question, didn’t you?”
“…when he asked if you were serious?”
“yeah,” he nodded casually. “i said no, obviously, and told them i’ll take you out to your favorite restaurant and— ow! don’t hit me with that bouquet, you know how much that was?! this was an expensive hit!”
“why the hell didn’t you say that earlier?” you yelled back, eyes wide. “you let me sulk for the past three days over sarcasm? you could have solved the misunderstanding with a text!”
“i panicked!” he yelped when you gave him another (very light) hit with the bouquet, but his lips pulled up just the slightest. “i was scared you weren’t going to believe me and the twins said you definitely wouldn’t, so i just thought i can surprise you and make up for it! stop hitting me, god, i’m glad you’re holding the flowers and not the boxed chocolates!”
you paused, voice quietening down. “you got me boxed chocolates?”
“yeah.” he smiled softly, and took a step closer. “of course i did. i did everything, you know, the full deal, i even got you a teddy bear.”
“really?” you whispered. he nodded, taking another step, and you paused. “so… you don’t think i’m clingy? you don’t think we’re boring? you don’t want to break u—“
“fuck no,” he scoffed, as if the idea was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard, and cupped your cheeks, face serious. “i love you, [y/n]. you’re the person i am going to marry. you’re everything to me, [y/n].”
“oh.” you mumbled, then nodded slowly, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “oh.”
“oh?” he echoed, then smiled. “so, my love, am i forgiven?”
“if you give me the chocolates.” you smiled, but his smile dropped as he winced.
“about that… the twins ate them. osamu called them ‘food tax’ and atsumu said you shouldn’t be greedy, you already get the flowers. he even posted the box on his story and captioned it ‘thank you, babe’ to drive his fans crazy.”
“…oh.” you blinked, then sighed loudly. “fine, i guess i can let it pass.”
“really?” he gasped dramatically, inching closer to your face. his eyes trailed to your lips for second, before it shot back to your eyes. “thank you, my sweet love.”
“…you’re dying to kiss me, aren’t you?”
“fuck yes,” he whispered, almost desperate. “i’ve been experiencing withdrawals for the past three days. i am going to die, [y/n], genuinely—“
you let out a light laugh, leaning closer, and his eyes widened briefly in anticipation. you only smiled, meeting his lips, and allowed your arms to wrap around him.
god, you missed him.
and by the way he kissed you back, as if you were air and he couldn’t breathe, it was clear he missed you too.

“rin.” your voice is no more than a hum, a sputter of breath floating across the sheets. “you can go to sleep, y'know. i’m not going anywhere.”
suna has never shared his bed with anyone. and as humiliating that might seem at any other time, here and now—as you soak his room in midnight blues, airing the bed with the scent of sleep and warmth and you, the thought almost seems—endearing. at least to you, anyway.
“’m fine,” he murmurs—voice half-smothered by the fluff of his pillow. “wide awake actually.”
“oh, are you now?” you nudge him from the other side of the mattress as he mumbles something unintelligible, hooking an arm around your waist to pull you closer.
“yep,” his breath flutters against your neck, a swirl of laughter catching in your throat. “could run a marathon right now.”
you roll your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck as he buries himself further and further into you, and part of you—a stupid, lovesick little part—would keep him awake forever if you could.
because you like this suna. the never shared a bed before, barely clinging to consciousness, would stay up until dawn if you really wanted him to suna. the one that buries his face in your neck and hums sweet words of solace against your skin and kisses i love you’s into your shoulder just because he can.
and perhaps, that’s rather selfish of you. perhaps clinging onto this—to late nights and early mornings and the hum of his voice amongst a thousand stars is too much to ask for.
but suna has never shared his bed with anyone, and somehow, tonight, he’s sharing it with you. so, when he pulls you closer, tugging the blanket just above your shoulders as his lips press into the center of your jaw, you decide that you’re allowed to be a little selfish if you’d like.

reblogs/interaction is always appreciated

Teasing him in front on his friends

Suna Rintarou x Fem!reader
Mentions of Aran and Miya Twins.
Synopsis: Getting on Suna's nerves while he is with his friends probably wasn’t the best idea.
Warnings: Nsfw, Thigh riding, slight exhibitionism?, power dynamics, spanking, orgasm denial, begging, kinda degrading?
Wc: 1.7k+ | MDNI

Suna loves his pretty girl.
He loves watching his friends gush over you, and he loves the fact that he’s the only one that gets to touch you in all the places he wants.
Right now you’re placed in his lap with your head resting on his shoulder while he’s talking to Aran, Atsumu and Osamu as you’re almost falling asleep.
You love Suna's friends, you really do, but you’ve been tired all day and you just want to go home.
You want to watch TV and cuddle with him, but it doesn’t seem like your boyfriend is planning on leaving soon.
"Rin…" you mumble quietly in his ear, just loud enough for him to hear.
"What’s wrong princess?" He pauses his conversation with his friends while looking down at you.
"Can we please go home? Please?" You give him your puppy dog eyes while you claw at his shirt.
"Now?" He sighs before checking his wrist watch.
"Mhm." You respond calmly.
"Just one more hour baby I promise."
He doesn’t want to leave yet. It’s not often that he sees his friends after graduating Highschool, right now he just wants to catch up with them and have fun.
"But I’m so tired." You pout at him.
"C’mon baby stop bein' so cranky. You’ll get a reward later if you behave now."
He makes you sit up straight so that you can face him and look him in his eyes.
"I don’t want a reward, I wanna go home!" You hiss at him before you pinch his chest.
You can barley keep your eyes open and you’re starting to get annoyed at the fact that he cares more for his friends than for you, but you immediately regret raising your voice at him after you see the way he looks at you. If there’s one thing that your boyfriend hates, it’s dumb little girls acting like brats, and not only that but in front of his friends too.
He just waves off and continues to ignore you again, what doesn’t mean that he’ll let you get away with the little outburst you just had, he’s just going to take care of it later.
You keep on trying to get his attention but it seems like he just doesn’t care, he acts like you’re not even there, and keeps talking to his friends about the most random things. You’re starting to get frustrated while you think of different ways to make your boyfriend want to leave with you.
Mindlessly you begin moving in his lap when he wraps his hand around your waist to make you sit still as you get an idea. You rest your head against his chest before you start slowly rubbing your clothed pussy on his thigh. Your left hand slides under his shirt, where you hold onto his belt.
Suna immediately realizes what you’re doing and it doesn’t go unnoticed by his friends either. He roughly grabs you by your shoulder before gritting his teeth.
"What the fuck do you think you’re doin'?" He glares at you.
"I think yer girl needs some discipline Suna."
Atsumu giggles. It seems like this entire situation is pretty amusing to him.
"Shut the fuck up, like ya know what a girl needs Tsumu." Osamu interrupts his twin, as he hits his shoulder.
You still don’t stop grinding on his thigh, the spite the fact that it’s obvious that everybody’s watching you. If Suna doesn’t want to listen then he has to learn it the hard way, at least that’s what you thought before he grabbed your chin to leave a slap on your cheek.
"We’re leavin'." Is all he says before standing up and dragging you after him.
"Take care Suna." Aran and Osamu figured that acting like nothing happened would make things easier for you, since they know how Suna can be.
"Make sure ya don’t break her, she still needs to come to my game on Saturday." Atsumu jokes as you wave all 3 of them goodbye.
"Shut the fuck up." Suna responds before dragging you out.
。 ☆★☆ 。
"You seriously pissed me off today princess."
Suna pushes you onto your shared bed after he just took off your shirt and bra, exposing your tits to him.
"It’s your fault, you ignored me!"
You roll you’re eyes at him while trying to cover your chest. One stern look from him is enough to make you realize that hiding your body won’t help you right now. You let go of your chest and look up to him where his and your eyes meet.
"My fault huh?" He says while holding you in place by your waist.
"Mhm." You stand your ground.
"I should put a fucking collar on you since you wanna act like a fuckin' dog."
He moves your skirt out of the way before rubbing his thumb against your inner thigh.
"On all fours." Is all he says. You choose to not disobey him again, since you don’t want to make things worse than they already are. You feel Suna's hand trailing over the soft flesh of your butt while your face is pressed into the mattress.
"Now be a good girl and count for me yeah?" He says before you feel his hand harshly spank your behind. "O-One." You start counting. "Mhm, just like that." He praises you before slapping you again. "Two." You continue counting like Suna wanted you to. "That wasn’t loud enough." He says as he places another firm slap on your ass. "Three." You cry out loudly when you feel the pain starting to get worse and the well known stinging that’s probably going to make sitting very difficult for you for the next two to three days.
Ten slaps later and you’re so overwhelmed that you just start whining into your pillow. You wouldn’t be surprised if your neighbors could hear you by now but it’s impossible to keep your shit together with your ass burning like that. You’re sobbing while begging Suna to stop.
"C-Can’t a-anymore. P-Please, hurts to m-much." You whimper.
"Shut up and fucking take what I give you, understood?"
He warns you as he slides your panties down to your ankles before tossing them to the side. You nod slowly at his threat as he turns you onto your back and slowly presses his thumb against your clit.
He wraps his other hand around your throat tightly while smirking viciously at the fact that you’re pussy's already soaking wet for him. You can feel the metal of his rings pressing against your skin, as you gasp for air. Suna immediately feels your body twitching lightly when he slides his middle and ring finger inside of you. You grab his wrist and try to remove his hand form your neck but he just tightens his grip.
"R-Rin I- I.." you try make him stop, digging your nails into his skin but he just won’t let go.
"You want me to stop?" He asks as he looks down on you.
You just nod in response.
"Apologize to me first."
"I’m s-sorry." You barley get out.
"Say I’m sorry for bein’ a selfish little attention whore." He commands harshly as he removes his fingers from your clenching pussy to sluggishly insert his already stiffened cock inside of you.
Your head turns to the side and you whine in pain as Suna's hand forcefully grabs you by your hair to make you look at him.
"Say it!" He yells at you while tears start rolling down your face. He starts moving carefully while trying to keep himself from moaning by biting down on his lip. Fuck, he loves you for always making him feels so good, but there’s no way he’d ever let you know, especially not if you were acting like a bitch earlier.
"I-I’m sorry for being-ahh a s-selfish…." All the sobbing makes it difficult for you to think straight, what keeps you from being able to finish your sentence.
"C’mon princess you almost got it." Suna looks at you expectant while still holding you by your hair as he starts to move faster.
"For being a sel-selfish little a-attention Whore." You finish with a mortified look on your face.
"Mhm that’s right, you wanna be my good girl again?" He asks as he lets go of your hair.
"Y-Yes please." You beg mindlessly as the tears in your eyes make it hard for you too distinguished anything.
"Wanna feel good baby?" You hear him laughing quietly to himself as you let out a small, "Mhm.".
"Should I go deeper princess?" He knows exactly what your answer is going to be and yet he asked just cause he wanted to hear you say it.
"P-Please go deeper, I need you to go d-deeper Rin!"
You’re so desperate for him right now that it’s humiliating in many ways, especially since you were the one that started all of this. Of course you don’t regret it but you might think about it twice if you want to annoy your boyfriend next time. Suna holds you by your waist as he deepens his thrusts.
"Why can’t you just listen to me? You think I like doing this?"
He hisses under his teeth.
"I love treating you like a princess but you just keep makin' things difficult for me."
You can feel how frustrated he is by the way he’s slamming his dick inside of you with not a single bit of pity in sight. He feels you tightening around him, knowing that it means that you’re about to cum.
"Oh so you’re close hmm?" He hums devilishly.
You nod your head yes as you feel your body getting ready to release yourself right on his cock, wich is still hammering inside you when suddenly all your pleasure reduces to zero. You can’t even comprehend what just happened to you when you yelp loudly and notice that Suna stopped moving completely.
You whine and whimper, trying to rub your behind against him when he violently smack your butt again, right where you were already sore.
"You really thought I’d let you cum? Silly little girl… Tonight only I get to cum.
♡───◌┈───♡⃝──┈◌───♡ ———————————————————
I really don’t know how to feel about this lmaoo. I started so many works but I just don’t know how to finish them, so I’m sorry if this is kinda rushed! :(
Don’t forget to Follow and Reblog <3
all i need —

SYP — “girl ur made for me, cuz ur love is all i need” just scenarios <3
GEN. — fluff, crack
WARN. — gn!reader, not proofread
NOTES — yk i love the grumpy x sunshine and polar opposites troupe so why not incorporate some hints of that into this? might make a pt 2..

at first glance, not many people would expect either of you to pursue each other.
the way you both handle things are different, reactions and such. and when you think of that, there’s only one situation that comes to mind..
throwing your head back slightly, you laugh at one of his lame jokes. hand in hand, both of you turn the corner, still too invested in your conversation to take in the sight in front if you.
he’s the first one to look, halting his movements as he stays rooted to the ground. you, taking note of his tense form, stop to turn to him. cocking an eyebrow, you nudge him on his shoulder and worryingly ask, “babe? you okay?”
his mouth is agape a bit and his eyes are fixated on whats in front of him. seeing as he’s not gonna answer, you follow his line of sight and gasp slightly.
there in front of both of you stood a couple leaning against a wall, making out. you grimaced slightly, noticing their lust for each other through their eager movements. ‘they kiss like fish..,’ you thought, deadpanning.
you felt a tug on your arm, pulling you back.
“c’mon, let’s go before they see us. they might think we enjoy watching them eat each others’ face,” he whispered, hooking an arm around your waist.
you were about to comply but you thought of something way better than just ignoring it. a mischievous smile creeps its way on your face and he grows concerned, not liking that smug look on your face.
unraveling your arms from his, you gasp exaggeratedly, successfully catching the couples attention. they break away from each other reluctantly and flushed, glaring at you.
“i knew you had somebody else!” you screamed, stomping away and wiping away invisible tears from the corners of your eyes. he trails quickly after you, standing beside you as you both hide behind a wall.
“are you kidding me? ugh!” you hear one of them shuffling, probably walking away from the other one.
“wait, baby! i swear, i have no idea who that was!” the other one pleaded, scrambling after his ‘baby’. his thick accent making it all the more funnier.
you leaned forward, clutching your stomach in laughter. he stared at you in slight disbelief before joining in on your giggling.

“what are you doing?”
uh oh, caught in the act.
you turn around, hiding the item behind your back. you grin widely but sheepishly. “what do you mean?” you smile innocently, stuffing the perfume bottle up your shirt.
tilting his head slightly, he raises a brow, skeptical. he walks over to you and hastily snatches the bottle from your hands.
“hey! i wasn’t done with that,” you whined, reaching for it but to no avail. he held it far from your reach, above his head. he tsked.
“i’ll give it back if you tell me what you were doing.”
you sighed, mumbling something so soft it was barely audible. “huh?” he nearly squeaked.
“i wanted to spray my perfume on your clothes so when we go out, people know you’re taken,” you grumbled. “but mostly because people are doing it on tiktok..”
he didn’t stop babying you that whole afternoon. and he posted a tiktok about it. (it went viral)

it was a nice noon. the birds were chirping, the grass seemed greener and your boyfriend was throwing a tantrum.
“i don’t wanna!”
“stop acting like a baby. its not that bad.”
“this isn’t fair.”
“what isn’t fair? you lost the bet, you have to do my dare,” you huff victoriously, smirking slightly.
he sighs, knowing there’s no way of convincing you to let him off. “fine, help me find one.”
“gladly,” you chirped, bouncing on the balls of your feet gently. your eyes scanned around the park before locking on someone. “right there,” you whispered, leaning to him and pointing at the person with your lips.
you shoo him to approach the person. he shakes his head and complies, walking backwards to cast you a pouty look to which you rolled your eyes at.
“excuse me?” he asked, approaching said persons line of sight. she smiled at him, waving, “hello! is there anything i can do for you?”
“i just wanted to tell you that your child is the chosen one,” he replied bluntly, pointing at her swollen stomach.
the woman blinked at him.
“child? i’m not pregnant.” she narrowed her eyes at him.
he ran away, dragging you with him before your knees buckled from your wheezing.

— (bllk) NAGI, SAE, RIN (genshin) DILUC, alhaitham (star rail) DAN HENG, jing yuan, BLADE (haikyuu) SUNA, TSUKI (KNY) GIYU, sanemi (ENCANTO) CARLOS, CAMILO () YOUR FAVES

@mykuro 2023. This is my content, inspired or not. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3

need ur attention asap —

SYP — w characters who i think are actually really clingy (secretly or not)
GEN. — fluff
WARN. — gn!reader, clingy characs, pda, sickening couple activities
REQ. — “do you do carlos madrigal x reader.. if yes, could I get one?? i can’t really find any recent ones now and I love your works! if not, that’s completely fine!!! xx”
NOTES. — im literally so bad at sticking to one character 😭 im glad u love my works, have a good day lovely <33

thinking about having a clingy bf who can’t get enough of ur love <3
ur clingy bf! who can’t stop clinging onto you like a koala.
ur clingy bf! who loves back hugging you and discovering different cuddle positions.
ur clingy bf! who shows up to your door at random times with a bouquet of your fav flowers.
ur clingy bf! who has a secret obsession with the sweet taste of your lips.
ur clingy bf! who encourages you to play the chapstick game, a new excuse to kiss you over and over. (he doesn’t even make an effort to guess the flavour..)
ur clingy bf! who pulls you away at any social event to kiss you breathless.
ur clingy bf! who stares at you with a subtle pout as his friends drag him away to do god knows what.
ur clingy bf! who basically uses his status to go see you instead of doing what he should be.
ur clingy bf! who refuses to remove his arms around you in the morning, leading you to quite literally limp around with him attached to your hip.
ur clingy bf! who tries to act stoic in public but his facade crumbles in 5 minutes and his hands are back on your waist.
ur clingy bf! who has a habit of rubbing your noses together.
ur clingy bf! who carries you all different styles and doesn’t care about your protests.
ur clingy bf! who always cradles your face so gently whenever you’re ranting and just stares at you with heart eyes and a big, silly smile on his lips.
ur clingy bf! who pulls you back to his chest when you get even a centimetre farther from him.
ur clingy bf! who gives you another bottle of his perfume to spray on your clothes so you smell like him when you go out.
ur clingy bf! who’s always there for receiving and giving affection, especially on hard days.
ur clingy bf! who’d rather die than leave the comfort of your arms wrapped around him, his safe place.
ur clingy bf! who loves you so much that he has to remind you how amazing you are literally every 10 minutes.
ur clingy bf! who send you those care-packages every month filled with all of your favourite things, skincare, games, books etc.
ur clingy bf! who always matches with you in real life and in every game you two own. (no such thing as u playing a game that he doesnt play)
ur clingy bf! who’s always loud asf whenever he sees you. (mf sprints to u to give u a hug)
ur clingy bf! who calls you every single term of endearment, even the weirdest ones.
ur clingy bf! who definitely unironically calls you his pookie wookie farting glitter boo boo bear. (he says it so seriously too..)
ur clingy bf! who wont let you pay for anything and spoils you with everything he can get his hands on.
ur clingy bf! who would and will give the world to you.
thinking about having a clingy bf who can’t get enough of u <3

bonus!! —
the sound of the iphone alarm rings throughout the bedroom. a mix of deep, raspy groans and soft whining fill the room, replacing said irritating noise.
you reach to tap the ‘snooze’ button but a hand grabs your arm. he stretches a hand out to hit it instead but missed 5 times before effectively shutting it off. he groans, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your chest.
“babe, get up. you’re too fat, you’re suffocating me.”
“‘s too early to get up, stop squirming,” he reaches a hand up to your face, trying to cover your mouth before you slap it away.
you wriggle in his grasp before stopping, surrendering to his warmth.
“morning, my sweet waffle with honey, maple syrup and berries on top.”
there was a good few seconds of silence to make you realise he’s not joking and genuinely calls you that.
upon imaging the image of waffles in your mind, the idea obviously makes your stomach grumble. you wanted to get up and make some but forgot about the tired guy on your chest.
with a loud groan, you drag him with you out of bed. you can definitely hear his quiet giggles as he brings the blanket with him, perched on his shoulders while you drag him around.

bonus #2!! —
“i got it, i got it!”
“baby, let me pay for it!” you strain out, struggling against his tight embrace. you can feel the vibrations of his chest behind you as he captures your arms in one hand and tries to put the money in the machine with the other.
you squeal when you free your hands from his vice grip and he tickles you to prevent sticking your money in.
“babe, babe stop! i wanna pay, its my turn.”
“i got it, don’t worry. im not gonna let you pay, ill cover it,” he laughs, taking the cash from your hands and slipping it back into your wallet.
at this point, you’re thrashing around in his grasp, not harsh enough to hurt him though. he has his arms hooked under your shoulders to prevent you from moving forward.
“please, let me pay! i got it, its fine!” he protests through his own laughter.
you throw your head back on his shoulder, giggling while trying to free yourself from his grip. he leans downwards and presses several kisses to your face, successfully stopping your movements.
he paid for you again. hey, at least you tried, right?

— (bllk) NAGI, sae, REO (genshin) KAEYA, CHILDE (star rail) gepard, JING YUAN, SAMPO (haikyuu) SUNA, tsuki, KENMA, KUROO (KNY) TANJIRO, AKAZA (ENCANTO) carlos, CAMILO (ATSV) miguel, MILES, PAVITR () YOUR FAVES

@xyaehir 2023. This is my content, inspired or not. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3

sitting in bed, thinking about suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro.
like the second he’s added into his volleyball groupchat, kita’s writing some long and detailed paragraphs about their new training regimen to practice for their next match.
suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro taps on the notification and just stares for a good 10 seconds before leaving his message on seen and switching his phone off to go nap somewhere.
then the next day rolls around and he’s completely clueless about the new routine and frankly slightly worried about the long earful of a lecture kita’s going to give him.
but when you send him 3 detailed and double-spaced paragraphs ranting about what put you in a bad mood, suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro is suddenly suna “fastest reader in the world” rintaro.
suna “fastest reader in the world” rintaro is immediately replying at the speed of light with his own paragraphs about how baffled he is that all those things happened to you.
and then atsumu does the same thing and suna “fastest reader in the world” rintaro is back to suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro, reacting to his 8 paragraphs with a thumbs up.

if u tell me someone already thought of this istg. anyways, i love this middle blocker sm i need him to be WHIPPED and giving special treatment 😣 not edited cz its 3:02 am rn..

@xyaehir 2024. This is my content. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated! <3

sitting in bed, thinking about suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro.
like the second he’s added into his volleyball groupchat, kita’s writing some long and detailed paragraphs about their new training regimen to practice for their next match.
suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro taps on the notification and just stares for a good 10 seconds before leaving his message on seen and switching his phone off to go nap somewhere.
then the next day rolls around and he’s completely clueless about the new routine and frankly slightly worried about the long earful of a lecture kita’s going to give him.
but when you send him 3 detailed and double-spaced paragraphs ranting about what put you in a bad mood, suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro is suddenly suna “fastest reader in the world” rintaro.
suna “fastest reader in the world” rintaro is immediately replying at the speed of light with his own paragraphs about how baffled he is that all those things happened to you.
and then atsumu does the same thing and suna “fastest reader in the world” rintaro is back to suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro, reacting to his 8 paragraphs with a thumbs up.

if u tell me someone already thought of this istg. anyways, i love this middle blocker sm i need him to be WHIPPED and giving special treatment 😣

@xyaehir 2024. This is my content. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated! <3

sitting in bed, thinking about suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro.
like the second he’s added into his volleyball groupchat, kita’s writing some long and detailed paragraphs about their new training regimen to practice for their next match.
suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro taps on the notification and just stares for a good 10 seconds before leaving his message on seen and switching his phone off to go nap somewhere.
then the next day rolls around and he’s completely clueless about the new routine and frankly slightly worried about the long earful of a lecture kita’s going to give him.
but when you send him 3 detailed and double-spaced paragraphs ranting about what put you in a bad mood, suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro is suddenly suna “fastest reader in the world” rintaro.
suna “fastest reader in the world” rintaro is immediately replying at the speed of light with his own paragraphs about how baffled he is that all those things happened to you.
and then atsumu does the same thing and suna “fastest reader in the world” rintaro is back to suna “i’m not reading all that” rintaro, reacting to his 8 paragraphs with a thumbs up.

if u tell me someone already thought of this istg. anyways, i love this middle blocker sm i need him to be WHIPPED and giving special treatment 😣

@xyaehir 2024. This is my content. Do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated! <3

normally when you tuck yourself into bed with your lover, you expect him to snuggle into you immediately as he’s done many times.
so why was he scooting away from you instead? and why is he looking at you like he wants to fight?
you blink once and twice before looking at him quizzically. your lover is a man that is undoubtedly and obviously whipped for you, so why now is he acting like it’s the opposite?
“what are you doing?” you finally ask after multiple beats of silence. you watch him turn his head to the side and scoff, his glare intensifying at your arms.
or rather, what was nestled in it.
he narrows his eyes, “there’s an impostor here.”
you quirk an eyebrow, confused, before following his gaze down to your lap.
“why do you have that thing?” he side eyes the big plushie you’re hugging close to your chest.
oh. so that’s what this was about?
you sigh a bit dramatically, amused. “this ‘thing’ is comfortable to sleep with,” you mock his tone, gesturing to the plushie. “plus, he’s literally custom made to look like you.”
he scoffs before crossing his arms. “it’s custom made to look like me? but all it looks like is a filthy homewrecker!”
you laugh, shoulders shaking while he gapes at you (even though you can see the upward quirks of his lips as his facade threatens to break).
“this is no laughing matter, my dear wife!”
he lifts up his hand to point accusingly at the plushie that looks like his clone. “and you! why are you trying to ruin our relationship, huh?” he pokes his face repeatedly, each time putting more and more force.
“you wont take my wife, you hear me?!”
you giggle, watching the amusing interaction play out. “i can’t believe you’re seriously upset over something like this.”
he stops after processing your words. his gaze darkens a little and he reaches both his arms out to shakily grasp your shoulders. “honey, this is a serious situation! this thing is trying to ruin our lives!” he frowns, shaking you slightly.
“you’re a clown.”
“wh- hey!”
“it’s just a plushie, it can’t do anything wrong.”
“oh, so i’m the bad guy now, is that it? sorry for protecting our marriage then!”
you purse your lips to prevent anymore laughter to spill out and provoke your husband to poke the innocent plushie more. “baby, let’s just go to sleep, alright?”
his eyes soften when you reach out to pull his arm closer to you but suddenly narrows at the plushie still on your lap, his favourite pillow.
“sure, on one condition,” he states before picking the plushie up and throwing it out of the bedroom, quickly locking the door.
(you never saw that plushie again and he claims he has nothing to do with it.)

— (bllk) nagi, reo (genshin) wriothesely, kaeya, childe, kaveh, itto, ayato (i can see it a lil) (star rail) sampo, jing yuan, caelus (haikyuu) suna, atsumu, kuroo, oikawa (jjk) gojo, geto (maybe), yuji, inumaki (if he could talk properly) (kny) douma, zenitsu (om) mammon, asmo

i’ve seen A LOT of drabbles like this but im not sure if anyone did this exact thing 😭 btw sch is starting real soon so ill be on n off on this app 🫢 this isnt edited yet 🥹

@xyaehir 2024. this is my content. do not translate, copy or plagiarise my works in any way. reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated. <3

“Funky playlist
With Suna”
(Platonic to romantic!)

There you were, in your usual spot of his passenger seat. As you sat down to put on your seatbelt, you heard him snort.
“Might as well get ‘passenger royalty’ as a tattoo with how often you take up that spot.”
It’s not like you couldn’t drive. You very much could, although your confidence in comparison to the volleyball player was no match, which meant in his eyes, you weren’t ready to “handle him.” Whatever the hell that meant.
“Okay, smart guy, does that mean you want to be the passenger princess?”
His grin only widened at your reply. He loved this. He loved you. You weren’t afraid to be a smartass or joke with him.
Something in him, though, made him choose to hold his tongue in reply. Not because he was afraid of anything, but simply because this was a night drive to calm you two. Wouldn’t be too calming if it was full of bickering.
“Alright, alright, weirdo. Put on some music or something.” Looking at you in the corner of his eye, he could see how excited you were as he pulled out of the driveway to your place.
“If you don’t like this playlist, I may actually jump out the window at 50 miles per hour. Or throw you out.”
Beside you, your bestfriend just whistled
“I’d like to see you try to throw me, and on the flip side, I can just throw you in the back with child-locks.”
Even when you doubted if he could really lift you or hold you, he always proved able. The asshole would go as far as to say you were crushing his spine before carrying you with absolute ease.
“Whatever,” you sighed. You just hooked your phone up to the car and prepared the playlist. It was originally your plan to confess through this playlist. But with how teasing he was being, maybe you’d hold off. “What do you think?”
“Geez, it’s only the first song and you’re already asking? It’s like you’ve been waiting for this,” he responded.
You don’t let your act break, yet.
“Perhaps I have, but you’re a lot of effort,” earning a dramatic sigh from him.
He sped up a tiny bit, before going back to the normal speed limit, just to watch you squirm a little in your seat. The asshole.
After couple songs, you guys arrived at your destination. It was a small park with a swing set. Although you weren’t sure how high you could really go, Suna was always trying to see who could get to the top.
You both undid your seatbelts, but he didn’t move from the car. He was waiting for something. You just couldn’t tell what it was.
“Rin, what are you doing?”
“Waiting to see if I’m right.”
He took a second to reply.
“I like you, and judging by these songs, you like me too. Or I’m being a complete idiot.”
“Maybe you’re correct in both.”
“I can live with that, if it’s with you.”

Suna Rintaro

STARLIGHT // Suna Rintaro X Reader
𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢 𝐚𝐮
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬

tell me where you are, honey

So, I should tell you that that this is not my fiction, its heavily based on real life. If you want to check it out, the mentioned band is a Turkish band called 'Duman'.
Genre and warnings: hey guys? This is pure angst. Just angst. Heavy heavy angst. First of all, major character death (not Suna), tw: mentions of suicide, tw: mentions of death, tw: mentions of depression and anxiety, mentions of alcohol, if there's anything else please tell me!
Suna closes his eyes as he sings the words, trying to forget the uneasy feeling stirring in his chest.
He feels the sweat drip from the sides of his face, making him glisten under the blueish lights of the bar.
A chilly wind makes his overheated body shiver. Your face comes before his eyes, and Suna can't help the bitter smile finding its way on his lips. He stopped taking song requests a long time ago, so instead, he leans to the mic and asks how's the night going with a broken but charming smile that makes the crowd excited.
It has been a while. Suna shouldn't feel a lump in his throat, a stinging in his eyes. But he does. He can't help it when a fan calls out to him, asking for the song.
Reminding the rest of his fans of the song, they start chanting the name of it like it's a prayer, holding a rhythm and hoping for him to sing it.
The song he hasn't sang in a long, long time.
The choking feeling is instant, the heaviness pressuring his chest, making it impossible for him to breathe in the foggy room. Atsumu interjects, telling the fans to cut it out, that they are well aware Suna won't, can't sing it.
Osamu sends a glimpse at the lead singer's direction, not surprised to see his fox-like, almost lifeless-looking eyes already damp. Suna runs a hand through his hair frustratedly, Osamu can't tell what he's thinking, but it appears hard on him.
Atsumu cocks his head when Suna backs away from the mic. "It's okay," he grits his teeth, he looks like he's in pain. "I think- I think I can sing it this once."
The truth is, Suna missed you this song. Suna missed the song he knew that you loved so much. So he sends a smile to the crowd, picking the mic and biting his lip. It was a song he promised he would never sing again, never again after that last time.
But here he is, hoping you could hear it.
"Darling, you are my honey," Suna sings, and it comes out as choked and strained, but the fans are just surprised he actually did sing it.
It's the first familiar chords that cause him to choke on his breath. Suna's already crying, and if the fans looked closely, they could see the others are, too.
Suna's mind wanders off to the last time he sang the song, the last time he spoke those words.
It's the first big concert his band was going to do. Suna had been trying to make it happen for months now, and if it went well, it would be a big turn point in their careers.
"Can't you- can't you come a little earlier today?"
"Rin, where are you?" He heard you say from the other side of the line, making him sigh in annoyance. "I've been texting you all day!" Suna pinched the bridge of his nose. He was already aware you were texting him every five fucking minutes, and that was the very reason he hadn't opened one of them. "I'll be home in a few hours." He grumbled, almost inaudible, but you managed to hear him.
He didn't think much about the few seconds of silence that followed his answer.
Your voice was a mere whisper, and you sounded so sad, almost desperate, and Suna closed his eyes. "We have a fucking concert today. We're doing the last cheks." He sighed when you stay silent. "I'll try to come a little earlier."
"Okay, I love you, Rin." He heard you smile, and it made the weight on his chest feel a little lighter. "Love ya too, honey."
It wasn't a word anyone would expect Suna to speak, but it was what he always called you. He always said it with so much emotion, so much thought and love, and it never failed to make your heart skip a beat.
"You taste like honey." He once told you when you asked him, leaning in with a smile and stealing a kiss.
It was your favorite song.
"My soul is already addicted to your taste," Suna sighs the words. The fans are surprisingly silent, watching their favorite singer shake with wtiholded sobs at the lyrics and the love he lost. It's obvious he's out of it, lost in the memories, holding the mic so tight that his knuckles turn white.
Your love story was one of the most famous ones at the time, more than Suna himself, and was known by almost everyone.
But lately, you had started to feel like it was dying.
It wasn't, of course. Suna loved you more than he did anything else, and you loved him more than life itself. It wasn't anything in particular that made you feel that way, too. Many little things combined, the depression you were falling into, the stress he was under, the more than often fights happening lately.
Your relationship wasn't the best lately, that, you admitted. Suna was rarely at home. You only saw him a few minutes each day, and that if you were lucky. Even when he was at home, all you ever did was to fight. Not even about anything worth fighting, but they always caused broken hearts on both sides.
Despite all the stress building over him, Suna was trying to make it better, too. Making compromises of himself, agreeing with you in fights despite your nonsense arguments, not saying anything about you blowing up on the smallest things.
"Where are" He cries. He should've thought more, cared more. Suna was guilty of not thinking why you were acting like this instead of how to stop it. He was busy with the upcoming concerts, their band was about to turn the corner, but that couldn't be an excuse.
Suna had gone home after his band practice that day. The apartment was dark, so silent, it scared him until he opened the lights and found you lying on the couch.
You weren't sleeping, he thought it was because you wanted to see him, but it was because of the anxious thoughts roaming in your mind. Suna should've seen the trembling of your hands, how cold you felt, how limp and numb you seemed.
"You stink." Those were the first words you told him, your face souring when you took note of the alcohol and cigarettes clinging on him like a second skin. "Did you drink?" You sounded suspicious.
"No, I already told you we were practicing."
"Then why do you smell like this?" Suna gritted his teeth when yiur voice raised, resembling a shout.
"Because we work at a fucking bar? You know all this, why the fuck are you acting like this?" Suna sneered, it was only for a second he had lost control, but it was enough for your face to contort with hurt.
You felt guilty when he sighed, seemingly admitting defeat. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? But I'm already stressed enough for the concert, and I can't deal with this shit right now." You watched your boyfriend run his fingers through his hair, his words hurting you more than they should. You were acting nonsensible, you knew, but you couldn't stop.
"This shit? You mean me?" Your voice was now a little higher, making him flinch. "Y/N, for fucks sake! You know I didn't mean that!"
"Tell me where are you, honey," There were things you were dealing with, shit he didn't know, you hadn't told. He couldn't have known, he couldn't have known, but he should've. If he had, Suna would never have told you all those that day. He wouldn't have made you cry, sob in the room, dark and by yourself.
He would've stayed with you, told you he was there, that he loved you, everything would be fine. Honey, he would call you. But he hadn't. Instead, he chose to act selfishly.
"Stop being so fucking pushy." He had told you when you asked where they practiced, who else was there but the Miya's, who was that girl you saw in a picture with him, which was taken months ago, why were they standing so close? It was an argument you had gone over five times already, he had told you it was Atsumu's friend and nothing else, but you kept bringing it up.
"Just give me some space, goddammit! You're suffocating me!" Suna shouted. It was rare to see Suna raise his voice, and it made you freeze in your place. You looked in his slitted eyes, only seeing hate, disgust swimming in those greens.
You didn't say it, but Suna noticed something was wrong, and you were crying too hard, so hard he feared you were going to pass out. "Hey, hey- I'm sorry." He muttered, acting quickly to wrap his arms around your shaking body like he was the only thing holding you together.
You were wrong, and all Suna was feeling was distress, and he could never look at you with anything but love, but your anxiety told you otherwise.
Do you hate me? The question is on the tip of your tongue. It feels like everyone, everything hates you lately, hell, you yourself do, too. You only need an answer, yes or no, since you can't tell by the foggy depression blurring your thoughts.
Do you? Do you hate me? Please don't hate me, I'm sorry, please don't look at me like that.
(he was)
It felt like hours as you cried between his arms, and Suna pressed an occasional kiss to your hair. Neither of you talked, the heaviness of the fight still lingering in the air, and Suna decided to talk about it after the concert. So you just stood there between each other's arms. Maybe you would've told him you felt broken, and you couldn't take it anymore, you didn't-
It was on the tip of your tongue as he pulled back from you, pressing one last kiss on your hair. "I have to go, honey." He told you, checking the time on his phone. "I'm going to be late for the concert."
Suna didn't notice how you flinched when he pulled back, how tears gathered in your eyes, how you couldn't look him in the eyes. "Okay." He heard you whisper. Watching you smile at him, he smiled back when you leaned in to press a kiss on his lips.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pressed your body closer to him, surprising and making him chuckle. It was a kiss that screamed goodbye, but he was too nervous to notice.
"A good luck kiss, I presume?" He laughed when you pulled back. "I'll see you there, yeah? Let's talk about this after."
"You are with me from now on, honey," Suna should've noticed your lack of response. If he had, maybe he wouldn't be sobbing on the stage now. He feels Atsumu pat his back, Suna's holding on his mic like it's the one thing holding him alive, sobs breaking his words, making him shake.
His fans watch him as he wipes the tears off his face with the back of his hand, the rings adorning his fingers sparkling under the dim light.
"Tell me where you are, honey,
All the members are crying, not just him. They all loved you, and you were a part of their lives, such a lively, kind person. At the very least, you had managed to tie Suna down.
Its impossible not to cry as people who had heard his cries echoing out of your apartment that night.
You are with me from now on, honey,"
Something was different with Suna's performance that day, and all the others had noticed it. The tired-looking and feeling boy was pumped up that day. He sounded energetic, and Suna gave the best performance he ever had before.
It was all for you, Suna thought. He was singing just for you that day, something he hadn't done in a while. Picking all the songs he ever wrote for you, the ones you liked, just for you, hoping you would feel a little less angry when the concert ended.
He was smiling the whole time he was singing, but his smile was dropping each time he gazed at the crowd and couldn't find your face, smiling back at him. Were you sitting in the back? Were you that angry with him?
The night proceeded, and the whole band knew it was a success.
A few songs time left, Suna was frowning since he still couldn't have spotted you. There was no way you hadn't come, but you might have been hiding still.
Deciding to pull out the big guns, Suna gave the sign to Osamu. They could tell what he had in mind, and Suna smiled with the first hearing of chords. He sang it, sang with a bitter smile, looking at the crowd to finally spot you.
"You are my soul from now on,
You are my only part that remains alive,"
The concert came to a halt. You weren't in the crowd, and Suna was already in the middle of the song. "Suna- Suna, stop!" Osamu and Atsumu stopped playing, Suna sang the last word alone.
"What the-" He was about to shout at them for making him stop so abruptly, but the terrified look on Osamu's face made him stop. All the blood had left both their faces, and both the twins were shaking, but why were they crying?
It was hard to tell him what happened, and it might've been a mistake, too.
Wrong time.
You can't tell a man the love of his life died, she took her own life, right in the middle of the song dedicated just to her.
What happened after that was a blur.
Atsumu and Osamu tried to stop Suna from rushing back to the apartment, but he was quick. Suna had no idea how he drove back home, but he was standing in front of the door of your apartment, knocking on the door like a madman, praying you would open it for him. he would see your smiling face, greeting him, or maybe angry with him, crying, screaming- whatever. All he wanted to do was to- to-
He was punching, kicking the door, shouting and crying, crying and crying, and as more seconds that pass, Suna thought he could go crazy.
It's a miracle when the door opened, and for a split second, Suna thought it was a lie, a cruel joke, a misunderstanding. You were here, you opened the door for him-
It wasn't you.
You weren't the one who opened the door, but your sister. Her face was damp with tears, and Suna's eyes locked on the figure that stood behind her.
It was the hardest thing to try and make Suna let go of you, try and calm him, stop him from pulling you back to between his arms, and never let go.
Osamu arrived right after him.
He arrived at a scene he would never be able to forget.
His best friend was on the floor, your body limp between his arms. Osamu couldn't hold back his cries when he heard Suna's loud cries, begging and begging for you to wake up, holding your hand, trying to warm you, he was shouting, the pain so raw in his voice, people around him feel tears pricking in their eyes.
"Please, honey, please-" He sobbed brokenly, his body was shaking like a leaf.
He sat there, sobbing in his hands, his agonizing screams audible even from the outside, sending chills down everyone nearby. They think they never in their lives heard pure pain like this in someone's voice.
Osamu and Atsumu were crying with Suna as he finally let you go. He couldn't watch as they took you away, out of the room.
But they don't hear him crying out your name, instead, it's a sweet pet name they hear. It makes the twins shake with more cries.
honey honey honey
He figured too late, how you were battling with severe depression, how your personal life was a mess, how you needed him to be there for you. He was too late.
Suna hadn't left the apartment for 15 days straight after that day. He didn't want to speak or see anyone, barely ate and drank.
He refused to see his family, the twins visiting him.
No one knew what happened in those 15 days, but when he came back out, they could tell by a look he had changed. Not only physically (even though he looked like he was starving and sick), but also mentally.
It was his fault. If he had been more attentive, more at home to see you, ask you if anything was wrong, "honey, are you okay?" maybe it would've been fine. It was his fault.
Even after he left the apartment, even after he started smiling, it was evident Suna was never the same. How could he be? He had lost a part of him, no, he had lost all of him. And all that left was the shell that merely resembled him.
Suna had tried to sing it more than he could count, but the moment he heard the first chord, he broke down crying. This was the one day he succeeded, and even though it was barely audible, it sounded like agonizing cries instead, he was singing it.
For you.
Can you hear me, honey?
honey, honey, honey.

Let's talk about how Suna is either headcannoned as either someone who hates physical affection with every fiber in his body, or someone who is attached to his s/o by the hip and can't live without "kissies"
Now, here's my take on this.
I don't think he loves physical affection or pda, I think Suna likes his space and values it a lot. But, that doesn't mean I agree with him hating it either.
Yes, he doesn't accept physical affection from anyone and everyone and often tries to avoid it, but again, I think that's just him valuing his personal space and not feeling comfortable receiving affection that way, and/or being that close to people.
But that does not mean Suna feels the same way towards you, too. Being close to you doesn't make him feel awkward, it doesn't make him feel like his privacy is being (baltalanmak). Suna doesn't resent the feeling of you in his arms, against his chest, your breath tickling his neck, your fingers tracing shapes on his skin, the feeling of you under the pads of his fingers as he caresses your cheeks.
Did it take him a while to get to this stage of the relationship? Yes.
It's because trust isn't something simply given, one has to earn it, even when it's harder to earn from people like Suna. Skeptical, doubtful towards other people.
Because of this, Suna hadn't let anyone get close to himself before you. No one could get past his cold demeanor, break the shell. It's because physical affection is something out of his comfort zone, he doesn't want it.
Physical affection never sounded too appealing anyway, so he used a cold demeanor to keep people as far as possible.
Because people don't miss what they never had or felt, Suna never understood the crave people had towards this. That led him to never actively seeking for physical affection.
But with you? When he first met you, even when it made him feel strange, unsafe, he still craved your touch, wanted you close. It's by time you ease him to it.
So no, Suna neither hates nor loves physical affection, I think he's just head over heels for you.
Suna and Cigarettes
I made my last post about cigarettes based on @shoyokuns ‘s post. Well, now I’m stuck thinking of the boys and cigarettes 24/7, and Mr. Suna himself came to mind (S&M by Rhianna had come on shuffle and that made it worse lmao). So I just had to! Still inspired by Mous, but differing a bit
Description: Suna’s a mean, mean dom, and asks very hard things of you while he’s breaking your insides open on his cock. Like not burning yourself while he fucks you with the wrong end of a cigarette in your mouth. (1.8K)
Warnings: very very very mean suna!!! Suna is so fuckin mean here. Established relationship, degradation, dangerous sex, Sadomasochism heavy!!!!, painful sex but on purpose, asphyxiation, a lil dehumanization because you’re a good cocksleeve for horny Rin, mentions of the word slut and dumb and other vaguely derogatory language, vaginal sex, f!reader, some fear, at one point reader says no more but it’s not the safeword so it’s ignored.
Suna’s always pretty when he’s looming above you. he’s pretty any time, technically, but this has to be your favorite vantage point.
Unfortunately, you can’t see him very well right now with how hard your eyes are rolling back.
He’s on his knees, but he’s firmly in change, because you’re on your back. There’s even a pillow under your hips to raise them, more for his pleasure than yours, since he can bury his cock so much deeper this way.
Your knuckles are white from clenching around your knees, holding them wide and open for Suna like the needy slut you are! He commanded you keep yourself held open or you wouldn’t get anything at all.
Not that this is going very well for you right now. You made your sweet Rintarou mad, and he hates being mad.
Not that you could tell with how pleased he seems to be with himself right now, hips slowly rolling deeep into yours, making you feel every shift of your walls trying to keep him still. It’s enough pressure on your nerves to have you nearly crying in desperation, keeping you on a plateau of pleasure that isn’t nearly enough, but it’s so intense you almost don’t want more.
But the way you have your knees held to your sides makes it hard to rock into him, and if you let go of your knees you know he will pull out instantly, probably to finish all over your dumb crying face.
He doesn’t want to hear your whines right now, this is for him to enjoy. You’re just holding yourself open so he can get himself off in your cunt.
And he’s got one hand wrapped around your neck to remind you of that, light pressure to the veins restricting your blood flow, long fingers wrapping around your weak neck like it’s nothing.
The other hand is busy smoking.
As if you holding yourself wide for him wasn’t degrading enough, but him casually smoking while he’s thrusting so fuckin slowly in your walls makes you want to weep and beg. There’s a haze of smoke around the top of the room, and he just adds to it with every one he lights up, swirling around his head and hand as he’s resting his cock in you.
That little smile of his, too. It’s there whenever he pulls the cigarette away from his lips again, smoke passing slowly between his lips.
You know you’re looking at him in betrayal whenever your eyes can focus, and he squeezes your neck as a silent reprimand.
But it forces a whine from your throat.
Ooooohhhh you’ve done it now.
He stops his hips to stare you down. You know better than to apologize, it won’t help. He’s putting his cigarette butt out and shifting to light a new one, making his cock bump into a high-up delicate spot of your cunt, and you can’t help the noise that escapes while you burst into tears.
Suna just takes a long drag of the cigarette. Inhale, exhale. Looking at you. He’s leaning over you, now, looking even more imposing than before with his strong shoulders and built body. You know he can hold you down like a ragdoll.
“Open” he orders.
Your mouth is wide open for him without question, praying he’ll be merciful. Maybe he’ll just spit in it. But you eye his smoldering cigarette getting closer to you and fear hits your spine so hard you almost recoil.
“Hold still and you won’t get burned.”
You check his eyes to see if he’s lying before going pliant, but you tense again the closer the cig gets to your tongue. Your tongue retreats, flattening and sliding backwards in your mouth, but he’s putting the burning end past where your lips are stretched open, and you can feel the heat of the tip so fucking close, oh god, oh my god.
“Close your lips”
You do, so, so slowly. If you keep your tongue at the back of your mouth, and keep a tight circle around the body of the cigarette, the heat barely misses the inside of your soft wet cheeks. The smoke makes your eyes water and you want to cough, but if you do that god knows what Rin will do.
He smiles a little bigger down at you, but it’s far from kind. He’s just enjoying the panicked look in your eyes.
And he’s withdrawing his cock from your folds, and slamming it back in so hard you jerk against the pillows.
Oh fuck
“Hold that for me” he says, lightly, as if he was talking about a water bottle. “I need to use my hands.”
And use them he does! As if the pace he sets on your poor wrecked pussy isn’t making it hard enough to avoid the shifting fire inside your mouth, now his fingers are flicking at your exposed nipples, tongue soon joining to slobber and bite all over them until you want to scream, nails digging into the underside of your thighs. He’s pinching and pulling the delicate skin over your rib cage, too, leaving harsh pricks and stings of pain all over your skin.
“Be careful not to get hurt” is all he says, fake sympathy.
He wants you to burn your mouth. It’d be your fault, after all, for disobeying. And that’s what happens to bad little sluts who make Suna mad.
if you make a noise you’ll get burned, if you move you’ll get burned, if you even pant too hard because he’s fucking you rough and it knocks the smoke-filled breath from your aching lungs, you’ll get burned.
He goes feral, wildly smacking away into you, aiming for your cervix, which is made so much easier by the pillow tilting your hips. He planned this all along for his dumb baby.
And that’s really all you are.
You wince so hard every time he bangs against the tight ring deep in your cunt, pain making tears fall down your face faster, that you almost flinch again because you’re sure you’re about to burn yourself.
The smoke is coming out your nose and it fucking stings. You have to fight to get any smidge of clean air. You feel the unfiltered nicotine flooding your head with hazy joy, nicotine high settling into your blood but not doing much to lessen your struggle to hold the fuck still or get a tongue full of scar tissue.
But holy shit does it feel so good. You’re scared to death of coming from this, proving that you like being a little disobedient cocksleeve for him while he threatens you with pain. But you can feel your cunt flutter every time his balls slap your ass.
You have bruises all over your torso from his wicked teeth trying to make you fail. And the whole time, he’s got those eyes watching, sadistic lil quirk of his lips from above you. He yanks your hips toward him, more upwards so he can really dig in deep, chasing his high, and the cigarette in your mouth lightly grazes your tongue. All your muscles clench because it hurts, it hurts, oh god don’t come from this-
You manage to breathe deep enough to not cream all over his cock on the spot, but breathing is so hard when you have smoke filling your whole body.
Ashes are falling on your tongue from Rin jerking your body into his, using you. It hits your trembling throat and you gag, spit splurting out your nose. Your eyes can’t uncross at the pleasure that has you weeping.
“Fuckin messy” Rin tells you, one strong hand moving your hips and the other coming up to your neck again. Black swims in your eyes. Somehow you still have a hold on your sweaty knees, but you’re scared your hands will slip since the heat in your mouth and the panic your body is going through have you slick all over.
Especially between your thighs. You’re bucking into every drive of his hips to chase how good it feels, the high he pushes you toward with every ounce of pain he delivers, and he allows it.
“Being a fucking painslut for me? Good, you’re finally being honest with yourself.”
And you can barely see with how close you are to unconsciousness, but you see a flash of teeth as he rakes his knuckles across your clit and that’s it, you’re gone
You’re lucky he leans down to pull his cig from your lips into his own to take a drag as soon as you toss your head back, because you would’ve burned your tongue and probably just come harder. As it is, he watches, entertained by your body spasming and legs kicking as slick drips ticklish down his balls from all of his mistreatment. But you’re too busy creaming and crying “Rin, Rin, Rin oh my god Rin,” slurring and drooling, to notice any of that.
But Suna is enjoying the show. So he’s holding still and letting you have your long orgasm, but the second your face un-scrunches and you might be opening your eyes, he fucks his cock deeper again in the hardest pace yet.
“RIN! Rin please no more, please, plea-” when he doesn’t hear the safeword, he sticks his fingers into your mouth to pull it open, looking at the spit soaked interior, looking at the little singed line on your tongue. He’s running his digits along your gums when he fucking spits, aiming right at your uvula so you’ll gag again at the slimy glob.
“You get so much tighter when you’re gagging” and it sounds like praise.
And the cigarette is bitten between his teeth while he flips you onto your stomach to pound you through your come-down, enjoying the wrecked sobs and trembling frame of his little fucktoy beneath him.
He fucking lives to be mean to you when it makes you come so hard on his cock. And when you come again while he puts the cigarette out on your hip, he sneers.
You were happy once.
Pairing: Rintaro Suna x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, a prompt from this screenshot.
——— ♡ ———
“I feel like I’ve never been happy. There’s always just… something.” You pushed the hair out of your face, cold and wet from the pouring rain and cheeks stained from crying for what felt like an eternity.
Suna’s mouth curved into a small smile. A passive smirk - accompanied by a soft shake of his head.
“Why are you smiling?” You asked, looking away as you began to question the past few minutes. This was the first time you’d seen each other in years.
This was also the first time someone asked you how you were, and genuinely wanted to know, in a very long time.
“You’re lying.” Suna shrugged, resting his hand on top of yours; ring-adorned fingers interlacing with your own.
But you weren’t. Nothing you’d said had been a lie. You’d just opened your heart to your ex partner, the man you’d loved with everything you had, the one you’d never moved on from, the one you’d bared your soul to only to end up crushed when your relationship had reached its inevitable demise.
“Stop overthinking.” Suna’s golden eyes gazed into yours. He carefully studied your features, features he’d fallen in love with years prior and had never forgotten. He used to swear if he was an artist he could draw your portrait from memory, no matter how much time had passed since he’d seen you.
You hesitated for a moment.
“…Why would you say I’m lying, Rintaro?”
He knew you better than you knew yourself. He knew how badly you wanted to stay together, how much you wanted to stay by his side. He knew it. He spent every day missing you and knew it was his own damn fault for ending things and spending two years abroad.
“Because you are.” His hand left yours for a moment only to pour himself a fresh cup of coffee. It was only once he’d taken a few sips and set his mug back down that he continued. “Only about one thing, though.”
He had to. When he lost his parents, he lost himself. The only thing keeping him together was you.
Suna didn’t want that for you.
He didn’t want you to be his emotional punching bag. He didn’t want to drain you with his grief; spend his days crying and processing the horrific accident that he couldn’t get out of his head. He didn’t want to tell you about the survivors guilt, because he knew you’d tell him how valuable he was. How much you loved him and cared for him, how the accident was the other person’s fault.
He knew it was, but it didn’t change the fact that he was driving. He’d wondered if he’d even had a fraction of a second longer, if he could’ve swerved and spared the lives of the only family members he had.
He couldn’t stop these thoughts, and he didn’t want to subject you to them.
You understood. When he ended your relationship, you insisted it was okay. Told him you could handle it. You wanted to.
But he didn’t want that for you, and he had to heal on his own terms.
Running into him two years later at your favourite diner was not a coincidence. You’d spent every Tuesday evening there since you’d been in high school. It was your place together.
After he left, you continued to come every week, even though you were alone, waiting, hoping for him to show up again and come back into your life.
And to your disbelief, on a rainy May evening, he did.
“And?” You smiled when you heard a small chuckle in response to your question. A sound you’d missed more than anything else. “What’s the one thing?”
“You said you’ve never been happy.” Suna squeezed your hands in his. “But you have. You were happy once - with me.”
“Rin…” A second round of tears threatened to slide down your cheeks. This year had been hard. Last year had been hard. Life has been hard and he was right, you were happy with him. After he left everything felt like it just kept falling apart and never stopped.
He tilted your chin up to force you to look into his eyes. His tired, golden eyes tinted the lightest shade of red made you realize his own emotion had started to get the best of him.
“I came back for you.” Suna spoke in a quiet, comforting tone. His deep voice softened as he continued, “I told you I would. I promised you. I’m sorry I left, I just had to and I-”
“Rin, it’s okay. You needed to heal.”
“I did.” Suna nodded. “I’m finally feeling better and now it’s time.”
“For what?” You asked.
Suna slid out of his seat and sat down next to you in the booth. He put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest.
“Time to make you happy again.”
Suna Rintarō Bf Headcanons

For his birthday 🫶🏼
Warnings: None :D
- You are his wallpaper
- So many albums of pictures of you (You ony know about some of them)
- Will absolutely let you paint his nails
- Cuddles❕
- Will usually be a big spoon but he’ll be a little spoon when he’s really tired
- Calls you doll, doll face, sometimes pretty girl, or a nickname of yours. (Idk why it’s just the vibes he gives me)
- Doesn’t show it, but he loves when you’re at his practices and matches.
- Gets especially jealous of Atsumu being near you
- Definitely the type to tease you a bit if you’re shorter than him (his canon height is 6’1.1” or 185.7 cm)
- If you’re taller than him he’ll love you all the same
- Likes if you play with his hair during naps
- Overal he loves you and you should love him too 🩷