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Aemond and Daemon during the battle of gods eye.

The anti-team black tags are there for a reason and please don't get me wrong here , I like Rhaenyra and Aegon because, I have things in common with them especially with personal and experience but , that's where the line is drawn.
I actually like Otto and Alicent's scenes it shows how abusive relationships can be, he's a manipulative asshole, and that's how manipulators and abusers keep you on your toes, so that if someone says "Hey that's not really good" you go "yeah, but he did this good thing for me, so he's really not that bad"
Or maybe that's how I see it because it reminds me of my relationship with my bio mom
but yeah, they should've given my man Daemon more scenes with his daughters
As someone else said, they should've made the season 20 episodes, it would've given more time to develop the characters more, and the "everyone is bad" shit would've had more weight
I'm so angry...

This guy literally pimped his daughter... and the show has the nerve to sometimes having tender scenes between these two.
On the other hand, Daemon, who hugs his daughters, no that was too much to ask... He must be a bad father for the writers !
Although canonically, compared to Fire and Blood, Daemon has always been a good father, including to his daughters, in addition to a man generally very attached to his family.
Not to mention that the writers have completely kept Daemon's basic attachment to his family, as the main characteristic of the character in the HOTD adaptation, having been presented / shown to us from the first episode !
Once again, Otto, one of the villains and antagonists of the story, book and show, who in this adaptation pimps his daughter in addition to usurping as in Fire and Blood the legitimate heir to the throne out of pure greed for power and misogyny, starting a war in the process, it's OK for him to show affection for his family !?
But not Daemon, the ultimate gray character of dance and Fire and Blood in general, who also remains a gray character in HOTD whose main characteristic shown in the first episodes of this sho is his love for his family ?!
(They cut to the three-way hug, the moment where he takes the girls away from the traumatic spectacle of Laena giving birth, Daemon with his daughters looking at Laena's body while holding Rhaena's hand, Daemon telling Rhaenyra that he wants something else for his daughters in episode 7, Daemon taking Baela away from the fight in episode 8...)
We're really walking on our heads at this point...

If that's not further proof of the writers' pro-greens favoritism, I don't know what is.

Jaehaerys I Targaryen Queen Alysanne Targaryen
Viserys I Targaryen
Aegon II Targaryen Alicent Hightower
Rhaenyra Targaryen Prince Daemon Targaryen Finally posting these! I’m trying to draw every Monarch of the seven kingdoms! sitting on the iron throne and looking iconic, from king Aegon I to little king Tommen I’m drawing them alllllllll- maybe. Hopefully my art stays consistent for that long.

Baby Jaehaerys deserved better but this is hilarious