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girls don't want flowers they just want the cruel prince books to be re written in cardan's pov
He's underappreciated
"Cardan would never be able to win a fist fight"
Why did just read my soul 😭😭
To me, fantasy books is home. A comfy little nook where I can put my safety blanket and dream about characters with difficult names to pronounce who try their best to save the world. To save themselves.
I love them. Books and characters. Even cringy ones. Horny ones. Funny ones. Because they are all can take me back home. To safety.
No matter how mature I become with time, I always have an opportunity to be a dreamy girl with childlike wonder and strong desire to get happily ever after.
Jurdan gets funnier and funnier the more you think about them and realize how much of a big loser both of them are when it comes to love.
Mfs get married to supposedly "form a trustworthy alliance" -> Cardan exiles Jude the next day to impress her, because apparently his rizz disappears when it truly matters 💀 -> Jude takes it seriously, stays in the human world for months and is salty af -> Cardan cries himself to sleep and writes pathetic little letters to her. Like wow you did that to yourself you dumb bitch 😭
And don't get me STARTED on their dumbass confessions. Cardan's was, I'm pretty sure, 80% on a whim. Like, maybe he had prepared the words in his mind but he didn't plan to confess to her right then and there at such a bad time. Says "well you probably already guessed as much" at the end then RUNS AWAY probably because he's overwhelmed and Jude is left standing there like???? No I fucking didn't guess you liked me lmao??? I'm dumb af bro, should've been this direct from the start :')
And Jude's is also hilarious because she says it kind of hurriedly as soon as they're alone, since she had promised herself to tell him the first moment they get together. Girlie confesses and CARDAN DOESN'T BELIEVE HER 😭 so homegirl has to EXPLAIN in DETAILS when she thinks she started to fall for him, why she started to like him, why she believed he didn't like her and why she felt the need to hide it. And ONLY after that whole ass explanation Cardan's finally like "omg!!! You liked me because I'm clever and funny?!?? Omgggg..."
Those fuckers were really married for months before fumbling their way through awkward confessions because they can't indulge in the thought that the other likes them. Like they were legit EMBARRASSED to admit that they like eachother while being MARRIED. Please this is so unserious, get real.
BOOK RATINGS! (not recommendations//SPOILERS)
So, last month, I read fantasy novels. And one this month. I like to write my ratings about some novels (spoilers included) I read. They’re fantasy, literally all of them (and they’re quite enemies-to-lovers)
Cruel Beauty

☆☆☆☆ or 4.5
Like the dumb I am, I didn’t understand the story’s ending. Although I knew that Shade and Ignifex became one—Lux, and Nyx and Lux got back together, the ending didn’t got me, still.
It made me cry in the climax. I thought they wouldn’t be together in the end.
I didn’t quite understand much of the other elements of this intricate world-building. It was Greek mythology and such others combined, a little complicated for me. But it was well, I like the concept.
An Enchantment of Ravens

Gadfly, for sure I thought of him as a fatherly-like figure for Rook and Isobel. But near the climax, he became wicked—like a villain. However, in the end, I did liked him again.
March and May, holy cow. I was weirded out at how they eat everything, literally everything. But, yeah, they were cows before.
Raven Rook and horse Rook, magically wonderful. Rook’s actions towards Isobel when he was a raven, it was sooo cute. The horse Rook is good, it runs fast.
Every love confession of them, I was always smiling and shrieking. The first confession of Rook tho . . .
Isobel’s talent for painting, I haven’t had enough of reading those.
To Kill A Kingdom

I was interested, then I liked it, and then I LOVE IT.
The characters are awesome, though I want to see Elian as a king, it didn’t change the way I see the book.
The romance was very slow-burned, if it wasn’t for their dialogues, I wouldn’t think that they’ve fallen in love.
That princess (Sakura was her undercover name, I think), I hate the f out of her and I don’t know why.
The Shadows Between Us

I like how it ended, however I’ll like it more if the author wrote a chapter or scene about their wedding.
I was excited before reading this because of the blurb, while it did showed up in the book that she wants to steal the throne from Kallias, that plan didn’t reached the end. I mean, obviously it wouldn’t reach the end because they were meant to be in love..?
I guess this book was only a fun read (literally. i kinda read it for fun) to me. I didn’t even feel connected to the characters in every ways.
I’ve read the Folk of The Air Series (The Cruel Prince, The Wicked King, The Queen of Nothing) and How The King of Elfhame Learned To Hate Stories; however I am too lazy to give reviews. <3
One of my favorite Cardan moments is a scene in TWK when Jude borrows one of Oriana’s dresses for Taryn’s wedding. Jude even says the dress looks one way on Oriana and another entirely on her. The first thing Cardan says to her when he sees her at the wedding—
“Nice dress.”
This cracks me up because homeboy is KNOWN for his way with words and skirting them. And HERE HE IS, simping in broad twilight!!!!

Jude is actually my wife. Like we got married a couple of weeks ago literally.
the feminine urge to fall in love with the villain.

@tfotadaily tournament | favorite scene I remember what it was to hate him with the whole of my heart, but I’ve remembered too late.
convinced my cousin to read tfota trilogy and this is basically how it went
her, few chapters in: cardan sucks i hate him go jude!!
me: NO!! TEAM CARDAN!!!!
her, few chapters later: aw i love cardan <3
her, end of the book: ugh i hate cardan.
me: NO!! TEAM CARDAN!!!!
does anyone want to read cardan greenbriar x reader fics or is it just me?
Bestie. You need therapy. Not a Fae prince with midnight hair and razor sharp jawline who hates you because he thinks of you. Often. It's disgusting, and he can't stop.

what is jude & cardan if not:

The Folk of the Air series really didn't have to go as hard as it did with the poetic lines
“I have lied and I have betrayed and I have triumphed, if only there was someone to congratulate me.”
“Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It’s disgusting, and I can’t stop.”
“If I cannot be better then them, I will become so much worse.”
“Have I told you how hideous you look tonight?” “No, tell me.” “I cannot.”
“Kill him before he makes you love him.”
“Kiss me again, kiss me until I'm sick it.”
“He is even more horrifically beautiful than I was able to recall. They’re all beautiful, unless they’re hideous.”
“My sweet villain, my darling god.”
“I want to tell you so many lies.”
“Whatever I imagined then, now it is I who would beg and grovel for a kind word from your lips.”
“By you, I am forever undone.”
“My sweet nemesis.”
“It’s you I love, I spent much of my life guarding my heart. I guarded it so well that I could behave as though I didn’t have one at all. Even now, it is a shabby, worm-eaten, and scabrous thing. But it is yours.”
jude duarte's heroism and bravery lies in her standing up for herself it's not some lame and boring captain-america-standing-up-for-the-little-guy bullshit that main characters generally have and i LOVE that about her folk of the air would have changed the trajectory of my life if middle school me had read the books her selfishness and survival is so admirable most of the times people overlook her characterisation because we're all focusing on jude x cardan and it's ridiculous because she's such a layered character everything she does is for her own survival in this essay i will-

The Cruel Prince, Holly Black
friendly reminder that jude was so furious with balekin for poisoning cardan in twk that her hands shook
Cardan was dreaming again, dreaming of her