Why Is This So Funny - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

From BAFTA, today reminding us….

“Going out in style”

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2 years ago
For A Daily-garfield Strip, I Removed A Speech Bubble And Gave Jon The Ctrl Alt Del Face And Realized

for a daily-garfield strip, i removed a speech bubble and gave jon the ctrl alt del face and realized i had no other plans from there so. this just exists

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1 year ago

Hades: what you’re doing is illegal

Hermes: I am not taking advice from you. You pronounce the ‘g’ in ‘lasagna’

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1 year ago

i was high as shit last night and sent my wife a single dollar on paypal looked at her and giggled "one dollor" and then laughed so hard i got a stomach ache

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3 years ago

Incorrect Quotes 3 (Ft. Bub & Akaashi)

Bub: I found a note in one of my old word documents that said Note to self:Get revenge on Akaashi. Bub: Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for. Bub: But I trusted my own judgment,so I went with it. Akaashi: Hmm...I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for,either. Bub: I can only assume you got what was coming to you.Not 100 percent sure,though. Akaashi: Well,whatever I did,I guess I deserved it. Bub: Let that possibly be a lesson to you.

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1 year ago
I Have Been Laughing About This For 2 Hours And I Think Others Need To As Well

I have been laughing about this for 2 hours and I think others need to as well

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1 year ago
Yi-jin Absolutely Losing It Over The Cutie/sweetie Pie Three-day-old Couple
Yi-jin Absolutely Losing It Over The Cutie/sweetie Pie Three-day-old Couple
Yi-jin Absolutely Losing It Over The Cutie/sweetie Pie Three-day-old Couple
Yi-jin Absolutely Losing It Over The Cutie/sweetie Pie Three-day-old Couple
Yi-jin Absolutely Losing It Over The Cutie/sweetie Pie Three-day-old Couple
Yi-jin Absolutely Losing It Over The Cutie/sweetie Pie Three-day-old Couple
Yi-jin Absolutely Losing It Over The Cutie/sweetie Pie Three-day-old Couple
Yi-jin Absolutely Losing It Over The Cutie/sweetie Pie Three-day-old Couple
Yi-jin Absolutely Losing It Over The Cutie/sweetie Pie Three-day-old Couple
Yi-jin Absolutely Losing It Over The Cutie/sweetie Pie Three-day-old Couple

Yi-jin absolutely losing it over the cutie/sweetie pie three-day-old couple

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Grian shouting "obliterate" like a DND wizard on 3 hours of sleep and at the final boss

ladies and gentlemen, miners and crafters

mind the jumpscare

this is Hands down, THE BEST clip of hermitcraft season 10.



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11 months ago

NASA camera once caught a frog being flung into the air during the LADEE shuttle launch in Virginia 🐸

NASA Camera Once Caught A Frog Being Flung Into The Air During The LADEE Shuttle Launch In Virginia
NASA Camera Once Caught A Frog Being Flung Into The Air During The LADEE Shuttle Launch In Virginia

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1 year ago
This Has Probably Been Done Before, So My Bad If Im Stealing A Joke, Sorry

This has probably been done before, so my bad if im stealing a joke, sorry


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1 year ago

Medicated Andrew from the upperclassmen’s perspective

Medicated Andrew From The Upperclassmens Perspective

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1 year ago

Medicated Andrew from the upperclassmen’s perspective

Medicated Andrew From The Upperclassmens Perspective

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1 year ago

Medicated Andrew from the upperclassmen’s perspective

Medicated Andrew From The Upperclassmens Perspective

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1 year ago

Medicated Andrew from the upperclassmen’s perspective

Medicated Andrew From The Upperclassmens Perspective

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7 years ago

Masaoka Tomomi: Kou, would you do the honor of becoming my son in law? Ginoza Nobuchika: Did you just propose to Kougami for me? Masaoka Tomomi: Well, someone had to do it, Nobuchika.

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5 months ago

My bf and I are watching Epic animatics and he said, "I don't really like when they draw Odysseus buff and bigger than he's usually portrayed. Like I get it, but I like how he looks 'itty bitty and witty'"


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Jurdan gets funnier and funnier the more you think about them and realize how much of a big loser both of them are when it comes to love.

Mfs get married to supposedly "form a trustworthy alliance" -> Cardan exiles Jude the next day to impress her, because apparently his rizz disappears when it truly matters 💀 -> Jude takes it seriously, stays in the human world for months and is salty af -> Cardan cries himself to sleep and writes pathetic little letters to her. Like wow you did that to yourself you dumb bitch 😭

And don't get me STARTED on their dumbass confessions. Cardan's was, I'm pretty sure, 80% on a whim. Like, maybe he had prepared the words in his mind but he didn't plan to confess to her right then and there at such a bad time. Says "well you probably already guessed as much" at the end then RUNS AWAY probably because he's overwhelmed and Jude is left standing there like???? No I fucking didn't guess you liked me lmao??? I'm dumb af bro, should've been this direct from the start :')

And Jude's is also hilarious because she says it kind of hurriedly as soon as they're alone, since she had promised herself to tell him the first moment they get together. Girlie confesses and CARDAN DOESN'T BELIEVE HER 😭 so homegirl has to EXPLAIN in DETAILS when she thinks she started to fall for him, why she started to like him, why she believed he didn't like her and why she felt the need to hide it. And ONLY after that whole ass explanation Cardan's finally like "omg!!! You liked me because I'm clever and funny?!?? Omgggg..."

Those fuckers were really married for months before fumbling their way through awkward confessions because they can't indulge in the thought that the other likes them. Like they were legit EMBARRASSED to admit that they like eachother while being MARRIED. Please this is so unserious, get real.

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