Threeway - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Chris couldn’t tell so he snapped a selfie.

Brad replied, “Well. That’s the right arm right? So you must be driving. You look like a woodchuck Chris.”

Chris: “Yeah you like that?”

Brad: “How much wood, would a woodchuck chuck?”

Chris: “A lot of wood.”

Brad: “Like how much wood?”

Brad: “How much wood Chris?”

Brad: “Wood.”

(Two minutes of garble from Chris’ phone)

Brad: “Chris?”

Jim on Chris’ Phone: “Hi Brad? This is Jim. I’m a medic at Ceaders. Chris has been in an accident.”

Brad: “Was he driving?”

Jim on Chris’ Phone: “Chris was in the passenger seat. No one was behind the wheel. We’re trying to figure that out.

Brad: “Us too. Hey can you put Chris on the phone? I need to finish off this wood business.”

bradandchris - Brad and Chris

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5 months ago
Brad Further Pleaded To His Boyfriend.

Brad further pleaded to his boyfriend.

“So what Chris? Sure it’s 72 degrees and sunny. Wasn’t this everyday in LA?”

After five seconds of silence Brad had it. Things were about to get real.

“Listen Chris. You can’t wear that jockstrap and think I’m not gonna want to stay inside.“

Turns out their neighbor Luke felt the same way. He let himself in through the back door after seeing Chris in the picture window under the assumption it was an open invitation.

According to Chris “it wasn’t but it was tho not entirely accidental nor really intentional either.”

Brad thought things read more happenstancial then questioned if that was even a word.

Luke said “it just was what it was, so that made it a ‘why not just go for it’ kind of a thing.”

They went for it.

Ahhhh…. Boys. They do change but only out of clothes to get laid.

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