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Still babygirl to me.

Still babygirl to me.
Could you elaborate that. I am honeslty curious, because it is an incredibly complicated topic to tackle and while I completly agree with abuse apologism in the fans (and on the other hand the fans who think that civilians getting pulled into it isn’t a problem, because the antagonists are abuse victims) I am note sure how you mean that all seems like abuse apologism.
So far (302 chapters, since 303 scans and translation aren’t out yet) the characters who are on Endevours side are quiet consistent. And I can’t really put the family members into it, because they all are also abuse vitims, so them having complicated feelings about this makes it very realistic.
And just so we are clear: I am not saying anything Endevour did to his family was acceptable in any way, just that the characters might apologize it for their reasons.
Mostly Hawks is extremly apologetic, which seems to be because of his happyness-association from his childhood with Endevour, which makes sense for him.
Best Jeanist pretty much put it from a overview perspective in which he puts anything Toya does because of Endevour under the general safety of the people. Which isn’t okay, but in the moment understandable. Saying that your family problems should not be everybodys problem makes sense to him, because he fails to see that this is a societal problem. Which is really showing that Jeanist is deeply rootet with the hero society and fails to see the problems that exist within it, therefore being part of the problem.
And Deku is a teenager and worried about his friend before anything else. I don’t expect and of the kids to see the full picture here (same with Uraraka and Toga), they aren’t full grown and are still learning. So Deku seeing his friend in danger and by Endevour getting attacked Shotos metal health in danger he reacts to that more than to a villain who tried to kill them before.
Also: all 3 of them don’t know what actually happend. For all they know might be Toya Todoroki who’s supposed to be dead shows himself to be Dabi and attacks people, confessing being a mass murderer. Hawks and Jeanist just see a villain attacking their collegue without knowing the abuse behind it.
In general speaking only the members of the Todoroki family know about what happend, the last 2 chapters (301,302) are from their perspectives and just as with Shoto’s flashbacks we as the reader know what they suffered through, but the rest of the world does not.
When people see Dabi, they only see the information he decides to give them. And since Dabi’s imagine to Japan is as a villain a lot of people would most likely not take it completly serious, considering there is a lot of evidence on Endevour’s heroic acts for the people but no physical evidence (aka news reports, video evidence etc.) on Toya’s experience. Especially since he is mostly known for the Nomu attack.
And then we have the Todoroki family and since all of them have suffered under Endevour (who even though he at least sees that he fucked up, is trying to apologize his own abuse) so their answers to that are never gonna be the same as a healthy persons that didn’t suffer from abuse.
Fuyumi so far hasn’t said anything about the topic of Toya yet, but she seem to be the one that moved on into her own life the most and dealt with it better than the rest. Which might have to do with her position in the family, being the second child, only born so that Touya wouldn’t grow up and only child, with no expectations about her powers, she also did not inherit her father’s features, which lead to the issues of Rei’s association of her sons with her husband.
She suffered the least under Endevour, which still isn’t nothing, but it shows why she is the one willing to forgive him for the sake of the family’s mental health, including her own.
And she is an elementary teacher, the whole: he’s trying to better himself, so we should forgive him and support him trying to get better is definitely something an elementary teacher would say. Of course her father isn’t some kid who stole a toy, but she is probably exposed to dozens of kids who idolize Endevour and see him as the hero his public image so far was and puts that progress first for her own sake, because changing the past is impossible and as I mentioned earlier: she suffered the least, she knew the least about Toya’s thoughts.
And she was a kid who’s older brother didn’t stop training. Of course her parents, namely her father should have done something about that, but from the subconscious mind of a little sister this views differently than from an outside perspective. As a child seeing your big brother training so much it hurts him is hard to see the parent’s fault, because for her she told him to stop, but he didn’t want to. Toya does mention it being his father’s fault, but he didn’t go to her at night, he went to Natsuo, so she most likely never got the whole picture of his inner feelings.
Then we got Natsuo, who does not forgive his father because of Toya, and the current reveal definitely made that worse. He is very of reason with his father not deserving forgiveness, because he can’t turn back time and Natsuo knew the most about Toya’s inner thoughts. Not only did he come to him all the time, unlike Shoto he saw Touya train pre-burns
And the worst thing for me is his reaction in chapter 302 when he says that he might have done something. It is horribly sad that this teenager thinks it would have in any way been his responsibility to do something when he was just 8 years old. A normal reaction, but of course in a healthy manner someone should tell him that it isn’t and never was his to stop Toya, which doesn’t happen and I hate that too, but it makes sense because those aren’t healthy people, they are abuse victims way too deep into this, than to look at it from an outside perspective.
Shoto is the one that is for his young age probably taking this really well all things considered. Of course it shouldn’t be his responsibility to take care of Toya as he things when he wakes up. On the other side of course Toya should not try to kill his little brother for their father’s fault. But both of them got the worst side of Endevours abuse and none of them can thing of this from an objective perspective.
Shoto is only so stable because he found people (namely Deku) to help him become who he is. Touya most likely never had that. He “died” when he was 13 and then we don’t know what happened, but obviously he wasn’t taken in by some nice person who got him a therapist to work through his trauma.
And then there is Rei. Who is the one where I can see your post coming from, because I hated her speech at the end of 302. Does it make sense for her to say what she said? Yes. But does it take them responsibility from Endevour and shifts it on all of their family –YES! And that is so not okay.
Rei did of course suffer and within the hero based society she couldn’t just leave and take the kids obviously (unlike Tenko/Tomura’s mother and grandparents could have shielded him and Hana from their father) and as Toya points out she is part of the problem and he is absolutely right. She chose to be in this marriage as an adult (there is a big chunk of societal blame her with the whole monetary issue, but she still had way more control over anything than her children did). And Endevour is a lot of things but not a rapist and he asked her to have more children with him and she agreed to that.
He did mental and physically abuse her in front of their children to the point where she couldn’t look her son’s in the eyes anymore.
And after all the blame for Toya’s issues is blamed on her, instead of Endevour blaming himself, because he is absolulty responsible for them, she shifts the responsibility of what happens with their family to all of them. Which isn’t good, but understandable, because she isn’t mentally healthy either. This is the women who broke down and poured hot water onto her son’s face, she isn’t objective in this and she can’t be, because she is part of it.
And she does (chapter 301) say herself that she is at fault for Toya’s turn to Dabi too and unlike her husband she did try to do something about the situation and Toya’s mental and physical health. Endevour just dropped all the responsibility on her.
As I said, I hate her saying that they all should stop Dabi together, but I still think it doesn’t show that Endevours abuse is apologized in general. His family is working through it in their own way as well as they can and the rest doesn’t have insight of what actually happened.
And Endevour’s image and career are in shambles right now, which is what Toya wanted, the hero society is crumbly, which is what he (and Stain) wanted, because the society doesn’t work, it’s a bad concept and that shows well right now (namely chapter 300).
The one person who definitely is trying to apologize his abuse is Endevour himself. It’s all “I didn’t know what to say” here and “he inherited that from me” there and when Rei’s parenting fails, because she’s not Toya’s focus point instead of even trying to talk to his son he lets it out on her. He didn’t even go to the hill and his excuse is literally he didn’t know how to talk to him and that it would have just things worse. But he didn’t even try. And he also learned nothing from it, since he still kept training Shoto.
From a writing perspective this doesn’t show abuse apologism, this shows that those are well written characters that are complicated and also part of the whole thing, so they can’t be objective about it.
So I would like to know how you read the arc itself as a theme of abuse apologism, instead of having a “number 1 hero” apologizing his abuse trying to excuse himself from the blame he deserves, even though he does acknowledge that he is responsible but can’t get it into his head that this can’t be fixed with some heroic act, because he abused his whole family for years to the point where they all have suffered so much they can’t even see that he is at core the fault for all of this.
i am so ready to just drop the mha manga. i hate how much i care about the todoroki’s (save enji) because if i didn’t care so much about them i would be long fucking gone from this hell hole. the abuse apologism never fucking stops. it would be one thing if it was just the fans because that’s always gonna happen ive seen it happen with every piece of media ever involving abuse but the fact that the abuse apologism is in the actual story itself? while also trying to convince you it’s NOT abuse apologism? it’s fucking exhausting. i hate it here.
Chapter 8 of Sour Droplets!
[Chapter 8 - Reconcile]
“Haha, you should’ve seen how worried these three were for you.” An’s dad laughed as Akito’s face smirked.
“Yeah, you should’ve seen Kohane.” Akito said with a laugh. “She wouldn’t stop calling you, even though Toya and I told her that you weren’t picking up calls.”
In response to Akito’s usual teasing, Kohane’s face flushed from embarrassment, but all An could do was laugh, the mug of hot tea she was holding warming her hands.
“And when we heard that Ken had gotten a text from a random number promising you were alright, we could hardly believe it.” Toya said as the plate of warm biscuits and gravy infront of An continued steaming. “We rushed here to wait with our nerves fried, and we’ve been here ever since.”
An felt a sense of Deja-vu as she stared in the brown reflective liquid contained in her white mug. Her disappearance was just like when she ran and hid in the construction site. Her dad was so worried then too… but Nagi…
“I’m sorry I made you all worry so much.” An said, her face reflected in the mint tea. “But thank you all for looking for me.”
“An-Chan…” Kohane trailed off, her face full of worry. An was confused at her concern until she realized she had her fingers tightened around her teacup. Knowing their relationships, it likely wouldn’t be long before they found out everything that happened.
“Speaking of, who was that unknown contact that your dad mentioned?” Toya asked, changing the topic after sensing An’s discomfort.
“Yeah… was it like, a friend of yours or something?” Akito asked, following up.
And just like the crescendo moment of a concert, An ended up telling them everything that happened, bring the suspense that had somehow built up crashing down. By the time she finished, her hot tea had cooled enough for her to drink it, so she took a sip and began eating her breakfast.
“So that’s where you were…” Akito said, gritting his teeth. He likely was angry at himself that he wasn’t there for her in her pain, but he couldn’t blame himself. No one could. After all, An hadn’t told anyone but her dad that she was going to visit Nagi-san’s grave.
“You know you can rely on us, right Shirashi?” Toya asked, his left hand over his chest.
An took a bite of her food, the leftover warmth flooding her mouth. “I know, but I was hoping if I could hide all of me feelings, I wouldn’t feel that hurt anymore. That sadness.” She stared down at the black plate, holding her silver fork in her right hand. “I know that pain and growth are part of human growth, but.. I can’t stop thinking about her. She was everything I wanted to be and more. But now she’s gone yet this pain in my heart resides.” As An talked she felt her heart start to throb with pain slowly, and she knew that likely the more she talked about what she went through, the more suffocating the pain would feel. But she still pressed onwards.
“But I don’t want to keep hurting and I especially don’t want you guys to have to pick up the excess I leave behind.” An admitted, taking a sip of her tea and feeling the liquid sliding down her throat. “If I bring down the team because my lack of progress…” She trailed off, not exactly knowing what to say.
“What are you talking about?” Ken asked, drawing An’s attention. “You were the one who made your group right? There’s a reason everyone here has pretty much nominated you as the leader. It’s your fiery determination and aspirations that spur you guys onward, paving a brand new world ahead for you.”
Talking about her goal to surpass RAD WEEKEND made An think about Kanade’s words again. Go beyond… She silently repeated to herself. But could she really? It was a night based on such an intense feeling… and it felt like surpassing that night would just be disrespecting Nagi.
“Mhm!” Kohane continued, her bright eyes sparkling with determination. “I know that sometimes you’re worried about falling behind me, but honestly, you’re my idol!” An’s eyes widened in surprise, caught off guard by the words that came from Kohane’s mouth. “You give me a thing to aspire to be. A goal for me. And for me, it’s more about my growth and not beating you. Without you here, I’d never be the person I am today!”
Kohane grabbed An’s hand and her heart started to race. Despite it being just a touch, she could feel the intense passion and feeling that Kohane was passing on to her. It was an expression of desperation, as she tried to link their shared feelings.
“And it was you that helped me break out of my dad’s expectations.” Toya mentioned, his eyes filled with a warmth alike to Kanade’s. “Without you I’d be spending much more sleepless nights next to the piano.”
“And for you, you’ve touched more hearts than you could imagine.” Akito vocalized, his voice firm. “I don’t think I share another bond with someone else that’s as strong as yours, and that’s helped me through so many moments. Overall, none of us could be here without you. You’re just as important as every single one of us.”
An smiled, her eyes watering as happy tears pricked at the base of her eyes. “You guys…” She murmured quietly, the words softly rumbling her throat.
“Sorry to interrupt,” An’s dad spoke up, handing her his phone. “But you’ve got a message.”
She took the phone from him, wondering who had texted her. Though as soon as she looked at the screen, a smile quickly broke out against her face.
“I think I know what we’re doing for our next event.”
Sorry for not posting for a while! I’m still here, don’t worry just really busy in life! (There’s one more chapter left after this.)
Introducing… our Akito Shinonome card!

The title of this card is “Thunderous Applause“, and is our three star card for this event! This is the scene where he’s singing in the last chapter, and I tried to dim the background characters so you can tell that he’s the one to focus on, along with me putting him in the front. Anyway, here’s his talent for this card!:
80% score boost for 5 seconds.
Last Project Sekai Card for my Event!

I was a bit hesitant to give Kohane another four star card because she just had a focus event in the English version of Project Sekai, but in the end she ended up becoming a four star card which I titled “A friends relief!” It’s a card that makes Toya look taller than An and Akito, but that’s just because of Gacha Life 2s layering system based on their scale and position. I really want them to fix it soon, especially since this is an issue in their other apps too. However let’s get back on track and reveal her skill for this event card, which is:
Recover 450 life; 90% score boost for 5 seconds.

RIMA TOYA Aesthetic
Do not repost, please :)
constantly thinking about how birds see color more vividly than humans do, and not only do they see color more vividly, they see colors that humans can’t due to having extra color cones in their retina.
so when keigo looks at dabi, he can’t imagine how anyone wouldn’t find him beautiful. not only is he covered in shiny jewelry (which in and of itself is enough to captivate his instincts) but his whole body is a mesmerizing mosaic of alluring colors and shades and sometimes when he looks at him, it’s hard for him to ever look away.
and then you have dabi. dabi who has spent the past decade being sneered at and scorned for his scars. based off the ridicule he’s heard a million times now for his appearance, he’s unable to take keigo seriously when he confesses how absolutely stunning dabi looks to him. his first instinct is to assume he’s just buttering him up to gain trust or making a joke of his scars. dabi scoffs and dismisses his feelings because he doesn’t believe that the hero is serious — because how could he be? outside the league, everyone who had taken a single glance at him labelled him a monster, a walking nightmare. no, the hero was just playing him. that had to be all.
until one day, the league is gathered in the PLF mansion’s common room. the rest of the league members are scattered about, playing video games, watching the movie playing on the tv, so on. dabi is seated on the sofa right in front of the window, absently watching the screen as the movie plays. the soft orange-golden glow of the setting sun flutters in through the window, shining onto the villain just right. his piercings and staples glint irresistibly and the colors, the dazzling array of colors dancing across his body set keigo’s instincts into overdrive.
it’s only when dabi’s voice begins to snap him back to reality (“birdie? birdie, what the hell?”) that keigo realizes that he’s been staring straight at dabi for a full ten minutes, pupils as wide as they can go, completely hypnotized by the pure art that dabi is.
dabi himself just cannot believe that a person exists who could look at him for hours when almost everyone else he’s ever encountered over the past ten years couldn’t stand to for even a moment.

the todo siblings mean everything to me :(

today I felt bad, so I drew this art and I felt better
This is awesome 🥰💕😎

Night Patrols
Til the clouds turn gold and purple again.
These three are just wuhehdueejeh

Triple T.O (Toga, Tomura, Toya) ♡♡♡
\(≧▽≦)/ \(≧▽≦)/ \(≧▽≦)/
just got back to listening proseka songs and u cant imagine how feral i am rn (AGAIN) to hear toya's voice, knowing it's the same va as dan heng's