Trans T4t - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

9 months ago


when a tgirl asks if you want to see her tits there's only one answer

When A Tgirl Asks If You Want To See Her Tits There's Only One Answer

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9 months ago

Need a puppy to be humping my leg so I can see how excited they are for me

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9 months ago

Horny anons are so hot to me ngl. It's feels like stalking which is such a huge turn on. Like your that obsessed😵‍💫

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9 months ago

Let me rub my ass against you then play it off like I didn't do anything

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3 years ago

Deadpool: short people are always so angry. i think its cause they're always hot- y'know always being the closest to hell? must suck.

Peter: you just lost your knee cap privileges giraffe face.


Tobey: I hate you!

Andrew: i hate me more!!!

Tobey: ...

Tobey: come on, Dude, we've talked about this...


Michelle (abt gender): maybe I just want people to look at me and be confused

Ned: a big hat

Peter: enter every room screaming "C O R N"


May: why are there tiny hand prints on the ceiling?

Tobey, whispering: Pete, why are there tiny hand prints on the ceiling?

Peter, hiding his hands: h o n es t l y f u c k y o u g uy s

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3 years ago

Andrew: a chicken walks into a bar-

deadpool, desperately trying to staunch the blood: SHUT THE FUCK UP.


[spidey-bros being interviwed]

Reporter: What is your reaction the public arguing whether the youngest spider-man is trans or not?

Tobey: oh for fucks-

Andrew, backing away: nooooo

Peter, grabbing the mic: whO THE FUCK THINKS IM C I S???


Wade: man Im cold.

Andrew: here use my jacket.

Peter: :O

Peter: h-hey mj, im cold.

Mj, throwing a lighter at him: go wild.

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3 years ago

Andrew: why did my last two brain cells have to be a sad one and a dumb one

Tobey: Gee, Andrew, why do you get two brain cells ???


Peter: wh a t d oe s bdsm s t a n d f or ??? Andrew: Bondag-



Andrew spider-man: *practically annihilates team of super villains single handedly*

Deadpool: there goes and semblance or heterosexuality i had left in me.


MJ: Do you take constructive criticism?

Peter, already crying: s u re w ha ts u p


Aunt may, holding up baby trans peter: stinky

Uncle ben: no. dont be mean.

Aunt may, spinning them both around: Stinky bastard man

Uncle ben, distraught: nO.

Tobey, watching the whole thing: Naughty boy, brat bastard.

Peter: I t’ s tr u e, m y cr i me s a re un f or gi v ab le.

Uncle ben: NOOOOO !!

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