Be Trans Throw Hands - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

I wake up. I hear my parents discussing something. Their talking about how trans women are dangerous, and how it was wrong to cancel jkr for transphobia. I (transmasc) wait it out, then come out of my room. Slay another day. Fuck em, be gay do crimes, be trans throw hands.

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Amnesia AU

Everything is perfect. Din is Mand'alor and Luke is his consort. They are incredibly popular and their rule prosperous, of course not without difficulty, Mandalore is thriving. Children are being adopted left right and centre, force sensitive ones attend Luke's school in the capital, the mandalorian people are united and their shrinking numbers growing once more.

The people love their Mand'alor and adore his consort. They represent mandalorian ideals and, most of all, they are ridiculously in love.

On paper, everything is perfect, no one should be displeased with how the culture has adapted and grown. But some are. Some are seething in the dark waiting for a plan and a moment to strike. They believe this Mand'alor and the whole of Mandalore are poisoned by the Jedi's presence, and ruined by the acceptance of different interpretations of the Resolnare. It makes a mockery of their history and traditions.

These people have been brought together and organised by Clan Vizla (minus Paz whom they disowned long ago). Until now they had no idea how to fix the world, that was, until someone mentioned a group of women who were once nightsisters and could perform interesting things with the Force.

They have nothing but contempt for Luke whom they blame for their ruined lives, and agree to help - for a price and certain conditions. Along side money they want their pick of Force sensitive children to train and indoctrinate. Despite being mandalorians their desire to get rid of Din and Luke overpowers their desire to protect children. A deal is struck.

They decide to make Din and Luke forget eachother, to revert them to who they were before they ever met. And they make the people forget Din and Luke, forget the people who helped them prosper. The head of the Vizla clan takes the throne, and the council is filled with members of the group.

Din finds himself on a random planet. Luke on another. Both are used to this, after all they've forgotten the life they made together in Mandalore, they've forgotten they used to wake up next to their husband, they've forgotten they had a home.

Din still has Grogu, he resigns himself that no Jedi is coming to help them and once again begins, well continues, his life as a bounty hunter. The world has forgotten Din Djarin, Mand'alor the Uniter, but remembers Mando the best bounty hunter money can buy.

The world has forgotten Luke Skywalker-Djarin, consort to the Mand'alor and Master of the New Jedi Order, but remembers Luke Skywalker last Jedi and Hero of the Rebellion.

But love and the force are stronger than the usperpers realised, or could ever know.On a planet, in a ruin and exhausted Din Djarin meets Luke Skywalker once again.

There is about the Jedi. There is something about the Mandolorian. They run into some, what they thought were, deactivated droids. They fight side by side. It's beautiful. It's leathal. Their eyes meet as the battle ends and the universe stops.

They agree to live on the planet for a few months, so Luke can train Grogu to be safe with his powers so he can stay with his father.

They cook, they laugh, they spar together and watch one another tend to Grogu's every whim. And once again, Din and Luke fall in love. But, its harder this time, they forgotten the life they built, a life made possible by helping unite the mandalorian people and revive the planet. Now they feel the approach of their separation, once Grogu is confident enough they'll go their separate ways, perhaps forever.

Meanwhile, Mandalore is in crisis. Ruling is hard, and keeping the mandolorians from in fighting even harder.

There are rumours of a coup, lead by Paz, Bo-Katan and Cara - who are unable to shake the feeling that something that once was is no more and that somehow they, despite their wild differences, are a team united under something.

Knowing they will loose a trial by combat against Bo-Katan, one of the members flees with the darksaber. They come across an unimportant planet and hide in an unimportant village. But it is not as unimportant as it seems. Strolling through the market they spot, to their horror, a mandalorian, a jedi, and a tiny green child.

Despite their regression to their past selves they have found eachother yet again. They inform the council, who order their deaths.

They attack the, no longer, family. The Darksaber is the only option to destroy them. But threatening Din Djarins loved ones, even if he is refusing to acknowledge it, is the most foolish thing anyone can attempt.

They loose the Darksaber. Once again Din becomes Mand'alor.

Paz, who was sent to find the missing council member and bring them back to Mandalore for Bo to fight, arrives to see his Vod standing with the saber in hand and a Jedi cradling his child.

He tells them everything. They return to Mandalore.

For many, at Din's appearance, the spell is broken. With the mist cleared they rejoice for their Mand'alor and consort.

Din and Luke, who were target most intensely, still do not remember, simply assuming the people are celebrating due to tradition and the removal of a tyrannical government.

Luke convinces Din to stay. Din convinces Luke to Stay.

Asoka Tano visits Mandalore, Bo insists she can restore her Mand'alor and his consort, even if they insist nothing is wrong. They're happy. They're safe to fall, to be in love without fear of parting.

Sensing the twisting of their memories through the Force Asoka promises "I can return you to your former lives." But Luke and Din are looking at eachother with such open adoration and, as they lean their foreheads against one another's while cradling their child, Asoka decides to leave it. They deserve to fall in love and rediscover peace and home once again.

And they do.

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3 years ago

Tobey: You ever wanna talk about your feelings, Andrew?

Andrew: no

Peter: I do !!

Tobey: I know, Peter.

Peter: I f e e l s t a b b y

Tobey and Andrew: We know, Peter.

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3 years ago

Spider bros Au

[on patrol]

Tobey, humming: Spider-man, Spider-man

Andrew, joining in: Does Whatever A Spider Can!

Tobey: Spins A Web! Any Size

Andrew: Catches Thieves!

Peter: eat’s those guys! Look out here comes the spooder-man


[on a date in the park]

Andrew: the stars are beautiful tonight

Deadpool: y-yeah! They are! *whispers* w h a t d o i s a y ???

Peter, in a tree above them: s a y y o u h a v e b e a u ti f u l e yes

Deadpool: he’s wearing a f u c k i n g m a s k

Peter: F i n e. y o u th ink of so m eth i ng.

Deadpool: you volunteered to be my wing man you little shit !!

Peter: d on ’t m a ke m e c o m e d ow n t h er e !!

Deadpool, standing up: Come down here? Buddy, I’ m c o m i n g u p.

Andrew: lovely stars. Truly.

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3 years ago

Spidey bros au

Peter, high off anaesthesia: m y d i c k f e l l o f f :0

Tobey, fucking with him: The doctor needed it to save the president.

Peter: :O

Andrew: you're a hero, buddy !!

Peter, wiggling around in joy: y aaa aay y

May: *Videoing everything*

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3 years ago

Andrew: a chicken walks into a bar-

deadpool, desperately trying to staunch the blood: SHUT THE FUCK UP.


[spidey-bros being interviwed]

Reporter: What is your reaction the public arguing whether the youngest spider-man is trans or not?

Tobey: oh for fucks-

Andrew, backing away: nooooo

Peter, grabbing the mic: whO THE FUCK THINKS IM C I S???


Wade: man Im cold.

Andrew: here use my jacket.

Peter: :O

Peter: h-hey mj, im cold.

Mj, throwing a lighter at him: go wild.

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3 years ago

Andrew: why did my last two brain cells have to be a sad one and a dumb one

Tobey: Gee, Andrew, why do you get two brain cells ???


Peter: wh a t d oe s bdsm s t a n d f or ??? Andrew: Bondag-



Andrew spider-man: *practically annihilates team of super villains single handedly*

Deadpool: there goes and semblance or heterosexuality i had left in me.


MJ: Do you take constructive criticism?

Peter, already crying: s u re w ha ts u p


Aunt may, holding up baby trans peter: stinky

Uncle ben: no. dont be mean.

Aunt may, spinning them both around: Stinky bastard man

Uncle ben, distraught: nO.

Tobey, watching the whole thing: Naughty boy, brat bastard.

Peter: I t’ s tr u e, m y cr i me s a re un f or gi v ab le.

Uncle ben: NOOOOO !!

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