Tumblr People - Tumblr Posts

Craters of moon
Credit: connor matherne
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Mountain building https://anchor.fm/brave%20enough/episodes/Mountain-building-ep8v98

Guys ... Here is my link to the podcasts. I'm just a rookie and trying to be pro🤞
NGC 1850, a start cluster about 160, 000 light years away in satellite galaxy to our own milky way, known as the Large Magellanic cloud.

Easter Island under the stars
Credit- grafixart_photo& Amazing Astronomy
Happy geologist day🤠

A little pep talk from Sirius black, that we all need...

Tranquility exists here💚

Outcrop of the day

Different shades of sky And people too...

ART BY @robinfollies !!
ARTHUR HEADCANONS :: hes so silly.
- Likes to cook but is really bad at it,like he can't cook at all,but he tries
- poly and pround
- he can't see ANYTHING without his glasses,and they are always the same glasses as always
- he is dyslexic,AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND.
- He loves starting fights in bars and then just watching how it ends
- he has a secret passion for astrology and alchemy
- when he fell in love with Aristotle, he was too scared to tell them.
- loves cuddles
- He has a piercing in his ear but always forgets that he has it
- makes the worse jokes with Jack about everyone they see or don't even know
- He's shorter than Belle, and she's always making fun of him for it.
- he always finds himself at the last minute to buy Christmas presents
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it's the first time I've published my headcanons, I got the idea to publish them from @battersweet !!
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FUN FACT :: his last name is Elmtwig!
i love tumblr. it's just people with their silly little interests posting their thoughts and life, and it's like a comfort place where you can be yourself and find other goblins like you in this forest.

I usually don't really take Tumblr's comments to heart, but for once I'd just like to put this here and point out that no, this is not just "whatever", this is "OH MAN HOLY SHYET" because what. What just happened. Who just followed me? What did I ever do to deserve this omg this is superbly flattering as well as embarrassing. I post all kinds of weird shebang here on the assumption that no one really reads them anyway but wow. Now I'm just kinda. Idk I'm shook. And so honoured. THANK YOU MRSMON I HOPE YOU DON'T GET SCARED AWAY BY THE RANTS I POST ONCE A BLUE CORN MOON also I love you vvv much thank you for noticing me :')
what do we do if we meet non-tumblr people in the wild and we think they’re tumblr people and try and identify with them and they look at us like we’re crazy?
like some kid told me he liked my shoelaces (they are pretty cool they’re rainbow and have beads on them) and i just- “thanks i stole them from the president” and he gave me the weirdest, most confused “wtf is this girl talking about is she on crack” look and kind of scooted his chair back over to his desk.
like, how do we avoid looking insane?