Under The Sea - Tumblr Posts

Another ae school project...this time it really is not tma reference


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2 years ago
Under The Sea

Under the Sea

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1 year ago

It's an old one, but I still like it, and since it's exam season, I can't draw a new one, so a reblog it is. 💜💗💙

This is a small drawing. It's a Cotton Candy Sirens🧜, with its 3 dumbo octopus 🐙 on the side.

This Is A Small Drawing. It's A Cotton Candy Sirens, With Its 3 Dumbo Octopus On The Side.

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2 years ago
Sea Garden Made On Procreate

“Sea Garden” made on procreate

I did this one for Mer may and I love it so much. So many plants tho ; v ; …

Sea Garden Made On Procreate

Sea Garden but Warm

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2 years ago

It is the easiest thing in the world for a man to look as if he had a great secret in him.

Herman Melville “Moby Dick”

Instagram: _idealart

It Is The Easiest Thing In The World For A Man To Look As If He Had A Great Secret In Him.

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6 months ago

To swim with the fishes in the land below the surface.

To Swim With The Fishes In The Land Below The Surface.

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Okay so...

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy are humans that are underwater superheroes. Mermaid Man has a starfish to help him breath and Barnacle Boy had barnacles in his lungs to help him breath.

They used to fight crime on the seafloor, but they got old and now they reside in Bikini Bottom. They are the same size (proportionally) as everyone who lives there, right?

Okay So...


Okay So...

When Spongebob and Patrick go on land they are smaller than peoples toes. Are Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy the size of toes??? As humans???

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I will, now, only call puffer fish sea blunts.

I Will, Now, Only Call Puffer Fish Sea Blunts.

Dolphins like to get high from the toxins they produce when the puff up. They also like to pass them around to other dolphins in their group.

I Will, Now, Only Call Puffer Fish Sea Blunts.

So essentially they are just using the puff puff pass method on the sea blunts.

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9 years ago

It’s been a while since we checked in on how the Renaissance is doing with its ocean mysteries, so here is a marine biology update circa 1550.

Seals come in two forms:



& Triangular


Walruses are horrifying


But whales are worse


Fish can have human faces


but not always where you’d expect


As for the rest


… it’s probably better left alone.

[All images except chest face fish from Historiae animalium liber IV : De piscium & aquatilium animantium natura. Chest face fish from The noble lyfe & natures of man of bestes, serpentys, fowles & fisshes yt be moste knowen]

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9 years ago
Frogfish Can Use Their Pelvic Fins To Walk Across The Sea Floor

Frogfish can use their pelvic fins to walk across the sea floor

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7 years ago
Some Friends

some friends

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1 year ago
To Decompress From Sebastians Crab Infested Fashion Shoot, Brad Slipped Into His Y2K Baywatch Cosplay

To decompress from Sebastian’s crab infested fashion shoot, Brad slipped into his Y2K Baywatch cosplay per Becky’s suggestion. It always put Brad in a good mood and Becky had a thing for time pieces.

What Brad couldn’t get past was why he was hired to model the ill designed lobster jacket and not his boyfriend Chris. One would think a photographer named Sebastian would hire a model under the ‘C’.

Catching a healthy dose of A-tude in the sails, Becky pointed out that Brad was being a ‘B.’ It took one to know one so…

That’s when Chris shouted, “And scene”from the half bath adding the three should really consider dumping seafood altogether. He couldn’t make it past the front hall half bath after grabbing Captain D’s.

Brad and Becky agreed things didn’t need to progress down the line any further. The use of E was dropped somewhere after the millennium and before the drop of Madonna's MDNA album. Chris then added Molly seemed to be holding on as the go to term diving into this whole rave culture redo.

Brad and Becky found Chris' comment about as insightful as those of a field reporter on the local news.

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7 years ago

My School’s Logic

A friend of mine from my private school is the only one in the small school who watches actually watches Black Butler. First period ended and we were getting out stuff together, having a long anime conversation.

Me: I don’t know why, but I find Sebastian’s singing kinda crindgy...

*Male classmate walks past us from behind* Under the seeeaaaa~

Friend: *laughs* Not that Sebastian!

Me: *shrugs* No, I guess that Sebastian too.

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9 months ago
Mermay Day 17 Coral

Mermay day 17 coral 🪸

This took way t long to finish 😞

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4 years ago

The blog's back. :)

GrumpyShine Dare #2: Funshine and Grumpy being teleported underwater with my finger snap magic.

GrumpyShine Dare #2: Funshine And Grumpy Being Teleported Underwater With My Finger Snap Magic.

They're mermen! :)

(Sorry this took so long, AAAAA-

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6 years ago
Made Another Thing Today. Honestly Not Too Happy With This One But I Dont Have The Motivate To Make It

Made another thing today. honestly not too happy with this one but i dont have the motivate to make it better so... here ya go. The kelp i added cause the new oceans in minecraft 1.3 look super dope and I wanted to capture that feeling somewhat.

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2 years ago

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