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3 years ago
I Present The Marauders! Star Maps Version May Your Constellations Be Your Guides Throughout Your Life.In
I Present The Marauders! Star Maps Version May Your Constellations Be Your Guides Throughout Your Life.In

I present The marauders! Star Maps Version May your constellations be your guides throughout your life.  In English and Portuguese(Brazil)

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10 months ago

Everyone always talks about how many pranks James and Sirius probably pulled, but no one ever talks about how Peter pulled the last one 💀

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Oneshot Jegulus. | Sirius (and the other marauders) walk in on Regulus and James

1995 words I it's cute i think

Sirius, Remus, and Peter were walking up from the common room.

"I'm telling you Moony, he's been fooling around with someone and he's hiding them from us, but we are about to catch them." Sirius stated, with a determined look in his eyes.

"I don't know Pads, maybe we should just wait?" Peter said, looking nervous. "I don't want to be traumatized AGAIN." He scratched his neck apologetically.

"Pete, how many time do we have to apologize? We really didn't think you would come back!" Remus claimed, looking rather annoyed.

"You were shagging ON MY BED! And whatever you were doing seemed as far from pleasure as I can think of" Peter responded, emphasizing his disapproval with his hands.

Sirius dismissed Peter with a hand motion. "Oh come on Wormy, my bed is always a mess, and Moony refused to put his books somewhere they weren't treated with the special care they CLEARLY needed."

Remus rolled his eyes and faced Sirius. "At least books aren't annoying" he said. "Anyways, we are SORRY you had to see that. But yeah, I do agree with Pete. If James hasn't told us, there must be a reason why."

"See? Even Moony agrees with me." Peter pleaded Sirius and pulled his arm to go back downstairs. "Can we please just leave and wait? Maybe we can catch them on their way out."

Sirius eyed Peter, suspiciously. "Wormy do you know something? Because you really seem determined to leave them to their business."

"What???? NO I- " He responded, scandalized. "No, I just have a bit of respect for my best friends' privacy, that's all." Peter quickly said, the words leaving his mouth so fast he could barely understand himself.

Sirius tsked and continued heading towards their room. "Yeah, yeah. Now tell that to someone who will believe you." They followed, walking up the stairs and standing right outside their dorm door. Sirius reached for the handle when Remus put a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back momentarily.

"Okay, but if James gets mad at us this is entirely your idea and you just dragged us with you, okay?" Remus warned him, putting his other hand in front of Sirius' face, using his finger in the same way he's seen Professor McGonagall do when she's telling them to stop with the pranks.

"Well that's exactly what he did so..." Peter mumbled, hoping they wouldn't hear him.

"Shut it Wormy." Sirius interrupted, raising his palm to stop Pete from complainig. "Yes Moons, this is ALL my fault. But I know you're secretly as intrigued as I am." He smiled at Remus, and then turned back to the door, rubbing his hands as if his criminal masterplan was about to start. "Now, gentlemen and Moonies, prepare yourselves for..." He reached for the door again and this time he actually opened it. He went to turn on the light and his eyes went back to James' bed. "Aha-AAAAAAAAH" Sirius jumped back and brought both of his hands to his face, covering his eyes. Remus and Peter stood behind him, equally surprised.

"Oh shit." Remus said, followed by Peter's "Indeed."

"MY EYES. I'M BLIND, OH MY GOD THIS IS TORTURE." Sirius said rather dramatically, falling to his knees with his hands still on his face.

James was laying on his bed, with Regulus sitting on top of him. James tried his best (and failed) to cover Regulus with his body, but Reg was using the sheets as a shield for both of their pelvic areas, so at least they weren't completely exposed.

"What the fuck?" Sirius screamed, hesitating to open his eyes. Remus was behind him. He mouthed You guys are dead at James and Regulus, bringing his hand across his neck, simulating a knife slitting someones' throat. Pete chuckled under his breath while he covered his face in an embarrased manner, still looking worriedly at Sirius.

James looked at Remus, then at Pete, pleading for help with his eyes, but both marauders were just standing there trying to hide their grinning faces. Regulus was just looking at the ceiling with a clear Please kill me now thought going through his mind, and both of them were blushing as much as humanly possible. James finally looked at Sirius, and passed a hand through his hair in an attempt to fix it, something he does when he's anxious.

"Hey Pads... Best friend, soulmate, love of my life. How are y-" James started with a small voice. "Prongs, shut it" Sirius quickly intervened. "Actually, no. Start talking, now." Sirius looked at James and then at Regulus, who was still pretending none of this was happening. Sirius was quick to notice the marks on his neck.

"Reg, want to help me over here?" James said nervously, looking at Regulus with a hopeful and awkward smile. Regulus finally looked back, startled by James' question.

"Me?" Regulus asked. "How is this my fault? You are the ones with zero sense of personal space and privacy! If I wasn't as quick, you'd all have VERY different expressions on your faces right now." James was even blushing harder, to a point that shouldn't even be possible. He let out a nervous laughter and just kept his head down, too embarrassed to look at Sirius and his other friends.

"In our defense, we did try to tell Sirius not to walk in while you were doing... stuff". Remus said proudly, as if he didn't just completely intrude his best friend's intimate moment.

"Oh, so you knew James was..." Regulus trailed off, looking for an appropriate word. "...busy" he narrowed his eyes, "and still decided to barge in. Unbelievable!"

"It wouldn't be the first time..." Peter said, ashamed of their group with evident codependency and lack of boundaries.

"Prongs and I's sense of privacy is none of your business! And that REALLY is not the main concern here." Sirius said, looking angry and tapping his foot anxiously, his arms crossed, clearly waiting for an explanation.

"Well, it is my business when you walk in on me having sex with my boyfr-". Regulus shut his mouth as soon as he felt the word leaving his lips, but it was too late.

James finally looked up, surprised at Regulus' words. He looked at him with eyes full of love that Reg couldn't help but smile at him. They were just staring at each other, completely forgetting what was happening around them. After a few seconds, Remus brought them out of their daze with a poorly faked cough.

"Your WHAT?! Your BOYFRIEND?" Sirius threw his arms in the air in pure disbelief and shock. "James, do you care to explain what is going on? Because my baby brother here seems to have hit his head and just called you his boyfriend."

"Well..." James said, looking down at his knees. "I am his boyfriend. And he is mine." James looked back at Sirius, trying to seem confident in his words. Then he grabbed Regulus hand and smiled at him, his smile immediately filling his boyfriend's chest with warmth.

"Oh Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. Please tell me this is a joke, or I will have to kill you for fucking my little brother." Sirius said in what could only be described as a maniac's tone. This seemed to make Regulus and James understand that they were far from done explaining.

"Look, Pads. I really wanted to tell you. It just happened, I promise I wasn't planning on it. But it did, and I'm glad it did. Trust me, this isn't how I wanted you to find out". James sighed.

"And how did you want me to know then? With an invitation to your wedding?" Sirius replied, but he was less agitated.

Both of them were quiet, and SIrius only sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Look. I'm not anyone to tell you what to do in your free time. But my brother? Really? You had to shag him?" Sirius asked. The other two marauders were unusually quiet during the whole thing.

"Sirius, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But I will not apologize for loving Reg. He makes me incredibly happy, and I truly hope I make him feel at least half of what he makes me feel." James only had eyes for the younger Black brother, who was nodding at him as in response to his last statement. He was looking at him with the most endearing gaze.

"I asked him not to tell you. I didn't know how you'd react, but I know how incredibly possessive you are. You're a borderline psychopath". Regulus said, trying to take some of the tension off the air.

James just closed his eyes and smiled at the poor attempt of a joke. "I'm not possessive". Sirius exclaimed. This got him a questioning look from literally everyone in the room. Remus raised his eyebrow. "Fine! I may be a bit overprotective. But that doesn't mean you needed to hide it from me for... how long has this been going on?" He asked, pointing at both of them.

"Uhmmm, since September? A few weeks after coming back." James answered shyly.

"September?! That was 5 months ago!" Sirius replied.

"Well yeah, and by the looks of it we made the right choice in not telling you". Regulus said, rolling his eyes.

"What?" Sirius asked confused. "Oh, sorry Mr. MY EYES, I'M BLIND!, didn't know that was your idea of a good reaction". Regulus answered annoyed. "Now, if you don't mind, I want to get dressed since you ruined the moment and I clearly won't get to finish what I was doing". He glanced at the door, suggesting the three intruders to give them some privacy.

"Fine, but Reggie, you're talking to me as soon as you are dressed. I'm not kidding, you have three minutes. I'll wait in the common room". Sirius said, already walking towards the door.

"Three minutes huh? I can make it work." James joked, raising his eyebrow suggestively at Regulus. "NOW, Regulus." Sirius said from the stairwell. Peter moved and headed towards the common room too.

"Hmm, the Black brothers huh? There is something about their I'm borderline insane and have no sense of communication and processing feelings vibe that just does it, am I right?" Remus told James, smiling from ear to ear. James laughed innocently and Regulus just looked at the tall boy with a piercing gaze.

"Okay okay, I'm leaving!" Remus said, bringing his hands up in defeat. He walked towards the door, and as he was exiting and closing the door, he said "Next time lock the door, please." And he shut the door behind him.

Regulus and James were quiet for a few seconds before Reg got up to grab his clothes from the floor. James went back and rested on his elbows, looking at Regulus get changed.

"What?" Regulus asked while he was buttoning up his white shirt.

"Secret's out. Isn't that great?" James said.

"No, why would it be great? I'm about to have the most mortifying and awkward talk with my brother. What about that sounds great to you?" Regulus asked while he finished with his emerald tie.

James just sat up and motioned Regulus to come close to him. Regulus quickly understood and put his knees on the side of each of James' legs, straddling him. James only had the bed sheets to cover his hips.

"At least I will be able to do this" and he kissed him, cupping his face with one hand, pulling his head down towards him with the other one around his neck. "Without feeling guilty about it". He said as they broke apart.

"Oh yeah, because the guilt was really stopping you when you were sucki-" Regulus chuckled.

"Okay yes I get it." James interrupted in between laughs. "Now go talk to your sweet sweet brother and tell him I've done nothing but respect you."

"Oh but I don't want to lie to him" Regulus pouted, teasing James. "I'll see you later, love. We better finish what we started".

James bit his lip as he watched Regulus leave the room. "Oh, we will. I'll make up for it, I promise."

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1 year ago
I Made The Marauders Aesthetic, Should I Make The Girls Too? (Marlene , Dorcas, Pandora, Lily) OR IF
I Made The Marauders Aesthetic, Should I Make The Girls Too? (Marlene , Dorcas, Pandora, Lily) OR IF
I Made The Marauders Aesthetic, Should I Make The Girls Too? (Marlene , Dorcas, Pandora, Lily) OR IF
I Made The Marauders Aesthetic, Should I Make The Girls Too? (Marlene , Dorcas, Pandora, Lily) OR IF

I made the marauders aesthetic, should I make the girls too? (Marlene 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️, Dorcas, Pandora, Lily) OR IF YOU WANT SUGGEST SOME AND IL MAKE IT.

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