He/They FtM Transgender Demiboy | Panromantic | 22
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Ace-is-undead - Cant Wait To Tear My Face Away And Reveal Myself - Tumblr Blog
Sir a second Bouchard has hit the office managerial position

hey pspsps anyone have any tips on asking a friend to be your qpp... without being awkward... i dont know how i am a silly .......
hate all the phrases that are sex-coded fr. The other day I was telling a friend “I just want more physical intimacy” and had to be like “fuck wait no” because I literally just want to be able to wrap my arms around my friends from behind and play with their hands or hair and have them come up behind me and tuck their chins over my head. “I want to sleep with you” but I literally mean I want to. Sleep. In the same bed. With you. Cuddling. Why is everything so difficult I am killing everyone
today a fascist won an election for the first time since 1933. here, in germany.
i don't care if it's just one (out of 16) states. björn höcke is a fascist. a court decided not long ago that it's allowed to call him a nazi. bc he is one. not "far right" or "conservative" - he is a nazi.
here. in germany. and he just won an election.
it hasn't even been 100 years.
i am scared.
Tears Of Gold
by WingsOfTheDamned Someone summons and traps the Champion of Magic, unleashing chaos upon the world. It becomes a race against time as the League tries to find and free a being they have never heard of until now. Words: 31611, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English Fandoms: Shazam! | Captain Marvel (Comics), Shazam! (Movies - Sandberg), Justice League - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Billy Batson, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), J'onn J'onzz, Clark Kent, Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine, Doctor Fate, Original Characters Relationships: Billy Batson & Justice League Additional Tags: Billy Batson Needs a Hug, Billy Batson-centric, Billy Batson is Captain Marvel | Shazam, BAMF Billy Batson, Past Torture, Blood and Torture, Mild Gore, Friendship, Protective Diana (Wonder Woman), References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, References to Norse Religion & Lore, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, Justice League as Family (DCU), Not Beta Read, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Magic, Spells & Enchantments, Summoning Circles, Protective Clark Kent, Protective Justice League, Diana and Billy are siblings, angel lore, Caring Justice League, Marvel References, The Sandman (Comics and TV) References, Lucifer (TV) References, Minor Violence, References to Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD via https://ift.tt/8v0GXPZ
through the open doors the harmless phantoms on their errands glide
by rainbow_flavoured_skittles Dick went to the graveyard. He sat in front of Jason’s grave and sobbed, Jason standing awkwardly beside him. “‘m so sorry, Jay,” Dick cried. “I should’ve been there. I could have helped…” Jason didn’t respond. He was too busy looking at the tombstone in horror and morbid fascination. ‘Jason Todd, beloved son and brother’, it proclaimed. The marble angel above the writing was solemn, eyes closed and expression grim. That’s my grave. I’m buried there six feet under, with all the worms and dirt. The thought was surreal. Jason wondered whether or not Bruce had had an autopsy done. ~ Jason Todd does not come back to life. That doesn't mean he isn't still around, though. Words: 5931, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Damian Wayne Relationships: Jason Todd & Everyone, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Additional Tags: Ghost Jason Todd, Batfamily (DCU), Jason Todd-centric, POV Jason Todd, Angst, Bittersweet Ending, Ghosts, Alternate Universe, Not Canon Compliant, Jason Todd Angst, Mentioned Barbara Gordon, Character Death via https://ift.tt/rOD72kq
My favorite thing about the bats is that… they are gothamites. And sure they scare the shit out of people… but they are in Gotham. Superman is loved by his people, Flash is adored, people pray to Wonder Woman, Green Arrow is feared. But the Bats? The Bats are like all of Gotham's weird older brothers/sisters/parents. Superman and Green Lantern are visiting Batman in Gotham and all of a sudden he gets smacked in the face by a banana and they turn and find a group of teens skateboarding away and one kid calls over his shoulder ‘eat the fucking potassium you absolute brick.’ and Batman doesn't even do anything. Barry is chilling with Nightwing when a girl runs beneath the building they are sitting on and screams “Nice ass Night! But get it the fuck down here, my cats stuck in a tree.” And Nightwing does a flip off the building and just?? helps her?? Wonder Woman and Black Canary are passing through Crime Alley on their way to the Batcave and spot Red Hood standing in an alley, being lectured by a woman who is half his size and she ends the lecture by throwing two sandwiches at his face and walking away. Red Hood just takes his hood off and starts eating. Superboy is helping Red Robin defeat Scarecrow and while they’re hiding, waiting for him to walk into their trap, RR is casually conversing with a Gothamite about Hogwarts Houses, and when he says the Gothamite looks like a Gryfindor he pops his head out and screams “Yo scarecrow hes right fucking here!” J’onn is heading to the Manor to discuss League business with Bruce when he spots Robin(Damian) fighting Riddler all alone and is about to intervene when three teenagers show up and just fucking deck him instead. Damian doesn't thank them, just glowers, and one of the guys goes “you're welcome you fucking brat.” And the girl even smacks the back of his head and goes “manners.” Clark is sent to go find Tim and Steph and Damian and finds them at this girls birthday party, in full costume, eating cupcakes and drinking punch, jumping on the bouncy house and is like “errr, B-Batman needs you home.” And as one the entire birthday party group went “Fuck Batman.” Spoiler was spotted painting these guys nails, Black Bat was seen teaching calculus to a group of teenagers, Batgirl(Babs) was running after a group of kids screaming “Give me back my laptop you fucks!” Just- just the batfamily and Gothamites being annoying to each other and appreciative yet bitches.
Bus driver: stop getting thrown at my fucking bus, i got places to be and my insurance only covers so many shatter windshields and person sized dents Batman: I don't really control where I get thrown Bus Driver: well you better fucking start otherwise theres gonna be another fucking villain on these streets *drives away and almost runs him over* Superman: *gaping* yo-you're just gonna let him do that? Batman: *shrugs* Gotham insurance aint what its cracked up to be Superman: *staring dumbly*
i have this head cannon that Bruce has a wall in his study dedicated to bad pictures of his kids. like, the exact moment when jason got sprayed by the hose? framed and hung. tim slipping and dropping pudding on his head? up there. dick falling from a chandelier? his open mouthed scream is the first picture up there. he has bad hair days from steph, failed pranks from dick, mid spin photos of cass, half asleep pictures of babs, everyone is up there. And then Damian comes and he sees the wall and he must be up there. But Damian is an absolute unit behind a camera, he does not have a single bad picture. ever. After an intense waterballoon fight they take a group picture and everyone is soaked and miserable and laughing but Damian is glowing, his hair swept away by the water just so and it infuriates him.
Scenario, where Billy is working at the Whiz station and during a Halloween party he was forced encouraged to wear a kids sized Captain Marvel costume and had his hair done to be slicked back too for the full look.
Naturally, he was not happy about it at all so when they had a group photo of everyone in costumes you just have this grumpiest kid at the front dressed as the happiest man alive so people start to also refer to him as Grumpy Marvel instead of Whiz Kid and the popularity of the photo just spirals out of control.
Billy is anything but happy about it, and he genuinely almost lost his shit when someone in the League mentioned the photo.
Reblog if you love AO3 and appreciate their volunteers who are working harder than God, fighting battle after battle, making sure the place that is a safe space for every fandom is staying up and running for all of us
Two steps forward one step back
by rurugumi Jason Todd wasn't expecting to wake up a decade into the past, but that doesn't mean he's not going to make the most out of it. or In which Jason saves himself and builds his family back from scratch, not necessarily in that order. Words: 26080, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Ra's al Ghul Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Jason Todd is Robin, Family Dynamics, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, and he gets many!, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Damian Wayne Tries to Be a Good Sibling, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Bad Parent Bruce Wayne, in jason's memory, Tim Drake Joins the Batfamily Early, Civilian Tim Drake, Joker (DCU) Hurts Jason Todd via https://ift.tt/B5TSsPG
I think my heart broke a little more after Edwin having to see Charles and Crystal goodbye kiss
I keep thinking about Edwin's dad. We know nothing about him other than he knew a lot of colourful words for people he judged. Words he said often enough that edwin picked up on them and took over his dad's judgement on people, which he keeps mirroring a century later. Edwin's family was very obviously well off, so his read on people is heavily coloured from this. He also seemed to look up to his dad, his opinion mattered to edwin, and only Charles calling him out on it because of the comment edwin made about crystal, which made him rethink that.
And it's such an interesting window into their relationship, and their social standing at large as well. It's obvious through their behaviour, down to their accents, that they aren't from the same class. Charles likely got into the boarding school through a scholarship, probably a sports scholarship (he says that it didn't matter to his dad how good he was, or how good he was at sports, he'd still get beaten) while edwin probably got in as an expected part of his life conjecture. And their first meeting is borne from compassion and a mutual understanding. But edwin used the insults his dad taught him often enough towards Charles that the latter started looking them up. Charles, due to his own upbringing, seems very used to, and takes it lightly, to be called bad things. Which is were his parental abuse and being British Indian come into play. Its par for the course. Rather words than belts and stones, probably. And he knows that edwin genuinely loves him and is committed to him, even before the confession, so he puts even less weight on them.
But yea... just thinking about Edwin growing up with neutrally okay parents, for that time. Teaching him the accepted forms of bigotry of their time. Burying his own homosexuality deep within himself. He is then surrounded by other kids who share his parents believes, and keeps to himself to stay safe. Getting into detective fiction due to his love for mysteries and compassion for the wronged parties. Spending 70 years in hell, where he probably unlearned a lot of his learned bigotry.
Getting out, and meeting this lower class, half dead, half Indian kid, who tells him he got beaten to death for protecting someone. And Charles is funny and smart, and inquisitive, he oozes charisma, charm and compassion. And he is everything Edwin's own parents are not bc of that. So Edwin falls for him. Is glad about the companionship as well, after 86 years of loneliness, 70 of which he spent in literal hell, Charles is the beacon of light, and of difference, he always craved in his own life and death. It helps that he knows that Charles won't stay long. Edwin can be open and soft, without fearing consequences, bc Charles will go to the afterlife soon anyways.
But then Charles decides to stay. With him. For him. Which is a whole other conundrum, and also exactly what Edwin had craved for longer than he knew. But edwin is still at the beginning of unlearning his upbringing, and Charles doesn't seem to mind at all when Edwin speaks his mind. So he goes on with it. He can be crass and insulting, and speak his mind, and he only learns after 30 years together that Charles might actually hurt from the things Edwin says to him, and other people. Things his father had taught him...
Another Hope in Hell
Just imagine, somewhere down the line, our beloved ghost boys encounter Lucifer. Lucifer knows that Edwin managed to escape TWICE, and they're not exactly fond of him. So they ask:
Lucifer: how did you manage to escape? How did you not get dragged down by Hell's devastation?
Edwin: I had ✨hope✨
Charles: Edwin had the power of God and anime by his side
Lucifer: I should have quit earlier
Seein' too many Twitter refugees asking if they'll get in trouble for saying "kill yourself" to people and while no, you're not gonna get nuked from orbit, that is maybe something you just shouldn't be doing in general perhaps?? Maybe telling people to kill themselves is bad actually?? Some of y'all are wild, why is the first thing you can think to ask on a new platform if you can send one of the worst kinds of harassment to people?? Grow tf up and learn how to use the block button. It'll do wonders for your mood, trust me.

Story of my life people. You know what’s real ? The struggle.
Happy Pride Month ♥
Bruce keeping a tighter and tighter lid on his identity around the Justice League because with each new person to reveal their identity he realizes that he has fucked far too high a percentage of his co workers as Bruce Wayne and he has to take this secret to his grave
Headcanon that Bruce’s kids have all pulled the ‘you're not my father card’ at some point or the other and by the time steph rolled around he didn't even take it seriously
Of course, the first time dick said it, bruce cried himself to sleep. But by the eighteenth time, he was numb to it. “Dickie just eat your peas.”
The first time jason did it Bruce pulled him aside and said “i know Im not, but that doesn't mean i don't care for you jason.” by the twenty fifth time he just held up the adoption papers
The first time Tim said it Bruce laughed. “Tim, you literally forced me to adopt you. Yes I am your father.” Tim didn't bother to say it from then on, maybe muttering ‘you're not my dad!’ under his breath at the computer, just for bruce to whisper ominously ‘yes i am.’
When Steph said it, full of anger and hate and sadness and fear, bruce just followed her and said “you're right. Im not your father. And i will never be your father. But, if you'll let me, id like to be better.” After that any time steph said ‘ur not my father’ bruce would just respond with ‘never will be’
Cass said “your are my father” and left no room for argument
Babs said “ur not my dad or my father or even close to being any of it, but you are my mom.” bruce just had to accept that
When damian said it bruce just stood there for a solid fifteen minutes rebooting. Dick and jason fell out of their chairs laughing.
Duke specifically went “ur my dad! My dad! Boogie woogie woogie!’ and bruce was just like ‘bet aight.”
Why You Shouldn't Mess With Magic Doors
by GothamiteEditor Peter should really learn not to let his curiosity or desire to prove he's worthy to be Spider-Man make decisions for him. Or. Peter Parker ends up in the Watch Tower, humiliates himself in front of a dude named Superman (no hyphen) and then is stranded with no way home. All because he couldn't not touch a magic door. Words: 3575, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Shazam! | Captain Marvel (Comics), Shazam! (Movies - Sandberg), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other Characters: Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Jason Todd, Billy Batson, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Diana (Wonder Woman), Barry Allen, John Constantine, Alfred Pennyworth, Aunt May Parker (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Clark Kent & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Billy Batson & Justice League, Billy Batson & Peter Parker, Batfamily Members & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Justice League & Members of the Team (Young Justice), Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange, Billy Batson & Shazamily Members Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, References to Depression, Multiverse, Peter Parker meets the Justice League, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, BAMF Peter Parker, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Precious Peter Parker, Tim Drake & Peter Parker Friendship, Peter Parker Whump, Protective Clark Kent, Established Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Billy Batson is Captain Marvel | Shazam, Homeless Billy Batson, Homeless Peter Parker, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Author Is Sleep Deprived, no beta we die like tony stark, More tags to be added, Warnings May Change, Vomiting, Blood and Injury, Graphic Description of Corpses via https://ift.tt/1EofXj3

Knight Terrors: Shazam! (2023) #1-2 covers by Dan Mora

Robert Hooke: *sigh* Newton, don’t make me tap the sign.