dachshunds-and-fondue - sprinkling some thoughts
sprinkling some thoughts

she/her humor takes practice and i am practicing. maybe not very well. anyway have my brain juice mortals!

123 posts

Well Apparently You Can Laugh In Your Sleep Because It Was Said That I Snorted During The Night Like

well apparently you can laugh in your sleep because it was said that I snorted during the night like a demon child laughing at its victim’s eternal demise. honestly I cannot believe that you could just walk into a room and suddenly hear some deranged laughter and think you’re about to die for the final time but oh wait it’s just that person you live with chuckling at your weakness in their sleep

  • marm-alarm
    marm-alarm liked this · 1 year ago

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insults i came up with at 3am

carpet lint

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mcdonald’s ice cream machine

the spaghetti stain on the world’s white shirt

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in books and stuff people always like "I know this place like the back of my hand!!" but does anyone really memorize the backs of their hands? like. if you asked me where the freckles were on my hands I would have ✨not a clue✨. and, really, if you asked me where the secret vault was in the back of my hand I would look away because I have no idea what you're talking abou

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I want entertainment and mystery


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10 yrs old: wow its so weird that my age is double digits

13 yrs old: wow its so weird im a teenager

18 yrs old: wow its so weird im an adult

20 yrs old: wow its so weird im 20

30 yrs old: wow its so weird im 30

40: wow its so weird im 40

50: wow its so weird im 50

60: wow its so weird im 60

70: wow its so weird im 70

80: wow its so weird im dead

afterlife: wow its so weird I've ascended to the highest plane and traversed the realm of demons on the intense mission to destroy satan and take my place as the rightful ruler of hell and all that is evil already like whaaat

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