unfortunately and to the distress of many, i exist / whatever tf goes through my head goes onto this blog follow at your own risk
435 posts
Please Ask Me Something Im Bored And Procrastinating
please ask me something i’m bored and procrastinating
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More Posts from I-am-an-intrusive-thought
to everyone who tells me “go big or go home”:
you severely underestimate my desire to go home
i’m not backing down or agreeing with you i’m just tired of debating with you when you ignore the facts presented to your face: a novel
family feud things:
when two members of your family are fighting with each other so you act super polite and quiet and nice as to not invoke Rage.
yanno that feeling where you wanna do something but your brain is like “no not that thing” so you just aimlessly wander around bored out of your mind
that horrible moment when you read “twix” as “twinks”