18 posts
Chuds On Twitter Getting Mad About Joe Biden Stepping Down Because It "betrays The Democratic Voters"
Chuds on twitter getting mad about Joe Biden stepping down because it "betrays the democratic voters" is a prime example of how reactionary the right is.
Republicans have been degrading, and systematically trying to prevent democrats from voting for YEARS, and now they suddenly care about the rights of democrat voters? I call BS
This is a prime example of moving the goal post. They always have to be mad about something. They can't just let him step down peacefully (as they and everyone else have been pleading him to), it has to be twisted into some moral failing on him and the democrats.
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If there is one thing I hate homophobic people saying, it's that gay men are gross for having anal sex.
I get it, poop comes out of the anus. You sound like a 5 year old who just learned about sex: "ew, that's where you pee out of!".
Yes, the anus is "gross", just as many other parts of the human body are "gross". Genitals make pee, the vagina gets bloody every month, the mouth is a cesspool of spit and bacteria, skin is always covered in dead skin cells and makes sweat, but nobody ever complains about them being gross, because we have a novel concept called WASHING and HYGIENE. Homophobes always say that "it will never be clean, it will always be covered in shit", which is just plain untrue. It's fallacious and hypocritical to treat this particular part of the body any differently, and is clearly just an excuse to paint homosexual men as disgusting and degenerate.
And just to be clear, yes, I know that not all gay men have sex anally, and I'm not saying that everyone has to find it arousing themselves. I'm just saying that we really need to drop this stigma around anal.
Capitalism has ruined our basic humanity
The fact that the large majority of people in America look at a homeless person and think "ew, get this trash out of my sight" rather than empathizing, wanting to help that person, and reflecting on the systematic flaws that allow this to happen is a sign that your civilization has fundamentally failed at being civil, and is more comparable to savagery.
Always remember that anyone who owns little to no capital is your ally, not your enemy, and thinking so means you've bought into capitalist propaganda like a sheep.
Fun Fact: The longest piece of literature ever written is a Loud House fanfiction called "Loud House Revamped".
The fanfiction is currently above 16,777,215 words (we don't know the word count because fanfic.net uses 24-bit integers to count the amount of words and this fic surpassed the computational limit), and is 2000+ chapters. It is written by Jamesdean5842 and is still being written to this day.
The story is about an OC named JD Knudson who moves into the Louds town and goes on adventures with them after creating a superhero team with them. According to the recap (Obviously not even close to finished recap) on Tvtropes.org, the fic consists mainly of loud house episode plots rewritten to include the OC and a multitude of crossovers with other franchises from any piece of media you could possibly think of. (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/TheLoudHouseRevamped)
Some examples of the crossovers are Ed, Edd n Eddy, Naruto, Dante's Inferno, Inside Out, Matilda, Pulp Fiction, CatDog, Metroid, The Simpsons. This is a very small selection of the crossovers done in the fic.
Despite the fic's main characters being minors, the story contains lots of swearing, sex, romance, drugs, and violence. The sheer amount of strange details about this fic is crazy, reading the TVtropes page will give you some intense mental whiplash. (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheLoudHouseRevamped)
This is just the tip of the iceberg for this story, it is absolutely insane.
A small rant
I hate how right-wingers try to excuse spreading hateful or ignorant ideas as "just a joke" or "I'm just asking questions". Like they somehow think that jokes or questions cannot be rhetorical.
It's like some people think that ideas just don't affect the real world in any tangible form. Like they are just having a purely theoretical conversation that effects nobody at all.
People on the right need to realize that rhetoric is very capable of inspiring violence. Saying shit like "trans people are groomers" is the kind of shit that gets trans people killed.
And public figures who advocate hateful rhetoric will always try to distance themselves from the consequences of their words, saying shit like "I never said I condone violence", even when violence is the natural logical conclusion of their words. Yall cannot act like implying that Jews run the world is not a call to action to commit violence against them, that is pure bullshit.
My boyfriend didn’t go to university until he was 28 because he didn’t feel anywhere near ready when he was 18. He graduated with first-class honours, went on to do a Masters, and is now a history teacher. It’s so much more important to do things when you’re able to fully commit to them and do them to the best of your ability than to rush to do them by an imaginary deadline.