Fuck Republicans - Tumblr Posts

As someone who lost their father to cancer I feel this is very important to share. Please vote in 2024, and vote for those who care more about the people rather than bullshit politics.
(I don’t typically talk politics or world affairs but this hit me hard.)

As someone who lost their father to cancer I feel this is very important to share. Please vote in 2024, and vote for those who care more about the people rather than bullshit politics.
(I don’t typically talk politics or world affairs but this hit me hard.)

Don’t ever come at me saying “both parties are the same”
No, no they’re not. the REPUBLICANS are doing this.
Fuck them straight to hell.
Imagine harassing a literal child trying to spread love and acceptance. Imagine being that fucking vile. Republicans are something else.

republicans are literally insane
"Republicans create jobs"

Trump is picking coal over solar. Trump wants to end anything that was championed by Obama.
This decision is a jobs killer and a gift to the oil industry. Trump judgement is the worst combination of ignorance and vindictiveness.
American Children: Hey, can we be murdered a little less please?
Republicans: What the fuck? What about my guns? What about me, a person innocently playing with my death-machines as a hobby? I am the real victim here. Kids these days are so entitled...
I wanna start a movement to remove conservatives from the classroom. They don't want to teach actual facts, they're so sensitive that they're literally trying to change history.
"people loved trump when he was a democrat but hated him as soon as he turned republican"
1. cause republicans are generally racist, queerphobic, transphobic, misogynistic pieces of shit, of course people dont like em
2. he won the election, so generally many people loved him (for some reason)
anti-minority mfers when people want basic human rights:
I fucking hate texas I hate that abortions are more restricted than the guns that cause preventable mass shootings at schools and churches and Walmart and and and and it just goes on like this… it’s “protect the children” “what about the children” until the children are murdered in their elementary school and then it all “thoughts and prayers” “there’s nothing we can do” “don’t bring up gun control now it’s disrespectful to the victims” but I bet all 14 children and that 1 teacher would still be alive if we had any sort of gun laws
Some good news for today!!!

⚠️trigger warning politics! Genocide mention! May be considered heavy discussion, proceed at your own risk!⚠️
I don't care if this is an inflammatory or radical take, but you're either a decent person or a republican. You're either a decent human being, or right wing.
I don't care if you're normal about queer people, not sexist, not racist, or all of the above, if you can consider yourself right wing you are not a good person. You're actively supporting and are a part of a group that strives to make it impossible for people to be themselves, have bodily autonomy, and even exist.
Don't get me wrong, democrats and other left wing parties are NOT blameless. There are some shitty left wing people. But it's better than being a fucking Trump supporter or some shit. Like come the fuck on, bro has gone full on trans genocide mode and you're telling me you support him? Scum. You're scum, and I have no respect for you if you're a Trump supporter.

This is coming from the same people who want the government to force preteens to give birth.
It's also coming from the same people who judge people for being childfree.
Chuds on twitter getting mad about Joe Biden stepping down because it "betrays the democratic voters" is a prime example of how reactionary the right is.
Republicans have been degrading, and systematically trying to prevent democrats from voting for YEARS, and now they suddenly care about the rights of democrat voters? I call BS
This is a prime example of moving the goal post. They always have to be mad about something. They can't just let him step down peacefully (as they and everyone else have been pleading him to), it has to be twisted into some moral failing on him and the democrats.