secretcheesecakecowboy - live, love & taekook πŸ’œ
live, love & taekook πŸ’œ

my place to say & post as I please

618 posts

Some Beautiful Pics From Today's Hike. Much Needed For Sure.

Some beautiful pics from today's hike. Much needed for sure.

Some Beautiful Pics From Today's Hike. Much Needed For Sure.
Some Beautiful Pics From Today's Hike. Much Needed For Sure.

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β€œYou lied. And I think that’s what hurts the most. That I wasn’t worth the truth in your eyes.”

–4:07 PM

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I'm feeling frustrated and angry throughout the whole day. I'm frustrated because I still think about him and how he gets to move on. Posting pics of his new love and enjoying his life while mines is full of emotions. I'm angry because he's still a coward and staying silent.

He always said he hated Tuesday because they always bring bad news to him when he was working. Now he has ruined Tuesday for me too because I found out about his lies on a Tuesday.

Fuck him and fuck his new relationship. I meant what I said about karma. Whether he deserves good things or bad things, that's between him and karma.

What goes around comes around my friend.

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Tonight I listened to a podcast about forgiveness. Forgiving someone does not mean that you're excepting what happened to you is ok. Forgiveness means let it go so you're free and no longer tied to your past.

You forgive because you love yourself so much because you don't want to keep hurting yourself for what happened. What happened cannot be changed. But you can forgive and let it go so you can free yourself.

I want to forgive their wrong doing towards me. I want to let go of the past so I can be free for my future. I want to, but I am not ready. I haven't heal therefore I am not ready to forgive. One day I will be able to wish it will, bless it and wish it its own freedom. That day is not today.

I'm a work in process and I'm working on healing me so I can love me more. I know they are hurting too, but at this moment I don't care. I just don't care enough to feel bad for hurting them with my truth. They say hurt people hurt people. It's a vicious cycle that humans are engaging in.

Today was a little better, but the heart still hurts. No more talking about the situation. Can't change it. Still hurts coming from someone you once loved so much.

I never cut the emotional string between him and I. I knew we were never getting back together but the feeling and emotions were still there, that's why it hurts so much more.

Been thinking about the times we spent together and I do missed him, missed us. Missed having my person. Missed having a best friend, a travel buddy, date nights. Missed the sex, missed the connections. Missed the kisses.

But he has moved on, made that loud and clear for me to see. Now he has someone else to do all those things with him and I have no one but my pain and heartache.

Life is unfair sometimes. πŸ’”

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Ain't that the truth

secretcheesecakecowboy - live, love & taekook πŸ’œ

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My heart hurts. My mind is not at peace. I want my heart and my mind back. I want to let go and not think about the hurt, the anger and the betrayal. I want me back. Love is great when its great, but it can also lead to many heart aches and many tears. Having your heart broken by the same person twice fucken sucks!

I want to be done and move forward like it never happened.

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