Hello wonderful people. I write poems, stories, fanfictions and love to take photos. I hope you enjoy this and please respect the Copyright of my poems, stories and photos. I do not own the characters of the fanfictions and imagines please support the creators when you like them.And important I take requests! If I know the character good enough I will glady write it, still there are certain topics I am not comfortable with, ^^''
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Sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris

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Here you go, I hope you like it ^-^ @hiitogata
I do not own Dance with the devils, all rights belong to the rightful owners, I have no itention to make money wtih this. The only purpose is to make people smile =)
This is number two with Lindo from Dance with the devils. Always happy to get requests for more take a look here
“I am..I am not scared of (your choice~)” “Of course not. But I want to cuddle”
Lindo x reader
It was late at night and a storm was roaring outside. Lighting stroke trough the sky every now and then always accompanied from thunder. You were sitting on your bed and really wished your boyfriend would be with you. You did not exactly like thunderstorms. It was not that you would fear them, you were scared of what could come with them, Darkness. One Lightning struck at the wrong place and everything would be swallowed by complete and utter darkness. You felt your breathing hitch by just the thought of it. You were looking at your phone for the third time in the last minute now, thinking of whether to call Lindo or not. He knew of your fear of darkness, even when you always told him that it was nothing and that you were in fact not scared. No, you were not scared, when you were honest, you were terrified. Normally Lindo would not leave your side when there was a chance of a power break down. He himself was not scared of the dark, but that was no surprise, which Vampire would be scared darkness. Of course, Lindo was not a normal vampire but still he never had a problem with the dark and he could easily fend of most things that could try to attack him in the dark. Every time you had to go to an dark place or the power broke down Lindo would be there, hugging you and whispering sweet nothings in your ear, promising to protect you. He started to do that after he noticed your hesitance to walk through a dark alley at your guys first date.
But he was not with you now because you sent him away. You guys were having breakfast together in the morning. Lindo was a great cook and you loved the breakfast he had made. The radio was playing music in a low volume as the reporter announced a massive thunderstorm for the evening. You flinched at his words and Lindo became concerned right away. He was definitely protective of you. Everything was fine until you both got to school and Mage who had somehow noticed your fear of the dark started to tease you of your fear. He had not even been mean to you, you knew he did not mean to hurt you, but t still upset you. They were all so strong and fearless and then there was you, scared of a bit of darkness. You did not even know anymore how it came to this but you ended up making a bet with Mage that you would manage the night without Lindo at your side. Now you were deeply regretting it. Suddenly there was light, then the lights flickered, and everything became dark. A small scream escaped your lips. You looked out of the window and had to accept that the light would not be coming back soon. It seemed the Thunderstorm had managed to cause a power breakdown in the whole town.
You tried to tell yourself that everything was alright, that you would just have to lighten a few candles and everything would be fine, but before you could get up, your breathing began to speed up and you felt hot tears stream down your face. You really hated the dark. Everything could be hiding in it, just waiting for the right moment to jump at you. You felt like it was getting darker and darker. You pulled your knees into your chest and fiddled with your phone, you really hoped it would be still working. You did not care about the bet anymore, you needed Lindo. You needed him now. You could not do this on your own. Just a you finally managed with trembling hands to push the right buttons, a hand softly stroke over your cheek. Normally you would have probably screamed if it had not been for his smell which was addicting to you and his soft, calm and melodic voice whispering to you: “Hey, it’s okay, I am here now, hey, no need to cry anymore. It’s okay, you are safe. Do not be scared” Lindo gently made you look up at him. “I am here now, okay?” he spoke kindly and you nodded weakly. “How? How did you even get in?” He laughed softly “I have my ways Love.” Now that you calmed down a bit, you noticed how you must look to him all crying because of a bit of darkness, but he did not look annoyed at all, just concerned. “ I am going to light some of the candles we put in your room a few days ago, okay? I’ll be right back.” Step by step the room got illuminated by candles. He came back to you shortly after and laid down next to you. Leaning his back against the back board. He opened his arms indicating for you to come to hide in them, like you had done so often when you were scared. But you hesitated remembering the discussion with Mage in the morning and how you wanted to be as strong as them. Lindo sighed. Sometimes you believed that young man was able to read your thoughts and you were just an open book to him. “Come here, dear.” You shook your head making Lindo frown and sat up to be able to take a closer look at your face. He gently laid a hand on your cheek and stroke away one of the remaining tears “C’mere” He snaked his arms around you and pulled you into his chest and resting his head on your head, while his hands were tracing calming patterns on your skin. “I am..I am not scared of the dark” “Of course not. But I want to cuddle”.
Pls do “I am..I am not scared of (your choice~)” “Of course not. But I want to cuddle” for Lindo and his female s/o pls!! The your choice is up to you but I really prefer darkness lmao Thank you in advance!
I would love to =) I think he is perfect for this
Thank-you for your request

In honor of those who will always be in our hearts ✨
# 12 Fourth Doctor ( Doctor Who ) x reader
Hello @lilliathetimelady thank-you for your request.
Your wish is my command ^^
“Common sense means living in the world as it is today; but creative people are people who don’t want the world as it is today but want to make another world.”
— Abraham Maslow (via quotemadness)