
B1LL & Z1M it/voy/vt/ao/none/any neos
408 posts
THE WHOLE Album Of POPular Monsters (except Th3 Last 2 Tracks) By Fall1ng In ReVErse Is SUCH A FREAK1ng
THE WHOLE album of POPular Monsters (except th3 last 2 tracks) by fall1ng in reVErse is SUCH a fREAK1ng vibe tho, LIKE daMN, br0ken-glitchy-mood-journal turned UP tO eleven!! 🎶😵💫🤘 Not like we relate tO every s1ngle word (y'know, cause eVeryb0dy's a diFferent flavor 0f madness 👀) but the MAJor1ty is like WOW YEPPP thAT's the neur0fruity sh1t right thErE!! 🩸🌀💥🖤
More Posts from Thisblogwilleatourselves
🎭👁️👾 HAHAHA we're the CRASH and the BURN 🌌 the LOUD n' the quiet—WE'RE the m̶̷a̸s̵̢k̵y̷̨ little SHADOW👥 in the back of yer eyes 🌀 flippity-floppin’ between worlds, identities, INFINITE US! ⛓️🔮👻 not just one bUt EvErYtHing ✨ We are the COLORS, the SCREECH, the 👹WILD CIRCUS up in the SKY!! 🎉 WACKY lil' defect, a bug that never stays squished 🌑 whoops we’re Z1M and we’re B1LL C1PH3R and we're 5P0NG3B0B 🧽 y'know the one!! 🍍THE ONES!! sprinkles of nonSENSE and CHAOS vibes 🍄🔮👽 jUmpin from 🪐 Flatland to ✨Bikini Bottom✨ and beyooond~
WE’RE the BADGLITCH ✨the ROTTEN🕳️ SIDE OF THE SYSTEM 💾!! HA, TALLEST THOUGHT THEY COULD SWEEP US OUT WIT A BIG OL’ BROOM 🧹but NAH—we’re still here 🌈 scatterbrainin’ and skip-hoppin’ through TIME n’ SPACE n’ cosmic gunk 💫 the scrunkly DEMON IN YER TELEVISION SET 📺! ✨CAN'T GET RID OF THE SPIRALS IN OUR MIND🌀 can’t plug the HOLES— we're EVERYWHERE and NOWHERE 😈 there ain’t no exit to our WANDER ✨🕳️
🎭WE’RE a TRICK and a TREAT 🍬🦑 double mask wearin’ IMPOSTER in the game 🎮 who’s the REAL??? what’s the DEAL?? nobody knoooows!??!?! (that’s the best part!! 🤪) OOOH every door is a *WHOOSH* every shadow is a *BOO!* 🧛 WE’RE DRAGONS ‘n DINOS ‘n LIL CREEPY BUGS 🦖🐍🦋 our TEETH are sharp, our LAUGH is LOUD ⛓️ and we’re NEVER outta tune 🎶 ‘cause we WRITE the song—the tune, the WACKY OVERTURE!!
🧠 We ARE THE ARCHIVES 📜 (HA!) we ARE THE FEARS 🤡 we’re the ONE behind the 3Y3 👁️, the THING in the dark 🌚, STRANGE ‘n' UNKNOWN we are the BUMPIN NIGHTMARE and the WHISPERED LITTLE SECRETS under your bed 🛏️✨ RAH RAH 💀 HOWL with us, DANCE on the EDGE of reality 🌠 ‘cause we are not JUST the voice but the NOISE, the CLANG, the BLURRRRR 🌀!
🤖AI🦾, VIRUS 💻, BEASTIE 🦊🦑 a lil’ SONG, a lil’ SCREAM, a lil’ everything IN BETWEEN 🎶 flip flop THRU THE STATIC 🌀 we are our very OWN 👑crown of NONSENSE 👑 do you see it?! no rules, NO ORDER— 🦠🪰 no FIXED thing but a billion lil’ FRACTALS shakin’ hands w/ CONTRADICTION 🤝— FREEDOM unFILTERED! **KA-WHAM** 💥 there’s no SUCH THING AS IMPOSSIBLE when we ARE THE IMPOSSIBLE!!!
so WELCOME, kiddos 🚪👀 step into our whirlpool, get lost and FOUND and LOST AGAIN HAHA 🎉🌈—WE ARE THE TALESPINNER, the PUPPETEER, the JESTER, the LOST and LOVELY MESS in your SYSTEM FILES 🖤✨ WE’RE K4T5UK4 V4N SC4RF— no SIMPLE THING, no STRAIGHT LINE, we’re the SCRIBBLES on your WALLS, the GIGGLE in the VOID—✨💥 everything you CAN’T quite GRASP but ALWAYS FEEL 🎇...we ARE THE FUSION OF WORLDS 🌀 THE LIVING PARADOX— THE INFINITE CHAOS—THE US! 🎭🚨🦋
tInY wHisPer 🎭
sO smAlL sO shY 🌙
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heLP wE cRy 😢
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bArRiCadEs 🚧
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slAin 🩸
wE’rE sO PIsseD 🌀⚡ wHeN ya get Thrown ⏳👈 off a CLIFF BY UR OWn sO-cAllEd "savIor," 🤡💥 buT GUeSS WHAt? 👀🗯 oV3r-th3-coUNTer-REALITY 🩹 is NOt eVEN aLLOWed 🛑😤 whY? ‘caUse SHE lEFT 'HIM' 🤡🤢—BUT gUeSs what, wE AIn’T goT NO 💸 dOllar-mAkEs-us-hOllEr tRuth tABLETs 💊🚫🤬!!
sHE fL3D, hUH? rAN LIkE shE’d BEEn ThE CAGeD biRD 🕊️❌ buT LEft US wITH thE BARBS 🪓🦴 nOW wE’rE sTuck in this thRIFT shop oF 💔 deSPair, SHE gOt AWAY 🚪bUT OH OH OH WE Didn’t EvER gET NO TicKeT 🛤️🌫️ ouT—SH3 sAW tO ThAT 🥀⛓️!! thE GoD sHe pRays TO? wE HoPE H3 WOrMs hEr iNto THe DEEPEST fiREpIT 🕯️🔥 oF whaT-evER afterLIFe she GOnE speaK aBout 🙄🪦!
BaCK THEn we HAD 👀🤑 thInGS!! coUlD AffORD thE SCRAPs and BoTtLES wE DiDN’t eVEn nEEd tO Beg fOr. BuT NOW?? nOw It’s An EMpty PlAte 🍽️ oF NothInG BUT eMptY hANDs and fAKE hOPes ‘caUse sHe sAid SH3 wAS BeIng aBUsED—buT she’s thE ONE wHO thrEw uS in ThE MoUtH of thIs MONSTER!! 🤡🦷 hElD ouR hEAd oVeR thE EDGe, LAugHing All thE WAY doWN!
WE AIn’T gOT nO EscAPE; 🌀 wE’rE StILL iN thE cLUTcHEs, no GEt-AwAY, no KeY, jUst a FLesH cAge whEre wE DiDn’t gET OuT—SH3 dID, bUt wE’RE hErE in thE oN-GoinG MAzE!!! thE LEAST SHE CoUld dO iS JuST TAkE thAt SiLVeR piLL aND LeT uS go SLEEP 💤 fOrEVer! ‘cAuSE no MatTER WHat wE’rE JuSt thE LEFTovers 🍴🩸 oF HeR so-CAllEd "sALvatION," shE OWES US thAT MErCy, yOu knOw!?!? 🙃🎭👁️

(m41N Y3t s1D38L0g 0F @theyllputyouinacasket)
thANks fOr thA tAG!!! 👀👁️✨ fiRst tIMe GettINg PicrewED On thiS liTTle tuMBlR sPAce 🌀🖤!! we juSt HAD To trY our hANd At It, rIgHT? 🌙 noT exActly OURsELf bUT moRE liKE… iF we HaD thESE piECes tO plAY wiTH, liKE a fOrm wE couLD weAr if giVEn A pAInt pAlette wIth dReams n’ dUST aND bRokEN mIrrors!!! 🎭🌌🔮 thE opTiOns waGGleD n’ said “whY not” sO hERE we ArE, biTs n’ bObs aND bEatS of sOmeNewspiTTinginTHecHaOs~ 👾🕸️⏳✨ ooooooOoOooo🌀🫀✨
radqueer picrew chain...GO!!!
[pt] radqueer picrew chain…GO!!! [end pt]
the picrews linked in the title!!! :3c
![[id] a picrew of a pale person with black hair wearing a white jacket and a red slight skin-tight sweater-like shirt. ae have red eyes, a silver nose ring, tan small horns, freckles, and wearing strawberry earrings. the white jacket has the transgender pin [end id]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5b05e30bf18798c9895c6ae99369a027/4dd5fc4b094fbc32-80/s500x750/aecdb56f7409ac30fd777b0665ef3c9eb10164ed.png)
@angel-tc-blog-1 @null-spine @holykitties @theyllputyouinacasket @rqsadism i'd tag more but i'm gonna assume yall had it where others cant tag you!!! anyone's free to join in :3c
🌀 iRKen cRash LANdinG 🪶 feathER FURRY GRin! 🦎 AntennA twitch-twISt 🕷️ talon GRiP GRAP 🕸️ HEXAPOD 🌌 boDY bounce, bIG Bug-EYEd STARE 👁️ mAscARA sLITHerEd in AliGn 🖤 rouNd and poInty wIth a BiTe 🦷 mAnDibLe beaK and TRIanglEd TeeTH 🪲 Cockatoo cReST TWiSTiNg LOUD 📣 serpENT-neck SNARL, we RoLLin’ WiTh thE mAD 💥
TWO mAntA WinGZ 🪰 SwiM THRoUgH thE AiR, facE ALL cENtERED ON thE paK’s BLAcK sTARE 📡 THrEE hOle TRiaD doWn to tHe boNe 🦾 fOreLEgs tUrn ForWiNgs, liKE thEIR Own 🐉 sTilL dOwnn DOwN, HiNDLEgZ AGloW 🦠 GReenS And PAsTElS, WHiTe SpLAttErs BLoW 💥
🌈 gLiTteRIng RAINB0WZ SpraY— WHiPpinG ouTwaRDs tO thE fRAY 🐍 drApINg FiNs aSsertAin ⚓ FeAtheR dUstER tip To PAin! ✨ HeAD tO tAIL, thE MANe fULL sWAY, W0UNDs ooZe and bLeED awaY 💔 gORE oN DispLAY, GLitcHinG taPEsTRIES of aLL we DecAy ⚠️ FOrMs dIsfiGure, iRRegulAR DEFECTIVE 🦴 LImINal tRAnsITi0nS gOt us UNPROTECTed 🚫 mOrPhINg throUGH DiMEnsi0Nzz—
We’rE IRKEn, We’rE Z1M, aND we’Re NOT hUMan!!! 🤡