You can call me V or Vivian. She/her. But you can use he/him for me as well I don't care lol. 14 yrs old. Aroace and genderqueer and I'm proud 😎 Self diagnosed ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Please don't be weird or else I'm blocking you. Homophobia, racism, sexism, etc, NOT TOLERATED
903 posts
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 298:
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 298:
*Thomas goes to Toby's room and starts poking his face*
Thomas: Toby. Toby. Toby. Toby. Toby. Toby. Toby. Toby-
Toby: Can you PLEASE stop that?!?!
Thomas: Okay.
*Thomas then starts poking Toby again*
Thomas: Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias-
*Thomas then pokes Toby in the eye*
Toby: OWWWWW!!!!! THAT'S IT!!!!
*Toby suddenly picks up Thomas and throws him out of the window*
*Toby then gets poked in the mouth*
Toby: AAAAHHHHH!!!!!
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More Posts from Unpopularvivian
part 2:
Nia: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you... Kana: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
shhshshs she saw kana get into a fight with Felipe and Frederica (my au take on those aeg sodor cup special twins) won and caused property damage in less than 5 seconds-
Kyle: I think I need a hug... Stanley: Good thing I'm hug shaped! *45 minutes later* Kyle: You... you can let go now. Stanley: No, I absolutely cannot.
Kyle, Stanley saw your burned remains and blamed himself and was blamed for decades he thought he was hallucinating when he saw you again after having his mind erased, thankfully Kyle took it in stride they both got happy tears-
Stanley:Â Show me Pennsylvania.Â
Kana: I don’t know Canadian geography.
she’s just messing with the little engines Stanley doesn’t even know much about the states he got immediately overseas which is true for his irl basis so that’s pretty neat, i low key think they’ll get along
Duke: I’m allergic to death. (That’s is so fitting for canon I’m wheezing despite my au he and the remaining msr gang go to the Skarloey Kyle (in the lucky lamp) though I feel like this also fits him but my dude was pulling so many strings-)
Okay first: Kana, you are a hyper gremlin and I also have no idea how Nia is even attracted to you.
Second: Proteus, Stanley literally cried when he saw that you were actually okay. Just let the dude hug you as tight as possible.
Third: We have our engine idiots who don't know what geography is all about.
Finally: Goddamn Duke, I think Lady loves you a bit too much. 😂😂😂😂
What would Mr. Percival be like arriving with his friends(sir topham hatt, Fergus duncan and sir Robert Norramby)to show off his motorcycle?

Lmaooooo motorcycle Mr. Percival 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The engines are going to be bamboozled when they see him!
Also I'm pretty sure SIr Topham Hatt is hanging on the motorcycle for dear life. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
MC Thomas: I know, right? Like, I would probably be dead if I was constantly working.
MC Percy: That's literally saying something about you being a lazy bitch-
MC Toby: Percy no.
MC Percy: Right, sorry.
MC Edward: *Looks at @glitterking599's James* Are you going to stop staring at our James or what?
@glitterking599's James: .....
MC Gordon: I'm going to wake him up-
MC Edward: Oh no, no, no, no. Gordon bud, I can do it all by myself. :)
MC Gordon: What do you mean by that? ಠ_à²
Incorrect quotes
My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?
@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?
My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!
Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?
My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?
Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.
My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.
Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?
My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅
Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?
My James: Uh, um suuuure???
Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?
My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.
Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.
My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.
My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.
MC Gordon: Alright then. Let me introduce you to our version of Toby and Percy. I'm certain that they won't make you panic.
@glitterking599's James: O-Okay....
*Gordon and @glitterking599's James start walking as @glitterking599's James looks at the universe that he's in currently in. It looked extremely different yet it give him a feeling of nostalgia. The two had finally arrived at Knapford Station, where Toby and Percy were talking to each other*
MC Percy: Dad, didn't you see that smoke over there!?? I'm pretty sure Thomas burnt something....
MC Toby: *Sighs* I already told him that he's banned from going to the kitchen...
MC Percy: What could it be this time? Toasted bread? Jolly Ranchers?
*Just then, MC Gordon and @glitterking599's James approaches the pair*
MC Gordon: Hello you two.
MC Toby: Oh Gordon! How nice to see you!
MC Percy: Hey Gordon. Me and dad were talking about the smoke that happened about 20 miles away. Did Thomas mess around again? What did he burn?
MC Gordon: It was cereal....
MC Toby: Cereal?!?! How can you even burn that?!?
MC Gordon: I don't know old lad. I don't know.
@glitterking599's James, to himself: W-Who are t-these two?... I-I ne-ver s-seen t-them i-n m-y life... W-Whatever, I-I'm pretty s-sure they're nice....
Incorrect quotes
My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?
@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?
My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!
Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?
My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?
Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.
My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.
Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?
My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅
Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?
My James: Uh, um suuuure???
Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?
My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.
Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.
My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.
My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.
Would you guys trust me if I made a Ttte swap au?