Yakuly - Yakully
⍉𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 ⍉
❤️ (G)I-dle (ot6) x Male Readers
❤️ Gênero: criminal!Gidle, universo criminal, basicamente inspirado pelo filme/musical "Chicago". Menores não interagir!
❤️ Avisos: xingamentos, menção ao sexo, menção a relacionamentos abusivos (por favor não leia, se te faz mal!) Assassinato!
❤️ Capítulos: 7
❤ Postagens: Toda Terça-feira, após 18:00 p.m (horário de Brasília, Br)
❤ Sinopses: Os anos 20 na cidade de Chicago foram incrivelmente prósperos para os cidadãos. Todos pareciam viver sob uma névoa de luxúria, os fazendo gastar e ostentar todas as suas riquezas. Bares repletos de Jazz, Whisky, cigarros. Mulheres indecentes com suas meias calças rastão faziam homens de bem pecarem, e esquecerem de suas esposas. Ao mesmo tempo, uma onde de crimes se alastrou pela cidade.
Todos que liam os jornais as conheciam, e mesmo aqueles que fingiam não, pois acreditavam ser "cultos" de mais, sabiam seus nomes, rostos, e os crimes que as levaram para a tão temida "Cook County Jail" ( 'Cadeia do Condado de Cook').
Mas será mesmo que todos sabem de fato quem elas são? Será que a velha Chicago de 1920, onde todos escondiam seus pecados nas sombras dos holofotes, são mais puros e santos que essas seis mulheres? A verdade é que todas as mulheres da época eram muito mais do que se deixavam ver... em especial seis belas damas, que tiveram suas vidas mudadas viradas de cabeça pra baixo por conta de um sentimento: a paixão.
Dizem, que "os fins justificam os meios", e seus destinos já estão velados: inocentes. As boas moças provaram para o júri que foram obrigadas a agir como agiram... mas e você? Acredita?
Então talvez conhecendo sua história de verdade, possa ter seu próprio entendimento sobre seus casos. E talvez quem sabe, as absolver seus pecados.
❤️ » Essas personagens do filme/musical foram inspiradas em histórias verdadeiras de criminosas dos anos 20 em Chicago. Porém esse livro é apenas uma obra fictícia das personagens criadas, e não inspiradas nas verdadeiras mulheres (apesar da história delas serem incríveis também!);
» Os nomes são das personagens do filme/musical, mas a fisionomia delas serão das membros do girl group "(G)-Idle";
» Como a história é baseada em pessoas nativas dos estados unidos, mas as membros são asiáticas, a base das idols, mas elas nesse livro, elas farão parte de uma pequena comunidade asiática em Chicago (assim, a essência da história se mantém a mesma);
» A classificação é de +16/+18, por tanto, se for menor de idade, por favor não interagir com esse livro.
Chapters !
♡ Pop! ♡ Six! ♡ Squish...
♡ Cicero. ♡ Lipschitz!
♡ Judgements
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[joshu_acoustic]: 💙
⍉ 𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 ⍉
⍉ Masterlist ⍉ Crime passional (pt)
⍉ Passional Crime (eng.)
Okay, the "Brazil" at pile 2 kinda of caught me
Channeled Messages - Traits Of Your Soulmate!
Piles: 1-2-3 4-5-6
this is a general message so not all that is mentioned may apply to you/your person, take what resonates!
. ♡ ° . . • . ♡ ° pile one
I feel like your soulmate is someone from your past. This doesn't only apply to your current waking life, this may be someone you know from a past life or someone from the dream realm. Your soulmate has the most angelic energy. They bring peace wherever they go. I'm getting the message that some of you who picked this pile may work with the Greek God Apollo or are interested in astral travel or shifting. Your person has a bright yellow aura. I also feel that your person may be into foreign music or they may be a polyglot! rainy, dazed, free, child, ship, sail, ghosts, young, journal, kite, fromis_9, love, sleepy, frog, turtleneck, president, frame, glasses, brick, country, india, tulum, minneapolis, highway, plus, notes, music, sticky, gold, ice cream, wales, four leaf clover
. ♡ ° . . • . ♡ °pile two
I feel like like your soulmate is the physical version of a chai latte! I know that may sound weird but they have a calming, magnetic, cozy energy. They may wear beige often. I also feel like your soulmate is very clumsy, I'm seeing ink bottles spilled on paper. This person is also a huge animal lover! They may have a pet turtle or a pet named turtle. I also think that this person looooooves pasta so much that they literally eat it multiple times a week.
whales, plaid, plisse, open, knit, wool, maple, orange tabby cat, kristen, california, brazil, pierce, slay, jumping, airplane, drives, dust, flowers, sushi, kintsugi, novels, poetry, virgina woolf, museum, kryptonite
. ♡ ° . . • . ♡ °pile three
I feel like your person loves the snow. As a kid they may have wanted to be in the winter olympics. This person is super outgoing but they may use their outgoing personality as a shield. They may really like sonny angel toys and may have a large collection of them! This person could also love watching daily vlogs or healing vlogs. They're also very studious and math may be one of their favorite subjects! cloudy, snow, peace, green, jumbo, lights, blink, rose, waste, glasses, vision, braid, mosquitoes, mountains, sled, porsche, nantucket, lima, yellow, surfing, corners, ikea, polka dot, grapes, beabadoobee, posie
. ♡ ° . . • . ♡ °pile four
I'm immediately feeling that this person loves the color pink. They may have or may have had multiple cats. Some people may judge this person because outwardly they may look immature but they actually have so much depth and are extremely intelligent! This person may use really sweet, sugary perfumes similar to sweet like candy by ariana grande. I'm also seeing that this person is an avid gamer and may really like dungeons and dragons or street fighter!
stuffed animals, suede, long, juice, stay, socks, nothing, frost, yes, dungeon, prom, violets, fraises, france, ghost, garden, keep, lock, race, seaside, tyler, chrome, seasons, popcorn, like or like like, lovely, music, chasing
. ♡ ° . . • . ♡ °pile five
Your person has total Rory Gilmore vibes regardless of their gender. They may wear striped long sleeve shirts and flare jeans a lot. They also really like the marauders from harry potter. Their favorite food is soup, more specifically clam chowder? This person loves going to concerts/movies and they may keep their concert/movie tickets pasted in a red journal. pancakes, sociable, snakes, ring, right, map, facing, dress, horse, turkey, love, tidal, cross, breathe, mantra, west, vibes, running, salon, juniper, resting, also, miso, yogurt, chambers, register, wash, above, charlie, tiger
. ♡ ° . . • . ♡ °pile six
Your person loves taking selfies lol. They are always taking pictures and they may even be an influencer. I'm also feeling that they love having quiet time, they find being alone and being quiet so relaxing. This person may collect vintage items and may have a vintage scarf that they tie to their bag. This person also really loves brownies lol. They have a very calming presence and they'll help you learn how to reflect inwardly! holding, four, poles, moist, jungle, ranch, halsey, notion, falling, number, erase, data, samsung, princess, quality, cyan, random, coarse, hiding, shiba, lemon, pricy, bait, madison, wisconsin, logic, bread, pumpkin, lavender
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⍉ 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 ⍉
⮔ (G)I-dle (ot6)
⮔ Genre: criminal!Gidle, criminal universe, angst, !minors do not interact!, inspired by the "Chicago" broadway musical/movie
⮔ Warnings: Cursing, sugestive, mention of sex, mentions of abusive relationship (please do not read, if it triggers you!), murder!
⮔ Chapters: 7
⮔ Posting: Every Tuesday, after 18 p.m (Brazil)
⮔Summary: The 1920s in the city of Chicago were incredibly prosperous for citizens. Everyone seemed to live in a haze of lust, making them spend and flaunt all their riches. Bars full of Jazz, Whiskey, and cigarettes. Indecent women with their fishnet stockings made good men sin, and forget their wives. At the same time, a wave of crime swept through the city.
Everyone who read the newspapers knew them, and even those who pretended not to, as they believed they were too "cult", knew their names, faces, and the crimes that led them to the much-feared "Cook County Jail" of Cook').
So maybe by knowing their true story, they can have their own understanding of their cases. And maybe, who knows, absolve them of their sins.
⮔A/N: 1° These movie/musical characters were inspired by true stories of 1920s Chicago criminals. But this book is just a fictional work of the characters created, and not inspired by the real women (although their stories are amazing too!);
2° As the story is based on Native American people, but the members are Asian, so in this book, they will be part of a small Asian community in Chicago (so the essence of the story remains the same);
3° The rating is +16/+18, so if you are a minor, please do not interact with this book.
Hi again, it's me, your long-forgotten friend! I have had this story written for a while, but university got me stuck, and since the girls dropped the comeback, I thought "why not?" So please receive "Passional Crime" and also be kind, since English it is not my first language! Hope you have a great time xoxo
♡ Pop! ♡ Six! ♡ Squish...
♡ Uh Uh ♡ Cicero. ♡ Lipschitz!
♡ Judgements