yakuly - Yakully

Ansiosa | 23 y | Caprica

718 posts

Yakuly - Yakully

⍉ 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 ⍉


❤️ Chapter: Six...

❤️ SoojinxMaleReader

❤️ Words: 1.467 words

❤️ Warnings: Cursing, mention of sex, murder, death, angry.


They say that the first impression is the one that lasts. But they also say that your attitudes can change how people credited you in the beginning. I've always been the type of person who faithfully believed the first statement until I found it.

Ezekiel Young.

I went to Salt Lake City to visit a cousin who had just gotten engaged, and my spirits were high. She then decided that we had an obligation to walk around town shopping.

And even though it was one of the coldest weeks of my life, my cousin's smile and animation warmed my mood - and her incredibly large and shiny engagement ring in the brunette's hand also warmed my heart.

That's when I found him. And I'm not using the word in a romantic sense, where the two of them have a romantic moment at complete randomness. Our bodies literally met in the middle of the path, in a collision so violent, that my bags flew, and my clothes scattered on the sidewalk.

"Are you all right?" Despite having beautiful blue eyes, and being kind, I was possessed, so no, it wasn't okay. And I made sure he saw that.

"Do you think I'm fine?" I complained, refusing his outstretched hand and getting up on my own, observing some of the damage that was still on the street, as my cousin was supportive in putting my pieces together. "Watch that! Don't you watch where you're going?! You could have killed me!"

I confess that exaggeration is a talent of mine, and I could have easily continued yelling at him in the street, but my cousin stopped me.

So I went two days without remembering the chance, but it was almost impossible when he came to me. Calmer this time - and interested in the coffee he insisted on paying for - I couldn't let myself be carried away by his apologies, blue eyes, and brunette hair. He had this habit of biting his bottom lip whenever I was too quiet, which caught my attention even more.

By the end of the trip, we were already dating. And it wasn't long before we moved into a house.

I was happy, living my movie romance, day after day. We spoke almost always because Ezekiel always managed to be present in my day: he sent me flowers, chocolates, and little notes were hidden in my things… When we got home, I didn't mind cooking and serving, not just his dinner, but also his Whiskey, just the way he always loved it.

But then everything changed.


The hugs and caresses decreased, the gifts decreased, the notes became smaller, until there were almost no more… And that started to bother me. Not even our nights, which were hot, could stand it and it got colder and colder.


"I don't know, something stinks here" I comment in a cafe with my cousin, who this time, came to visit me.

"Maybe it's the bad milk" she jokes, laughing to herself at her own joke, but stops when she sees my impassive face. As soon as we arrived at the restaurant, I started to tell him everything about my relationship with Ezekiel, and how it all fell apart. "Calm down cousin, it might be nothing"

"Okay, but what if it's something? What could he be hiding from me?" I retort, uncomfortable with the idea that my almost-husband might be doing it behind my back "I'm Seo Soojin! I'm not born to be deceived by anyone!"

"Okay, okay, since you're suspicious, I think I have an idea…"

My cousin's idea had a name: Charles Hamilton. He was nothing less than a top private detective, apparently uncovering the hairiest secrets of married men in Salt Lake.

That same afternoon we spoke on the phone and agreed on all the terms and details. And I made it very clear that he should tell me everything he found out, regardless of the amount, I had enough money for that. And so, six months passed.


When I first met Charles Hamilton he was completely different from the old, white-haired, hunchbacked, and wrinkled man I imagined him to be. He was just the opposite, tall, square-faced, clean-shaven, starting to gray now. And incredibly fragrant. God!

"Good morning, Miss Young!" He greets me, smiling briefly, which gets my attention even more. Without wasting time, I lift my hand, so he can take it - which he does, smiling bigger.

"Please, Soojin," I ask smiling and sitting in front of him. We got down to business without much delay.

Turns out Ezekiel Young had not just one wife, not two, not three. Ezekiel Young kept six wives.

Six fucking wives.


All the business trips he claimed to be taking all this time were to see his wives again…California, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Kansas, and Nebraska. Six women in six states.

"I'm sorry Miss Soojin, but apparently your husband is a Mormon," Charles says after handing me all the pictures of Ezekiel with his women. My stomach did a flip, and I felt sick.

"Motherfucker" I complain, still in disbelief, and Charles looks at me with pity, scratching his throat. I look at this incredibly handsome man and decide I'm not going to come out at the bottom of this situation, and I prepare for the biggest performance of my life. "What do I do now?!"

I start to cry softly into my napkin, the most forced tears, and the last ones I've ever shed. Charles sits in the chair next to me, handing me his handkerchief to replace the napkin, and speaks again:

"Apparently, Ezekiel is a Mormon… it's common for them to…"

"Am I ugly?" I cut him off, putting on my best silly face, and it had an effect. Five more minutes of dramatic theatrics, mixed with some well-veiled seduction, and I fucked Charles Hamilton in the bed I share with Ezekiel Young.

As soon as the detective left, with promises that he would return to help me with whatever I needed, I decided that I would make it very clear to my husband that he should never have tried to deceive me.

Everything goes on as a normal day. I clean our house, prepare our food and take a special bath, making sure I smell better than usual. I wear my best outfit and do amazing makeup.


My efforts clearly didn't go unnoticed by the brunette, who smiled happily when he saw me. Ezekiel grabs me, trying to kiss me, but I deflect by pretending to be charming. And he falls for it.

We sit down to dinner normally, and when he sits down to watch his TV, I hand him his special whiskey. I make a point of sitting on his lap and caressing his face.

"Want to know a funny thing that happened today?" I ask using a velvety voice, I see I've got his attention and I continue, but only after he takes a big gulp of alcohol. "I had sex with a guy named Charles in our bed."

As soon as I say my last words, I see them make sense in Ezekiel's brain, who jumps to his feet, practically throwing me away as if he hadn't expected it. And that's why I recover so quickly.

"What did you said, bitch?" he asks, and I see his anger rise to his face. I smile to tease him.


"Didn't you hear honey? Your wife fucked another guy in your bed!" I speak louder and stronger. Ezekiel finishes his drink in one gulp and laughs. Dumb.

"Stupid bitch!" The empty glass is tossed towards me and he's under my neck, squeezing to knock the air out of me, which only works for a few minutes, and he notices it too.

"What's wrong baby? Are you weak?" I raise an eyebrow smiling and pushing him hard. Ezekiel falls.

"You should call one of your other six wives to save your life, honey." I approach her already extremely pale body and smile holding her face "messed with the wrong bitch"


I had a perfect escape plan, and I was just about to make it out of the house when the police arrived. Apparently, my neighbor heard Ezekiel's screams and feared for my life. And in the end, even Charles Hamilton never appeared to say anything. Motherfucker.


[Transcript of Defendant's Apprehension]

Let's start. Your name, please.

Seo Soojin, love.

Your age?

24, will this take a long time?

Why were you arrested?

My son of a bitch, of a husband, cheated on me with six women. I offered him a drink. Too bad he was always such a weakling…

And what is your motivation?

Ask one of his wives.

How do you declare?

Guilty, mon amour. He used me like I was a fucking concubine!

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More Posts from Yakuly

2 years ago
(221023) Shuhua Nxde
(221023) Shuhua Nxde
(221023) Shuhua Nxde
(221023) Shuhua Nxde

(221023) shuhua – nxde 🖤

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2 years ago

⍉ 𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 ⍉


❤️ Chapter: POP!

❤️ Minnie x Leitor!Homem

❤️ Words: 849

❤️ Warnings: Cursing, murder, death, angry, blood.


No, our relationship wasn't bad, or terrible. In fact, I think we were the healthiest couple on our street, or even in our neighborhood.

But the point is: as human beings, individuals… we all have our faults. I myself admit that I have some flaws, like when I read a magazine and leave a few ears on random pages, or even not wash my dishes after I finish my meals. But of course, these are major flaws.

Bernie David was a husband's sweetheart on a general panel, but he had this flaw… Bernie loved popping bubblegum bubbles. No matter the moment, let alone how much you ask, he will always look at you and burst a bubble.

I usually let it go, with a sour and humorous comment at the same time, but then, I couldn't ignore it anymore…


Work keeps consuming me more each day. The papers kept arriving in droves, the men were always yelling at me for futile reasons, "You didn't put the comma correctly!", I wanted to throw those papers in my boss's face and have them shoved up his ass because they mistake was committed by Tony, not me. And when they didn't blame me, they looked at me strangely or tried to provoke me, doubting my position. I was on the verge of bursting.

But it's finally Friday, and in theory, I could rest the entire weekend if it weren't for another pile of documents that must be corrected. But it's ok, I know I can. All I need is peace and silence.


As soon as I get home, I find my husband in the living room, watching some game that doesn't interest me. I take off my shoes and leave my keys and bags in the right place.

"I'm going to take a shower" I inform Bernie, glancing at him sideways, but the man is apparently having a good day as he turns from his chair towards me, wipes his hands on his pants, and opens his arms with a smile on his face.

"What? No, my love, come here and say hello to your husband that you loves you so much!"

I roll my eyes, but head towards him, after all, I know my bad day isn't his fault, and he always had this scent of clean clothes and soaps that reminded me of home and comforted me. As we break free and I head upstairs to the bathroom, I hear her bubble gum pop on his lips.


Showered, papers on the table, I decide to have a snack for my dinner, as I don't want too many difficulties and Bernie is very satisfied with his peanuts, beers and of course, his gum.

As I focus on reviewing the papers, I notice mistakes and more mistakes made by those scoundrels, and I put my 'dinner' aside. I still can't believe I've spent the entire week being made fun of by mediocre men who think they're incredibly better than me because someone told them that. Come on, a five-year-old knows how to write inconsequential. Well, maybe not, but in this case, I truly believe so.


Idiot men, donkeys, dicks in the ass. Who was the clueless one that made them believe they're actually better than us women because they have a dick? You see, we bleed every month and we are still alive. That's impressive!


"Bernie dear, can you please stop the bubbles? I'm trying to work here!" I use my calmest, sweetest voice when yelling, the last thing I want is for him to tease me childishly.

"Minnie honey, can you please stop screaming? I'm trying to pop bubbles in here!"


Of course, he was going to answer me like that, maturity was never his strong point. But I let it go this time.


And this one too.


He can only be doing it on purpose… "Bernie it's serious!" I try to sound more serious, I need peace, I need to finish this today and be free of everyone, at least on my weekends.





I can't think anymore, I can't focus anymore, and I let the anger and frustration turn my vision red and I don't have complete control over my next actions.

I walk into the living room, with purposeful, heavy, angry steps, past Bernie and his playful smile and ridiculous comment.

"You don't like to pop so much? Let's see what you think of this poping?"

Our hunting rifle is in my hands, and pointing toward him in the chair, as he turns around. All the anger and helplessness he'd felt before dissipated and then he exploded. So was the blood on Bernie's skull from the well-aimed shot to his head.


[Transcription of Defendant's Apprehension]

Alright, let's get started. Please tell me your name.

It's Nicha Yontararak, but I prefer to be called Minnie.

Your age?

24 years

Why were you arrested?

Because I killed my idiot husband with probably the most accurate shot he's ever seen.

And what is your motivation?

The fucking bubble gum!

And how do you declare yourself?

Guilty. But damn it! I warned him! I asked him… But no… He knew what the fuck he was doing!

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2 years ago

⍉𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 ⍉

❤️ (G)I-dle (ot6) x Male Readers

❤️ Gênero: criminal!Gidle, universo criminal, basicamente inspirado pelo filme/musical "Chicago". Menores não interagir!

❤️ Avisos: xingamentos, menção ao sexo, menção a relacionamentos abusivos (por favor não leia, se te faz mal!) Assassinato!

❤️ Capítulos: 7

❤ Postagens: Toda Terça-feira, após 18:00 p.m (horário de Brasília, Br)

❤ Sinopses: Os anos 20 na cidade de Chicago foram incrivelmente prósperos para os cidadãos. Todos pareciam viver sob uma névoa de luxúria, os fazendo gastar e ostentar todas as suas riquezas. Bares repletos de Jazz, Whisky, cigarros. Mulheres indecentes com suas meias calças rastão faziam homens de bem pecarem, e esquecerem de suas esposas. Ao mesmo tempo, uma onde de crimes se alastrou pela cidade.

Todos que liam os jornais as conheciam, e mesmo aqueles que fingiam não, pois acreditavam ser "cultos" de mais, sabiam seus nomes, rostos, e os crimes que as levaram para a tão temida "Cook County Jail" ( 'Cadeia do Condado de Cook').

Mas será mesmo que todos sabem de fato quem elas são? Será que a velha Chicago de 1920, onde todos escondiam seus pecados nas sombras dos holofotes, são mais puros e santos que essas seis mulheres? A verdade é que todas as mulheres da época eram muito mais do que se deixavam ver... em especial seis belas damas, que tiveram suas vidas mudadas viradas de cabeça pra baixo por conta de um sentimento: a paixão.

Dizem, que "os fins justificam os meios", e seus destinos já estão velados: inocentes. As boas moças provaram para o júri que foram obrigadas a agir como agiram... mas e você? Acredita?

Então talvez conhecendo sua história de verdade, possa ter seu próprio entendimento sobre seus casos. E talvez quem sabe, as absolver seus pecados.

❤️ » Essas personagens do filme/musical foram inspiradas em histórias verdadeiras de criminosas dos anos 20 em Chicago. Porém esse livro é apenas uma obra fictícia das personagens criadas, e não inspiradas nas verdadeiras mulheres (apesar da história delas serem incríveis também!);

» Os nomes são das personagens do filme/musical, mas a fisionomia delas serão das membros do girl group "(G)-Idle";

» Como a história é baseada em pessoas nativas dos estados unidos, mas as membros são asiáticas, a base das idols, mas elas nesse livro, elas farão parte de uma pequena comunidade asiática em Chicago (assim, a essência da história se mantém a mesma);

» A classificação é de +16/+18, por tanto, se for menor de idade, por favor não interagir com esse livro.

Chapters !

♡ Pop! ♡ Six! ♡ Squish...

♡ Cicero. ♡ Lipschitz!

♡ Judgements

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2 years ago
 Choi Yeonjun. Fluff (SecretBoyfriendI! Yeonjun X ! ) Words: 937 Words Warnings: No Warnings :)

⸾ ⸽ Choi Yeonjun. Fluff (SecretBoyfriendIᴅᴏʟ! Yeonjun x ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) Words: 937 words Warnings: No warnings :) ⸽ ⸾

There they were together once more. Well, this was nothing new, the surprise of the situation was the two of them together on a variety show. Well, they weren't exactly on the show yet, as it was only scheduled to start in a few hours, but still…

The moment they realized that their relationship was moving towards a more serious side, they both talked and decided that it was better to communicate to both groups and the companies as well, so they would have greater security in case any media vehicle explains something. And because of that, their managers started to do everything to not let the two meet, but clearly there was a mistake.

As soon as her cell phone flashed on top of the coffee table, indicating that she had received a notification, her eyes lit up when she saw it was coming from her…future boyfriend. He was in a white studio, next to a door, and for a few seconds you let your eyes study how even wearing just his typical jeans and a boring shirt, he was still the most handsome man God's eyes have ever seen. But he was leaning against the wall, looking at something to the side, his eyes then focused on the sheet. It was the name of their group.

"No way!" you say before getting up, clearly in shock, and startling your colleagues in the process, with your sudden act. Rushing to the door, you open it without hesitation, and find him standing there grinning big. “Yeonjunie!” The two smile silly hugging each other tightly.

A clearing of the throat next to you reminds you that you are too much in public to be hugging each other so intimately. "Okay, I know a place..." the brunette says smiling and taking her hand. The two walk side by side, trying to hide their excitement and hide their complicit looks. When they arrive at an empty room, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the guy, who shrugs smiling “namjoon hyung told me here when the company found out” the guy doesn't give you a chance to retort, pulling you and entering the place, closing the door afterwards.

"What are the possibilities..." his voice is low once he's next to you, pinning you to the wall with his body, hands on your face.

You then stop to pay attention to the beauty present in your boyfriend's face, his big and expressive eyes, the shape of his eyebrows, the perfect shape of his nose, and his perfect lips. Yeonjun didn't let his act go unnoticed, and smirked, noticing how he lingered watching his mouth.

“Do they know what they did?” his voice came out low, as he tried to focus on something else, so he tried to focus again on her eyes, finding a glint in them.

“Does it bother you to be with me on television?” he was teasing you, and you knew it, but you believed that if you kept talking, you wouldn't fall so easily into his charms. Yeonjun draws even closer to you, and her scent starts to confuse your senses.

“Of course not,” you start, but the guy takes one of his fingers to his chin tilting his head a little more towards you, “but you know we're going to have to behave ourselves...”

"Behave?" the smile that appeared in the corner of the brunette's perfect lips made you realize that you were exactly where he wanted to be, and he wasn't going to win this little game of his. “Yeah, you know, without... without getting too close...” you start off trying to be rational, forcing your voice to keep its normal tone, but the smile Choi wore was helping to distract you.

“Like how are we now?” he jokes, and you, without paying much attention, just confirm it before continuing to speak: “and... without... touching...” the brunette gets even closer, to what was already believed to be humanly possible, passing one by one. her arms around her waist, causing the air in her lungs to fail.

"Like that?" he goes on with his little game, and you know you lost a long time ago, but you're not sure if winning would be a good strategy.

Even trying to focus on the big and (useless) mission that the two should follow for the day in front of the cameras and evil presenters, but the perfume, the perfect hands and the lips of Choi Yeonjun, her amazing, attentive and attractive boyfriend started to make you feel to confuse.

"and also...we won't be able to...kiss..."

The man in front of you stoops low enough to have his face level with yours, both noses touching. Yeonjun then leans in even closer, his hand caressing your cheek, their breaths mingling, his hot mint breath lightly hitting you. A little more and their lips touched...

“Then we better start now”

When he opens his eyes the boy has his body away from his, a mischievous smile from the corner of his mouth, and one eyebrow raised, and he can't help but find it adorable, the way he almost fell forward, his brows furrowed and his mouth pouted disappointed with what he'd done.


If you ask, no, Yeonjun didn't feel the least bit bad about doing that, and even kept teasing you covertly during the recordings. But just as everything turned off and you were about to leave (still clearly not happy with what would have happened), when the brunette pulled you by surprise into the same room, putting you against the same wall, holding you in the same way as before, but this time giving you a kiss that made you practically lose track of reality.

 Choi Yeonjun. Fluff (SecretBoyfriendI! Yeonjun X ! ) Words: 937 Words Warnings: No Warnings :)

[Masterlist] ° [Sky 2]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

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2 years ago



⿴ ≡ YangYang ft. Ten (mention of another's WayV members) (ɪᴅᴏʟ! YangYang x ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) Words: 2726 wordss Warnings: None ☺️  ≡ ⿴

* Cafuné: means running your hand through someone’s hair, caressing someone’s scalp.


When you're friends went on vacation, the idea of taking a van and going the place you were going to stay, it was really great. You just didn't realized that you was going to stay with seven boys full of energy and even more, onw of them being you're best friend that swear that the younger boy have feelings for you. But when you realized that, there it wasn't no turning backs.

Despite the warm Sun, a light breeze it was passing through the threes and through everyone's hair, and the boys looked pretty excited — and how they couldn't not?

"Everyone's ready?" Kun asked helping you with your bags, while the others boys approached to put their bags on the car.

"We're just missing Ten hyung and YangYang..." Winwin is the one to tell him, and you were already imagining that they were fighting over something fool. While you're on your head, both of them leave the house with theirs stuff in hand. Ten have a funny face and the younger a bright smile.

"Hey, I can't take care of you all the time okay?!" Chitta say it out loud, and you laugh of it. Yang listens to it and when he sees you standing there, he runs to put his stuff and put you in a comfortable hug.

"Can we go already?" XiaoJun asks not looking so happy. "Someone didn't like to being awake early" you joke with the guy that take a dramatically deep breath "What I don't do to see you're beautiful face?!"

"Okay, enough!" Kun says and you try to mask the red in your cheeks and turn to the leader. "Me, Winwin and Luca were going to take turns on the driving, so get ready because it is going to be a long way!"

That being said, all of you took a place. XiaoJun and Handery at the back sit where they somehow lay down; WinWin and Lucas took the front seat, so it left for you and the two boys to sit at the middle. YangYang took the window spot, once you didn't wanted because of the sunlight, so you sat besides him, being followed by Ten.

At the beginning everything it was fine, once in a short period of time everyone was already asleep. Until the first stop, where Kun woken up everyone, and you saw yourselves with your head layed on YangYang shoulders and his head on top of yours, and Ofcorse, Chitta with his head on your lap.

After refuel the van, put your legs up and some snacks at the gas station, you guys came back for the car, and everybody went for those same spots as before, but now awaken.

Your attention ended up by being share between the younger and the older, that kept on trying to make you see something "really nice" or that "it's just so you!" on their phones, until Kun turn for the three of you:

"Ya! Enough you two! Can you please leave the poor girl alone for a second?" His voice had the strong leader, so you got quiet listening both of the boys apologizing.

Ten lay down his head on your thighs one more time, and you automatically start brushing your fingers in his hair in a soft cafuné,

"You've got to be kidding me!" YangYang yells with red cheeks.

And like that they start a new silly discussion about who is "more worthy of your cafuné" while Kun watch both of them with a disgusting face, and WinWin look at you trying to communicate through his eyes.

It was then when you had two certainties: the first it is that YangYang actually have feelings for you, and the second being that Chittaphon it was going to provoque him every second of the trip.


[Masterlist] • [WayV Masterlist] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream Masterlist]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

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