z3zen - š™šžš§

193 posts

I See No Differences

I see no differencesā€¦

I See No Differences
I See No Differences
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More Posts from Z3zen

4 years ago
Im Just Gonna Go Straight Into Whats Been Bothering Me. Lets Take A Look At The How Each Of The Members
Im Just Gonna Go Straight Into Whats Been Bothering Me. Lets Take A Look At The How Each Of The Members

Iā€™m just gonna go straight into whatā€™s been bothering me. Letā€™s take a look at the how each of the members became a part of the RFA.

Rika started the RFA. Vā€™s her significant other, so of course heā€™d be in it. Jumin has a lot of connections and resources, plus heā€™s Vā€™s best friend. Seven has hacking skills and can ensure the security of all of the RFAā€™s files. Jaehee is Juminā€™s assistant and he realised sheā€™s a very good worker who can contribute a lot to the RFA. (This is canon by the way, Jaehee explained this to MC through a phone call.) Yoosung is Rikaā€™s cousin and she knows he loves to do volunteer work.

It makes sense why all of them were invited into the RFA. But then how did Zen get into the RFA? Like Iā€™m not trying to be offensive because I absolutely love Zen, but all of them knew each other pretty well before the RFA was started (besides Jaehee of course, but at least that was explained). Why does Zen stick out like a sore thumb to me here? DOES ANYONE ELSE FEEL THE SAME?

Rika brought flowers to one of Zenā€™s shows, before he was famous, and asked for a picture with him. And then somehow after that V followed him around and was taking pictures of him???? But we completely overlooked that fact because he had saved Zenā€™s life after he crashed his motorcycle.

Why arenā€™t we asking more questions about this?

Why was V even following Zen in the first place? Why is he so suspicious?

Why did Rika want Zen in the RFA?

Let me just move on to the theory I heard that has left me so weirdED OUT. Iā€™ve also added on to it and provided my own evidence.

If youā€™ve watched MeliZbeautyā€™s theory about Seven being a wizard and Zen being in love with you in every route, this other theory will make more sense to you. I havenā€™t played Cheritzā€™s other games so I really donā€™t know how to explain this ā€œSeven is a wizardā€ theory, but basically if youā€™ve been paying attention, Seven has hinted at the fact that heā€™s a wizard numerous times in different chats.

The theory goes that Seven created the entire Mystic Messenger universe specifically for Zen (BRACE YOURSELVES) under the request of V. This makes sense considering the April Fools DLC where EVERYONE but you and Zen wasnā€™t real. It shows that that universe was designed for you and him.

V, as you know, was very in love with Rika and would do anything for her. But while they were together, Rika fell in love with Zen. Jealous, V convinced Seven to make another universe so that Zen wouldnā€™t reciprocate the feelings and instead fall for another girl, who is MC ā€“ us.

I donā€™t know why Seven decided to still provide other routes if the motive was to get Zen to fall for MC, but I feel like thereā€™s an underlying sadism going on there. Zen is being tortured time and time again and has to watch the love of his life fall for other people. This part supports the theory that Seven is a bad wizard, from MeliZbeautyā€™s video.

Maybe this was punishment? Maybe Zen was starting to fall for Rika too. Maybe Rika was actually the original MC, Zen was coming too close to getting her, and V could not stand that. Okay Iā€™m straying away from my original theory letā€™s save that last sentence for another post.

I donā€™t have a lot of evidence for this theory. Itā€™s actually almost just a scenario or headcanon, really. I forget whose damn route it was from, but thereā€™s a particular phone call with Jaehee that actually kind of supports this.

In this call she says that ever since Rika died, everyone in the group has been different, and the only one who didnā€™t change at all was Zen.

If Rika and Zen had been close enough such that he had been welcomed into the RFA, why wasnā€™t he at all bothered by her death? Was this because of Sevenā€™s tricks?

V was in love with her. Jumin had a crush on her. Seven had a crush on her. Yoosung, romantically I donā€™t know, but he did love her a lot. But Zen? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

So what exactly was their relationship? How did Zen get into the RFA? Is Seven really a bad wizard? Does V actually have it in him to do such a thing?

4 years ago

hey, I hope you're properly resting and caring for that arm! no rush on the answer, but I wanted your take - what do you think archangel lucifer said/offered to mammon to make him so endlessly loyal way back when in heaven? it's been a burning question for me ever since they brought it up and I'd like to know what you think šŸ‘€

The Theory of Mammon's Loyalty

I am, thank you! I'll hopefully be able to answer some longer asks this weekend too šŸ¤ž

I have a suspicion that the personalities of the brothers didn't change that much when they went from angels in the Celestial Realm to being demons in the Devildom.

We get some clues to this sprinkled throughout the game, eg Lucifer being a very haughty Archangel, tales of Beel and Belphie's closeness (and Lilith), and Asmo having enjoyed his status as heaven's jewel.

However, very little is told of how Mammon and Levi used to be. We know Mammon is a Fallen Warrior, which is a big clue, and we know he used to babysit Beel, Belphie and Lilith but wasn't very good at it, the younger angels running rings around him šŸ˜…

It's clear even from that little information though that Mammon was always very family orientated, and when they fall, it's him who goes around checking on everyone and making sure Lucifer is okay, reassuring his elder brother that none of them regret following him.

Asmo tells MC that Mammon was originally under Michael's guidance, but the powerful Archangel couldn't work out how to manage an angel with such a determination to break the rules. When Michael eventually turned to his superior, Lucifer, for advice, Lucifer went to meet with Mammon - and from that moment on, Mammon was loyal to Lucifer.

Hey, I Hope You're Properly Resting And Caring For That Arm! No Rush On The Answer, But I Wanted Your

Lucifer, we are told, finds Mammon adorable despite how exasperating he can be as a rulebreaker, and he himself has confessed that Mammon is his favourite brother. This would seem to contradict the fact that Lucifer also punishes Mammon the most but...

His loyalty to Lucifer is absolute, but his loyalty to Michael was not.

I've written before about how Mammon is the most angelic of the demon brothers, from his unchanged eyes to his "anonymous devil" act and his dedication to being MC's guardian demon.

My theory is that Mammon is drawn to the goodness inside somebody. All demons are drawn to shiny human souls, undirtied by corruption, and thus MC attracts all demons to themself. However, none are at MC's side as frequently as Mammon, the demon who cried his heart out when MC appeared to die in his arms.

He more than any other is badly affected by harm befalling MC, and he just so happens to have a past history of helping those in need instead of - as his sin would dictate - helping those filled with greed.

Whether it's an innate goodness or lack of greed that Mammon is drawn to, Lucifer has it. And Michael does not.

One thing all the fallen angels have in common is that they put their family before their duty, their love for their sister before unquestioning obedience, and their loyalty to Lucifer and his cause before loyalty to the Celestial Realm.

Hey, I Hope You're Properly Resting And Caring For That Arm! No Rush On The Answer, But I Wanted Your

From a human perspective, taking religion out of the equation, they did the morally good thing - they sought to save a life, their sister "guilty" of no more than loving someone.

And the other angels, the ones who didn't join Lucifer's cause, who didn't attempt to save Lilith, who turned their back on their family... they did the morally wrong thing.

Someone who could do that is not somebody Mammon would have respect for. He above all is led by his heart and his desire to protect, not destroy. Even as an Avatar of Sin he unleashes his Greed upon himself and nobody else, incapable of corrupting people who are good, no matter how deep down that good may be buried.

And as MC has discovered in more recent lessons, Lucifer is innately good. Beneath the hurt and the guilt and the pride is the man who gave up all his tremendous power for the love of his family, and who still will defy those with more power than himself to keep his family safe.

Hey, I Hope You're Properly Resting And Caring For That Arm! No Rush On The Answer, But I Wanted Your

It's my belief that Mammon helps Lucifer, both by challenging his rules and suffering the consequences, and by his genuine emotional support when nobody else dares try.

And in turn, Lucifer protects Mammon, helping him in his angelic deeds, keeping him enrolled in the Academy, ensuring that the Fallen Warrior need not go back to war again.

In summary, I don't think Lucifer said or did anything to win Mammon's loyalty the very first time they met. I think Mammon saw Lucifer for exactly who he was, good and bad, and recognised that it was the good that would ultimately guide him.

It was Mammon who arrived first in hell after Lucifer, plumetting after his brother with no hesitation. And Mammon's ability to truly see Lucifer as an indivual and the loyalty that inspires, one that goes above and beyond needing to know all the answers to why Lucifer does the things he does, is exactly why Lucifer loves Mammon most.

Hey, I Hope You're Properly Resting And Caring For That Arm! No Rush On The Answer, But I Wanted Your


Further reading:

Mammon: The Fallen Warrior

Mammon: Angel Eyes

Mammon the Protector (& Lucifer the Guardian)

In Defence of Lucifer

4 years ago
Eunwoo Wallpaper
Eunwoo Wallpaper
Eunwoo Wallpaper
Eunwoo Wallpaper
Eunwoo Wallpaper
Eunwoo Wallpaper

Eunwoo wallpaper

These are edited by me- do not reupload without credit

4 years ago

After 179:

After 179:
After 179: